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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 116

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Eating edition.
First for Count Tornado
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Went to the old secondary school today. Feels weird visiting it as an ex-student. I get this sense of superiority over the current students. I get to stay home all day being a waste of space while they're slaving away for free.
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I wanted to visit mine the year after I finished since my friends were still there, but never bothered. Probably wouldn't have been worth it anyway.
That other edition is embarrassing.
I never want to revisit my old secondary school. I hate that place, it's bad enough I have to drive past it from time to time.
howya edition
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I still visit the Christmas market of my old primary school every year and see my old teachers age away
I'd never go to primary again, like >>78971387 I don't like going anywhere near it.
Your primary school has a Christmas market? My old primary school had about 90 pupils.
I don't particularly care about my primary school. It was alright.
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Mine used to be an airport, every primary school I know of has a Christmas market, always loved them when I was little, we ran around the school without teachers bothering us and by the time I was in 4th grade I started drinking some of the teacher's mulled wine when they weren't looking,great times
What age would 4th grade be? Your primary school sounds huge.
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But why.jpg
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>Mine used to be an airport
4th grade would be 9-10
Well I changed primary schools when I reached 3rd grade, to a bigger one, but the first one I was in was very small too
Airfield might be more accurate
What's the difference between an airfield and an airport?
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An airfield is usually smaller and operated by a private company of the military
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airfields are small little recreational places and usually have a grass runway.
Military airfields aren't really a thing here aside from the one in Dublin.
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That building actually does look like a primary school if you take off the camaflouge paint. The runways could easily be converted to pitches as well. Makes sense really.
airports are massive compared to an airfield.
>grass runway
That doesn't sound good.
It is good.
It's not literally a runway made of grass is it?
It is but that doens't matter for small airplanes.
The runway on Inis Mór once collapsed because some rabbits dug a ton of burrows under it.
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Pitch me Éire: The Video Game
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Juncker's princess pile.png
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You must rescue your local camogie team from a crazed Luxembourgish aristocrat.
Why am I always the bad guy?
still dont get that ailen meme thing.
Rich people make good villains.
Also what other times have there been?
My dear friend is streaming again
Every time this picture has been posted
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It's a forced meme. It's not meant to be understood because it has no real substance.
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Is that a hologram of some sort in the bottom left?
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I should probably draw him legs.jpg
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I can only remember posting it once or twice before. I can't even remember what the princess pile was about.

I'm not forcing Áillen any more than Sakura or Kancolle is being forced.

>because it has no real substance
It's just for fun. He's a nice muse if nothing else. Besides, it's not like you need some deep substance for things like Kev.
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Where could he be from.jpg
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Not sure but I do know that he has been drinking since 9 in the morning and according to /éire/ that's a sin
Are you seeing the light from the PS4 controller? It just ended when I went to watch.
Stupid Clondalkin rats
What a lad.
If I did that I'd probably end up being arrested and get put on a sex offender list.
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Did you actually get him to say that?

I dunno. When I hover over the link Lux posted, there's a little robot in the corner that seems to be projecting some sort of hologram of a PS4 controller. I'm quite confused desu.
Yeah but I understand where the rest of them come from. But I don't even know where or what Aillen comes from. Is it a kids cartoon or what?
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Is this the thumbnail you're getting? I'm not sure what you're seeing if so.
He read it out loud and proceeded to ask me who this Poi guy was, I didn't answer him though
It's a graffiti a dear friend of us found whilst walking through Limerick
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>not this one
TWELVE by one GET one free MCCHICKEN coupons
A few weeks/months ago someone posted a picture of somewhere in Limerick that included this piece of graffiti. Lux named it Áillen, me and him made our own traces of it and used them for OC fun.
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Oh now that is weird.
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>Lux makes the Drunken Glanmire Man aware of Poi
>Poi disappears from /éire/

It's this one: >>78973348
>>Poi disappears from /éire/
>impersonating him
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Laoise strong.jpg
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It's one of his stream filters or something he has on his PS4, two days ago he had dancing robots
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Somebody has to keep the dream alive. Plus, I rarely get an opportunity to use my Poi pics.
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So, are you Poi II now?
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Or it's just Poi trying to make us think he's dead.
My brother is having his debs tonight and my mam is making a gigantic deal about it. She's after inviting about 20 people over and is doing a bunch of cooking, finger food, and alcohol the whole lot.
Honestly it's the last thing I'm interested in right now. Ruined my day off desu.
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I didn't go to my debs. I regret it, it would have been fun.
>inviting about 20 people over and is doing a bunch of cooking, finger food, and alcohol
What's the point? Won't he just leave for the debs soon after anyways?
>Poi faking his own death to become Poi II
My school would always host the celebrations and organize food etc
Why didn't you go?
I didn't go to mine either. One of maybe 3 people in my year who didn't. Glad I didn't go.
Exactly. My mam is just annoying. It's such a hassle doing all of this. Doubt anybody even wants to come over.
>Why didn't you go?
I'm not entirely sure. I think I was nervous and thought I'd be laughed at for not bringing someone.
I'm glad I didn't, would've probably been horrible. All of my friends were in the year below so I would've been even more alone. They tried getting me to go to their's the following year but I still didn't go. Based on the things they said happened that night, I'm very glad I wasn't there.
We've talked about this before I think but I never wanted to go for a long time. They started organising and coming around october for the money and I was just like no, go away. The normie girls/guys who were in charge of it were really unhappy that I wouldn't go.
Last thing I ever wanted was to go to a terrible night full of drunk idiots, I hated them all.
I wouldn't have brought anybody either way. I think there was like 15 girls in my year of 60 regardless. Couple of my friend went purely out of pressure to be normal I think which is sad.
Didn't go to my graduation night thing either. What a load of crap.
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>going to he debs
Pure normalfaggotry.
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> I think there was like 15 girls in my year of 60 regardless.
Can't even imagine that
Okay maybe it was 20 but it definitely wasn't a lot. I could probaby recall all of them if I wrote them down or something. A lot of them were normie diva types, one or two were sound, then the rest were just 0/10 weirdos.
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I didn't even go to the meetings they were having to decide what it was going to be like. Though in fairness I genuinely didn't know they were on half of the time since I wasn't paying attention.

>15 girls in my year of 60
Jesus. Was there a massive all-girls school nearby they all went to?
Fuck off AA.
Find it very strange, we were always more girls than boys, I'm pretty sure I mentioned that one year where I was the only boy in my class when I was talking about testicular cancer test day
>Though in fairness I genuinely didn't know they were on half of the time since I wasn't paying attention.
Good man. Paying attention in school is hard when staying up until 5am every night on the pc.
>Jesus. Was there a massive all-girls school nearby they all went to?
No we were the only school for about 25km. Then again there was under 300 people in my secondary.
I presume most people here went to schools with a thousand or more.
>testicular cancer test day
This meme isn't funny desu. Maybe the first time I saw it 10 years ago but now it's just old.
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You know nothing,boy
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>testicular cancer test day
Surely they should call it teste day.

>I presume most people here went to schools with a thousand or more
Nope, mine had somewhere between 300-500, our male-to-female ratio was just more even.
>I'm pretty sure I mentioned that one year where I was the only boy in my class when I was talking about testicular cancer test day
When I did my fetac course I was one of only 2 guys in my class of 25 or so and it destroyed me internally. Non stop anxiety.
How did you get over it?
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>tfw never attended a mixed school
I don't parents that send their children to segregated schools, sounds cruel.
In some towns there's nothing but segregated schools.
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That's really awful.
I agree. I guess. I mean I don't really care.
It was either segregated or a gaelscoil, they gave me the choice but I obviously wasn't comfortable speaking Irish. For secondary I had options but wanted to stay with my friends.
I disagree with segregated schools but I'm sure it probably wasn't that bad was it?
Like the idea of segregated schools myself but I thought they'd be illegal? Homoracism and all that.
Is this because you just have a thing for the catholic church?
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Just realised I have a weeks holidays from work come Monday.
>5:27:20 No.78974435 ▶
>Fuck off AA.
I had male friends from other schools and I liked the girls,they smelt like roses and vanilla and were always nice to me,they even got me gifts for my birthday :3
>>5:27:20 No.78974435 ▶
>Fuck off AA

Not sure why it quoted that
Nah just don't like blacks. I'm atheist.
I didn't think so at the time but it's probably not good for development to be separated like that.
Good for you.
Not sure if girls here are really like that. Things are really different here. Girls are very reserved. I may be wrong.
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>Girls are very reserved
You knew some vastly different girls than the kind I grew up with.
Irish women are all awful.

Not everyone grew up on a halting site.
>Irish women are all awful.
t. perma virgin with mammy issues
t. awful girl with awful issues
Stop talking like a normalfag.
/éire/ is a boys only club, anon
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>Girls are very reserved
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Some peoples definition of a normalfag here is anyone who isn't a broken dilapidated person who hates everyone and everything.
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Have a craving for Chef ketchup.
Well, they're not wrong.
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Best ketchup, don't listen to those who would proclaim it as red vinegar.
I really dislike chef ketchup. It's so gross. Wouldn't put it on anything. Heinz, or even just supervalu/lidl brand ketchup is fine.
Sex is a fairly normie thing to be fair.
>don't listen to those who would proclaim it as red vinegar
That's why I want it though. have a craving for vinegar too.
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I don't like ketchup. Who /fussy/ here?
I don't know what to do. This stupid gathering is approaching. I already told my mam I have zero interest in it. Maybe I'll just go out and drive around for a couple hours.
On another note I'm a bit bothered because nearly every picture I have saved is an emote I saved from these threads so I feel like I can't re-use them because it's not original.
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Either go somewhere or lock your door for a few hours, though you'll have to go out and risk seeing people if you need the bathroom.

>nearly every picture I have saved is an emote I saved from these threads
The bottom half of a lot of my folders now are mostly images I saved from /éire/.
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Being a normie is a state of mind, not a measure of function. That definition doesn't distinguish between the failed normie and the genuine abnormie, the people who desperately wish to be normie but are too dysfunctional to succeed and those who have a completely different pattern of thought and priorities.
Not being a normalfag isn't synonymous with having a trainwreck of a life and a fragile mental state, even if it is a common consequence.

I actually like Chef Ketchup but don't like vinegar weirdly enough.
Drive to Clonmel and draft a conclusive report on whether the place is a kip or not.
I was there yesterday and I've already concluded that it is a kip.
>My personal definition that conforms to me is the only definition
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>had to go to a school that wasn't segregated
>nobody got to learn because the nogs were always screeching
Anyone who isn't racist to some extent hasn't interacted with black people.
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I'm extremely bored. To the point where I don't even feel like watching anime or playing games.
>interacted with black people
Race traitor.
M-me on the right. :3
Lads what's the story with the Public Services Card?

Does anyone here have one yet?
Don't know/Don't care. Are we going to be forced to get one?
The term is redundant if you use it in the context of simply being a failure, there are plenty of words for that already. It refers to mainstream societal interests and expectations and how much an individual conforms to those.
The distinction is important since those /r9k/ types with a vocal disdain for successful people are usually just failed normies who wish they could be a Chad rather than abnormies who strive for a life different to convention.
My eyes are blurry.
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I don't receive social welfare, already have a driving license and a passport so I don't think there's any reason why I'd need one.
Probably when I need to renew my medical card and passport etc. I'm uncomfortable with the idea of it.
If you have friends or a job you're a normie, simple as.
Employment isn't an inherently normalfag thing.
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It says on the site that you only need it for a first time passport application, not a renewal. It doesn't mention medical cards at all.
Medical cards are a social welfare service.
Who is the biggest normie on /éire/?

My vote is either Froggy or AA.
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But we all have friends here on /éire/
I don't.
Maybe it applies then I'm not sure.

Definitely lux, he's the Rooster equivalent of /éire/ 2.0
Why not? Do you hate everybody here?
Is that a euphemism for boatposter?
>My vote is either Froggy or AA.
>two of the most autistic posters on /éire/
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I wonder where they all are now?
me personally i've taken to unironically watching paint dry
What is this shite?
>bowl of cereal and glass of milk at 11:30
>3 chocolate digestives at 2:00
>Fucking starving now and getting a headache.
Don't be such a babby.
Why does that make me s baby? I'm always hungry and it's impossible to surpress it.
Cultivate some self control for fuck sake.
Fuck off.
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Why the fuck was I Jake the Dog from Adventure Time?
t. AA.
Huh I thought you were a new person here like poi and frog.
Medical card expired and now I have to apply for it again ffs.
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Ehh, I only pop around time to time, been busy being a failed normie and wagie in training
Not according to Juniper
I tried making one of these a few weeks ago but it was really annoying, had to give a URL for each image instead of uploading them plus some other issues I can't remember.
I don't think I'll get my medical card back when it expires in 2018. I'm going to be fucked because all my medication costs a lot without it.
HATE the Irish
HATE Ireland
HATE Irish Republicanism
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I have a network drive set up but the password only works sometimes. It usually doesn't, and gives me an error message saying I don't have permission, but eventually if I put in the same password again and again it'll let me in. Is there some reason to this or am I just brute forcing it?
Fuck off.
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What time is the match on at on Sunday?
Half three. Considering going to watch on the big screen in Eyre Square but I'll probably end up staying at home.
I'll probably miss it.
Wish both teams could lose.
On the bus again lads, I'll keep you updated
will be waiting for you at the bus stop. You'll know its me because I'll be the one making eye contact with you. Keep the seat warm for me
What kind of bus.
Can do
Some weird lad just got on my bus. He keeps slyly sniffing his fingers...
You should let him sniff yours
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>bus plebs
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>that outline
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some lad absolutely TEASING me with the smell of his fingers lads
can't wait for him to get off the bus so I can as well
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Surprisingly hot out there, car was like a sauna.
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Name a bigger west brit
Yeah, it's pretty dire. I didn't make it, but I can't find the original so i can make another one.
What's the logic with putting a stop every 10 meters
No A/C?
Party thing has started. Went downstairs, stood awkwardly with my arms folded for 5 minutes, felt uncomfortable because I was wearing shorts too big for me and a t-shirt too small for me.
Went back upstairs and put on nicer clothes but am just sitting at my pc now.
>wearing shorts
Are you five?
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Was about to say something similar, good lad.
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25. Most adults wear shorts during the summer, kiddos.
It's fucking September.
There are schools in Ireland?
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>enter /éire/
>regular posters
>trips everywhere
>everyone knows everyone

its a fucking chatroom for fucksakes. theres no anonymous conversation, theres no international discussion. its fucking facebook without profiles.
September is summer. It's 18 degrees.
>Most adults wear shorts during the summer
I can understand it in somewhere like Texas or Morocco, but Irish summers are never hot enough to justify wearing shorts.

>September is summer
Now you're just baiting.
>September is summer
Are you retarded?
Yes, clearly I was being very serious.
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>>trips everywhere
Ignore the non Irish posters anon. We were doing so well, we always do so well with ignoring the stupid questions. Don't disappoint us.
I like the chatroom vibe desu
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>New competitive season
I'm sure I won't get terrible Genji and Hanzo mains every game this time.
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Did anybody else see this? Is it fake?
The book itself is not fake. I've actually heard it's a pretty coherant and accurate representation of internet shit. I immediately dismissed it but a guy I know said it surprised him.
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Normalfags should explode.
But what would a woman know about the internet?
New course is full of normies one kept saying savage to me reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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I'll post an anime character who reminds me of a personality and you tell me what personality they are.

If you win you get nothing.
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just had a mouthful of whiskey
bad idea
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>somewhere in Limerick
On the river walk behind the playground in o'briens park if anyone wants to see the masterpiece in person.
Why did you think it would be a good idea this early?
I have headaches and I feel miserable, I thought it would help.
You didn't think of paracetamol first?
Does /éire/ exercise
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Went down again lads. Drank 3 glasses of wine, on me 4th now. Thankfully everyone fucked off and I'm eating the scraps of food left over. Anime time.

People have this irrational fear of paracetamol and harmless OTC painkillers in general.
No. I don't have the energy.
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I listen to podcasts or watch anime while on my spin bike every day. I go for walks sometimes as well though I'm a bit self conscious in public places to jog or go to the gym.
Used to go to a gym and shower butt naked with everyone else in the open plan communal showers.
Thought you might like to know this.
Exceedingly homosexual.
woah, deja vu.
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Exceedingly secure and apathetic.
Really need to take up cardio again but i'm so drained and without energy the last thing I want to do is exercise on my days off.
But that's normal
Yeah but people here are very conservative. You'll find grown adults who think looking at another penis makes you gay.
Nah don't need to.

For continentals.
>. You'll find grown adults who think looking at another penis makes you gay.
Bit gay.
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Not in Ireland.
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Maybe they feel... inadequate
>I watch anime while on my spin bike every day.

this is a funny image
I think they're just insecure and immature.
Some of us don't want to shower naked with others, regardless of their gender.
/éire/ communal showers when?
That's fine. But in many gyms you don't have a choice. It doesn't make you gay to shower in an open plan shower either you big bender.
>But in many gyms you don't have a choice
I have never been to a gym without those cubicle showers with a door on each cubicle.
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when will we take our rightful place among the stars
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Which personality has the largest penis?

My vote goes to luxlad, honestly
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>I have never been to a gym without those cubicle showers with a door on each cubicle.
Check your privilege Richie Rich
I've touched hundreds if not thousands of penises in my old job.
Were you a secondary school nurse?
Froggy but he probably doesn't know it
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It's amazing how effective such a small amount of whiskey can be. I only had most of a small Jack Daniels glass and at first it only made my chest burn and made me feel hungry. It iddn't taste good so I threw the rest down the drain. But 15 minutes later I was feeling extremely tired and had a lie down. I masturbated and noticed I took a lot longer and was harder to stimulate than usual. Even now I'm still dizzy and moving my head from side to side.
>Were you a secondary school nurse?
Nah I worked in a hospital.
Why did you denounce the priesthood?
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Does alcohol have any weird or funny effects on you lot?
So a doctor or a normal nurse?
Quite the opposite for me, I'm somehow constantly erect when I drink, it's quite awkward desu
>Does alcohol have any weird or funny effects on you lot?
It makes me drunk, flushed and gives me a headache.
>Quite the opposite for me, I'm somehow constantly erect when I drink, it's quite awkward desu
I'm unable to climax on alcohol. Hell I'm unable to masturbate in general lately with my depression. Probably for the best.
As Shakespeare said it increases the desire but lessens the ability.
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>Froggy but he probably doesn't know it
only gin. Turns me into an absolute cunt. Whenever I had it I would consciously try to be cool and chill but there would always be something that happens that would set me off
It's annoying, it's been over an hour since that whiskey and yet I'm way too energetic. I want to run and jump and dance. I just did a bunch of jumping jacks and read a booklet while pacing fast back and forth and yet it's still not enough to satisfy this desire. Why?
Stop spouting nonsense, AA.
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Well I guess some people even when they are well hung don't realize it until someone tells them/they see the ones of other people
> there would always be something that happens that would set me off
Like for example?
I'm not Anti-Aircraft anon
Well stop acting like him then.
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Does anyone else pace back and forth when they're bored? I'd usually feel more comfortable walking around a room or standing up than I would sitting awkwardly. Sometimes in school I'd spend entire breaks walking in circles before a teacher came to give out to me.
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Made popcorn in the microwave lads
How am I acting like him? Is he the only other one here who drinsk?
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I don't act like that.
Don't like popcorn.

Making tea and going to eat some chocolate/buns.
Overate again today.
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Fuck you now I want popcorn.
all the standard shit you bump into on a night out, a girl you're interested in fucking off, someone bumping into you too much, girls spilling drinks on you, girls trying to steal your shit, starting fights over fuck knows what, having a disagreement with a friend and just storming off into a field in a huff
One time we got two taxis instead of one and I don't know why but I was really angry about it so I walked home
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>Don't like popcorn.
AMEN brother
What did you eat today?
Pretty sure most of us drink regularly
Still not sure whether or not I should go out tonight
>What did you eat today?
Wheetabix. Chocolate biscuits. Chicken goujon and onion bhaji things, glasses of wine, and a bunch of chocolate.
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>One time we got two taxis instead of one and I don't know why but I was really angry about it so I walked home
Can't say I relate to any of this.
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>Overate again today
I opened a Milk Tray today so now I'm having to eat them before they all go off.

>Pretty sure most of us drink regularly
I would if went out regularly. I like drinking but often not bothered enough to buy it.
>Chicken goujon
Is that the Hibernian way of saying chicken fingers?
Don't really have any mood swings when I drink, just the erection thing and I tend to be a little nicer to people I don't know, oh and I'm even more touchy-feely
>Overate again today.
You were just complaining earlier today that you were starving.
I was complaining I was starving when I shouldn't be hungry. The point is I'm always hungry no matter what and it's hard to eat like a normal person.
well its only on gin. Usually grand and friendly otherwise
Only time I smile naturally is when I'm drunk or high.
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I haven't been rude to anybody or excessively shitposted in this thread at all today. Going to try keep this up.
Good job anon, I believe in you.
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my box is working
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Won't change the fact that she got her position as Limerick captain stolen by a hoor whose name I don't even know
>I tend to be a little nicer to people I don't know, oh and I'm even more touchy-feely
Kind of the same, I worry about posting on /éire/ drunk since in the past I've felt embarrassed at being overly complimentary to other posters.
same desu
only problem is when I'm drunk I laugh like a mad scientist
>I've felt embarrassed at being overly complimentary to other posters.
I tend to ask very weird questions, I know that I ask a lot of questions throughout the day to keep the thread going but they become weirder and weirder like for example

What kind of underwear do you lot buy?
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I do that when sober anyways. In fact I'm probably quieter laughing when drunk since it's more likely I collapse giggling. Drunk me doesn't have the energy to laugh as loudly as I usually do.
boxers because nothing else will acommodate my huge bollocks
I get them in dunnes generally
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I never had to up until now
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>unwarranted bullying in /éire/
>Implying bullying can ever be warranted
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It's always warranted.
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There are exceptions to every rule.
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I had a dream that I was getting bullied by my old bullies in school last night. It wasn't nice.
like this?
These are things we can only dream of. Women would never actually touch any of us.
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Pretty sure that most of you aren't that bad
Looks wise maybe not but personality wise I don't think girls would be interested in a bunch of people too shy to look them in the eye or talk to them confidently.
If you lot can talk to some random guy across the sea about your problems, I bet when the time has come you won't be too shy when you find the right girl
I'm not afraid to talk to girls but I'm afraid of intimacy and going beyond being acquaintances. I've known hundreds of girls, some I've liked a bit but I'm afraid of going beyond that. I've resigned to a life of being alone, it's for the best. It's unlikely at this stage I'll find "the one" for me. Things don't tend to work like that in Ireland.
It's different online, Lux. Anonymity and the time to prepare responses makes online social interactions incredibly different to real life interactions.
I think lux is just overly privileged and too much of a normie irl to understand.
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>not deciding to spent your life alone from a young age
>normie and a bully when he was younger
Not sure which is worse.
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I didn't want it to be like this, but I still expected it.
I'm not even sure I can coherently interact with people here desu
>can't think about the past without becoming incredibly violent and angry
>tfw you are not even the radar of women
It's one thing to be rejected by women, but it's another to not even be visible to them in a romantic/sexual context.
Feeling quite insulted
You did say you were a bully though right?
Still, I was trying t be nice, I changed my ways (mostly)
Damn you and your lesbian sister!
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Do any of you collect things?
Keep my sister out of this, she didnu nuffin
There is only 1 girl I actually ever liked, and she was always quite nice to me but we only briefly spoke at work. I never really took it past that because I didn't have the confidence too.
I don't think women would be interested in me or my interests anyway. Also I don't think I could deal with how much attention a significant other would require no matter how much I liked them. Even though I "liked" her, I easily stopped caring immediately a short time after seeing her, can surpress my emotions very well or just invalidate them. I'm very selfish.
I just hate people.
Fucking casuals at life
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Oh and it doesn't help that my sense of humour is non existent in real life. I just don't have one at all. Can't stress that enough.
You described me in a shellnut. If I ever like a girl, the emotions can go away in a week of me deciding it's not worth it.

I'm also emotionless and selfish, shant be bothered with people and their feelings
Being funny and having a sense of humour is probably the most important thing for getting girls to like you. Without it you're nothing.
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Shouted "God damn nigger" while playing CS:GO. Hope the next door neighbour didn't hear me. He's not black or anything, I just don't want him to think I'm a racist.
Stop forcing these threads.
As a child I collected bottle caps, still might take one with me but I don't seek them out. Have a small collection of foreign or old currency but it's not much.

Oh, I also have the largest collection of Viscount biscuit wrappers in the world. That I can be proud of.
t. 15 year old.
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Just turned 18 this year, actually
Don't be a nigger.
t. Bebby
Sure you did Juniper
Exactly. Nobody that isn't a teenager finds things like HAHA NIGGER LADS funny. You'll see in maybe 3 years time or more, depends on how mentally stunted you are.
I wasn't saying it to be funny, I was pissed off.
It's a swear you retard, he shouted it out in frustration like everyone else does. Why does nigger upset you so much, are you a black?
Nobody that isn't mentally stunted shouts these things out of frustration either.
>Nobody that isn't mentally stunted gets mad
Are you legitimately mentally challenged?
It's okay lad. I was 18 too once, I used to say these things. You'll understand when you grow up.
Stop baiting.
>still no Irish bf

We despise yanks. We'll be nice to your face but we can't stand you deep down inside.
That explains why no one in my course would hold a conversation with me...
What's your course?
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