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>tfw i'll never born american >tfw i'll never

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>tfw i'll never born american
>tfw i'll never study in a cool american school
I hate my life.
Sounds like hell on Earth
Thanks Allah.
Why? American schools looks so cool.
If you like 50 caliber rounds flying into your face then yeah.
If you don't fit in with the rest of the students, it sucks. Guess that's no different from most schools, but here you're also forced into group activities like pep rallies which are a pain to sit through.
I'm too old to experience American school or American life, but i do think growing up in the USA and experiencing American school in Los Angeles or Oregon in the '90s would be great.
It doesn't look cool tho.
I sometimes wonder, why Americans romanticize their highschools in their fiction to such extent. Especially products, that are aimed to teens. Like if there is a spinoff tv-series of some movie aimed to chikdren or teens, chances are it's located to high school, even if such institutions don't exist in the original work.
It's a naturally good setting for drama. What is high school like in Finland?
>tfw i'll never get shot in my school
the best kind of feelz
>sports worship
>problematic minorities around every corner
>praying that you're not on the sperg's hit list
Sounds terrible
You should stop watching tv.
I guess growing up in Brazil, the idea of being moments away from a stray bullet makes you feel at ease.
Finnish doesn't have exactly the same kind of system, ours is kind of a mix between your highschool and college, I understand. But many don't go there and choose job based studies instead.

But my point was that highschool is some kind of a default setting for american teen studies and they all look identical. Are there really no variance between schools?
>tfw you'll never be part of the group of creeps
>tfw you'll never be secretly in love with the head cheerleader
>tfw the head cheerleader's boyfriend will never bully you.

Vivir es morir.
is it true that american students have to leave all their shit in a locker and cannot take their backpacks with them to class because muh school schootings?
So i wont be a over weight, suggar addict, racial ambiguous, sad fuck?

And a didnd do nuffing wount try to shoot?

Life is good
Our system has three parts, and AFAIK, it's the same everywhere. Elementary school is grades 1-5 (ages ~6-11), Middle school is grades 6-8 (ages ~11-14), and High school is grades 9-12 (ages ~14-18). Only the first two are compulsory, but you're practically doomed if you don't finish all three. Everybody in the country goes through this, and they do all look more or less like the picture in the OP, so it has universal appeal.
No, not at all. Almost everyone brought a backpack to class. In senior year, I never used a locker.
Tenho a certeza que pelo menos arranjas um normie para te fazer bully e sodomizar
I mean, shit like this exist, because one thing the movie makes me think is High school:
I remember that show. But what do you mean?
Been there, done that. Everyone is obnoxiously friendly and happy. Sickening.

>forced into pep rallies
assume not all schools do this. We got to fuck about elsewhere while they were going on
That the producers in American TV-industry seem to think like following:

>1. Is the series aimed for kids
>2. If yes, make the setting school. Kids love school and we have ample amount of used studio sets to film it
>3. What you mean there is no schools in Lion King? There is now.
Ahh, you're right. They did that with Rugrats too. I suspect the reason is lack of originality. You want to pump out a mediocre show for a quick buck? Make it about school. The format's already there, ideas are easy to create, and if you ever run out, just copy your predecessors. It does lead to odd situations like you mentioned, but it's easy to see why this is so common when some other type of show would require much more work and original thought. Look at the Lilo & Stitch cartoon, for example. That's a lot of effort per episode. Much easier to simply stick to a template if you're only in it for the money.
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>tfw I'll never have a locker large enough to fit a person into
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You don't get it. Back in the '90s i studied in schools that were so poor, impoverished and ghetto that it gave me chronic depression and i lost the will to live. I would take getting bullied by Chad and being ignored by everyone over having to deal with drug dealers and getting stabbed in the belly any day of my life. I feel like i've been robbed of my chance to develop myself academically. The ship has sailed and i'm still on the port, wondering "what am i still doing here?".
>sit at a table with five other people while we all bitch, eat breakfast, and wish we weren't there. Bell rings to start day.
>Sleep for the first block and get nagged by some hyper liberal harpy who thinks I care about her warped opinion of politics. This is my government "teacher"
>Wander around aimlessly at lunch
>Listen to everyone talk about school sports I don't give a fuck about
>share a bus with another school that is full of niggers
>Forced to do community service by parents on the weekends because some counselor told them it would help me get into college

Boring as fuck.
Don't know why, but OPs picture made me think about this music.
Ok say what you want about school shootings but NOBODY has used a .50cal yet.
No one cares about day to day life, /pol/scum.
I'll probably dish out 300,000 $ so that I can attend one of those fancy MBA programs eventually. Hopefully Wharton or Harvard.

Say what you want about american television, but they really do sell you on american universities.
Hello /k/.
>the edgy high school conservative who thinks he knows everything

Such an annoying archetype
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>be american
>go to public school
>school has 3x more people enrolled than it should have
>relentlessly ganged up on by kids to the point of being followed home and beaten
>get suspended when you fight back
>teachers fuck you out of good grades simply because they dont like you
>constantly surrounded and forced to work with loud sub 50 iq blacks and cubans
>school food is literally rotten
>come home and get yelled at by parents for being a failure
>barely graduate
>end up mopping floors for a living
I've never been to a school that had lockers
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>>teachers fuck you out of good grades simply because they dont like you
All you had to do was focus your studies on STEM courses where they can't fuck you out of good grades, and there isn't any bias to how they grade you since you're either right or wrong.

Can't believe people still trust teachers enough that they still take things like literature or economics into their their year where you can get denied good grades without explanation.
Just because someone doesn't embrace the radical left doesn't make them a conservative.

Please tell me how conservative a gay athiest libertarian is.
Thanks for the advice friend I'll keep that in mind for my next suicide attempt
>edgy libertarian high schooler

Holy fuck even worse LOL
>go to american school for 1 year
>fat kid hangs himself
>nigger brings dad's gun to school
>doesn't come to school for 1 week, is really silent.
>Annoying bitch brings up how she's 1/4th swedish and keeps telling it to me.
>teachers can't pronounce my first or last name correctly.
>have to explain to him why in sweden we spell our names with two s's such as Andersson.
>everyone runs around and screams FITTA FITTA FITTA when they see me.
> dad comes to school when the kids scream FITTA FITTA FITTA
>starts thinking about the fat kid that hanged himself earlier that year and just say to myself god I wish that was me.
What does this mean?
God forbid someone should think freedom is sacred and using violence to achieve your goals is wrong.
I actually believe this
Pussy or cunt
Yeah I remember being 17 too

You'll grow out of it little faggot
Truly an intellectual response
>Annoying bitch brings up how she's 1/4th swedish and keeps telling it to me.
You should have fucked
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High School in America is nothing like in the movies.

This is what most American High Schools are like.

What does FITTA mean? Sorry you had a bad experience. How far was the fat kid? Like fat by Swedish standards or fat by American standards? If it's the latter he must have been really fucking fat.
I'm sorry I'm not a cuck to the state or some imaginary sky fairy

More like this
The equivalent of vittu which just means cunt
Fitta means pussy or cunt. I mean the kid was fat not really obese. But on the right path to becoming obese.
I have been thinking of returning to study at some nice school but I feel like I can't bail on my country right now.
I would have if she wasn't ugly and wierd.
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Libertarianism is like communism, it only works on paper. In reality it always fails and in the case of libertarianism you will end up with a recrudescence of the "X" barons that ruled so much of the American west in the 19th century.
I think a basic level of government is nessecary and prudent, but do you honestly think government needs to be as big or meddlesome as it is right now?
Yeah, we generally trust our government. I think there is some bloat but libertarians either believe in enough government to make them conservatives or so little government they are essentially anarchists. Remember that Canada was largely founded by people that trusted the government as opposed to the American insurgency.
It has worked out well for us in the end.
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People are learning that they don't need church for all of those things, to most it's just a formality, a box to check a few times a year.

>mug small government meme
This isn't the 19th century anymore, night watchmen states can't function today. I mean, I don't trust the institutions very much and I don't want to be bothered by bureaucracy either, but state organisation has developed to a point when you can't just cut most of it out.
The church provides a nice and tidy framework for those things and it is impossible to separate western culture and traditions from Christianity. I wouldn't support the church in a murderous crusade or a protest against gays, but it serves a mostly positive contemporary purpose.
If American schools are so good why is everyone there so dumb?
You can't cling to Christianity forever. It's dying as we speak
Education reform.
Why tell someone to read a book, when you can do a rap about the subject. Sure it doest cover the subject, but negros love it.
Why respond to questions you don't know the answer to?
He's exactly right though. This is far more fun to watch than anything happening at our schools but it's still retarded

Then why Americans are so dumb? Why almost no one of them can read a map (not even talking about Asia, but many don't recognize USA in a map without borders).
Why more than half of your STEM students are foreign in top universities?
>It's dying as we speak
>Latin America
This autism is far from being defeated. And there's Islam to be defeated too. We, atheists and liberals have a lot of job to do.
Reminder that this is the largest intercollegiatepolicy debateassociation in theU.S. and includes universities like Harvard.
Honestly? I'm not sure why. Easy answers like "they replaced all the real material with entertaining filler" aren't true, because classes still consist mainly of lectures and book work. As far as I can tell, the issue lies in how we regard education. Here, we're very apathetic about what we learn in the classroom. There's not much value placed on knowledge for the sake of knowledge and what it can do. Instead, it's simply learning enough to get through school with minimal effort, forgetting virtually everything as you go along.

From what I can tell, this isn't the mindset in other Western countries. Knowledge is actually valued, and you're expected to not only retain it, but actively consult it to make your life better. For some reason, this idea never arrived to the U.S. in its full form, and we have what you see here today. That's my semi-educated hypothesis for you.
well, in the West it's been dying, what I meant
The more successful countries in Latin America are moving away from religion as we speak.

I don't understand ebonic, but i am pretty sure they are complaining about capitalism while dressing chinese made shirts and drinking coke.
If they didn't force kids to go to the pep rallies then only the popular kids would go. Only they would be cheering for the stupid homecoming game. Honestly sounds like great poetic justice.
That surprises me, why do they trust their government so much?
I cant imagine a high school where you go to multiple classrooms with different groups of people. It makes it easier to get isolated

Here you only have a single classroom per year ans you stay with the same group of people, making it easier to socialize
If you think americans are stretching the high school thing, you should check anime
Catholic schools exist which have Spiritual classes and Uniforms. A decent amount of people attend those.!
Why are chavs so dumb?
> forced into pep rallies
Why dont you just walk around campus or leave for an hour
Stopping watching movies. It's only fun if you are in popular territory. Otherwise it's a waste of time that leads to a shitty education.
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