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Thread replies: 286
Thread images: 49

Fash choons edition

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The gf
who is this ejaculation station
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A Brazilian male. You're gay now.
Salut les gars .
I'd suck her dick
Hello poof.
the absolute state of you, fruitcake
Headhunter said she'd call me this week about the results of my final interview from early last week

jokes on you i was already gay :^)
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alri fag
You have to admit he is a sexy lad though
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still upset air new zealand moved from cute teal to boring black.
That's undeniable
still upset this doesn't fly.
never had to rape a kangaroo, they're always up for it
why did the brit go to the dentist?
to get his teeth dented
while i never really cared for the notion of having a favourite single colour, i do have a soft spot for teal
Grounded forever, just like British relevancy
mental how people in the early 1910s though aircraft were bollocks and then ww1 happens and suddenly they're everywhere
HATE foot blisters
haha terryfolds
*succs ur toes*
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At the beginning of the war, generals thought that airplanes were just a toy and that zepplins were going to continue ruling the skies.
Wish they did
Poop wiener cock balls fanny twat arse willy bum shit todger dong minge
zeppelins are for benders m8
zeppelins were the first effective bombers after all
I am going to take a shower now.
Zeppelins flew higher than anti air guns could hit until planes got got guns and have the cheeky cunts a bloody good shooting.
Recommend me a movie or documentary featuring the English Civil War / Oliver Cromwell for someone, who knows little-to-nothing about the whole thing.
>I was a neo-Nazi. Then I fell in love with a black woman

wow brazil has some very clean and accurate step ladders
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>But an encounter in prison changed her life forever.
Stopped reading right there.
Told me everything I needed to know.
Minge sniffers, the lot of you. You all should be ashamed you filthy squealing piglets.
how was your shower?
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Take back our future
Cromwell is good. The rest make Cromwell out to be a bad guy which is wrong.
saucy bruce, i like it
name (1) flaw (good luck)
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Rearranging some files in my music folder.
Now I'm gonna take it.
Keep me apprised
too merciful in Ireland
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zeppelins were cool, we should bring them back now that disasters can't happen anymore
Didn't kill enough Irish
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Buy fish sticks
prefer wacky bruce to saucy bruce tbph
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destination england
yo blair
*dies in combat because of the shitty quality of the guns*
slavs aren't human, they're a cyborg race created by pyotr
*flies into the thread with a propeller*
wa-ha-ha hey lads
*propeller starts spinning me*
ohhh nooo I'm gunna get siiiiiccckk aanadddd horrrnyyyyyy- BLLBADWDAWDWJHEEAAUGHBBBRRRAAAPPPPPHNNNGGGGPSSSHHH
*start farting, cumming, pooing, throwing up and pissing as I spin about rapidly*
Destination: the grocer, to buy a nice tasty salmon
it's a pic of insides of a german ww1 zeppelin going to bomb england or maybe returning after bombing
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>Friends call for police probe into hotel fall death of young British woman in Thailand
>The university student was on vacation in Southern Thailand from the UK and mysteriously fell 31 floors to meet her end.
weather gods seem very unhappy with texas lads
Best post in this thread so far.

>tfw we let the old flag fall
at least the empire stopped the krauts on the way out ;_;
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alri tas
she was a fine british lady

thinking to visit thailand myself but with all these women falling 31 floors and people realizing that there is a dead tranny under their bed i am a bit scared

>“I can’t wait for that day to happen”

Reminder that Leftism is a mental disorder

the age of the white man is over
How does he reckon? Every country better than the USA is also much whiter than it.
Just invest in a pair of these, I've "fell" several times and have had no problems.
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off to work lads
is it the stuff that spring-healed jack has used
How about you put those on and bounce, kid
must be because of gay marriage
what's a good film about the first world war that's not all quiet on the western front, oh what a lovely war, or war horse?
who? yeh
>implying I'm not bouncing rn
>people who call themselves british in real life

just say english you mong
breaker morant
If I were Welsh or Scottish I would go with British. I don't think people even know where Wales is.
When will the EU put their dummy back in?

I'm starting to think we should just accept the turmoil and cut ties with them right now and fuck their obnoxious approach to Brexit deals
what if my surname isn't english?
Wales is in the ocean haha
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What do your wardrobes look like

Mines in fucking disarray right now and not all is shown but this is about 10 grand in clothes not even counting gunz
Wales is just England we should stop memeing
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>>people who call themselves british in real life
> just say english you mong
Change it because it bloody should be
Modern Britain can't survive without at least

A) good relations with the mainland
B) reducing itself to being the USA's fulltime bitch

i've honestly thought about it
>I'm starting to think we should just accept the turmoil and cut ties with them right now and fuck their obnoxious approach to Brexit deals
that's because you're stupid lad
Every time Brussels gets shady with Britain over this, it proves what a toxic relationship they have with member states. Just like most politicians, they have an inflated ego. It's obvious they all secretly want to rule, not serve.
look at this yank thinking he's on facebook lmao
can literally tell you're an insufferable faggot nobody likes just from this utter shambles of a post
Good lad.
Are you actually a paki tho?
Are you actually a nonce tho?
no, u?
you've got more pairs of shoes than my mum
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>tfw social democracy doesn't fly either
the tu-144 was an airborne turd
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it will never take off
20 Lambert m8
The EU doesn't want us to survive and is intent on making sure that will happen, so B is the only likely option.

For that reason, an immediate hard Brexit, as damaging as that may be, should happen.

Just look out how the EU negotiating team have conducted themselves over severance pay, NI/ROI borders and legal rights of EU citizens in the UK. Look at how they're quick to run to the media and mouth off about the process of current negotiations and undermine any progress.

I understand they want to make it difficult as possible, but they're making it clear they want to run down this clock without any solid resolutions in place and we end up in the mire in 2019. May as well do it right now.
t. Broke and can't dress

Your mom has shit taste
>we don't like our position in the EU
>so let's become a slave to the US

ah yes
Wonder how many of these idiots waving swastikas and hammer and sickles are part of a psyop. Obviously there are people daft enough to unironically support what those symbols stand for, but eventually even a complete moron must see that it's in horrific taste and makes them, and whatever they stand for, look embarrassingly unaware. If they don't have the self-awareness to see how cringeworthy it is, they must at least realise that all they're doing is building sympathy for those they claim to oppose.
Not an argument

Attempting to overrule British sovereignty regarding our laws and how they apply to EU citizens post-Brexit has confirmed what a lot of critics suggested about how the EU functions and the lack of respect it has for its member states.
americans store their guns in their shoes
Do you mean afflicted by it or complicit with it?
You only presented two options, you fucking nugget and one of them simply will not happen giving the vote last year, and the conduct of EU negotiators.
The US has always been in favour of Britain remaining inside the EU.
you're a slave to china.

better the yanks than the chinks you fat abo nigger.
Shut the fuck up vassal
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>we're the ones who get pissy and decide to fuck off for stupid reasons*
>when will the grey bureaucrats put their dummy back in!?
*I actually voted leave. I just think that at such a narrow margin, it was certainly carried by retards with shit reasons for wanting to leave the EU like a free mass unemployment deal with China, rather than for the various good reasons against a technocratic neoliberal superstate. It doesn't help that the decision to have a referendum at all was - in party political terms - stupid too. In the short term we've embarrassed ourselves even if we're going to have the last laugh and paper over this when we write the history books.

De Gaulle was right about one thing: England had no place in the EEC. She's a completely different kind of country. Even today, many of the EU countries are Coordinated Market Economies while Britain is second only to America in exemplifying a Liberal Market Economy. (I personally prefer CMEs, but they'd be even better unshackled from the Euro. The EU seems to want to take the worst of both worlds.)
Were there any other options than those two to be considered pre-brexit?
oh would you please stop yelling?
This isn't a black or white issue. The Brits can get back their old empire, you never know.
Slaves to Yanks was never an option really. It's just something you've invented to try and come across clever
So the Yanks can demolish it again? No thanks.
So you have no options then?
Didn't they eventually fix it, but by that point oil prices were starting to really bite in the arse so basically all it ever did was fly for NASA?
I think it was the TU-144D. Still shit compared to Concorde, but not quite "the designer had to investigate the plane before each flight. during cruise an alarm started sounding and we forgot to install an override so we tried to stuff the horn with pillows, then we got radioed a message that the wheels probably wouldn't come down and we knew that since this thing landed so fast we were all dead if that was the case, but they did come down."
>Be Australian
>Follow the murisharts into Vietnam
Genuinely cannot make it up
why are brits bigger rude bastards on this board?
oi, i thought Brit is country high culture.
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SORRY I'm a bit jumpy HAHA
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Night lads
Have to exert their dominance wherever they go.
I've just fucking detailed to you what they are, you fucking ignoramus.
We didn't destroy it, we became a superpower and you gave up all your territories.
Never dog your mates, the US is our #1 military ally nowadays and we need one with such a small population, dog bless
I don't mean the "alt-right" or "alt-left," whatever that means, although I'd hate to be considered part of either of those. I mean the unashamed "nazis" and "communists," who seem to have no idea what happened in the 20th century, or how disgusted the vast majority of people are with those particular labels and symbols. Obviously there's a lot of overlap between the alt-right and neo-nazis, but there are also those who want distance between the two groups so it's maybe a little rash to conflate them. If neo nazis keep co-opting the alt-right label though, it'll need a rebranding to keep it's support.
Crimea a river, you sensitive bastard
It's someone asking a stupid leading question knowing full well that he's just fucking about. No one should have replied to begin with.
High culture as in drug culture

420 blaze it slavshit
You mean the spiel about how a hard brexit should happen? That's not one of the long-term 'options'.
If you think Washington gives a hot squirt of piss about Australia I really feel bad for you.
To be fair it's probably much more incompetence than malice on both parts.

Britain really doesn't want to engage with the fact that the EU - a widely recognized bureaucratic nightmare - the kind of thing Sir Humphrey would masturbate to - is going to handle these negotiations bureaucratically. While we were busy having a self-indulgent and tedious election campaign, they published about 40 different papers on their negotiating position without any clear order in which to read them and without any single unified document setting it out clearly. Rather than seeming to actually engage with this process we keep giving the impression of wanting to bypass it and go for straight talks, and that isn't happening. Dogs bark, cats meow, Europe prepares three highly qualified statements of their preliminary position on the future position provided the circumstances in appendix D are currently in effect without regard or prejudice to the conditions set out in chapter 1 paragraph 7 line 4 character 49, and provided negotiations are not being conducted on a sunday unless a full moon is in effect.
Literally the only redeeming quality about this fucking dumpster fire general are the Australians

Jesus Christ
Are you non-white? Would make sense
who the fuck's going to invade Australia, suharto? after you aided him commit genocide?
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>white people
Yeah, I was referring to your psyop theory and whether you believe the more prominent people waving the flags were doing so from conditioning or if the act itself was some kind of plant.
The EU want a hard Brexit because they believe that will cause maximum damage to the UK and succeed in dissuading other member states from thinking of leaving.

We can waste two years trying to please them by offering deals they are simply not going to accept and find ourselves in 2019 with nothing, or leave now with nothing and in the same time begin the repairs.
what's jong-un's plan here?
oi, how can i know your stupid slang you junki?
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No you stupid fucked up teeth dickhead
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Why are big hook noses so common among limeys?
i always wonder how other people are such coherent individuals with clear personalities
hope i'm not like that. if i am i doubtless come across as a cunt.

wish i could be like that but not come across as a cunt mind you
It's the nose of dominance.
keep your stick on the ice
Nice filter, Tyrone
why could that man get literally any American millennial girl he wanted?
"Whenever there is a left-wing movement in England bigger than a football team, our man is the captain. Or else he's the referee, and can take their man off and bring ours on any time he wants." I read this quote by an MI5 agent a while back. It seems to have been scrubbed from the internet now, but I'm sure it still applies, to right wing as well as left wing movements.

I assume Richard Spencer, for example, has secret masters. Be it Soros or some CIA or FBI agent, someone is playing 4D chess. I doubt it's Trump.
Thumb in bum.
Ok and what is mean?
because teen girls have shit taste in television.
Fucking grim

Sour grapes
someone post the webm of the black people in regency england from doctor who
food looked shit too
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nothing makes me laugh like the fact some in the security services were actually crazy enough in the 70s to think Harold Wilson was a spy because he'd visited the Soviet Union once. (Not an uncommon thing.) then turn to plotting against him.
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Nah that's a godawful name

Keep talking shit limey...
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hate that webm
not the nigs, just don't like being reminded that malcom tucker isn't real and his actor got downgraded to playing a space wizard or something
doing my last poo
I can believe it. Divide and conquer seems to be a popular approach. I wonder about the endgame, authoritarianism no doubt, but which flavour?
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the so called history.webm
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Bit rich considering Wilson's penchant for crying that the services were after him.
I hate this webm.
This episode was obviously written by an Atheist who doesn't realize that Jesus was Asian, not black.
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they were though
>ywn live in the world where a coup happened shortly after the second 1974 election, leading to the military government being blamed for the resulting strife and the restoration of democracy some time in the mid-late 80s.
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copped a new t-shirt lads
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Jesus was jew.
the most unrealistic thing is a black man got a white woman pregnant and stayed around to raise his child.
Jerusalem is in Asia
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Ahaha, what do you think of this?

Why does the BBC hate white British history so much?
can't see the problem with those celts. just a scot and an irishman having a good time.
Don't want another Avatar to happen.
>white British history

Literally just 'british history' until wogs started arriving int he late 50s
But they hate it because it is white. It doesn't fit their contemporary narrative of le multicultural Britain
At the child's level they're almost certainly trying to get nonwhites interested in the history of a country they had little to nothing to do with. Similarly with Dr. Who, when 10+% of your audience is nonwhite and you've already included a magical press secretary noncing around with a biro, PR takes precedence over all else. It's a bit like the pre-2005 Liberal Democrats in that respect.
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Be fucking hilarious if they cast some other white fella.
Indigenous peoples have the collective and individual right not to be subjected to ethnocide and cultural genocide, including prevention of and redress for:

(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(c) Any form of population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
(d) Any form of assimilation or integration by other cultures or ways of life imposed on them by legislative, administrative or other measures;
(e) Any form of propaganda directed against them.
yes, it's truth but Jesus was jew all the same.
I think you're giving them too much credit.
Yes, therefore they're Asians.
just realised that "jerusalem" has "salem" in it
yeah they rewriting history to fit the contemporary. I don't know why it just pisses off people. I doubt blacks are so stupid to not realise their gran parents came her from Jamaica
Once got confused reading a book that was talking about providence when I thought it was about Providence, Rhode Island.
Do you really think someone like Mountbatten could've overthrown the government? Or is it not more plausible that Wilson wanted to apologise for a labour crisis he couldn't control? Plus given Kim Philby's case you would think the threat of Soviet infiltration would be less of a laughing matter.
i imagine this is common among lovecraft fans
Maybe the endgame is the status quo. The two extremist movements keep any potentially destabilising activism occupied with fighting one or another tiny artificial group. Whether they are protecting the current hierarchy, or promoting one side or the other for eventual dominance, or just keeping their options open while they see which way the wind blows, the two real sides are not nazis vs communists. More like humanity vs the establishment, with the establishment pulling the strings on virtually all sides, while the deluded activists on both sides believe they're actually fighting the establishment. The USA will never be led under a swastika or hammer and sickle, but cultural marxism seemed to be the trend for a while. Now there's a shift to the right, but never a threat to the establishment (unless you believe Alex Jones that Trump is the saviour of humanity). Rather than side with or against one group, I think the establishment simply pushes for the authoritarian effects of both sides on the Overton window, while ensuring they will always be the authority by keeping society clearly divided against itself, never against the ruling class.
becoming a bit of a spainaboo after discovering how unapologetically anti-rasheed their culture is

the bull fixation is a bit weird though
The Count of Monte Cristo?
I will literally say anything on vocaroo right now
Name and address
Hello, is this the armpit of the internet?
>Yes, therefore they're Asians.
i thought you said about race.
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No, it was this shitty book we had to read in school that was supposedly about commie-hunting but masked as a story about a nonce and sexy 14 year olds who pretend to be witches.
was watching this nature doc about the cape buffalo and i couldn't suss out why they were even prey to lions. it took an entire pack of lions just to bring one down to the ground and the herd could've just rushed them at any point
interstellar isn't really that good, it's basically a physics lesson with some pretty music and jarring out of place bollocks about the power of love
/brit/ is dead
bury it

Screamer don't open
>Do you really think someone like Mountbatten could've overthrown the government?
Not singlehandedly, but if I remember right he himself wasn't all that keen on it. At least not in Cecil King's 1968 plot. Certainly if American support could be obtained, it would be relatively trivial. If you could get the Conservatives and at least one Liberal behind it, ideally the Conservatives, Liberals and Labour-Right, you could pass the whole thing off as an all party coalition which was a reasonably popular idea at the time. (in the press, anyway.)
>Or is it not more plausible that Wilson wanted to apologise for a labour crisis he couldn't control?
I have some doubts. Mostly because during his time they could at least pretend the Social Contract was working. It only really collapsed entirely under Callaghan.
>Plus given Kim Philby's case you would think the threat of Soviet infiltration would be less of a laughing matter.
Perhaps (in context anyway) but the Prime Minister is a rather risible target. Especially the comparatively moderate Wilson (who was content to see "In place of strife" put forward by Barbara Castle to leash the unions, even if he was equally content to let James Callaghan stab her in the front for the effort.)

I'm reminded in general of this amusing Adam Curtis post, though: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/adamcurtis/entries/3662a707-0af9-3149-963f-47bea720b460
Particularly the bit about Michael Bettaney posting secret documents to the second secretary of the Russian Embassy (after loudly telling everyone he was a communist and only getting investigated because he enjoyed his alcohol a bit too much), who was so confused on finding them that he handed them back to MI5 rather than passing them on to the KGB. Funny story, anyway.
do the bane dialogue
Very insightful post lad. Sounds perfectly plausible too.
alri Tim
honest question expecting unbiased answers:
is it really possible that there were black men present in those historical moments? even if not as commonly as BBC are pretending it was?

don't think it's possible to be a good comedian without being fat or balding
So incredibly unlikely it wouldn't be worth representing. t
>realize the internet is going to shit
>decide to give up on it and become a politician
>realize how much politicians are now expected to awkwardly interact with the internet
kill me
bit of a leap from 1 to 2
which party
i used to use comic sans as my msn font but at least i never wore a fedora
S Club
agree that all of this is plausible
quite frustrating that at our core, we as a species are so easily mannipulated
basically it gives you the same constant stream of information and shit to deal with, and the same tedious insubstantial arguments (internally in a party anyway), but in a more "mature" way.
plus play all your cards right and you actually get the power to fuck up the country for fucking up your entertainment.

Labour, not for political reasons but because (a) it's internally democratic (b) it has better infighting and (c) frankly i think talent has a tendency to go to the tories and i want to compete against a bunch of lightweight incompetent weirdos so there's a fighting chance of winning selection battles by default.
when you read this post, know that you are reading the words of a man who has never had his penis in a woman's vagina, not even during birth because i was a c-section
Hahahahahahahaja oh wowowow

Great post!!!!!
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>There was, of course, an element of cherry-picking about this evocation of the 1960s, as Gus made clear in an episode of Drop the Dead Donkey, complaining about the contents of a compilation video of old footage: ‘You’ve put in a huge chunk about the Vietnam War and hardly anything about Twiggy. I’m sorry, but we’re trying to tap into the feelgood nostalgia market here. People aren’t going to pay £12.99 to watch a bunch of burning foreigners.’ He went on to sum up the media attitude with deadly accuracy: ‘The past is a commodity. We can do what we like with it. Chop it up, move it around.’
Prefer Wacky Bruce to Virgin Bruce
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On a bench in a park and this cheeky creature is messing around not even realising how evil i am
my mom tried to birth me normally but my big fat melon head was so big they had to cut her open to get me out
Poor guy

I degraded him existentially
>be korean
>named park
>go to the park memorial park
>park my car
>meet my gf
>named park
>park ourselves on the bench
Great (You)
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Seinfeld or Friends or Frasier?
Hate those runtoids who walks a park playing "swag" music on loud
>going to Japan in October
>nork just missiled it
Pls Tolerate my autistic "brother"
you mad yelloboi
club PENGuin
I think I like them all equally. Frasier's underrated.
Do people still blast gangnam style?:))
tell him not to fucking nuke me while I'm on my hollybobs
Literally no one
is there any way seoul comes out of this without getting heemed
What you fear?
Thats not the spirit
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Enter the Void (2009) any good lads?
EDIT: Wow, this really blew up!
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Anyone have these fucking things on their bellend?
But if you get heemed then heem it back
no you disgusting creature
very very tiny similar things.

have weird little yellowish spots on my balls though
I fear getting vaporised by some fat manlet
Gonna cut them off with nail clippers
nk is already shit
post results
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15KB, 534x296px
>The Director General, Sir John Reith (later Lord Reith) said in the opening programme: "Don't expect too much in the early days; for some time we shall transmit comparatively simple programmes, to give the best chance of intelligible reception and provide evidence as to the type of material most suitable for the service in each zone. The programmes will neither be very interesting nor very good."

Fuck off aliens
>The California Senate has already passed SB179, which would introduce a third gender option for state identification.
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Don't Know
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Yes please xDDD
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Retard
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[x] Prefer not to say
makes sense, a lot of us americans can't see over our bellies
and you all have tits
love salmon
not had it in MILLENNIA
always pronounce the L in my head
annoys the shit out of me
love salmonella
love salmon
not had it in MIENNIA


FAR too early
absolutely exhaled through my nose at this post
what's the best cheap vodka to get from a co-op, moving to a place with no Lidl or aldi
just make your own
Own make your just
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489KB, 621x621px
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