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Why are g*rms so intolerant? When are they going to legalize

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Why are g*rms so intolerant? When are they going to legalize gay marriage?
Its legal soon, they passed a vote for it.
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t. number one LGBT tolerance
Two months ago?
They legalized it recently
Fuck, what about shitalians? Why are they so intolerant? When are they going to legalize gay marriage?
I thought they already legalized it
pakistan is the best in gay porn?
i wonder how long till russia legalizes it
Here gays can marry people of the opposite sex exactly like hetero people can, how is that intolerant?
>twitter censorship, homophobes and velociraptors (???) are "nasty"
>cocaine is fine, just a commodity
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peru is cocaine
>velociraptors are nasty
>cocaine and porn actresses are ok
*Tips fedora*
But can they marry someone of the same sex, you intolerant mafioso? Is this why italians are so corrupt? Do shitalians frustrate their repressed homosexuality by being corrupt?
>eastern europe
>first world
>But can they marry someone of the same sex
No just like nobody else can. And what 's the point of stipulating a social contract that exists to protect women and children from opportunistic behaviors from males if they are both women or men that cannot procreate?
>Is this why italians are so corrupt
A banana republic calling another country corrupt, now that's rich
>lowest public debt
Liberia truly is a libertarian paradise.
>personal freedom
They just want to be happy. Marriage isn't about children, it's about love.

>A banana republic calling another country corrupt, now that's rich
Are you implying 5mm ant can't call a 6mm ant "small" just because he is smaller? If I had a Danish flag, does that mean I can call you corrupt? Does the corruptness of your country depend on the flag with which I am posting with?
>They just want to be happy
Their happiness depends on a paper certificate whose benefits they can already access through civil unions?
>Marriage isn't about children, it's about love.
Nice meme
>Are you implying 5mm ant can't call a 6mm ant "small" just because he is smaller?
Not if he is using it as some sort of appeal to morality
>If I had a Danish flag, does that mean I can call you corrupt?
>Does the corruptness of your country depend on the flag with which I am posting with?
No, but your appeal does
Before the establishment of civil unions same sex partner had no rights on their partner's assistance or heredity, that's why you get stories like that of Gianni Versace's boyfriend who had to fight even for the things that Versace left to him on his testament, and even then he didn't really get as much. People should be free to choose whoever the fuck they want should be regarded as its partner and family member.

Stop pretending like you don't know the issue.
With rouges like you living in Italy, no wonder why Shitaly is such a corrupt and intolerant country.
Not the italian anon you're arguing with, but our civil unions are pretty much identical to the latest version of the german Partnerschaften, i.e. marriage in everything but name and adoption.
>North Korea
How can Americans soldiers even compete?
dog eating dog
man fucking man

it's a cruel world we live in :^)

i dunno i think it's a shame

russia has some chances to legalize them btw. even despite russia doesn't allow gay parades and is very gay intolerant, but except for its notorious "gay propaganda to minors" law its lgbt laws are mostly on-par with the rest of the world, it gives the right to people to change their gender legally and it has some movement (which is opposed by the orthodox church) for marriage equality. there was a funny case not that long ago where a woman legally married a transgender woman who didn't change her gender in papers yet so it was counted as a marriage of a man and a woman despite in fact it were two brides in white dresses
having a better army =/= having better soldiers

but then i think hezbollah are much better than norks
they already decided in favor of it, it will come into action in a few months
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Our government has just voted this year... Merkel was blocking it for the past 12 years because of her christian democratic party. And her vote against it was purely tactical, because she didn't want to piss off her party members and voters and she knew that everyone else was voting for it and making it a requirement for a needed coalition in the upcoming legislation. The law will be in place in the next couple of weeks once it gets finalized and signed.
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>having a fuckton of conservative east Germans and Bavarians
disgusting 2bh
>Their happiness depends on a paper certificate whose benefits they can already access through civil unions?

approval of the other people is not a small thing
>best passport
>paid time off
>And her vote against it was purely tactical

Is this what G*rms think about people? Like pawns in your intricate and complex game of political chess? German efficiency is a meme.
>being a dyslexic subhuman pile of shit
Merkel != your avg German
85% of Germans were in favor of gay marriage since several years
>having a fuckton of conservative east Germans and Bavarians
it's true that people in eastern Germany are more conservative in many ways but nobody gives a shit about homos being homos, that's a southern biblical thing

t. east living in south west
Yet, she never passed it.

The fact that she has been in power for so much time means that the average g*rm supports her, and therefore thinks like her.
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85% is a bit too much, more polls reveal a support of 60-70%
merkel a cute
i like that old pic of her where she was photographed with two other girls on some nudist beach
The cork is used as wine stoppers but also put it in our asshole to not be raped by our sodomite " lgbt tolerant" forest rapist neighour
by feeding our military
I don't understand Western countries' obsession with homosexuals. They're unstable people who have sexual orgies on a regular basis and often abuse children. They belong in a mental institution.
You can't jam a square peg into a round hole. At the end of the day, gays will only ever be accepted in a couple of urban hipster strongholds and you'll never ever in a million years get Jed from Topeka, Kansas to...
>They just want to be happy. Marriage isn't about children, it's about love

It's rather sad that people in Western countries have been led to believe that marriage is a contract that can be ended whenever they feel like it and about the couple's personal pleasure rather than what it really is, which is setting up a structure to raise a family in.

At that point you may as well just be homosexuals who care only about your own pleasure and hedonism.
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>Not realizing homophobia is a trait of savagery, unculturedness and lack of civilization and refinement
Certainly not.
>People should be free to choose whoever the fuck they want should be regarded as its partner and family member.
No. Homosexuals should not be recognized in law.
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Oh, I know what they do. We value general knowledge here, unlike your "goal oriented" education.
You're just being jealous like every other Murican on 4chan.
Caring and being bothered by other people's happiness is definitely a sign of lack of evolution in culture and cognitive abilities.
>Mexico first with lemons
We are mediocre.
i remember the recent news how an indian court allowed a woman to be divorced which they do only when there is a very serious reason to because her husband refused to build a rustic toilet and she was forced to defecate and urinate in open usually waiting for when it is dark...
>outed himself as that Brazilian bearfag
We can tolerate behavior between consenting adults but we don't have to accept or embrace it.
The poo man gets it.
Didn't ROC legalize it recently?
tough luck ahmed :^)
This is not very accurate. Gay marriage is allowed in Croatia and recognized as a civil union between two people, it just can't be called 'marriage' because the constitution states that marriage can only be between man and woman.
>healthiest people
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There is basically no rhyme or reasoning behind these laws other than party politics. Both sides benefit from keeping it on the backburner because they can always promise it come next election or conversely scare the base into believing the other party will.
It was passed here by a Conservative government which should tell you how cynically they see the whole thing.
Trump says he'd leave social issues to the state and local levels, which is quite fair and reasonable if you ask me. If Massachusetts wants to eat gay wedding cake, fine, but don't impose it on Oklahoma or something.
Pls buy our coke
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