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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 326
Thread images: 92

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are barb edition
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chad vs virgin night out
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Alternate history world.png
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me on the right

you on the left
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My earliest childhood memory recreated as a photograph, lads.
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me in the middle
there's literally nothing wrong with some cheeky colonialism so long as you don't go full retard like the belgians
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really want this thread to be a comfy one
Britain first!
>Young Sheldon, could you please pass the salt?
>Mmmmdon't you mean sodium chloride, mother?
would like to be suffocated to death by that arse desu
piss off back to pakistan
good shout on the prince Charles cinema whoever mentioned it

was thinking of going to watch Mulholland drive there when it's on in October
Feel like the world is a horrible shit place full of cunts ready to do literally anyone wrong for the sake of an endorphin rush, with moments of pure kindness essentially non-existent
when did got become capeshittery
Biggest choon ever made

*laugh track*
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Shall we arrange a time and......date

Pun intended
british slags
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Mighty comfy.
Isn't the screen really small and full of Shoreditch londoner cunts
idk like the 4th series
How many times do you reckon you could orgasm in an hour if you pushed yourself lads?
no we shan't you disgusting little paki

pun intended
doesn't look very comfy
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Even Miami was better, and that's just another Will Smith song. Also scratching with your voice has never ever been cool.
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remember when Prince Charles cheated on Diana, had her offed then married his mistress and pretended like nothing happened

>wake up
>get out of bed
>fall to your death

ah yes
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smaller than an odeon or something but big enough, every time I've been in its practically empty though
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chad here
shagging me own arse
>I can remember when Diana died
going to the shopping mart
see so many girls like the one on the left, small head, thicc thighs, no tits
If you can't remember which side of the bed to get out of, you have a weak bloodline and deserve an untimely death.

To be QUITE honest.
he could smash some gash with that chin
>every time I've been in its practically empty though
hummmm do you go at 1pm on weekdays?
DISCLAIMER: the baby will be carried by my wife with sperm kindly donated by a third party. The donor works with my wife and I've met him numerous times, really great guy
some of that rain is definitely coming in
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going to the mopping shart
lads, if i built a time machine and went back in time slightly and shagged myself in the arse would that be gay or advanced masturbation?
left a message for the crush
hayley does a BA Psychology degree at nottingham trent - but dumbs herself down in the company of her firends and is not as socially successful in her own right

jade just finished her NVQ 3 Hairdressing qualification - she's the key node of the group connecting them with a wide array of boys

katey currently working as a sales assistant at Lloyds pharmacy. She's completely dejected at how her life turned out, and fills the void with drinking and casual sex. the rest of the gang hasn't picked up on this and thinks she's just a right laugh
Chebs on Logan
it's the... 28th of August 2017, and poley still hasn't posted a picture
weekday evenings, not much to complain about anyway, it's about £5/6 for a ticket compared to £15 to watch a shitty superhero film around the corner
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Sumfins off about that one, the snowfall looks shooped, almost like TV static.
honking my horn
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>the peoples princess
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What is going on here?
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the abode
Don't care
good, switzerland is gay
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>ywn be 'part' of something
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imagine trusting a Thai with your child and thousands of pounds
Tank fly boss walk jam nitty gritty you're listening to the boy from the big bad city, this is jam hot, this is jam hot
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wish I was a black rapper desu
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When that day really comes lads, will you be ready? Will you march on for victory?
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become a thatcherite
it's the new counter culture
i don't hate them but gays shouldn't be allowed to adopt children or get a surrogate. not a good environment to raise a kid in
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local paki shop has 4 tins of carling for £3
Two dads are better than one

Thanks for the spoiler for people who use 4chanx you cunt.

[spoiler]Just joking gave up on the show years ago haha[/spoiler]
alri deano, gonna pick up some mccoys for the match later too?
hate south East Asians
hate mincers as well

simple as
if you could have a womb artificially inserted into you and be able to have a child out of your anus would you do it?
local offey does 4 cans of K for a fiver which is quite good value for the alcohol content
you could come up with scenarios where the straight adopters are clearly more unqualified than the poof adopters

the Black Walkers
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do you like this drawing?

congrats, you just liked one of Hitler's artworks O_o
nah might get some prawn cocktail skips
why when a woman can do it better?
Listening to American Football
>buying your alcohol based on an alcohol/price ratio

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I'd consider it if the kid was my egg and my sperm too, technically raising my own clone from birth. I'd raise him learning from my own mistakes
The baby could get an infection or I could get anal fissures.
what's the score?
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piratebay is down lads
hey I never said I wasn't an alcoholic
a normal guy just orders a pint because he loves pints
simple as
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Christmas is now closer than Easter, lads.


get the police to round them up and boot them out
Fuck no, you'd have to be insane
sansa may be a bad actress but maisy is the cringiest character ever
The band, idiots
the cunts at sky have blocked just about every mirror
Humans shouldn't be allowed freedom, 90% of humans aren't smart enough to live long, healthy, productive lives.

They should hand their life over to the state, which can aid them and direct them down a path of righteousness, only then can we advance as a race.
boo-hoo poor guys I'm sure they're too poor to deal with this problem :(
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can't wait for russia to press the siberian dildo of icy death against europes sensitive pink butthole again
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>spankbang blocked on airport wifi
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>buying a VP* in the UK can get you up to 20 years in jail
tried proxybay.info? generally seems the most reliable
just go via a proxy
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>London pub criticised for pint costing £13.40
/brit/ is down lads
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glad i'm not a slavshit, that's obscene
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I did
comes with a complimentary splash of sulphuric acid to the face
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Good times. Nothing worse than soggy sorta-cold-but-not-really winter. -12 are better than -2.
people still use piratebay?
yeah that works, cheers lad
need a tennis gf (female)
good summers but fucking terrible winter...
why is bavaria so cold
bit gay
Don't think so
just got out the shower and dried my hair, I look like a fucking schoolboy





got to catch the dog first
Intercepted someone's chinese meal before it was delivered lads
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I ate your dinner!
I usually come in at least 15 minutes late, I use the side entrance, that way lumbergh can't see me, and after that I just kinda space out for about an hour

>In the United States, similar campaigns were undertaken by the jewelers Tiffany with their “will you?” gay proposal ad and department store giant Macy’s ran a same-sex couple “I do” campaign to push their wedding list services. Nordstrom’s 2015 Christmas commercial also featured a gay couple. Teens have also been targeted with transgender reality figure Jazz Jennings becoming the face of Johnson & Johnson’s Clean & Clear skin products in 2015.

>Half of the advertisers surveyed said they were using fewer white people because they no longer represented “modern society”. The Times noted that McDonald’s is running advertisements with fewer white people, and research from Lloyds Bank found one in five adverts featured people from an ethnic minority group.
pics x
Why is the UK hotter than Spain

Don't like it not one bit
Intercepted someone's dog before it was turned into a chinese meal lads

i've had that pint for the bants a couple months ago in Borough market, didn't enjoy it.
do these lads actually have a specific destination in mind when they get to Europe? or do they just follow the herd wherever the roads take them in the vague assumption its taking them to some sort of unspecified fabled land? I highly doubt any of them have a detailed knowledge of the geography of the continent
r8 the haul
why would they postpone the delivery of your succulent chinese meal?
bit gay/10

yeah, to get to the UK, Germany or Sweden
BMxM2FWF is the future
>fewer white people because they no longer represented “modern society”
There's only one thing left to say. Allahu ackbar, poopniggers.
it's really fucking noticeable with mcdonalds, apple, microsoft, samsung, all the big tech companies. lots and lots and lots of shoe-horned niggers, especially niglets in their adverts

someone in the diversity department is being paid big bucks to force this through
*scratches head*
the person who has to pic your order is gonna laugh at you and tell everyone in the amazon depot what a batty boy you are
all of central europe was cold last winter because of east wind
>decide to go skiing because I'm a fucking idiot
>take cable car to the top of a mountain
>step out
>suddenly -32°
>can feel my eyes freezing if i don't blink often enough

fun times
get the arse toy gift wrapped for a laugh lad
bet you're gonna stick that bottle in your arse
>talking in the warehouse
that's a pay sanction, runt.
isn't it all done by robots?
Don't want to live in London anymore lads.
Wasn't too bad here. We never get the worst storms or worst colds, makes it pretty boring.
Is MGTOW a jew psyop?
*pops a boner*

the coldest temperature I've ever experienced was -15° in Denmark and that was enough for me
why do they measure dildo prices per kilo?
>a black person in MY advert? how DARE they

SCREECHING, the fucking STATE of rorke
>canadian republic

for what purpose
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*glob glob glob glob glob glob glob*
the only thing that makes me happy anymore is a bottle of red and a few ciggies
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hello anon
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>we need more representation for ethnic minorities
>except when it's to promote the child-free lifestyle, then use white only stock photos!
going to stick it on my bike
Rorke here in my rented thread in 4chan's /int/

Janny's got the swiper

Cowardly leftypol are doing hacks on my PC again because they aren't as bright as me

If someone from /cum/ can get me a green card I want to leave this general and never come back, i'm SICK of leftypol messing me about and forcing me to see opposing opinions when I don't want to
to be fair the way some people push diversity is horrendous, to the point of unrealistic.

every interracial advert in Japan and Korea is bmwf and amwf

then again, I suppose adverts are meant to be aspirational
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>lets pretend that interracial children are born into happy families where both parents are present, instead of the truth that 92% of interracial black/white children are born to single parent households!

leftymong living in dreamland again
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*respects women*
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there's one doing the rounds at the moment that's wm/bf and I always think damn right, if you're going to depict an interracial couple at least use one that actually works
oi cut that out
>92% of interracial black/white children

gonna have to ask for a legit source on this
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sounds like it could be true though doesnt it
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Russian rorke hackers are hacking brexit again

someone make them stop

look at my reddit spacing

school starts soon i hope the bullies died during the summer holidays. why wont they let me browse revleft in peace
did you know that 64.2% of babies born in the UK last year were mixed race?
my niBBa
wahey look at him go haha broom broom
try and find a post where that advert is commented on by black people, I guarantee they're going mental at the prospect of whitey being with a black woman. they call white people insecure about it and then act 10x worse.

same with Asian men, they say white people should be more competitive when whitey says they're stealing jobs, then think nothing of saying white men steal Asian women. the mental gymnastics are astounding.
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allahu quackbar
>thinking revolutionary socialists like hillary clinton or the eu
deary me
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>hey rorke, did you know left wingers have a higher IQ on average than right wingers, here look at these studies

>IQ doesn't matter leftypol!

>Oh, what about when you want to prove blacks are less intelligent than whites, then it matters, doesn't it sweetie? xxx
Both great replies each in their own right.
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92% of teenagers like rap music, put this in your sig if you're one of the 8% who still listen to real music.
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new york crime stats.png
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>This study examines the birth trends, family structure, economic standing, paternal relationships, and emotional stability of biracial children with African American fathers. For study implementation quantitative research methods were used. Questions were asked through a questionnaire that was administered to 1000 women spanning the united States that were equally ranging from 3 different racial groups; Caucasian, Asian, and Hispanic. Participants were recruited through the internet, radio, and news. This study finds that 92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock and 82% end up on government assistance. The results of this study make it very clear that biracial children with African American fathers are fatherless on a scale much larger than the public may realize.

won't see it get a single mention by leftymong marketers when they pretend skinny interracial children live in happy families by going to mcdonalds every day
more nigs
less white pigs
that's the way it be boy
lets have an honest discussion over the state of british women
[citation needed]
it is what it is, there's no fixing it
just hope you find one of the good ones before it's too late
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fake news
born out of wedlock doesn't mean a single parent household
i was born out of wedlock and my parents are still together
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that's a big chin
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leftypol is a burgerking board, stupid rorke.
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>look at these studies
my earliest childhood memory is hearing about 9/11 when i was 2
>tha us of a
divorcing is way too convenient in the US, we all know it
pilonidal cyst's acting up again
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post something like:


and then attach an anime p
what the hell is 9/11
>Sample size of 1000
>out of wedlock =/= single household

jesus christ rorke get it together
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tfw not a dog
hundred times easier in china
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barb a cute
>73% of homosexuals are also paedophiles
Couldn't believe my eyes when i read this. Should be public knowledge.
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>mfw only a little less than a month old when Diana died
>Study: Smart people are not less racist than other people. They are just better at hiding it, according to researchers at the University of Michigan.
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please forget about it
the chad pet
that' just because it's easily the most democratic country on our planet
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devolution referendum day
less than a month away
Only 9pm
Going to bed
Got to be up in Luke 11 hours
gays are degenerate, simple as
good post
this show looks so fucking hipster
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I hope luke is ok with that
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How fucking dare those Scottish cunts besmirch the 11th of September
how disrespectful to have it happen on 9/11
m a n a r s e
dunno how being gay is a thing when pussy exists
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Sharia don't like it
rockin' the casbah
rock the casbah
That's the point. The show is based in Beverly Hills and the surrounding areas.
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they're all fat like american women

leftypol = the africans
>Dutton and Lynn report secular declines in Fullscale IQ evaluated using WAIS of four points a decade in France between the years 1999 and 2008–9. It is posited that the trend may have a partially biological cause, stemming from dysgenic fertility and, to a lesser extent, replacement migration. Given that these, and other biological phenomena are associated with the Jensen effect, it is expected that if they are the principal causes of the IQ decline then the secular change should also be associated with the Jensen effect. Furthermore if it can be demonstrated that the vectors of secular IQ decline, g loadings and the vectors of other biological indicators share variance, then the case for biological causation will be strengthened. Using the method of correlated vectors and error disattenuation, the secular IQ declines are shown to be associated with a high-magnitude Jensen effect (ρ = .833). A multi-vector common factor comprised of the vector of g loadings along with the vectors of three biological variables (subtest heritabilities, dysgenic fertilities and simple visual reaction times) was found to load substantially on the secular IQ decline vector (λ = .723). These findings indicate that the French secular IQ loss likely has a primarily biological cause.


Europe is getting dumber becaues inbred arabs and pakis are breeding too much
on the 11th of september 2001, islamic terrorists, on the orders of osama bin laden (who was later killed in 2011) hijacked some passenger planes and flew them into several buildings, most notably the world trade center towers in new york city, after which the bush administration launched a military campaign dedicated to fighting terrorism and keeping the world safe for democracy and freedom
*eats a GMO crop*

dude! what the friggin heck!?
can't see what's wrong with it
having it align with the battle of stirling bridge was a pretty good idea
DW he loves it
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feel lifeless
ermmm, no sweaty, arabs and pakistanis enrich our culture x
>dad walks in
I know right would you rather shove your dick in a nice warm soft wet pussy or a horrible cold dry smelly arse?
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drinking aldi lager on a monday night haha
fat people disgust me
how do you even let yourself get to this state

tried to watch this but it was so fucking boring
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tim 911.jpg
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timothy james byrne here in my apartment in new york ... 11th of september 2001 ... hakim's got the swiper ... scoochie and tm on point ...
asses are just as hot as vaginas. how would they be cold unless they person's dead
Lads, do camera vans have to be marked? I was on an empty stretch of NSL dual carriageway this evening and got up to about 85mph. I saw a plain white van on a bridge over the carriageway with open side windows and slowed down to 65 before I got there, it didn't look like there was a camera in there and I thought it looked like the driver was having a kip but I'm not sure
What? you mean people raised in a poor country have a lower IQ than someone raised in a rich country?

Well, I'll be the son of a gun...
ah yes, rorke image spam hours

what did he mean by this?
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didn't read lol
Really sick of being alone
who is this retard and why is he walking like a retard
Well, the situation I'd say is eggs over easy for the Germans, eggs over not bad for the Japanese, and eggs over pretty grim for the Russians.
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nowt wrong with them
you combine a lot of nations/ethnicities who hate each other, and you leave a lot of people who are more or less identical (e.g. Canada&USA) separate.
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>ah yes, rorke image spam hours
imagine having to live with the fact you fathered this

grim grim grim
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whoosh haha
do you lads like frogs
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Frogs, you say?
i know this kino
>be at gym earlier
>resting between sets
>see who i think is my cousin in the corner of my eye
>my cousin is a hench chad tier mma fighter
>turn to face him
>nod and say "alri m8"
>it isnt my cousin, just some random hench guy who looks a bit like him
>just stares at me for a bit and continues walking

ffs lads
ah yes, care in the community.

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I happen to love frogs
i know i was sentient in 1997 but don't remember diana dying

don't remember columbine either
I don't date them, I only date British Asian girls. Much more feminine and loyal to you, unlike these drunk, chain smoking haggard white slags with 7 kids to different dads.
Don't get me wrong though, white Americans disgust me even more than white Brits.
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early twat
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love pepe
love apu
love toads
good lad that janman
janny fuming
Mr janitor man
ahh yes. i'm sure that one deletion a week is enough to deter the early threads janny
the fuck
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Chris Morris: The American car company, General Motors, have today announced a cut in their workforce at their plant in Detroit. Our economics correspondent, Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan, is there at the moment. Peter, what's going on?
Peter: Chris, it's a mass redundancy measure! It's the biggest lay-off in American industrial history! Thirty-five thousand jobs in one fell swoop, gone!
Chris: Thirty-five thousand?
Peter: Yes.
Chris: Peter, there's only twenty-five thousand people at the plant.
Peter: That's right Chris, mass redundancy on an unprecedented scale!
Chris: Would you mind telling me how the plant can function on minus ten-thousand workers?
Peter: [smiling] I don't know, Chris, you tell me!
Chris: I'll tell you what, Peter, you mean thirty-five hundred workers have been sacked.
Peter: No, thirty-five thousand, it's all here.
Chris: Let me see what you've got down there.
Peter: It's thirty-five hundred, you're right -
Chris: Peter, I want to see it. I don't want to hear anything more out of your mouth, I don't believe it. Now show me your notes.
Peter: No -
Chris: Yes!
Peter: It's thirty-five hundred.
Chris: Show me, I don't believe what you're saying. I just want to see the numbers. Now hold them up! Hold them up and keep them up! And rotate them one-hundred degrees in my favour! Do it. Peter, what's that?
Peter: I don't have a monitor, Chris, I can't see what you're -
Chris: You know what I'm talking about, it's just above your right eye. [Peter points at a doodle] Yes.
Peter: A cobweb.
Chris: And how's a cobweb going to dig you out of your numerical mess?
Peter: I don't know.
Chris: Peter, you're lying in a news grave. Do you know what's written on your head stone?
Peter: "News".
Chris: Peter, thank you.
gone of a bit depressive again lads haha, stopped shaving as much, not bothering with hygiene often, there's no floor space in my bedroom that's visible due to cups, ashtrays, wine bottles and clothing everywhere and I can't feel excited about anything at all

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the Jannisters send their regards
leftypol chink spammer BTFO
learn perl6
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oh the janniman can
cause he moderates with love
and makes the threads go down
why is she pretending and failing to look like audrey hepburn here?
>not installing gentoo
same haha
downward spiral LOL
GOOD janposts
they're getting brave ain't they
Finally got a gf
Noticed I'm getting loads of attention from other girls now
what the fuck
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pics x
well obviously
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try and break the cycle lad, clear the floor and you wont feel so bad looking at the floor, do a shave and you won't feel so bad looking at yourself. hope things get better x
did the ol' aoba wank
lips feel like they've got tomato sauce all over them even though they don't





it is now safe to make a new
posts like these do harm to the anime movement
big fat bums
favourite infinitychan board got purged by site admins lads
disclaimer: not a nonce board
go back to mexico craig
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