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/eire éire/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 102

Girls only edition
God bless post-1921 Britain. Never did anything wrong. Don't know you guys hate them so much.
Shut up Dub
I'm from Cork.
What is 10/10 irish girl?
Shut up George Hook sympathizer
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>(ww2 british tanks never caused harm to the irish people)
Who said anything about tanks?
Stop false-flagging, Poi.
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>refusing housing and employment to anyone who did not identify as British Protestant isn't wrong
>accepting the DUP as a legitimate political party isn't wrong
I just want to fight somebody.
drank irish wanna fight. Which stereotype.
Dies anybody legitimately want to have an /éire/ meetup again?
Embracing multiculturalism and being authoritarian regarding the internet weren't exactly good moves
Are the motivations related?
No. Why would that ever be a good idea?
No I'm pretty harmless in really life.
We counted friends and have fun.
Join the skype group and attend their meet ups
Oi, irish people.
do you have interest for other countries and people?
Or irish only for irish?
I don't think the Skype group is an actual thing is it? Even if it is I doubt they'd have meetups. Also who even used skype anymore? That program should be dead and buried.
What are you looking forward to? Do you have long term things to look forward to? Personally I just look forward to my next day off work, and also the next time I can eat food.
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>What are you looking forward to?
The fact that I can go home in less than 2 hours.

>Do you have long term things to look forward to?
Nice jacket don't you think? Might get it but don't know what kind of jeans/shoes would go with it https://www.hellyhansen.com/en_ie/hh-rain-jacket-53153

How does that make you feel? Personally I'm despairing because this is pretty much what I have to "look forward" to for the rest of my life.
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Give me a quick rundown on Gamescom
Quality pic.
Anybody getting lightning?
Just noticed that it says Nintendo Switch edition on the side but she's clearly using a PS4 controller.
>I'm pretty harmless in really life
I wouldn't trust you not to take covert pictures.
None yet but I think it's promised for tonight.
If only do that if I wasn't invited and had to stay from a distance. I wouldn't post them here anyway.
I'd rather be part of the meetup.
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Heard thunder twice now
Are you afraid of it?
Thunder and lightning do make me a bit uncomfortable desu
What a big baby. I like it a lot and enjoy watching it. Saying that heavy rain/strong wind makes me anxious and unable to sleep. I think it's because I live in the attic and it's super loud up here.
Yep, had electronics switched off for a while until it passed.
I'm afraid it might knock the power or internet out.
If we did have a girl here what do you think would happen?
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I've achieved my ambition of beating Weevil the maximum number of times in Nightmare Troubadour. 99 duels with one extra to see if the counter rolls over, it doesn't, it stays stuck at 99.
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>literally admitted to the crime
Jesus Christ, what's wrong with these people
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It's actually a legal thing. You open yourself up to lawsuits if insinuate as fact that the accused actually committed the crime before he has been convicted of do so.
I'm just glad the Sagrada Senpaiília wasn't damaged like they planned.
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Surely the Pope would have to call a Crusade if that happened.
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I forgot the word filter still exists.
a false self incrimination is a thing too
innocent till proven guilty
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Frankie's too nice for that. We have to await for the return of the Shadow Pope.
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Ah yes, the War Pope.
Mam spends 90% of her time sitting in the kitchen using the laptop on facebook, looking at her feed of 10 friends, and playing facebook games. She's been playing the same 3 or 4 games for the past 5 years. Not sure what they are but I think it's something like bejeweled and similar shit.
What a miserable existence. I'm surprised she hasn't killed herself yet. She has no friends or life. She's so autistic.
She has this one friend she hates that calls over once every 5 months or so unannounced and they just sit in silence drinking tea until she goes home.
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Very /marbh/ here today compared to yesterday.
Most of the posts are me talking to myself.
We're saving our energy until the Rose of Tralee comes back on. Only a few minutes left.
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What were we talking about yesterday?
I was going to say it was about football and that we had all decided we were supporting Kerry so there was no need for further discussion. But that discussion took place mostly on Sunday, from what I can recall.

>Rose of Tralee
Only saw one of the Roses. Is Hong Kong going to win?
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I'd forgotten that was a 2 day thing.
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My mother is constanly coming over. It wouldn't be quite so bad if she didn't stay the night every time and snore so loudly. Plus, it's just annoying. She's like a stalker, constantly coming to see me even though I want nothing to do with her.
Ugh, I might cave in and watch your normie cringefest rose of tralee because I'm so bored. IS there a livestream or do I have to own an antique television with a coat hanger ariel?
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>we had all decided we were supporting Kerry
Do you live alone? What does she do when she comes over and why does she even do it?
Why don't you want anything to do with her anon?

Personally when I move out of my parents house I'm just not going to answer the door to anybody. I'm also going to install expensive CCTV and security systems so I can just see who's at my door without moving from my pc.
An unannounced visit is never good news. People who answer their door are stupid. Same with house phones if you even have one.
A lot of middle aged women are like anons, just not anonymous and with next to no computer savvy.
Get her a real battlestation and she'll be on twitch playing Skyrim with her sewing circle before no time.
maybe I'm tsundere? Sorry if you can't handle my extremeness
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>Dáithí Ó'Sé
>there's only one of him
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He's the only survivor from the original six.
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>supporting the normie facebook mayo4sam "10000 upvotes and the curse will be broken" tier team

>playing Skyrim with her sewing circle
Can't beat a bit of cooperative Skyrim.
Too bad the matchmaking is so shit. And what on earth possessed them to go the P2P route, instead of having dedicated servers?
Fucking Bethasda, all a money grab.
I bought her a netbook several years ago for christmas. Then a laptop, and now my other brother bought her a nice new laptop.
She has no idea how to use pc's. Despite just sitting on her ass for the past 5 years at least doing nothing on the PC she hasn't learned a thing.
She can't get pictures from her phone. She can't even shop on amazon or use emails properly. I get pissed off with her when she keeps asking me to do inane shit. I show her but she just pretends to be stupid and won't take it in and never learns.
She's WELL capable of learning simple stuff on her own initiative but just chooses to be stupid.
I also have an old desktop I offered her but she won't take it.
I do feel a bit sorry for her because ultimately she's going to end up alone and isolated for the rest of her life once I leave. She's already an alcoholic.

What? Did you quote the wrong post?
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>Is Hong Kong going to win?
She's a literal prostitute, so I doubt it.
As lesbian won 2 years ago, so who knows?
>>supporting the normie facebook mayo4sam "10000 upvotes and the curse will be broken" tier team
Sorry I don't follow social media as much as you.
Every Kerryman in existence does look and sound exactly like Dáithí. What goes on there?
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>She's a literal prostitute
This true or you guys just exaggerating? I'll probably go watch her clip now on the player just to see.

>don't follow social media as much as you
Would be hard to follow it any less than me. Also note how I called it upvotes which no social media site uses.
That was some awful fucking tin whistle playing. I could do better in second class.
Superior Milesian genome.

Set up a steam account for her, perhaps? At least get her onto a good strategy/MMO game rather than a purely money-making facebook clickfest.
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>Also note how I called it upvotes which no social media site uses.
Anybody got a link to this rose shite?
Maybe. We don't get along the best. Although she used to play tons of PS1 games when I was a kid.
I should've saved this when it was posted last night, but she said when she was 19, she was at a "corporate party" in a club, and was chatting to some guy who was really impressed she could speak Chinese, so he threw her an all-expenses-paid, lavish twentieth birthday party next week, then gave her a diamond ring at the end of it. She never spoke to him again after that. Then she reiterated that he was really impressed she could speak Chinese.

The crowd was sort of silent, and it was quite awkward. Daithí then said, "No strings attached, of course." She replied, "Yeah."

Even apart from that, she was stiff as a board and had that "I'm better than you" air that people raised in 3+ countries always have. I don't understand why she's supposed to be in contention to win.
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>Would be hard to follow it any less than me
And yet you still knew this supposed social media trend that I had no idea of, unless of course you were making it up.

>Also note how I called it upvotes which no social media site uses
I didn't know that, I guess that shows you know more about social media than me.
Is she Chinese?
The soullessness stereotype comes from somewhere, of course.
No, her parents are Irish and she's got the chubby Irish face.

She had an indescript foreign accent that tended slightly towards Chinese, but mostly sounded Australian. She did the whole, "I was raised in a, b and c and went to school in x, y and z [hold for applause]."
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Had a dream where I impregnated Juni again, lads. He lied to me about his BP ovulating.
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Ah, the international middleman moneyed classes. Truly the salt of the earth.

Rose of Tralee should never have been put on telly. It should have stayed Father Ted-tier, not another stage for whores.
Finally, a week and a half until the Late Late comes back.
>not being a Tuatha Dé Danann
Fir Bolg or bust.
Had a dream I slapped Juni around until he was black and blue then strangled him to death.
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Something soothing about removing text from images, isn't there?

>making an actually factual statement is the equivalent of saying "hurr durr" in all caps
The more you know.

Just watched it there now. She seemed fine, all exaggeration in my eyes at least.
>was stiff as a board and had that "I'm better than you" air
She is pretty much the only one I've seen so I can't really compare.

>guess that shows you know more about social media than me
Someone was supposed to reply to me saying "reddit uses upvotes" to which I would reply, like you did, and say "oh really? don't you know a lot".
Two can't play at this game it seems.
This is actually hard to watch. She's not even good looking.
Not nearly as interesting as it was last night. Worried they might have used all of the weird girls yesterday.


Muted. cringe.
That flute playing just blew the fuck out of the tin whistle girl.
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>Something soothing about removing text from images, isn't there?
I know this feel desu. After all, I did remove the text from that image for you.

Teenage girl in our midst, lads.
Well then whip out your thesaurus and find me another word you stupid prick.
Tin whistle is fairly simple (as full-fledged musical instruments go) because there's only six holes and the notes sound more harshly different from each other than true flutes. And it's generally meant to play by itself or in the lead.
Don't bully Jacques.
Cringe the concept, not the word, is the true cringe.
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"Cringe" is a verb, not an adjective. The adjective is "cringeworthy".
Never knew you had to be devoid of emotions and the ability to be embarrassed and cringe at bad things to be an adult. Unsurprising coming from you seeing as you're in the brink of killing yourself.
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Perhaps Yuudachi could be a rose. Has the dress and all.

>I did remove the text from that image for you
I actually removed it myself just now, but I know you did a version too.
Feel like it easier to do it myself rather saving the image from here, copying it to the correct drive/directory and finding the old one to delete.
It's the thought that counts though, merci.

>whip out your thesaurus
>needing one in the first place
Can't be an emotional wreck if you don't have any emotions.
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>Feel like it easier to do it myself rather saving the image from here, copying it to the correct drive/directory and finding the old one to delete.
Sounds like you have a bad file directory set up.
This general is like one perpetual episode of Jeremy Kyle lads. You occasionally drop in to look on at the participants from the outside, safe in the knowledge you'll never be as bad as them.
Not a fan of that dress colour. Her eye shadow is nicely done however.
God damn the musical acts are one-upping eachother.

I like it, stands out more than the majority of red, black or white dresses.
We should have a rose of /éire/.
So, in essence, a shitposting competition?
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Everyone would just vote for their county and someone would stuff the ballot.
ah yes what a lovely bunch of girls we have here
Is it bad that I can't tell what counties these are unless the text is visible i.e bottom left one and the one with the black jersey.
fuck off lad best rose
Fuck off cringelad.
Numerous people have expressed their willingness to fuck Frogweeb if that counts for anything.
Yea fuck his skull off the concrete curb until he's brain-dead.. He'd probably enjoy it.
its not gay if he wears some anime socks or pantyhose while you fuck him
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>Numerous people have expressed their willingness to fuck Frogweeb if that counts for anything.

So Jacques is actually just a cute lanky weeb then?
Good song. Wish one of the rose girls could sing like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnInjFrMNHI

Join forces with me swissyank and we can crush this general and everyone in it once and for all.
Nigger, it's Karen. I just didn't pay the monthly VPN subscription yet.
Oh. Fuck off then. Unless you want to bow down to me once and for all.
I like this picture op.
Can I save it?
I bow to no one.
Except when you're getting rode up the arse by your internet boyfriend am i right lmao
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>TV drama Moone Boy
In what way does RTÉ see that as a drama?
Bend the knee to /eire/ or be destroyed.
>Except when you're getting rode up the arse by your internet boyfriend
Double "no"
I hate you.
oh great another depressed male anime poster with a girl's name
Roses are back.
Jesus this general is full of fucking queers. you lads were complaining about the other animeposters being normies but would rather faggots like >>78615722 and >>78615987 ERPing and e-bullying eachother every other thread and talking about how they want to kill themselves. Useless cunts
Who are the others?
Newfags please leave.
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So this...was the power...of having a SK flag...woah
chances are I've been here longer than you have lad. at least faggots like Juniper eventually stopped posting. what's your excuse you fucking queer?
Juniper's still here newfag.
Excuse for what? I don't need an excuse. I've been here since near the very beginning, which to you the beginning was probably 10 months ago.
Not engaging with you any more. Have a nice day.
>Texas rose comes on
>Yellow Rose of Texas starts playing
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Dáithí's going on about Drumpfft lads.
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>educate together school teacher
The state of the Waterford rose.
I don't know much about educate together but access to schools based on being catholic is disgusting and religious teaching in primary school is brain washing.
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It's good for keeping foreigners in their place.
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Someone is jealous because their primary school had browns in it
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My primary school and secondary school has no black people in it.
I just hated the forced praying, forced singing and going to church.
A Dutch girl from an atheist family was exempt from all these activities and I was jealous she didn't have to endure it.
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>there are people ITT right now that had foreigners in the same school as them
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Just watched a bit of the Roses there. Seems alright.
Kinda regret not watching it earlier.

>Sounds like you have a bad file directory set up
Kinda. Still in the process of setting it up.

Wouldn't you know. State of her hair.
That Dutch girl was great at hurling. A total tomboy.
>but access to schools based on being catholic is disgusting and religious teaching in primary school is brain washing.
Personally am very disappointed at this rose show. Getting into bed. Have to be up at 9am and I'm dreading it.
tfw you will never be a destroyer of the imperial japanese navy :^)
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>Kinda regret not watching it earlier
I told you to. Your own fault for not listening to me. You already missed the most interesting girls.
Why does juniper have such a hard on for the catholic church?
wonder if he got molested as an alternative boy.
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>Six hospitalised after pedestrians struck by car in Dublin
Looks like the boom boom boys have finally struck Ireland
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>in Dublin
>struck Ireland
The songs were catchy, the prayers were wholesome and Mass was a change of pace. I, for one, enjoyed getting out of class to practice the songs for the Carol Service or the St.Brigid's Day Mass. Not to mention Communion and Confirmation which were great. Catholic Ireland is best Ireland.

My secondary school was in town and had foreigners. Only then did I truly appreciate having a homogeneous primary school
I've dragged the quality of this thread down significantly. Almost spanny levels of disruption today.
Sorry not sorry.
hahaha that's pathetic. What a fuckboi. Everyone in Ireland thinks people like you are fucking weirdos btw. Even older generations.
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No idea what you're talking about desu.
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>tfw you will never be a destroyer of the imperial japanese navy
At least I'm in the republican Irish military, which is almost as good.

>I told you to
Did you really though?

>Looks like the boom boom boys have finally struck Ireland
You wish.
I'm not even some zealous Catholic. I just think it's a better influence on our kids than some sterile, secular school. It's a nice fuck you to foreigners too
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Is there a better role than the narrator in the nativity play? I got to sit up in front of the church and use the microphone. Didn't even have to learn any lines since I was good at speaking what I'm reading, probably why I was chosen.
The church and religion made my childhood life hell. It was a cult and nothing more.
Most people under 50 I know consistently believe it's a load of shit. Whenever I or we as in work colleagues and family come across a very religious catholic person they make us either uncomfortable or we take the piss out of them begin their back.
Enjoy your 6pm angeles and cum covered cardboard bread.
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>Did you really though?
I told the whole thread to since /éire/ is fun while watching something together.
AA pls.
love that gay always have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to religion
We've been over this before and unless you were literally bumfucked you're just being a bitch. And stop projecting your views on the Catholic church onto the whole country.
At least that religious aspect of Ireland is dying out relatively quickly.
Get over it faggot. Religion was a necessary scaffolding to help develop Europe to the point it is today
>Dáithí fondling foot panties
It's back to being weird.
Funny thing is that were now starting to bring in lots of African priests. Bet the Catholic fuckbois are raging.
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>no Catholic theocracy
>not homogeneously Gaelic
>no comely maidens
The Kerry rose's dad is damn good looking.
As Priests they won't infiltrate our gene pool so what's the issue?
Final rose. Wonder who's going to win?
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Have only been watching for a few minutes but the Kerry rose is clearly the best. Really down to earth and an entertaining party piece.
Better than that hag from Mayo at least.
Fuck off, priest. The church is a company and should be treated as a company.
Going to start tripfagging from tomorrow.
>The church is a company and should be treated as a company.
Quite the intellectual statement there.
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Not a fan of these Yank accents.
It must be very sad and lonely being an aggressive secularist. This thread is a perfect example. Some guy brings up the Church practically out of nowhere and then gets progressively more agitated and petulant with minimal prompting. Also with a mandatory appeal to victimhood, because he occasionally had to sing.

The anti-Trump Texmex.
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>Really down to earth
>constantly talking back to her fellow Kerryer Dáithí and insulting his omelette
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>Not a fan of these Yank accents.

Nothing wrong with American accents.
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>The anti-Trump Texmex
Shit she probably will too.
If you knew who you were dealing with you'd understand. He's a mentally ill deranged lunatic. He's the same person who enjoys killing animals and watching gore videos. Just ignore him.
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Apart from the fact they sound terrible and speak twice as loud as normal people.
The North New Jersey accent is one of my favourites. Literally nothing wrong with American accents
>Literally everything wrong with American accents
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Was one of the roses holding a Palestine flag, or was that something else?
Results coming.
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>Apart from the fact they sound terrible and speak twice as loud as normal people.
There was one from the United Arab Emirates, their flags are similar.
Way to deflect the issue/
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>the band is made up of Gardaí
So that's where their budget goes, aside from fabricating documents about Maurice McCabe that is.
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Kerry rose was robbed.

>United Arab Emirates
That was the one. Was pretty sure it wasn't a Palestine flag, though that would have been funny.
Palestine rose when?

Forgot it was a county there for a while.
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>Kerry rose was robbed
Got what she deserved after being incredibly rude to Dáithí. So much for provincial loyalty when two Munsterites from the same county can't even get along.
But maybe that's just for south Munster, Clare and Limerick people are very kind and well mannered. Probably from being farther away from the anglo port of Cork.

>Forgot it was a county there for a while
Don't talk about landlocked Croatia like that.
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Why are most girls Italian?
I feel like I'm the only Greek Woman in here
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>everything you just said
So which part were you actually serious about?
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>tfw convincing everybody I know to vote for Bertie in the upcoming presidential election
It begins, lads.
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I am completely serious about Offaly being identical to Croatia in every way other than having a coastline.
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Be careful who you speak to. Hear there is a gang of cultists going around beating up Bertie supporters. Idolise some foreigner named "The Norris".

>Offaly being identical to Croatia in every way other than having a coastline
Offaly is full of cunts so? Known Croatians before. Not a fan.
Who else here /kentuckyrose/?

>5'2" girl making 6'2" Daithí set back with one punch
>studying medicine
>specifically mentions loving America because of the freedom
>wants to join the USAF
>paraphrases "freedom ain't free"
>quite lovely as well
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The father's going a bit mad. As you'd expect from someone who gave up smoking he's being a bit difficult, he's also been hitting the drink fairly hard and he wasn't a pioneer before. I think his reasoning is that without the cigarettes he can spend the extra money on drink, in the same way if you gave a child €20 and sent them into a shop to get something worth a fiver, they'd come back with it and €15 worth of sweets.
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Woke up to take a piss and this little girl was sitting on the wall above my pillow.
She was top tier all right. I like the South Carolina rose since she was polite enough to call Dáithí sir.
>studying medicine
But medical students are insufferable in my experience.
>I like the South Carolina rose since she was polite enough to call Dáithí sir.
And that gombeen had to ruin it by making a big deal of it.

I'm surprised more of the southern roses don't do that, though. It's pretty common there.
Sounds like you take after your father.
>inb4 ignored as usual.
Oíche mhaith.

Perhaps ye could go on a day out together or something. Take his mind off it.
tfw want to emotionally abuse somebody to the extent that I can protect them and make them become reliant on me.
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>too tired to even watch some yuri anime
I guess I should just go to bed.
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It's not easy to get him to go anywhere, though if he wants to go somewhere himself he'll be insulted if you don't come with him. Besides, he's bad enough at home relaxing, the only place he'd be happy is at the pub and I'm not making the mistake of joining him there again.
Got one hour sleep and now I'm awake and really agitated again. Might try get the 4am chocolate pudding post.
>maybe I'm tsundere?
Maybe I'm yandare.
>the Texas rose is half Mexican
>this joke writes itself but I'll call it out anyway teehee
>President Trump has decided to build a wall around her lol
A significant portion of our population is braindead.
Abysmal content from /éire/ these days.
Where has benzolad gone? The Swissy yank? Swooch-Caboosh?
These may not be here, but their terrible posting style has remained.
t. an old /éire/ poster.
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Serious amount of "DUDE WEED LMAO" on Viceland. Suppose that's to be expected.
I don't even remember these people. I know who benzo lad is, and I have a mild suspicion it was just a troll who appeared for like 3 day's. Also maybe it was me, I don't remember, or somebody mistook me for him.
I think swissyank disappeared before I return. Aside from him being here the past few days.
I'm really bad with this crap.

Anyway. I'm super agitated. My brain feels like electricity. I'm really annoyed. In tired I want to sleep but I can't. I'm dreading having to wake up early, it's going to be so painful
Have many just stopped posting?
Sabhsai, lar, nordieshore etc.?
Speaking of benzos I just took s xanax because I'm so upset.but it will ruin my mood in the long run. Once it wears off I feel super depressed for a day
Literally who? Stop trolling me.
You are the definition of a newfag
and only a fag would get their mood ruined over a xanax (250 ug betcha too).
I'm AA. I took 2mg.
Who even takes xanax in micrograms? What a pointless dose. (Yes I know they come in 0.25 gerax)
>I'm AA
Literally who?
By the way I know it's you trying to wind me up and bully me. Fuck off.
>Posts pic of a Spanish kike
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I believe you mean the saviour of the Gaelic race.
Na that's Peter Kay
Stop ignoring me.
Bored as fuck so I'll engage you for a couple minutes you insufferable fag
Who are you? I'm not talk about you, brit.
I was watching something. Though I might ignore you for fun.
You mentally torment me round the clock.
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My SD card came in the mail. Now I can pirate more games for the N2DS.
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are irish women cute?
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All day every day.
I don't understand.
How often I check that email.
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Is there really anything left for the 3DS? After Samus Returns and USUM come out it's probably going to fade away. Considering the next mainstream Pokémon after USUM is going to be on the Switch I can't imagine the 3DS line living on for much longer.
Just set it to forward all mail to your main address.
>I can't imagine the 3DS line living on for much longer.
People said this last year and look what happened. Never doubt Nintendo's ability to milk the shit out of any hardware that is still selling.
Nevermind. I don't think you understand. I guess he's not here. I wouldn't connect it to my main emails anyway.
Besides I don't have email alerts enabled.
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>are irish women cute?
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t. jealous he'll never go out with a cute Celtic lass
That image is supposed to say boys are disgusting. Which is true.
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When I say living I mean properly living. They're putting more resources to the Switch, at the moment the 3DS is getting remakes and cheap shit like Hey Pikmin.
Though you're right and we probably won't see the 3DS stop completely for some years. Didn't the Famicom only cease production in the early 2000's?
Coming from the same man that was raving about "Celtic" women when you were obsessed with that American girl.
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But neither will you.
Humans are disgusting desu.
>Didn't the Famicom only cease production in the early 2000's?
Not sure but I think the SNES did in America around that time.
Then I woke the fuck up and got ever it.
>left pic
Good God what a trainwreck.

>Humans are disgusting desu.
Pretty much. As people get older their sexual urges overpower common sense.
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éire at 4am.jpg
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Happy 4am.
Didn't hear any thunder last night thankfully.
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>When I get drunk I tell my Irish friends "Tiocfaidh ár lá"
>I'm drunk
>My Irish friends aren't awake.

Tiocfaidh ár lá, /éire/
Beidh ár lá linn, a chara.
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I want to suck irish cock
Morning benders.
Morning Jay.
Whos Jay?
At psychiatrist waiting room now. Going to tell him/her about /éire/.
Who are the top 3 personalities which are most damaging to your mental health would you say?
>replying to yourself
All of them.
Kys.Ik not doing that.
>/éire/ is 2 people
>Girls like Umaru
>/ita/ is always Umaru
Scored myself a xanax prescription bois. Now it's legal and you can't call me a druggy anymore.
Anyone here ever do stand up at an open mic or had a mate who did it?
Sounds like you got what you came for
Do you know where you are? People here can't even step outside their room to socialise let alone do a comedy act.
Many great comedians are autist recluses like John Swartzwelder
Yeah, but such comedians are the socially acceptable breed of autist. Not the wanks to hentai and has no friends type.
All those who leave or enter Ireland (Scotland and Mann are allowed) shall be put to death. A real Gael does not leave his homeland once in his 80 year lifetime.
What did I come for? Why are you speaking in that tense? Are you my doctor?
tfw exactly 2 weeks until spanny got the boot.
Probably the worst 2 weeks for quality of threads as well.
Why so? At least we don't have him constantly ruining the thread for us with his shitposting.
I wouldn't say that, Cardcaptors posting is very low
Threads are slow or dead most of the time, lots of suicide talk and general agitated posting which leads to a much more hostile mood, topics are stale, very little group chat - just private conversations or single throwaway messages that aren't a reply and are never replied to. Even the image count is low.
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There have been worse times than this. It's alright at the moment. Suicide talk is at a low right now.
We used to talk way more about it. Even frogweeb and a few other people used to constantly go on about it.

I like suicide talk though. We should do that more.

There's a bit push on suicide awareness in Ireland the past couple years. People always say that the statistics are under reported and I do believe it. "death by misadventure" or undetermined causes etc, mostly due to the family being religious or ashamed with the stigma that their son or whatever kill himself.

I personally know it happens a lot but you never hear of it being mentioned or talked about.
I won't speak for somebody else, that's just how I feel.
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>Threads are slow or dead most of the time
That was true yesterday, but the thread was very busy 2 days ago.

>lots of suicide talk
That's always been part of /éire/. If anything there is less of it now than there was before.

>general agitated posting
That's just AA looking for attention.
>Even frogweeb and a few other people used to constantly go on about it.
/éire/ at night used to be a very depressing place. There was something comfy about it at the same time though.
There's only so much people can say about their mental health before it becomes repetitive. It became a bit sad seeing the same people making the same posts night after night, people are only going to reply to it once.
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Don't we all want attention, anon? Don't we all need acceptance and applause in one way or another? It's sad not being acknowledged.
It is very comfy talking about depression and suicide, but I guess the non depressed people hate it. If we discuss it enough they might become depressed and join us.
Tis part of our culture.
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I miss Magnumposting.
>Don't we all want attention, anon?
You want it far more than most, by your own admission.
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They've stopped producing them. Seems like it was a once off thing or either a failed product. Even my dad started buying them when I got him one.
Summer is over too. It's going to be a long fucking winter until our next 3 weeks of sunshine in june 2018.
I didn't ask that.
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dràsta ag èisteachd ri rèidio gàidhlig na alba
àrd cho chomasach
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Where is everyone?
Google translate says you're listening to some Irish radio station. Which one?
Also isn't isle of skye in scotland or some other place?
No I'm listening to Scottish Gaelic radio

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Oh. Nothing to do with us, pls go.
I really dislike the word "gaelic" when used to refer to our language.
Despite me not speaking a word of it.
It's the Swede who is learning Scottish Gaelic. Also, Scottish Gaelic is pretty much intelligible with our Gaeilge. Why did you need Google to understand that?
On my way home
Where else can I talk about Scottish Gaelic? I already tried /brit/ but it was too fast paced. /Sverigetråden/ didn't give a shit

But if there's Irish Gaelic radio stations I'd happily listen to them too
I don't speak of a word of Gaeilge. I never had an exemption in school.
I'd love to speak it but by the time I got to 6th in primary I knew zilch. Struggled with it as a child.
I know a guy from a gaeltacht that speaks it as his primary language.
Guarantee the majority of people ITT wouldn't be able to read it either.
Home from where? When will you get there?
Why take interesting Scottish Gaelic though? I guess here would be more appropriate but still....feels wrong.
Also the state of /br*t/.
I wish there was different flags for Scottish and Welsh people. Imagine being from there and having a dirty butchers apron as your posting flag
>I'd love to speak it
It's never too late anon >>>/t/746385
Spent the last 12 days in Croatia , I'll probably arrive at about 2 in the morning or something
>Where else can I talk about Scottish Gaelic?
I don't know, but certainly not here.
Croatia of all places. How was it, and what did you do?
Please be nice to the swede.
Here's our main one. But I don't really know anybody that listens to it. Mostly because it's all traditional music and that's not my thing. http://www.rte.ie/rnag/
I tried to make a /celtic/ thread in the past but it died instantly

Why don't you like Scots? You should combine your thread with them
I think AA might be on holidays from work.

>Why don't you like Scots?
This is a general for Irish people. Scots hang out in /brit/.

Do you share a general with Norway?
Scottish people have nothing to do with us, go away.
>Do you share a general with Norway?
Yeah whenever a /scandi/ thread goes up I post there. I'd gladly combine Sverigetråden with Norgetråden
I like Scottish people but most of them are closer to the English than they are to us and wouldn't be interested in learning Scottish Gaelic. Also, /éire/ doesn't strike me as too interested in /int/ related issues such as language learning, discussion of different cultures and international relations
I have 3 days off. I'm back tomorrow for 4. God somebody shoot me. I need to book some holidays for September.
I need a break from this shite.
That's what this board is for. Having country generals for only one country each seems boring to me

Atleast in Sverigetråden we have some Finns posting regularly
Ignore the swede
It didn't sound like you were doing much relaxing over the past few days.
Sure I was. Anything is more relaxing than being at work.
Also I just got a text.
>Workplace BBQ next week.

I'm going to request that day off. Fuck that.
I post outside of here more than I post in it. /éire/ is good for discussing different topics within Ireland though. It's not like it's concentrated blogposting like /brit/ or /cum/
What part of sweden are you from? I want to eat your korv. You have nice sweets too. Especially that really hard black stuff. I can't remember if it was liqorice or just something similar.
>I want to eat your korv
>Especially that really hard black stuff
Are you fucking with me right now?

But yeah, salt liqorice is very popular here
I was just a little bit. :^)
Guess dubs arent all bad
Bit childish. Why should it matter to us that Trump is President anyway? His primary focus seems to be on domestic issues and far east Asia.
but anon, think of the undocumented Irish!

Agitation levels increasing



Ignore the aspie, he's a monolingual West Briton. What made you want to learn Scottish Gaelic?

There's a few podcasts/radio stations in Irish
>Radio na Life
>Radio na Gaeltacht
>Bitesize Irish Gaelic

I was going to link you my Gaidhlig mega folder but it seems that it was removed and it'll take me like 9 hours to upload the entire thing again.

Have some Irish/Old Irish instead, though there's only a handful of files.

Thread posts: 332
Thread images: 102

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