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inquisitive finn edition

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Thread replies: 291
Thread images: 63

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inquisitive finn edition
Love vaginas.
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FUCKING PIRATES.....................
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59% of Brits are "proud" of the British Empire. A damning indictment of Britain's schooling system which teaches a revised history.
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what browser does /brit/ use?
you put brit in the wrong field you thick cunt
/brit/ goes in the subject field, not the name field. That way it can be properly filtered. Now I have to manually hide this hideous thread. sigh...
Waterfox is an amazon shill, needs to be in scam tier
pale meme
FF and vivaldi
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Firefox. But currently using Edge.
That sucks the dog died
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>"I didn't really get many women until I began modeling."

What sort of troll is this?
Does edge even have extensions? I've literally never used it.
Done nothing but lay on the lounge all day on my laptop. And you ?
is a disgusting nonce
helo :)))))))
It does support some extensions. Currently only got uBlock Origin installed though.
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i know that the irish are subhumans and all that, but animals have rights too
He got men
he's speaking relatively, the amount he used to get compared to now is probably minuscule
just use chrome lads
no one cares about your internet porn
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off to work lads
>there are people on /int/ right now who haven't disabled webrtc in there browser.
The British government gave their 'consent' to the US for the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
le nothing to hide maymay
what if i want to run for public office
It's more of a detailed account of everything you do online, if you're fine with that, great.
your usage is tracked more closely than mine sweety
the moral dimensions of that mém are up for debate but security agencies follow it. People trying to hide their shit get watched more closely
>Rape, castration, cigarettes, electric shocks and fire all used by the British to torture the Kenyan people when they resisted colonialism.
Should of just used bullets
i am because i'm not a pervert or a blackfedora unlike some
you lot heard the news about Bradley?
beto must be insufferable to be around irl
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>Britain created Saudi Arabia & went on to describe it as "a vital prize for any power interested in world influence or domination" in 1947.
has mexico ever done anything naughty? does anyone care?
So everyone that has any kind of privacy principles must be doing something wrong or abnormal in your opinion?
I use chrome because I'm not autistic
how can lefties even compete with this fascist kino

which browser is best for calling the king a bender?
I believe a man in Mexico once jaywalked. Was national news for weeks. Other than that nothing, they're squeaky clean
yes, or at least socially unacceptable
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pirates disrespecting animals
Nothing wrong at all
Would you say that everything you post here is socially acceptable?
>bradley walsh will be the new dr who companion

you know I might actually watch dr who now
would you say the king is a bender?
like the mexilad now he posts relevant documented info instead of REEEing incoherently
yeah most likely
don't remember all my posts though
oh btw why does pornhub open chrome pdf viewer
A woman changing her bra in her bedroom shuts the blinds before getting undressed.
Have met gays and all of them were above average

On the other hand lesbians are all lower than average with out any exception
>why does pornhub open chrome pdf viewer
I don't know, but that sounds dangerous. I don't know how good Pornhub are with screening their advertisers.
I'm actually a lesbian and very attractive
still drunk
in all seriousness you're probably right but normies don't care and privacy is dead
Diddled the French once
I want to be a lesbian too
But trapped in this male body
its simpl we le kill le thailad
The British museum is packed to the rafters with stolen treasures & artefacts from India, Egypt, China, Sudan, Ghana, Nigeria,
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thailad is a nonce
don't forget
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why dont they teach this in school... dam
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why is his hair red?
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Not even hitler went this far, at least he respected animal life unlike these pirates
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>mfw Brits talk about nonces and benders
bet she gets really sweaty in all the right places
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not sure
stop posting fake news
It's just banter, read about something else.
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iтaк щo? Пaкi-пидop.
*turns the paige*
when was the last time you sexed a tinder match
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Celebrating Maradona who delivered the Hand of God today in 1986. Great victory against the English who waged war on Argentina 4yrs before.
i want to be a pirate
Maradona said in Argentina they have a saying"you cant steal from a thief" when asked about the handball.
Hello god

Make me a girl

Thank you
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might get the f scott fitzgerald 'do
Can someone fill me in on why Mexico is mad at England
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my body is ready
something about pirates
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are there niggers here?
i would only blame the monarchy, but it seems that they feel proud of the empire :-----(
>wake up
>do a black poo

is it cancer lads?
>Churchill was fully aware of what Wahhabism was but was content to back it as long as it worked in British interests
>A US judge in Ohio has fatally shot a gunman who critically wounded him in an ambush-style attack outside court.

>Judge Joseph Bruzzese Jr was shot several times just after 08:00 local time (12:00 GMT) in Steubenville on Monday morning.

>Sheriff Fred Abdalla told reporters the attacker and the judge exchanged about five shots each.

>A court officer also fired several shots at the suspect.

>The Jefferson County prosecutor identified the attacker as Nathaniel Richmond, but said they had not yet identified a motive.

Scouser, i'n't he?
thanks for the filename 'lad.
jesus christ
you guys need to sort that shit out rapid
"Now the sword of the Muslims has been delivered into the hands of the lord Sultan Selim, lord of the world, but you, you mangy herd dog, if you act against this commandment to recognise the lordship of the Sultan, if you think that fear will keep us from coming to you herd of pigs and taking your island, this devilish thought will bring great harm upon your head."

why cant diplomacy be like 1517 any more
Black as in black or dark red? i'd recommend an upper gastroendoscopy from your doc. What's your diet?
imagine having a president who can control facebook
>Margaret Thatcher telling the Mujahideen that "the hearts of the free world are with you" on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border in 1981.
Preferably a red-head girl looks alike ann of the green gables
everyone was backing them back then
let him go
Does having the opportunity for sex and choosing to turn it down count?
why not use Chromium then? its just superior to Chrome in every way and its open source
Pls god
You now ive tithed realy well recently
you're not my doctor, why are you referring me for tests
we don't have any machines for medicine here it's all doctors knowledge
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this street artist got booted off faceberg for this
now imagine what it's gonna be like when he actually runs
yarrrrr, brap poo willy wank laddies!
does chromium sync bookmarks and cookies across devices?
That made no sense
I fucking called this
Zuckerberg won't run for president
Apologists of British imperialism shriek "we saved the world from fascism in WW2" as if it absolves Britain of the millions it murdered.
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Toil soon
>someone using mark zuckerberg's trademark to directly insult mark zuckerberg, hosted on mark zuckerbergs website
wtf y is he censoring us :(
Yeah and Trump will never win the Republican candidacy
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Anonymous Sat 05 Aug 2017 11:04:36 No. >>77968336 Report
Quoted By: >>77968365
>Taking advice from a person dressed as a flump
>Communist benders ACTUALLY believe that if the world ignores them it's because they're all brainwashed
Ray Romano 2020, who's with me?
But it was not them
Americans and russians saved it
everyone is "brainwashed"
marketing departments exist
tell me about the pale marsupial
if I remove him from his pouch will he die?
Hate the extreme right
Hate the extreme left
Apathetic towards the moderate left/right
What's seen as the most left wing Labour gov. carried out genocide in Malaya, dispatched warships to Iran to loot oil & sent troops to Korea
It would be extremely cute
Radical centrist?
I'm not sure if you have any kind of point here
Left and right distinguishing is so outdated and useless in this age of future and no one can label me neither left nor right and no central
>british engineering
Love it
I don't have one on me, but just imagine I posted a brainlet wojak while quoting your post
i'm not incorrect though
companies spend billions and billions of pounds every year convincing you to do/buy things you don't want/need
i'm sure you understand the point x
Britain, a nation built on the slave trade, expects applause for "abolishing slavery first". The resistance of enslaved people ended it.
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>I don't have one on me, but just imagine I posted a brainlet wojak while quoting your post
it was a post which amused me, I was thinking about it for a while but forgot what date it occurred during. the filename made my search easier than it would otherwise be. just accept my wee bit of gratitude, please.
give me a classic simpsons episode to watch
Trips says the Mexican is gay ajajajajajaja
homer vs the city of new york
Mexico, ...
oh, okay :)
Homer the heretic
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two irish subbumans
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homer meets Bruce Forsyth
Last Exit to Springfield
Britain seized Iran's major oil fields in 1902. When Mossadegh nationalised the oil, Attlee sent warships and Churchill led a coup in 1953.
mexico is a failed state because mexican subhumans have too much native admixture thus making them incapable of performing basic functions
The ousting of Mossadegh was British led not American as its often portrayed. It's common for British imperialism to be scapegoated on to US
I just want you brits to know, if you eve get sick of the monarchy, you're more than welcome to come live in the USA.
God bless.
I want to insult Mexico but I can't think of a single relevant thing Mexico has done historically so I'll just call him a beaner
went to whataburger for a 1AM burger and they gave me the wrong fucking order buds
absolutely fuming
Is schechterjody1976 the evil twin of jodyscechter6791?
Another line that's spouted, "Britain was fighting for your freedom in WW2", while 100s of millions lived under yoke of British imperialism.
They were probably talking about people, not Mexicans sweetie
looks like the yoke's on you then
How is Tim Byrne so fucking sweaty?

¿Todo bien, amigo?
To put things in to perspective Nazi Germany (inspired by British Empire) existed for 12yrs, British imperialism going strong for centuries.
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fuck off newfag
fuck off yank
*takes out the tomato (to-mar-toe)*
Why do American shops stay open all night and why do people get food in the middle of the night if they're not coming back from a night out
becase you can pay people nothing there and because they're fat cunts
She says potato like po-tah-to
I cum in pies.
business idea: a national maximum wage
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why are hispanics such nonces?
>"two irish subbumans"
Pode parar.
[ver a imagem]
whataburger, walmart, the pharmacy and mcdonald's are the only places around me that are open all night

i guess because they don't have to pay a lot of people to run the place because business is slow, and you still get some customers
what is Worcestershire sauce actually?
it's the other way around you wingnut
yanks and middle easterners are autistically prude
>no law but must be married
It's like soy sauce with more flavour
liquid communism
A sauce for beef wellingtons from Worcestershire.
can you marry a newborn baby there?
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The partition of India by Britain brought about the creation of Pakistan which has been a strategic outpost for their imperialism ever since
What does this expression indicate?
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lmbo that filename
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>no posts in 2 minutes

bit worried
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Taytay 2020
Every mainstream British newspaper promotes & celebrates British imperialism yet only the Sun & Daily Mail are called to be shunned en masse
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Does Britain have based black men?
these posts perfectly sum up yanks
the first "umami" was obviously a joke to any British poster, but the yank just sees a reaction image
immediately wanting to be "in on the joke", he asks to be spoonfed, and rightfully gets told to fuck off
the joke is then repeated by British posters, making it obvious to anyone "in the know" that there's more to it than simple reactions
failing to spot this, the yank is still desperate to participate and tries to contribute, despite clearly not getting it and just posting anything that appears "on theme"
Hey when you wash this thing are you using antibacterial soap or just water?
旨味 actually
should I start drinking lads?
bit gay
what time is it over there?
search for "Cold War"
get 4 matches
good analysis
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When Tony Blair, who killed & displaced millions in Iraq, told Venezuela "to abide by the rules", Hugo Chávez told him to "go right to hell"
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clintons at it again lads
Thanks for describing the joke to me.
8:30 in the morning
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bawling my eyes out as we speak
Just did a poop lads
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>European Investment Bank cuts off cash for British building projects due to Brexit

Also the biggest funder of social housing projects in the UK, whoops. Looks like we'll just have to build this year's council house ourselves then. We can just divert some of that £350 million from the NHS...
this is why brits are the most hated posters here
Thousands of black people from Britain's slave islands fled to live in Haiti over the decades following the revolution against France.
It's part of her royal duties to meet other heads of states, mongoloide tonto.
More than 80,000 British soldiers went to Korea between 1950-53 to assist the US in the slaughter of 4 million people.
because we actually call you out on your shit?
Farmers in India were forced to grow opium instead of food crops. Millions starved to death for Britain's drugs trade.
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the missus just asked why the work folder on my laptop has loads of pictures of 'the guy from george of the jungle looking upset'
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>exited workdays
>only Tuesday
no because you make autistic analysisposts completely unironically to make yourself seem like part of some cool britclub on /int/

neck yourself faggot
What the British media aren't reporting:

1. Britain's war on Yemen
2. Covert wars in Libya & Syria
3. British internment in the zoo of Ireland
guess what, yankeedoodle, I'm already part of the club because I'm actually British
I know it's your life's ambition but projecting your insecurities onto someone who conquered them at birth is kinda fruitless
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Boss is making me give a couple of people I haven't met to work today (agency work).

They're either going to be raging normies or raging chavs and I'm scared
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Wayne Rooney celebrates scoring against Manchester City, 4 years apart.
give a lift*
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Have an interview at 10 AM

gonna puke
She'll never understand.
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i hate the irish, but i would never disrespect those creatures
just did a wank
probably gonna do another
need Timo out of business
The BBCs World Service has for decades been used to promote British imperialism. Now it's set for the biggest expansion since 1940s
russia today, al jazeera, press tv
What is the poinylt of life if there is no such thing called free will as scientists insist
>3. British internment in the zoo of Ireland
bit out of date there, joven.
and it was well reported by I.T.V. and B.B.C.
The BBC was used to send coded messages in 1953 to notify the Shah that Mosaddegh had been overthrown by Britain.
errrrrrrrrrrrrr fuck offff?!??!?!????
You're doing them the favour, just stick on radio 1 and don't spill your spaghetti.
i use google chrome
>crimes of Britain
>committed by Irish terrorists

I wish we would stop getting dragged into all this Northern Ireland shit
you used to say the irish and the serbs were your greatest allies
call the king a bender you bent nonce
don't mess me around, sunshine
my radio hasn't got a radio 1 preset button set and I'm going to spill my spaghetti trying to find it
14 year old cat has ulcers so wasn't eating any food. used to be 4.8kg but is now 4.1kg

had to take her to the vet for to get special food and painkillers and now she's not allowed outside for a few days so is meowing loudly and scratching at the door, bit sad
england is my city
really funny post that really added to this thread really well
pirates and ugly irish slaughering each other is pleasant haha
Same, wish Northern Ireland would just leave. If they held a vote across the whole country I can't imagine people wanting them to stay.
only Auntie takes such a holier-than-you-are attitude and such modern liberal faggotry whilst being a tool for H.M. Government's soft power. RT and Press TV make no secret of who they are.
If you're picking them up you'll have chance to find it before you pick them up, surely.

Just say 'alri lads, jump in' that's literally it.
we dont want them either

half of them are massive cunts who hate us
the problem is that they probably would vote to stay though. Northern Ireland is still mostly unionists I believe. I thought they had a referendum about it not that long ago too
what is the story behind all the 'gender non-conforming' or 'bigender' people?
Britain's school system teaches its children that the Brit Empire was a force for good. Rewriting history & churning out propaganda to kids.
wrong, al jazeeri does literally the same shit
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no it doesn't

we don't get taught a single thing about the British empire in school. It never even comes up in History lessons, it's all about WW2.
quite good bait because we actually like absolutely nothing about the british empire at school lol

british history has a gap between the civil war the ww1 according to schools
Remember Mark Thatcher, son of Margaret Thatcher, was caught funding a coup attempt in Equatorial Guinea (Africa's 3rd largest oil producer)
call the king a bender you fucking twat nonce
the other half are massive cunts who hate us though
Yeah I know lad that's what I mean, the vote would only be in Northern Ireland which is maddening when you think we're the ones paying their way and we don't get an input.
build a wall around them, let them go independent and see which side kills the other side
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white people got so sheltered that they struggled to find something to be a victim of because the 60's happened and being a victim is still cool so they invented entirely new genders so that they can be oppressed every time they go to the bathroom
trying hard not to drink first thing in the morning after drinking all day yesterday
it's a hard life, lads
British Royals tour a Nazi concentration camp to see the horrors but have never acknowledged the dozens of genocides perpetrated by Britain.
trains are like catnip for white people
equatorial guinea has the worst income inequality in the world
I heard that the al-Thani family hide their real prop for A.J.'s Arabic channel. I guess the play a dual-faced game like they are Janus.
For those educated in Britain, do you think the British school system taught you about the crimes of the British Empire?
92% resonded no
be a very short class, that
Have you seen the video?

Adult loyalists (physically adult anyway, if not mentally) were literally chimping out because primary school children walked through "their" area to get to a Catholic school
Thread posts: 291
Thread images: 63

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