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Thread replies: 306
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Update: still can't find my bloody house keys (edition)
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fuck brits
just kick in the door (waving the four four)
fuck keys
here's what you need to know: black people play the victim card

they commit crimes of their own back and then blame it on anyone else but themselves

and stupid lefties like you lap it up

BLM turned into a terrorist group when they killed those 5 policemen and it should be banned
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*blocks your path*
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ah yes, the alt right
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hate it when JFs are OP
i'm not a leftie... you are arguing against imaginary people.

I don't doubt that black people like any minority play the victim card however just becuase one memeber of a minority isn't a victim of environment doesn't mean all of them aren't. Don't understand how this is confusing to be honest.
sniffing some whizz
The french and yanks are sub-subhuman.
wrote today's date on a post-it note
What degree would give me a good chance of moving to the US?
It's a bit windy outside.
lefties dont care about one of these dead children. guess which one.
Lol who the fuck are the other 2 posts here that weren't me
>needing house keys

What type of shithole do you live in?
Travel & Tourism
isn't this the yank who posted his coffee table accoutrements in a living room thread here on int?
none. you need a masters to move there.
green card

don't think you're getting one though, sunshine
wtf is a hun?
he's really insecure about his lower face isnt he.
nobody is defunct of blame for a crime because of "environmental reasons"

there are plenty of opportunities for black people in America to not be criminals and be part of civilised society but they take the choice to be a criminal and don't blame me if I don't shed a tear when they get taken out
What if I studied for a masters IN the US
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>tfw you realise nearly every insufferable lefty post you see is just right-wingers taking talking points from the leftist friends pretending to be leftist themselves to play devils advocate and stir an argument just for the sake of one and roleplay as a lefty for the entire time
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Well he went to a somewhat shitty uni there if I remember correctly, and we come from a fairly white area so it's understandable he would make that comment. Not sure how you think I would seek to "impress" randos on the internet with the fact that not even me but a mate went to a random American uni.
can confirm
we don't tolerate any uneducated people in the enlightened states of america
you'll learn when you're older hun xx
either way dialogue is good. plus it allows you to formulate rational counters to the bullshit you see the left peddle in real life.
why has it become fashionable to get a retarded haircut
don't know if it's actually possible to find an appropriate synthesis between some of my normalfagish desires and my autism

Or you could marry a fat old yank, just like my reality tv shows :)
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mmhmm mmahh
cultural marxism
I still didn't get a reply from why the anti-racists prefer to post on 4chan than on reddit, twitter, tumblr
>video not available in your country

That's apparently the type of shithole I live in
*Walks behind /brit/*

Ah yes.
because they're here to bait you, dumbshit.
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all of the silly ones you see to try to discredit us
fuck off
who said they are blameless? I said you can examine the disproportionate amount of crimes commited by black people through a socio-history and the resulting environment. I have more sympathy for the youth who was born with nothing and no father who steals to feed his family than the rich guy with a much more fortunate environment and brighter future who simillarly decides to steal. Again, why this is surprising to you is shocking.

I don't think many people are "shedding tears" for the actual criminals that are being taken out. What people are concerned about is just because of the colour of your skin you are treated in a more hostile manner regardless of any basis in reality. We are all only human we all have sterotypes and profiling (i prefer white women to black women etc), however when this very profiling frequently results in avoidable and unjustified deaths i'm not surprised that fellow memebers of taht community are outraged.

I don't mean to be rude but I feel you're just a bit stupid really.
who here /prettyboyfloyd/
Nooiiice gary
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Is it easier to move to Canada as an Englishman than to the US?

They're essentially the same countries anyway, right?
i have the life of a stoner except i've never smoked.

how do i get hold of marijuanas
shagged any more apes lad
so you're just resorting to ad-homenin attacks now because I said that black people are more likely to be criminals

hmmmmmmm ah yes
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just go over in brownface and speak gibberish they'll give you a free ipad and apartment for your trouble
it's bill burr on conan obrien talking about how canada is NOT the utopia many lefty yanks seem to think it is
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your selective reading is impressive and indicative of your views
they're both hard to move to
the only advice i've heard is that you need to have a job lined up before you come
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the yank in his natural habitat

btw he's a model
Alright, Nigel.
howl with laughter when tim gets really into his improvisation on the piano and flamboyantly hits the keys
its not that hard to move to Canada as an Englishman
getting citizenship takes a while but getting residency is easy enough
Surely since we're both commonwealth it would be easier
Wish the BBC still had good comedy
You get extra points for speaking English, and more if you can prove any family in Canada. America doesn't use this points system yet (though Trump wants to). So probably easier than America.
We are very similar to America, it's a good place for a /brit/ that wants a semi-American lifestyle but without all the nonsense. It's essentially halfway between Europe and USA.
who knows about yuzu posting
would summarily execute myself if I lived in that hell
So how do I get residency

I have a degree in biochemistry
hate tim

no man who is as mentally ill as tim should be allowed to roam free. simple as.
the deal is black people aren't as intelligent or able to live in a civilised society as well as white people. Their brains are factually not as developed as white people's. You can't call science racist it's just fact. White people and black people can't live in the same place because black people have a wildly different culture and understanding of the world. When people say black people need to go back to Africa it's not for racist reasons, it's for their own good, they will be more at home living in a mud hut walking 30 miles for water or hunting wild animals. Without these daily distractions for their primitive brains they just resort to crime and robbing the white man.

You can't just take a monkey out the jungle and shove it in a city and expect it to adapt.
He has never even been to Canada
Aus > Can > US = NZ > UK
psuedo-science is the absolute worst
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the chad lounge

over 700 tinder matches and a lambo in the garage
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i've heard of it
how did you find his photos?
no that is what actually happened
not necessarily true
there are two year work-holiday permits available for brits where they set most things up for you without much of a hassle

Brits are also eligible for "express entry" which fast tracks you to becoming a permanent resident, if you pass their tests at least. if you speak french even better
If America really does get plunged into a civil war, then Putin is the greatest politician who ever existed.
it genuinely isn't and I assume you're basing most of this argument on The Bell Curve which has been exposed by far smarter people than me since its publication.

Even if, hypothetically, your proposition was true that how does one explain the black people who are smarter or/and more civilised than the white people. Does that mean those white people should also be sent elsewhere? what happens if the smartest man in the world is a blackman? Surely you don't mean to suggest that even the smartest black man is stupider than the stupidest white man.
English speaking, commonwealth, stem degree, etc. You would be a good candidate for the express entry program and could come here for 6 months during which you apply for residency which would be quick and easy with those qualifications.
Why do you want to move here though? Don't use Canada as a back-up America because despite memes you will be disappointed at how dissimilar we are under the surface.
Unironically might sign up for the French foreign legion

The selection process doesnt even look too intense
didn't realise putin was a globalist jew
idk why people hate him
if I was Russian I'd vote for him no problem
>The selection process doesn't even look too intense
selection isn't the real test

and how many pull ups can you do?
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I hate crowded places, and Canada is quite underpopulated, also I love Canadian/American accents
I'm talking about on average here, go course there are always going to be tiny percentages of exceptions but on average black people are less intelligent and civilised that white people. You just have to look at African villages and cities to realise that.
you're gonna get battered, paddy
its possible that they'll turn you away at the door if they're too full up anyway
heard the unpaid arent happy about it
Love carpets on hardwood
Absolutely DESPISE carpeted floors
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Aus/Can > NZ > parts of USA > UK > parts of USA
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he certainly surrounds himself with them
hear you have to decapitate 30 chickens only using your teeth
just had 3 weetabix
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civil war = divide and conquer

weaken both sides and take over

the radical centrist always wins
Which accent, we have several? There is lots of space though, but if anyone else asks tell them to fuck off because we're full.
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connected the dots just right now

remember that yank from the living room thread

funnily enough he's the fashion aficionado and adulterer from brit who got doxxed

I doubt it
do you have previous military experience?
>lads posted an embarrassing pic of me from last night on Facebook that's getting some attention
Part of me feels like a true deano
The other want to curl up in a ball and cry
this is the kind of behaviour chimps in a zoo would enact in, randomly attacking people for no reason etc. It's the sign of an underdeveloped brain
lad its literally all blacks from former french colonies trying to get citizenship
2 never hits the spot.
might travel on a Tube train for fun again
radical centrist = opportunist vultures
What the fuck is the context here? Why is nobody helping?
what's wrong with that?
always wondered this
I feel like your reading is very limited as one really shouldn't have to be rehashing the numerous criticisms of the iq tests on native Africans. You are well within your right to consider those criticisms invalid but the absolute lack of sceptism you apply to any possibility that even begins to interrogate your worldview is concerning.

I mean ask yourself, are you really surprised that tests devised by white scientists for white americans/britons might not be the most reliable comparrison tool for Africans.

Are you really surprised that societies without the luxuries of our education appear to demonstrate less educated members of society?

If you want to do an actual experiment then you will take healthy black babes from africa and healthy white babies from america or wherever. Raise them together in the same environment and then see how they perform. Obviously this has a lot of ethical concerns but I suggest you try to undertake it.
race war soon buds
we're gonna get our homes back
>tfw could probably sponsor a /brit/ and have them live on my inherited property

1/3 of them are ethnic French and alot of them come from Quebec, Eastern Europe, etc.

Not that race really matters to me in that context
>Worried about results and getting into uni
>Get results and get into uni
>Immediately begin worrying about my performance academically at uni

Do you think we always have to have a "problem"?
I remember listening to my favourite philosopher Karl Pilkington and he said something about our brain having a problem hole and it always needing to be filled.
I've also read that once you go over a certain amount of income (say 60 grand) - everyone is identically happy.

What do you think lads?
american white people
that no was aimed at you
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literally never gave a toss about my results
honestly its a bad way to be. I have very little motivation to study
I met a woman from Toronto who had a nice accent
Well doesn't it make sense that the average black person is less intelligent than the average white person geographically? I'm assuming there's more black people living in LEDCs with poorer access to education, so the average education level and iq of a black person would be lower. Also, there's properly a larger proportion of black people in MEDCs living under poorer circumstances so they again have lower access to education. As a result of THIS, the average black person is less intelligent, not because the brain of a black person is less developed.
so why isn't the African education system on par in the first place

is it maybe......because they weren't smart enough to create a civilised society in the first place

black people have been raised in exactly the same environment as white kids in the west and a higher percentage of them are still less smart than white kids and are likely to partake in crime
Because it's just druggies and niggers
who /opportunist/ here
would never go out my way to rob someone but if a chance presented itself to swipe someone's wallet then I would
How do I find out who my GP is
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Fuck off based paki
Dislike Karl pilkington

I think we need a certain amount of stress and I really like Aldo Leopold's quote, "It must bea poor life thatachievesfreedom from fear."
I have also heard tgat happiness peaks at $70k USD annually. At that income you easily have everything you need with some left over for reasonable things you want so it makes sense.
how do i use legacy captcha
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but black people's brains are smaller and more underdeveloped than white peoples. there is enough evidence to conclude that white people are a different, more evolved species than black people
Russian spongebob is the best non-english one

Fuck off paki.
oh, that diego. ha ha ha, what a character.
sick of you
black people have a smaller frontal lobe and lack empathy because of it
That's likely just the general North American accent, it's okay, very comprehensible, but a bit boring.
oi m8 how much to covent gardens?
blacks are basically animals mate, I'm sorry to say
I think your ignoring the economic side of this argument
you have almost stumbled onto a valid point here. Why was europe in the position to colonise africa/asia/america to begin with? There is one theory that says that europe's propensity to infighting allowed it to develop superior millitary tactics etc (not that i'm saying this theory is right but again it's stuff to think about).

I mean it's objectively untrue that nowhere in africa was able to create a civilised (and for its time advanced) society see nubians egyptians etc.

I am highly sceptical of your last claim because of the extent of systematic racism within the west (see your claims, even if your claims are correct (which they aren't) they would still be examples of racism - society thinks you are more stupid therefore you believe you are etc etc). However, if you truly have some studies that tried to meditate the prejudises experienced by black people in the west then please do share them as I have not encounted them during my readings on genetics and psychology.
Are many Brits there
good morning
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Settings then advanced, you will see the switch in there
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redpill me on the barcelona attack lads

Jump on my lap and I'll give you a ride, you runt.
Was making a cup of tea but there was a dead weevil floating around in it
idk if it was hiding in the teabag or the kettle but I don't feel like tea anymore.
had a cup of tea
now i need a wee
hungry as well
but im too comfy here
alt righters demonising pocs in charlotteville so this was a retaliation
classic diego
Egyptians were white though
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*blocks your path*
Protip: It has nothing to do with their colour. First Nations peoples (Amerindians) in Canada are 3 times more likely to commit a crime than the infamously criminal American black.
what is there to redpill

pakis hate white and want to murder them all

simple as
me having a nap by the front wheel
they were more black than white
Anyone have the facebook meme of the black guy with the pit bull and the other pit bull jumping at the window
>that leftist smugness

So? That would just mean Injuns are worse again

Love Brits
Hate Brits

Simple as
was it terrorism?
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I'm sure you get homeless people that are happier and have less stress than rich people. This is probably rare though.
Im not denying the need to do what you have to to survive and I'm not trying to start an argument by the way...
You are the one person here who is absolutely OBSESSED with me

not really they were more Mediterranean which is still white

they migrated north into Italy and Greece
>expecting Ameripsychos to act like human beings
You look like a fucking fruit lad if I ever see you irl I will unironically run up and smack your fucking face in from behind

watch your back if you're ever in Ireland, kiddo
yea thanks for asking
oi I've got a card here, did anyone lose one?
>expecting niggers to act like human beings
you mean
doing us all a public service by knocking out yanks, what a lad
Will you bum me afterwards x
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wasn't gonna help me coworker with his workload, but then I remember how /brit/ is always telling me to follow Lei Feng's good example and lead a selfless life, so I asked him if he needed help and we both finished early.

Thanks /brit/
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>tfw you realise the Syrian government is left-wing and the Syrian rebels are right-wing

huh. Why do western Rorkes support Assad then, and western lefties support the rebels?
i mean even calling meditteranean white is a controversal statement within race relations. see, for example, italian immigration to america during the turn of the 20th century. If you were from southern italy you were less likely to be let in than if you were from the north.

I don't think it's unfair to say that by most contemporary definitions of white that the ancient egyptians would be considred non white.
it's like when you stop your car in a wildlife park and all the monkeys climb on and start attacking your car and pulling the aerial off

same mindset
Oh yeah does it have glitter on it? It could be the gay card I dropped xx
You are insanely fucking stupid
fucking cockroaches

get em' up against the wall

(I actually know a lad who trucks through Calais and has to deal with this shit)
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Imagine having a 3 inch dick lmao
think i like amps more than cocaine at this point
this wouldn't happen in america
3 times worse, but they are very differently genetically. It suggests tgat something other than race is causing canadian aborigines and American blacks to have these problems.
if the people would do something to him for attacking someone then maybe he wouldn't be so bold to do it in the first place.
you think this kind of stuff would happen when blacks where being lynched for less?

Americans are all drugged up to their gills and bloated beyond comprehension
Can't believe Donald Trump got elected
but by the standards of black africans they were white, that's why their brains were more developed and they were able to create a more advance society

What have black africans ever contributed in the field of science or maths?
>I cant get a gf with my 6.5 incher but this dicklet can
*imagines it*
What are amps?
Why are White Americans such fucking pussies?
Alri Tim
she must be a lesbian
Had to check to see if I was on /his/.
Why do poor whites have lower murder rates?

Not even alt-right, just curious what you have to say.
>Arab Socialist Party vs Religious traditionalists

I'm correct lad
Name calling isn't a point/constructive therefore you are insanely stupid.
Don't like it when terrorists kill people, don't like it one bit
Bit racist lad
Still pretty unhappy about brexit desu
thought this was /brit/ for a second aha
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>Name calling isn't a point/constructive therefore you are insanely stupid.
business idea: rename internation to intellectual
accidentally clicked on the wrong GESAFFELSTEIN - PURSUIT video, they forgot to censor the tit in this one

I'm the whitest person here
But it's mostly about clit stimulation anon
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>It's amazing how docile and emasculated an entire ethnic group can become after a couple generations. Night and day difference. Sad to see.

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multiple wikipedia referenced posts by people with no knowledge picking facts to fit their political opinions and world view? Nope, its not /his/.
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going to kill myself
oh wow a few old alcoholics are going to have to get a visa to go to Benidorm for a few weeks and a few normies will have to summon up the intelligence to fill out a visa application for their lads holiday to Magaluf

big whoop
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Sorry anon I'm an Ulster Scot looks like you're not
Why do the "alt right" always call lefties low test beta cucks etc but cry when they get punched or beaten up by them

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the goal
stop saying D*nald Tr*mp
it gives me the fear AND the heebie jeebies

please refer to him only as Drumph, Blumph, Plumph or some variation
*drives a car through it*
everyone plays the victim m8 that's how you get people on your side, you appeal to their sympathetic nature

wise up
crypto jews arent white
you have a flying car?
>the baby opinion
Wow didn't realise that's all brexit is
Feel much better now, thought there was much more to it
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the gf (male)
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g-guys this low test limp wristed antifa betacuck disarmed my kek shield and beat me up in charlottesville, fucking regressive savages!
Culture probably, slavs can have high homicide rates too. Poor white western culture leans toward family or clan unity and christain values. The simple salt of the earth type. Black culture appreciates strength and their myopic view of masculinity.
Dad drives fast yet we always arrive at places so late

What's going on?
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*walks into thread*
Impressive syncronised dance routine but nothing like what I have seen on TV most Saturday nights. This gets a six from Len.
you rechon you're allowed bring your car on that cycle path?
hope Donald trump brings back lynching

that'll teach those niggers

he is a white supremacist and a member of the KKK according to the left isn't he so it should be a possibility

shouldn't it??????

why hasn't it already happened????

can someone please tell me
it's difficult because we have not preserved the histories of black peopel as well as we have of white. You have reports of say, people at Lake Victoria supposedly smelting iron and shit. Who am I to say if that shit is true or not? we really don't know.

Agriciulture itself supposedly began in africa.

If you point is that during the AD timeperiod that Africa's contributions to the world appear to be limited then I certainly don't have a reboust arguement against that and have no issue with someone erring (with awareness of it being speculative) on that side, however, I think it is still something that one can attempt explanations at.

I mean look at how much the islamic golden age has been ignored within the west and there was a lot more cross pollination with them and europe.

I would suggest though that you don't confuse absense of evidence for evidence of absense.

Also just wondering how do you reconcile that homosapiens orginiated in africa?

big fan of gessafelstein
Have a friend from Manchester they call the whiz kid because of his amphetamine problem.
runtish little leprechaun
Lmao fuck off paddy
need a 2b gf
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this is what sharters actually believe
traffic lights

you always get overtaken by those retards who can't drive properly and then you pull up behind them 2 minutes later at a red light
worn out my eye sockets
Should be illegal to own a car older than 2007
Don't want to see your ugly shitbox on the road.
whats the matter bro did a low test betacuck leftie fuck your gf and beat you up? how low test of him

the "alt right" is the most runtish sect in the world
i only use it casually

its great for productivity as well
please refrain from mentioning 2b unless you're gonna post her arse, cheers
add me on wickr
there is no solid evidence that it did originate in africa

just wild guesses

they recently found human bones in Europe older than the ones they found in Africa
I was taking the piss...
>the Alt Right is one person
cars from 2003 x
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The alt right is for cringey autistic misfits lad
for someone who claims to be so alligned with science you don't half seem to retreat down controversal, if not outright disproven, rabbit holes. But i'm sure you have a better idea of who Y chromosone Adam and Mitchondrial Eve were.

Don't think I have forgotten that you have neglected to respond to numerous comments over this reply chain.
Australia is gay
quite cold. had to put on a jumper
What's a typical gay name?
2b is not for lewd
There is pretty solid evidence (mtDNA etc)
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>I was taking the piss...
so can you provide any 100% bulletproof studies that prove that humans originated in Africa?
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I fucking hate how newspaper quizzes and crosswords are so clearly written for 60 year old brainlet normies

>which famous actor played Billy Bob 'Randy' Anderson in the 1962 hit comedy 'Carry on Ballroom Dancing'?

Fucking fuck off, ask some proper questions
calm down mboko
what's the pic on the right?
Fucking hell lads almost crushed my neck on bench press
Are you a cringey autistic misfit? probably

seriously, pick up a political persuasion that isnt shared by 12 year old kids without parental superivision on the 'chon
Seen any good kino recently?
Can you provide 100% bulletproof studies to back all your claims?
making a few cheeky bets on bet365 to continue my habit of making a few cheeky bets on bet365 every hour of the day for the past 75 days or so
Literally roll over a little bit

People who hurt themselves on bench amaze me
interesting, you require 100% proof for ideas that go against your narrative but any idea that supports your narrative doesn't require proof?

I do not have your naivity or arrogance, I don't pretend to know the "truth" I look at all the available information and try to form the most likely conclusion. You should try it sometime.
Need a massage of a middle aged chinese woman
>caring about politics
>not taking the vargpill
Probably a dead dago kid
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it's the same thing that happened with this pic from the Swedish terror attack

they suppressed it
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this nutcase is gonna get sectioned soon if the French authorities catch sight of his latest videos
yes I have done and there is no solid evidence that the only place on earth that humans originated was Africa
leftists dont care about terrorist attack victims though

What the fuck does roll over mean?
why? his latest videos are fucking dumb most of the time. He never really talks about white genocide anymore which is what he got arrested for in the past
I defer to my earlier comments. As I have said nothing is infalliable (and if you remember it was I who was sceptical of the bell curve and your so called study that demonstrated same environments of whites and black which you have yet to provide). You are well within your right to go against all the best biologists/genetics etc in the world and suggest that mitachondrial eve y chromsone adam etc but don't expect anyone to take you seriously especially when you provide nothing to back up your claims.

I'm bored of you now, bye.
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