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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 348
Thread images: 68

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oats edition
piggy haha
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to dream of oats.webm
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Imagine being unable to call the corrupt, erratic leader of your country a bender

just IMAGINE it, fucking SCREECHING
call me a bender twat PLEASE
physically can't

boggles the mind
hey guys : have a great day!!
plans to merge the UK and german stock markets until the commission said no
but I like you x
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love boggle
NEED to suck your willy x
Thanks mate, you too. Happy Friday!
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always cackle at these "action" pics
post some
call the king a bender
My willy is spoken for :(
on my way to Paris now
hope i dont get murdered ahahaha
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This is my gf now
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theresa may is a bender
then call the king a bender you fucking nonce twat
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the best one
[insert provocative comment here]
she's got alright tits
her ASMR is shite though
HATE working with sales people
just fucking sell what we offer and don't make SHIT UP
fuck communists
fuck nazis

authoritarianism sucks
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the thread is becoming more autistic than me

losing interests 2bf
How close are brits with portugal?
who is it?
please do not turn off your system while this icon is showing
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Left my house keys in my room on Tuesday, came back on Thursday and 24 hours later still can't bloody find em
call the king a bender
Fuck off, scum.
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thailad what you reckon of this then?
post the pic of him in a crop top
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getting very angry
can't find "GOOD NIGHT - SLEEP TIGHT" in the style of "GOOD NIGHT WHITE PRIDE" and so on

It had a bed.
stop telling thailad to insult the king

have some respect you insolent little worms
what comes next?
neither parties deserve respect
It screams talent, the kind that only comes around once or twice a generation. You're going places, kid.
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he's a dog fucking BENDER

honestly how much of a pathetic cretin do you have to be to willingly live under the rule of that fruitcake
might think about doing a 'cide later on
listening to russian metal
Fuck off weeb
long we've tossed on the rolling main
now were safe ashore jack
don't forget your old shipmate
faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe
Classic leftcoms.
used some money I earned from my job to but some food but I didn't eat the foot and it went rotten
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>Thalys Trains onboard wifi has blocked 4chan
whats the fucking point of travelling if i dont get to play with fun flags

don't fit in
listening to redgum
Webm girl is Frivi?

11 (there is 1 one)^
21 (there is 2 ones)^
1211 (one two one one)^

It's nifty, and I DO reserve that word for special occasions.
Your intelligence has been damaged
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Doctor Robert I'm P.M.
wroetoshaw diss track soon lads
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You insult me, Anon
good taste

listening to ukranian metal

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its called the Look and Say Sequence

and it has the mildly interesting property that as time goes on the numbers tend to increase by a flat 30.4....% every step
business idea: walk around city centres as a willy sucker
why isn't japan more grateful towards the west
right then, which of you lads wants a good hard bumming?
How pleasing..
thailad i got a job offer to work on a fishing boat in the bering see but i dunno if i'm gonna take it

the money is nice (~$2000 per week on board with an initial period of 75 days straight) but the problem is i may not like it and then i will have left my current job for what amounts to a spot of adventure and then have to look for work again
For them
Australia definitely on the south tho
only if you use a condom
ive heard what people say about aussies - full of diseases and god-knows-what
someone's calling me
too scared to pick up
not sure my bum would fit in a condom but ill give it a go
>fishing boat job
Bring plenty of onaholes
good lad
ill meet you at 9
hate suburban sprawl
why does 4chan x keep saying my images are corrupted
So you're realistically looking at perhaps forcing yourself to endure a job that you hate for as long as it takes you to find other work..
anyone got a big nice willy for me to suck?
im in birmingham
mixed race, slim
it's just a bug

your images will still post
Maybe you are corrupted
alri brum
who would provide internet access in anarcho communist society
>anarcho communist society
oxymoron: the post
wish we lived in a cyberpunk utopia by now
Business idea : Hydromoron and Nitromoron
there's a difference between society and civilization dumb twat
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yes but current job is pretty dead end and low pay and sucks too but it's not anywhere near as hard as the fishing job will be

it's worth mentioning that i have a fairly strong desire to leave my current town and obvs the fishing job offers that
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the waifu and the keyboard
*violates the nap*
looking for somewhere to live and so many adverts are female only or female preferred. fucking sexist bullshit.
business idea: anarchist commune, no white males allowed
business idea: Sneed's Suck and Fuck
There are thousand of listings on gumtree for Muslim Only
I find that any crisps where the individual crisp is quite large (monster munch, doritos, etc.) are more disappointing when you get to the bottom of the bag
especially so if you didn't expect your last one to be the last one
It sorta sounds as if it would be one of those jobs that's briefly interesting because it's new to begin with, then literally the worst thing ever, followed at some point by just learning to get on with it in a kind of autopilot mode.

If you can force yourself through it long enough to save some cash, you can have a chill whilst you browse for something new. Or who knows, you might even like it.
business idea: go to a popular coffee shop and watch only without headphones
call the king a bender you fucking twat nonce
didn't know they had gumtree in the middle east
*walks off before you can correct me*
leave me along fucker
call the king a bender right now
business idea: call me a bender
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only got a few hours of sleep lads
how you lads foing
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any irishman in?
ah yes london, such a great city

*lives in shared accomodation at 30*
*is at constant risk of terrorist attack*
*awful levels of pollution*
*expensive public transport*

>b-but muh social life!
got beef and potato scallops instead
going club soon
autistic cuck
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i fucked up the continental goodbye hug when i parted ways with the Turk
ah yes the thainonce internet defence force, welcome
I respect thailad like I would any man or king
Want to shag middle aged women how do i achieve this?
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do you live in crapstone? LOL!
british town names make me kek
dating site idk
call the king a bender
Call the king a bender
>watching a moving image
>quite fancy an actress
>13 years old at the time of filming
uh oh
Well like I say, old enough to read old enough for seed
old enough to read old enough for Sneed
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rorke literally can't defend against this
kill the women and children
bring in the men
just had 2 burritos, an cornetto and now drinking some coffee
the same can be applied to Islam as an interollerant culture
>Should a tolerant society tolerate intolerance?
absolutely not, muslims out now
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>these mental gymnastics
good motto, shall live my life by it henceforth
very fitting for g*rmany
all worth it to escape Britain and live in London
I want to be a lefty lads. Have any of you transitioned from rorke to lefty? With /brit/ being one of the more left-leaning generals these days I thought it'd be a good place to ask.
Getting a new laptop tomorrow lads.
Not an argument
hey thailad
i moved into my new house yesterday
i have fiber optic internet now
there were literally none
if we're talking about intolerant ideologies Islam is far more prevalent than a bunch of tiki torch wielding internet memes in a country thousands of miles away
>metal gymnastics
>said by the one who won't call the king a bender, despite him being a bender

like pottery
lol @ leftypol's new plan
So you make fun of youtube comments but you DONT make fun of Islam.
You're a hypocrite and a coward.
so what he's saying is we should get rid of the sheeds and brodys?
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cage laughing.webm
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the left
>to be tolerant we need to be intolerant
>literally a contradiction in terms?
>no problem, here's how you justify your shit:...
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Sad Pepe.jpg
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If only the Liberals didn't ditch the Fibre To The Premises NBN lads.
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commit lese majeste
any drumpf man in?
really makes me think
if we didn't tell the german communities of australia to fuck off during both world wars this country would not have turned into a disorganised shithole
Why do you guys care so much about stuff that doesn't even happen on your continent
what are you thinking lad?
why does /int/ have such a massive priapic cockon for secessionism and alternate history
Black ppl shot by cops is probably not counted as homicide sweatypee
why are you posting in this thread?
could you reword that so you dont sound like a fucking loser?
thikning about the war of the spanish succession
BLM is a thing in the UK too

Based Rorke on point here.
European politics doesn't offer same kind of WWE-esque enterntainment
The tolerant left, everybody!
because we live in a globalised world

call the king a bender
>call the king a bender
not sure why i would do this
how much money do youtube mongs like sargon and PJW make?

is it enough so that they don't need a job?
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>Why do you guys care so much about stuff that doesn't even happen on your continent
if we're running out of room in the UK why don't we just take some room from other countries?
we tried that once before, didn't work out so well
na just look at me lad
the reason we're in our current mess is because we took land.
despite the constant negative press covfefe
I propose Australia
juicy wet fany
nah the reason is because leftists and (((yanks))) made us give it back
Enough to not work.

Bit sad people actually donate to them.
Can't think of anything more disappointing than having your worldview determined by underqualified neetcommentarists
nw gmmck: byctt vwls
but it IS a job you spackers
just lost my job
e ii: oo ooa
just got a job. apparently they fired the previous runt

don't get it
lad came into to the office, shook my hand, looked me in the eyes and asked for a job
sacked the previous virgin
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r sersh
/brit/? more like shit dead thread with nobody posting in it
its 11am on a weekday
sorry but people are tired of experts
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>of no fixed abode
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meeting the lads for dinner but I already ate
popper was a hack
really gone off corbyn
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fake news.jpg
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>>>/tv/86539113 the state
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Maple Leaf ROUTE.jpg
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I think Trudeau needs to be sent into a padded cell, escorted by large bulks in white coats and tattoos.
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Doing an anxiety
wankd so much I got a burn on the side of my willy
it grew a scab and I wanted so much it peeld off
reckon ima wank again before it can scab up again
use lube you fuckin idiot
might take a cheeky nap to prepare friday night fever
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The Anglo Wank
>calling a yank an Anglo
reckon its just part and parcel lads
Don't love him but he's the lesser of two evils wouldn't you say?
dabbed on a few haters on my way to the asda today
>ackshually German was almost the yank official language

fuck off
Completely the wrong direction you spastic but at least you tried, everyone knows yanks are all latinos nowadays
What happened to all the right wing natiaonlists in /brit/
place is shite now
can't be caring about this
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I'm white and a socalfag, a dying breed
litterally been ghosted by some girl i met the other week
we all abandoned the movement after the charlottesville debacle. I don't want to be associated with terrorists
>have sexy idea
>spend 5 hours looking up pictures and devising an elaborate sexual contraption and outfit
>try my best to get it just right
>disappointing orgasm

fucking hell lads
what the fuck
>ITV """""Drama"""""
Abu Şahīd al-ʾUsturāliyy,
dont care
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don't worry la it's a bot anyway
>using the 12 hour clock
MASSIVE runt identifier
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just found out based ICANN banned the daily stormer from the internet
doing a 1080
what have the commie slags been up to lately lads
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having some contemplations
Are you retarded mate or just trying to be funny?
Why can't you people see that what happened in Charlottesville and what's been happening in Europe over the past 5 years are the EXACT same thing??

fucking racists
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with any luck 4chan will be necxt
this time it was a spanking machine
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ahh fucking yes, reduce the amount that's in food but almost certainly keep the price the same

thanks the government for getting the british people a good deal
eating a banana. dont even like them
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this is what happens when white people become the minority
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thailad where art thou?
you're fucking retarded, nothing wrong with my post
use the 24 hour clock you spacker
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this looks like some vore artwork you'd see on deviantart
sopa de macaco
this is all bullshit

same with the gambling debate
same with flouridation of water

the people of this country really are pathetic, we literally want the government to hold our hands for fucking everything because we don't even trust ourselves to be able to take care of ourselves to such basic fuckign degrees like "not getting fat", "brushing your teeth" and "Not pissing away all your money at william hill"

think i shall leave once I have my masters and some good experience
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>I use the 24-hour clock
oliver cromwell
oliver cromwell
thats what happens when you basically become a nanny state where you take away people's right to defend themselves and put a monitored camera on every street corner

how can you feel free?
who had a massive statue of a pregnant black woman lying around haha madman
croliver omwell
t. never disciplined as a child
hmm, so theyre making a habit of this now
i use a 168 hour clock
the idiot who first drove away white farmers, then invited them back to prevent people from starving, and now he does this
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>i enjoy faust
I don't its fucking gay
fuck off GCHQ reading my posts you bad gang of nonce lovers
the bells of paradise
Imagine coming from wolverhampton, a place that brummies look down on
what place don't brummies look down on
They're a good band
business idea: start making statues of minorities last year
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>my parents hit me because I used 12-hour time
a little time on 8ch has just reminded me me how shit 4chan has become. I'm moving there
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nonce twat.jpg
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>They're a good band
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4chan has became shit now

shame about /pol/ ever existing
only if you're a child or a brainlet
good riddance, those people are genuinely delusional psychopaths
4chan might be bad for your mental health but that is something else entirely
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>>They're a good band
ummm 4chan is a conglomeration of lefties and righties sweetie, why would they ban it?
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>>>They're a good band
thats literally going to be to every western country in 100 years.
would poz her neg hole
not getting involved in shitty /pol/ arguments.

i've been posting here longer than you and know when the board was better
wish there was somewhere other than Earth that white people could fuck off to for a bit and let them all realise what we know already
I blame reddit and normies. 8ch is just so segregated by the flood of subcommunities on that site that you can find exactly what you're looking for with company you enjoy. The only problem is activity, but if you prefer slower threads and better quality posts that's not a big deal
imagine life before central heating, boilers and showers.

how did people cope?
I've been posting on 4chan since you were in diapers kiddo

it's always been shit that's why I like it
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interpol went shit after antics
fuck off yank
when everyone just told you to kill yourself? yeah, I agree
fuck off yank

and prove it
will we start our own country?
it seems an odd trend that the only (prominent race., obviously disregard stuff like kurds and assyrians) race in the world that won't have any countries where they are the ethnic majority will be whites in 100 years

although perhaps that isn't true, western/northern europe and north america won't be mostly white anymore but eastern europe most probably will.
well there was it was call the west but apparently we can't have that any more and if we protest that we are racist
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turn on the lights is their only good album
can't miss what you've never had. Things just took longer, heating your bathwater over a fire etc
been posting since 2006, started on /b/ then discovered loads of other boards, spent some time on /mu/ during my retarded teen leftie years then settled on /sp/ around 2010 and then came to /brit/ in 2013
i just hope a large portion of America secedes into a white ethnostate so i can move there.
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had to drop $250 on a cell phone signal booster at the new house lads
but it's worth it because i have full cell phone reception in an area where there's none, and all my neighbors have to stand in their front lawn or sit on their porch to use their cell phones whilst mine works fine from inside my comfy climate controlled house(it's got spray foam insulation so it's very cozy)
Most of you have probably only met a handful of coloured people in your lives. Sheltered twats.
tim's been acting a bit odd lately, he seems to be going a bit mad
if you had a trip you could prove it

but since you can't o well
You're cool as fuck
nah I live in an industrial Northern town I'm surrounded by the cunts and I still hate them>>78447714
foy yank
Went out for my 21st last night lads

Still fucked

I know the hangover's going to be terrible 'cause I'm not even rough at the moment
fuck off racist
bout the same, except I skipped out /mu/ and spee and just did my edgelord bout in /k/ then came to /int/ about a year or two before it got flags
>tfw rorke with a mixed race gf who has muslim friends

feel like my life is a lie
I'm not an attention whore m8

I had a trip on /sp/ for a while when everyone was doing it but it felt dirty, realised only the shit posters had trips
as long as you make sure any kids you have marry white people then you're fine.
you can start mitigating now

get on the water and energy drinks and salty foods ASAP doctors orders
I spent the night with a girl from Barbados once so fuck you
foy pseudo-yank
put it on and we'll able to find when you were posting on /sp/
B in 2008
Forgot about 4chan between 2008 and late 2011
Sp in 2011-2012
Int in in 2012 onwards
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really want a flat top
business idea: post a youtube video titled the truth about the barcelona attack
same really I have some really good mates who are out of arabia muslims, ethnic friends blah blah blah

i'm not a racist at all, I just genuinely believe western culture is superior and if we import too many non westerners we're going to ruin it, its not remotely personal
all good-looking black women would look better as whites

looks like you've been here 3 days
*flattens yer top*
just realised I'm probably going to live a long life

what the fuck am I going to do over the course of 60+ years
At least on 8 they actually have actual discussion and a lot of well read posters. Plus if you obviously shill or troll you get hotpocketed quick.
4/pol/ is pure shitposting. Soon it will become as irrelevant as the rest of cuckchan has.
poo, wank
>At least on 8 they actually have actual discussion and a lot of well read posters
that sounds fucking awful
bunch of tryhard autists wanking eachother off over history and planes or some shit

this is the thread I created my trip

yeah but on 8, if you don't fall in line with their extremist views at once they automatically think you're a troll and a shill. I was there for a while when I was serving a ban and I didn't troll or shitpost once, yet they all fucking hated me and refused to believe I wasn't a "spy" or a troll or a shill

theyre fucking nutters

I don't go on 4chan pol either, cancerous containment board
saw a little girls on the bus who kept defying her mother by standing on the seat and kept trying to stare me down . she was about 6 and could already tell she was going to be a vile slut
nu thread
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put it on or I don't believe you.
>yeah but on 8, if you don't fall in line with their extremist views

mate there's a LOT of subcommunities there, it's not just one big fascist site
disagree, hot mixed race girls are just stunning

but i partly agree that if they act/look more 'white' and less ghetto i.e. by the way they dress, act, speak etc. then yes
how the fuck would I remember my password
had buttered toast with salt poured all over it and been chaining the water already xx

I'll probably go for a wank, a nap and then if it's a reasonable hour head to the pub for a hair of the dog
Thread posts: 348
Thread images: 68

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