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Why don't the british just take back hong kong? fuck china

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Why don't the british just take back hong kong? fuck china and fuck thatcher, voluntarily ceding the island back with the new territories was tantamount to treason and she should have been hanged
come and take it
Hello Wei Ming
I see you are enjoying life in Australia.
They can certainly try
it honestly would have been better for them to just park the fleet off the coast and level the city with cannons rather than letting the fucking mainland take it back
"gaining 7million chink population"
Just give it independence, or for more drama, give it to Taiwan
Lol united kindergarden trying to fuck with china...
as if they could

Can you not speak your own language?
They'd need their papa (US) for it.
like they could have held on to it
and they certainly can't take it now.
Deng Xiaoping threatened the UK with the invasion of Hong Kong if we didn't abide by the 99 year lease, and we didn't want to call that bluff in case he wasn't bluffing.
America wouldn't have cared, NATO wouldn't have cared, and even if the Commonwealth forces cared, the PLA could have just Zerg rushed us
Things changed a lot since the opium war
They didn't really want to risk going into a war against a country with ICBMs and nukes for a single island?
Why don't the british just take back hong kong?

cuz the eternal perfidious anglo imperialist fears the dragon.

As a matter of fact the fact China Is Growing Larger makes them boil over with jealousy.
should've just parked some of those nuke equipped subs close to china

>Just give it independence, or for more drama, give it to Taiwan
This would have been good. If I remember right the Chinese said they'd just move their army in if the British didn't give it up. Apparently the Brits forgot they had an ally with city leveling military fleets. They wouldn't need to even invade just destroy in retaliation.
do you really think the US would have wanted anything to do with it?
The view of most brits is that the US wanted to stay as far away from it as possible
do you think the US would risk a war with China over Hong Kong?
Real life isn't a Civ match.

the 99 year lease covered only the new territories, the island and kowloon were ceded to britain in pepetuity

and they could have invaded hong kong but you guys could have levelled it with the navy at that time so it was a standoff
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Perfidy won't work again on the yellow warrior.
Probably unless there was another casus belli which the Brits had basically used to get us involved in WW1
No you meet threat with threat. The Chinese threatened war so you let them know fine you can do that and their will be horrible consequences for your behavior.
No it's not but you also don't give in to threats. It often is a downward spiral. See the South China Sea now.
idk if they could get a social pass for dresden 2.0
>Why don't the british just take back hong kong?
cant and it's legally chinas anyway

everyone would blame the chinese because they would have been wrong, britain would have been acting in legitimate self defence
considering america would lose a war against china in asia, i'm not exactly sure how the poms would do taking hong kong by force in 2017
t. xin bao ching dong feng wei
>idk if they could get a social pass for dresden 2.0
You'd be suprised what you can get away with against an aggressor.
it literally is though
99 year lease and that
>chinks invades a population that wants to stay brit
>brits genocide the population loyal to you as retaliation
idk man
only on the new territories
>voluntarily ceding the island back with the new territories was tantamount to treason
please cite applicable English laws and other authorities thanks
>that mechwarrior

was it really necessary?
>give it to Taiwan
China (PRC) considers Taiwan as part of its sovereign territory.
Wow all these brainwashed westerners. You should read up on how British even owned that territory in the first place. The tldr is unsurprisingly basically that they were completely psychotic cunts. They absolutely should not "just take back Hong Kong" and that's the last thing that the people there want

The absolute best option for HK is to maintain status quo for as long as possible, not to become independent or completely Chinese
Their autonomy agreement ends in 2047 and no doubt it will be fully and harshly incorporated then.
That is a Gundam, apparently according to /k/ China does annual exercise where they invite some units to be red force simulating PLA and blue force representing NATO and using their tactics and doctrines.
Blue force are given location of the reds by referees to simulate all seeing burger satellite, throwing any nukes and chemical weapons they want, flying saucers that fries red team electronics, stealth fighters and all the best China can afford. Apparently they are treating you guys as WMD crazy ayy lmao and training to fight them.
>The tactics used by the red and blue armies can get creative. During a mock battle in 2014, some blue troops dressed up as local government officials came to offer the red unit cabbages and potatoes.
>In the 2014 drill, the red units won just one of the seven battles, and in 2015 they lost all the battles to the blue force.
Every OG Hong Konger I've known has been supremely chill and westernized.

Feel bad for them tbqh. None of them considered themselves Chinese. Who would?
God the Chinese are bizzare.
Why wouldn't they be? You realise it's more developed than basically all of America right?
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The bizzare part is to make them try creative solutions and take initiative instead of rigid by the book commie methods and a good wake up call for those raised on muh stronk propaganda their entire lives.
But yeah treating you guys as warcrimes happy ayy lmao is taking it way too far.
i mean, look at how they treated those iraqi soldiers

americans might aswell be ayy lmaos desu
The british can't even take back london.
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Joining the air force, working hard and finally getting your own MiG-21 copy only to be raped hard by Chads in J-20 over and over again doesn't sound like its good for morale.
>voluntarily ceding the island back with the new territories was tantamount to treason and she should have been hanged
It's the same with the Canal Zone for us
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