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What a massive shithole Nuclear bomb testing site when?

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What a massive shithole
Nuclear bomb testing site when?
Real Lithuania is Belarus.
Seen this? ;)
why is lithafrica a meme?
we don't just give them the post of nuclear testing moneky
What is the image about?
poles faking their history

poles are fucking untermenschen, one word for passport on the cover is enough

shituanians just angry the UN wont be giving them any gibs handouts because Polaks will not allow them to sell us out and betray us again.

BTW most of the stolen cars in yurope go directly to and through shituania

the world should have all of
NATO come down on their ass and turn them into a giant prison or concentrated camp.
What's fake about Wilno's history?
polish cemetaries in wilno have tourist descriptions in english, russian, even german but not in polish lmao
they also say that "here lie buried belarussians, lithuanians and poles" in this order even though like 99% of the people lying there are poles
speak about faking your history

never again visiting this shithole of a country
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yes this country has been long destroyed by these fuckers

no doubt about that

that's why wee prefer Turkish immigration over those subhumans

I'm with you Litbro, Poles are horrible

I'm sorry for not finishing the job when we had the chance
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It's a shithole and we have tons of poles here along with other shit people like niggers and muslims.
Fuck, wish someone would nuke my nation.
lol serves you right

I also wish someone would nuke you
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Thank you for trying at least.
>gigantic shithole bantering a slightly less shit shithole
I've been to Lithuania. It's so fucking bleack and depressing, no wonder you're all killing yourselves.
At least your women are hot, maybe I'll find myself a Lithuanian wife and save her from her suicidal existence in your country.
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Why do slavs love wewuzzing so much?



>people lying in a cemetary are a remnant of a time when the city belonged to a foreign country
>new rulers of the city try to rewrite history by pretending that the dead lying there belonged to another nationality
>saying this is wrong is somehow we wuzing
>no wonder you're all killing yourselves.

I wish they could kill themselves at a faster rate.

death of shituania cannot come fast enough.
Poles are just Belarusians using latin letters
>maybe I'll find myself a Lithuanian wife

but this

this is a fucking horrible idea.

you're better off with an arabic qt than mixing your blood with a shituanian she-beast.
the butthurt
Wilno is Polish
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>Poles are just Belarusians using latin letters
No, Poles are separate from Lithuanians. But we are genetically close than most people.
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This is why people hate P*laks

Immense butthurt mixed with absolute baseless superiority perception
I didn't mention Lithuanian. Belarusian and Polish are very similar languages. Also, there was a big German Community near the Memel in between Poland and Lithuania in the past.
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>This is why people hate P*laks

so cry me a river why dont you? nazi faggot

go kneel on your knees then suck a refugee's dick
>I didn't mention Lithuanian.
Yes you did.
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Both Poles and Lithuanians are subhuman garbage.
Most car thefts in Germany are perpetrated by Lithuanians. A group of Lithuanians even tried scamming fucking LIDL by messing with the Pfang-machines.

Having more criminals as a country of 3 million than the entirety of Russia, which has a population of 150 million, is a pretty damn impressive feat.
>again people being butthurt
>A group of Lithuanians even tried scamming fucking LIDL by messing with the Pfang-machines.


I literally prefer Turks over those animals, thats how much I hate them.

And this cocksuckers right here who made this thread, these animals have no shame or honor what so ever.
Stop coming here to steal shit.
Stop posting you cringey p*lack
make me, cuck
make me.
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spare me your retarded shill pics you dumb fucker

that shit dotn work on me
You know you want it, except real Lithuania is Belarus.
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what's the difference? One is cultured (pro tip:its not the poles)
Said the Lith that was cultured by the Poles centuries ago.
>cultured by poles

you cannot tame those animals for the fuck of us, best leave them wild and die a wild animals death when someone else tries to tame them
reminder lithuanian nobles adopted polish culture

reminder lithuanian nobles often had Ruthenian surnames because retarded balts couldn't even govern themselves so they were ruled by Slavs

reminder litwini jedzą gówno
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I'd rather let in a million niggers than a single p*le into my country desu
>litwini jedzą gówno

their diapsora and animals blood give this once great kingdom a rotten reputation.

we should have had nothing to do with them except genocide.
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I knew a pole at school
Everyone bullied him because he was a polish subhuman LOL!
haha you filthy animal

I once beat the shit out of a shituanian cuz he thought he was clever and funny

today I'd probably slit his throat
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we also used to take his money away from him! hahahahahahaha
fuck polish animals
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quick rundown on why lithunians hate polacks and vice versa blease
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so pretty much poles are just subhumans who caused WW2 and were the ones having wars with all of their neighbors before WW2 hitler saw that Poland won't leave the small countries around them alone and decided to put an end to those subhumans and invade them its really that easy, they stole our capital,genocided the germans living in the western poland and danzig before ww2 nearly made lithuanian go extinct
based kraut
wb polish-lithuanian commonwealth. Werent you guys bros?
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You see during the commonwealth times they already saw themselves as superior our representatives even left the Lublin union because GDL people were seen as second before the poles, in general they sent their priests here who preached in Polish.
why did u two even unite? male heir troubles?
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We were losing the Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars and our magnates knew that the only way to not get destroyed is to unite with Poland because they were also powerful
I'm with you on this one.
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shithuania please...
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bad luck harry. We didn't have male heir in 1100s and were married to hungarian princess which led to us being in personal union with them for ages
>baltshit delusions
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* East Poles are just Belarusians, West Poles are just Sorbs
The only Lithuanian i came across was a former neighbour in my apt complex. Ironically he stole the bike of an old woman living there. Also once a day he was visited by various shady looking male person that before they came through the backdoor, they had whistled under his open window , many residents had the suspicion he was drug dealer.
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But you do understand that żmudzins were the next, you little nazi piece of shit?
>be polish
>get on int
>look for threads about poland
>get butthurt

Why does the Pole enjoy being butthurt?
Soviet propaganda
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Literally this
shituanians are garbage and scum and they should be yurope's #1 priority to turn into the next yugoslavia

I mean it, something needs to be done about these criminals.

either napalm the fuck out of them or turn their entire shithole into a concentration camp.
Dumb Lithuanian
Have you ever think about the consequence after this?
What if poles start making anime?
Nothing wrong with anime.
The butthurt is strong with this one
Bwhahahaha! Holy shit you're not trolling, you're butthurt for real top kek!
Lithuanians are SUPERIOR to Poles.
PROVE me wrong, Poolacks.
polish diaspora kys
Is that so. That's why they willingly Polonized themselves for centuries and copied our culture?
Stfu Turk. Hahaha.
i am volga german, you dumb polecuck
ignore him, he's a mentally ill /pol/tard
You can be a cuck, that's your problem, but don't expect others to follow suit.
Poles are just Belarusians using latin letters and Belarusians are just Poles using cyrillic letters
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>even left the Lublin union because GDL people were seen as second before the poles
Can't tell if baiting ro legitimately retarded, but:
>Union of Kėdainiai (or Agreement of Kėdainiai, Polish: Umowa Kiejdańska) was an agreement between several magnates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the king of the Swedish Empire, Charles X Gustav. It was signed on 20 October 1655 during the "Swedish Deluge", part of the Second Northern War.[1] In contrast to the preceding Treaty of Kėdainiai of 17 August, which put Lithuania under Swedish protection,[1] the purpose of the Swedish-Lithuanian union was to end Lithuania's union with Poland, and set up two separate principalities in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. One of these was to be ruled by the Radziwiłł (Radvila) family, while the rest of the duchy was to remain a Swedish protectorate.
Stop making shit up.
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Based Radvilos
Fuck poleshits
>Lipka Tatars
bros 4lyfe
Why don't you go back to Poland when you love it so much?
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Litwo, Ojczyzno moja! ty jesteś jak zdrowie;
Ile cię trzeba cenić, ten tylko się dowie,
Kto cię stracił. Dziś piękność twą w całej ozdobie
Widzę i opisuję, bo tęsknię po tobie.

Panno święta, co Jasnej bronisz Częstochowy
I w Ostrej świecisz Bramie! Ty, co gród zamkowy
Nowogródzki ochraniasz z jego wiernym ludem!
Jak mnie dziecko do zdrowia powróciłaś cudem
(— Gdy od płaczącej matki, pod Twoją opiekę
Ofiarowany martwą podniosłem powiekę;
I zaraz mogłem pieszo, do Twych świątyń progu
Iść za wrócone życie podziękować Bogu —)
Tak nas powrócisz cudem na Ojczyzny łono!...
Tymczasem, przenoś moją duszę utęsknioną
Do tych pagórków leśnych, do tych łąk zielonych,
Szeroko nad błękitnym Niemnem rozciągnionych;
Do tych pól malowanych zbożem rozmaitem,
Wyzłacanych pszenicą, posrebrzanych żytem;
Gdzie bursztynowy świerzop, gryka jak śnieg biała,
Gdzie panieńskim rumieńcem dzięcielina pała,
A wszystko przepasane jakby wstęgą, miedzą
Zieloną, na niej zrzadka ciche grusze siedzą.
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it's still better

Maksim Bahdanovič


Toĺki ŭ sercy tryvožnym pačuju
Za krainu radzimuju žach, -
Uspomniu Vostruju Bramu sviatuju
I vajakaŭ na hroznych kaniach.

U bielaj pienie pranosiacca koni, -
Rvucca, mknucca i ciažka chrypiać...
Staradaŭniaj Litoŭskaj Pahoni
Nie razbić, nie spynić, nie strymać.

U biazmiernuju daĺ vy liacicie,
A za vami, prad vami - hady.
Vy za kim u pahoniu spiašycie?
Dzie šliachi vašy jduć i kudy?

Mo jany, Bielaruś, paniaslisia
Za tvaimi dziaćmi ŭzdahon,
Što zabyli ciabie, adraklisia,
Pradali i addali ŭ palon?

Bijcie ŭ serca ich - bijcie miačami,
Nie davajcie čužyncami być!
Chaj pačujuć, jak serca načami
Ab radzimaj staroncy balić...

Maci rodnaja, Maci-Kraina!
Nie ŭscišycca hetaki boĺ...
Ty prabač. Ty prymi svajho syna,
Za Ciabie jamu ŭmierci dazvoĺ!..

Usio liatuć i liatuć tyja koni,
Srebnaj zbrujaj dalioka hrymiać...
Staradaŭniaj Litoŭskaj Pahoni
Nie razbić, nie spynić, nie strymać.


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żmudzinshits BTFO once again like filthy subhumans they are
wew poles are this butthurt
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They are monkeys
Of course they are
Wow, rude.
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>africa of europe makes a therad

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