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/v4/ + friends

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Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 64

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early 2000s Czech phones edition
I like this one better, nice edition
have a nice saturday
>let's post in the late, illegal thread someone made because we're so butthurt XDDD
I'm not butthurt, this one is just comfier edition, who cares if it's illegal on not
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>tfw illegal thread
If this board had actual moderation, this thread would've been deleted in a matter of 5 seconds.
>I'm not butthurt
>using "comfy", whatever the fuck that is, as an argument
Yeah alright.
there's already one turk in the other thread thirsty for black qocques
but why would I be butthurt, don't get it
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right on time
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You seem to be the one with injured buttocks.
Ok, I just went to the other thread and looked at the picture, didn't notice it before
To me it looks like you are the one attentionwhoring with your threads these past couple of days
>Ok, I just went to the other thread and looked at the picture, didn't notice it before
Stop lying LMAO
I'm honest, I thought it was some basic spiderman meme and I liked the phones better, that's why I came here. But nevertheless, why don't you just co-exist with everybody in peace?
Yeah, dude, I totally "believe" your extremely convenient excuse to not seem butthurt!
I'm not butthurt, just very dissapointed
lately the threads are really not comfy at all
were there this kind of riots earlier or is it just a summer thing
the only shitposter used to be Marcel and the angriest anybody got was Slovak vs. Pepik battles

now it's gotten to the point where I kind of look forward to Marcel posting because he's at least funny once in a blue moon
but i think I remember berkay was here back in april when I kinda started going here, am I wrong?
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I remember how V4 started, times before Marcel, Turk guy etc. I remember planeanon, femanon, Trami my Czech mate, Kandinsky, Atok and the rest. Those were good times.
yes but back then everybody could just filter him because he was posting with the name or with a Turk flag
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>look at me i'm such an oldfag
That sounds super interesting, I wish I knew backstories about them. I think there was fridgeanon yesterday, his archive post story was so interesting
I am fridge anon, before that I was known as an living in Ireland Polak security guy anon. I post here for very long time.
That's breddy cool

I remember some polak couple of months ago who worked a night shift as a security guy in a museum or something and took drugs so it keeps him awake, was that you?
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some Slovak OC.png
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Damn it used to be so comfy here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eBFspVWjk8
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>53% of millenials (15-34) say they'd vote for jobbik
How does this make you feel?
It's a shame pensioners make up the backbone of the voting base
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Oh I remember this one.
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>ultimate kek
>the flower on the austrian
nice one
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You can call me an attention whore, I do not care. V4 is my home, my realm. You are welcome here.
t. schizopole
Is fight club a good movie?
quite good
Quite good
Quite good
for real tho, watch it, it's a mindfuck but inal a good way. It's not one of the best movies for nothing

Alri I will hopefully watch it tonight
I'll try to watch that czech movie tonight
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I am awake
Too many fags in this general

Dumb subhumans
Holy cow this general is so shit now.

Hello cigane
Thanks. And you are not welcome here.
Now gtfo.
Thank you Litwin
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Coming through
What do you do right now?
thinking about what to do, watching random videos, prolly gonna end up doing nothing until night and then watch movie

would like to watch some decent tv serie if there was any

probably gonna try to memorize some Czech cases as well
Reading a book about watch repair.
Learning about blood vessels of stomach
I'm going to

1-4 go for a walk
5-9 read dungeon master guide
0 get drunk
what's for drinks
>dungeon master guide
What system?
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well im omw to get some beers then

odd - order pizza
even - do not order pizza

d&d 3.5
played a bit 5e but since friends asked me to DM 3.5 for them I gotta learn this one
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>illegal thread
o shit watch out bois
he gonna call the meme police
>now it's gotten to the point where I kind of look forward to Marcel posting because he's at least funny once in a blue moon
Tt's a bit of a one-trick pony Tbh
Once you watch it two times, it becomes kinda bland. Just like any movie based on a LE BIG TWEEST
Ye but the first time is amazing and you don't watch it two times. I never did, and there is no need to
>had to go outside to buy bread
>it's fucking 34 C
put me out of my misery
>14°C with comfy rain
I will pray for your suffering to end
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R8 my plan /v4/

>join hunting club
>get hunting licence
>get shotgun
>shoot myself in the head
not liking the plan
seems a bit redundant
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Damn! I thought it was perfect.
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Your prayers have been actually answered
I can hear thunder a but further, I think the storm that hit central Europe is coming here
neat, started raining right after this post
like 5 people died yesterday because of storms
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me right now.jpg
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>30+ outside
>just ate chłodnik

captcha patricia warsaw
>come to work for night shift
>VPN is down and won't work till monday
>get to do fuck all for 14 hours
the absolute state of weather right now
wow I want that
here it's just windy, very sunny and boring
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you do and you probably dont
nice nail polish kek
btw I adore bad weather, especially close thunders, strong showers and hail
Ye it's gonna be really comfy for fight club, chips, kozel and pilsner
wtf i didn't know that litwin was a grill
why you testing all day?
the cards have changed huh?
I knew from the very beginning
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I pissed on my rug last night after drinking 14 shots of absinthe. How do I clean it up?
>tfw because of all that talk about the Czech gf you didn't realize Litwin was a lesbian all along
>14 shots of absinthe.
i can't upload it anything, getting connection error all the time, i tired whitelisting 4chan on adblock, turning off 4chan X, posting it from another browser, restarted browser but nothing works
For academic purposes.I wanted to test if it really causes hallucinations.
jó posta
You could've asked kek, I already tried it on my senior trip and no it doesn't
You have to take the one with THC in it, I saw it in some absinth stores
she will burn in hell
Wanted to go running but my running shoes are all soggy and wet because I left them outside during the thunderstorms yesterday.
Not too sure what to do now.
do some exercise indoors instead
I have crippling anxiety
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satan confirms
Not a bad idea.
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geez, Satan, calm down a bit
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Man the fuck up you pathetic crybabies.
Men younger than you were sent to war to freeze their asses off on the Eastern Front and nobody gave a fuck whether they had "anxiety" because of it.
Yet to you even leaving your house poses a challenge.
Fucking manchildren. Get a grip on your lives.
Getting rid of mandatory military service was a mistake
they likely had a better childhood though
but did they have gfs?
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>Men younger than you were sent to war
yeah they were sent, I am pretty sure they didn't want that and if they had the choice of not having war and being able to stay at home they would have picked that

not that it should be excuse for people to sit and do nothing but it's just unfair comparison
cigany atók
How is it unfair? These boys were sent away from home to live in fear of being ripped apart by a tank shell every single day, while crawling through mudfields or freezing to death in forests.
They were boys who were also sometimes shy, depressed, lonely, yet they had to deal with it and do their duty.
Yet crybabies prefer to wallow in self-pity and patheticness even though they have it much, much easier.
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well obviously because they were forced to go
they don't do it because it's the right and the manly thing to do, they wouldn't have gone there if they did have a choice

the fair thing to do is make a comparison to someone who COULD be a crybaby and stay at home doing nothing but actually does something by his own will, not with a gun on his back

obviously if you send a crybaby from 4chan to war right now by force, his feelings wont matter either but then future generations will worship him as manly and brave

my point is that these guys who were sent to war decades ago might as well have been crybabies too but then someone forced them to go to war just because that's how it was and there was no other choice

in my opinion it's unfair to compare someone who has a choice to do something but doesnt, to someone who does something because he has no choice

your point would be completely valid if those people had a choice to sit at home and cry, but went to to freeze their asses and die to the front instead. of course there were MANY of such people so you do have a point but they were a lot fewer.

there are plenty of cases you can take example from today rather, like volunteer soldiers who had the option to stay home but rather enlist
gonna work out now.
wish me luck
good luck, but it's only your willpower and not luck that will help you.
whatever you accomplish working out, is not because it was a lucky day. it's because you did it.
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>mfw i finally managed to start pronouncing something close to that czech-norwegian-maghrebi r sound
native accent by 2020
May the Emperor give you strength

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a little interesting snip from history

>A white feather has been a traditional symbol of cowardice, used and recognised especially within the British Army and in countries of the British Empire since the 18th century, especially by patriotic groups, including some early feminists, in order to shame men who were not soldiers.
The organization aimed to shame men into enlisting in the British army by persuading women to present them with a white feather if they were not wearing a uniform.[2][3]

This was joined by some prominent feminists and suffragettes of the time, such as Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel. They, in addition to handing out the feathers, also lobbied to institute an involuntary universal draft, which included those who lacked votes due to being too young or not owning property
wtf I hate women now

and look where it lead them today
Litvine, wtf are you larping a life coach or something? kek
you're being very inspirational this evening
no lol just think that luck is a bit overrated especially in this low self esteem society of ours
>2 hours 19 minutes
holy sheit didnt think it will be this long
But it's good tho
ye, gonna watch it rn
>Nazis and commies are trying to kill each other an hour south of me
and nothing of value was lost
yeah i've seen that, it's cringey as hell
it looks like /pol/ materialized into real life
Can you give me a quick rundown if there's any? or is it just another out of a sudden something
oh god this is the wrong one
>city of Charlottesville, Virginia tries to take down a statue of Robert E. Lee
>a lot of people are upset about this because he's a hero in Virginia
>Richard Spencer and the alt-reddit crew decide to take advantage of this to hold a white nationalist circlejerk
>all kinds of retards from around the country bus in to either protest with him or protest against him
>clashes have been going on for a few hours now, a Nazi drove a car into a crowd of counter-protesters, leaving somebody dead and several seriously injured
Kim Jong-Un can't nuke us soon enough
I saw the car meme already acompanied with Gas Gas Gas
But why the fuck would they want to remove the statue of an important historical figure of that area? Just because he was confederate or there is something else about him that I don't know about?
The people of America truly seem united and peaceful.
Just because he was a Confederate. Charlottesville is a university town (University of Virginia) so there's lots of students there to be triggered by things. As far as I know Robert E. Lee didn't even own slaves, while the US general he is most famous for fighting against did.
sounds like Tallinn protests on steroids
Why are Lithuanians so powerful?

>why, obviously I am but a calm and rational national socialist ("natsoc" for you untermensch) and it's those rabid SJW BLM nigger kike shills who are the real danger here!!!! unlike those brainwashed morons, I'm always ready to debate in a civilised manner and refute their silly "muh fee-fees" arguments with nothing but pure logic and facts ;^)
>*runs over several people with a car*
they're literally just white muslims, they even adopted vehicle of peace tactics now
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Do you Anons read books at all?
Seems like there will be no thunderstorms today.
Not since entering uni. Unless you mean bestsellers like "Electricity and Magnetism" or "Linear Algebra II".
I did before, but never what I needed for school. I just don't have time anymore
mom's spaghetti
since i finished uni I started reading more.
i finished brothers karamazov this week
there would be nothing wrong with muslims if they were white
Persians are Sarmatian and white
I have far more respect for Turks (White Muslims) than for Poles or Ukrops (Slavic Niggers)
i hate that show

no, ive read like one book in my life
please participate >>78244009
das right

I used to read a lot,reading was all I did whole days
But yeah going to uni ruined everything
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race war?
Poles are Wends tho
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What the fuck is his problem?
As a Richmonder, Robert E Lee is a traitor and all the cities that matter have their hands tied by the racists that live in the country side due to the state legislators. The Arthur Ashe statue has his back turned on the street of traitors for a reason
What the fuck is this real or from a movie
nice quads
He's acoustic
its current year
good night, dummies
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What's the V4's secret plan for the EU?
good night fellow dummy
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Fuck, cant wait till we catch up to germany!
eat a dick, transplant
will we have our own little fight here on /V4/?
Stay tuned for more...
>right into the people with the gommie signs
I'm still upset, but now I'm a little less upset
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he was probably just trolling me
but it worked
isn't it all just basically trolling deep down?
lefties prolly wanna take tke statue to troll alt right, and vice versa for other things

any updates on driver, I've read about him being dutch nigga or something? kek
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what the FUCK

>isn't it all just basically trolling deep down?
>lefties prolly wanna take tke statue to troll alt right, and vice versa for other things
pretty much, the whole thing is just a hurricane of stupidity

>any updates on driver, I've read about him being dutch nigga or something? kek
I have no idea, I'm home now though so I'm lurking /pol/ trying to get information on the habbenings
well fight club was nice but is that personality thing the whole le big plot twist that people have to rewatch it twice?

it looks like exact but original story of Mr. Robot

is there something more I don't get?
>well fight club was nice but is that personality thing the whole le big plot twist that people have to rewatch it twice?
I thought it was pretty shocking, but I watched it when I was like 16
hmm well I guess it is pretty shocking, it's just that probably a half dozen movies/tv series copied it afterwards and I only watch this now
no, the thing is, the second time yo watch it it's no longer fun, but the first time le big epic plot twist is kinda epic

I personally don't like it just beacuse of the plot twist, actors and characters are amazing and just seems fluent

yeah maybe that's it, it was the best at the time but now when basically every edgy movie gas le epic twist it no longer gives a quality kick as it should
ah that's what I get for being a dum dum and giving priority to the new movies

did you watch the Czech movie yet?
I wanted but I had dinner with tourists and it's kinda late now, will try tomorow
I wanted to watch it yesterday on the balcony and smoke cigarettes but my parents were still up and they dont let me smoke while I'm here kek
>but I had dinner with tourists
damn that must be quite interesting/exciting, meeting new people and all that
>that must be quite interesting
same people every year, petty much 95% of them are regulars
the good thing tho is tasty food, marinated meat, fish, potato salads, full table pof czech and croatian food
what kind of Czech food do they bring/make?
Hope you don't mind if i muh heritage it up in this thread
they bring their meat, we prepare fish
they always bring some homemade sauces which I don't know exactly the name of, those dumplings or whatever are they called
nothing really especially "czech" but overall tasty
fuck off
>those dumplings or whatever are they called
god damn I miss svíčková na smetaně s houskovým knedlíkem, such delicious meal
I just want to hug Czech Republic and never let go

also, jesus christ this fucking storm just wont stop it's still raining very intensively and I can hear what sounds like stones hitting my windows
Im not polish
suit yourself

streamable dosen't work, describe it for me so I can have a raingasm
I am Rusyn
I am Slovak (Greek)
Cool whats your opinion opinion on Hungarians
my opinion opinion is that I like them actually, they're fucking us a bit with the INA-MOL thing but we're kinda guilty for it ourselves
Liked the concept of Croatian-hungarian kingdom, didn't like Hedervary, like Orban
overall 7.5/10
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well it will be without sound but at least something

the rain is very intense though
how can you not like that?
the idea of being safe inside and all cozy while there's a doomsday outside is really comfortable to me

btw gotta ask, whose was that hand earlier holding hail? wasn't you... right?
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I do like it, it only sucks if I have to be outside when it happens

>btw gotta ask, whose was that hand earlier holding hail? wasn't you... right?
kek no, I have no idea who it is
If i wanted to visit croatia what would you recommend
that wasn't you posting?

I'm on my balcony again, at least it's not hot anymore, 20-ish degrees maybe
and because I was in zagreb the whole year, my father told me today that it hasn't properly rained in zadar for 3 months

depends on how long you wanna stay, if a week or more I recommend Dalmatia Grand tour, Zadar-Split-Dubrovnik every city is 3 hours apart from eachother and they're all real nice. For a short trip I reccomend Istria, biggest croatian penninsula, ecpecially Rovinj
it was me but I took the picture off the news website
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>tfw still in love with a girl that dump me two years ago
seriously I am a hopeless case
no you're not
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Most Hungarians would've given your country at least a solid 9 you ungrateful little shit.

This is why I fucking hate Slavs, always behaving like the very existence of our country is a crime. Fuck you all niggers.
Except Poles, we still love you <3
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I want to make out with a Hun
why did you break up?
I'm the first to admit that love makes people irrational but you have to and will move on eventually when you find someone else. Don't mourn for her if she was a bitch to you or something.

I've said couple of threads ago that poland and Hungary are my favourite countries, nobody gets a 9 on my scale, poland gets 8 tho. but if it was a relative and not an absolute scale then yea poland is 10 you guys are 9.5
and yeah, I always had a feeling that hungarians don't even care about croatia. You fuckers never gibe us points on eurosong, even though we gibe you all the time
It's perfectly normal to long for something or cling to something which has brought joy into your life before

Losing it is hard but that your mind or heart misses it is not hopeless

You can bring joy to someone's life as well, so much that if that person lost you, they'd feel like you do now too. That's not hopeless, that's hopeful. You'll make someone happy and be happy just yet.
I'm about to finish the second tome of With Fire and Sword
t. brainlet who skimmed through a bunch of school lectures and is trying to catch up now
What about different historical sites. I'm not interested in beaches
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I wanna make out with a Pole
So. Are you a grill? Or do we have to say no homo afterwards?

>judging a country's opinion based on Eurovision
You can't possibly be serious. Something like 40% of Hungarian tourists go to Croatia to vacation. You guys are our favorite neighbors aside from Austria. We hate and despise everyone else.
Croatia is literally one big historical site
Pula - Roman colloseum, roman arches squares and other shit
Rovinj - beautiful old mediterannean architecture in the whole city

Zadar - Roman forum, Church of saint Donat, other churches, Venetian fortification walls all around the city (just got into UNESCO)
Šibenik - basically small Zadar
Split - huge palace od roman emperor Dioclecian, lots of other roman stuff
Dubrovnik - prolly heard all about it already, world famous walls, Kings Landing in game of thrones, Main street Stradun, old churches etc.

You really don't have to look very far for historical sites, and besides that you also have fer tourist gimmicks like "greetings to the sun" and Sea organ in Zadar, you can check it out on google to better understand what it is

eurovision post was for keks, don't worry I like hungarians, and also they bring me the munnies every summer, I have one hun family here right now
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We love you too Madziary!
What about stuff from when it was under Hungarian control
>tfw no Hungarian pal to hang out with
that's mostly continental parts of croatia, they're not that interesting, hungarians pretty much let us be and didn't really do much here other that influencing some contemporary architecture along with austria in major continental cities. All the touristy stuff is at the sea
Poland can take all of our Hungarians, send us Hohols instead 1:1 ratio young women prefferable
Most of hohols are bydło, are you sure?
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>ywn be a Magyar
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me too
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good night racists
cant be worse than hungarians, also i would ASSIMILATE some young blond hoholettes instantly
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>i would ASSIMILATE some young blond hoholettes instantly

yeah thought so myself, but they are ultra nationalistic
>cant be worse than hungarians
you Slowkeks just don't know how good you have it
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what the fuck is wrong with her leg
actually what the fuck is wrong with everything in this picture
good night poopsters
post folk music
Spirit cooking slav(es)
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wake up dummies
why do people hate ukrainians

t. turk who knows nothing
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we wuz
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>put concrete blocks in town square in small moravian town to stop trucks of peace with 0.000000001% muslim population

damn when will pepiks learn its just easier to make a potassium chlorate bomb? just buy some bleach and sodium free salt famalam

anyway no one cares about pepik lifes enough to kill them so pepikistan is already terror proof

regards anti islamic turk
i am awake
I am awake
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hate captcha.
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what's up my nigger?
have some music you uncultured swine

finished 1984 yesterday, starting Lolita today
Sarmatians were useless matriarchal cucks who got rekt by patriarchal Scythians.

Persians shit on both.
every single hohol girl I've seen either had gypsy black hair or was dyed the ''le blonde qts'' is a propaganda so you will feel sorry for them being BTFO'd by russians
Good choice senpai
why are pepiks considered west slavs if they aren't slavs and slovaks are hungarians? The only west slavs are polacks.
I'm a Mongol.
my dicc
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did you know there are people who mutilate their cocks and balls? I don't mean the fake Pain Olympics.
what do you mean like cutting and shit?
kek just go on /b/ I bet you'll find something like that
/b/ is full of normies and underages who heard ''ebic darkest place on teh internet XD'' meme and think they are hot shit because of Guy Fawkes masks and posting vanilla porn.

Even Reddit is more hardcore nowadays since it has dedicated gore subs.
I see some shit almost every time i go there, last I saw couple of days ago was some guy hammering a toothpick under his toenail. Sure 99% are eđi trolls but there's always some acoustic boy who's willing to mutilate himself for attention
we need another inquisition
we need another Genghis Khan to lead us to greatness
you all need to go to church
there is no god
I fucking hate the term ''atheist'' because people associate it with pseudointellectual fuckwads in fedora hats misusing archaic terms and thinking no one will catch it I prefer the term ''non believer'' personally.

Atheists are cunts. Lots of them are vain and stupid as fuck yet they act high and mighty becsause they think they discovered some universal secret. Pepiks are a good example.
I am god
Görög vagyok
and yet there is no g*d
that's beside the point dumb canuck
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>what is Staphilococcus aureus
>what is Escherichia coli
>8264462 ▶
>File: 13ligvp.jpg (64 KB, 1024x768)
>>what is Staphilococcus aureus
>>what is Escherichia coli
sounds like something pepiks can be blamed for
I can't believe polacks believe in god
>b-but he protects us :)

from fucking what? Good quality of life? LMAO








Jesus was a hippie and a commie

god of niggers
you do realise that you sound super obnoxious right now
When I was a little boy Virgin Mary molested me
>be 10yr me
>suddenly a flash of light
>that's rite were you a good catholic boy?
>do you love me?
>y-yeah I guess
>*takes her skirt off* good, now prove how much you love me
That was like two years ago, I’ve been on 4chan for more thna a decade and on /int/ since the day two.
You are a true catholic and you are going straight to heaven
r8 this laptop procesor Intel Core i3 2400 MHz, 8GB RAM, dysk 512 GB SSD, grafika HD Graphics 620
grafika integrated or amd/nvidia?
not fond of processing power
I fucking lol at westerners falling for le conservative eastern european girl. If they were conservative they wouldn't marry fucking foreigners to begin with.
Need some top tier dank Slovak memes, go!
none are actually dank
they are all normie/fb-tier
reasons to use Linux
disk encryption that isn't backdoored
better filesystems and networking
sane swap usage
being able to easily modify any part of the system any way you want
R8 my movie idea - Cumlusted Bimbos from Outer Space it's about a race of amazons who abduct men from other planets and force them to be their sex slaves
bunch of marketing buzzwords when average computer user doesn't even acknowledge the features you mentioned let alone take advantage of them

Windows has more vidya therefore it's better

hungarians are niggers go back to Asia
Women are the most pathetic shit after polacks lmao
>woman uses a dildo
>man doesn't give a fuck because he knows he is more than a walking cock
>man uses a sex doll
>woman gets butthurt and sees that object as her competition because her cunt is the only valuable thing about her


if they are butthurt about those new gen realistic looking sex dolls can you imagine how will they react to sex robots? Future will be fucking glorious it's a real shame I won't live long enough to see it
>year 2100
>every man has his own perfect robo waifu with the right size of tits, hair color, personality traits
>happy young male population because both Chads and Anons get laid
>women cry ''B-BUT it's just a machine it cannot replace a woman, it doesn't actually love you!''
>men laugh ''neither do women''
>now it's women who have to chase men around and actually put some fucking effort into relationships because they have some serious competition
>men can fuck both the desperate cunthwores and their waifus

also crime rate will most likely drop to near non existence
why not Gentoo then?
I've always heard foreigners shilling polish women so once I googled what foreign women think about polish men and I must say


just fucking


they think polacks are pussywhipped and afraid of women. So much for
>a-at least we are not faggots like westerners!
you are even bigger fags dumb polacks you let women boss you around thinking
>hehe a man should serve his lady *tips* :)
but it turns out women dislike and openly mock pussywhipped cucks like you, they prefer Ahmed and Jamal who boss them around instead

cuck race

worthless cuck race

always shittiest at everything drink bleach
hell I see it all the time myself. In Cuckland women are de facto in charge of relationships, openly shittalk their husbands and what those Mighty Hussars do?

Nothing. They just let them talk shit and do their every bidding then are left for Eduardo Gonzales or another foreigner.









exactly like the matriarchal Cuckmatians you LARP as, the same ones who got BTFO'd by patriarchal Scythians because as it turns out a society that follows women is doomed to fall
Cuckland is so cucked that it even has Woman's Day holiday. No fucking western country even acknowledges this day as an actual holiday and guess what - west is best. At everything.

I wonder why.
>be woman
>spit on a polack
>he thanks me
Ibremember when the nokia 3310 was goat.
Miss those times...
if you mean 8th march it's a gift from soviet union
well it's still goat if all you need to do is call and text

i fucking hate that day it has soviet union written all over it
shitty fucking "celebration"
why sovietards even came up with that dumb holiday?
communism has equality in it.
They started selling it again with new display and internet for 50 Euro. Might buy it
is it okay if i post here
>women and men are equal
>lets celebrate only women for a day!
>have to go buy a flower for every female I know and see everyday otherwise they frown upon you and get upset
>'but anon it's women's day, show some respect! we deserve it!"
good fucking job soviets

it's just a hype dont buy it
looks like cheap plastic toy
aren't you a woman yourself
I love the Soviet Union!
>>have to go buy a flower for every female I know and see everyday otherwise they frown upon you and get upset
>>'but anon it's women's day, show some respect! we deserve it!"
kek I thought it's like that only in Poland I'm glad other nations suffer as well
No I'm a proud male
F*males are a side effect of being alive

Yeah last time I bought chocolate on purpose instead of a flower and I could see at work how they were looking at me unhappy like it's not good enough lmao
Really? What a shame. The old one was solid and indestructible. Mine has found its way into the washing machine a few times but it still works.
good, i would feel uncomfortable with a female posting in my safe space
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yeah. nokia cant even copy the already good product. guess those undestructible plastic is expensive nowadays
to be a polish man is literally losing at life
>foreigners mock you
>your own countrymen constantly try to find some weakness to exploit, at least in Romania people are friendly
>women constantly bitch ''abloobloo but in the other countries men are more charming and funny :(''
>you work your ass of for a shit wage and a harpy wife, constant political drama, constant backstabbing schemes, constantly bombarded with bad news and negative emotions from every source
>yet people are surprised why you don't chill
>one of the safest countries for women
>bitches constantly whine at how polish men are bad because they aren't le romantic and le can't dress
>lower homicide rate than west
>hehe slavshits are so barbaric XD
>actually win most wars
>hehe polacks so weak because they lost when 3 countries dogpiled on them after corrupted nobles already weakened it XD

there is no solace for a polish man, his entire life is like a Quake 3 FFA match so it's hardly surprising so many decide to take the bottle and just drink their ass off until they collapse
>his entire life is like a Quake 3 FFA match

good motto to put on gravestone
Since Warhammer is cracked I'm gonna pirate it but can't decide the faction

singles - Vampire Counts

dubs - Orcs

trips - Dorfs

quads - Beastmen
czech my 6
faggot race lmao the only cool elves are Dark ones and they aren't in the game
>- Na początku, jeszcze zanim przyjechałam do Polski, słyszałam o słynnej ułańskiej fantazji. Moja ciotka miała kiedyś narzeczonego z Polski i wspominała go zawsze z rozmarzonym uśmiechem - opowiada Włoszka Gabriele Scialpi. - Tak mnie karmiła tymi historiami, że kiedy decydowałam się na wymianę studencką, bez wahania wybrałam właśnie wasz kraj. I fakt, poznałam tego jedynego. Wysoki, przystojny, niebieskooki - zupełnie inny od tych wszystkich włoskich przewidywalnych facetów, którzy już mnie nudzili. I na początku było jak w bajce. Potrafił wyrwać się z pracy, przyjechać po mnie samochodem tylko po to, żeby spędzić czas we dwoje na odludnej plaży. W łóżku też potrafił mnie zaskoczyć. Ale zamieszkaliśmy razem. I wtedy bańka prysła. Szybko wpadliśmy w rutynę - rano praca, po południu obiad i zawsze ta telewizja. A w sobotę - obowiązkowo zakupy i sprzątanie. I wizyty u jego mamusi. Koszmar. Do tego okazało się, że żyjemy w innym rytmie - ja lubię sobie pospać, polenić się w łóżku, późno zjeść kolację i jeszcze popić winem. Normalnie: używać życia. A z mojego ułana wyszedł poukładany, grzeczny chłopczyk. I zapał w "tych sprawach" też jakoś dziwnie szybko minął.

kurwy są jednak pierdolnięte
nie ten generał
każdy generał jest dobry kurwa polaczku będe mówił po polsku gdzie chce
>bądź Niemcem
>szwargocz volksvagen panzerkampfwagen schnitzel von rammsteinen i miej wyjebane czy sa w pobliżu zagraniczni czy nie
>bądź polakiem


tak jak np w Niemczech będziesz pierdolił Niemcowi po zagranicznemu to on odpowie po niemiecku że nie rozumie ale w polsce jak ukrainiec pierdoli w swoim jezyku tu polak zawsze odpowiada po rosyjsku gnije z was kurwy bez godnosci
polski język ma w chuj więcej wulgaryzmów od angielskiego polski nawet ma wulgarne okreslenia na jedzenie, na wiatr, czy nawet na szybką jazde anglicy mają praktycznie tylko ''fuck'' i ''fucking''

po polsku mówimy ''ale zapierdala!'' ''zapierdala'' jest osobnym wulgaryzmem

a po angielsku ''he drives so fucking fast!'

po polsku mówimy ''ale pizga!''

po angielsku ''it's so fucking windy!''

angielski brzmi jak nastolatek który dopiero uczy sie jak być wulgarny, polski to język zaprawionego w boju weteran menela gdzie wulgaryzmów jest w bród a nie po prostu dojebuje sie fucking przed każdym czasownikiem i nazywa to wulgaryzmem

angielski to generalnie nielogiczny, zjebany język i szkoda że nie używa sie już łaciny
co to kurwa za pojebany jezyk kurwa

''oo'' w ''Doom'' wymawia sie ''dum''

ale już ''oo'' w ''blood'' wymawiają jako cos pomiędzy ''blod'' a ''blad''

''A'' czyta sie jako ''a'' albo ''EJ''

no co to kurwa za gejowski język polaczki? Wytłumaczcie mi bo wiem że wy wyznajecie anglików i czyscicie im kible językiem. Brzmi jak język jakichs gejów jebanych

no ja pierdole jak to brzmi ale jak zwykle polak, jak zwykle POLACKEN jak zwykle ROBAKEN

nie jest kurwo z gułagu

ten jezyk jest zjebany w chuj

wole francuski
jeszcze jak Amerykanie mówią IN INGLISZ to jakos brzmi ale brytole mają akcent jakby sie dławili
>le klasi akcent kurwa XD

wykurwiaj jebana kurwo
I just tell them that I don't celebrate communist holidays and then I buy something to my mother and grandma on mother's day, gf has valentines day for buying shit to her and that's it
fuck off normie
actually also an International Men's Day exists ,it just isn't celebrated in many countries
I don't have one now if that's what you meant
cant watch sub-1080p releases anymore. Having big monitor sucks or more precise, having slow internet with data cap sucks.
its not a meme ive been to ukraine honestly eastern slavic girls are 10x hotter than what we have
>I just tell them that I don't celebrate communist holidays
I do the same but then they get all buttmad and are like
>ackshualy it comes from ancient Greek celebration when men WORSHIPPED women and even wars were stopped for one day so that men could be together with their wives ;)
I know it sounds stupid but in order to distance from communism and Soviet past, this misinformation was created and is always written in news articles on women's day how there was some ancient greek or woman celebration for some goddess that was all about women.

I went even to Lithuanian Wikipedia about women's day and there was a separate section named "The Legend" which described all I said now.

I edited it both times deleting that shit and it got reverted both times. Then I went to look for some information and even went on some forums to ask what's this all about and got told that no such thing exists or it's a vague mix of myths and legends. Then I found out a part of it is from ancient Greek comedy written by some guy about some war which is solved by women protesting it or something.

So I edited the wiki article again with this explanation and that there are no sources of this shit anywhere and it stays like this now since then. Glad I could fix that bullshit. Everyone believes it here, mentioning that it comes from communism is frowned upon a lot. It's always the "ancient roots".
just found the article's version before my editing and it said exactly this (google translated):

"Today's origins date back to ancient times - according to written sources, on a particular day in Greece, women demanded a special attention of their men, and even the wars of that day should have been interrupted so that soldiers could be with their women."

((written sources)) - meaning nothing was citated or sourced
>redpills wikipedia

you are the chosen one
Thank god that we weren't influenced with soviet communism here, in Croatia it's not really that celebrated. Mostly workers-front, feminists and antifa celebrate it and always some protests at the main square nobody gives a shit about. There are always some women who ask me why I didn't congratulate them and then I start explaining the backstory and basically red pill them on the subject.
Good job on the wiki article tho, kek

Also godly quads, fortune will be with you
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