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>every country has a twisted copy of itself oversea >italy

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>every country has a twisted copy of itself oversea
>italy doesn't

why must life be suffering?
even fucking belgium, the country that doesn't even have a language named after itself has some place to love.
we don't
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silence you scrub, you shouldn't even be allowed to post here you even tricked americans into buying some useless island
Geography. Italy was trapped in the Med. They should have sent millions of Italians to Libya instead of USA and Argentina.
>too weak to colonise properly anything
>too inefficient to steal someone else clay

just end our suffering
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It feels good to be part of the Master race in the master country.
norway is ours.
no you have funland
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we could've been a mixed race now
you could've been like greece: from dominated province, to dominating state
>>every country has a twisted copy of itself oversea
Italys colonies are all over the med
>what is Argentina
France has Quebec. and Morocco. And Tunisia. A branch of itself oversea.
>talking italian
argentina is amerindian you ugly shitalian

what is Uruguay, then
a spanish babbler shithole.
another spanish babbling shithole. With silly names.


Do you have more examples? This seems more exception than rule? Maybe you could say that the Dutch Antilles are our copy, but we're nothing alike. Are we talking about just colonies? Italy has plenty of little Italies in the US: I'd say those are more like twisted copies than anything we have.

Little italy doesn't even speak italian. And there are no italians there.
oh yeah Belgium, the non country. It still counts.
>san marino
>canton ticino
all cities
It's really more like an extension. A split country, like Korea or Spain-Portugal.
Romania is my city
yeah romania is cool. but they don't speak no italian there. also, culture of russki
>don't speak italian

funland isnt like sweden culturally. they just speak swedish desu. finland has a more eastern mentality. norway and sweden is practically the same country. id say that denmark has scania.
official language isn't italian

now GTFO zingaro
If it makes you feel better, my Grandfather spoke Italian at times
was he african?
fuck off
>Eritrean American
>If it makes you feel better

Ewe. very much so. Eritrea is number 1, arkina.
it's ok fratello you have romania and romania has you
can you speak tigrinya?
Unfortunatelly no
but you speak italian in romania?

and Italian?
avoja fra, addirittura in dialetto te so parla
and Romania has its copy its called India
feeling alone again istvan? It's ok I'm here for you if you want to talk
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hmmm mi stai dando delle false speranze? sento che sei un rumeno che è tornato in romania per le ferie
i wanted a comment on this finnish guy

what about uruguay and argentina?
they're just basically spic italians speaking italian spanish to each other
You'll always have New York and North York.

But seriously, tighten the reigns a bit, will you? These are not the people you want representing your people.
are they making fun of him?
Sorry, i've spoken english my whole life
How are Morocco and Tunisia copies of France?
And Québec is more canadian than french, they're not like us and they don't like us
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I want what Canada is to UK
They've still got abandonment issues.
ovvio :^)
in realtà vivo a Roma da tipo 13 anni, ma comunque ci sono tanti italiani pure qui, sono andato a un ristorante italiano qualche giorno fa e ho parlato per un po' in italiano con il cuoco che era molto contento di parlare in italiano con qualcuno
vive qui con sua moglie (rumena) da più di 20 anni mi ha detto e mi ha detto che parla italiano solo con i suoi al telefono
>both dirty places
>both filled with muslims
>both arrogant cucks
Norway and Sweden are practically the same country but saying Finland isn't like Sweden culturally is just plain wrong.

Reminder that there was no entity called Finland before 1809 and we were just Österland, a remote part of Sweden which held full citizenship, representation in parliament and other rights. Because it was simply a part of Sweden, not a separate nation governed by Sweden.

>having to give a swede lessons in swedish history
Once upon a time, Rome had Byzantium. If Byzantium had a hat, that was your Canada.

You were just born in the wrong time.
cazzo sono troppo stanco per scrivere bene, sembro spastico
>ywn be an egghead who learns an obscure language just to impressive a small group of people
Why even live?
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ah sei te? Wew lad quanto è piccola questa board
dude I am italian and yet I can speak some tiginya, because I love eritrea. And their wimminz.
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>every country has a twisted copy of itself oversea
>italy doesn't

Thanks to Pachamama, Italian is one fucking nasty language, imagine having millions of people outside of SHITaly speaking it, fucking yuck, sounds like orc-speak.
And Italians? Disgusting ''people'', I don't even wanna think what it would be like if there were other various dozens of millions of those subhumans scattered around, fuck.

Nature didn't want those things outside of their peninsula, or its language or culture.
>è cascato nel meme della faccetta nera
comprate? Ma non le collezionavi solo come immagini sul pc? Cmq sorry bro ma avevo chiesto pure a un'altro rumeno e mi aveva detto la stessa cosa
>fidarsi dei rumeni
go back to jerk on some celtic culture
This coming from Argentina.
non sono il collezionista, le ho solo comprate. È meglio per te che i romeni usino quelle li per davvero...
I'm not him.
Your pic is:

Apellido y nombre: Llanes Federico Augusto
Fecha de nacimiento: 8 de agosto de 1994
Edad: 22 años

Otra dirección: Bouchard 643, Ushuaia
Nacionalidad Argentina
it's a portuguese immigrant, salty about something, see this pic >>78170583
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si sciallo al massimo se non è così le rivendi su ebay al doppio del prezzo
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Thread theme
don't be mean to french people
si certo
this is the real thread theme
vedo il tuo cono gelato e rilancio

ciao siniorina como e stai
andiamo a prenderci un cafe
solo quon te
Italy is the counterpart of mexico you silly.
catholic drunkmen with good food, remember?
we're basically the same on this side of the world.
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>a crime syndicate controls the southern half the country
>similar flag design
My god you're right

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È lui o non è lui?
+same accent
+same physical appearance
+cuisine fetishized by Americans
+north doesn't like south and viceversa
+similar climate
+largest export are shit tier immigrants

I suspect that all the europeans who settled in mexico are just italians who changed their name to spanish names.
saying italy is somewhat close culturally to that pile of garbage that is spain "culture" is like saying shit and nutella are the same due to the colour appearance
>every country
Nope, we don't have one.
Shut up and eat your gabagool, enzio.
>every country has a twisted copy of itself oversea
>italy doesn't
You should be happy about it desu
You've got us, that counts as oversea
how the fuck are you guys like Ireland?
netherlands, easy with the bleach...
1.Both countries are missing a significant part of their former territory due to a shit neighbour
3.Found out that attracting foreign rich companies is more effective than actually producing stuff
4.Play weird sports that no other country really cares about as much as yours does
5.Unhealthy neutrality
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