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What is wrong with these retards? >welcome economic migr

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What is wrong with these retards?

>welcome economic migrants dressed up as asylum seekers from africa and the middle east who offer nothing but crime and misery
>get mad at tourists who pump millions of euros into their economy

Why would they care about migrants who will end up in Germany or Sweden?
Did you read the article you obnoxious leaf cunt?
I'd argue that it's actually detrimental in some places, namely Barcelona. I mean shit, look at Venice for example, tourism has completely torn the soul out of the city and the inhabitants are leaving.
Yes. Doesn't change what I said.
Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot them?
They are welcoming migrants, you stupid fucking prick.
It looks like their main issue is tourists drive up prices of things like rent, but tourists bring money and create jobs.

Tourists are annoying in summer by me, but I work for them, so I don't care
>one tweet with #RefugeesWelcome is evidence

You must be a /pol/fag to be this stupid and obnoxious.
Noone, and i mean no one, welcome niggers, not here, not in spain, not in Catalunya.

Wake up from media lies

You need to kill yourself, cancerous fucking leaf

>leftists in spain demand spain take more refugees
>take to the streets to protest it
>"hurr durr le media lies"
Tourists out
Refugees welcome
The migrants flooding into Spain, Italy, Greece are not staying there for the most part, so their impact is not as long-term as their final destinations. Even if they wanted to stay there, there are few opportunities even for locals, let alone migrants.

So, going back to my first fucking post which you failed to understand (or purposely misconstrued to build a straw man argument), why would they care about migrants who will end up in Germany or Sweden? If you're not going to even attempt an intelligent discussion, you need to go back to >>>/pol/ .
Fuck tourists, fuck niggers
Because they want the """"""refugees"""""" there, you fucking thick nigger.

>intelligent discussion
>with a leaf

Don't flatter yourself. You're dumb as shit.
this is just some leftists populism
without tourism, their areas would become shit-poor, and they would beg you to come back
Yes, leftism is a mental illness
Leftists survive until they get rid of other people's money.
You pointed out that leftists are protesting the tourists but not the migrants, who offer crime and misery. I said that they wouldn't care about that because the migrants will end up in Germany or Sweden, anyway. I didn't say they didn't want the refugees, you fucking malignant tumour, I explained why this discrepancy you posted exists.
>I said that they wouldn't care about that because the migrants will end up in Germany or Sweden, anyway
But they don't, not all. And they clearly do care, hence the protest earlier this year and their messages of support for refugees this weekend.

And they want Spain to take more, you utter fucking sliver of shit.
There's one dumbass in this thread and it's you.
He's saying that the protestors want nigs and muslims to come despite them offering nothing but crime and misery, while getting mad at tourists who pump money into their economy.

The refugees final destination is totally irrelevant, and something that only you care about, because protests are about desires and not results
And if even if some of them don't stay over here they still have many, and the simple fact that they let niggers invade Europe should be enough to point out their cognitive dissonance.
Have you ever lived in an area with lots of tourists? Oh wait, given that you think refugees, niggers, criminals, pedos, and muslims are worse than tourists, you probably haven't.

yeah bro fuck a vital part of the economy!
Je vais au Europe, qu'elle la hospitalite, et les anglos sont mauvais
>because protests are about desires and not results

They're protesting the "results" of tourism in their cities. Tell me, what is a bigger everyday problem facing Barcelona (or Basque Country, as the article mentions) right now? Migrants passing through on their quest for German women/gibs or the never ending flood of tourists? It's easy to want more refugees when you aren't keeping them.
>Brexiters keep getting BTFO at home and abroad
I bet you retards will reelect May as well.
>moving the goalposts after getting btfo
My argument hasn't changed.

Your argument is fucking stupid and you're too stubborn to admit you're clueless, which is why you keep thinking that by reeeeeing about /pol/, you can "shut down" the thread.
Actually I do.
Just because they're wrong about rayfugees doesn't mean they're wrong about tourism
Modern mass tourism is a cancer that needs to be stopped, claiming it's okay to destroy a genuine habitat and adapt it to cater to temporary residents because it brings money is short-sighted
Why don't they just claim that both are long term economic locusts
Free market
These migrants having votes for whatever party let them in. The tourists don't.
No, it makes perfect sense. And if you read the article, which I'm certain now you didn't, you'd know that. No point in arguing with you. Stick to /pol/ or reddit if you're going to shitpost like this.
11% of people employed in Catalonia are in the tourism trade
>reeeeeeeee /pol/
>reeeeeeeeeeee reddit

Embarrassing arrogance from someone so fucking thick.

You thought you were making a clever point, but you've demonstrated you haven't a clue.

Utter cancer, go play with the traffic.
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No, you're the one who doesn't have a clue.

>Refugees languish in Spain with dreams of heading north
>"Everyone wants to go to Germany. The only reason why refugees are still here in Spain is because they are stuck,” says Mr Haousheh, as he surveys the neon-lit common room where he and a group of fellow refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iran spend their days.
>The young men who sit around him agree. Some say they cannot leave because of sick family members. Others face the same problem as Mr Haousheh: they still have to scrape together the few hundred euros that will take them to their final destination. Not one says he has plans to stay in Spain.
>In the case of Spain and other southern European countries, however, there is at least one other crucial incentive to leave: many refugees no longer have access to food, shelter and other basic services. “After six months, you don’t get anything. Spain simply throws you out into the street,” says Mr Haousheh.
>The contrast between the services provided to refugees in Germany and Spain is striking. Under German legislation, buttressed by a recent ruling from the constitutional court, refugees are guaranteed a minimum level of subsistence (shelter, food, housing, medical attention) for as long as they reside in the country.

>"Refugees in Spain only have six months of protection by the government," Ussama Jandali - a human rights activist with a Madrid-based NGO that provides humanitarian aid to Syrians trapped in their country - told Al Jazeera.
>"During this time, refugees receive only 50 euros ($56.5) each month - which is not enough to cover costs - and they are given Spanish lessons, which are insufficient. Most want to leave Spain and go to Germany or Sweden where they feel they will have a better chance," Jandali said.
>11% of people employed in Catalonia are in the tourism trade
Yes, and it's a catastrophe
I've seen first-hand what unlimited tourism can do to a charming rural place
Once everything of the original area has been buried under piles of golf courses, trailer parks, cheap restaurants and amusement facilities, the vicious circle sets up: there's nothing left but service jobs in touristic facilities, since everything else disappeared, hence people don't have a choice but to work by and for tourism, developing it even more, spreading always deeper in the countryside, transforming entire areas of what used to be fields, meadows and hills into soulless pseudo-urban hell filled with useless entertaining facilities attracting the worst kind of customers
Mayors and local authorities who not only do nothing to prevent these things to happen, but actively welcome it should be put on trial
And being a waiter or tour guide gives no opportunities. The people don't want to deal with brits, chinks, or germs anymore than the average person but the migrants sit until they are allowed to go to Germany to never come back, refugees aren't a problem in Spain because there's nothing to compete with anyway. But tourists raise prices without wages and make taxes skyrocket to clean up their mess. See >>77978129 or go back to where you came from
>charming rural place
>And being a waiter or tour guide gives no opportunities.
11% of jobs in Catalonia are in the tourist trade, not 100%.

Basque Country and Barcelona aren't the most popular destinations for British tourists in Spain. It's mainly in the south, The Canaries and Alicante.
I don't think you understand how many jobs and people 11% are. Or you're underage which makes much more sense
By all means, tell us all how much 11% actually is then.
~176,990 people
That's a lot of people who are stuck in an industry with no opportunities. Now please stop shitposting or go back to doing whatever the hell you island niggers do
And thats just Barcelona. Now take into consideration the entirety of Catalonia
I never argued that those leftists didn't want refugees. Literally, in the OP, you asked:
>What is wrong with these retards?

I'm explaining WHY this discrepancy happens. Now, I've shown you the statistics. Very few refugees make asylum claims in Spain, and those that do, are holding out so they can move to Germany. Why is that? Well, now you see that Spain doesn't offer nearly as many opportunities as Germany, and they only offer paltry, temporary assistance to migrants. You want to see an even more extreme example? Look at Greece, which gets orders of magnitude more migrants, despite having 1/4 the population of Spain, yet barely more migrants, proportionally, want to stay in Greece.

So, given that Spain doesn't actually suffer the brunt of problems of the migration crisis, even though they are part of the front line, it doesn't take a master of logic to understand why Spanish leftists in cities flooded with tourists would not be worried about migrants, of which there are relatively few and most of whom are going to leave, anyway. Which goes back to my original reply:
>Why would they care about migrants who will end up in Germany or Sweden?

By the way, speaking of Greece, if you also check the statistics, there is more anti-migrant sentiment there, in part because they have to deal with substantially more migration, despite the fact that most of them don't want to stay. Look at the islands which are used as temporary refugee camps, and the problems they cause there for the locals.
>given that you think refugees, niggers, criminals, pedos, and muslims are worse than tourists,
they are. I live in a city with plenty of tourism and literally had a job in highschool giving tours through the gardens that people come to visit. I would take tourists over muslims any day
Source on that figure?
No one cares about the rest of Catalonia
11% x the population of Barcelona not the metro area
Because they are protesting the government to take more. This has already been pointed out to you, you dense fucking nigger.
Are you dense or just playing it?
So what industry do you replace it with then?
>Because they are protesting the government to take more.

I literally just explained, using clear examples, why they would protest the government to take more migrants while protesting against tourists. For fuck's sake, I really hope you're purposely being this dim-witted. What was the point of this thread if you're attacking the person who is actually answering your question?
>clear examples
Speculative bullshit is what it is. Thinking the current situation would exist if Spain took more. It wouldn't.

Dumb twat.
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>MFW a fellow leaf has successfully rused the Brit into an argument of numerous replies
>acts like a retard and makes a fool of himself repeatedly
>h-haha made you reply
pathetic really

lefties want everyone else to be as miserable as them
>Thinking the current situation would exist if Spain took more.

I didn't argue that at all, not once. As you know, heavily tourist-oriented areas can suffer from higher prices, traffic congestion, increased littering, and even higher crime. More migrants can cause similar problems, but considering what I have repeatedly said about migrants being fewer in number and not wanting to stay in Spain, and the fact that these places get orders of magnitude more tourists than migrants, I think it stands to reason that they see tourism as a more pertinent problem.

You're really a fucking moron if you don't understand this.
A more pertinent problem than mass sexual assaults, theft and terrorism

>leaf logic
So you admit you're just trolling. The people in Catalonia and the Basque Country aren't facing those problems nearly as much as your country, Germany, Sweden, France, etc. It doesn't matter that they would have those problems if half a million migrants decided to settle down in Spain. They currently don't face them to the same level as the UK, so the problems that come with massive levels of tourism are indeed a more pertinent problem.

Again, to reiterate, it's easier to support more migrants when you don't personally have to deal with problems from those migrants.
I didn't even mention the situation in my country, you odious piece of shit.

They desire to see more refugees in their country without caring about the consequences that brings.

You seem to think you can brush that aside with your "hurr durr they go to Germany and Sweden anyway" bullshit, you fucking window licker.
I'm explaining that the double standard exists for them because they aren't facing those problems right now. I'm explaining the current situation, which explains their current attitude toward migrants and tourists. They are currently not facing widespread problems with migrants. They are currently facing problems with tourists. Yes, they are short-sighted, but I'm explaining why that is. You immediately became defensive, obnoxious, and built an army of straw men when I addressed the very question you asked.

You really are an obtuse cunt, and it's the fact that my position against bringing in more refugees is associated with obnoxious pinheads like you which makes me keep my mouth shut about it when around others.
>he still fails to grasp it

Please fucking kill yourself in a brutal and gruesome manner, you dopey, useless sack of shit
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