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/v4/ + friends

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 71

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v4 therapy group edition
>tfw no gf
dobra edycja
this image hits a bit too close home
especially czech and litwin's problems
Good edition, but this thread is basically a group therapy every day
>tfw no gf
Posting ITT just for the off-chance of talking to a hot Slovak girl.
you can talk to me
slovaks and huns are basically the same today
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how do i get a qt hungarian gf?
just bee urself :^)
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i have no idea
desu all v4 countries are basically the same now, maybe polacks have a bit more edge to them
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szeklers are hungarians too r-right?
did anyone see the argie grill in previous thread? Is she a constant member here or was it just a one off?
desu desu desu desu I love this
Didn't know there was a Magyar girl here

Do you have any pit pics?
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she posts here every day but usually after everybody's gone to sleep
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no, that's disgusting
Nothing wrong with pits, they are the most sexual area in the woman's body
noice, quite qt
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>turn on the radio
>"haha people it's sunny, go to the beach haha, eat some ice cream"
>mfw today 2 people collapsed at work
thank odin I live at the north and don't need to melt.
yeah instead youll be beheaded by a "refugee".
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don't remind me and don't bully me, thank you.
>tfw going to Sweden in about a month

At last I will have some rest from the summer.
What are you gonna do here?
Work or student?
Some university organises an international project for students.
Where do you attend?
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I live for these when my tourists bring them, but they changed something. Instead of making kolonadas as plates they reshaped them as multilayered slices. It ruined them for me and noe my heart skips a beat when I see plate shaped kolonada
You mean like this? I had to google it, never seen them shaped like this.
yes, it just doesn't taste the same. I don't know why
fucking hate heatnormies.
yeah same version is here
just ask a customer to bring you originals from Lazne or other spas.
The traditional ones are nicely thin and light. I can see how stacking them in layers would ruin them.
Well, Högskolan Väst organises this, but I'm not going to actually attend there, this is just a summer school basically.

I'm not that sociable, so I hope I won't regret this.
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the waffer : filling ratio is all wrong and I think the filling is also more fatty
traditional single layered filling is more dry
well they bring it as a gift, we don't really ask them anything.
Also I got a full closet of becherovka and I got one liter bottle today again! kek
I mean I like it maybe even more than regular herb liquors like jaegermeister. What do you guys think about it?
gesture is nice but its bit sad that they bring you the worst version of it. (talking about oplatky)
what do you guys think how long you gonna live?
I'm thinking 75, the way I live and eat will survive first heart attack, second one will take me down kek
unironically like 165
the future is coming
I think we reached the peak of prolonging the human life, the only progress in medicine from now will be curing the premature deaths and illnesses not connected to aging process
a lot of scientists think the first people that will live until 150 were born 8 years ago, and we're pretty close to having cell modification that reverts human cells back to their embryonic form and essentially reverses physical aging.

The maximum age that a human body could keep working for is like 120-150, and that's if people avoid the worst of the aging process as well as disease/cancer, so we're not at peak longevity yet.
ok guys the bread is dead, going to bed now, laku noc V4
Testing if I can post now. 4chan was dead for me for a while.
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Testing pictures
It was probably routing/peering issue that affected v4 countires as croat and burger were able to post. Anyway, I'm going to bed. Dobrou everyone.
Well, I wanted to post a shitty oc (not really v4 related but still) and a video of view through my window as there was storm here but it said that 4chan is down and laptop is off already anyway...

Dobrou noc
>tfw no gf
post oc tomorrow :D
dobrou noc

and you, why were you banned yesterday?
I was banned in July, not yesterday
unless you think I'm other argentianon
guess i thought you were the other argie then che
she was banned yesterday for some reason
probably because somebody reported one of the recurrent poland pic threads
probably just for posting /soc/ stuff all the time (not that I care), the Poland pic autism threads don't break any board rules
Also wrong
u're probably an impersonator
post feet
no u
what happened then?
I was banned for shitposting
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they're sleeping
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i realize that
i hate chinks, arabs and niggers
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keeping /v4/ alive during ded hours is one of our NATO obligations
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what about pajeets?
they're okay, I guess
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rise and shine, dummies!
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up up up
i am awake
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good morning lads
hello and welcome
they stink
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Mv4GA boys
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>new poll done this year on international views of the US
>we're viewed more unfavourably than favourably in almost every European country for the first time I can remember (not even around the Iraq War was it this bad)
>the only places polled where there were increases in favourability seem to be Hungary, Poland
>and Israel
I can't tell whose Jewing who anymore
>Vietnam THE most favorable
Morning anons

Basically every SJW european cuck state dislikes you, that's not a biggie
they hate China so much and most of their population is so young that they quite literally don't give a shit that we napalmed them for ten years
i am awake
welcome to your thread
thanks, its good to be here
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Gf just sent me this
beautiful, what a nice and caring cuck
where is marcel? haven't seen him for some days
I am having mixed feelings
jesus christ why is this country so shit
Shit people
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wtf 2 huns
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me in red.png
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decided to do a little bingo out of boredom at work
exercise cures depression for 85% of people
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>tfw no AC
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and exercise with qt in bed for 99%
I want to exercise with argie qt for the rest of my life
>Gf just sent me this
she's trying to tell you something
Dump some funny music brothers



>tfw having just 24°C to not fuck up my health
>tfw electricity bill comes
mixed feelings desu
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"weather is dangerously life-threatening, expected weekend temperatures up to 45°C"
>my lyf right now
girls are the one causing depression
Lel, it's not rare here in Brazil...
you wills being of dieded so good byeings hranon

I wrote it as a proper English sentence but your brain is already melting so you're reading it wrong
lack of them in lives do.
I don't agree
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sorry my brain is melting, I didn't understand what you wrote there

captcha: a set of pink dildos in "pick all the dresses"
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>45 °C
Does this kill the Croat?
wow nice OC
this kills panonian croat, adriatic croat like me has sea which certainly helps but could also die
It's pretty easy to shit out OC like this once I made the t-shirt template. Of course I found a good glowing eye template right after I post it. I really should study instead of making shitty images.
>that nasty cutoff on the left side of the eye halo
I mean, OC is always appreciated, but git gud m8
Oh fuck. How did I not see that. I think I might be blind.
who the fuck made that picture and why does it feel like that Czech is aimed directly at me
all of text on pic are quotes
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>have sex with girl
>can't get it up
>when i get it up and on the go, i get exhausted after few seconds
>she has to get on top, since im weak and tired already
>i cum after two minutes, while she didnt even moan
>lie in bed
>think about how much of a disappointment i am
guess i am the 1%
Well fuck, it must be old picture
The thread is from April 9th. Picture was OP of the next thread.
Why is it a problem to get a boner with gf but when alone fapping i get it instantly? Guess it must be some psychological issue or what. Happened to me couple of times and I really had to try very hard to get it up
How do you remember the exact date?
i wanna join Jihad

stop fapping
Being nervous plays a role, and for me its also caused by my super weird fetishes. When i am used to fap to dominantion trap beastiality anime gangbangs, its hard getting it up for regular girl.
I saved the picture the same day, just looked at the file properties. I checked the archive to be sure.
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Im bored
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Found some old OC, probably cringy as fuck
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and this one will be even worse
t. roasssssssssssssstie literal snake siren antichrist incarnated
slavic loanword detected?
here we say vremea when we talk about the weather
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>tfw going to Croatia for a week

Am I going to die?
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Is there racial discrimination against Asians in Eastern Europe?
I have czech tourists here and they are absolutely enjoying it, burnt from the sun like i've never seen before but they seem to enjoy it. It also depends where are you going? Upper and mid adriatic is still kinda ok but from split to dubrovnik is death
Not really, we like our Viets, and other asians are just comedic tourists for us
wrong. we (polaks,czechs,us) were here before great migration of nations.
nah, k-pop made it so you are like second exotic group after nigs for girls here.
I wish people still made stuff like this on here instead of nigger twitter memes and easter toads
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dr. soros?
when exactly did poland fight against hussites?
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Why so ded
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people will keep asking you stuff and shit and may stare but it ain't in bad will
they aren't used to asians here
hello I am also eastern european, where is the nearest under the table job

nice meme
*dezips fallus*
I don't think there is any negative attitude towards Asians. We have some Viets, but you'll probably be categorized as "another Chinese".
what is that soup or whatever on the right made of?
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just cooked myself some pork medallions on white wine with cream camembert sauce and potato croquettes as sides

would have taken a picture but it was too delicious - before I could get my phone I eat it
so here's one from the online cookbook
Hello v4, I'm back.
>what is that soup or whatever on the right made of?
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First ,make a dough.
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Second,form it into the right shape
excuse me but I was talking about money not homosexual exploits, sorry for bad English
Third, fry it
You can exchange homosexual services for money
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And now put a lot of ketchup on it!!!
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>go for a burger
>sorry we just sold our last meat
>fuck it going for kebab elsewhere
>sorry we just sold our last meat
>cream camembert sauce
how do you make the sauce?
i went to swim today
it was quite nice

thank you for reading my post
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>Isis, muslim superhero.
Post your darkest secret

When I was 15 I tried to stick a cucumber up my ass but it didn't fit, so I ate it
To me, it feels like it tries to mirror the original comic too hard.
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k akým zaujímavým výsledkom sa pri skúmaní genetických koreňov slovenskej populácie dopracoval člen Európskej spoločnosti pre genetiku človeka doc. RNDr. Vladimír Ferák. Vedec, ktorý má štvrťstoročné skúsenosti v oblasti analýzy ľudskej DNA, dospel k záverom, ktoré rúcajú mnohé teórie historikov. Jeho výskumy ukázali, že genetické korene takmer 85 percent slovenskej populácie siahajú do mladšieho paleolitu, teda do obdobia pred 20 až 50-tisíc rokmi
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good post
I really like this one
this, luther was a hack
Creepy jew
yeah it's from beetroots, eggs, kefir, eggs, cucumbers and dill. it's god tier taste, at least for me and it's THE summer meal. served cold of course, usually with hot potatoes that you can eat from another plate or actually submerge into the soup. cold soup disarms the hotness of potato, also making a really good contrast between hot and cold and it tastes really great. one of our traditional foods

jesus that looks great
so this is what was outside my window yesterday at night when 4chan was down
double the eggs, double the fun kek, anyway sounds lovely, I today had for lunch spaghetti with shrimps and orange (sounds weird but tastes good)
homosexual acts are for the clerical class, I am not a priest sorry
I definitely love to discover things that look really weird or just disgusting but actually taste great

Seeing šaltibarščiai is really weird for foreigners: "what the fuck is that pink thing??"
sorry man, now we know how it feels to be replaced by cheap labor force.
I stick stuff upp my ass for fun, if I'm horny and my ass is empty
If you want me to vomit, you can just ask
used to play with my ass but though it was faggy and stopped.
tried sucking my own dick, but could only fit the tip and my back was hurt so i stopped.

no weird shit since.
Sometimes when I'm taking a dump a little bit of pre comes out
Also I've beat my meat in a room with other people on numerous occasions
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I swallow my loads to clean up [spoiler]and enjoy it[/spoiler]
no homo though
purge this thread nao
I used to fuck a redneck girl who was missing teeth, a leg, and a few fingers all the time when I was a teenager. She was fucking gross but I don't regret a thing.

Nothing has ever been in my ass though.
Wish I wasn't permanently tired.
what do you mean, she had a red beard?
What did you buy with your first paycheck?
just take a rest m8

don't really remember but probably spent it on parties and booze
a)- you are celiac
b)- you have worms in your gut
c)- some vitamin insuffecency
d)- you're anemic

just go to the doctor and make some health checks
A new phone
beer and some vidya, I think Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Civ IV
Took two naps today.

I take vitamins (D and B12) but don't feel like they help.
thryroid, low testosterone, high e2(estradiol), diabetes
exercise and work more
I pillaged her booty if you know what I'm saying

brb going to throw up now
a yes, I have diabetes and when it started I felt tired and with some stomachaches, not to talk about the recurrent urge to pee
thyroid is also a possibilty
going afk, have a nice day people
do you insulin pump, Marcelina?
That's another argie, I don't have diabetes
wait how many freaking argies are visiting this thread, I know that the grill uses cordoba extra flag
Im unable to use regional flag for now but I know there are 1 or 2 more argies who post in /v4/ sometimes
i feel like if it came to it, i would be the bad guy
+ friends was a mistake
You can use autism flags on your phone if you use Firefox.
what do you mean?
Yeah I don't do it anymore almost at all. Regular fapping is better, I even sucked my dick and came but nothing is worth it anything other than exploration.
why do you hate us? ;-;
nah, I hate phoneposting so it would be too much effort for 1 day and a half
how come you are this flexible?
I'm just joking
I love all + friends
if war broke out or i had to make difficult decision, i feel like i would have no problem killing people, i dont even want to sound edgy
i was 12 with non-existant muscle mass or strong abdomen
Let me.tell you how id act in this extremely rare and stressful situation I never faced before
Yeah no you wouldn't do.shit ,stuff like this is my ratjonal or something you can imagine doing.it happens automatically
i once planted a Vatican flag in my butthole
i once gave myself a prostate orgasm
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can you post favorite song from each V4 except yours? (I think its impossible for anyone not from Shitvakia since we cant make anything decent)

also fuck polish Allegro and their need to put black kids into everything.
same, i could literally kill a slovak right now
>i once gave myself a prostate orgasm
how was it?
like normal orgasm but on top of it you really feel like you need to take shit afterwards, atleast me
you mean you were not fat fuck like you are now
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I'm a 178cm manlet with 77kg and around 13% bodyfat.

Despite being a fuckup with depression, I lift weights and do cardio. Without that, I would fucking kill myself.
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>mfw going into the mountains
>Hungarians everywhere
>seriously, quite a number of them (is there a public holiday in Hungary today or something?)

>see a hungarian lady trying to pick Monks Hood
>Monks Hood is beautiful, but also the most poisonous plant in Austria and people have gone to hospital just from touching it
>tell her to not do that
>doesn't really understand me and thinks I'm rude and going law and order on her because these plants are protected

Please don't start doing deadly things in our mountains like the Czechs

Also: 24° at 1700m. I love the mountains.

and I don't know any other Hungarian song desu
I was a late bloomer teen. Basically what polak said, abdomen was empty.
I came during sleepy hours in kindergarten, somehow I rubbed myself to bed in good way. I remember almost fainting from the goodfeels it made.
Wasn't Poland-Lithuania supporting Hussites though?
I went to Interlaken when I was 10 with my dad.
Thats the last time I really enjoyed anything
shut up no it wasn't
What happened since then
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trying to keep v4 alive.webm
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slowly entered a depersonalized state.
I am a literal husk of a man.
Few things help, like when people can put aside their differences and talk in these threads like civilized humans.
Listen to this,
This is the only thing keeping me alive

I'm just a prank bro
geez no wonder you are depressed
just how many photos did she dump recently and how come nobody traced her data yet
I also listened to this while making out with my only girlfriend
She broke up with me 5 years ago and I listen to this on a daily basis
please help
i want to trace her data, if you know what i mean

how are you gonna let these subhuman rape babies talk about v4 like this
Sounds to me like you got a serious issue with letting go. Also your mental wellbeing shouldn't rely on other people so much.

Go out and do things you enjoy.
it's ok man, didn't read your later post
>Hussite Wars
3 photos, if that's her anyway, she might be posting somebody else's pic, like her friend or something. Even this pic looks like it's cropped from some other picture
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>tfw no slav gf
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Who is that supposed to be?
Please tell me I misunderstood something and you didn't actually use p*nslavist colours from 19th century to depict ancient tribes.
Life of Boris is at it again in Praha

i am fat fuck with 30%+ bodyfat and over 110 kg
i still manage to give my girlfriend atleast 3 orgasms per day + fuck 5 times a day every day

no excuses

go lift your weights wh*Te pigs they are useless
even midgets can get laid it has nothing to do with body shape
Thanks man
I needed this
also tracing is not nice, don't be a creep
>Is there racial discrimination against Asians in Eastern Europe?
Eastern Europeans are Asians
argentinean bitch looks really ugly
just go out in streets and grope any random sl*V women
i do not understand sl*V men
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Hey guys, can you tell me about this general.
>austrian neighbours come to Hungary because their pool is warm here
>I want to go to Austria because it's cold there

I've also found a letter - written in German- attached to a balloon back in June. I have no idea what it's meant for and what's written on it. Translate it please.
post pics of gf
>wanting a slav gf
>not wanting an obviously superior HUNgarian gf
Hardly. There is more asiatic admixture in Scandinavia and Western Europe.
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meant this one
you'd be better off posting this on deutsch
hello i am turk
i do not know how to read subhuman HANDWRITING bullshit just write normal letters fucking eurotards

but it says
hello i am the owner
name surname adress
happy easters(???)

i have 4 rabbits
their names are emma krümel peter herbert?
with heartly greetings

if only i could read subhuman cursive writing hten i could translate properly
stfu gypsy
Hussites had Poland and Lithuania support and Lithuanian duke almost became Bohemian king, but long story short, pope's gonna pope
obviously, the P-L Commonwealth wasn't a thing yet
>she might be posting somebody else's pic
she also might be he
just sayin
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me with sister.jpg
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who knows
plottwist: his gf weighs the same.
oh, wasn't here when it happened, my sincerest apologies to her.
Also guys dont trace
I'm V4
>Hello I am Eva
>[apparently an adress in the village of Hopfgarten]
>I have 4 rabbits, their names are Emma, Krümel, Peter, Herbert
Must be from a elementary school age kid.
It's hellish these days. 37° every day. If you come, plan to visit mountains.
That's a nice chłodnik, but for some reason the photo makes it looks depressing
I think it's because of the lighting
that's pretty cool
you should write her back
fuck interpals, just tie a note to the balloon and send it off
write what
I can't into germanics

it only travelled 394 km
>I can't into germanics
>implying google shitlslate can do anything with a language different enought from the french-german creole
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The immigration plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my men, Dr. Soros here but only few of refugees! First one to eat bôčik gets to stay in Europe!
b-but I can :3
Compose a letter and I'll send it.
more like 30
I never said I'm encouraging it though
I hate the whole le wacky gopnik memosphere with a burning passion
I bet it's paid off by Putin
It's just a joke you haplonerd
private chemistry lessons so I could get on uni
how is that song depressing? i find it quite nice, comfy and kinda uplifting
3, and you were in these threads
sorry litbro, this evening is too comfy to shitpost ;_;
Big backpack, tent, sleeping bag, camping mat and some other stuff
watching the new mummy and having chips with pilsner
>there are more argies than magyars in /v4/
Argentina member of v4 when?
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Red Dwarf on tv and Bernard ale about to be drank. I guess my favourite czech beer atm
>Poles have their own general and still post here regularly
>Hungarians start their own general and then disappear off the face of the earth
Was it autism?
Anyone else think Czech beer is overrated? I've only tried Kozel and Krusovice and didn't like them very much.
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Top lad
Czech beer best beer, you tried big commercial beers, they'll never be as good as crafts or some small brewery czech stuff. Ever tried pilsner?
I don't know, I think it's slow and nostalgic sorrow inducing
the art is straight-up suicidal looking, you can't deny that
and even the name "Greaf" sound like grief
I think beer ans alcohol in general is overrated
but don't tell anyone I said that
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/polska/ isn't as comfy as /v4/
is that gf on skype? kek
actually let me rephrase that
/polska/ isn't comfy at all

is that your qt?
if so you're pretty lucky
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it's all good man.png
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are you the same lad who posted this few days ago?
great taste
Yes tried Pilsner Urquell and Staropramen as well, but didn't think they were Czech. Didn't like them as well.

I mostly drink Tuborg and Fransiskaner which are commercial and consistently good. Even some cheap Israeli commercial beers are good. But they all have a different taste than the Czech ones.
/polska/ is pure cancer, every sane person avoids it at all cost
it's me actually
yaay my pic *happy*
hungarians hate slavs and especially us.
that was somebody else
Well to one to it's own taste, czech beers are generally considered the best, many people won't agree with me but for me 2nd place are belgian brews, I never liked german beers, don't know why either
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Hungarian fence.jpg
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He didn't climb so good
but I have more than 3
/polska/ is basically trashy /a/ with traps
I have only three how many do you have? wanna trade? I have an ultra rare if you're interested
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absolutely haram big.jpg
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>no hills
fresh bread
But we did not speak a Slavic language at that time. People from East bought it.
When I see /polaka/ I regret I kinda understand Polish. It makes Poles seem like weeb pedos.
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