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Are mixed couples looked down upon in you're country?

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Are mixed couples looked down upon in you're country?

I've only had positive comments.
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everyone has been fucking each other out of their ethnic group for the last five centuries than the only kind of """race mixing"""" you'll see is a brown mestizo and a white looking mestiza or the other way around
To some degree, but it's not like you're gonna get any comments for it though.

It really depends on the mix as well. .
I saw a White dude with a Hispanic chick yesterday and my Trinidadian teacher is married to a White Guy so I want to say "no"?

btw that dude should ditch the beard
unless g*psy filth is involved, no not really
Wouldn't care if i could get my hands of a niger woman like that.
And look like a little boy? No thanks.
What's her ethnicity?
best post
>I've only had positive comments.
I don't know what's worse, cheering for race mixing or open hate for it.
mexico truly sounds like the first post-racial society
Probably not in London but I'm from Bradford, I hardly see any mixed couples but the ones I do see get funny looks

yes, specially when the age gap is huge, I have a 50 years old neighbor with a 20 years old russian wife. also worked in the bar areas last year and there were large amounts of old hags with 20 years old niggers with them, truly terrifying.
If neither are black no one will care.
Not even WMAF? I thought they're really stigmatized?
>large amounts of old hags with 20 years old niggers with them

where the old hags foreing ?
>being this stupid

its not a problem in places where your only exposure to asians aren't mail order brides and retarded stereotypes.

t. asian guy in toronto, who has lived in california/west coast/parts of US
>being this stupid
Calm down lad we don't have as many chinks in the UK as you do, how was I meant to know?
here in manga conventions spaniard + chinkess/gookess is not a too rare sight
>I'm from Bradford
Hello white trash
by not assuming/getting real-world knowledge from a board of internet /pol/-lite autists.
>I've only had positive comments.

Eurocucks are totally fine with the destruction of the white race, what a surprise
I'm surprised you didn't call me a Paki desu

WMAF couples are looked down on here so I assumed it would be the same
Calm down Chang just cause you can't get any of your own women
generally more males are born, so, that excess of males bleaching other races is not that much of a problem
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>can't get own women
yeah because i'm dating a white girl you pathetic britshit.

i don't really care what brits do, they love showing how liberal and progressive and blacked they are imo and that's your business, but i'm getting tired of brits who just parade around like they are knowledgeable about the world and other cultures/places.
Everything is exotic here. A Dutch girlfriend would be an exotic thing here. Not the same type of exotic as a girlfriend from a completely different racial background, but still exotic. As for mixed couples, it's a purely exotic sight. Especially if the woman is decent looking, it's a winning trophy. Scoring these women here, be it Asian, black, mixed, is an endeavor for local men. I work near the town center (south Croatia, two minutes from the coast) and while you see beautiful women in all colours and shapes, nothing draws our attention like an exotic black or Asian woman

We usually banter at work, and while feasting our eyes on all types of tourist slash girls, you always hear the same question: "What does this fine black girl taste like" or "Oh look, an Asian girl. Duuuude"

Mixed children? I've never seen any, that have parents living here that is, so I can't say how receptive we are of them. There's one black kid in our neighbourhood. Both parents are black. I can't understand why they moved here, and I don't want to question it. He's doing fine. I don't see him walking around with bruises or being pushed around the bus. He's as black as a dark alley full of shady people, but he's still a kid. Who'd want to beat up a ten year old because he's black?
>implying anyone cares about being knowledgeable about foreign countries dating trends
Jesus Chang you really have your priorities all mixed up don't you
retarded comment
what type of chink/gook are you ? korean ? nip ? chinknese ?
>I've never seen Many, that have parents living here that is
I'm tired

no, vacas gordas españolas con negros de 20 años.
Your leader doesn't even know what the Baltic countries are so I don't think Canada should be throwing stones about worldly knowledge
yo no he visto tal cosa nunca nunca, pero bueno
if the man is from a different country (for example from a 2nd 3rd world) people would not see it good at first sight but on the contrary a woman would be more acceptable but I don't think people would care that much because nowadays mixed couple aren't that rare
oh yes I forgot some exception
if she's from east Europe she's a whore or a gold digger
if he's Muslim he's a drug dealer or a terrorist
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neither to all three.

keep guessing jose del pedro
honestly i'm just triggered by brits in general after seeing one too many of you pieces of shit carry a smug dumb attitude when i use to backpack around.

you people need a kick to the face because you people are hardcore SJWs that love shoe-horning/emulating blacks to show how non-racist you are while still being racist and bigoted to every other people eg. asians/eastern-euros/everyone else.

you are literally the caricature of how american media presents racism imo.
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Have you ever actually been to the UK or just read the occasional stupid headline by the BBC and some liberal twitter accounts?
If you'd come you'd know exactly what you say is untrue

Pakis deserve to be racist towards they're absolute scum
And I mean the SJW stuff is untrue, of course being bigoted against other people as opposed to your countrymen is true like in every single other country
yeah but i don't assume to know or say anything about them. that's the difference. your country pretends to be worldly and liberal and yet think only American Racism Rulesâ„¢ applies to the world, eg. only victims of racism are black and you can only fix the problem by patronizing them or making them tokens.
>only victims of racism are black
Are you literally retarded? We don't even have that many blacks in the UK and they're not even the victims of racism here
Mr "worldly" seems to be a lot less worldly than he thinks, which is ironic given what he's just been saying about the brits
i think he is gucci mane ? is he ?
see this is what i mean.

you feel nothing when you're racist towards polish or paki or asians but you are terrified about being racist towards blacks because you don't want to appear racist, and want to appear enlightened and morally superior.

you're literally the country of wiggers imo.
They are.
Even if they come from countries where people look similar to us.
I've gotten quite a few nasty comments here and there because my girlfriend is foreign.
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It's 50/50 when it comes to positive and negative attitudes, howere, very few will show you their dislike face to face.

I've had two arab girlfriends, one colombian (native amerindi), two swedes and one albanian.
My father doesnt approve of me dating non-Swedish girls, my mother (divorced from father) and her husband dont care about ethnicity.

Out in public I've had zero reactions to being with the swedish girls, the albanian and the Colombian. When I had arab girlfriends there was alot of stares and comments. Usually arab women would stare at my arab girlfriends, arab men would often talk shit about me and my GF in arabic - calling her a traitor, whore, slut etc.

Other ethnic Swedes have never reacted in public to my GF's.
Well I don't like niggers either but there really aren't that many of them
Poles are fine and most people don't mind them, stop getting your news from the Daily Mail
viet, thai ? also, try to guess my ethnicity, its not avg spaniard for sure
>or paki or asians
Did some chav shout at you on the street or something and now you've got a chip on your shoulder? Sure seems that way
yeah you apply American Racism Rulesâ„¢ eg. its an absolute crime to be racist to blacks.yet you are racist as shit to others. this is typical wigger mentality here, eg. dumbshit white kids who pretend to be black to try to be cool, yet are complete tools. except this applies to your whole country and not just a bunch of dumb shits.

fuck off i'm done here.
Stop embarrassing yourself it's pathetic
You dumb cunt it's the muslims that get pandered to not the black
catalonian? basque? only group i know that kinda has their own thing going on.

also if you in barcelona what's going on there recently? lots of my FB friends have been moving there or working there for reasons i don't really know.
nope. its just what i observe from seeing you guys abroad. i'm fine with brits who are here who don't embody the dumb morally superior liberal attitude but its way too common from your country.
that would be us
>middle class liberal backpackers embody the entirety of Britain
The brains on this one
Race betrayer here, I get the piss taken by friends occasionally as a bit of banter here but never serious disapproval from other Anglos. My gf is Indian. There are Indian people who have a problem with me and I know for a fact that it's because I'm fucking one of theirs. Also her parents were fucking pissed off at her when they found out about us.

Think the main people with issues on race mixing are the cultures who are getting absorbed
I don't know any Austrians that are in a relationship with people that are not Austrian or German.

Negros are not really a thing anybody cares about. They are not in our social circle.

The only one I know that really hates them is my wife. I'm pretty sure she thinks of them as genetically inferior due to aggression and incapable of rational thought processes.
Some race mixing is fine, makes the world diverse, mass race mixing is a form of genocide.
a friend of mine said her mom who's white canadian caused a controversy in his town when she married her dad who came from a prominent family, because she's foreign/canadian.

i don't agree with your racism or whatever but that's kinda weird, also weirder attitude considering she's adopted and non-white imo.
*caused a controversy in her dad's town
Yeah Franz I agree with you. I actually find it difficult sometimes ratifying the fact that I don't think mass race mixing is beneficial with the fact that I am race mixing myself. I just tell myself it's okay cause she's Panjabi indo-aryan not a Tamil low caste nigger
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Stop being a coal burner
>white Canadian
Why do foreigners insist on having the native demonym? Why are minorities so race-insecure? I don't mind throwing them a bone and calling the Indians "British" but it's really funny to watch them kick up a fuss if you don't
No one will take you seriously if you date a black person but other than that no.
Personally I have prejudices towards certain types of mixed race couples. "Old native guy and young Thai wife" and "old native woman with mandingo Mede", I assume it's just money and sex... and despite that being a common way to select a partner in certain parts of the world, I think it's sort of frowned upon here. I've been taught growing up that relationships should be based on mutual respect and love for the other person as a whole.
But on the other hand, I know that such relationships are not possible for a lot of people. And should they really be looked down upon for acquiring one in a less conventional way?
I don't think they should... But I'm still not quite comfortable with it, somehow.
One of the main differences is that Canada is a country of immigrants, while Europe is the continent of Europeans, there is no other Europe, if we are gone, Europe is gone forever. We are not an immigration continent, or country, nobody I know would want that. Some migration is fine as I said, it's like sprinkles on a cake, but if you take one cake and mash another cake on it, you get a disgusting pile of tasteless mass that looks like shit.
she's white canadian who lives in austria and married an austrian, and controversy was around being a foreigner/canadian.

i did it for the fact that the reason of the controversy was the fact that she's canadian,not because she's non-white. the girl in question i was talking about is adopted and non-white imo but that came much later when i guess attitudes were relaxed.
The hypocracy from them is insane though, it's like if the children of the colonialists born in India tried to call themselves Indian
Well you shouldn't forget that "white" is an anglo concept of race.

If you ever get someone here to admit that race is actually a thing, they will usually distinguish way more between them than just white, black, brown and yellow.
pinche pendejo
yeah i understand, also to point out that they live in austria in said small town and i think might be descended from nobility given how rich her family appears to be.
Rich people here aren't descended from nobility, they are descended from Nazis.
It's fucking weird is what it is. If someone correctly identified me as English or Anglo Saxon instead of British I wouldn't get mad, so why are they so insecure? The funny thing is people from their homeland despise them for cucking themselves so hard.

I frequent some Islamist/extremist meme pages on Facebook for shits and gigs and half of their posts are bagging on liberal "I'm British, not Muslim!" types.
What's wrong, Mexico, I wasn't even slagging off Latinos. Latinos are cool with me
Mixed couples are neither looked down upon, nor looked up upon

t. living in post-racial America
I hate hypocrites like you. Fucking kill yourself.
>Latinos are cool with me
>makes the world diverse
How exactly?

Literally nobody would care about the couple in your pic.
There's already plenty of mixed race peoples in the world
Latin America has mestizos and mulattoes.
Central Asian has Eurasians.
Turkey has white/Arab/slight Asian admixture.
Pakistan is Arab/Indian mixed.
Some Southeast Asians are East Asian/Indian mixes.
Jews are their own weird amalgamations.
Why would large age gaps be looked down upon?
>I've had two arab girlfriends, one colombian (native amerindi), two swedes and one albanian.

Muslim Arabs would never date you unless you convert to Islam and Christian Arabs would never let a degenerate Swede date their daughter.

You lyin son

Way too broad.
One could argue that Turkey has some greco-roman DNA because they are fucking rapists, but they really are for the most part Turk people, which is it's own tribe, but in no way are they germanic, which is what anglo-saxons generalize as "white"
Because I race mix but still think Europeans should on the whole preserve themselves as a distinct race? Or cause one group of Indians is fine with me but the others are untouchable?
>mutual respect and love for the other person as a whole.
You're being prejudiced by assuming that large age gap relationships aren't based on that and are more superficial. In fact it's you who is being superficial by instantly assuming otherwise.
Because you're preaching one thing and doing another
There are some stereotypes I guess. White girls who date black guys are viewed as trashy and more likely to have come from broken homes. White guys who date Asian girls are viewed as nebbish dweebs who lack the charisma to get a white partner. There are no stereotypes about the less common pairings though, like WMBF or AMWF.

The majority of pairings I see here are between individuals of the same race, however. I live in a middle class South Jersey suburb.
the only AMWF couples I see around me are fundamentalist elitist aristocrats
>White guys who date Asian girls are viewed as nebbish dweebs who lack the charisma to get a white partner
Doesn't everyone do that though? I'm pretty sure everyone grapples with that issue at least once in their life.

I don't exactly preach about it either. The fact that I'm discussing it on a Chinese cartoon website should show I'm not altogether too serious about that particular opinion
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