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I've always been depressed and chronically poor, but I think

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I've always been depressed and chronically poor, but I think I'm starting to realize at least part of the cause of both is that I live in America, where if you're not rich, you're shat on and stamped into the dirt your entire life. Am I right? Is it better for the poor in some other countries (no I'm not talking about fucking Africa, before all you butthurt Americans on vacation start chiming in thinking you're being clever)?
Poor people will always be unhappy. That's basically the definition of capitalism.
while being poor in america does such it's not because of america
Well, there's capitalism. And then there's America which is capitalism if it did nothing but snort cocaine all day. It's always been bad for the poor here, but we're literally entering another gilded age and it's getting fucking intolerable here. I literally want to kill myself every single day.
not trying to be clever but where do you think being poor in america is worse
american poor get every kind of benefit rich countries give to their poor, housing, benefits, food stamps, medical coverage etc

in what area do you think the poor in america doesn't have that other rich countries do
This is a lie. America has some of the stingiest benefits of any Western country. And they have the single most expensive healthcare system of ANY NATION ON EARTH.

Not to mention the fact that the average American is absolutely insufferable to spend more than one fucking second in the vicinity of.
if you meet the definition of poor it's all paid for
ofc then there is the argument of it being what the category of poor

american poor have much more disposable spending than other countries, they are able to buy more things poor from other rich countries can't

while you may hate your life and your material possessions mean nothing to you, and while health care might be cheaper for poor of other countries they don't own as much

it might be all part of the oppression of the system but you really don't want to be poor elsewhere

the only thing american is bad at is the culture of poverty, there is no solidarity, and disdain and hatred among each other
>they don't own as much
>while you may hate your life and your material possessions mean nothing to you
You just answered your own argument. Opinion discarded.
>Not to mention the fact that the average American is absolutely insufferable to spend more than one fucking second in the vicinity of
You probably wouldn't be happy in any country, friend.
Perhaps. But I'm certainly not happy in the worst country. I have to wonder if an African dictatorship is actually worse at this point.
no it didn't
you didn't want to compare african countries but the poor in latin america are on average much happier than american poor and own a lot less
america has a depression epidemic and it affects the poor as well as the rich and the problem might compound
>america has a depression epidemic
America doesn't have a depression epidemic. It has a rampant out of control fucking evil epidemic and widespread depression is a natural result. This country is positively satanic.
just move to canada then
Canada is such an ugly, depressing country. I've looked into it. It's literally the only nation on Earth I've looked at that had even uglier cities than America. Not to mention the weather's absolute dogshit.
>but you really don't want to be poor elsewhere
spoken like a fucking totalitarian state propaganda piece

American banks and healthcare system make the rich richer and the poor poorer, there's no way you can turn it around. Banks should stay neutral about your spending, same about healthcare and the risks you take, yet they'll spit on your face for being a poor smoker in the USA.

There are way better countries to be poor and to live long as a poorfag.
People keep blaming the banks, but it's all the large corporations and the rich in general that are fucking life up for everyone but themselves here. They're a bunch of greedy cocksuckers who are literally trying (and succeeding) to destroy the country for personal profit.
>There are way better countries to be poor and to live long as a poorfag.
Start naming them.
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your problem is not that you are poor its that you are depressed. If you lived somewhere else you wouldn't magically not be depressed
My depression is caused by crushing poverty. You lose this round, Koch shill.
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3rd world countries are much better to be "poor"

civcuck countries are hellholes
if you talking about developed world, definilty
America has very little public spending, and naturally, poor people are more dependant on public institutions than the rich ones
gonna go out on a limb and say that even if you had money you would still be depressed. It may make you less stressed which could help your depression but to say that your income is the sole cause of your depression sounds just wrong
My depression is caused by mental illness, and I live on 6 figures.
Why are you poor?
Disabled. Bad family. Interests are literally antithetical to everything American "culture" (evil) stands for.
your jewish occupants never told you how expensive it would be to conquer and occupy the world for their jew world order agenda.

poor goyim

now stop complaining and show some patriotism.
What is this "disability" then?
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even taking into account our overblown military budget the US spends comparatively little compared to the rest of the OCED
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>polish bottom 10% lives better than Japanese bottom 10%, british bottom 10% and fucking german bottom 10%
>polish bottom 10% lives better than russian top 10%
My fucking sides.
Just how few are those uber rich russian oligarchs that even the top 10% of society manages to be poor as shit on average
>now stop complaining and show some patriotism.
I'm about to. By immigrating to a new country just like my ancestors.
It's kinda sad how they draw poor people to the army since joining it doesn't require much education, gives a good pay and lots of benefits. I mean sure the army does lots of helping around the world when it comes to natural disasters but you're still just being used by the rich
Here it's even worse we don't even get the option, we just stay poor ever since Tito died
You joking us, bud?
Smart people are still given more opportunities in the army.
>that post
What's your point
Asia southeast, and south in particular, Eastern europe, southern american countries. Take your pick senpai.
Just be smart, dumbass.
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>Eastern europe

lol yeah listen to the wise leaf cannucklehead OP

come over here you will an hero yourself faster this will solve all your poorfag problems

lol disability boy
Don't worry, I'd never move to the West Virginia of Europe.
>smart people being more highly valued career-wise is wrong
This invites brain drain, comrade.
And I never implied that?
see >>77372263

Nordic countries are better to be poor, and Europe in general because you don't have to own a car if you live in cities.
Germany got an OK.- economical system, I came here poor I'm still poor relative to other germans but I'm feeling ok in my situation and do not fear falling into homelessness or even worse. Most poor people can still live a decent life in Germany thanks to its slightly more social capitalistic system. THANKS MERKEL
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