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What race do you get mistaken for?

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What race do you get mistaken for?
no kiddings here
People say I look german
I'm half alsatian
Slav, if I'm a bit tanned and let my facial hair grow out, light skinned Arabic jew
None I'm not a mongrel
I'm white but people mistake me for Anglo.
Someone once told me I look german
i got :

i am native french though
feels bad man
Just ambiguous "foreign" because I have dark eyes and hair
When I'm abroad people usually guess I'm Swedish (or just Scandinavian in general) or German
asian: jap or korean
I'm italian!
everyone thinks I'm italian wich I guess is good
""""native french""""
Normally Hispanic, I'm white

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why internet people have difficulties to admit most caucasian people looks average brown/black hair with brown eyes, and the way to recognize ethnicities are more related to facial features than pigments?
My friends always tell me I look like a foreigner

Maybe is because I always use sandals and all my clothes are baggy and shitty or maybe is because of my hair color and my complexion which is unfortunately wh*te looking
When I lived in Paris people asked me if I was Scandi. I'm from Normandy.
Occitan, I guess.
I live in Louisiana now btw, and everyone can guess I'm french based off my accent.
well i am 1/4th breton 1/4th parisian 1/4th occitan and 1/4th russian
totally french
fuck off nigel
Breton (and I am half breton)

I think I'm too pale
>1/4th british, 1/4th niggerish, 1/4th spanish and 1/4th russian

Very French, indeed
I remember a guy calling me "Hey my Tunisian brother!" in the metro in Paris
Don't understand t b h, I'm white

Enfin je crois...
For Swedish or German, which is really annoying, because I fucking hate Swedes and Germans.
And then, when I start talking, they think I'm Russian. God dammit.
Non. I am clearly German.
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some subspecies of arabs actually deluded themselves into thinking they are white, so much that when they see a white person they think it's an arab too, it's sad

>brown eyes

Okay Ahmed Baptiste
Mulatto here

Get mistaken for a mestizo spic all the time
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I'm mixed. arab, iberian, anglo.

people say:

Slav, Irish or German. (i'm not joking, if u are a blue/green eyes, white skin, blonde beard and brown hair men let, their instantly think you're a slav)

But inside, i feel like a pansexual bi-plane microwave
If you get mistaken for another race, you're not white. As for nationality/ethnicity people frequently guess British or Irish, due to my red hair no doubt.

>caucasians can't have brown eyes

stop being in denial, for some reasons internet gone too far concerning stereotypes, now every random person with blonde hair is automatically a vikanz aryan snownigger descendants.
and everything who lives in the north is tall, I just crack me up when I seen some people here pretending northern french are pure aryans when they are actually another variety of inbred belgians.
the same happens with normans, a lot of memes about them too because anglos believe they are like them.
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People usually say Jew
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looks french
not him but you're stupid
u too xd
I too would guess french.
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Tell me

>inb4 moor or gypsy
>inb4 Jesus Christ

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Oy Vey marrano
Nothing, that hairstyle literally screams "I AM A SPANIARD"
Jew here, but everyone thinks I'm white. Not sure how to feel desu
gypsy jesus
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Tell me what race with this old pic
spanish as hell
are you el cid?

I've always liked bleu cheese. Mama I'm comin home.
I look too slavic to pass a local in norway despite having lived here my entire life
Honestly you justlook like a stereotypical spaniard
I guess it's just the hair that darken your face and could make you look like a gypsy
The Cute race
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My nose isn't that big
Cesare Borgia

Fucking shapeshifter
well actually, i think it's your eyes that makes you look a bit like a moor
one of the most recognizable thing the mahgrebies have is their thing around the eyes.
that's literally with that feature (and also the nose and the form of skull) that you could make the obvious difference with southern euros.
Southern European in Scandinavia, regular mestizo in Latino America, obvs.
when i was in britain they said i was attractive because i was exotic looking, dont know what the fuck that means
t. terrone
but i'm from milan
t. errone
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old pic here*

guys, Tell me.

(at least i can grow a proper beard now...)
ci sarai tu
t. error

Dave Franco's gay twin
Irish or a bong

I'm actually some generic mutt with a long nosed tan father.
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Brit,Frog or German
Basically a cuck
y-you too

Gay for pay
european mutt
basically a fuckboy
me too, brit girls love the dark hair and olive complexion, and at 182cm you're actually on the tall side in britain considering they're island people, I don't have regrets for my dishwasher experience there at all.
I suppose. It would be nice to not be white though, dealing with sjws sucks dick

LMAO when will you learn
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I wish l looked like this Jew right here
Nobody can guess 2bh
i'm actually blond but it's probably because i was tanned and skinnier than half of the male british population
none, they always guess southern euro or white latino which is basically the same

you look like you succ diccs
I have never met a norwegian but swedes are actually pretty tall, I'm still taller than most girls in most countries so I shouldn't complain.

most Italian blondes still have a different compleion than brit piggo pink

That's a major gripe I have with a lot of Jews though. They can pretend to be white if it benefits them, or an oppressed minority if it benefits them.

And a lot of Jews are super sjw faggots.
You can pass as a cocksleeve for my dick
>most Italian blondes still have a different compleion than brit piggo pink
absolutely. british guys are also fucking ugly, the girls also. coulnd't find one who wasn't overweight
correct, thank God for alcohol
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no one mistakes anything my friend
Spanish, you look like you belong in an electronic party getting shitfaced and humping a fat british slag tourist's leg in ibiza
I'm Mexican but I get mistaken for Arab or half black when I grow my hair out
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what do i look like
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Well, another old pic.

>clean that mirror, faggot


I really love /int/, kek
Che pelotudo que decis de mi. Prendete una vela y marchate a mamar vergas con tu mama
Like you are balding
You look like a faggot
you seem like an adult that can't grow a beard properly
this one is a little bit better but you look like an absolute fucboi
What do I look like
northern spain
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Te cebo un mate.


damn british genes!!!!!!!!!

You look like a perfect Spaniard.
Everything about him screams Spanish
Same, also Indian/Paki.
You are giving me serial killer vibes, so I'd say white
Been asked if I'm Israeli by an Israeli. Aside from that I think I've always been pretty unmistakably British
Asked if I'm Jewish*
What do I look?
Like a perfect Norwegian.
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cute! do you need an italian girlfirend? ;)
oh, it's the handsome guy again.
I actually believe you're a girl
I get mistaken for Hispanic, Jew, and Italian.

Andy & lucas song in the distance*



Leave my village alone, we don't have any treasures here... i swear
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east asian
sup varg
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Maricon puta mátate jajajajajajajjjaaaaj
And this ladies and gentlemen is what an ideal spaniard looks, you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
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Persian or Muslim
I fucking hate it.
No matter where I go, people say I look Chinese. I'm sick of it
What are you actually?

first 915 /extraflags/ I've seen since it started.
Get asked if I'm Puerto Rican at least 3 times a day... my family is Romanian and Native American...
Not exactly far apart then
well, puerto ricans are Spanish + Native Americans so it's not really a surprise you get mistaken for one
Congrats. There more of us then you think, just not as much on flag boards.
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turkey is asian
Pasty Italian

I'm cuban
come home yellow man
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>>76640161 2 (You)s
>>76640217 13 (You)s
>>76640482 7 (You)s
>>76640709 2 (You)s
>>76640820 3 (You)s
>>76641029 9 (You)s

>only one (You) for me
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So far

Native American
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I went to an Iranian restaurant and they started talking to me like I was one of them

t. Chicano
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>iranian twice
I dun goofed
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>we arr rook diferrint!
brazilian, italian, french
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>first time in four years posting my face here
Ohhhh man...
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elsaß ist deustch
Mexican and Japanese, mostly. I'm half korean, yet i spend a lot of time in the sun, so i get pretty tan.
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Tried to post a shitty picture that still showed my face

I guess that worked.

Actually 9 :

but hey!, u now have 2 (you)s
Mmmmm I look a lot more like Colin Farrell circa 2010 when I have my beard

Gets annoying being called that every week.

W/e queer
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I always get mistaken for a native.

They are not wrong though, my mom's grandmother from his dad's side (grandpa) was injun. And I think that from my father's side there is a native American too.
They have west+north african blood too
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>mfw too ugly to post my face on 4chan
Why even live, boys?
Thanks <3
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i get mistaken for russian even though i am a german, nordic, irish and british mutt. not sure why.
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haha what kind of loser has that problem?
I'm asian, and often being confused as Chinese
Fucking hate this
alll whiteys look the same anyway
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>i am a german, nordic, irish and british
Cheung "John" Tsien, if I explained my background I'd get doxxed by a certain latin
>i'm white+white+white+white but people mistake me for white

lol fuck white people you all look the same.
You'll never ever be as aesthetically pleasant and varied as Amerindians.
> >>76641594
WE ROOK SRO DIFERINT!!! Reehrehreeeeee
t. Denied Italian citizenship
People have very occasionally remarked on me having slightly asian looking eyes (I can kinda see it in the very faintest sense but it's bullshit), someone asked me before too if I had slight native american admixture.
You are Scotty Mccreery?
sorry but i dont live in the 19th century
That fucking "i am iberian" american should look at you
I feel ya, whenever I go to Russian neighborhoods or somewhere that doesn't receive very many American tourists, I get addressed in Russian
British for some reasons, especially here in South America
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People have mistaken me as being central European.
What color are your eyes? Do you have a round face?
You are Greek
You do look kinda slavic.
Ehhh we only have the same awkward final year of maturation look. His eyes and chin are different though. I am also naturally tan
I'm Southern European + British, weird how it turns out.
Non-meme answer, I'd have said French/native Brit
I'm was 100% you were Italian
My Southern Euro part is Southern Italian. A little over half.
You look like a Balkan I guess
Native American
I mistake you for a faggot, though I'm probably not mistaken.
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>I always get mistaken for a native.
You look as injun as Elizabeth Warren.
Are you looking for trouble
I've been mistaken for Brazilian (in Argentina), argentinian (in Peru), spaniard (in Argentina), american (In Colombia unironically), Venezuelan (In colombia) and of course colombian (a group of costarricans).

>Tfw I could pass as local almost everywhere in the western hemisphere
wtf what do you do to get confused as a foreigner in your own country
Its almost like the western hemisphere was mostly populated by mestizos.
I'm a Slav, but people tend to think I'm either German or Swedish. Both are an insult to me.
I was hanging with a venezuelan dude once, we met with some of his friends before heading to a bar. I didn't know them, so as soon as they heard my accent they thought I was from Tachira state.

American: it was at a job I had like 4 years ago, one of my coworkers (unironically a venezuelan) used to call me "cory" all the time. He lived in SoCal for like 4 years and used to have a friend who according to him looked exactly like me. Also, 3 years ago on St. Patricks, we were at an irish pub in a trendy neighborhood in my city. It was packed with foreigners so we were all talking in english for obvious reasons. Lots of colombians would talk to me in their shitty broken english thinking I was a gringo
wew, I forgot a lot tbf. In the US, they frequently mistook me for cuban, venezuelan, colombian, mexican, brazilian, salvadorean and even local. It was entirely my fault though as everytime someone asked me where I was from I'd turn it into a guessing game
I've had all sorts; Argentinian, Brazilian, American, English, Spanish, Italian.
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Iberian of course.
>really want to attention whore
>don't want my shit here for all eternity and be downloaded by pervs
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A fucking Sudaca or an Indian
Nice handwriting.
Polish. A few Poles I've met told me this, don't know if I should take it as a compliment tho.
I've been told I look like a Greek or a jew. I have curly hair and my father's side is Mediterranean, so it makes sense.
Irish, German, and Arab. I get French or Northern Spanish sometime, or sometimes British.
If you have any presence online and are female, unless you're a major uggo, someone's already jerked off to you. If you're a male the worse thing is you get turned into a meme like mr.pure Iberian but if you don't act like a dick it won't happen.
do you look similar to this
Fuck you, now the guiris will all think we look like disgusting gipsies like yourself.
The stereotype of a Spaniard is an andalucian anyway.
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American because I'm fat
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Not at all
I am a Greek.
you look like a typical espanyol to me
you look like me
Maybe on this pic because of the dark moustache, a polish girl at my uni told it made me look like Lech Walesa though. Kek.

Post pic, Pierre. Je suis curieux.
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lel not really, don't really see it.
American (fat)
Mistaken for a gulf Arab or nigger.
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I've been called Jewish, Mexican, and Asian.
I'm Italian.,
Also mistaken for favela criminal in /soc/
I've been mistaken for Spaniard several times, then again I am apparently full Spaniard, ethnically
while in Finland I was mistaken for Finn by other exchange students a couple times heh
French too.
Americans took me for a kike

I look like >>76643728 with a slighly bigger nose and light brown hair.
Not latina which is fair because I'm ultra castiza uppity pure race latina

I have a friend in new york that is fuckin brown and has nappy hair and swears up and down he's pure Spanish
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How do you get confused by an Asian if you're Italian?? Donnarumma is that you??
t. Filipino
Once a brazilian taxi driver told me i looked like an argentinian?
Idk what to say about that
A girl that ended up getting into Harvard was the one who thought I was Asian, I'm not sure how she was that dumb.
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In Brazil i get called Alemão a lot, which is just means German, but is used to refer to most european looking people.
In europe i get confused for a Portuguese.

Im actually ashkenazi jew mixed with japanese.
What's your IQ? is sushi kosher?
fetal alcohol syndrome :c
nice eye color though
148, i took a real test, not some internet one.
This was when i was a teenager, before alcohol and drugs killed my brain and desire to live.

Im not religiously jewish, so i don't give a fuck abotu those mumbo jumbo.
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>for a nigger
People say there's moors in the coast when I go to the beach
Post boipucci
By Americans: Chinese
By Chinese: Chinese, Mongolian or Korean
By Koreans: Japanese or Korean
By Japanese: Chinese
By Mongolians: Mongolian
By Euros: hapa (since they are more used to Southeast Asians)
By Russians: Central Asian or Siberian

t. Southern Chinaman

I'm a slav though.
Japanese, Chinese, Filipino
T. Korean

kek, thx i guess?... my ears are too normal and my nose it's actually a little long for having alcohol syndrome (but yeah, i look like one because i'm a genetic pool)

post related me. :>>76640709
is cunt a race
Irish or british. (red hair and an anglo name)
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>half flip half white
>mfw people think im an indian
English Teacher
>OP asks for race
>people typ in cunt
usually as a turk, arab or a gypsy
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Turk here. People always assume i'm slavic
I'm half Dominican half Swedish hybrid
4chan consider me scandi right up to finn, sometimes german.

I'm a proud Americano Chicano
Mestizo: Castizo
Castizo: Latin American Spaniard
Latin American Spaniard: Iberian Spaniard
Iberian Spaniard: American
American: German
German: Northern German
Northern German: Danish or Norwegian
Norwegian/Dane: Swedish
Swedish: Yamnaya
Yamnaya: Löschbur
Löschbur: Atlantean
Atlantean: Annunaki
Annunaki: Jew

Me: Peruvian
Original Egyptian KINGZ, rulers of wh*tey
slavic/eastern/central european

Altghough I am Swedish many (countless) genereations back
Post your pic
none because [spoiler]nobody cares about race in the real world.[/spoiler]
Germans see me as T*rk

I am Greek.
>hello NSA
>real world
mostly get told I look very english, despite both my parents being irish
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Sicilian sometimes

After I cut my hair people asked me if I was Bosnian or Magyar which is odd cuz they're pretty lightskinned, guess my race /int/ :^)

>tfw the remnants of the faceapp meme is the only picture I have of myself on my computer
people think i'm kurd (even tho i don't have the unibrow)
actually a girl told me i look like soran ibrahim (gundam 00 mc who is kurd)
South American, Moroccan, English. Yeah.
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You look pre Slavic to me but I could see you being German.
You kinda look Bulgarian with some Turkish cuz of those lips.
Austrian or like a mix between that and Slavic.
Spanish and a little Jewish i'm feeling.
Jesus Christo
(I'm a Slav)
Im Iranian and I got mistaken as a spaniard and an Indonesian
I'm British
But it's probably because of where I live
Depends on the places I visit.
In western Europe, I get pinpointed to Scandinavia.
In Eastern Europe and the US, they think I'm German or Scandinavian.
In Asia, they think I'm American or German.

I'm stereotypical Scandinavian - tall/blue eyes/blonde hair.
>In Asia, they think I'm American or German.
In Asia they assume every white person is American ironically enough
this, only southern europeans are identifiable.
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Never mistaken for any race, but I've been called American, British and Australian at various times while overseas and most annoyingly even in my own city. Tbf I don't mind the English one so much.
I unironically get constantly mistaken as a yuropoor in local planes.
I think its cause i am white and have long hair
I am Transylvanian
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Help me Germanic brother
Woke up and 18 (you) people seems to love me
Literally anything with brown features
Italians ask me if I'm Italian
Greeks ask me if I'm Greek
Turks ask me if I'm Turk
Arabs think I'm Arab
Latinos think I'm Latin
I could pass for French or Spanish, Croatian, Serb, w/e
when I was in the US I always got mistaken for a Canadian, I never understood why, I barely spoke, let alone constantly said sorry.
I'm always amazed by the fact more Scandinavians have slanted eyes then us.
>I barely spoke
that'd be why.
Have you decided if you're a boy or a girl yet?
Maybe you are, you just don't know about it. You could easily pass as one for sure.
When I was younger People thought I was a g*rm. Now, I just look like the average Iberian.
I wanna punch your ugly face.
Tu eres del sur, ¿verdad?
part russian/part norwegian, pass as a local in eastern europe, baltic and some central european countries
Fuck you look a lot like me.
Not with that file size.
Russian, portuguese, american(i know its not a race), brit, french; and all sorts of pale tall stout races — desu i dont know wtf i am, but everything points to portuguese+moorish. And sorry for my bad english
What terrible insults
nah, I did a DNA test. No central European blood.
You look jolly.
people think I'm white

but then I've to school them on how people of southern-european ascendancy aren't white
Thread posts: 320
Thread images: 61

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