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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 82

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I'm famous on /balt/ edition
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purge estoninas
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Extremely mature women edition
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>Baltshits trying to get rid of us because we be preachin da truth
It's time to go back to /fug/. Shan't give these subhumans my attention no mo
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Hey Estonians does my popularity tirggers you?
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don't need those
>estonians come back from their trashcan
>ruins thread

Estonian genocide when?
Thinking about getting a tat
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Now, yes
But what about when you turn 40
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not sure why anyone would want to live that much desu
It's quite simple. Your thread will just die again and one edition will take 20 hours or more to reach bump limit.
that is not much
not this time, this time this general has me
t. most active shitposter
better have 20 hour threads than threads with estonians
artusis, give me You
slow threads are best threads
I don't agree with this
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why would you want to die when you're an oldfart and not young?
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Well, to see advanced vrs and stuff...
I agree with this.
i respect your opinion
Because I want to experience more, to do more things
where do I get pack of anime pics to attention whore? I'm tired saving them
I respect your kindness
weren't you just complaining that this thread is full of anime and tripfag shitposters who shit up thread and that you can't have a serious discussion here?
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you're right
enjoy being a burden to other people
I don't agree with this
> I'm tired saving them
i don't respect your opinion and i will insult you
>enjoy being a burden to other people
So your parents are burden on others?
don't think so, they probably provide for themselves and do most of the stuff by themselves
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people after 40 usually start getting diseases, so yes they are a burden to others.
I've saved every one of them one image at a time, you need to work for attention.
>most of balts are fluent in Russian, even estonians
>speak between each other in English to show that they are """" europeans""""
that is nonsense tho
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that is the truth though
>>most of balts are fluent in Russian
Boт тoлькo пиздeть нe нaдo, нe мoгли вы зa 25 лeт зaбыть этoт язык.

Hy или вы шкoлoтa 1999+ гoдa poждeния.
Thread theme song
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thread theme guy is the psycho guy
suspected this also
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This is old news.
No he isn't
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静かに移りゆく 遠い記憶の中
思い出に寄り添いながら 君を想えるなら
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Psycho3(with a hatchet).jpg
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You people know too much and because of this you gonna taste my hatchet.
*kill all of you*
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now I'm all alone
very cute
Have you written it yourself
i feel that gods's grace touched me
Masturbating with sandpaper to get your dick tougher is the patrician way of improving your dick
Yes, I hold a weekly kanji workshop at VU, you are invited if you want to come
that is some shit fanart
>they are still alive
I cast a healing spell.
you should be dead too and dead people can't cast anything
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MRU* liar
Thank you
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you're welcome! can't wait until i see you ^-^
hm, forgot a picture
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One bottle of rum, 1 bottle of red wine and 4 beers later
And I'm still here
still no picture
could you please translate this?
Are you drinking alone?
dumb phone posting
[laughs in skeleton]
But hey, there are worse ways to die. Also, checked.
Heh I remember the time when you became a wizard, still got to do some work tho
*break your bones with a hatchet*
now you can't cast anything
you can't even move
Why are you drinking alone tho? do you have depression or something?
>Also, checked.
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>see my ex with flirting with some skinny fagget
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*floats away*
Yes run away and become stronger
>no ex
>no gf
>no worries
makes you think
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people with depression should off themselves
Don't worry death will come to you too.

don't look behind
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I don't have a back kiddo
pssh nothing personel
I think you are scared of me
And you should be
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Well, you're wrong
well that is a nice ass
>Well, you're wrong
the horror will come just don't relax so easily
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how do i get this?
>but muh anime
why do you need it?
Nice butt.
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in a museum probably
it looks good , also good winter gear
>back is full of stretchmarks
come to Russia, I'll get u some
something like that I guess
thanks ,i'll maybe come to russia
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time for drugs
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SS uniforms are so much better looking by the way.
Germans are cucks and I'm glad that they got raped and their capital got burned to the ground
Baltic power ranking
1. Me
9999999. U
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>tfw no fried-egg gf
and a good morning to you as well, man
>muh anime
Saber is cute.
This world will come to end with WW3
if you are implying that "Me" is actually me and not you
then I would agree
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Panzers on a line
Form the Wehrmacht's spine
Lethal grand design

What about the men executing orders?
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kursk 2.0
dumb animeposters
You can only say stuff like this because you are comfortably sitting at your warm home.
You wouldn't say stuff like this in a face of death.
Yes hello my friends
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There is an amazing song about that as well.
How's your saturday so far?
>gay zealand
literal cancer
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Everyone knows this.
That looks like a boy desu, and Sabaton is alright
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Stalin>>other soviet union's leaders
go away.
I dunno m8 I only just woke up
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>and Sabaton is alright
good opinion
good poster
I thought you don't like him
Yes, let them cirklejerk again.
Fucking traitor.
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I do tho, rest is just bantz
Go away
You're making this general worse than they could ever make it.
>he is still here
man just go away, there is literally nothing you can do
>3 yrs old
>almost overdossed on pills
>3 yrs old fell down from 2nd floor
>4 yrs old almost drowned but some muscular guy saved me

you say so?
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I love Tooru
Why aren't you in /fug/?
But did you want to die?
Probably not, those are just accidents
Why the fug do you even care :DDD
I just prefer /balt/
Fuck off if you don't like it.
This is my last reply to you
This is a cute boy
Lithuania got away really nicely during the USSR with the amount of Russian migrants
so you really cant trust anybody
Why are flags containing blue so much more aesthetic than other flags?
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>got away
thats because we had partisans
Yes, keep roleplaying as an underage anime girl :DDD
Fucking pedophile enabling these pieces of shit
Hey, thanks man, but there's no need to defend us
Just ignore him and he will go away
yeah they did a good job
How ca you possibly think that's a boy?
i don't face death anymore, i'll try my best to face her into eyes

t.out of edge
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Konachan.com - 238767 sample.jpg
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megumin more like megumeme
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not sure why anyone would like aqua she is useless
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Konachan.com - 227295 sample.jpg
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Don't worry all the kids are already sleeping.
You can see the benis just out of shot
why do Lithuanians killing themselves on mass?
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naucz sie wpierw angielskiego, co
Hmm, I'll need some further proof.
I wish you would know how insane your timing is atm.

beats me, lad. I wish I joined them
We like to end our lives on our own accord
that means by killing ourselves
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natural selection
Good. Be the master of your own destiny.
When you hug me
I'm alive
>you will never be in highschool again
>you will never fall in love for the first time again
who? me?
*hug you*
HEY BABY, welcome on in here on this cool summer night... what kind of debauchery did you all get up to this fine evening? Staying out of trouble?
can we take back Vilnius when you all be gone?
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well you can always start over
one of my co workers got mad and left
Joke's on you, I've never fallen in love.
no you can't
then it gonna be the biggest ghost town
sure thing buddy , deal with russians
Good morning, cunts.
Why the fuck aren't you partying on a friday night?
how is that even possible lmao
It won't be ghost
I'm sure our diaspora will thrive
>no +/ausnz/
okay fuck you too then
anime more like shit.
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but the dead people gonna haunt the city
you understand
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>you understand
zvejnieks stop proxying
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Bad post.
God a chilli-chicken pizza from Domino's for 5 AUS dollars today
Great value, great taste
Tell me why, man, I gotta know
Had my fill of social for the day, man. Met an interesting Latvian fella in a small food shop, said he likes when foreigners come in because Latvians never talk at all
ok then I'm gonna use my old phrase that no other uses
if you know what I mean
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"poles" don't even speak polish here just some weird mix of languages desu
Where are you from again?
Philly, was it?
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>not slow thread

omg , /balt/ is ruined
Only thanks to me though, I'm literally the only Australian here right now and soon I'll have to leave
Suck my d1ck pidoras
sorry I will try not to post tomorrow
he's a crybaby and makes food slow so they moved him to a spot where it wouldn't take him 45 minutes to make a burger. he decided he couldn't handle it so i guess he went home to tickle his asshole or whatever old guys do at home
Beyond my knowledge, you understand what I mean?
You the guy from Louisiana?
>Only thanks to me though
mate you are irrelevant
nah, Midwest
Have had similar experiences at burger joints.
Fucking hate people.
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don't worry about it
Ciudad Acuña
You work in a burger joint?
I lied
trust nobody not even your shadow
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it gets pretty intense sometimes, we're a busy place, some people cant handle it
richest man on the lt
oh hey I'm really famous here in /balt/ does anybody wants my autograph?
damn you are alpha as phuck
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Is that your benis?
Put that tiny thing away
will you sign my breasts
yes , i was born like that
why yes
*scribbles down on your boobs*
have a nice day m'lady
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so it was the psycho guy who used to make all these wacky replies
psycho guy uses "*insert action*" thing alot
that gives him away
*blushes and makes a post about it on my tumblr*
I'm not that psycho guy
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what the fuck are you doing, don't you fucking expose me
delet this shit right now
shut it down
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Lying is a sin
What does wacky even mean
t. psycho guy
I'll let you in: psycho guy uses specific (wrong) constructs and words while writing in english, which makes him easily recognisable.
He also uses a set of images that is easy to differentiate from other posters...
e-bf sent me his eye.
would fug him in it desu
>What does wacky even mean
It's that feeling when you stand on your head against a wall for about an hour or two, then quickly stand up
hahahahahahahhaha , i'm such detective
but i'm not the "detective guy"
NEED some Hungry Jack's right now
I though we were friends
this made me mad
>wanting to be recognisable so bad
If any cunt in Adelaide wants to meet up, hmu
omw now
This thread used to be good.
"Don't trust anybody, even your shadow"
fuck off that is just my writing style it is not like I'm writing incorrectly on purpose
>>75874333 (check)
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stuff that sounds weird like
>*scribbles down on your boobs*
Burger king
Bourgeoise king
more like nonce
Burger King is good tho, much better than McDonald's in my humble opinion
that food when none hesburger
Oi cunt let's meet tomorrow at the harbour
Burger King is good, baby, but you gotta go to a mom n pop drive-in sorta dig if you want a quality bite
I say it differently
if you are using quote, do it right
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>never wanted to be recognisable
>entire site recognise me whenever I post because of bad English and some other details
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>mfw ausnz will NEVER get to experience the taste of a glorious hesburger hesburger
>tfw exposed my favourite poster
I'm just too famous
What about the men?
psycho guy is an annoying nigger
I was your favorite?
Hesburger is alright, but below McD's
heh, I'm just too famous cuz I'm an unique grill with interesting personality
that is why I'm so famous and recognisable without any trips or avatars
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the small cheaper burgers that they make look like disaster, it doesn't seem like they even care when making those
yes , since your posts are good quality
would you look at this attention I get from everyone
smells of samefaggotry to me
that's only because some lithuanian started to force this meme.
i don't even know who psycho guy is t.bh, you all look the same to me
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nuh, that chat is too dangerous for me. one Estonian chad almost broke my heart by e-cheating. neva again
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Have you ever tried their double cheeseburger with bacon?
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>since your posts are good quality
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everybody posts with smartphones these days, this means nothing
well yeah because you are a newfag
mmm, i want McDonalds so hard lads
>he doesn't recognise my precious e-personality
>therefore he's a newfag
here, have your obligatory (you) and attention, now fuck off
i never phone post
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You should.
well yeah obviously you are newfag or just don't come here often
>inb4 I have been here for 3 months here so I'm not new
he doesn't have any e-personality, relax. he's boring unrecognisable neckbeard craving for attention.
>psycho guy
don't know who that is but he sounds like a retard
not sure whether i should cringe or laugh
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Your taste has once dissapointed me, I don't know if I can trust you.
why are you still talking about me, you could just ignore
How do you know what he sounds like if you can only read what he says?
Suck my big mac
the name alone sounds fucking retarded
is the psycho guy the new mikoto?
He doesn't call himself that, man, that's just what people here are calling him, you understand
>280 replies
>23 posters
>literally 5 of those IPs are me
Please tell me this is all some kind of sick joke.
>uses the same gifs , images , writing style

but why?
Nah, he does call himself that, for example in the post above yours.
Let him enjoy his attention for a moment, don't interrupt
tastes good
Right, baby, I don't mean to interrupt or nothin'
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It depends on whether you like very salty, cheesy and creamy burgers I guess... Still, it's only like 2.50 or some shit like that for one of them, so it's not like you're bound to lose much.
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K, I wont
These Balts, man
I can't handle this attention I'm leaving
Good morning
will I get some attention if I'll post anime?
go suck putin's cock
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541KB, 1800x2144px
I shall think about it
aussies are literally and unironically the best posters here

>never tripfag or whore for attention in some other manner
>don't post anime
>don't spam obnoxious shit
I have arrive
I love Aussies, man, but they gotta keep their drop bears under control
>the absolute state of this general
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I doubt that
yea, aussies are pretty good posters.
>never brag about things they do not
No shit.
literally where
literally who
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that is why I still don't have an aussie e-bf. even PNG wasnt interested in me ;-;
Aussies are the worst posters.
check google if your bandwith allows
you people piss me off
Thread posts: 315
Thread images: 82

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