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Thread replies: 289
Thread images: 52

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Guys I've decided that I like men now, but no boys so don't call me a nonce
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Quite proud of my painting lads
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/brit/ today is going to be the most boring place on the entire website
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>there's no requirement for voters to show their face.

ah yes
Thailad why isnt my wifi working
earth = anarcho primitivism
h+ = anarcho transhumanism
stirner = anarcho individualism
a3 = ?
cross = christian anarchism (tolstoy?)
fist = anarcho communism/syndicalism
arrows = anarcho mutualism
v = anarcho capitalism
no idea
goodnight cucks
Help me thaicuck

wearing a hijab or burka is just confirmation you're a labour voter
thailad's 31
What have you done to assess the issue so far?
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I don't know

Tell me about the lights
and a nonce
tfw runt
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Alt+Space+C to open advanced control panel, then try to refresh the wifis
want to cum deep inside a yank lasas
arwen was 1000 yo
aragorn not even 100
nonce haters btfo
Getting my daily dose of Molyneux and Sargon lads
i feel properly sick. i think i'm going to spew in the next 5 to 15 minutes.
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Not going to tell you to fuck off again
JF here.

voted Conservative. Would usually have gone Left but the leftypol invasion/raid over the past 2 weeks did my nut in
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t. rorke
I feel so fucking jittery over this election bullshit.

Dunno if it's even worth pursuing a career in the NHS any more, lads.
back to the discord
thailad lives in aisa
Trump is from the same country as Hitler
NHS? more like PMS
Fuck right off that is biologically prime breeding material there
Hope to never hear an old person who voted Tory complain about the state of the NHS for whatever's left of their lives.
the state of people who think their vote matters

delusional narcissism at it's finest
What if I want the NHS to fail?
what if God is real and we're all going to hell for eternity?

as we all well know, private healthcare doesn't exist.
youre biologically a nonce
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accidentally bought two fried chicken meals instead of one
guess I'm eating like a big boy today
What's scarier; there being an after-life or there NOT being an after-life?
B-b-but muh ppl fought and died for muh right to vote for parties that support my ethnic displacement
It would be a spit in the face of those brave men not to vote
It's Labour that's ruining the NHS you fucking ponce.
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I imagine private health is pretty good if you can afford it.
having to live the same life over and over forever with no changes
Actually it's the lib Dems that are ruining the NHS
>there being an after-life
this, obviously
you'd have to be retarded to conclude otherwise
there being an afterlife because everyone will know how much i wanked
Labour that hasn't been in power for how many years is the cause of the NHS going to shit now?
Hospitals in areas run by Labour councils perform worse than those run by conservative.
just realised i'm a loser and always will be
unironically prefer the healthcare system here.
im high btw
Yeah it's amazing.

I'm sorry for you that your best hope for a fruitful Brexit now wants to axe your cozy health program. Genuinely. She was the chosen one.
local councils have no input into NHS clinical decisions, that makes no sense?
on what?
meant to post this too oops

not surprising
Well you're wrong aren't you because the NHS is the greatest thing in the history of ever anything and is the envy of the world
Until the bloody tories got their hands on it that i's, share if you agree
oi lads, I've had a really cool night.

my Dad started showing me old pics of him in Germany during his service. pics of him playing guitar in the barracks at Frankfurt. a pic of him in the winter snow at Grafenwoehr.

he also showed me a bunch of pictures of girls he knew that I guess gave him pics and would write remember me notes on the back. and he kept saying stuff like "she was good looking, eh?"

just overall stuff that made me feel even less like a man than I already felt. :DDDD

and then he showed me a newspaper clipping that announced him serving in the army and a record his band released.

right, so my Dad was in a band in the '60s called "The Twilights" It was a local band, but they did record one record. I don't think he ever mentioned the name of the song on it until he showed me that newspaper clipping. it was called "Running Loose" or "Running Loose Twist" it was actually a blatant copy of a Chuck Berry song called "Guitar Boogie", but my Dad just gave it a different name :DDDDDD

he apparently has the original dub somewhere, but the record was released while he was in Germany and he never got a copy of it.

so I simply Googled it, and found a bunch of webpages of people selling old copies of it. I even found a site that posted the picture of it and uploaded the mp3!

and the look on his face was priceless when I started playing it on the computer. :D like this was something he hadn't heard in 50 years, you know? it was so awesome.

here's the song:

my Dad was the lead guitar doing all the fancy stuff
18+ nigger
Thailad pees sitting down
blaze it.

it's 420 in my timezone, bruh
>now remember to take this ground up tiger penis and ivory twice daily
my mate got sick in thailand and said it wasn't as bad as he expected but still not all that great. he got some crazy virus or bacteria from some water there or something, he nearly went into a coma
my fav aussie bum :D
just cast my BNP vote
I want to save the NHS and so does my wife
Vote NHS. For a healthier future
tldr; song my dad's band recorded in 1961. just found a copy of it only tonight. first time he'd heard it in like 50 years.
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>1 chance at life
>born a blonde, grey eyed, not autistic, decent looking lad, without any medical issues, and a reasonable amount of intelligence, in 21st century england
already won 2bh
favourite stoned snack? for me it used to be doritos but these days i've been paranoid and crunching it at the wrong angle so a shard of tortilla cuts up my gums, in the market for a new favourite now
Thailad poos standing up
Syria General is the only good thing about /pol/ these days
if jez were
a) less right on
b) hadn't put it in diane abbott
I would consider him desu
oh yeah forgot.

but seriously, here it's free for old people that can't afford it. Everyone else can choose to pay for insurance which is less than the tax you'd pay for the NHS or just pay a reasonable bill if you need to visit the doctor.
Going to hospital here is like going to a hotel, the more you pay the better the place you're staying in. You can have a private penthouse suite if you like.
thinkin' 'bout 'em tleilaxu' tanks
>reasonable amount of intelligence
hello prole thicko
They're a bunch of retards and putinbots, still remember when that fat lipped bitch was yelling on twitter how WW3 had started
only fruit i really like is mangoes, apples are good too if i've got nothing else, not green apples though, i hate those
*unsheathes crysknife*
took a load of codeine yesterday for the ol' back pain. can't poo today.
How old are you? That's 4 years before my dad was even born
dont really have a fav snack, it's just what's in the house haha
one glass for the rissotto, rest of the bottle for me haha x
pretzels with that cheap nacho cheese
if you vote for anybody then you're part of the problem
alri russel settle down
>not planning your day around getting stoned

How did the Tories of all people become the party of the working class? Is it just because the working class papers are printed by pro-Tories?
still havent been paid reparations yet
what if i dont want to be lead. where does that vote go?
>mfw NHS is placed on the chopping block
>mfw Democrats sweep the House in 2018
>mfw the USA will soon have a better health system then Britbongia.
ah yes i'll just stick on a name for this thread
>How did the Tories of all people become the party of the working class?
they didn't
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remember when cameron said we'd have WW3 if we voted for brexit
starting to get the impression that was fake news
in the absence of conservative workers' parties much of the working class votes conservative right. see all the poor southerners voting republican in the absence of the real dixiecrats they'd prefer.
*flops willy out*
vote THIS
Working class hate immigrants, Tories seen to be harshest of the main parties on immigrants.

Also most working class people in this country are unironic fascists who want a police state.
Democrats gave you the rat infested mess that is Obamacare

the idea your healthcare would improve under them is comical
Degenerate racemixer.
>most working class people in this country are unironic fascists who want a police state.
hm. well its either that or the working class gets replaced by muzzies who all want the same thing essentially. just a police state governed by allah.
the populace is becoming more right wing due to a number of issues, such as mass immigration and the general absurdity of PC culture, which is usually associated with the left.
i don't really get the munchies when i smoke. actually i tend to eat and get filled before i smoke, otherwise i have a rough time.
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Obamacares pretty good if you had a pre-existing condition. Before Obama if you weren't rich you basically had to wait until you ended up in the emergency room because insurers wouldn't give people with pre-existing conditions cover.
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murphy from the 100's bum
>international, authoritarian, leftism
>good good!!!
>national, authoritarian, leftism
>FASCISM!!! worse than any rightist liberals!!!

Just took 93yr Mum to vote, she's registered mental retarded.
In a very loud voice she said, "Which box for the Conservatives"
A huge call of "racist" went up from waiting voters.
shall be tossing you vile little men to the lions
i'm 23. my parents had me late in life. i think my dad was like 51 when i was born, my mom like 42. she's passed away now. that's what really sucks about having kids late in life.
wait. those are lads. thats gay.
vote for corbs OR your mother will die in her sleep tonight
I guess looking at it from a distance it feels like a lot of the Anglosphere in general just naturally leans pretty far to the right

been brushing up on the so-called manifesto I see
pitt the younger became prime minister when he was 24
im the same age and have accomplished exactly fuck all
When in reality this region of the world is objectively more right wing.
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the DPRK is good, actually.
>pitt the younger became prime minister when he was 24
ah so that's why they call him the younger!
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woah powerful!
simpsons predicted what would happen if corbyn wins

>tfw no lithe military trained nork gf

a pre-existing condition isn't insurance.

you can't buy property insurance while your house is on fire. private charity/family/friends/fundraising/the community used to look after the people who couldn't afford it.
why do you expect anyone to take you seriously? why do you despise fascist authoritarianism and racism yet clearly prefer a brand of communism that is equal in its degree of violence? what's wrong with you? Orwell was talking about you, you murderous mollusk.
Objectively yes, but at least everyone is minding their own business
poo update: did a poo
>love trumps hate
ah yes, as we all know, the red army won at stalingrad by being nice and peaceful
why isn't the rate of women buying sex off men higher?
she looks like tourist t?bh
That's pretty much the end goal
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bob morleys bum :D
Every force of good needs its paladins.
eating lunch
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>Dad, who's posting on 4chan after midnight?
>Alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners...
>everyone I don't like is a nazi
never gets old
lib dems have a chance in my area so will probs be voting for them locally.
find yourself a girl and settle down
live a simple life in a quiet town
steady as she goes
thialad is fat
Isn't it like 9am in bongland
who's the contending party?
I've spent too much time on 4chan and most people I don't like are nazi's
live in a tory safe seat so will either vote for a meme or spoil my ballot
or just not turn up at all which is my favourite
I'm honestly not sure of the current definition
this stuff seems to change so often that it's pointless trying to keep up
then you'll need a paramilitary
voted for the so-called 'bour. prime neet voting hours now obviously, but still pretty depressing how empty it was
labour and greens. all hovering between 20-25%.
4chan has stunted my social abilities
So if you get cancer but aren't insured you should be left to rely on the good will of others? Failing that just die?
drinking a pint of te
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If you don't vote for labour your waifu dies TONIGHT
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VERY intolerant
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Grim, Brighton?

yeah.. vote libdems
well not now no because social trust and community doesnt exist any more
It's going to be an 8% win for May
>starting dank new job in july, got the offer in march
>in the space of three months I've become a typical neet and done nothing with this time off
ah yes
Fuck off Nazi Goreng
Mine had a fair few people turning up. All old though, no young people.

Don't know why young people don't vote, I've voted in every election I could since I was 18.
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don't you get bored staying up all night, every night, re-posting dated /pol/ memes

(yes yes hello leftypol)
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>I've voted in every election I could since I was 18.
Actually it's going to be a 3.2% win for Corbyn, like I said earlier
>I've voted in every election I could since I was 18.
same lad
exasperating talking to people my age who don't vote then moan about sociopolitical conditions
don't forget that everyone who's not a nazi is a commie
Looking forward to everything going wrong so I can say "well I didn't vote for them".

Although I'd imagine for most Tory voters if anything goes wrong it'll be because of some malevolent outside force like the EU or immigrants.
So Corbyn isn't going to stand down as labour leader, yet he'll be 73 come next election.
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>exasperating talking to people my age who don't vote then moan about sociopolitical conditions
if that happens i will run down the street naked playing the internationale
At least say you'll do something that you'll ACTUALLY do
trump's 71
will never live in the French countryside
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>don't you get bored staying up all night, every night, re-posting dated /pol/ memes
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>I vote
voting is white people shit lmao
ok. i'll post on here about doing a poo. better?
Do you reckon Diane is a facesitter? Corbs looks like the type.
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a fair point but the bloke has fire, touring the whole country doing massive rallies. Corbyn is very low energy in comparison.
I predict a riot
Not true. Literally every paki votes Labour
for the many not the poo
shan't be voting until they acknowledge that those with higher IQs should have stronger weighting. there is simply no way I will have my intelligence insulted with equality
that's because Trump takes super male vitality AND brain force
low energy? he didnt sit down for a WHOLE train journey because there were no seats.
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>shan't be voting until they acknowledge that those with higher IQs should have stronger weighting. there is simply no way I will have my intelligence insulted with equality
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knew it
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rorke in leftypol.webm
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the sorrows of a young High Tory
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Plans for today?
Could not care one iota about dogs at polling stations. Stupid mongrels belong outside in the first place. I wouldn't get a picture taken if I sat in front a POLLING STATION card would I

not sure of the order
democracy is utter runt-tier
I am Rorke
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bruce fuck off rinsing my reaction folder
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Chilling and/or relaxing
Ate too much chicken and now my tummy hurts
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>the sorrows of a young High Tory
That's correct yet it is still the least runt-tier political system we've ever had
this could only be a thai*ad post - glad I have him filtered
thar be sneks
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You are voting for /ourguy/ right?
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Wtf since when have dementors been given a vote?
I still want to find snake/scorpion wine
I might have a look around the bazaar when the rain stops
If it stops before dark that is
did not expect to see the gathering in /brit/, have an upvote
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no even hot on the left
I'm not sure what you're expecting if not some pretty foul tasting alcohol.
are Liz just text me, said that she'll abdicate if corbyn wins
I certainly wouldnt mind waking up at the crack of dawn
thanks babe x
Will not be voting chaps. Raining heavily
Every finn is pretty much the same person
Will not be voting chaps. Weather is fine but I still can't be fucked
quite happy these are all on youtube. Comfy background video
lol why can't they do it themselves
>a3 = ?
anti-astablishment anarchism
Just found out London has a Muslim mayor
Thailad why wont my fucking internet work? I've resetted it and checked all the cables

Posted from my iPhone
wait until you find out he lets jihadis in intentionally
too normie for autists
too autistic for normies
>Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan was the lawyer for a 9/11 terrorist and has family links to extremist organisation Al-Muhajiroun.
>Khan Has Been Affiliated With Organizations Tied To Hamas, Al-Qaeda, Al Nusra, ISIS And The Muslim Brotherhood. In 2004 he appeared on a platform with five Islamic extremists at a conference in London organised by Al-Aqsa, a group that has published works by the notorious Holocaust denier Paul Eisen.
im on a mac
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>In 2004 he appeared on a platform with five Islamic extremists at a conference in London organised by Al-Aqsa, a group that has published works by the notorious Holocaust denier Paul Eisen.
dare i say it, /ourguy/?
I don't know mate, have you seen what troubleshooting says the problem is?
Sounds so condescending and racist.
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do you still vote from overseas m8
Computer 'expert' Thainonce here, with the expert opinion to use the troubleshooting tool. The man who admitted he doesn't know how to use a proxy. Awful stuff
now come on. the tories cut police, and the police have other things to do.

(literally what he said)

could not answe when piers morgan asked him what's more important that literal terrorists who have fought for terrorists abroad walking around London. fucking cunt he is
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perusing the ol' snack box
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*walks away from you*
most certainly not
I'm not registered but have a mate who'll proxy vote for me since he doesn't give a shit.
>dismiss useful tool
>then lie
thailad do you have any tech qualifications? i'm fairly sure i know more about computers than you and i never did any courses on them or anything. could i move to somewhere like thailand and blag a job in computers? what do you even do there?
how often should i be resetting my router per month
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wearing colours ready to box any paki
That's illegal. Reported
just got done reading an autobiography my dad started writing when he was about my age. here's one of my favourite highlights:

"I found my self in one of the worst places that must exist on the face of this earth, Tijuana, Mexico. This is one town Satin has captured, and I belive is a perfect example of what the Lord say's will envelope the earth, as the latter days manifest themselves and the tribulation starts.

Here I was, looking for meaning in life, this what Satin showed me, his best. Vice and prostitution and whoremongering,drunkeness,poverty,lying,perverted exhibitionism ,stealing, robbery, all out in the open, without shame, and in abundance. Satin even showed me his hospitality be haveing me held with a knife pressed against my side while three others searched me for what money I had."

tldr; the wall just got ten feet higher
turtle you in lad?
reported for hate speech
enjoy rotting in jail whitey
toffifee is shit
they are either brother and sister or he dates him only because he has a lot of money
cuffs are usually meant to stop at your wrist
>thailad do you have any tech qualifications?
>i'm fairly sure i know more about computers than you
what in particular do you specialise in?
>could i move to somewhere like thailand and blag a job in computers
like Thailand? maybe. Thailand, probably not.
>what do you even do there?
Develop and maintain various systems for external companies.
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nice fatlad shirt
is satin your wench mother?
>being in THIS much denial

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bravo eesti :DDDD
Haha unreal

>n-no my 3rd world shithole is better than any other 3rd world shithole!
sadiq khan will be prime minister within 8 years. cap this post.


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Been in the lock up for 4 months lads. Has balding manlet algerian been posting
would you rather I blew smoke up your arse? You won't get a work permit without a degree here
>if you don't vote you don't have a right to complain
This isn't true. If I want to vote, for example, for an anarcho-syndicalist Cornish nationalist party, I can complain without voting because one isn't on the ballot.
I agree, hence the fedora
Thread posts: 289
Thread images: 52

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