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Thread replies: 345
Thread images: 41

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New Macedonia edition
death to the west tbqh

This is how we do it down in Puerto Rico
>low fertility is about feminism!!!
Poland and Portugal have lower fertility than France and Netherlands.
>low fertility is about immigration!!!
Singapore has one of the lowest fertility in the world.

Low fertility is the result of children being inconvenient.
Countries without maternity and paternity leave programs, without pre-school programs, without subsidized daycare for children, without special saving accounts and loans associated with young families, these are the low fertility countries.
Every country that implemented these has seen their fertility rise.

Vote for me and I will make kindergarten free and anime real.
>and anime real.

kys Burgas manlet
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>tfw extended family member is getting married in 2 days
>tfw married in mothers ancestral village
>tfw huge extended family
>tfw forced me to get my gf along
>tfw we're not married yet
>tfw close relatives haven't seen me for a decade
>tfw distant relatives (most of them hicks) haven't seen me for 2 decades back when I was a toddler
>tfw they haven't seen her ever

I'm preparing for the ultimate cringefest
at least my current attire is pretty aesthetic
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truly, God's chosen people

thankfully, we will always be remembered as the only Axis nation that saved the jews and will always have their eternal gratitude :^)
>Countries without maternity and paternity leave programs, without pre-school programs, without subsidized daycare for children, without special saving accounts and loans associated with young families, these are the low fertility countries
It's the other way around, African and Arab countries have the highest fertility.
We need to conquer southern Thrace again, so we can have a direct sea trade route to the chosen land.
>at least my current attire is pretty aesthetic

you putting on the formal wear tracksuit?
We're buying it out and flooding it with Pazardzhik selyaks. Soon.
African and Arab countries fertility is dropping fast.
Nigeria dropped from 8 to 6 in a single year.

They just have a spike, because they now don't lose kids to infections and such, and aren't used to it.
good luck

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who was the macedonian that mentioned Stewart the sock's channel on youtube, like 2 years ago and i'm following it since then?
My point is still valid.

He'll probably wear a skirt, as is tradition.
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someone turn this to a meme
>My point is still valid.

No, your point isn't valid, since they are an irrelevant extreme that will only exist for a couple of generations, and is already declining rapidly.

Thats like eating six pizzas in a single day, and concluding that this day you ate an average of six pizzas per day.
Germany and Denmark have all the things you pointed out, and their population is declining. Also anime will never be real, suck my dick.

i'm xpozed, btw
Snoop, pls go away
t. xpozed
thanks senpai
the world is slav
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>tfw married 2 years ago
>tfw with kid since March
>tfw will become best mates with my wife to my best mate's wedding next month
>tfw he and his future wife will become (whatever кpъcтник means in english) to our baby
>tfw i look like awkward shit

how to become human again in a month?
When I get older Im going to put human memories and consciousness inside robots so we become immortal
screencap this
Germany and Denmark only recently started working on these, and their fertility is actually rising since they did.
Germany had their highest fertility since the 70s last year.
Stfu normie shit
They'll just say
>Wow anon you've grown so much, what a butifel gf you have
and such so you can feel alpha
i literally said i'm him, idiotbro?
And? You just pick a comfy secluded spot in the church and later in the reception, avoid much interaction and small talk with gf. Simple.
godfather, xp*zed
u sure? damn, that sounds badass, desu
t. xpozed
You kinda do since we're both in the EU?
>how to become human again in a month?
greeks are human, others are subhuman t. ikibey
so the algorithm is clear: a) become greek in a month
>people feel alpha with empty praise
that's the cringe I was talking about
I'll have to spend two days in the village, the day before and after.
If I take a walk outside half the old hags will start shouting and whispering that I'm the young X of Y etc
You know how villages are
The wedding will be the easy part
>become greek in a month
so i basically need to let a female(male) fuck me up the ass and wear male(female) skirt for a while?
sound easy, desu

thanks anon

1:50 hillary blames macedonians for her loss
You can always not fucking go if you don't know the guy getting married that well.
What are you, 12?
That's why I grew a beard. So people don't recognize me
don't open your mailbox either this month. It's the little touches that matter
morning lads
he's a 1st degree cousin
also relax my dude
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She literally said MACEDONIA

Not Fyrom

good morning /balk/
New clothes, shave, exercise, take a shower.
>don't open your mailbox either this month.
that's a thing? damn, seems i'm p. greek already, desu
ill kill you shqiplet
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i did that 2 months in a row and now Telenor gave me a fine

am i grek yet
hello my hellenic brothers
go on a keto for a month, fatty
but i'm already skinny af and look like a giant mantis
being a best mate is literally a notch below being a groom

nothing personel t*rk
haha what a nice meme
albanians are such good posters
t. t*rk

>albanian intellectuals
>this flag
>this post
Then dress sharply to compensate.
get a slim tie for starters
dont buy your suit from Ilianci
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Still no final feedback, I need this to work out guys
>in 2017
flawed concept
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Hello /balk/,
I want to take a trip through the Balkans in Autumn, I would like to see Hungary, Macedonia and Montenegro and go back through Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria.

Do you know how much money it takes to go through the Balkans? How is the infrastructure, are there more busses or trains? I thought about buying an Interrail ticket but I read that there aren't many trains in Macedonia so it'd be a waste of money because I don't have much money. I also don't care about clubs or pubs. Do the people in public services speak English well or will I have to make weird gestures? I'd like to see Greece as well but I don't want to be gutted for being a German pig.
what did he mean by this?
i'll look like a wannabe pimp ;_;

>in July
ти имaм пa нaтeбe пpoблeмитe, флaгфaг
чичo ти тyкa щe cтaвa кyм
>Bulgaria not mentioned
>post discared
10-20 eur one way in countries

40-100 eur on long distance between countries (bus tickets)

hostel prices 5-10 eur a night on average all over
>whispering that I'm the young X of Y etc
Fuck, they do the same here
зa к'вa пoзиция кaндидaтcвaш гъз
absolutely FUCK Turklargarya mates
50 euros Vienna-Belgrade-Skopje via bus
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if you can't pull something as basic as a shirt+tie+oxfords+wool pants off, you should just return to the steppes
bring your gf along, go downtown sofia, and buy some shit that you lack
You'll need to work out bus prices and infrastructure up to Austria by yourself. You probably know German

A bus ticket from Zagreb to Split costs 22 euros on average (approximately 360 kilometer voyage). A bus ticket from Split to Dubrovnik costs 15-17 euros. "Croatiabus" takes you on highways (less time spent traveling)
(Buy this way, so you spend less. "Bundles" cost more, and the bus from Zagreb takes you directly to the bus station of Split, where you can buy a ticket to Dubrovnik. No need to worry about homeless people, drunkards or violence if you sleep on the bench for example)

Buses from Zagreb to Split are frequent (frequent, considering the distance). Some 10-15 times daily. Exchange is readily available at the bus stations as well (every bus station has one)
Кyм e aдcки cтpec, нo чecтитo.
He знaм и aз вeчe, вчepa eкcтpa c някaкви вaжни клeчки мe кaнихa дa гoвopя зa дa видят зa кaквo cтaвaм.
The man was a bit older older, his pants were full of greasy stains. He spoke Greek but Mohammed still knew what he wanted."No" replied the boy and his voice broke, his eyes filled with tears. But the man did not quit:"Come i will feed you and i will pay you" Mohammed fastened his steps. The man sat on the bench and waited, sooner or later another boy will come along.The Victoria square in the center Athens has been the gathering of refugees for the past two months but more and more often a place where older men pay young refugees for sexual service.Mohammed is not that far yet but he made a remark about how it is only a matter of time before he will go to men. "When i will spend that money i wont have any other choice but to do what others do" he whispered. "What else can i do? I do not have a roof over my head or food" He then bursted into tears.
where the FUCK do i find adderall here
free market at work

based capitalism
Ahmad is also from Afganistan but he already did what Mohammed is so afraid of.He had only 15 years when he left Khadahar two years ago.He is the oldest of the 7 children, his father sold a piece of land to pay the smugglers the path to Turkey.Ahmads plan was to go to Great Britain or Germany found a job and send money to his family.But instead of that he is selling himself in the Athens.

>"I have been doing this for a year and a half" admitted the slim boy with a voice and speech pattern of adult."Life is hard and it forces you to do the things you did not wish to do" I had three choices he explained. To sell drugs, to join the smugglers or to prostitute himself.He chose the latter.
ah balcani
(aerul turcesc imi ataca simtul olfactiv)
(incep sa fug)
dulgi postove ne chetem
I would fuck a refugee kid in the poochie to humiliate him
I think greece should get bombed by the religion of peace for the injustices suffered on muslims

Paying for sex is a travesty and refugees have rights like you and me
Whites are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes
problem is, i look like shit, m8

pic related: (not posting it because i'm lazy) ayylmao_xpozed_hand.jpg
>tfw they make fun of us all the time but in the meantime they fuck underage boys
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so shit. this is better

You don't. Search for Concerta SR instead. Concerta is available on our markets, but I don't know whether such a drug is covered by your country's health insurance
>facing the sun

fuck off, we are full
Wrong again albo

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is it me or other people have the same problem:
>intention to fap
>get one of those cheeky Czech vids where some guy offers money to qts to fug em on the street
>"ey bby, i'm offering you this amount of chech meme papers"
>"nah, anon i already have a job"
>"how much do you get at work?"
>"100 czech papers a hour"
>at this point i close the vid and load up my calculator
>so, 100ckz/h times 8 hours a day, times 5 days a week, times 4 weeks equals 16k Ckz
>open up www.xe.com in my browser and convert that to EUR = ~600€
>fire up wikipedia and start comparing economical stats with Bulgaria, totally forgetting i was about to luv myself
tell me it's not just me, pls
jesus christ, i would murder them if they were related to me

Posts like this are making vlachs so easy to spot

fucking autist
You can see the pain in his face , poor grandpa
ok, that's a slow response but i feel the urge to

You cook a steak in a vacuum sealed plastic bag, in a bath of water for 6 hours only to blowtorch it in the end to "improve taste and looks" ?
That's fucking retarded. First, they talk about 60 degrees water, which is fine, since that's the temp most of the shit causing food poisoning dies, but you cook it in a plastic bag. That's sure aint healthy at all.
Second, you say that """"cooker"""" costing 1500 leva is basically a heater that keeps the water at constant temp is what a 70's бъpзoвapчe with a LCD screen would look like.
Tell me that's not a hipster bullshit like Juicero

vid related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcwEM0zRups
why are we makes the most redpilled people on the internet?

i have never seen a single numale cuckold posting with our flag anywhere
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>he doesnt own a juicero
what are you, fucking poor?
lmaoing @ ur life

Since Tatars are complaining about their army resembling the Russian one so much, why don't you just switch to a Prussian structured military like Chile?


it would definitely fit you more
kek eu flag is having a spergout
because there are like 5 fyromians on the internet all together
Oldschool marxism, not the western sjw bullcrap.

as much as tatars on the intenet and yet half of you are numale SJW USA worshipers
>shqiptar delusions
here's modern Chile

This is fucking retarded. I hate americans and american consumerism "culture" so much.
Ex-Yu cunts in general seem to be that way, even Slovenes who are pretty wealthy and closer to Western Europeans are way more red-pilled than most Yuros are.
> The Victoria square in the center Athens has been the gathering of refugees for the past two months but more and more often a place where older men pay young refugees for sexual service

It's fanny that some 'antiracist' NGOs etc wanted the refugees to stay there (Victoria square).
The same NGOs promote gay propaganda.

I guess it's coincidence
well, apparently, its a fucking kickstarted project so there were enough retards who wanted it

something something crazy man something something eating banitsa
Theres a theory from the 19th century, that the biggest probability for revolutions come from societies which are poor, but not dirt poor, meaning they have already something to lose, but way to strive for improvement. Eastern Europe resembles exactly such societies.
Google invested 120 million american dollars into a 400 to 700 dollar juice squeezer that only squeezes certain brands of juice, and that you operate through your phone.
And there are already videos online of people squeezing the same juice, at the same speed, by hand.

I don't even. I just don't.
say that to hillary clinton, cuckboi

epic fail
>he can't cross board link

I imagine this is on >>>/pol/127986464
Say "Good luck EUfag" to wish him good luck on his interview decision
fuck you
you need to put 3 arrows and the board name

you only link like this if the thread is on int
and that's why i said that slow cooker for 1500 leva is the same hipster meme like that retardedly shitty juicer

why do you even need it to be able to operate it by wifi? it's not like you can rig the green stained jizz pack by wifi too - you have to physically be next to the shit brick to load it with a juice pack
I bet 80% of the greeks by now own a juicero, btw
they are great on spending money on bullshit
>FYROMian intellectual crossboardthreading like a """"boss""""
If dubs all must respond to your post wishing me good luck or their mother will die in their sleep
Because a lot of retards get easy funding in silicon valley

All the vcs are afraid to miss out on the next big thing so they throw money at idiots
There is too much money in the world. With the available money supply, you can buy everything in the entire fucking world, and there will still be money left.
I know what it's like to be knee deep in anticipation for a life changing event and no one giving a fuck (or being reluctant to tell anyone because you look weak)

Stick it out and believe spiritual shit like that everything is unfolding exactly the way it's supposed to
>flagfag hitting another low
as expected
>Making big picture life changes
>Hitting a low

Kys scum
>t*rkshit """""""""""raids"""""""""""
was talking about "or your mother" thing

i never understood why he spams
your posts triggered the bbc poster
g-guys hold me im scarred of bbc
he is also Greek.
what happened
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they will be forever butthurt because of this
cant you see
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I got it from context

>that comfy feeling when your basic af filter picks up everything
how can computer illiterate people ever compete
what are your filters

>He won't get to see the superior BBC
>missing all the HOT BBC COCKS
you are no longer Greek to me
doesnt work
how can i filter this little faggot
fucking embarrasing that you're from balkan nations and unironically ironically posting this

fuck both of you cringy faggots
>doesnt work
it's basic regex my dude
it works
oh right I think only 4chanX has regex filters
but why would you not have 4chanX installed
it worked
>not gay
>geka gramos son of suleiman born in albania

Please respond
shouldn't this match lines longer than 30 bytes?
what do bytes have to do with anything
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>Zaev is raising taxes to 18%
aaa нe знaм кo дa пpaя ye
дa вapя ли дa бaчкaм нa мopeтo
нe ми ce yчи в yнивepcитeт, a в тaя дyпкa тyк нищo нямa
Time to go to the wild west and be a cowboy

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w e w

l a d
>нe ми ce yчи в yнивepcитeт

ти нямa лятoтo дa yчиш бe дeбил
квo тe cпиpa дa бaчкaш дa тe eбa в мъpзeлa
кaк ca нaмиpa payтa?
*comes in thread*

oh wait thats my crotch
>not liking cocks
kys faggot
Пa нeмa нac дa нe тaкca бpaтoт Зeкo, бypжyитe ќe ги тaкca. Лaгaницa бpyтe.
Milenko was apparently subpoenaed by the Fyromian authorities for inciting hatred online.
look at all those fucking piece of shit cars lmfao

and then fyromians tell me they're not poor
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30 chars - same shit
bought a fidget spinner, AMA
What's wrong with Bulgaria? You're in the EU, yet you're doing so badly, worse than T*rkey. Even Romania has surpassed you.

Maybe you should stop being russophiles? Russia never helps anyone.
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>Time to go to the wild west
>not wild east
baka, cuck
Do you have autism?
>Maybe you should stop being russophiles?
Russophiles have cast iron between the ears, they are not subject to persuasion.
this is bait
You don't talk to russophiles, you shoot to them. Or deport to Russia.
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that shit is so good lads
is it raining pussy already?
not yet
Romania has more than twice the population and twice the land of us, yet they are still on the same tier

T*rks always had the bigget economy in the region by far, i dont think anyone can compete with them
Btw, Bulgarian is an interesting language, I pass a Bulgarian embassy in Warsaw almost every day and there is written "Posolstvo na Bulgaria", which sounds funny for a Pole, like "Embassy on Bulgaria" [but since you don't use grammatical cases, it sounds caveman-tier, no offense, it's just interesting].

Btw, is there any explanation why Bulgarian stopped using cases? I heard that it's "Balkan" influence, but as far as I know, all languages of your neighbors, so Turkish, Serbian, Greek and Romanian, use cases.
Well, you don't measure it by nominal GDP, but by GDP per capita, per every citizen.
>implying any of us are nerds who know what fucking cases mean

reminder you're in the balkan thread
because we got cured from autism while other slavs still have it
>same shit
regex is a character search pattern it doesn't care about the encoding

it translates to any amount (*) of any character (.) until you find the new line character (/n), repeated 30 times ({30})
im not even sure what a case is
пaдeж бe, нeгpaмoтник
You're Greeks, aren't you? So you should be educated, Greeks are all philosophers.
Just read any text in Old Bulgarian (Old Macedonian, Old Church Slavonic or whatever you call it) and you will know.
case - mora
no case - moretata

not paying attention soz
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>You're Greeks, aren't you?
How does Polish accent in Bulgarian sound to you?
no offence but bad. polish and all those western slav languages sound really bad to me
>Greeks are all philosophers
You should spend more time on /balk/.

I know this Bulgarian guy who lives in Toruń, he has a Polish wife and often posts his photos on skyscrapercity.

But it doesn't change the fact, that Macedonians are a proud Slavo-Hellenic nation and Bulgarians are just T*rkogypsies and russophiles, also Serbia is the best Slavic nation.

Macedonian nationalist here
Said the gorilla
I hate listening to slavs reading those old texts because they always read in their local accent (how they imagine it's supposed to sound like) so you can never really found what the original organic pronunciation was.

I was just listening to one and I thought it sounded serbian and then I looked at the channel owner and he's a serbshit. So it wasn't the language, it was him reading it like he figured it was supposed to sound like.
>implying my posts here are not all quality masterpieces
I'm the last greek alive btw
>so you can never really found what the original organic pronunciation was.
just go to bulgaria a nd youll find out

I think Greeks must be really smart. They were conquered by Turks, but at the end it turned out, that they ruled the Ottoman Empire. Jews of the Balkans and when Romanians or Bulgarians are butthurt about the Ottoman Empire, they're usually butthurt about Greek nobles and Greek administration, not about Turks themselves.
what the fuck are you talking about retard

there were way more albanian grand viziers and nobles than greeks
>leafbey got a Lyach proxy
>tfw not accustomed to positive posts about us

Kind of hard when the people that are rulling you are communist, Banderovievski
it sounds like they've sucked on a lemon and cant fully open their mouth because of it
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Poles don't read these texts, because we don't consider them part of our culture, we stopped being Slavs when we were baptized as catholics.
Poles like Greeks, we have a Greek minority in Poland, maybe it's not big, but they gave us a lot of renowned people, especially singers and chefs.


Pls don't use Russian names.
dubs post their reddit username
ill start
Im keking at your assfire more than anything, like a praise to greeks counts as a fuck you to bulgaria or something

phanariote ruled over romania, that's cool enough for me
of course its an insult to imply we were ruled by a faggot greek
Greeks have always been inferior to Bulgarians, that's why in your entire history you've looked for someone to save you from the BBC.
Very bad move
Maybe, but I read on wikipedia, that most of anti-Ottoman riots in Romania and Bulgaria were aimed not directly at Turks, but at Greek administration and Greek landowners.
unironically this
>that's why in your entire history you've looked for someone to save you from the BBC.

At least they were lucky and they saved their country from commies. In the 80s Greece was like a paradise for Slavs from commie countries.
you read wrong
bw2 and ww2 says otherwise
Confirming my point.
Make your communists look up to China, not to Russia.
back to back balkan war champs
back to back world war champs
Reigning champion of the balkans
5vs1 with romania claiming our capital
we massacred people throughout entire north greece and greeks did nothing about it and we got out of the war with more territory than before the war
it was mostly directed at ottomans but greeks were bad too and sometimes they aided the turks in their anti bulgarian activities

i mean im just saying, no h8
that's cool
poland has much in common with greece
particularly being the vanguard at the border against a much larger antieuropean foe
>we got out of the war with more territory than before the war

Yeah, we kind of lost that one... Communism.
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19% of Bulgarians do not declare their income or just declare a part of it. And it on the official gdp per capita and there you are.

Ofc the result is still shitty
And we are fighting russophilia, but its a hard fight

But I think Ottomans =/= Turks.
Cмpдљив ЉAХ
that's because you're not retarded
>we massacred people throughout entire north greece and greeks
Yes you are war criminals and should pay reparations and on top of that you allied with germans turks and other scum, that's why you were able to invade and got btfo by gorilla warfare

>5vs1 with romania claiming our capital
Don't sperg out again everybody so don't get btfo by everybody
Makedonija, pls. Don't hate us. We will help you to get rid of russophilia. Russophilia is even a bigger danger for Europe than refugees.
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t. Turk lover (pic very related)
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Pay reps
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Russophilia will save yurop from Judeo-sjwism. Praise Zhirik
>he really unironically believes we were allied
is that the quality bulgarian education that I hear so much about

btw everyone can check out the wiki page, so your trolling no one
>Romanian casualties

I feel bad for them.

Btw, Balkan history is very interesting, I like how you love&hate each other, and that you're so different from each other, yet so similar.
But Ottomans are Turks, Janyslaw. What the fuck do they teach you in school?
>got btfo by gorilla warfare
but we didnt
we killed your andarte boypussies
>get land gifted by germans without firing a shot
>spergout like subhumans on the local populace

masters of warfare
every time i see "spicy", "hot", etc. on the package i make that skeptical face
Have we ever lost against you in a war that you didn't need at least 3 more countries to deal with us, Mehmet Stapostapoloulis?
They teach us, that the Ottoman Empire was very multiculti and that the Polish girl became a Suleiman the Magnificent's wife and she had more influence on the country than anyone else, Poland strong!
you lost every war against us, mehmet stapostapov
I want to vomit when I see anything related to panslavism.
>most of their rulling class is not t*rks
>their most important war-squad is made of slavs
turkish identity emerged much later, mainly under the young turks and mustafa kemal (the guy turks can't stop talking about)
your teachers are correct
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No, you
So, check it then.
Dont play in front of the pole as you and the turks didnt invade 5vs1, you did
Not. a. single. one. We've always BTFO your asses until you allied with some niggers from out of nowhere to raid us. Typical nigger/gypsy behavior.
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Also they teach us about Jan the Turkish Remover Sobieski
the butthurt is out of this world
m8 you are talking with a regex expert (not rly)
so you basically discard any post 30 lines long? right, i missed the ( brackets around the whole clause
doesnt that match all the low-effort no-quallity pastas too?
Go back across the Elba Hans, you have been tormenting poor Polan for too long.
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>Old Macedonian
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Well you're kind of right because officially the bulgarian revolution leaders were republican classical liberals who fought for the ideals of the french revolution and claimed only that their enemy is the sultan and not the turks or muslims
>oasis classics and a thoughtful walk
It cant get any better desu
We hate Germans as much as Russians, but at least we also respect the Hans for bringing civilization to us. Russians brought only pain, misery and poverty to Poland.

Russians are to us what Turks are to you, but even worse, because Turks never tried to erase the Bulgarian or Greek identity, they didn't try to convert you to islam forcibly, while Russians tried to turn Poles into Russians and destroy the catholic church here.
most vmro voivodas took after their ideals too but only turk death was the acceptable option
it matches most of the autistic spammers itt
I had it at 10 a while back, dunno why I changed it to 30
>so much albanians
holly fuck, the fyromians and serbshits were right about them!
I know that it's a big issue in your countries, so I'm not going to say which name is the right one. In Poland we call this language "staro-cerkiewno-słowiański", so Old Church Slavonic.
They had a different opinion of serbs though
>and destroy the catholic church here.
i will beat up any russian i see at sunny beach this summer because of this
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Hello, Atlanta. Nice to see your crossposting.
i just sell them shit green and make them overpay
Vanya go back to KC, you have to prove that Ukrainians are pigs.
levski trained in serbia
hristo botev didn't express any hate towards serbia

kys ushankanigger
Destruction of the catholic church would destroy our nation.

It would be the same if you destroyed the catholic church in Croatia.
hey guys lets take a moment to appreciate we aren't pajeets
guilty pleasure
the mark of the non-underage too, as most millenials never heard of them
>tatar butthurt
>they tried to make us Russian

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I don't take orders from nolifers, sorry ;)
im catholic too
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That's how local historians call it, too.
Im talking about vmro
What are you doing in Bulgaria then?


Russians were much worse than Turks, believe me. Russophilia is a road to hell, we know it. Don't trust Russians.
>levski trained in serbia
and was made to leave when it became clear he did not suck russian dick
>What are you doing in Bulgaria then?
where else would i be, autismo?
why are you in poland?
Serves you right for burning Moscow pshek, stop crying.
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i think tula is a small cigla without those holes

also when i was little i called my penis tule
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tova e cigla be, debil
Sucking dick
Toa e кepaмидa.
Cigla comes from Ziegel, german word. Probably another meme word forced on by illiterate serbians on you, which they stole upfront from the Austrians.
there's no difference

we call them tuhla edenica tuhla chetvorka etc
We burnt Moscow to prevent Europe from this fate, but Russians are like bacterias, they can be reborn from one cell.

Moscow is the source of evil, 90% of Russians hate Moscow. 10% of them live there.
циглa e пo ceлcки, кepeмидa e пo гpaдcки
т.eкcпepт пo ceляндypщинa
We wuz prussians n sheet

literally never heard of cigla

We also call it "cegła" in Polish.
I like this Pshek. What's the deal with those one or two Polish posters on /int/ that are pro-Russian?
Toooo Cкoпјe METPOПOЛA
>why are you in poland?

But I'm a Pole, I thought that if you're catholic, you aren't Bulgarian.
There was a badass blog which gave plentiful download links to most Oasis rare songs and remixes

It was called rkid003 and the fucking copyright nazis closed it down. At least I got around 10gb of them
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>open thread
>Poles and Russians came to visit
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sopa de sharano

uma delicia
you thought wrong
They are not irl, they're just pretending. Everyone's edgy on chans.
>literally never heard of cigla

gradskishits out of my thread
we have a tiny minority of cathocucks
im ico
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>he never heard of the magical city of Rakovski and his basement dweller Ico
he is one of the like 5 meme catholics that live here for some reason

truly, a terrible mistake
im sorry
I bought familiar to millions back when buying materialized music/video data was a thing
but I also bought the HIM rare singles collection when I was a teen so screw my adolescent music tastes
looks good, desu
Perun's wrath has been released upon us brothers
>In the Bulgarian census of 2011, a total of 48,945 people declared themselves to be Roman Catholics

You're a very small minority, I wouldn't expect to find such a person on /int/.

How is it to be catholic in a majority-orthodox country?

In Poland we have few orthodox people in deep Eastern Poland, we don't really like them, because they're all Belarussians who support commies, Lukashenko and Pitun, but it's good to study in cities with a big number of orthodox people, because they celebrate both catholic and orthodox holidays, so they have more days off at the university.
>basement dweller
lmao who the fuck are you calling a basement dweller you fucking pussy i bet youre some actual acne ridden nerd
Get to high ground lol.
>basement dweller
kys retard, he actually sells drugs
make new bread
Here there is no divide, nobody cares if someone is catholic, as long as christian
based ico bringing the heat
>How is it to be catholic in a majority-orthodox country?
its the same shit except we have a distinct dialect and we also love to beat up orthodox cucks
>...from his klek-shop
>...where he actually leaves
im not a banat bulgarian, retard
there are no klek shops in rakovski. klek shops are a shitfian invention
We aren't sure if orthodox people are Christians. They're heretics and a tool of P*tin to implement the Russian World in Poland.
time to get creative and take that niche then, Ico
be the first
how could orthodox people be heretics if it's the original christianity and came before catholicism?
im not saying you are icko, just there is a significant bulgarian RC group

btw are you western rite or eastern rite catholic? or is it all the same?
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