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/asean/ "Cute, not lewd gf" edition

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Thread replies: 301
Thread images: 53

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first for flips
Second for onsen
am banned from half the onsens cause of large back tattoo
my edginess has led to my downfall
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Tattoo is banned in onsen? But how about those yakuza?
I think it's actually banned CAUSE of the yakuza
They prolly have their own places
>tfw no gf
can I join yakuza or will they just beat me up like the gaijin I am
I know there's some Triad presence in the Philippines, but that's cause there's alotta chinks
>China mentioned in any thread
>Vietnamese flag suddenly appears
>It ain't me guis
no idea, probably depends on your competence
Are you actual Japanese?
runaway japanon this>>75537443 autist is going to pester you with shit only he would care about
Anyone else having problems with CAPTCHA? It seems to be rather unreliable for me today.

What do you think of Abe?
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did abe dishonor his famiry by dressing up like mario
I mean he dropped the costume pretty quick, like 1 second into the reveal, he couldn't have been that proud of it
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>that ending
Fuck this movie. I wasn't prepared for that ending.
Fuck off with your onsen shit aspie.
issat in the phil? pls linku linku
don't worry m8 we got first :^)
Of coursh, Marawi has gone completely bonkers.

no Martial Law
no blue on blue
terrorists are pushed out after one week, mop up ops in three weeks
over 300 terrorists dead with proofs
no damaged armored personnel carriers

Martial Law on Mindanao
blue on blue
terrorists are still entrenched after 10 days and its still not ogre
only 40~ terrorists identified with dubious claims of 90+ terrorists killed and no proofs
three damaged armored personnel carriers, one hijacked by terrorists
i couldn't care less about politics he's just one of (((politicians)))

politicians are more or less like a clown anyway
Bang minta cendol dong
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damn (((them)))

I remember I liked this guy cause he was Lionheart or something, was he any good?
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>politicians are more or less like a clown anyway
Truer words never be spoken.
What about anison? What do normal Japanese people think about it?

How come people aren't getting mad at Duterte then if Marawi is going to shit? Seems like it could be even worse than Mamasapano, at this rate.
>What about anison? What do normal Japanese people think about it?
I was expecting a response like this
the fuck is an anison

and give it time, people still losing their shit over martial law, stop spazzing out about why people aren't mad
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pijer nya aja ada. cendol nya abes
Anime song
Funnily enough, I've seen some people who vocally hated P-Noy due to Mamasapano actually defending Duterte and/or martial law in Mindanao.

Can't be as bad as mentioning Laos all the time.
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I have gained weight... not good!
Then go jocking
Wew lads, grab your popcorn cause we gonna witness the autists' banter wars.
Yeah, no.

Marcos is the reason why we are still a shithole tho.
>Can't be as bad as mentioning Laos all the time.
don't delude yourself MKL
at least it's relevant to SEA and there are plenty of weeb boards to have a serious discussion on that
Sleepy and comfy after it rained hard this evening . good night, gayboiss .
>Bought a pants today.
>Size 28 fits me good and tightly like a glove
>try size 30 also fits me good but no butt
>Buy size 28 cause it'll accentuate my ass more.
>Marcos is the reason why we are still a shithole tho.
I can't argue with you. $6B down the drain.

You lucky bastard
This guy knows even if I used to talk about it very much. Doesn't mean we couldn't talk about anison but don't bring up so often.
Everything touched by Indians turns to shit
Everything touched by Chinese turns to gold
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>tfw my pants are all tight from thighs downwards but loose on the waist because big legs

why can't I have at least one perfect fitting pants
It's not like I talk about anison all the time. If anything, I tend to talk more about politics than anison here.
But all of us non flips hate, I mean, HATE flipolitics. And I absolutely despise politics of any kinds.
>not cutting, adjusting and stitching it to fit yourself afterwards.
I have a great idea! Why don't we build a machine that makes Indians shit and then force the Chinese to touch the shit??? Free gold! PROFIT!!!
Some estimates claim the loot is 10bil
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good idea
shit even I hate flipolitics
It's not like talking about politics is going to change anything at all
yeah that's the thing. I will always have to get my pants altered for it to fit me well.
Duh, tell that to your pedo overlord, MKL.
What's this? Deadpool in space?
Venom origin story
Why's flipTinder full of jejfolk and poorfags?
Gotta swipe through so much crap
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Why are they so tempting ?
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my gf
princess asean mom is ok tho
kek I know it's full of cringy normie cucks that's why I already deleted mine. It was a waste of time but I guess at least I got laid lmao
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Where is her mummy?
hit it then quit it eh?
To be fair there were a few really hot girls, but I doubt we would have gotten matched. Is it sad that I started lifting cause of tinder?
Well, if you're lifting just so you can show it off tinder, then yeah that's pretty sad. But at least something motivates you to get fit.
Hell yeah, gots to get dem hot girls somehow
I wish girls were attracted to booknerds, I fucking love reading
Bisayan gommies
that makes your country a steaming pile of gold colored shit.
Why is Malaysian Airlines is still in business?
it lives for the memes
Sasuga MKL and his janny powers.
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Lel, why did HiroMoot even accept that fag as janny?
it's the exact opposite, hiromoot definitely want MKL as janny
>he has a shitty meme degree
truly the best representation of asean
only good thing about him is the jesus in his name
i can be his friend
Sure you do, LOSER!
You can, but may you?
Be my friend instead
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Just discovered the Life is Strange general
things are looking up bois
I want to fuck a chinese girl and her roommate at the same time
you can do it colimbine !
We believe in you Columbine!
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Show yourself MKL, stop deleting my posts.
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stop calling me that, call me jake instead
Looks like the cover of a femdom porn video.
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Ths is the most alpha filipino I don't think you fags could even compete
fukin got u boi
jake the neet
Post your face first columbine, maybe we'll stop calling you a school shooter then.
nice try MKL
those girls look like trash
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>Puff his chin on the hair


i'll even back off when i see a qt girl
no, stop bullying me I already want to kms
God, he must be rubbing his boner in that pic.
he looks like a gentleman but the girl on the far right seem disgusting of his gentleman act
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Columbine is fine by me though
Feeling close
Come on Columbine Jake,
I mean you can't really shoot up a school if you're a 10-year neet, think of it as a term of endearment
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>bully malaysians
>bully MKL
>bully visayans
>bully indons
>bully the french

Why is /asean/ full of bullies?
>inb4, it just a banter, m8
Nice try MKL
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Tripfags are meant to be bullied, if they don't want to get bullied then they shouldn't have added trips.
post moar MKL friend/classmate/sister/brother
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Why are you posting our government employees
It's a way to make us feel better by hurting others' feeling through hateful posts as the manifestations of those repressed real life issues.
But MKL really fucking deserve to be bullied though.
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Sorry lad but this is the last MKL image I have, faggot deactivated his facebook account. The other malay anon probably have more and we'll just have to wait until he comes on.
he looks fit
That's from 2014 though I think this one is recent >>75542961
>it just a banter
english properly you retard
good link m8
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Live attack on Resort World Manila
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Wew, really? Why do you always one step ahead when it comes to terrorism?
>M'lay flag
Holy fucking shit. Martial law in luzon soon. https://twitter.com/ABSCBNNews/status/870323509011992576
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Save us Malaysia-sama.
Do you accept flip refugees? :3
Martial law in luzon soon,another piece of the puzzle in place and his true intent will reveal
yo Malay-chan leaving Malaysia next week, its been fun and crazy at times

Malaysians are bros desu
btw Indians are my favorite I love how they're really chill folks
n-not inciting ethnic division uwu
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I'll need a place to stay
I'll clean,wash and cook,I promise
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Of course as long as you promised to vote the ruling government


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kek wtf

I thought MILF died down
why are the Moros so radical
the chinese?
>yo Malay-chan leaving Malaysia next week, its been fun and crazy at times
Which country would you plan to go next? Going back to your homeplace?
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Resort World Manila is next to an army base

If this is "ISIS" again then the AFP and Martial law is a failure
I had no social experience with Chinese except the time where I was invited by one and his friend and they ended up speaking chink for the most part
>tfw cant into chink runes
first going back home then hitting up the Caribbean with the senpai
i forget about the stupid filter i meant f.a.m.i.l.y
1st OG is MNLF, then they make peace with government.

MILF and Abu Sayyaf were then created by those that disagree with MNLF decision to deal with government.

Then MILF make peace with government.

BIFF and Maute disagreed with this, continuing with the fight with Abu Sayyaf.

As long as the politicians in Manila decided to shoot down BBL, more and more disgruntled Moros will join the fight. You can see the pattern from more nationalistic movement to more radical movement the longer this conflict go own without concrete solution.

Southern Thailand will face this similar fate.
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It's a lone wolf operation
>As long as the politicians in Manila decided to shoot down BBL

>tfw thesis deadline is on 12th
I'm fucked bros
Would you racemix with a Chinese gf?
I don't trust that source
Did a plane crash again?

Its basically nightshift call center agents panic hysteria right now.
I can give advice on how to tackle the Islamist in Southeast Asia for just USD10k a month. In Malaysia the opposition can win easily in the next election the Dap decided to be arrogant and blew it all away. One more reason to believe that the chinese are not as smart as the jews.

CIA please take up my offer while I'm still a NEET or you'd have put a USD10 million bounty on my head next time.
I tot Abu Sayyaf was dead already?
New groups form and pop up even more religiously radical
The current leader Isnilan Hapilon pledged allegiance to IS in 2014. The founder and his brother died in 1998 and 2006 respectively.
There is an explosion in Vatican City, still unclear what really happened
Some are saying it's just a fire

No gooks here
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Now all of a sudden flips care about Manila.
Like shit like these has never happened before there

Niggers pls.
I was wrong before. There's no claim by official IS account yet. The story is becoming more absurd.

Apparently the gunmen opened fire, went to 3rd floor, claimed to be IS and then escaped by jumping from the 3rd floor.
is he white?
But if someone can survive from jumping from the 3rd floor they're filipinos

Reports say they're wearing mask
This, tho
I watched the cctv footage and it's not the way IS operate at all. Currently translating some message in Arabic, will get back at you soon.
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(Showing a screenshot of Aljazeera news tweet)
كذب الاعلام على دولة الاسلام
تنظيم الدولة يعلن تبنيه للهجوم على منتجع في العاصمة الفلبينية مانيلا

تنويه هام: لم تتبنى الدولة الاسلامية اي هجوم لغاية الان

The media lied about the Islamic State
(Showing a screenshot of Aljazeera news tweet)
The (Islamic) State organization announces claim of attack on resort in Philippines capital Manila

Important note: The Islamic State has not claimed any attack so far
mashallah , akhi
you can speak arabic :^)
sahur gan
The cctv footage that I mentioned.


All 25 injured are because of the stampede. If 2 gunmen were firing automatic rifles targetting the people inside the casino, I would say at least 30-40 will be dead.
I noticed that Rappler is too sensationalist while ABS-CBN News is more moderate. Any other suggestion of Filipino media?
2 robbers who stole money & poker chips and set card tables on fire.
Still alive
At least
Another day
my grandma did that
just tell em your laptop got stolen by some east timor
clean my cock with your mouth
wash my cock after im done
cook me some steak while im doin your ass
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goodnight asean
sahur sahur kalo nganggur jng ngarep THR meluncur. pribumi miskin!
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dua jempol gan
Good night and see you tomorrow.
>reported to cyber muslim army
In a few minute the holy army of FPI will come to your house, enjoy your persecution you fucking chink kafir
#1 song in Indonesia

#1 song in Malaysia
Done sahur with indomie + egg
Lol miskin kamu
Already said before that my dad earned USD10k a month. Not breaking the bank, but certainly not poor.
>overthrown jokowi
>replace him with prabowo or gatot
>3 months later
>*invade mindanao*
Inquirer or philstar

Crappler usually adds their own opinion in their news and it makes it biased and one sided
>invading a sovereign state
thats a one way ticket for impeachment you retard
Is the law for impeachment made before or after you invaded Malaysia?
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fug, forgot pic
Before, but it was a grey area until they added amendment after Suharto fell

Then you defend. Its a crime here to wage war on another country.
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Malaysia: You can't get impeached if you don't have impeachment law
Bangun la pinoy
5 more minutes
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>classmates are gommies
Rappler is more in depth
>Marshmallows in luzon is now possible
Kek thanks to those gunmen more fagalogs will die
Haha yea because killing some poorfags in Mindanao and Bisayags is useless. You're all to insignificant to get attention.
t. Rappler intern
>tfw 2.6k usd per month
Bisayots act like they aren't already being killed
NEET got paid there?
>people not realizing that these attacks are bait for Dutiti to declare Martial Law so he can be removed

Big guys are one step ahead of him.
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It really feels that Filips is now in chaos. Dut-duts will say the magic word any later now.
Nope, I'm a wageslave
Bisayots are so easily spooked.
ayy gib monies plox anak Sultan
Fatin is a wagecuck?
Gibe a rundown on last night anon.
Was it a terrorist or a robber attack?
They wake up now, it's time for /pinoy/.
Lone wolf terrorist attack

If it was robbery he wouldn't kill himself with fire
No, the other guy.
Do /asean/ countries have a common underlying culture?
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Did he do it?
>tfw can't grow facial hair
as expected of the lizard people
Yes, everyone is lazy except the Chinese.
laid back except for chinese
according to the police it was a robbery
>common underlying culture

yes, we are good-for-nothing subhuman
I always see chinese sleeping in their stall in Divisoria after lunch hour. Probably because they're up all night guarding their goods and etc.
everyone is funloving except for the chinese
I would off myself too for blotching the heist like that. Though, not burning myself. Hellfire is not quick enough for me.
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What happens here?
I think he realized stealing chips in casino is useless while he cant get in the money vault
While literally next to a military base
He is literally dead the minute he robbed the place
>mass shooting in a casino in Manila by a lone gunman
What the fuck happened?
It's as if these people will never be satisfied no matter how many agreements you give them.
Their end goal was always to break off from the Philippines.

Have you been there? They don't consider themselves as Filipino, they would call themselves Muslim first, their tribe (Tausug, Maranao, Badjao, etc) and Mindanaoan as the last resort.
What if we take the Moros and push them somewhere else?
stay the fuck and contain them yourself
lair! ;_;
What is this? America or something?
If he botched his own raid, why not just shoot himself?

Self-immolation takes time and effort, he has to lug around a fuel can to burn himself properly
Let's plan a heist /asean/.
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I wanna see his charred remains. The only thing the media has published is pic related.
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>The gril i am in love with said she just likes me as a friend
>I am still in love with her
I don't know what to do anymore
On who?
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You already know what to do.
Kawawa naman yung eventually na mabobook diyan

Hotel ghosts are real
Ikr. Retarded idiot. Why robbed a high security casino beside a military base?

Stay being a wagecuck, sultan.
Spooky right? Can you see his head and arms? Did he shoot himself first before cremating himself?
A bank, a mall, an anime event or MKL.
He's not that rich imo. He goes to a state Uni instead of a rich posh one.
It would be hard to immolate yourself after shooting yourself.
>military base
*Chairforce base

Not just Chairforce, but a couple of kilometers away from where Chairforce officers and generals reside while the enlisted live in nearby slums.

Different from Fort Bonifacio where the Muhreens reside.
bullshit, MKL is the prince of long lost Filipina dynastry before the Spaniard came
Not if you set the fire first then when its big enough shoot yourself fast. Look at the splattered burned blood in the head rest. >>75564798

I should be having a career in forensics science if Im right.
Isn't that Flipbong? Why are there so many rich folks in /asean/ while Brunei and I are suffering from being a wageslave till the end of time?
But that would be the immolation first, then the gunshot.
Surely he has got weeb collections to be robbed of.
Eh, I got flexible work hours 2bh.
Eventually = sa bandang huli
Yes. Isn't that a glorious end?

>weeb collection
Only mami kawada albums which would worth next to nothing.

>flexi hour
Lucky you desu.
[BREAKING NEWS] Southern Police District Chief Tomas Apolinario: 34 dead bodies found inside Resorts World Manila


- PNP Chief Ronald Dela Rosa confirms lone gunman in Resorts World incident burned himself to death
- Dela Rosa said the suspect, who is foreign-looking, set gambling tables on fire and stole millions worth of chips
- Dela Rosa said lone gunman entered through second floor building and shot LCD screens
- Dela Rosa said it's too early to tell if terror group ISIS is behind the incident

Any pics/vids of dead bodies? Keep posting
Good thing my sister and her ex got away from their gambling addiction. She earns a 18K once before expending it on shoes all at once.
>burned himself to death instead of shooting himself or giving up
Oh, I wonder WHO could be behind this act?
So Trucks of Peace gonna be introduced to the Philippines soon I reckon?
>34 dead bodies

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REEEEEEEE I knew it,it was only a matter of time
I told you

Da Big Guys are here and doing their thang

Dutiti's days are numbered

Say it with me

President Aling Leni Rubberdoe
My money is this guy is from Malaysia
CNN Philippines and ANC.
it's 30 injured people
How about robbing some others posters virginity then?
34 are confirmed dead. Where are you getting your news? Mocha Uson?
Who are Da Big Guys?

looks likea chink. I could be wrong. I mean we're asians we do look alike
all I can find are 30-50 injured people
do you get your sources from manang ening's sari-sari store?
cnn.ph /2rqsNkO
Probably from Mocha Uson because its the most reliable source /s
how the fuck is it foreign
Here my source just remove the space>>75565372
He's a big guy
*insert racist joke*
Our media like to joke sometimes.
He spoke in english
foreign terrorists dead in marawi 2 Malaysians, 2 Saudis, 2 Indonesians, a Yemeni, and a Chechen

no bully us please
>tfw 2 days has passed since you sent your email and resume to a recruiter and still no reply.
Is this the suspect?
I find it weird since duts took office within a year we get more terrorist attacks than last 6 years

He isn't even pro america.
One of them.
at least its convenient for Martial law and Russian weapons procurement
I find it weirder that the militants have been awfully quiet lately about Duts. When they do rally, they for some reason blame the US rather than Duts himself.
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Why are so many hapas bitter? Most seem to really hate their parents and are extremely racist.
>email job hunting
Always fails

We're not that developed yet compared to first world cunts
Big guy operation

Discredit the Dutiti regime
america is a country obsessed with identity and labels
So our troops are basically fighting experienced jihadis and those terrorists are still getting BTFO.
Why do so many ameriburgers shart in the mart? Most seem to really hate their bathrooms and are extremely fat.
I think a better question would be why in America and the UK it's the norm for people to poop in public restrooms but in Asia it seems to be stigmatized.
Are you suggesting that I directly send my resume to her Facebook account? Isn't that unprofessional?
It was a srs question.. I've been dating this qt but I'm worried that if we have kids, they'll end up hating me for race mixing.
America is becoming more and more diverse, it shouldn't normally be a problem. Unless you live with intolerant people.
Go to jobstreet you filthy neet
I'm wondering so as well. Asians are particularly discreet about talking sexuality also, correct?

Are the East and Southeast Asians open-minded about nudity like the Japanese
are (especially outsider of porn I mean)?
New Thread

In the case of Southeast Asia, not really. While bikinis and the like are tolerated and commonplace, at least in the Philippines and Thailand, things like nudist beaches would never fly here. Even people wearing indigenous clothing like g-strings are sometimes discriminated against here.
came here just to say:

Duterte is the best.


if anything it gives him more reason to declare martial law
dutdut is also anti gambling, this add sup to his narrative
Is dutdut /flip/ hitler?
A tryhard one maybe but no not really

maybe a Mao or some russian commie dictator
holy shit this thread is like a chat room
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