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How do german tourists act in your country? >flag >they

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How do german tourists act in your country?

>they like to wander into black neighborhoods and get robbed
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I don't see sandals with socks.
They're clearly fake
You behave exactly the same no matter where you are
I've never seen any here.
I did see a German tourist on the TV show Swamp People, she took a swamp tour to see alligators with the old bearded crazy guy.
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they buy cheap cigarettes, alcohol and take pictures of houses that they used to occupy
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unironically kill them all
I'm sick and tired of this country and of the g*rmans
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They're the best tourist to be honest, but the majority of Germans that come here are not the white thrash looking fags, they're always the young ones and 90% of the time they look like Nordic gods. One of the best memories of my life was getting drunk as fuck with some German and Norwegians fags at the beach and they told me some very cool stories about his grandparents and WWII, I also fucked a Norwegian girl that same day.

Man, I miss working at that damn beach resort.
Then why not move, Ahmed. You can always go back to your 3rd shithole
apparently he is greek
Absolutely based.
>German tourists in Germany
Tbh i can't differ them from the native population.

Kek. Sadly I'm g*rman
g*rmans are subhumans
Older German women are horny, especially for Polish teenagers and young Polish men in general.
German men usually offer you alcohol and try to speak with you halfpolish halfgerman.

They're fine.
Germans always start talking German instantly. That is annoying as fuck. And they keep talking in their Mordor black speech while nobody understand them. Give them a beer and they will shut up.
not for long though because you beers are so tiny.
How intelligible is german to dutch speakers?
Different language.

Oh (You)
>holland trying to shitalk any language

Stop lying. I always talk German to Dutch people and easily 90% understand what I'm saying.
unrealistic tbqh
No we do not. This is why you fags keep doing it. I never learned German at school.
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Dann heldiere mal schön du Verräter
They drive fucking slow

I can't go out without seeing G*rmans during the summer, it's them and dutch people

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That's why we speak Dutch to you in Germany. No problem at all, you understand 90% of it. That's why Germans also read and watch Dutch media.

How the FUCK did this endless German meme started? And how do we end it?
They come here in motorhomes and drive through the fjords and mountains.
They bring absolutely everything essential from Germany so they dont have to buy it here.

They videotape/take pictures of absolutely every single fucking thing.
Oh, and they have no fucking idea how to drive on anything except highways.
They're always middle-aged or old. No young Germans come here.
Always polite too.
more like this
Like retards.

They also constantly ask why we are so mean.

Then we bang.

This works on both fm and mf no matter if single or not.
never seen one
why are you so butthurt?
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Bad shoop
They go to a taverna and order one salad and water and whatever is free on the house.

This is the stereotypical german tourist
but west germs are basically the same people as you :(
is this true? i hope it is
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Very good answer desu senpai

stop making holes in our beaches assholes, we're getting tired of digging you out!!!!

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They come up here and buy up entire neighborhoods of summer houses or camping places and then go to every nearby beach naked. They also bring all this unnecessary shit to the beach like a chair, parasol, beach toys and inflatable animals
they come here for summer and they eat like pigs, they're also very white and when they tan they turn red as fuck
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Do they refill the holes after they leave?
So patriotic they let in all those African migrants :^)
The first thing Germans learn about vacations is to never ever speed in foreign countries because it'll cost half a monthly wage. If you want us to speed, lower your fucking fines, you socialists.
>drive RVs
>wear white socks with sandals
i am a greek
Can't speak for other people, but I myself never really understood patriotism, neither in germany nor in any other country. Why should I be proud of being born in an arbitrary defined area of some square miles? Or why should I be proud of the accomplishments by other random german citizens? Or my ancestors?
Some of them did good things, others did bad things. I am very aware of that, and I think its good to preserve this awareness and remembrance, but I don't have a very "personal" feeling about that. Neither do I believe in inherited pride, nor in inherited guilt.
I only can be proud of what I accomplished myself. That's all.
Literally the only german "tourists" we get here are just visiting family
I know in America they like to get into minivans and drive across Death Valley and die.

you stole his bike
Because it's a group survival strategy.

During a castle siege, the most dangerous people weren't the invaders outside of the walls. The most dangerous people were traitors who could open the gates. If you are patriotic for your tribe, or castle, or whatever, you won't be a fifth column that destroys the group.
It's not really about the land itself but being proud of your group and their culture, history, and/or legacy, which brings people together under one nation and creates peace.
That's why immigrants who don't assimilate are so dangerous, because their loyalties lie elsewhere.
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>be german
>drive 800km north in your motorhome
>set up camp among to the several hundred other germans
>be mildly irritated that setting up MG-42 nests and barbed wire is verboten
>bring all food from ze vaterland or only buy german products
>never interact with locals and if you, god forbid, have to then only do so in german or extremely broken english
>follow a strict schedule to see every single tourist trap
>make sure you buy something from the gift store since it's a mandatory requirement in operation fleischklößchenübung
>strategically withdraw from your camp at precisely 0800 hours and go home
>steal a road sign on the way

Germans stick to other Germans and live in camps where mostly other Germans live. They go see the tourists attractions, but don't really try to participate in the culture they're in. I don't get what the point of it is, but at least they're orderly and seldom cause problems.
Fucking loud, obnoxious, self-centered assholes

Literally everybody in this country hates them, even people working in tourism
>iterally everybody in this country hates them, even people working in tourism

Czech whores?
And what makes you think whores like the people with who they fuck for money?

They are Czech.
Socks and sandals, timid, amused by NYC, and don't really spend much money.
>falling for reddit pasta
it's not pasta if it's from a g*rman
They get drunk, in fights and they get sunburned. On the other hand they are quite sociable and funny. Anglos are A LOT worse but anglo girls are easier.
This is a fantastic thread
They're fucking fat and red, like americans but bald and redder
>knowing reddit pasta
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Blended in with American tourists tb.h

Met a bavarian guy backpacking with his friend in bc last summer. He was was pretty cool i guess. Also a day prior, met a family while whale watching. They seemed run of the mill to me
That was in china
I know, but I felt like Afrika was fitting the purpose better
me on the left
http://www .flagman.bg/article/90677

or in English
23 November 2015, Monday
Author: Flagman.бг, the photo is illustrative

If convicted, the German may receive between 5 and 15 years of imprisonment
A German pedophile who has been fornicating with three young children remains in custody. This was decided today by the Burgas Court of Appeal.

The 73-year-old HR has acted in order to excite or satisfy his sexual desire without any interference with two minors and one minor. According to the Prosecutor's Office, fornications are committed on an unsettled date from the summer of this year to November 11 in a private home in Burgas. K. "Black Sea".

The offense is classified as "gravely deliberate" and provides for punishment of "imprisonment" for a period of 5 to 15 years. In its opinion, the court found that sufficient evidence had been gathered from which the 73-year-old German citizen was undoubtedly proven to have committed the offense.

There is also an opportunity for HR. To hide or commit another crime. The accused is a foreign citizen and the fact that since 2008 he lives predominantly in Bulgaria is not a guarantee for the stay in our country, motivated the decision of the magistrates.
They're more polite than the Chinese tourists.
Everyone is better than souless chinks
Wtf? Seriously Germany? Damn, I guess I better pull out my flamethrower and turn those Hessian invaders into Krispy Kraut Donuts before they turn my BBQ into a sausagefest.
and you can go back to germany
There used to be a problem with germans stealing elk signs, but after they started selling them in tourist shops things have gotten better.
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Everyone's an American when they're in America.
There's a difference between devotion and arrogance, you demented cuck. It's possible to respect and preserve your culture and identity without invading your neighbors and commiting war crimes. It's not an either/or choice between demographic suicide and death camps.
Why they digging holes at the beach? That would disrupt the turtle's eggs.
They stay and racemix.
They shoot copts
what are copts like

are they good, are they assholes, are they seen as regular egyptians like everyone else or are they seen as different, what kinds of things do they do
Pretty cool, I only ever distinguish them when they start speaking German amongst themselves.

There's heaps of them in Sydney and I'm starting to believe that going to Australia for a gap year is some sort of German rite of passage

On a related note I was showing a mutual German friend around Sydney and she said all her friends wanted ugg boots as souvenirs. She was pretty shocked when I told her ugg boots were our lazy can't be bothered shoes, she says her friends all think they're fashionable
all the lasses have their slut years in Brighton or Bondi
>I don't like your opinion
>must be Reddit!
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We don't allow germs into our country. Sorry.
They marry the natives.

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>they like to wander into favelas and get robbed >they like to wander into favelas and get scammed
>they like to wander into favelas and get shot
>the guys are pretty obsessed with black/mixed girls and big bunda
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