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Thread replies: 148
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>shitskin anglo roastie dies
so what?
the Brtis deserve it
She's Greek IIRC
anglo subhuman
Islam should be banned
Oh look, it's the terrorists winning
Everyone deserve it, but not innocent kids.
no innocent anglos regardless of age, sorry.
Anglos deserve every bit of terrorism they get. I hope they all die in the most painful and agonizing way possible.

Fuck anglos, you're the scum of the earth and NO ONE will miss you
T. Greek
so rude :^(
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I'm not ikibey
Again... why do you all hate england? I kind of missed it.
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Look at the bright side, at least you still got the Falklands
>disgusting continental scum celebrating the death of children

You're disgusting
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Stop being racist and grow up.
Can't wait until the blood refineries get up and running. We'll see who's cheering then.
Going to London was the biggest mistake i ever made.
Yes, I am a Greek.
Then it was a really awful and edgy post.
Hello, I happen to notice that your birthrate is dreadfully low, it seems like you are in need of...immigrants?
Surely you aren't too racist to accept the ones we have accepted?
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>C*ntinentals throwing stones in glass houses
You're no different to us, plebs
I hate angl*s as much as anyone else here but for fuck sake thats some innocent kid, stop with this edgy faggotry
May Allah count her as Muslim and accept her into heaven, despite her infidel parent's indoctrination
moral fags should pack their bags
Can confirm

It's worse than berlin ffs
People need to address the fact that Islam has a natural propensity for violence, on account of its history, the name is literally peaceful submission and not peace itself
pick one
Hahaha, hella fuckin epic /b/ro
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Said a person from one of the most racist countries in the world. Alongside with japan and other asian countries.

While im sorry about the children, Im sincerely enjoying that you smug cunts are crying now
We are ready to accept 20 million north koreans

You fucking chose this.
>20 million north koreans
Nah nah nah. It doesn't work that way. I'm pretty sure that we will find a place for 20 million Koreans too. Are you ready to accept Syrians though?
>continental europeans

>Ms Rudd earlier told Sky News the 22-year-old suicide bomber, who was born in Manchester and was of Libyan descent, was known "up to a point" to the intelligence services.

sounds like your paki cock loving backfired Nigel
>will find a place for 20 million Koreans too
May be I was too harsh about that. But anyway... north korea is not other country. You are still all koreans.
But it was British man who blew himself up.
I thought the suicide bomber grew up in UK, didn't he?
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wtf i hate america now
Did they forgot to add that her father was moderate headchopper and she was living in compound with his fellow freedom fighters
You're far worse off than we are cunt, Amsterdam is a shithole
the same disgusting tier desu
look the way she is dressed
do you think a radical islamist would allow his daughter to dress that way?
Keep dreaming.
He obviously wasn't British no matter how you want to spin his citizenship. British values and beliefs aren't about blowing yourself and children up.
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This thread is exceptionally toxic :o
but didn't he grow up in Britain?
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Judge for yourself, he looks Libyan as he is Libyan...
yea british values only tolerate killing poles who work there
I had no idea that continental Europeans were so edgy. You people really are a disgusting shame
>People are making fun of dead innocent children just because of memes
I forgot how disgusting this place can be.
Only grown up women wear trashbags

Not tolerant at all, besides he picked up these values in england
i juts don't understand why OP blames the current refugee crisis when the suicide bomber livde in Britain for decades
/pol/ crossboarders is my guess.
Those clearly aren't British values either. They're scum values just as the twat who blew himself up.
Peacefully bend over and submit to my uncut cock, bitch boi
haha takbir

all west will burn

bombed auf engeland

wow, guess you learn something new everyday
>besides he picked up these values in england

He had recently got back from a trip to Libya before blowing himself up. Not everyone will choose to follow the righteous path of the country their a resident in.
>Keep letting in immigrants

>"Pray for Manchester"

>Two months later

Rinse and repeat. They never learn
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>leave the eu, act smug and pretend you're now free from islamic terrorist
>act surprised when we make fun of you after geting blown up by islamic terrorist
Believe it or not, but not all of us on here voted leave.
Its not about refugee crisis.
Whole media and society is forcing this politicly correct bullshit, while terrorists come and grow in continent.
Why the hell mosques with radical imams are not closed, why is every terrorist usually on watch list but it is too racist to jail them, why are Hungarians and Poles racist for wanting to protect their borders and it goes on.
And best of it every few weeks there are articles about how savage eastern european refuse to take in poor refugees, while you comfort yourself how great you are and how evil we are.
it's just friendly banter
that's how we help our British friends to coup with this tradegy
>I know fuck all about British foreign Policy

The fucking dissonance among people is outstanding
How can i help you to coup being German?
What has British foreign policy got to do with my own personal views?
>Why the hell mosques with radical imams are not closed
because money money from saudi arabia

>why is every terrorist usually on watch list but it is too racist to jail them
literally every person from 4chan is on their watchlist. Doesn't mean they have the resources to surveil every person on their watchlist for 24/7
>why are Hungarians and Poles racist for wanting to protect their borders and it goes on.
come on, are you implying Poles and Hungarians aren't racist?
>to my uncut cock
They probably abandoned the circumcision when they realized 1 inch is the maximum you'll get toi
>Its not about refugee crisis.

i dont know lad, it seems to me they blame it on the refugee crisis
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>Let's have a march to show we are AGAINST islamophobia and xenophobia, if we make signs with hearts we'll really stop the terrorists

Oh well. Dead anglos is not such a bad thing.
>picked up these values in England

Ah yes, we all know that the Brits have a long history of suicide bombing children's events.
Oh, wait, no, the last time they intentionally called a teenage girl in a ball of fire for religious reasons was 1431
now the brits are whining because people are making fun of the losses. But a few weeks later when the same thing happens somewhere else they will just do the same with the victim country.
Too young to be forced wear burga or whatever
Learn islam basics kuffar
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Te's un mal gars
I am sorry, I have beein skipping lessons lately in my local moshee
He was in fucking Lybia, did they thinkg he was going on tourist trip there.
There is civil war with islamists there, why was he not interrogated and jaile after coming home.

>come on, are you implying Poles and Hungarians aren't racist?
Yes, whatever you might think people in eastern europe are not racist because they dont take black cock.
Black, muslim or chink can live free here as long as they assimilate and no one will touch them.
But you cant fucking make your own ghetto without consequence and force you own ideology without consequences.
>protecting your borders from invaders is considered racist in Germany
oh how the times have changed
But they are right
islamophobia and xenophobia is exactly what terrorists want
they want to divide our society
they want muslims in the west to be opressed
that way, they can recruit even more terrorists
Hi I was looking for a Russian waifu, is it alright if I claim you :3!
i imagine thousands of Brits go to Lybia each year, the British secret service simply doesn't have the resources to watch all of them all the time

come on, are you unironically claiming that eastern european countries are not racist?
OP sperging about muh leftist most likely did though.

grow a skin
grow a brain
>come on, are you unironically claiming that eastern european countries are not racist?
we aren't racist, foreigners here have no problems as long as they follow our rules
for example, unlike in Germany, it's forbidden to rape women here
"Racist" is a made up term you stupid cuck. It's normal human behaviour to protect your country from shitskin invaders
feel free to leave
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>everyone here saying that she deserved it
This board became fucking shit
>i imagine thousands of Brits go to Lybia each year
You are aware that there is civil war and ISIS there?

>come on, are you unironically claiming that eastern european countries are not racist?
You need to travel more, this is great fucking example about how you think that everyone east of Vienna is KKK member.
But difference is you can call nigger nigger, chink chink, kraut kraut etc.
in your interpretation its racist that i look to my pockets when a gypsy approaches me
for us its being cautious
>we aren't racist, foreigners here have no problems as long as they follow our rules

This place sounds like heaven. Tell me, what is the standard of living like in this wondrous place, and what is the crime rate like? I imagine you have no jails at all, only for pesky foreigners who don't adhere to your divine rules.
Crime rates between germany and russia are some of lowest in the world.
I really don't want that barbaric shit around me. Why are they coming here with thousands and thousands? Why should i fucking tolerate them? Go on call me an "Islamophobe and xenophobe while they blow up children. Next up you are going to defend Nazis. "Not all Nazis were bad guys." "Why are we oppressing Nazis?" This is exactly what Nazis want us to do."

Fuck off
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t. racist

what rule did he break?
the "looking like an arab" rule?
People are just desperately trying to outdo each other as they know outrage generates replies. If you don't feel any empathy to the children killed then you are probably a sociopath.
The main suspect is a British national though, not a refugee that came in the last years .
I don't understand this post? Canada isn't racist and has a high standard of living.
So the promised land of Poland measures and records crime so accurately I suspect that there can be no doubt whatsoever. I'll look in to moving there.
>Why should i fucking tolerate them?
You mean, apart from christian values and basic human decency?
How about the fact that our countries were the ones to fund the civil war in middle east in the first place?
If we didn't fuck up Lybia and Syria, there would be no refugees
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thank you for asking, indeed it's a wondrous place
obviously, it's hard to compare crime rates between countries due to different metrics and measurement standards, but it's commonly accepted that Poland is one of the safest countries in the world

also, not being blown up by some random british citizen on a concert is a huge plus too
Yes they have yet to discover record keeping and computer.
Oh how advanced is united caliphate.
>I don't understand this post?

Well no a fucking leaf wouldn't.
Then let's stop fucking up the middle east at the command of the Jews and stop letting in immigrants.
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Refugees welcome :D
ah yeah, the classic "lies! your data fake! uk strong!" argument, how surprising
>The main suspect is a British national though, not a refugee that came in the last years .

His parents were immigrants though. Who knows what kind of sons and daughters these recent immigrants will breed in the future
>You mean, apart from christian values and basic human decency?
Throwing your boipussy in the air is the German answer for everything. And why would you even let them in if your country is in war with them? They fucking hate you.
No need to be rude
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>"not all muslims, #prayfor[CITYOFLASTTERRORTATTACK], love not hate!"

>KABOOM by religion of pieces and bodyparts

>"not all muslims, #prayfor[CITYOFLASTTERRORTATTACK], love not hate!"

>KABOOM by religion of pieces and bodyparts

>"not all muslims, #prayfor[CITYOFLASTTERRORTATTACK], love not hate!"

>KABOOM by religion of pieces and bodyparts

>"not all muslims, #prayfor[CITYOFLASTTERRORTATTACK], love not hate!"

>KABOOM by religion of pieces and bodyparts

>"not all muslims, #prayfor[CITYOFLASTTERRORTATTACK], love not hate!"

>KABOOM by religion of pieces and bodyparts

>"not all muslims, #prayfor[CITYOFLASTTERRORTATTACK], love not hate!"

>KABOOM by religion of pieces and bodyparts
I am all for it. I hope the refugee crisis will teach us the cost of wars we fund

pretty sure we are not at war with the people of Syria
Weapons for isis have appeared out of thin air then.
So not a refugee
Plus he was raised in the UK. So the main question is how come he got radicalised there?
Every country which had terrorists rise up must wonder why did they become like that in order to prevent new ones
Ultimately the Jews are responsible for all this. Gee I wonder who funds isis and starts these stupid wars
so much so over a million of them have moved here lmao. the uk is the go to place for jobs for much of europe.
>threads about british muslim terrorism
>brits start attacking poles for no reason
everything checks out
Yeah, they're just at war with us.
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Jihadists are not real Muslims, they are murderers who use the Islamic religion to justify their actions. Most of them haven't even read the Quran, they were brainwashed by radical imams. Muslims are the real victims of terrorism.
Dont worry, no more lazy Poles will come, now you can import all hardworking pakis and arabs in the world
He was the child of refugees and jihad john was the child of refugees too.

Fuck off refugees.
>On Wednesday, the minister of foreign affairs Witold Waszczykowski informed that two Poles died in the attack - parents of two girls attending the concert.
What the fuck is wrong with britbongs, why do they keep killing innocent Polish citizens.
>germans being cucks
did every worthwhile german leave or die in the world wars?
and ur a real cuck, fuck off muhammed
Press F to pay respect

F, shitskin girl :^(
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Tolerant people like you and Merkel made the murder of more innocent children possible. Funny that she never says anything about abortion or homosexuality, but when it's about opening the borders everyone should behave Christian. What a fraud.
All wh*tes will fall like dominoes inshallah

Why not blame amerca after years of messing with middle east instead of get angry on Germany who is trying to fix the problem?
Sorry that I don't celebrate terrorist attacks like you, you degenerate piece of human waste.
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nice strawman dumbass
And making fun of the dead because "I dun liek this cuntry, fuck them :DD" and blaming each other and calling everyone a cuck will fix the mudslime problem?
/pol/tards are scum.
no argument
It is. Westerners should unite and do something against this menace but instead we complain and hate on each other. The west is doomed to fall.
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you're a fucking idiot mate
fuck off reddit
why kids better than other people, they deserve the same as the rest
Thread posts: 148
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