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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 92

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10/10 girls edition
2D women are NOT important.
Cute girl.
Anime in the OP. Shit-teir thread alrdeay.
Good thread
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>10/10 girls
Got you covered.
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Gonna head to LIDL soon to buy some groceries

What's you guys' go to supermarket?
>lolishits are this delusional
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Shit forgot my pic
I go to Carrefour or Profi because they're close by. Lidl is on the other side of town.
I just go for foodstuff, I don't remember the last time I needed something else.
I want to find a news source that covers the actual news of the world and isn't planted in either left or right wing politics.
I do like Al Jazeera, but I want less emphasis on the middle east and to cover a bit more Asia, Europe and South America.
Yes good morning
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>he doesn't get all his news from infowars.com
you need to step up your news game
GOOD pic

Hmm yeah we don't have those here
Redpill me on Romanian beer please
Good morning

I have watched Alex Jones a couple times. There is a reason why infowars is a meme.
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Loli or not, Illya is the most beautiful woman ever to grace this world. You're a fucking mongrel.
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You have to admit, she is pretty cute
are you going to post this 10/10 girl today?

try not sleeping, like me
Yeah, she's a qt.
You might laugh now, but when shape-shifting reptilian gnomes infiltrate our governments and control our minds you won't be.
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We have a lot of supermarkets for whatever reason. Romanians can be big spenders.
I'm not a big beer drinker so I can't really tell you much. Ciucaș or Ursus seem to be most popular around here. Timișoreana is also big.
>plot twist
>I am a reptilian
The sort of girl you'd cuddle with on a cold winter morning after spending a few minutes balls deep inside her cunny.
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And this or Golden Brau are the default choice for something more bitter.
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buy the water filters
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she looks more like the type who'd enjoy some low impact consensual cuddling
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Exam was easy lol
Microsoft office part in a bit
Even better.
What a shitty name.
>attack/banter a balt
>whole Butthurt belt to the rescue
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Heresy should be purged, girls should not love other girls
What version of Office do you use ?
They really shouldn't. The Church forbids it.
But I'm loving you
>Tfw sent gay porn to my friend
>he never responded again
This. Homosex is heresy.
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Me in the pic.
That's actually a very good song by the band Muse
>anything from drones
>very good

Everything after Absolution is subpar
Okay :(
N-no homo, just like various porn
Good, we can't have homos in these threads.
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this, /balt/ is a homo free zone
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I'm so fucking hot.
My body and physique is the best in this general, by far. All you little balt bois could never compete against the proportions of my natural body, which is a sexual pinnacle.
Looking forward to finally ditching this 6 Mbps download next month lads.
>6Mbps download
Holy shit, the legends are true.
What's your next speed going to be?
Something closer to 50 Mbps. But but 1gb/1gb is what you want. I would if I could.
I love it how I have gigabit internet whilst in aus the best you can get is 50+
I guess we win this round
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Well, I'm doing just fine with sixty-something download.
There's a guy on Whirlpool that has maxed two phone lines & accounts for his house to get 200 Mbps down & 80 upload.
How come America and Canada have really good internet speeds then, despite having huge territories as well?
Does it have to do with Canada's population being more clustered than the Aus one and America just being better developed in general, or what's the reason
I accidentally some egg shell!

Is it fatal??
Yeah I accidentally some eggshell every day and I have no issues, so you should be fine
make yourself throw up, you need to do this quickly or there could be permanent damage
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>Good internet

i'd rather have permanent brain damage than throw up my monthly lunch
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No gay allowed

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gay is not ok
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Something tells me you people aren't entirely honest.
Homosexuality is only okay if it happens between men
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Oh no you figured it out

(me on the right)
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There's no brakes on this train baby
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Fucking degenerates I swear you're everything that's wrong with the world today.
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This is lewd free thread, cease this immediately!
Enough car tunes.
What are you gonna do to stop me?
>colonist ~10% away from smokeleaf dependence
>kill raiders
>they drop 5 smokeleaf joints

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very cute, shame about what happened to her

>In 2012, the wreckage of Amatsukaze was found by a Chinese engineering ship. About 30 tons of the wreckage was salvaged, cut into pieces and sold as scrap metal
Initial D is exempt from my rules. Carry on.
FUCK Netflix for making my connection livestreams buffer.
Bit slow tonight.
I'm sitting alone in an empty Indian restaurant wanting to shitpost.
>Indian restaurant
wtf man, why aren't you enjoying the delicious local exotic tree kangaroo?

thread theme
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Goodnight everyone
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How are internet speeds over there?
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Because I like nice food when I'm not on a mountain.

Pic related. I'm in Port Moresby on my phone data.
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Fuck that pic is for my sis.
Wow, looks pretty comfy desu, watch out for natives in the dark though.
Whats the bet that's faster than a lot of aus service providers lol
looks cool man
I get a lot faster phone data back in aus.
Thanks. The food here is good bit expensive.

give us a round with your sis
No can do. She is a strong independent woman who don't listen to no man.
what are you doing in /balt/, it's long dead

come to /brit/ where the rightful anglo belongs
I like slower generals.
ah yes dead ones as well it seems
Nice trips.
Where is everyone from /balt/, usually the Lithuanian shitposting starts to come thick and fast by this point.
Fine I'll go to brit
we need mikoto (pbuh) to run things properly
Yeah, it feels kind of lonely in here.
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Gonna give you a quick rundown
There's 3 very active Lithuanian posters
One of them (the most active one in fact) is taking a break, because he has university stuff to do
The two other ones (me included) post more when it's late evening here
Right now I'm just watching from the shadows and plotting my next intrigue
I think we need a break from his autism.
He posts like once a day 2bh, who cares
might move to nz
Once a day recently. But not a few weeks back he was very aggressive & same fagged the whole thread under different proxies.
svea rike
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Fuck off we're full, which town?
He really is textbook autism
mikoto is a good poster
>woke up at 1:30 pm
stop playing so much persona
I remember when I used to do that. 3 years ago.
you've never wanted to move to moldova vlady boy?

ill be able to rule over the weaker peasants (ie satania) and build my harem of nz qts
Dunners eh? cool, I hope you like freezing to death, it snowed only a couple days ago.
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yo my dudes, rate my not-so-fresh-anymore OC that i've made a while back
not giving you free youtube clicks, fuck off
generic authoritarian/labor wave

better luck next time buddy
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You have a point.
i didn't play any yesterday

feel like shit now though

wow it's shit

you can see her panties lol
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3D > 2D
Gonna touch myself to the chick on the right and go to sleep.

shit tier taste
this 2bh
Ehh, she looks more proportional
ahh yes time to feed my addiction lads
>weird belly
>man hands
>flatter titties
>fridge tier mid section

left is objectively superior
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>posting your youtube account
tracking you down as I write this
not to mention that the left one has a much prettier face.
Nah, left has a retarded face.
Thread theme song
hair is also much better (slight waviness, not ironed like the right)
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I'll let this statement slip this time, as you clearly confused your left hand with your right one
It happened to me as well when I was 7, I hope you will get this fixed asap
>slagposting made the thread alive again

Aren't you badass?
I said exactly what I meant to say. Overall I don't like either of them because they're 3D but if I had to choose I'd go with right.
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kill you.jpg
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>I said exactly what I meant to say.
Well then.
a bit too hype for a slow thread isn't it?
Wait, wait.
Let's not do that. Let's just pretend I never took part in this discussion, allright?
Is this more suitable?
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I guess. Thanks for listening to my link anyways, I appreciate that.
Hmm, okay..
I don't question my dick. He's made some pretty good choices. It's my head that makes the worst ones.
Aren't you afraid? They want to kill you!!
Cause I'm only a crack...
In this castle of glass.
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Death by snu snu?
was walking home and by my door there were 2 cute kittens one of them walked up to me and the other one ran away
it had a scarred eye, the one that ran
it's back in my rape dungeon now, no worries
!htaed doog a em evig ,ereh kcab teg ,anaK ?taht fo kniht I t'ndid yhw
I'll fucking kill you, subhuman vermin
t. discord user still visiting high school
kys you braindead nigger
why is lichtenstein hitting estonia?
my taste in pornographic material is superb.
Don't use discord and im in conscription atm
That's unfortunate
hope you get blown up by a faulty shell
Which part?
U better start licking my ass bc when the need comes I'll be the one protecting you numales
>when the need comes
never lol
ur wasting ur life listening to some old man scream at you
Great post.
The conscription part
>Estonia using artillery
At least im not wasting it watching Chinese cartoons and roleplaying on anonymous image boards
fishing currently
fair point.
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I'll have you know we have over 140 artillery cannons and 10 artillery battalions. I loved every bit of my service, as did most of the men here. Conscription really turns boys into men.
>literally firing at hay stacks
I knew you have artillery, I never said you didn't, baby. I doubt you use it that much in training, however.
this xD
>LARPing as an armyman
i thought only little boys did this
Artillery is used a lot, especially on the central polygon. Each man of our platoon fired 50 shells during the Spring Storm. I don't know how many shells were fired in total but the pounding went on non stop for over a week
That's gotta be far out in the middle of nowhere, right? I feel like that'd be annoying to live near
Conscription isn't larping u dingus
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>they still delude themselves that estonia wouldn't be overrun by 1 (one) russian armored batallion in a matter of 3 hours
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good posts
it literally is though
youre larping that your defending youre country lol
ur just wasting tax payer dollars on dummy shells
what kind of a gay extension is that
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go away, opressor
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Can't fight with armour around here. 70% of land is either thick forest or swamps. We are trained in guerilla warfare mostly. Ain't gonna be a walk in the park for Russians. Anyone can pick up a Javelin and destroy millions worth of Russian armour with it, disappearing as fast as he appeared.

Sure the cities will fall easily, but it doesn't matter if u hold the cities if ur supply lines are under constant attack and u cannot drive off of main roads. It's inevitably going to be infantry vs infantry if Russians want to drive us out our forests, and in that scenario we have a strong upper hand.

Conquering Estonia will be Vietnam war vol 2
Artillery shells used are very real
no it wont
>supply lines
supply lines to where
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>guerilla warfare in 21st century
Why are they even doing this? Who was like "you know what, lets make it dark and have trump and all the dictator Muslims act like a super villain trying to take over the world."
Can't they just bomb the shit out of your forests?
How does your equipment compare, though? NVGs, FLIR, etc. That's gonna make a big difference.
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>what is the entirety of the middle eastern conflict.
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they can do way more than that, but don't bother arguing with estonian nationalists
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>drops a moab on a forest
bye bye estonians
Why invade in the first place if you are just going to turn the whole place into rubble?
That's one way to clear cut a forest, I tell ya
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Mhhh this frozen "mckennedy" ananas pizza from lidl is so delicious, a refrigerated supermarket supermarket pizza shouldn't be allowed to taste this good
Except this time it will be coordinated trained men instead of savages goat fuckers. Guerilla warfare is insanely effective
They can win if they level the entire country but what's the point? Russians have to rebuild it if they win so it would be in their best interest to cause as little destruction as possible
You are arguing with a person who's been studying actual real life warfare for almost a year. You armchair generals have no idea how difficult it is to fight a guerilla war. Also heavy armour requires insane amounts of resources for upkeeping. These resources are easily destroyable. What's the use of a tank if u cannot upkeep it? Vietnam war was a prime example why technical superiority fails against guerilla warfare
All these retards don't understand exactly that. Invaders want as little destruction as possible
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>You are arguing with a person who's been studying actual real life warfare for almost a year.
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shame that she'll never get to taste it
you're the reason why people kill themselves and shoot up schools
Don't get ahead of yourself private pyle.
You are just lucky that alot of modern military hardware is only fully effective in total war
Forests grow back. They don't need rebuilding. That leaves the cities and the other anon already admitted they will fall easily. Also how many decades ago was Vietnam?
He probably likes that.
>Calling me a private

I'm a sergeant. Not a younger sergeant, a full sergeant

>Forests grow back
If you destroy a country so bad all the forest is gone then the country is inhabitable.
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>studying warfare for almost a year
I played enough Arma and project reality to claim to be a general at this point then
>forest grow back
Not if you blow them to shit they don't, not unless you give yourself a few centuries to get it going.
Armchair general here is over-hyping the Vietnam analogy, I think both afghan wars would suit it better.
>not even a commissioned officer
Come back when you have skillz
What's the point in winning wars when you can simply surrender?
In war time I command a platoon. It's the highest rank possible to achieve in conscription.
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>in war our soldiers will be commanded by a shitposter on a cartoon imageboard
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there are no supply lines going through estonia to anywhere in europe
there is no strategic value from your shithole
meanwhile we have one of the best ports in the baltics
thats how the cookie crumbles
t. corporal in command of an IFV
Well I hope war doesn't break out for the sake of the lives of the men in your platoon.
>If you destroy a country so bad all the forest is gone
A small country will surrender after about 30% of it's military is KIA.
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not ww2 anymore, not vietnam and not even syria, if you control the main population regions you control the country, who cares that you have some forest in control if no one lives there lol? Lithuanian partisans did too control many parts of Lithuania, but not the main population points like Vilnius, and since Estonia and Latvia are one city countries it would be extremely easy to take those countries over, much harder with Lithuania though.
I performed well enough that I was offered to go through aspirantuur (no idea what it's called in English, basically higher training) and become a lipnik (one grade below Lieutenant). I would have been what other men take 3 years to become in under 1.5 years.

I turned it down bc I don't want to pursue a career in military
this is objectively true 2bh, riga alone is twice as valuable as the entirety of estonia
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ah yes
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>60,000 weebstonians vs several million hardened russian slavs.
I wonder how this will turn out
Ok u are weapon grade ignorant. U have 30 000km2 of forest. Do you really think u can kill anyone by firing blindly into it? If u want to destroy it all u have to use a nuke, which would fuck up everything
Meant supply lines as main roads which u can carry equipment by. It's really easy for our engineers to blow the bridges, dig tank trenches through high ways and destroy railroads.

It will effectively demoralize enemy troops and render their armour useless
Go to bed, it's late.
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>Meant supply lines as main roads which u can carry equipment by. It's really easy for our engineers to blow the bridges, dig tank trenches through high ways and destroy railroads.
Hmm, where will you get your food from then?
Because the Baltic Sea will be blocated, you surely know that?
Or do you plan on killing Estonian villagers to cannibalise them?
Fuck your right, and I have like 4 lectures today as well.
The thread was just starting to get good
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>Hardened russians

Sure they can take us, I'm not denying that. Put it would be extremely difficult. So difficult that the losses would outweigh the gains for Russia. Also dont underestimate how hard it is to launch a full on assault without the country knowing they are gonna be attacked several days if not weeks before.
Stay toasty.
Where did the guerilla fighters get food from in WW2? Guerilla warfare lasted over 10 years in Estonia after WW2 ended. A part of our standard training involves forest survival for extended periods of time
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Have fun fighting in a cold forest for 10 years then, until you get shot in some in some FSB prison because you were captured
Rather die on my feet than live on my knees. I guess u would prefer sucking Russian dicks for the rest of your life
>firing blindly
A forest is not perfect cover. You can be found. All it takes is one scout with a microchip on it.
And hiding in there also means you can move no heavy equipment and your supplies are limited.
>losses would outweigh the gains
Well the gains in terms of strategic warfare are pretty good, a perfect jumping point to attack both Scandinavia and the rest of the Baltics.
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Interesting, is that the same stance the Estonian government took in 1940? Most of your "comrades" would desert before even Tartu would fall, stop deluding yourself. But sure, you can continue starving and freezing in your forest in Saaremaa, until some day a police dog picks up your scent.
Estonia holds absolutely no strategic value, first of all it doesn't provide access to Scandinavia, second the Baltics aren't that valuable strategically in the long run. Denmark is way, way more important in a geopolitical sense, so is Iran, but Russia lacks the power projection to actually sustain an invasion on Iran nowadays.
Where they would meet even harder resistance. Ultimately they would lose the war because Russia isn't shit compared to NATO
Why don't they get rid of Al Quaida and Taliban then if it's so easy?
We were sold out in 1940 and the Russian bases were here even before we could do anything. We wanted to remain neutral during WW2, obviously that didn't work out. We have taken a radically different approach ever since
>Why don't they get rid of Al Quaida and Taliban then if it's so easy?
Well you got me. Still, I'm sure it's related more to some bullshit politics than to military ability.
>We wanted to remain neutral during WW2
>Haha let's join SS en masse look how we want to be neutral
I was thinking more of a situation in which Russia is going full Hitler and taking over all of Europe, pincer the baltics from either side, take Scandinavian and then use Poland as a jumping point to take western Europe.
Well thats what I guessed from looking at a map of europe about 5 minutes ago.
I know nothing of warfare so I have nothing to add to this conversation.
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vatniks are in full force today
I farted and disgusted myself with the smell
You had Indian food, what did you expect?
USA spent insane amounts of resources fighting a bunch of goat fuckers. Russia would meet even harder conditions here, bc the soldiers are actually trained
We joined SS in 1943 after the Russians were beaten out bc we wanted revenge on your subhuman asses. No one actually believed in their values but we had to fight so we chose a side where we could avenge those of us who were killed by Russians. We turned down Hitler's offers before ww2
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All memes aside now: They are already stretching their supply lines with Ukraine/Syria 2bu (both basically border them), invading Western Europe is absolutely out of the question
Russia isn't the Soviet Union of old. Taking the Baltics would be fairly easy for them, thanks to the short distance between the Kalinigrad-Belarussian border, but even if the won the battle over mainland Europe, they would immediately get nuked and invaded on their east coast anyway. Russia has no way of winning such a war.
For it to smell like delicious Indian food.
Not like a dead animal. I think I have intestinal parasites.
People don't realize that most Russian soldiers wouldn't agree to fight such a suicidal war. Also Russia attacking NATO is spreading it's asshole open for the Chinese
Oh yea for sure, they would get fucked from every-side, I was just memeing about the most effective way to take Europe in a proper war, in reality the most Russia can do is annex shitty countries like ukraine one by one until NATO gets pissed off enough to stop it
Go to the local chemist, I think you can get pills that kill that shit pretty easy, might want to look at your shits.
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>Russia is best war country and can win all wars, shut up american puppets
go back to /v4/
tl;dr: russians have many equipment but it sucks
cant argue with those numbers :(
gonna open up the glazed almonds brb
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>Why don't they get rid of Al Quaida and Taliban then if it's so easy?

'cause muh civilians
Depends on who you are trying to attack, lots of medium strength armour is more worthwhile when vsing mudslimes/estonians but vsing a high tech army e.g. USA they will get rekt.
Are they activated?
I don't
Send some over here.

estonians have more AT weapons, not to mention more urban environments, so no, medium armor is worthless
The Estonian poster seemed pretty convincing. I guess he can the modern Simo Häyhä.
there would be no supplies or tanks going through your forest anyway baby
you actually CAN bomb a forest to death if you need to
its 2017 not 1939, technology has advanced, but i guess living in the woods you wouldnt know this
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>more urban environments
I knew that /v4/ faggots have no brain, but I didn't know that it was that bad
Good night!
Meh, we need some Russian military guy in here to offer a real counter-perspective.
It really is
>anime poster
>he dislikes anime
no they are:

>Fresh Australian almonds with a sweet 'n' crunchy toffee coating! Made by hand in copper pots

sent ;)

also opened the almnond milk nougat thing its hard but nice
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Shut the fuck up retard, you have no idea what you're talking about, yet you keep talking out of your ass
Saudi Arabia alone has more urban environments than the entirety of FINLAND, not even mentioning countries like Iran or Afghanistan
You're literally braindead and retarded, please stay in your containment general and don't come here again.

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Waffen SS Estoniens.jpg
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How could R*ssians possibly compete?
Holy shit they look like churkas
I thought estonians were white
>this delusion
ok vatnik
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you're retarded lad
like literally mentally challenged
see, i provide you with facts and you try refuting them with some facebook picture
i mean, how low can you sink?
>How could R*ssians possibly compete?
umm by winning the war and raping those soldiers women
take that dumb fuckshit
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>see, i provide you with facts and you try refuting them with some facebook picture

ok mr anime
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>ok mr anime
gorbachov ruined the USSR
fuck him
USSR was absolute garbage. FACT
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Latvians and Estonians didn't have partisans
false fact
the ussr was the greatest country on the planet
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Waffen SS Nuremberg.jpg
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when you're ready to go and kill some commies with the lads
Isn't that faggot from /v4/ half russian?
...but get killed instead in the name of some deranged retard who didnt know when to stop
Everyone is half russian
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If that's the faggot from Klaipeda, or the one from Sialuai, then yes he is.
Fair enough, thank you.
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World War II losses.png
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>10 million killed
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u lost the war skinhead
while the USSR won it
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The Soviet Union actually lost between 20-30 minion men during the war, estimates vary.
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I'm neiter a marxist, nor a leninist, nor a communist in general.
You're just braindead and delusional, and, again, you should go back to your general. You're not wanted here.
that sounds more accurate, didn't noticed the author was (((Sergey Mavrody)))
>Soviet union
Pick one
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Yeah this document is clearly biased. I'll never use it again.
what do you mean
are you not educated?
>dont go to /balt/ for a year
>animefags overrun it

I dont know what I expected. I guess that kuzefaggot did leave his mark...
don't you have a bachelor thesis you need to finish
why even try if youre not gonna get a new IP
>complaining about anime on 4chan
fuck off nazi
new bread
what new ip?
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>both soviet union and finland were allies
Is this your first post in this thread?
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