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Thread replies: 329
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Ah yes, very strong.
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the gf
brumpf zlumpf
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>and unionist
just want fake teeth
You faggots literally are discussing stocks every time I come on here
any spare wills to live knocking about?
>8 weeks of summer till uni starts
>only have 2 weeks of holiday planned

ah yes looking forward to 6 weeks being utterly bored to death in the office
It's the immigrants fault I'm an uneducated moron who's capable of no more than menial manual labour.
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Would gladly have Theresa May squeeze my balls hard with her pale soft hands while she coldy looks me in the eyes with those icy eyes of hers.
would shag the life out of dani harmer
arrogant student twat expects us to be upset that hes off for 8 weeks
you're the one who started that you bellend

fucking yanks talk nothing but shit
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i'm not off you spanner i'll be at work
>talking shit

thought it was called banter ol chap hurhur
that wasn't me, that's some other mong, i'm the cryptomongrunt
mummy's getting me a greggs
fuck off yank
>I landed in North Carolina at 8pm.
>I had a 10 hour lay over until my flight home
>we werent allowed to wait at our terminal
>me and gf order pizza and sleep under an escalator in baggage claim

It sucked balls, but it wouldn't have been so bad had I not diarrhea'd my pants after eating the pizza. That was in the top 3 worst nights of my life
how does one start investing in cryptocurrency

any recommended literature or texts?
hello faggot
ingest other men's cum at least once a week for 3 months
sounds comfy.
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>any recommended literature or texts?
one step ahead of you mate
Have you tried asking /brit/? It's surely the logical place to get great advice on that subject. Or any subject really, as long as it has absolutely nothing to do with British culture.
Ahh yes real normie twat hours

*Logs off /brit/*
just bee yourself
hmmm was just asking since everyone was talking about it no need to be a CUNT about it mate
need someone less menopausal in power desu, dinosaurs like theresa should be sent to the old folks home, we need someone more in touch with society
Imagine being thailad, I bet his ex bar girl GF doesn't understand a WORD he says, SCREECHING

I reckon he should get a british GF like any normal man
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high concentration of nancy boys in this thread
Just deleted Facebook again. See how long I last this time
post fucking machines
Fuck it I'm going to the pub.
fuck off yank
>wait and wait and wait for the weekend
>spend it lying in bed shitposting and wanking

where did it all go so wrong
Business idea: instead of just lifting heavy things up and down lift MYSELF up and down
i created the shortening words to the point of unintelligibility gimmick AMA
thats me in the corner
We're mostly English, what do you expect. *Finance* is all we know anymore, even though we're all poor.

Cheers buddy. Quite odd someone being happy at someone else doing alright with something. In the UK we bully you if you start doing well

I lost loads of coins trying to trade when I first bought in. When the volume dies down in the next couple of weeks you'll get your accounts approved. We'll probably retrace then too

Also r/ethtrader
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>nancy boys
a tad faggoty there dude

you in 15 years
the illusion that that time was on it's way when it was already here
>like any normal man
he's not a normal man though
normal blokes don't shag children
that cunt doesn't even have a lampshade. the fuck
I had to sleep one night at Rome FCO or CIA, and with me there was one african dude travelling to Berlin who kept saying scheisse and telling me to move to Berlin for easy jobs at hotels. Then there was an iraki or afghan (this was 2011, before the refugee crisis) claiming he had come to Rome escaping the war and had his passport confiscated by security, so he couldn't leave the airport. It was clearly bullshit because we were all in the pre-security zone, so nothing stopped him from just walking out. It was us 3 sleeping in the same area, talking shit, what we were doing in europe etc, and then the black guy kept saying to me "I don't trust the paki, he's lying, nobody took his passport" and then he went to sleep away from the paki, saying he didn't want to wake up with his shit stolen. Ah, the wonders of a multiculti society.
>Yep. Still a virgin after--way after.

>I had my third year review a few months ago, and I've never even kissed a girl. During my third year of high school I got a pity hug from a girl at my workplace, but that's as far as I've ever made it.

not a virgin
am employed.
I just like the idea of a few lost souls and wagecucks getting on in this shit because of how fucked everything has gone.

But yeah, BTC txs are slow as shit and I just hope it'll correct in a few weeks when I buy in. Was even lucky enough to get the original 50 ETH before 26 popped to 58
thailad is marrying a jungle monkey
Technical Analysis of Financial Markets
Tom Bulkowski's Website
what do you think is going to happen to eth today? Im starting to think its going to dip below 120 dollars again
I don't mind where the cat sleeps, I just want it to be his choice

me in 5 years
don't know how many times in films and shows i've seen people demonstrate wormholes by sticking a pen through a piece of folded paper but i know it's enough that i roll my eyes whenever i see it now
got a tingling sensation in the veins in my hands
name one other than Interstellar.
literally wake up at 11.30 on the fucking dot every day
just put my willy through a piece of folded paper lads
>You virgins disgust me. Seriously. I'm sick to my stomach to think that you'll be teaching young minds, and you don't even have the backbone to get yourself laid
reminded me of my posts in /brit/
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event horizon
good lad
fuck off yank
event horizon
uhmm fuck off heteros
thats just being a normal and adjusted human being
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Just drunk 3 Red Bull's, dare me to die?
the obsession with some random bore in asia's degeneracy capital is fucking repulsive

his posts help me get to sleep in a wholly unironic way.
would rather have an alt-right gf
fuck off yank
hate heteros, hate bisexuals
love homos
can you recommend a good wallet? i'm gonna start putting a bit of spare money into crypto and i've seen the /brit/ stuff about DGB but I have to buy an alternative currency to break in to the market because of hassle.
everyone should be gay
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gives you wings mate go and jump off something high
go on my son
can you stay alive on a diet on booze and cocaine?
wish she did porn
still remember watching Interstellar in the cinema on 300µg LSD and having to grip the sides of my chair so I didn't fall into the wormhole hahahhaha

good times
hate men, hate women, hate tits and pubes, love little kids.
got called a spacker in walmart earlier lads
any woman who claims to be alt right is mentally ill
new band name: Jefferson Davis Starship

only one i know of right now that's any decent is myetherwallet.com. just make sure to print out all your credentials and wallet qr codes for safe keeping
might ask my mum for a sausage sarnie
not him but think they did it in Stranger Things
fuck off yank

doesn't exist
t. gentleman at the sporting ground
did you attract attention to yourself? I imagine you were quite loud
currently lodging with a family

>room is massive and i have a lot of storage space
>cheaper than market rate
>no contracts or anything so i can leave as soon as i like
>kitchen is really nice

>they seem to go into my room when i'm at work occasionally
>their dog is aggressive towards me sometimes also barks alot
>their kids sometimes make a fuck load of noise
>they all wake up at 6 in the morning and it wakes me up too, even though i only need to really wake up at 8

sounds good
love cocks not a bender just like em
haha my mate was banging on about asmr last night to fucking everyone. asking if they get asmr and explaining the whole meme to them. funny shit.

if only he know about its association with being a fucking loser.

had to hide my power level a bit 2bh.
should I watch Neil TheGrass Tyson's Cosmos?
buy ear plugs.
>if only he know about its association with being a fucking loser.

fuck off yank
when you watch The Cosmos, that's not really a show, it's just colorized pixels sent via fiber-optic and copper cabling to your home
on 4chan people who listen to asmr are sensitive little runtish faggots. this is known.
alri cheers i'll look into it. I have the DGB core wallet but i'm still figuring out what wallet does what, and i'd prefer a more universal wallet than this wallet for thhis currency, that wallet for that currency.
so bored
Good price desu, you've probably got a low average buy in price than I have

I had a nightmare with the initial bullrun a couple of months ago. Had my accounts set up, deposited my money into the exchange, they froze them for some reason and then the price doubled. Typical

Yeah I agree with you. Don't think it will drop too much though. Probably stay over 110

Then maybe up to 150ish pre-Consensus

I bought a Ledger Nano S. But I've seen people use Jaxx and MyEtherWallet
have, they fall out when i sleep sometimes

dogs are such annoying animals cannot fathom how people put up with them
no, got away with it perfectly fine

the film itself was absolutely deafening so any small squeaks of fear and excitement I may have made would've been drowned out

when the next epic sci fi marvel comes out I plan on doing it again
Business idea: sell mute dogs
'avin a good wrestle wit' me demons
>>they seem to go into my room when i'm at work occasionally
thats a bit much
if I was in digs I would expect them not to come into my room
You've posted about the dog before haven't you?

Also what sort of family with kids rents out a room to some fucking weirdo.
fuck off yank
why would anyone want to watch bladerunner?
what if you took a really fit girl home and pulled down her knickers only to discover dried bits of poo

She probably has, if you know where to look
>dogs are such annoying animals cannot fathom how people put up with them
you're the oddity here mate. they've been valued companions to humans for over 10,000 years. and for good reason.
Don't care, just shower first
be thankful it wasn't a cock knowing my luck ahaha
want dave back
Just bought some Old Spice

fuck off yank
fuck off yank
>I had a nightmare with the initial bullrun a couple of months ago.

Yeah, same happened to me when the ddos on kraken was occurring. Well sort of but I just don't know what to do except throw everything in ETH regardless of BTC and I have 1.05~ BTC

Want it to correct down to like 1200-1500 although it's looking more impossible by the day
why are you looking at her arsehole? why is she lying on her front?
hope hairy fannies become popular again, only nonces like bald ones
pretending ridley scott's any good is a key part of being a pesudointellectual
the meter is in my room and they store some stuff in a walk in cupboard accessible through my room - does annoy me alot though.
parent's friend of friend of friend of friend.
i'm a good tenant 2bh.
love bald fannies I do
fuck off yanks
Don't see what's wrong with it as long as they don't pry or touch yourself
Can't just expect them to NEVER enter a room in their own house when god knows what could be going on in there
nonce twat

fannies look best from behind
i liked the first alien film, the second was 80s action wankery and the third was simply rubbish
yeah but not runty ankle biters
I don't go around barking the door bell or at a bird outside.

I don't hound people for food

I don't start getting aggresive with people for no reason.
i want to have kids someday lads
fucking FAGGOT
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>you must be a pedo if you don't like big hairy vaginas
Imagine being a Brit and going around calling people faggots and "assholes" haha

100% sign of too much time on Reddit
fuck off yank
hello faggot asshole

What a meeting of minds this has turned out to be
>they don't pry
they don't but sometimes i leave the room dirty, especially mid week.
>touch myself
annoys me becuase i wanna get a fleshy
love big hairy vaginas i do
everyone says faggot in Ireland
ass- makes you sound like a yank though
ah yes daytime brit
uncomfortable truth: private health care not only provides better quality because doctors and nurses are paid more but citizens become more attentive to their health since it's costing them more money
hate dentists

love mashed potato castles

simple as
just smoked that fag
played like a fucking fiddle hehehe
exactly, you're also a nonce if you like small boobs
Wondering what life would be like if I wasn't afflicted with the ol 'tism
its not like you can do anything else after 30 without looking like a loser
nonce twat
Hello there reddit
>faggot asshole
fuck off yank
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russian feminist psychology student is trying to convince me that having a nice subservient, loving, loyal wife is inferior to having good sex
love small boobs and bald fannies I do
faggot bum chums

disgusting americanisation
though frankly I don't care about ireland so jog on
Then I'll stay a nonce. Shaved looks aesthetic.
And I like eating shaved pussy more than hairy.

Patrician taste.
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it's the true red pill
wrong on all accounts get fucked


2 weeks in and i'm struggling with my no porn lads

just did a speedwank to the thought of a particularly good janice griffirth video, LOVE that qt bag of bones desu
just found out im a 'nce now wtf?
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>I don't mind a girl being servile
I'm actually scared of big vaginas
> so americanised he isn't even aware of the state of himself
poor lad
but still, fuck off yank
Follow your heart
Be yourself
You do you
you can tell she's nervous and trying to justify her time on the cock carousel
good taste

also, august ames
she fancies you mate
love kids
GOOD lad
isn't she like 15
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dz2EQt2YjIU 'ling
>Shaved looks aesthetic
no it doesn't, it looks like just a weird slit, highly underwhelming considering the hullaballoo surrounding it
think you mean big vulvas
love special needs
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>you can tell she's nervous and trying to justify her time on the cock carousel
she's 21 or 22
philosophical problems are merely language puzzles
won't rest until all yanks are eradicated

currently pumping up yellowstone to produce an explosion with my own farts to aid my endeavour
I'm so disgusted by roastie vaginas that I once walked out when a girl took her panties off to reveal one
but eating it is defo nicer when it's bald
weebanese on duolingo
not just vulvas I mean really the whole vagina
like really puffy
the IT support guy at my work gives me heavy asmr.

he's this arabic bloke, who speaks really softly. he'll give instructions 'so if we just open this setting here' and meanwhile my head starts tingling.
alright witty
Better than a mass of dark hair imho. Each to their own.
ah yes /brit/s resident female here to make shit posts
Really want to shag the gf

Going for lunch with her and her family but then she's off staying with them this weekend

Dogs are never aggressive for no reason. Obviously your dislike of dogs has been well observed by the pupper and as a stranger in his home you've made no effort to befriend him
trimmed > shaved > trimmed with too much attention to detail > untamed
bit gay
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one of my (female) friends told me last night that she suffered a lot of physical and emotional abuse from her stepfather during childhood. and he continues to be a complete cunt to her and her mum.

said to her, among other things, that despite that shit she's come out the other end a lovely and admirable person that im proud to have as my friend and she should keep telling herself that.

the beaming smile and look of appreciation on her face was priceless.

feels good being a great friend. doesn't take much to help someone out lads.
Business idea: make a beer that's entirely head
treat thine ears

i gave him some food and talked silly to him.

he was alri with me then. but when im just passing through the corridoors or something he'll start snarling at me.

will attack it back if it ever strikes me though.
why aren't you taking advantage of a daddy issue girl you fucking gay twat
she's a fucking CUNT if she doesn't repay you with sex imho

thanks mate, jaxx looks pretty good for what I want.

now I have to buy in and learn what to buy hahah
could you freeze it and then eat it
>i was nice to it once
You're supposed to build a relationship with the animal. Pet him when you see him and take him for a walk or something
Looking forward to killing myself actually

Can really imagine myself waking up on that day and feeling an immense sense of freedom
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watch out lads dropping a massive redpill on this one
because shes my mate. dont find her sexually appealing either 2bh.
currently got a lodger living with us lads and convinced he's a nonce. My dog is an ex-police dog and trained to sniff out nonces and he's really aggressive towards him. We gave him the big room just to get him away from my sister as much as possible and mum's been checking his room for dead children when he goes out to the jobcentre at 8
hello faggot
not a furry. just love the porn, simple as
hi! x
I mean, I suppose so
whincing hard at you
>Lofi Hip Hop 24/7 Chill Study Beats Radio
It just fits the accent
she's going to hate you mate
has he wrecked your arsehole in the middle of the night yet
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one girl that I was so close to fucking once told me whilst we were walking with my dogs that she was possibly nonced as a kid by a family friend and I didn't know what to do so I think I nervously laughed

we don't talk any more
love medium boobs and stubbly fannies
state of numales
I've had literally dozens of opportunities to have a gf and I've squandered them all because of my autism, inexperience and general ineptitude. I could write a book detailing each and every failure.

My peak is over and I'm going to be alone
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Is this you?
Good lad
Women are people too
bf's refusing to go get some pints
cringed so hard I've now got a 6 pack
>one girl that I was so close to told me she was possibly nonced as a kid by a family friend and I nervously laughed
yeh. all the anti-women posts made by bitter virgins here always make me laugh.
>we don't talk anymore
What was all of it for?
all females are massively insecure
good posts

girl was telling me how she got groped in a club the night before by one of the guys at pres, I accidentally laughed cos I couldn't imagine the gay cunt doing it and she had a proper go at me lmao
plan for today

>wake up early
>eat porridge
>go to gym
>come back and practice my language
>then do some maths problems
>eat lunch at 12

what i've actually done
>wake up
>sat in bed wanking and shitposting and now its 12
>Women are people too

ahahahhaha wait until the lads on r/incels hear about this KEK
fuck off yank
>state of numales
so are most of the people here
Most people are
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I once laughed and smiled nervously when telling someone about how a girl's entire family committed suicide
LOVE a bit of nuja desu
>at pres
what does this mean? What actually counts as groping? Like I don't think i've ever seen a random guy grope a random girl, unless by grope we mean put their arms around her waist or something.
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>state of numales
lmaoing at that filename
getting a greggs for lunch.
pre drinking
he was just feeling her up and pulling her towards him and stuff I think I didn't really ask after that
Literally done that except the maths/language
I knew a girl in college who confided in me that she'd been gang raped and I was like oh god that's horrible or something like that and then went in to give her a hug then she pulled away sharply and said 'I don't like to be touched'. Oh right yeah I should have seen that coming.
grab me a chicken bake mate
wish mgsv had a longer story
got DOMS and cba to move.

i also did some of the other things i planned for the wekeend last night.
never want anyone to make a horrible confession to me because every time im not supposed to laugh i start creasing
should've done it for the bantz
pick me up a patrician bake (they'll know what you mean...but it's a sausage and bean melt).
"strange mysteries" has some cool videos but that narrator is such a twat
hate faggots

love straighties
hey mum
*audience murmurs*
I have some horrible news
*audience chuckles*
Dad's dead!
*roaring laughter*
should have forced yourself on her, that's how most abuse victims get off
like the new items on greggs menu

mexican thing is pretty dank
katsu chicken thing is alri.
is this "pres" actually slang have legit never heard anyone say that irl.

I'm sorry she had that happen to her though that sucks.
I made out with a girl who then told she had been raped by one of her friends multiple times.
I asked her if he was in court/jail. "Oh no, I didn't tell the police or anything". I left her at that point. Big alarm bells, she wasn't right in the head.
anyone else had a hormonal gf?
good lad
ooooh love me some DOMS, jealous

just did some bodyweight stuff and HIIT to sweat out the booze today tbqh
>is this "pres" actually slang have legit never heard anyone say that irl.
yeah it's cos drinks at clubs are really expensive so you get a bit pissed beforehand
yeh its a thing
can someone give me tim's address, I want to steal his guitar
10 downing street
haha I know what pre drinks are just never heard it called pres, we just always said pre drinks no shortening
>why yes, i've drank alcohol in the past month
Don't like this thing the kids do of getting drunk at home and then going out really late.

I like to start drinking in the early evening at the latest and be passed out by 11.
i wouldn't do it mate he's got a physics degree
it's pronounce "pree-s"
how old are you? bit weird you haven't heard it before. What do you call it when you're over at someone's place drinking before going out to the club?
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>gay sex
drinking ballantine's right now
not as good as Jameson
If you don't call pre drinks, Prinks.

Then baka
He probably loves niggers, he probably calls them black people too.
If you can't work it out from watching any of his videos then you're thicker than Tim.
i don't have time to go through the tim archive
never been to a pre-drinks or a club or a tavern or a pub or have friends
There's this fat runt on youtube that leads a really depressing life reviewing food items and I keep watching his videos and I've no idea why.

He's not funny (he's like an real david brent), his opinions and taste are dismal.
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he's not fat
why would you watch him when reviewbrah exists?
rotw is definitely one of the yankposters here
gonna go college and do mdma on a weekly basis until my brain falls out
she wants a man from brum
if they dont want to encourage gang rape why give it such an attractive name?
if my mates were like you wanna go gang raping I'd be like yea I'm totally up for it
>why yes, i use mdma

what the fuck is this channel
he always comments on tim vids whenever they're posted itt
>be scottish
>have nothing interesting or funny to say
>compensate by typing it out as you would verbally say it
>people share it as though its really funny

>am hungrae goin doon tae chippae
why oh why
25, pre-drinking, or just "drinks"
Thread posts: 329
Thread images: 29

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