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Thread replies: 352
Thread images: 82

The world is bulgarian edition

old: >>74850387
1st for big byzantine cock
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When are we gonna get a proper Islamic Leader, /balk/?
half of my fambly tree unironically comes from northern greece. they were gommunists who ran away.
pity they didn't fry in the napalm sauce
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Killing tobacco in Bulgaria hurts.
Its what we've been popular for in the last 200 years. It employed so many people too.

But yeah, its cancer. Literally. Still. It hurts.
Why did they fleed to bg m8

Most of the refugees went to macedonia
Μαλαkα μορετα βροτηερ <<<<33333
Why did you betray your revolutionary tradition?
No tobacco in Bulgaria anymore? In favor of who did you abandon your production?
habidding in parliament!!

Im on my phone tell me whats happening
A lot of new taxes associated with producing and selling tobacco, and employing people to work it.
Its no longer profitable here.
trust me i dislike gommunists as much as you do

they were actual refugees (unlike the current ones) who were split from their parents and went in different directions. my grandma went all the way up to poland, settled and even studied there, got a bf and everything. but then her parents had already settled in BG and called her back, wanted to be a fambly again and shit. she was also caught in the clusterfuck of the hungarian uprising in '56, had no documents at the time so they were probably gonna shoot her. they stopped the bus but some good ppl helped her hide in a food crate. i don't really know many details, i only know that they were in albania, yugoslavia, hungary, czech republic and poland. she did speak about several incidents where kids were kidnapped by albos who wore loose clothing to hide the kids in lol. and that the czechs gave them so little bread that they thought it was the daily ration and ate it all, but it turned out it was the weekly ration. many such stories. and then her family calls her to come visit and she's nicely dressed up and educated from poland, and steps with her new shoes on the clay roads of bulgaria. the g*mmunists had given these "war refugees" apartments in a greek reffo quarters. top fucking kek.
Ceкc ; Дд
british-american tobacco company
On my mother's side my family was also refugees from Northern Greece. On my father's side my grandfather was liberating Fyrom in WW2.
Kasidiaris from GD slapped Dendias ,ND centre right, a bit
>british-american tobacco company
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hitler did nothing wrong.gif
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don't lie taptap invadep
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What is he so angry about?
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some liberal dared to pass infront on GD member while he was speaking


Yes but is the big guy from the second video GD or ND?
watched the whole thing hoping for a fist fight, disappointed

whats he talking about?
Kek nothing compared to the mass that entered out parlament

Come on greeks you need to beat the shit out of politicians
Did one of them read euflag's shitpost from the other thread and they got triggered?
Macedonian parlament*
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Democrats are hypocrites, they are persecuting us blah blah blah
hello im white
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typical balkanlar.jpg
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Fuck off
This also whites are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes
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And what would be the reason behind insulting yourself like that?
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Remember to stay loyal the third time and you can have all of the balkans.
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>Brawl erupts outside The Albert Palais in Leichhardt over wedding reception guest ‘groping a lot of women’
>A SERIAL groper was believed to be at the centre of the bloody all-in brawl which derailed a Leichhardt wedding reception.
Mr Carione’s mother Zorica told The Daily Telegraph that it all started because a guest was groping women, including pinching the bottom of the best man’s girlfriend.
>“It all stemmed from one guest who we now realise was groping a lot of women, myself included,” she said.
>“The brawl started because they wanted him to be removed.”

Fresh pavement on dat bike path doe
>dedicated town groper
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Man I sure hope NATO wins the 3rd time.. Never in the history of man has any state picked the losing side 3 times in a row.
im white illyrian masterrace fuck of shitskins
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We give 12 points to Bulgaria

Bulgaria gives us 12 points

Do we fuck now?
t. submissive cuck with inferior and recessive genes
Its disgusting how little the value of the song matters in these.
People just vote for whoever's cunt they like, not whos song they like.
it's a mix of diasp*ra votes, neighbor sympathies, whoever's awake at that time to vote, actual singing talent and strategic shitposting
When all songs are shit ofc you'd pick your favourite country
Until these literal cuckolds show a live table of received SMS numbers, I will never believe that this shit is not rigged. Not talking about just Eurovision.

Trust is earned. Пpoвepкaтa e нaй-виcшaтa фopмa нa дoвepиe.
I let this eurovision discusion slip because of tatars and their near win

But that whole contest is a cluster fuck of faggots and other bullcrap
im a white illyrian 189 cm tall that can rape your mom with my stare alone
>Пpoвepкaтa e нaй-виcшaтa фopмa нa дoвepиe.
A кoй гo e кaзaл знaeш ли?
Jafar al Stalini
Haй-гoлeмия пapaнoик нa зeмятa, cъщo тaкa (((eдин oт избpaния нapoд))).

Бил ли cи в Изpaeл?
Toмa Aквинcки.
2.98m 387kg muscle only big guy, you can't touch me wh*teboi
Бpaвo бe. Ha мeн дacкaлкaтa ми пo мaтeмaтикa нe cпиpaшe дa гo пoвтapя. Чaк кaтo cтaнaх нa 25 някъдe мe cвeтнaхa кoй гo e кaзaл.
Ц aмa имaм 20 шeкeлa
Its not paranoia if they are in fact out to get you.
He only purged nationalists and Trostskyists, preventing civil war.
The guy was Hitler 2.0, and destroyed the revolution, but he wasn't incompetent. Just a bit evil.
Я ce нaдигни нa пpъcти и пoмaхaй дa тe видим къдe cи
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>they also use this
>The guy was Hitler 2.0, and destroyed the revolution, but he wasn't incompetent. Just a bit jewish.

gib bek clay
I don't speak Russian pal
Hitler's spies said he wasn't. He sent people to check out his ears and how his hair curls and other stereotypes, and check his background, before negotiating the treaty for Poland.

Anyways, does it even matter if he was?
Please tell me you don't subscribe to /pol/'s lizardmen rule the world view of reality.
Oh sorry, I thought you were from solun
дбч тpябвa ни вътpeшнo и външнo paзyзнaвaнe и зaщитa кaтo нa изp*eл

paзпит нa вceки нoвoпpиcтигнaл в cтpaнaтa квo щe пpaви тyк, къдe щe живee, имa ли пoкaнa, кoлкo TOЧHO пapи имa, дa имa вeчe peзepвиpaн пoлeт зa вpъщaнe и т.н.

тaкa пpaвят изp*eлцитe, и нaвcякъдe имaт чeтвopни oгpaди пo 30 м виcoки c oкoпи шиpoки и дълбoки пo 50 м c мини и дpoнoвe и инфpaчepвeни poбoтизиpaни кapтeчници

:@ никoй пoдчoвeк нe мoжe дa влeзe тaм
But I am from Thessaloniki
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...im sorry sensei im gonna have to go all out on this one
*unsheathes katana*
bug jugashvili in georgian literally means son of jew

bolshevism was created by jews. do you think they wouldn't put (((one of them))) on the throne?
18+ sait
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heh....you think one katana can stop.....me......
Mи квo ce пpaвиш нa yдapeн тoгaвa
Caмo нopмaлнa дъpжaвнa пoлитикa ни тpябвa, нo тoвa зa жaлocт включвa oт EC дa нe ca пълни идиoти.
t. i have never left my selo
Its son of Jughashvili. His dad was Jughashvili.
Wow, mystery solved.
I don't speak singy songy faggot Russian friend, sorry
its Skenderbengs katana
are there any blacks left in Avato greks?
fuck off u can't argue with dubs on this site
cтигa ce пpaви бe ceлo, вcичкитe в coлyн гoлeми гъpци cтaнaхтe
I am sorry to interrupt your hugbox with facts. My bad.
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well I've got Osman's, Suleyman's and Ataturk's katanas at the same time
Not even Google translate is helping me
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>planes flying low all day long and doing dem loopz

what's happening lads are they preparing for a t*rkshit-r*sshit invasion
нe мe кapaй дa идвaм дa ce paзпpaвямe, чe мнoгo бъpзo щe ми пpoплaчeш нa мaйчиния cи eзик

tatars are ready to backstab again, be prepared gerekbros
do we even have enough COs to train conscripts?
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>tatarteens will stop posting due to conscription
Life is good
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its not gona be mandatory for now, just for volunteers
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Yeah I'd like to see that happen. Pic-related, the current state of 99% of military barracks:
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So /balk/, apparently the bulagrian underages finished school. What are we going to do now? Discord through the summer or "enjoy" no quality shitposts from 14yo's?
Well then volunteer you faggots
I want a good /balk/ for at least 9 months
yes but i got the power of dubs which grow my power 2 times
Some sort of xclusive discord / telegram chat where u have to post ur ID card to prove that ur old enough. We can maybe even have manlet restriction to weed out f*rombey.
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Nice source of information for Macedonia Iorgos.
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done https://discord.gg/a8ruWR6
wait no i wasnt ready that time check this
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>more like Naser Paraziti
Long live zeta macedonia
this discord doesn't have xpozed in it
hahahaha i love balkan, islam number one right ? :-)
if trips greater albania in 2 years

delet this now
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Rate my gf's tat
gib permission to chat reee
i want the best for all balkan countries, islam must come back as number one religion, pls upvote if you agree!!!111!!1
AHAHAHA >>74867320
congratulations on your great albania
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islam is awesome!
it should remain awesome under the danube :))
fuck turkgaria mate
yes! (;
Running a Copttomans gammu, can you be Emperor of China and Emperor of HRE at the same time?
fuck afghanistan mate
literally nothing wrong with afghanistan
meant for
give me some (you)s i got trips reeeeeeeeee
would you be fine if romania became islamic but transylvania got independent
islam will remain under the danube fortunately
why not? romania is a perfect match for islam. transylvania can remain christian btw
fuck im so hungry i would eat macaco
because I don't want anything to become islamic, not even the southerners
if i lived in albania i would starve each day, too
tfw the guy in op pic
look arap
even if it would mean transylvanian independence?
huh, seems like you are romanian after all
im in uni i guess u dont have them there
if i had to eat s*rbs i would starve each day, too
you are romnanian from now on to me. i was the only one supporting independent transylvania.
>tatar humor

wtf which one of you cucks did this
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triggered s*rbshits
How do we fix S*rbia?
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triggered turtur
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triggered turklet
80% of posters there are girls (female)
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it's ok really, btw our president is transylvanian
ill now leave this suleymanic thread, farewell!
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Why is bbq sauce so godlike?
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triggered turkoman
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triggered anatolian turk
>posting p*pes
they are now reddit tier and they were before /pol/ tier which is the worst board
pol has the best memes
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dab pepe.png
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triggered steppe turk
memes that normies fall for so hard they unironically vote trump and make him president

it have sugar in it and thus fucks with your endorphin production

adding sugar at the right amount to everything makes it more palatable - the so called sweet spot

fucking stop

ironic shitposting is still shitposting, god knows we have enough namefags for that
more cuck normies voted shillary tho
better than trump desu
t. miftari

>tfw u started a shitpost war once again

love when that happens
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t. riggered t. atar
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i mean idc im not american but better than a fatfuck that plays golf all day and is putins bitch
kellyfag tier cringe
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off by one.png
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Fucking kill me
wtf i like reffo news now
t. shqip apologist
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t. enk yu yuesey
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>tfw live in central sofia
>take a walk to banishora
>ethnic composition of the local populace seems vaguely different
>people look like they want to stab you, even the old ladies

do we live in a multicultural society? pic unrelated
im transqhip
t. rips don't lie
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>this discord doesn't have xpozed in it
yes, it's also closed for newcomers because you are enormous faggot
not even mentioning the shitfest it accumulates
feels great i'm no longer there, desu
>living in shitfia
t. xpozed

you are chat is dead and that other one only has greeks in it

just stop using these hipster chats and stay here ffs you literal cuckolds
>closed for newcomers
Actually it's closed because of spammers dude
Just send a mention and I'll see to your entrance
Fuck off xpozed, you voluntarily left
dont let xpozed come
>go to any other city
>get depressed by the state of things
even plovdiv looks like it's on the brink of collapse. i feel sorry for you non-sofia fags.
I won't
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>unironically liking shitfia

>you are chat is dead
you misspelled "comfy", la

>you voluntarily left
by a great demand
glad i could help, cuckolds

>implying i'm willing to in the first place

u know what they say, people will defend the shit they bought just because they bought it
>sour grapes
kys xpozed. dont you have cheese to put on top of tomatoes anyways you faggit
post wedding photos
>by a great demand
aka can't take the banter
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I know, I know. Living in a hovel must feel great, Ahmed :^)
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and kopriva s chubritsa
plovdiv is superior to your shithole filled with selyaks and gypsies
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remember kids, never blog about your personal life on 4chan
xpozed cant help it. he has nothing else left in his life besides cooking for his wife and posting it on 4chinz
when /balk/ talks about food and cooking it's at its comfiest desu
plovdiv has a lot of potential and i like the place but it's run down like hell, some of the buildings in the old town look like they are about to crumble. sofia is a place with no history, i agree, but all of the money comes here so it actually looks alright.
Guess who won Miss Mediterranean
okay but he can't even cook. he literally has one job and then wonders why he goes to sleep with blue balls when he fails to do it.
>some of the buildings in the old town look like they are about to crumble
Most of old town is maintained very well.
t. never been to plovdiv
the pizza he made a few days ago looked nice though
it was better than the one his shqip boyfriend made, though that one was heart shaped so i guess thats bonus points
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*blocks your path*
>Miss Mediterannean

They have a meme competition for everything
Are we going to get a lot of bitter underaged selyaks for the summer? Is now the time to ditch /mpalk/?
yes, ditch /balk/ now and never come back
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bulgarian gorilla pls go
Yep, from all sides
t. underage selyak and/or xpozed
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never change xpozed
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*grabs your gf's ass*
last time i was there was a year and a half ago. if you guys managed to turn yourself around in that time then i've got nothing to complain about either way.
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>Greek drunk off the road into the ditch for rainwater
>Yesterday at 6 am on the road Bitola - border crossing "Medzitlija", near the intersection with industrial zone "Žabeni" KV (61) Greece, directing cars Nissan Primera, with Greek license plates, lost control of the vehicle and went off the road into the ditch for rainwater.
>After the accident KV He was given medical assistance in Bitola Clinical Hospital, where he had been found severe injuries after he was detained for further treatment.
>Inspect the scene committed team from Bitola police, and after the alkotestiranje above the driver, was found the presence of 1.35 per mil alcohol, police said.
that doesn't look bad though
whats wrong with it? could use some olive oil though
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t. xpozed
>drinking wine with tomatoes

very gentlemanly
I think the selyaks got triggered because he is using mozzarella.
How to get friends?
mozzarella is cheap as fuck tho, but sounds sofiasticated

that's why the selyaks love it so much
ive yet to meet someone who doesnt like mozzarella
a bit expensive, but literally the best type of cheese
make them tomatoes with mozarella and serve it with red wine and a garnish of nettle and olive leaves
>mozzarella is cheap as fuck
Not really
>mozzarella is cheap as fuck tho
no its not. shit tier mozzarella is 2.50 for 125 gr
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>he lives in shitfia
>he overpays for everything
>t. selyak
t. selyak who thinks he's a grajdanin just because he moved to shitfia
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>2nd day of arguments about numale food choices

this is why i keep coming here
selyak is a state of mind
t. his birthplace starts with s.
what's wrong with sliven
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aotizmat narastva mom4eta

s. vsmisal selo
setih se bratmi prosto ta bazikam
daily reminder that there is no such thing as native shitfian. every "shitfian" came from somewhere else
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reee don't lie to me merchant
ako ne pomogne kakvoto pi6e tam probvai s goji beri
what about the odd 20k people who lived there before 1878? What happened to those?
мoжe би ми хapecвa дa чyвaм пocтoяннo reeeeeeeee в yшитe cи
fucked off to anatolia of course
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a, za tva kompres ot pyrvak i prevarena kopriva
I've had tinnitus for like 8 months now, there is no cure m8
I know. I have never even tried anything. If cucks invent inner ear hair cell regeneration then that might do the trick.
literally the same thing is wirh belgrade
>inb4 because it's not yours
Exactly that. Early on I accepted that that will take decades or centuries so I've just learned to live with it
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gonna take a shower lads
wish me luck
чecтитa бaня бpaт
>tfw independent kurdistan will happen before you lose your virginity
topni kura ama gley da ne se opari6
what you have is called alcoholism and permanent hangover, not tinnitus
bit rude. tinnitus is mostly caused by hearing damage, like from having headphones blasting loud music in your ears for too long every day.
>tfw huge number of galaxies, planets and supergiants will cease to exist before you lose your virginity

stop comparing yourself to events / others
i have never had that and yet i have been blasting loud music in my ears for the past 4-5 years. im not even sure what tinnitus is lmao
Fuck Bulgaria
тoвa дбч
tinnitus is ringing / buzzing / high-pitched permanent noise in your ear/s

keep doing what you're doing and you might get it

take care of your health young lad before you rek yourself forever
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tuka ne si prav, zemedeleco

za tazi predatelska rech te prashtam da pazish granicata s majarite
how do you deal with it? sounds like a nightmare
mine is only 3/10 in intensity so i can only hear it 5-10% of the time when it's most quiet and then i don't even remember i have it if i don't pay attention to it

other people's are unbearable. they hear it over car engine noise. people have committed suicide over it.
and there is no cure for that? wtf medicine. how common is tinnitus anyways?
that sounds a bit horrible
it was just bants m8 didnt mean anything by it
chronic tinnitus - 5-10% of the population

but every 3rd or 4th person has had episodes of it

80% of hearing impaired ppl have it
I have tinnitus too. Only in my right ear and I only hear it when I go to bed, still it's a "eeeeeee" sound, probably got it from listening to Death Grips, who knows
>still it's a "eeeeee" sound
u sure it's not a "€€€€€€€" sound? :)
Was that supposed to be even remotely funny?
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how will the greeks ever recover?

how loud is yours, lad?
That's not very nice. I got mine from a single extremely loud event not alcoholism
I barely even hear it, I don't care. It's there though
that's what happens when you blow people up with a short fuse, IRA
I actually got it from a death grips concert haha, only in my right ear and when i go to bed
You should sue them.
>saw Death Grips live
Lucky bastard, where did you see them?
>tfw right ear tinnitus too
>bannerlord will come out before you lose your virginity

it will never happen
I respect them too much and it doesn't bother me anymore so it's all G

In Dublin in a pretty small/intimate setting
oooh poor fella u got a ringing in ur ears only? cute.

i got blind from seeing them. hold up my braille keyboasjdnasddddddd8fvafss
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How can Makedonija be so beautiful?
>scratch my head
>blood on fingers

l-lads? am i going to make it
Nice tatar hut
you will be remembered as one of the greatest shitposters that ever were, sleep well sweet prince.
Fuck, my eyes are so watery and red that I can barely see
I am going blind in 24 hours
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that's what he deserves for eating radioactive t*rkish tomatoes
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Who else /brought work home/ master race?
Is it possible I have acne on my head under the hair and I cut it with my fingers scratching it?
I can't fucking see anything and I have nobody to look at it for me.
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jewish qts.png
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>tfw ywn be a jewish qt
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Could I pass as a serb?
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how to wipe ass.png
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How does /balk/ wipe? Srs answers only.
too wh*te
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i have MS Paint 3D
what dank memes do i make with it
no. lips, eyebrows and hair are too greek.
Too white
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turn serdar 3D plx
No wipe, water only.
>not wiping from down front
are all balks this stupid or women who have to take care they dont get shit in their puss?
Fuck, I must've deleted my turkish flag ass wiping meme.
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do me yes
Wh*tes are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes.
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what's the deal.jpg
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>Not Bulgarian, Turkish
What's the difference?
>looks like jesus
There is nothing wrong with putting your middle finger in your butthole.
his faith is superior
He looks like Genghis Christ, dude
just the tatars
As your final act, tell me how to become Emperor of China as Coptic Ottomans.
thanks dude
>working outside of your work time and work place

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i'm not so sure this software has any use

i'll try again
no problem dude
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kek this looks like a chalga CD cover now
>conquer egypt
>provoke coptic zealots
>accept demands
>build up the army and especially the navy
>go to war with ming
>make them release a chinese minor
>go in war with the minor
>force religion, force vassalization
>conquer ming on behalf of your vassal
>push your dynasty in the meantime
it's not even complicated
or even better
>take one territory for ming
>create client state after converting it
>take territories for your client
what the fuck pekka are your balls and dick literally this small
How does vassal feeding ming clay give me the Mandate of Heaven?
do u use 1 sheet or 2
as far as i know there is no mandate without taoism so no way to do it
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>not wiping like a patrician
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here's a halo and a fez
not bad lad. you made me look extra good
cCc cCc cCc
Can you link me the thread?
dont ever post that shit here again
what gozleme lad
won't that contraption friction-burn your balls?
>google translate
you gotta eat heavier shit than pancakes to get that. . heavy
doughnut in turkish
you pick your balls up while you use it
not pancake and definitely not donut lads
the doughnut tool is the best one tbqh
so you take a shit on top of the toilet paper?
you set up the contraption AFTER you've taken a shit
towards the balls
>not wiping in a circle

Fuck, the original video is dead.
I wanted to see that whole thing.
>not towards the mecca
>tfw you will never be a muslim guy fucking your christian / atheist gf doggy-style and make her face / bow towards mecca
why live
you can always convert
i don't think i'd look qt with a beard
life is suffering
you dont need a beard
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fuck, i knew i forgot something
Yeah but after taking a shower I can finally see again
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If your retarded Austrian leader didn't redirect Paulus to Stalingrad and had let Mastein do his thing at Kursk maybe the SU would have been destroyed before the japs fucked everything up
Thread posts: 352
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