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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 61

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blackshirts edition
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Gays OUT
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pickle rick subedition
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*cable streets your path*
wanking my fucking cock off
saw some unironic communist protesters in ottawa the other day

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unironically got rock hard to john terrys mum giving that blowie

is that supposed to be hot?
>Check pornhub
>New Miss Alice on the front page
>newfags are only now waifuing over Lena

i remember doing that like 4 years ago
*blocks your path*
hey you! are you a beyata leftist?
kc tier
You forgot to say some gay shit like "don't cut yourself on that edge" you redditor fag.
remember when lisicki had to change his trip because he was being bullied so hard on /sp/ lmao
mosley was a larping italaboo who is known for cable street and beady anglos memes rather than any achievements
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someone post the blackshirts kev please
see >>74859693
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omen are the most boringly predictable species in the universe, even more predictable than men. They ALL like the same list of 3 things (travel,shopping and Instagram), ALL talk about the same 3 things (shopping, food and gossip) and they ALL have the same relationship requirement: Good looking men alone when young, beta bucks when old. AWALT. How much more predictable can this get? women are even more predictable than video game NPC's.
in all honesty he was a wasted talent

should've stuck with labour he could've been pm one day
Nordics have surpassed Rome in every way
he's a fantastic meme though
just so goofy and hammy
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yes, satan
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still, will always have kaiserreich to make him a leader
Except in production of swag-ass sports cars and pasta.


fuck off yank
just ate two scoops of ice cream
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have been filming one second of every day for the last 2 weeks

am i twat?
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anyone want to tuck me in?
having a scream at this image
the beta guy unironically has a better nose and more potential of aestheticness than the brown eyed guy

and all men talk about is sport, drinking and shagging. tragic post
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tired but can't sleep
just DON'T reply to it
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Ya seen to much with these stupid old normie betas spouting crap how they don't understand women and how they're so magical and they never for saw their lovely asexual princess partaking in a gangbang with ass to mouth action. And these are the people that are the ones that are pose to be giving advice to us.
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nordics are cucked out betabois who love somalians
and politics.
no clue what you youngster cunts are saying now
it was quite funny, all the commies had masks on and the other counter protestors all were shouty pink haired freaks.

whereas the pro-life demonstrators (this was the march for life) were mostly somewhat decent looking. the pro life people tried discussing with some of them but they just shouted and called them virgins and fascists.

Not everything made of concrete is brutalism
'm not like them. They are all narcissistic creatures with no morals. They will give you unconditional love for meeting their criteria, but anything less and you are worthless scum. I'm going to die alone because I can't meet their criteria and because I am not willing to forgo my respect for other humans since they are living and feeling creatures just like me. I was born into the wrong species and as a result I simply cannot function in a way that would grant me contentedness. I have to suffer in the midst of 7 billion mentally overgrown monkeys, 99% of which believe themselves to be the pinnacle of all things great, intelligent, and morally sound. I will die alone on this planet because my brain is not wired in the same way that theirs are.
gas the kikes lads
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surprisingly funnier than the pol metups
and it is possible for curves to be present
I need a boyfriend to look after me
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kc king
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has ne1 a pictures of pol meetup?
he really needs to just grow out his beard to hide some more of his ugly mug
did he go stay with varg yet?
If a woman has more than 10 sexual partners than I have a right to judge her.

She is a sex object. She treats men like disposable dildos and it's only fair that I treat her as a disposable fleshlight. A roastie like her has nothing to offer besides her body since she is a fucking ANIMAL driven by her primal sexual instinct.
How can a virgin guy like me possibly connect with such a vapid creature? How can I see her as an equal knowing that she had no inhibition offering her body to other men just for one night? She is a whore with STANDARDS basically.
fuck /brit/ and fuck /brit/ people
summer research internship at my uni begins tomorrow. any advice?
>Can't remember if the living room door was always open while I was down here or if I did it a while ago and forgot about leaving it open

Do I have a ghost?
he'd probably agree with that statement though
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rasheed btfo
roided clown who thinks he's thor
nah, just dementia

Curves are not true brutalism
real capitalism has never been tried
thats not brutalist you daft punk
if civilisation ever failed like he talks about, he's going to be a skinny little beta twat within a year because he can't get steroids and his natural test production is almost certainly shut down for life
gilded age
have posted so much autistic shit as bait. id be completely fucked if somehow my posts were logged and brought up in court

>gaypost often even though im straight
>post about hating women even though i just rip off the stuff from incels
>post about violence even though ive not had a violent thought in years
>talk about being a trap
>Mosley formed the Union Movement, which called for a single nation-state to cover the continent of Europe (known as Europe a Nation) and later attempted to launch a National Party of Europe to this end
really makes me think
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i'd take a wiry and endurable forager over him any time
Varg's lover? The wife is obviously fake.

achieving that level of muscularity will mean he'll always be able to get to a high level of strength. if you're a strong guy on steroids and you stop taking them but keep training, you'll still be stronger than the average guy, and probably stronger than you'd ever have been if you didn't take them
this is well known

i'm a rorke but i disagree with pretty much all of mosley's ideas. he's just an interesting historical figure
i filtered foy lmao
>The term for this period came into use in the 1920s and 1930s and was derived from writer Mark Twain's 1873 novel The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today, which satirized an era of serious social problems masked by a thin gold gilding
>an era of serious social problems masked by a thin gold gilding
sounds like today
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Arouet was a top lad
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who died and made you the arbiter of brutalism?
*sends an armada towards your house*
anarcho-communism has never been tried
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>sounds like today
Said people every day for 2000 years.
remembering how i posted linkin park lyrics on facebook when i was in middle school
anarcho-capitalism has never been tried
anarcho-feminism has never been tried
Anarcho-Capitalism has never been tried
national socialism has never been tried

ah yes
*drops all remaining sympathy for the people of germany*
imagine the rush of adrenaline you'd get from winning a war and then getting to ransack the town and rape whatever woman you see

rape is awful, but it was part of life back then
but he was firmly against the EU. I can't find the exact video, but what he said was basically "but it did not mean a universal mixup, turning frenchmen into enligshmen, or italians into norwegians. it's the national identities, the roots, that make up the great tree of europe and rooting them out not good" or something.

but shit, i can't believe you guys look at mosley as a joke, he was fucking epic:
Oswald Mosley - Europe Lives and Marches On

Britain Reborn
its been tried for hundreds of thousands of years, it's called "there's no civilization" we're cavemen

The essence of brutalism is just that: brutal, something which curves are not
Anarcho-Pintism has never been tried.
Bet I'd love it though.
anarcho-feminism has never been tried
anarcho-pacifism has never been tried
anarcho corbynist here AMA
post this on reddit and share the results. not telling you to fuck off, genuinely want you to do it
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Boosted yesterday while using all my swipes and got one 30 year old trans

Used all my swipes again today
and got nothing

Suggestions for method of 'cide?
anarcho-primitivism has never been tried
anarcho-anarchism has never been *stops talking and throws brick*

hahaha *burp*
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your mum's rolls are quite brutal if you ask me
in Tim's world, what does "swipe down" mean?
genuinely believe tinder is a bit fucked or something

i usually get loads of matches but the past two days I've got about 3 total
>being this deluded
I can tell you don't know anything about steroids
look at what happened to craig titus when he went to jail but continued to work out in jail. he returned to the size of an average low testosterone man. using steroids to that extent stops your testicles from producing testosterone completely and you cannot maintain that muscle mass with such low testosterone.
mosley was all style and no substance lad. he even told his son he didn't see the merit and reading, he preferred plain old rhetoric (and mosley was indeed good at that, he was the finest orator of his generation. doesn't mean there was much meaning behind his words)

if you look into the BUF manifesto it's very basic tier fascism, ripped off of mussolini with some of mosley's own radical policies he wanted for the labour party

some hard-leftists think his ideas were ahead of his time, but i don't think they would have worked in britain
queer anarchism has never been tried
swiping down on his phone you mongloid have you ever seen any of his videos
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fuck brutalism, /brit/ is a gothic general
might as well fuck the tranny
have not been watching tim the past few days. has anything new happened since he received the buzz lightyear picture?
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'sheeds are a bizarre lot
what would happen if I walked up and stuck a finger up her arsecrack and tried to find her arsehole through her bottoms
No, but every vid linked he's rambling about swiping down even without a phone in hand.

Nice spelling of mongoloid btw
are you talking about the son from his first marriage who had a speech impediment? he probably made that up because he's a petty fucker.

I read like 1/4th of "Mosley 100 questions and answers", seemed like he had plenty of substance dude, but i couldn't really understand it 100% because of complicated british political terms
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Thoughts on this architecture?
only people involved with politics irl are borderline retards and the actual politicians manipulating them
changing the channel on the tv, maybe?
primitivism FTW
How long do you lads steep your tea
ah yes, shibari
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this basement-dwelling son of a bitch is making super fat stacks and basically you are fucking stupid
how? Just watch one of his videos with adblock disabled.
i like her smile c:
its... interesting

to use a bri'ish turn of phrase

cant imagine the confusion that would result on fourchan if you cunts spoke as you do irl
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some guys might not recover, but some guys do
is it just me or he sounds like a retard
nigger anarchism
takes up too much space
bulldoze, build commieblocks
depends on the type of tea

usually about 4-5 minutes for red rose, i like it very strong
the guys that do take other drugs and taper down to kick start natural production. you'll be fucked if you don't do that.
speech that makes people feel bad should be banned
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why is Richard Spencer's Alt Right so much more aesthetic than the /r/the_Donald kekistan Alt Right?
>takes up too much space
You know I hear you can get really tiny homes there in hong kong
alri britlads
pw cummers

come play cards against humanity if you dare
>the state of /tv/ right now
every time i look it gets worse
he's northern
Not gonna lie, anal play is very underrated

The feelings from getting my hole fingered is what I imagine females feel with their cunts
i'm never in a million years taking steroids, they're runtish. just think that guy's a runt too for bashing him for taking them, he's obviously insecure
first, worry about housing everyone adequately
then we can worry about space
but yeah, build upwards in most cases
what is the two scoop meme
i tries it once or twice, it just felt like shitting in reverse. i rubbed the prostate but nothing happened
>edmonton leaves right as others join
what a gay
>What are some movies about [bait]?
>What does /tv/ think about [bait]?
>[False flag for replies]
Exactly the same way /pol/ went to complete shit in 2015/2016. Shall be removing it from my Custom Board Navigation if this persists.
ち = chi
さ = sa

い = i
り = ri

japanese? can't say I'm a fan, no
nigga i aint clicking that
So I just went and looked at the first page.

>trump thread
>feminism thread
>GOT thread
>two whining about liberals threads
>various other shitposting threads, one of which was full of people bickering about niggers and cucks
I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, I've forgotten myself in all this excitement.
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I'm in the terribly long process of doing one of these for the first time. What am I in for /brit/?


meant for >>74860328
>Sorry, but you need Adobe Flash Player to play HaxBall
absolutely shannot

have lots of money! haha get it?
you have to finger the area close to the hole, with your finger pointing up

i do the same movement as if im fingering a girl and it feels amazing, way better than wanking
>tfw slowly forgetting all the jap you learned in high school
used to know katagana and hiragana, now i only know most hiragana
no trump
no kkk
no fascist usa
don't reply to me again please mate
Fuck, this is starting to feel like cum because of the post quality.Hope the aussies get on before I fall asleep
torta de macaco?
'ht do an 'ld 'de
is 'you are what you eat' an existentialist phrase
I've engaged in online dating for almost exactly four years now and the best I ever got out of it was having a 'long distance gf' for about a year
it's a cannibalist rallying cry

I don't think there are any monkeys in the uk.
i think, therefore i am

*picture of a braindead skull*
did you have webcam sex lmao
sdal tixerb fo naf gib
does /cum/ talk about politics much? is it rorke infested?
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>is it rorke infested?
I don't even read posts that have an anime image. I just hide it and move on
What are you using? I just signed up for POF on Friday and I've already got a coffee date with a girl tomorrow and a two other girls messaging me.

Bit nervous as it'll be my first date in over two years haha

might cop this
Do you believe in God, lads? Is there any particular reason why or why not?
What's a 'bizarro rorke'?
jesus christ anon have some self respect
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Sorry no pics on me

The online-sex thing is actually why I broke up with her. She wanted to do 'skype sex' on a regular basis and was extremely reluctant to provide sexual pics of herself. Talking to a girl while fapping gets very boring very fast.

She eventually had the gall to demand that I provide her with a FULL-PICTURE video of me masturbating. She wouldn't drop it so I told her to fuck off.

Initially used PoF but that site was trash, got a few dates (my first)
Used OKC for a long time, got 90% of my dates off that, totalling maybe 90 give or take 10 either side
Used tinder for the other 10% or so

Just signed up to Bumble.
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Julian Barratts past five films have been critically acclaimed kek
wait, the gf who was asking you for videos of you wanking that you used to post about was an e-gf?

m8 what the fuck
there's actually a few decent looking girls on there, at least in my town
not I
kek what the hell
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Any New Zealanders here?
probably wanted pics etc. for blackmail purposes so probably for the best she was dropped
God yes

haven't ruled out religion but haven't found one

>inb4 tips fedora
Yeah cunt
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I'm a Yank
look at the world around you

there is a creator, it's a definite. there is no "might be", there IS a creator

the common misconception is that a creator MUST be benevolent
*heems you*
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Could atomize your jaw with my American fist
An 'e-gf', but never intended that way. In the sense that she lived a few hundred km away but I found out over time that she was a bit fucked up in terms of meeting, massive anxiety issues and BPD/depression/etc pulling her all over the place. Once drove over to meet but that was the weekend that she literally lived in an abandoned electrical shed for a weekend so she wasn't home. She always claimed that she was 'just waiting for her house to sell before moving down here'.

Shit was fucked.
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Why are we in a British general, fellow Yank?
>The curious rise of the ‘white left’ as a Chinese internet insult

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Because /cum/ is full of canadians nd anime posters, ameribro
based chinkies
AHAHAHA oh shit man, I've told this story on /brit/ before but I'll tell it again. Good for context too.

So midway through the relationship she tells me that she had the hots for some guy some time ago who lived overseas and they played a game together etc. HE ended up sending her those videos and when HE broke up she threatened to send them to his mother if he didn't stay with her. Absolutely fucked.

Maybe I was being too tolerant, but I told her that I could live with it as long as she understood that I'd be taking this story into account for future decisions.
All these nationalities and you're all posting here even when there's no Brits, truly we have Cucked you.
Do they actually talk about anime?
currently calling the glass cleaners for this yank's chin
look around you

look at yourself

you're looking at this post right now, on a computer that was created, through a created network of cables, transferring this post which i created

the origins of the universe lead many who delve into the topic conclude that there must've been some sort of decision to create
I've just seen enough anime images to turn me off completely
I'll come to Cuckland and drop you
m8 i dont recall you mentioning she was an e-gf. i remember telling you to ditch her then and i thought she was legit, can't even tell you how quick i'd tell you to drop her if i knew she was an e-gf
one outs knt
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What was once a colony, shall always be a colony.
Is New Zealand real? All I know about it is that it has sheep shaggers and maori
Why the fuck do people do fentanyl, and why do the dealers even sell it if they know it will kill their customers?

I suspect this yet another Jewish plot against the already embattled white working class.
kek i think when your considering videos of yourself masturbating to a crazy asian lady who may pass them onto your mum is probably too tolerant
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Somalia has the lowest HIV rates in Africa because of it's muslim teachings.

Adultery is seen as a big no-no.
mum has already watched me masturbate I wouldn't mind
You should inform /pol/.
>Why the fuck do people do fentanyl
it's very seldom used as a recreational drug
>why do the dealers even sell it if they know it will kill their customers
they mix it in with heroin and other fillers to make more money
no that is a movie cliche bullshit

humans are evil because of capitalism
how do I filter tripcodes?
don't reply to it whatever you do
having mayonnaise and crackers
i call it: "Mayonnaise and Crackers"
g'day lisicki how are we?
only after it stopped hurting
no and only completely beta cucks would say yes.
have found the perfect balance of spices for tuna mayonnaise
got an exam in 6 days xddd
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Yes indeed, a lot of Yanks like to say we're uncucked but the truth is our flag is reminiscent of an English trading company from way back, not to mention we're probably the only non-Commonwealth country that has media about the Queen and the Royal Family. Also we speak English so there's that.
It's an epidemic. Over half the drug overdoses in BC last year were due to fentanyl.
welfare good, capitalism bad
there you go mate
don't you think that's selfish of you? what if you switched roles, and there was a girl who wouldn't let you be happy with a girl you loved because she wants you so bad?
good post
is it socially acceptable to sniff a chair a girl was sitting on?
oh shit

i#m currently doing this to a female rn

feels man

i thought it was a laugh but I guess it's not.
one thing I like about lisicki is that he hasn't managed to dox himself yet

most of the other trips/personas/identities do at some point
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We are Americans. Period.
what the billabong is going on here and why does it smell like kebab
the fact is I'm never truthful about information.

so I just said I have an exam in 6 days time, 6 days time is a sunday.

small things like that ini
mummy may
If I doxxed myself, would anyone care? Would even anyone bother sending me letters and pizzas?
>don't you think that's selfish of you?

>there was a girl who wouldn't let you be happy with a girl you loved because she wants you so bad?
not being happy for someone else =/= actively preventing them from being happy. if I dumped a girl and found a new gf and was really happy with her, i couldn't give a rats bollocks what the ex-gf reckoned or what she thought of my happiness.

I wouldn't go around being a sore loser trying to make the girl unhappy, but I wouldn't be happy if she was happy with him. the best i could reach is just not giving a shit.
I understand that but our culture screams English.
I would send you puzzles
Not at all, Timothy Cooper
told my dad about doxxing and he was like "oh so they'll send me free pizzas?"

had to tell him that he'd have to pay for them
Not really. I don't think we actually have much in common with them. Despite what yuros think, we've developed a unique culture that stems largely from our puritanical/capitalistic origins
hate how these takeaways aren't card exclusive so they can launder for the drugs the owner sells
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i'd just stalk you online an dpost your pics
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is there anything more brutal
drink the fucking Guinness
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English religion tbqh, stop denying your Americuck heritage. We are cucks for England
Hear that tastes like piss
Anglicism is really state Catholicism. Puritanism was much mores strict. Hence why they left
just drank some of my wee
tastes like piss
im living a lie
how do you know what piss takes like mate haha
it's all judaism mate
*single flaming car tyre rolls into /brit/ and falls over*
gran's dementia is starting to develop
reckon my mum would appreciate a copy of Still Alice as a birthday present?
>walk into /brit/
>fortunate son starts playing
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I am a proud cuck for England

Can you say the same, fellow Yank?
do you mean it ain't me by the fortunate sons?
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accidentally drank my own wee on two occasions
tastes like warm saltwater
What is this two scoop gimmick about. Is it something to do with Yank politics?
CNN ran a segment about Trump eating two scoops of ice cream at a political event when everyone else in attendance only had one scoop. Major scandal.
ah. thanks.
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less of a scandal and more of having a giggle at another of his autistic subliminal dominance stunts
the gf
What's it like being the last Briton standing?
>autistic subliminal dominance stunts
having two scoops of ice cream?

Who gives a shit? The world has gone mad.
i'm going to bed soon
so it'll be this bloke >>74861228
work tomorrow? you're a bit late lad
It involves being drunk and having a job centre interview.
im here
just lurking
>make sure i get more than everyone else and everyone else sees it
it's an /r9k/-tier mind trick for sure
thailad would you ever want to move to the states?
but that's me????
sometimes I feel like a machiavellian puppet master around my peers
how do you know when a word ends in thai? orisitwritinglikethisallthetime?
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no work
only aesthetic
haha, yes, pull those strings
just as planned, roach
dont like thailad 2bh

just booked my flight to sunderland
It's possible you're reading too far into this.
It's definitely up there as far as living in other countries is concerned. At this point I more family in the states than the UK.
just netted a (You) from some thicko
lisicki is mad because most people like thailad but no one likes him LOL
just heemed some runt new zealander with one hand tied behind my back
short answer: it's complicated but you get to recognise it.
thailad is a dumb runt tbqh at least lisicki makes interesting posts and baits people
Literally why else would you specifically request to be the only one eating a double serving of dessert?
This is the same guy who tries to awkwardly pull people in during handshakes in an attempt to dom them in his mind. It seems par for the course.
Canada is being bro as f rn

I always have respek for leaf flags

got called a shithead in tim horton's
did the man post another picture of a chink girl doing a silly face?

>mfw Charlotte is not canon /brit/
>Look at serving list
>oh boy ice cream, I fucking love ice cream
>can I have two scoops? I fucking love ice cream
>Nobody else asks
Are we to assume if anyone else asked they'd be thrown out? Once again, and I can't stress this enough, who gives a shit?
It's was an organized dinner, not a restaurant. Ordinary guests aren't ordering individual dishes at a time. This was something he requested as top attendee, and given past behavior, it's not far-fetched to assume it was an autistic attempt at setting himself above all others in the hall.
>who gives a shit?
Once again, this isn't some sort of scandal, it's just an entertaining stunt, like when Leafman pulled back during his handshake stunt.
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