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Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 41

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FUNKY edition

una vela
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which part of england were the thornberries from
High wycombe is legit comfy tier uk town
day of the footstool soon brothers
home counties
i invented the rick and morty gimmick
except for the mong whose guitar skills sound like a cat running on the fretboard sullying up the neighbourhood
how the fuck do all those fitness vloggers get so much views?
delta wave bg noise manipulates listener base look it up lol
the fairer sex
dont know sorry
Having a laugh at some good old British comedy :)

No Brussels Eurocrats, the policemen weren't so young, you could call a spade a spade and a Paki a paki!!!

wow made some really good posts in the other thread for minimal (You)'s
were they really that good then
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where's that

have a choon

got a tinder date tomorrow lads. nervous af already, can't see it going well

moss side
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just be yourself
benny hill is a special form of depressing
nice strawman argument
If Theresa may gets elected England will win the next world cup playing 4-4-2
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>tfw no gf
I've got a tinder date too ey
I'm sorry I'm white
I'm sorry I'm male
buzz off!
*uses wi-fi
why do people watch KUWTK? escapism
trying to decide if i wear a shirt or not. looks better than a tshirt but don't want to look like i'm trying too hard.
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may is only having an election to legitimize herself
>a shirt
>trying too hard

what the fuck?
Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Surrey, and Sussex

have a choon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLfPaC5cNds
Addicted to sex but a virgin
it's not escapism with KUWTK though. it's actually really clever what they do desu. people are so obsessed with being rich and famous that they shoot everything like the viewer is actually in on all the action like they're a member of the family or a close friend and so they're also rich and famous.

meanwhile theyre watching from their estate flat in grimsby but the illusion is there for an hour.
>THERESA May has promised MPs a free vote on the ‘nation-defining’ issue of whether vicars can still greet policemen while cycling past village greens at sunset.

>The prime minister pledged to allow a frank and open debate about whether tea should still be served on manicured lawns to retired army officers who write to the local newspaper.

>She said: “Unlike Labour, my team still believe in schoolchildren in caps and short trousers scrumping apples while accompanied by a scruffy but sweet-natured dog.

>“There will be a free vote on whether bobbies on the beat should continue good-naturedly tousling the hair of youngsters while bidding the town’s spinster librarian a fine evening.

>“Would Jeremy Corbyn allow his party to vote in favour of warm ale drunk to the reassuring jingle of Morris men dancing? Certainly he hasn’t said so.”
wait just realised i perfectly described escapism. nevermind me hahahaha *kills self*
don't really wear shirts normally
with sofia?
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Ahh yes the top minds of /brit/ have cracked the code

Tele = for idiots

4chan = for smart people (but ones that were too lazy to get good grades)
she's called loungie in Australia
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white cat strutting his stuff
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might get into the occult
starting to think normies are little more than husks with little to no independent thoughts of their own
Fear of being alone
wew lad, wew
have none
>Ahh yes what if like the normal people are actually the ones who've got something wrong with them!!

*Changes the channel*

Sigil magick works I done it to get a bag of weed after moving after not having any for months and I get one four hours later
think status: buffering
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She's losing interest
pizzagate isnt real
Anyone catch the question time last night?
Forgot to put the green bin out last night.
Woke up and saw the binmen down the street, went to ask them if they were coming back this way and could they collect mine if they are.
Of course they were Poles and couldn't understand a word I said.

ah yes "the left"
saw my neighbour talking to the lamposts about bins again this morning
pretended I was polish before so I didn't have to talk to this dickhead about his bins

he was well annoyed think he was a racist haha
All westerners are fed a steady diet of meaningless flag worshipping phony patriotism, crap mind destroying television, biased news and washed down with industrial strength pain killers by the barrel load

Unwavering loyalty and respect for brainwashed young men backed into tubes and jettisoned off into some desert in the middle East to kill and destroy for some vague notion of forced 'democracy'

Distracted by meaningless games painted as entertainment and shoved into little cubicles in overcrowded offices for half their life

Look around. When was the last time any of them read a real book? Never, they're blind to what's really going on
struck a nerve?
what should i get for lunch: burrito or quesadilla?
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ah yes dreaming about the imaginary gf again
Ten idiota zapomniał wyrzucić jego kosz, pieprzyć jego matkę
of course, lunch, the thinking lady's meal
never remember when it's thursday anymore
Business idea: write a contrived and meaningless book full of contrived jumbled up phrases and made up words and then say that anyone who doesn't appreciate it just isn't smart enough
I always do because it's the day I get all my trash out and set it out at the road like a non-neety runt
Skype's down again, gonna' use facetime
Business idea: nick £20 out mums purse
utter runt behaviour
business idea: nick my mums prose
Think some magpies just killed a bird in my back garden
I opened a blind to see a magpie on top of another bird then something spooked it and it flew away flinging the other bird about a foot
I went out with a swiss army knife and a shoebox prepared to either put it out of it's misery or nurture it back to health and it was just dead
Good lad

What you gonna spend it on?
Willing to sell a 50% stake in the venture for £15
this is not how we can bring down the zog-machine
which moss side
nazi scum off our streets
unironically do this when walking about the city getting hassled by charity workers or homeless people
what you gonna do on the date?
Put it on 'ootball at the 'kies
who are these depraved fucks who pit scorpions and tarantulas against one another
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>message a cute girl two weeks ago
>see an email that she replied an hour ago
>enthusiastic message, get excited
>log in
>"Sorry, [name] no longer has an account."
make fun of Jimmy again and I'll tombstone you to oblivion
who wins?
pacific islanders
people who watch this shit and or jeremy kyle need to reevaluate their lives
No fucking clue what this means
Business idea: ol' 'cide
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tokyo is the best city in the world and its not even particularly close

not even a weeb or attracted to japanese women
what's on the agenda for today then lads?
Ask her how many Jews died in the Holocaust

If she doesn't say 3 million she isn't a true centrist
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she's my sort of girl
just go to a pub for a few drinks, get a bit pissed. we haven't picked where yet


still would but
only nigel was british as i recall, his wife and daughters were yanks
literally cannot fathom young men who are leftists
also the british police are fucking atrocious
wish I still had my uni access to articles and journals
morning lads
So this is the power of British intellectualism refined
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feel like playing pokemon again

will download an italian rom and randomise all the stats to make it feel fresh

love pints me
just got called a normie by some lacer in a ski mask
neighbour called me champ again

muggy cunt
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Go on, say that again little man
g'day muscles
Called the spaz next door a champ to try and cheer him up
Ahh yes the old cide shop pizza hot cold chips birdcucks foy intellectual brexit Tories labour rorke rasheed vroom vroom mong shan't silenced singer kev
called my aussie cunt neighbour a chimp cos he's fully retarded but i think he misheard
British posters on /pol/ are very Americanised. I don't like it.
Looks like isis
alri legend
/pol/'s a touchstone for monoculture within a sub-culture

thats because /pol/ users foster a sort of togetherness in all their causes
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blame the post war years and the internet age
I may look fly but I want to die
Le Irish thin hair chin man is back lol
imagine being so irrelevant and insecure that you have to yell shit to your neighbors before work to feel better about your miserable existence
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if you're referring to me you're mistaken
im mr heem
the boss is gone to a conference and left me no work
just sitting here browsing the chon and listening to the ol 'ify
Said hello to my sadsack yank twat neighbour this morning, he mumbled something and scarpered back inside lol
left the resident runtoid no work while i'm away and i'm sure he'll still fuck that up

listening to 'tify as well

don't have 'mium though so have to change the song before the next one starts

shant be listening to ads
Mayweather is going to spark this little twat.
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the gf
wageslaves are pathetic
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Lmao no
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Now that the dust has settled, what was his problem?
>using dating apps and websites

Remove yourself from the gene pool.
Genuinely prefer the taste of stout to beer but when out I always feel like people think I'm trying to look overly mature by ordering stout so I have to order beer instead haha
Love pints
its only €5 for premium i you're a student lad
who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Love willies
't 'y
loads of young people drink guiness here
brits just arent manly enough
hate pints
love willies dipped in pints
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just getting started here chaparoonies
Guinness isn't manly though. barely has a taste.
or they can afford to drink something better than mud water although muddy water reminds you of your childhood home
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>not neopolitan
get out

am a cheap cunt me
absolute nutter
guinness is actually pretty shit. weatherspoons-tier drink. far better stouts out there.
How is Guinness manly you absolute woofter
does it? I dont really drink stout

t. drinks wine from a plastic bag

>hardcore till I die

i just put any rubbish in any bin

imagine doing work for the council for free?
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I wear shirts on the daily and never once been told or got the feeling that anyone is thinking I'm trying too hard

Once you don't go full middle aged man suit tier then you'll be fine

This is pretty much my aesthetic, except without that weird leather jacket
he's an effeminate neet who doesn't know what he's on about. typical ignorant taig.
who the fuck goes to spain for the local culture
absolute dry shite whoever made that
like willies in my mouth and bum but especially my bum
this is why I've refused to go to the touristy bits of Spain and Greece when my parents have suggested it as a holiday destination
changing my name to Lorenzo

t. chinless britisher
got a good chin actually, fatty.
Why do some people get so offended that others just want to go on holiday someone reasonably priced and warm to relax lmao

Middle class wankers have to shit themselves over literally anything don't they, fuck me
theyre alfoil lined you cultural zilch
pretending to be superior to others makes them feel better about themselves
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>got a good chin actually, fatty.
unironically have a friend called Lawrence and when we're out and he's chatting up a bird we ask the girl if he told her his name is Lawrence, then say his real name is actually Lorenzo and he's here temporarily studying from Italy hahahaha
Business Idea: Set up a shell company to buy stuff through for my personal use and then I purchase the goods from the company at a very reduced rate so the shell company never pays VAT and always looks like it's making a loss
>going to destinations where poor people will be

Why do people do this and then still complain?

I also go to the far east, the fairly expensive flights serve as a barrier to most of the filth.
Alri lads
when has anyone ever been offended by people going on holiday?
have you been triggered by someone telling you there's somewhere nicer than where you've booked?
hahahahaha good banter
lol triggered fatarse.
Got several moles that meet all of the cancer qualifications and have had them for a decade. Should probably be dead.
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/brit/ beefa meetup in July

can't wait
Museum wanker loves his fucking museums

Saw a Polish shop for the first time in Dublin. I was utterly perplexed. What the fuck do they sell in there?
shoe polish, wood polish etc
Don't mess with me sunshine
Car got robbed in naples haha
And he said


>going south of rome
Why do people give money to cancer charities? They've been getting massive donations for decades and they still can't cure it. Seems like a waste of money.
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polish food, it's nice you should try some. Lot of meat
chicken and biscuits for lunch
You're worse than the bloody Poles mate.
unironically more attractive on the right
Just had an hour's power nap and I feel great

So, what's the craic?
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How do I achieve this look?
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Never wash your hair
be very handsome
>tfw soon to be homeless and jobless due to said robbery

Feck all lad, yersel?
loads of dodgy smelling shite, especially meat and fish

they actually smell worse than those asian shops, do some decent chocolate stuff

you don't have Polish shops in the UK?
pierogi and borscht
They're everywhere.
creasing at the image of some soy face vermin trying to look and act like this
dress in a way that suits you mate, don't try to imitate people who probably have a pretty different aesthetic to you
last nights drunkenness wearing off about now as usual

time to medicate the problem the usual
I'm from the north, we don't have Polish shops here, atleast none that ive ever seen
orthodox training, and it's gotta be really barbaric and really insane. Like REALLY gruelling frickin crazy, barbaric, dungeon slayer Dorian Yates style shit. It's gotta be extreme. It's gotta be like fuckin throwing bricks and shit, and, it has to do with picking up bulldozers and shit, and balls and everything
>soy face

what did he mean by this
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>she's talking longer to reply to my texts
>she's got 2 more instagram followers than when I last checked

girls are very impressionable and see a bunch of fashions/looks on the internet and become that
got called a luxury player in waterstones
What are the chances of Tim actually moving to America?
>he actually buys the ""food"" in Polish shops
they're just fronts for smuggled cigarettes, you really think they're putting decent shit on their shelves?
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dont do that to yourself lad
right looks miles better
my shit doesn't stink desu
very low
they're not letting a mentally unstable unemployed british man into the country
even if he gets an acting job over there they'll still be pretty fussy
you're unironically blind
Gis a taste
literally none.

I don't think he'd even be allowed in without a supervisor
I'm no little man or Little Bo Peep bro. Don't fuck with me bro. You don't want to fuck with fucking me. Bro I ain't no little man bro. I'm bigger than you, I'm like 230 and I'm fucking taking supplements. Don't talk shit bro in the morning, fucking please.
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Been feeling sad lately

Become sensitive more easily as a result
are you really happy with this post?

Have a word mate
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Grow a pair
corbyn's speech is basically "we don't need a military until we need a military, which is right now"

now wonder labor is in shambles
>white people
what went right?
was this post really necessary?
just been eaten by a giant spider
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You don't understand
glad I don't listen to (c)Rap
Don't know who any of them are
Didn't read a word
force it out of your head the moment it enters it. you'll start doing weird shit if you feel you're losing her. just focus on anything but it.
Why do we need a military when the chumps in Washington will pay for our defence anyway LOL

Half out military budget isn't even military spending it's civil service pensions we pretend count towards it lmao
nothing like the comforting blanket of that first swig of gin lads
Got called a wee scrote in centra lads
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fella in piccy is an example
you have unironically shit taste
it piss bro

greentext the story if you have time
love pints
>drive to naples (broom broom)
>get out me car
>some wop gets in and scarpers
>needed my car to ply my trade as a car extra in italian films
Tough on pints, tough on the causes of pints
*blows really hard in your ear*
one nation under cctv
Not a bigot, just find gays disgusting, simple as
dog a few houses down has honestly been barking almost all day

i actually hope the cunt fucking dies
what is acid jazz and should I download this playlist my boy sent me?
Saw an it crowd joke on reddit and smiled. I understood the reference
woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof
been working on my dog impression lads
>go-a to napoli
>a man, he jumping out-a da shadows
>hits me with a big pizza pie
>he take-a my brand new Fiat 500
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eating a breakfast
*bums you*
don't reply to it
>drive to naples
>get accosted by local resident
>get told it's dolmio day and i have to pay tribute
>he takes my stylish travelling wallet and scooter
oi Zach, u here m8?
let me guess, ting about arsenal is they always try to walk it in the net
>tfw the only thing i know about naples is that a pornstar i watch is from there
state of me
yes m8 what you want
Just received an envelope containing 250ml of magnesium carbonate paste in a dented unmarked white bottle with no branding anywhere from an Amazon seller with no reviews

Starting to think this might be a bit dodgy lol
Oi Bilal, u here m8?

are Valentina?
>parents just had a go at me for having all my windows minimised when I'm out of the room
>say it looks "suspicious"

autistic pricks
just sold some nerd a bottle of jizz by saying it was some science bollocks LOL
Zach here

oi Jamal, u here m8?
yeah haha

yeah in court, jury's coming back any minute

*Hits the local bobby alarm*
told my son to stop watching gay porn on the family computer, he didn't listen
waddup mane
oi Khan, u here m8?

good lad. would marry
no it was a dota joke
Dear position 4/5,

Gank! exclamation mark
Gank! exclamation mark
Help me! exclamation mark

Looking forward to hearing from you!
All the best, your mid.
what you going to do with it
yeah hes with now, it's bilal, mo and umar too
>be me
>be on birthday holiday with wife
>about to return home
>stop for a slash at petrol station
>have a piss
>come out
>notice something odd
>front window crowbarred open
>mfw boot is empty
>mfw 7k of kit gone
>mfw no passports
>mfw stuck in Italy
It's for rock climbing la'
too late
odds fap
evens get dressed and go out
gorilla mindset
haha bonjourno lads just got here from naples nicked some muppeto's passports
I'm an American staying with family in Cambridge.

I always enjoy England but there is something I find difficult to get used to. Most people are kind and friendly, but there seems to be this prevailing introversion among people here. I usually like to smile at somebody I'm walking by if we happen to make eye contact (especially if it's an attractive female) and 90% of the time in America I'd get a smile back. Over here it's like they make every effort to pretend you don't exist and either stare blankly ahead or down at their phone.

I just find it peculiar because I don't consider brits particularly cold people, but there seems to be this strange distance when it comes to strangers and the unknown. Could any brits here lend some insight? I'd love to make friends with locals but I'm finding it difficult with this.
gutted m8 where you going to go?

what else they take?
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>tfw pregnant asian women make me rock hard

need help lads
not the result I wanted. lets try that again
ahh that sucks. hope things work out alright
is there any porn of this
Waheyy 2 faps

meet mates and get stoned
go to your embassy or something
where you from
We don't just "make friends" with complete strangers on the street
If you're ever stuck in somebody's company for an extended length of time beyond your control, then you can be friendly and potentially make a new friend
Two laptops, jail broken 3ds, all the clothes, 60 euros worth of cheese, slr and lenses, jewellery etc etc
anyone remember the cuckio meme
rule 34
just bought 70 euros worth of cheese off the deep web
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>60 euros worth of cheese

cambridge is too big for that kind of thing

there's too great a chance that you'll acknowledge a mentalist. in smaller towns/the countryside people will say hello or stop for a chat
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>60 euros worth of cheese
Am English, wife is a yank tho

Tfw no visa

unlucky lad. you have any gps tracking apps?

at least you have a wife though :v)
mind if i turn this into a comedy sketch?
Don't ask how but me and a may have come into possession of a large quantity of cheese

Any takers? Starting bidding at around 60 euros
whats dn weed like compared to street stuff, ive been wanting to try some for a while now
right up until he comes home and admits he has no cheese
It's because everyone in the South is a cunt.
depends where you live. i live in a decently sized rural town and if you smile/not or say alright to someone, they will almost always reply
nah lad i'm lovely
southerners are autistic
bradley walsh is based tbqh
Any towns you'd recommend within an hour or so driving distance? I've been to the UK many times so naturally I'm not looking for touristy bullshit, just to engage in regular life and culture.
put up a page on the deep web ages ago selling cheese and some muppet just ordered 20kg lmao (about 60 euros)


u r


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