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For how long are we going to pretend America is Europe's

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For how long are we going to pretend America is Europe's biggest ally?

They are actively trying to poison us with GMO's
Americans are also spying on us, both online and on our politicians
They keep bombing and destabilizing the Middle-East knowing full well they're unleashing millions of migrants upon us
They antagonize Russia and China, almost as if they're trying to start a war

If America is our "friend", then who needs enemies?
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Europa really doesn't have allies. For that you'd need binding alliances, and Europa does not bind herself to anything; she is unrestrained by all things in this world, and will always do only as she sees fit.
>They are actively trying to poison us with GMO's
>Americans are also spying on us, both online and on our politicians
we do too
>They keep bombing and destabilizing the Middle-East knowing full well they're unleashing millions of migrants upon us
we do too
>They antagonize Russia and China, almost as if they're trying to start a war
we're currently imposing trade restrictions on Russia
yurop is too barbaric to not be under constant surveillance and influence

two world wars that killed millions of people
Kissinger realpolitiks. A unified europe is the only thing that can challenge the US in terms of economic or military strength. The less unified europeans are the better for americans. Why do you think the american president openly supports the EU being dismantled?
America is like a teacher who tells us not to bully each other.
It can stay that way as long as the teacher doesn't use violence.
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>tfw a German doesn't insult America any chance they get
Does Hans usually hate on us? I've never noticed desu.
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They sure like to think theyre better than us
>For how long are we going to pretend America is Europe's biggest ally?

There, i just fixed 90% of Europe's problems.
All the time on /int/, probably more than any other cunt except maybe sweden
Kissinger himself, and every US president since Truman (except the current one possibly), has pressed for greater European integration, and greater European militarization.

I'm old enough to remember when Barack Obama said that the UK would "be at the very back of the queue for trade deals with the US if Brexit happened," blatantly trying to bolster the 'remain' vote.
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America is our greatest ally.
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>Americans are also spying on us, both online and on our politicians
That was a dick move of him tbhfam
How long are we going to pretend that reactionary dictatorships like Hungary and Poland belong in the EU? Just leave already.
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>Join NATO
>Have the US protect your Jewish business interests
>Benefit immensely from US navy ships protecting international shipping lanes and free trade in general.

>"Fuck off oppressor! Europe strong! Yankee go home!"
I mostly agree with you but it shouldn't blow your mind that some Europeans wouldn't like being so reliant on us.
Starting with nixon the only times american presidents have called for "european integration", be it either military or monetary, have been when the american led NATO status quo has been in danger of falling apart or when american have requested european cooperation. The moment europeans started showing any kind of resistance (the continued problems and finally abortion of TPP) your stance has suddenly turned anti-integration.

So I guess the correct term for what americans would hate the most is "independent" europe, whether unified or not, free of american influence. That's what your transatlantic policies at least seem to aim for. Keep europeans docile and rich so we'll buy your crap and send our best and brightest to your universities and companies while offering a fun place to vacation and a place to send your college aged kids to on backpacking trips. All this while being dependent on american hegemony, with your lacky UK on the inside (at least formerly) pulling the strings.
The US absolutely DOES have a geopolitical imperative to keep Russia from uniting with the rest of Europe. Encouraging European integration is one of the ways that we have stopped Russia from uniting with Germany or others. We want Northern Europe to spend their resources developing Southern and Eastern Europe. God forbid they spend their resources developing Central or Eastern Russia, which is a bigger threat to US interests. (it is also against German interests for Russia to join the EU because it would end German hegemony within the EU, so we have similar aim in this regard).
that's litterally the pot calling the kettle
Yes? You're no better than us, that's not a good thing.
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>Silly, Amerifat! We can take care of ourselves!
Imperialism is the very nature of the united states and you have been formenting war pretty much your entire existence.

I know you don't turn a small 13 states nation of 2.4m people into a huge 310 m people country without a few broken eggs -but believing you are in essence anything else but a bully state is a lie.
>a bully
Europe tried to be a competitor to the US, so now the US and their pets are going to balkanise it.
You spy on us too.
The exact same thing can be said about almost every major country in Europe so my point still stands

Hey we are not all hate ridden cunts. I like you burgerland.
Two world wars killed how many? and that was just last century.
We were one of the few countries that wanted to unify Germany. We often push for more European unity.
A lot of the "Germans" on /int/ aren't German. A lot are brown people (North Africans, Turks and Middle Easterners), one is a Russian, one is a Chechen and there are some Balkanites.

BTW the German "I am Greek" is one of the aforementioned Turks.
>i am greek
>based spaniard
>the russian
>actual turk (not as bad as greekposter)
>guy who lives in a Ghetto (land unknown)

These are all the ones I recognize.
why do you keep giving them access to the internet?
how did they learn to use it?
that cocksucking turk has been on our general for 12 hours straight spamming us with all bunch of random shit.
10 putlershekels have been deposited to your account

szép csali 8/10-re rátázom
Thanks Germany, I like you too
>We often push for more European unity.
Reverse psychology, you know that Europeans dislike you and would do the opposite of what you say just to piss you off.
they do?
Well, their jewish overlords probably do.
>Well, their jewish overlords probably do.
Back to >>>/pol/
Silence, reptilian.

But that was none of your business, America-chan. You just jumped on that boat to boost your power and the shekels of your masters.

Don't try to play the honorable card when you were the most vicious and depraved of all contenders.

>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do

America has always been the good guys who dindu nothin wrong.
My dream is a nationalist europe that destroys US hegemony and brings their higher standards and traditional culture's into the mainstream.
>They are actively trying to poison us with GMO's

you have some nerve posing as "saviors" of Europe when you yanks threw the entirety of Eastern Europe to the communists

I'm sorry anon, there was nothing we could do without several millions, maybe dozens of millions more dying.

Maybe something could have been done during the Hungarian Revolution in the 50s but the brits and frenchies chose that time for the whole Suez dealio
We should've given Europe to the Soviets.
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Europe is cuckolded and has US spies in it (UK, Germany, Poland) so nothing will change.
>America has always been the good guys who dindu nothin wrong.

No, the shit you did and are currently doing in the Middle East with Israel and Saudi Arabia is causing all these muslim fuckers to come to our continent.
fuck *ld w*rld*rs
Europeans inviting them is what causes them and nigs from africa to come to your continent.
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this map is the only correct answer
Should have done nothing then.
At worst 20 million more russians and zero americans would have died. Big whoop.
So, there's no reasoning with you, because you're convinced you're right.
Don't call us when you need someone who remembers how to fight to win.
We'll be busy at home this time.
Because you can handle this one yourselves.
Have fun storming the castle, boys...
>poison us with GMOs
Get an education and then come back
Americans don't even have the sack to admit it when you've fucked someone else over.
Go hang yourself you dickless homo and take out a kindergarden with your AR while you're at it.
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>being this wrong
Are you not aware that the vast majority of "refugees" are actually economic migrants and not fleeing war? And that the whole wave of migration took off with Merkel's bs?

America has done plenty wrong (the syphilis experiment on Guatemalans, Trail of Tears, etc.), criticize that if you want. There's no need to blame other things on America that is has no fault in.
Look at this Hungarian cuck. Keeps creating shit threads lately and he is doing quite well.
In reality you just occupied us because the rest of Europe is too weak to beat us.

>le we like germoney but they hate us meme

You hate us with a passion. It's just so deep in your mind and blood that you don't notice it.
This to be completely honest.
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some gypsy is larping as european and thinking europe gives a shit about hungary
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I mean I thought this was nice although to be fair this was an America from a bygone age.
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>Americans don't even have the sack to admit it when you've fucked someone else over.

What countries supported the arab spring?

What countries decided to take out Gaddafi?

What countries said "our borders are open to refugees"?

What countries are "rescuing" "refugees" 10 miles of the coast of Libya and ferrying them to Italy?

What countries enacted the Dublin Convention?

Europeans don't have the fucking sack to admit their own mistakes and will continuously blame the bogieman Americans. Just remember eurocucks, there will me no Marshall Plan 2.0
you tried to suck brazilian dick today buddy but even brazilians reject you hahaha kys
Well I mean the Allies didn't want for Germany to reuinify to avoid another world war, so of course we wouldnt Europe as a whole to be both powerful and independent from us.

We want Europe to be self-reliant, prosperous, and strong, but also be on the same page as us. Otherwise we'd be destined for a terrible war.
Notice not one of the faggots has been able to counter your points
you are an old worlder sheep lover.
All I see here is America using Germany to weaken europe since ww1.
>What countries decided to take out Gaddafi?
Sarkozy's nickname was "the American".
Stop taking personally criticism aimed at your government.
The marshal plan wasn't exactly charity either.
>They are actively trying to poison us with GMO's
I bet you think vaccines cause autism too
>Americans are also spying on us, both online and on our politicians
Everyone spies on everyone, welcome to the world
>They keep bombing and destabilizing the Middle-East knowing full well they're unleashing millions of migrants upon us
Setting aside the fact that numerous euro countries have joined us in said bombing, letting migrant flood into Europe was entirely your choice and if you're angry about it then you should take it up with the Greeks, Italians, Germans, and Swedes
>They antagonize Russia and China, almost as if they're trying to start a war
So do you
baby's first /pol/ bait
Have to admit there's something wrong with your food. No one country can become that much plagued by obesity with clean food.
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>Everyone spies on everyone, welcome to the world
>tug we don't
you might be onto something if the people in this country actually bought fruits and vegetables
How was Germany being used by America
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America tried to stop Europe from starting stupid wars.
It's due to junk food, especially foods with high sugar content, and sedentary lifestyles, not GMO boogeyman.
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I've only known European people from these 5 countries
Dutch, Spanish, and French have all been friendly and absolute brotier
English and Germans are a mix of good cunts and rude cunts
>They are actively trying to poison us with GMO's

You're an anti-science cuck.
>They keep bombing and destabilizing the Middle-East knowing full well they're unleashing millions of migrants upon us

The vast majority of shitskins in Europe were already here before 1999.
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