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Post actual things people cook in your cunt. No fancy food! I

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Thread replies: 267
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Post actual things people cook in your cunt. No fancy food! I know your cunt is full of dirty fatsos eating bad easy to make food, come out all of you

Here is some kartoshechka with some kotletki with a side serving of ogurchiki. Vodochka is implied as always

We also have kotlet. I found it's oiriginally Persian dish.

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It is not important who invented the kotlet, it is only important who perfected the kotlet.
love the diminutives
wait, diminutives are -ki in russian too? whaaaaa
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I guess this is pretty popular
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Only restaurant food has unhealthy amounts of curry in the vegetables. No one eats that on a daily basis. Pic related is what a normal home-made meal looks like.
good thread


It is Hungarian but very common in Bavaria and Austria due to obvious reasons
potato with eggs and pickles?

its shit
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Where if the sauce, the cheese, the fat, the salt? That looks practically inedible
>kartoshechka with some kotletki with a side serving of ogurchiki
ziemniaki, kotlety i ogórki
it's the same here, except that weird white stuff you got on your potatoes
christ that looks sad
>weird white stuff you got on your potatoes
Potato was baked with cheese or sour creme on top, that's what it is. It's nice.
Literally the best thing I've ever eaten, I eat it all the time. Makaroni with tushenka (canned stewed meat). Western imperialists don't believe in tushonka and think it's cheap and horrible. Big mistake, tushonka is the ultimate form of meat. Just mix it with pasta and you have 10/10 dish. Tushonka is the meat, but the sauce is also tushonka, it's an all in one package and it gives flavour to the whole thing.
>Baking the door cream with the potatoes
Disgusting, put it on afterwards
slavs are white trash
As I said, western imperialists do not understand tushonka. It is like a life hack. When you discover that the best food on the planet can be prepared in 10 minutes with ingredients that never go bad, you feel like you're cheating. It's too good.
Your sour creme is different from ours, we have smetana.
at least twice a week: Bratkartoffeln with egg + leberkäs or speck (or both)
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Yeah but still there is no meal more depressing than pasta with processed meat. I mean generally speaking.
I am a Greek
its good for dogs like you

looks stupid
reminder people
germans never eat somthing like that at home
and their women cant cook
Do you really not eat meat there or its just a meme?
at least they don't eat shit as you do. go to sleep ikibey
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Dal chawal sabzi roti. Proper Indian meal, its what I eat everyday.
>canning stewed meat
Woah, that's truly innovate and something the imperialist western pigs would have never thought of

>Russians are just now finding out about canning food
You are a Turk

He's a Turk who pretends to be Greek because he was rejected by his kin on /int/. He's sad, ugly and inbred and derails threads with his bullshit spamming

Here is his story


Mother and father are village people.
Mother was never allowed schooling or any kind of education, was later sold as a nanny under the guise of marriage and suffered my grandmother from my father's side.
It is really a cliche, I shit you not.
She became pregnant with me and I learned later she tried to kill herself with me.
Never wanted me, used me to vent her frustration at how unfair life is.
Threatened and punished me for no reason and made me feel worthless.
Nowadays she is like "I didn't do anything like that :^) it was your own fault for being like that:^)
Why can't you be like these healthily raised children :^) why you got no gf :^) you see me so much in other women that you gave up at any normal relationship :^) Something happened by our own fault?
Your fault, should have told us what we did wrong while you were not there to warn us :^)
Like we would ever listen to a child, kek!"

That said, I left and now she harps on my younger brother's.
That's life


>clean your room they said
I never did
>go get some bread they said
I said I don't want to
>get off the pc they said
I got off 15 hours later
>get a new haircut they said
I cut it myself
>go out and hang out with girls they said
I fuck my hand
>you're worthless
I cry
>shave your face
I shave my ass
>leave the house, go out
I go to toilet
>even kids speak better turkish than you do
>I'm gonna get rid of you soon
>you ate everything in the refrigerator again?
>I was working at your age
>He's your son, you tell him
>What should I say? He doesn't listen
>I don't want to see you like this
>your manboobs are bigger than mine

If allah exists, why hasn't he taken my life yet?
my parents regular dinner is something like this

fish mostly (too many to list here), red meat less often, stuff we get from hunters is the best of course
potato, onions, rutabaga, carrot, parsnip, beetroot, or any other vegetable that is fresh or grown ourselves in our summer house, cooken on the pan or in oven or grilled on fire
salads with random green stuff in season grown ourselves or available in grocery, salad dressing is mostly oil, vinegar, citrus, peppers and salt
shitloads of marinated stuff, cucumbers, paprikas, pumpkin what ever
and of course mushrooms that we pick from forest

what other people eat? idk
I'm confused. Do you eat pasta with a steak? That's stupid, you eat unprocessed meat with potatoes, it goes with potatoes like fish goes with rice. I hope you don't eat pasta without any meat at all
I eat Greek food you shitalian.

eat like civilized humans
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I like this kind of meal. Healthy, satisfying, cheap and flavourful. Better than the butter dripping doughy nans and greasy curries you get in most curry houses here
You do not understand. Tushonka is more than just canned meat. Tushonka is a lifestyle.
For plural words yes, but usually with some additional suffix. For singular it's usually ka (daughter: doch - dochka). In case with kartoshka (potato) - kartosh*ech*ka we use diminutive suffix ech ("e" as in english "yet").
you're boring
Pasta is the bydlo of all starches. Rice, bulgur and buckwheat are so much nicer. If I do eat pasta -
normally just with cherry tomatoes, olives, spinach etc. No meat.
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Come on, show some respect to Germans.
I think pic-related is not bad.
It's canned meat.
Somehow this word sounds very unappetising.
> onions
why do you call us 'sibuls'
would punch your shitalian face irl

look at this shit
as if a 6 yo kid throw something into boiling water
it's lowest of low tier bum food that only 2L bumbeer drinkers pick up from the store because they spent all their money on alcohol and have to buy shit instead of real pork
It does, it has a stigma. Even most Russians think it's bad. When I was growing up I was taught that tushenka is bad food for lazy people, but as I matured I realised tushonka was kept away from me so as not to spoil a child with the food meant for gods.
i don't hit mentally ill people
historic and cultural reasons. the most well known russians to us are the ones who were persecuted in russia so they came to live in a more normal country (the old-believers) and they specialize in growing onions. and your churches have sibul shaped domes on them...
Ah, common misconception. Good tushonka is not cheap. I buy Glavproduct, costs me almost twice as much as fresh meat of equal size. But it is worth it.
Probably because of the much higher fat content compared to real meat
you could keep talking with my shoe on your face
Just face it tushonka is for lazy loners who will eat dogs food from the the floor if it makes things "a bit easier".
you're such a big man behind a monitor
Looks great - would actually like to learn how to make this
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Macaronibox is one common everyday food.
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This like 5 or 6 times a week.
No. I once switched to fresh meat in pasta for about half a year, wasn't that good. Tushonka is on another level. Everyone underestimates tushonka. It has bad rep because it's assosiated with the ww2.
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That was beautiful man
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boiled taters m8
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Another good one is nakkikeitto
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This is usually a side-dish that I like cooking because it tastes pretty great on it's own if you're sick of meat for a while. Especially for me, since I'm usually not a soup guy.

It's called Migas, and it's minced kale, corn bread and black eyed peas, completely soaked in olive oil and garlic.

It's one of those things kids hate because it's green, but once you grow up you really really like.

The kale makes it a bit sweet, but the best is the bread soaked in garlic-y oil. Pretty healthy, too.
But those are roasted
i see you don't peel potaters too. good.
I just plucked random photo´s from the internet. Most people eat their potato´s boiled with roasted/fried being the exception.
Both cabbage and potatoes? That's like eating pasta with rice, that can't be right. Pick one
well, they really look like this a bit, yeah
Good taste. Good post.
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It's sauerkraut and you are supposed to eat it with potato's. You can add bacon too if you like.
Oh, I get it. We have that too, it is indeed perfect for potatoes.
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And of course there is classy smashed potatoes and meatballs in sauce.
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I make and eat this all the time.
Dirt cheap and delicious.
this is winter food
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Mashed potato's and kale + sausage.

Bucket loads of gravy and bacon is optional.
I have just been reading about tushonka. Apparently it is still commonly homemade in Russia. I even found a recipe. Should I try or will i get the shits?
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Little known fact that pelmeni are the instant noodles of Russia. Everyone eats them all the time, they're everywhere. If you're a student, it's probably the only thing you eat, unless you also eat instant noodles. If you're an adult with a family, you also probably eat pelmeni all the time, but now your wife makes them at home instead of buying pre-made ones.
if you have a pressure cooker and a canner it's something to consider if you have a shitload of meat at hand that would otherwise spoil
if none of that made sense and you have a regular market where you can get a reasonable amount of pork for the day then i don't see what the fuck is the point (unless it's for meme tier activity)
I don't know, I've never heard of people making it at home. Usually you just buy it, it lasts forever anyway.
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Sounds kinda good. I don't think there is canned stew in Australia though
send me a lot of money and you can watch me how i beat some germans up

whites have only shit food
you are lower than dogs you ugly creatures
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Lastly I'll introduce cowberryporridge(which suspiciously looks like Tubby Custard). Normally* eaten after sauna and with grilled sausages.

*at least in my family, dunno how common it actually is.
Why are you obsessed with pork? Why not eat beef or chicken like most people?
>pretends to be Greek
>calls others "whites"
Hey roach, Greeks think they're white. Obviously they're not, but they think they are.
>Why are you obsessed with pork?
don't know where you gathered that from. i eat fish pretty much exclusively. sometimes eat chicken.
>tfw no portugese wife to make me peri peri chicken and migas
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thread zahvachen
Feijoada most popular and famous food, unfortunately I can't eat it anymore, the black beans are bad to me.
What sort of fish do you have in Estonia? We have mainly salmon trout and tuna I think. And flathead and trevalla
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Oh no
Looks yummy
we have something like 100 or so local fish plus all the stuff that gets imported

if i'd have to say, the most popular are salmon, trout, flounder, herring, eels, baltic herring, garfish and... idk, some smaller fish
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Stop, criminal scum
do you have to one with the chicken dressed in sour cream bikini? xD
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Do you get Turbot? What's it like?
Do you seriously think that russian subhumans are more white than Greeks?

THE subhuman people
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i get that from the market, but not very often. it's rare around here. the northern coast fishers get that more often. it's like flounder pretty much. we mostly smoke it or do a stew with herbs out of it.
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Beans on toast with cheese.
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I love how Brazilian food is basically Portuguese food made with tropical ingredients as opposed to Mediterranean ones. And I don't mean it as a cheap knock-off, it's always delicious as fuck on it's own right.

This is ours.

Frango de Churrasco (peri-peri chicken as you call it) is never cooked at home. It's a dish you'd buy in takeway and eat a late lunch with all your family without cutleries.

Migas is pretty easy to make yourself, though, and the ingredients are pretty common everywhere. I recommend you try it with fish or grilled octopus, though.

Cant help you with the wife, though.
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I worked at nandos for a couple of months hey. Basting the flame grilled chicken was the best part of the job really.

idk maybe I'll look it up. Its winter here though so maybe more hearty food is the go.

>Cant help you with the wife, though.
ree desu

Its time to stop man
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pizdets! XD
You're Muslim though
Too far comrade
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I never had Nandos (they wouldn't sell sand at the beach), but all accounts I've heard it's pretty shitty in comparison to the real thing. But it might just have been a WE WUZ thing. I'm curious as to how good it tastes.

Chicken is definitely summer food, but warm migas in a cold winter noon are pretty great.
now post some slav orcs
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Its pretty decent. Overpriced though. Why would I pay $15 for a peri peri chicken burger when I can get 2 zingers for $12?

idk I've got, ironically I guess, a chicken Goan curry that needs making today. That's pretty hearty hey.

Maybe I should try it. Need to lose some weight actually and it looks nice and light
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0 cal konjac noodles
an egg
garbanzo beans
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>peri peri chicken burger
Kek, what the shit?
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Yeah its like a chicken fillet basted in peri peri sauce and cooked on a hotplate.

Its not as nice as the peri peri sauce you use on the flame grill though imo
only thing that i would eat from this thread

Kek, I think they could get away with opening an ironic Nando's here for people to go to and try it, and act all superior when it doesn't taste like Frango de Churrasco (even if it's good in it's own right, or even if it tastes literally the same).

I bet they could get some cash.
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idk maybe. They sell a lot of shit here too though. Like peri peri sauce and that sort of thing. Its good with greek yogurt on wedges
Besides pizza-hut, mcdonalds and burger king, no major fast-food franchises prospered here.

People try them for a while but eventually get bored/tired when they switch to the low-cost ingredients after they thing they've got the market. So they only stay as novelty and brand-projection for tourists.

There's 3 starbucks in the whole country that are just meme's, because everyone drinks coffee in the cafés, and there's not a lot of American fast-food because people prefer the national chains that sell national (and often Brazilian) food.

I guess they'd have to come up with a bacalhau fast-food chain for us to take interest in.

It's a good sign, I guess, but we get left out of these meme american/international foods.
So how come he speaks English
>a bacalhau
What is it?

idk man I live in Tasmania and they tried to bring starbucks down here but it lasted like 6 months or something. Just don't want that shit here. Got a lot of nice local coffee shops
Bacalhau is Portugal's meme food.

It's salted cod that we used to fish by Canada (Newfoundland was called Terra Nova do Bacalhau) but now get from Norway.

We have literally upwards of 50 distinct recipes for it, each with ingredients from the place that created it. It's nothing special by itself, really, but it's a great vessel for other ingredients and most recipes are god-tier, with cream or fries or onions or cheese or spices or olive oil or any shit, really.

>Just don't want that shit here. Got a lot of nice local coffee shops
Yeah, that's good. Shit like barbers and cafés are always better if they are local people where you can be comfortable and talk shit with the guy behind the bar without him having to remember company protocol.

Fucking what mate. Go to coles. In the Asian section next to the noodles.
I don't think we get cod here. idk though.

Well I mean why can't the businesses be locally owned? Then the money stays in the state. Tasmania's economy is pretty weak really. Got a couple of old mines and tourism basically

idk there's like canned badness that could maybe be """stew""" but nothing nice.

I used to make toasted sandwiches with it though. Waster food basically

Stock pot stew with a slice of bread is my life desu
Yeah got to get off the drugs really mate, does you no good in the long run
>I don't think we get cod here. idk though.
Nah you wouldn't. It's a northern Atlantic fish and a whole ordeal to prepare. The Norwegians have to salt it in a certain way especially for us because we are the only ones buying it and we've been doing it since the 1500's.

>why can't the businesses be locally owned?
There's a lot of advantages in scaling things up for costs and availability, but I know what you mean. Shit starts looking the same everywhere.
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Yeah I mean that's the thing with even travel these days, I mean you've got what some buildings and another american cultural vassal. They might talk a bit funny, but most citys in the world are basically the same
nice finno-ugric language you got there
We do that but with mac n cheese + cut up hotdogs
tastes like poverty because that's what it is
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Yeah. You might have some luck in some stubborn older European cities, but they can't be much larger than 500k population and you have to know which to go to beforehand, since a lot are still pretty much Americanised.

Well, it's getting late, so I'll have to be going since I work tomorrow. Was a nice thread, for once. Cheerio.
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Sweet dreams mate
We have a pretty awesome cod recipe in Newfoundland called Cod au Gratin. I'm pretty sure it originated here but I wouldn't be surprised if it came from somewhere in Europe. It's fresh cod baked into a creamy, cheesy casserole. And it's delicious.

Other than fresh fish we eat a shit ton of bologna for some reason. Like I don't think it's possible to make someone believe how much bologna people eat here.
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We don't eat this much up here, but in the southern part of the state where my family is from the eat it a lot.
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Cuscus cabbage n red lentils.
Curcuma black pepper olive oil and onion n salt.
Use a wook
Also use white wine you niggers
If you threw in some okra, hot peppers, and smoked sausage I bet that would be even better. Maybe add some crawdads as well.

Do euros eat okra?
>it's the Turk who thinks everything is shit
So you literally eat shit, bravo.

Over here "chouriço" it's preferred ova sausage though.

Do you have this?
How do you eat the rice?
Is it supposed to be burnt like that?
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Buckwheat with chicken. Except for chicken is usually boiled.
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these diminutives annoy the fuck out of me.
vodochka belenkaya
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baked potato + sour cream

at least twice per week

Seems like Dimitri is living the high life.
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spaghetti or some other form of pasta, minced beef meat sauce made in either cream or tomato puree, cucumber+tomato on the side

Can't go much simpler and more common than that i guess.
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smoked salmon + fresh potatoes + butter (often spiced with onion) is a common summer dish

picture is kinda shit
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It's tasty, especially with butter. It's the rice of Russia, basically. You should try it.
i hate buckwheat
ok taste but fuck that texture
As for everyday food it's a good contribution to your ration. On a fancy cuisine level it's not much, I agree.

Pasta, potato, yellow rice (usually for pilaf), macaroni, pelmeni and buckwheat - everyday food in Russia from my experience.
Buckwheat with sausages
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Dude Americans literally eat canned meat for days on end. Fry it and shit. It's much more common in the US than in Russia
What is buckwheat like?
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Buckwheat was the reason why we lost the empire to Spen.
OMG they killed D.Sebastian U SARRAZINS
nod really.
Spam is too expensive. Even fresh meat and other processed meats like hot dogs and sliced deli meat are cheaper.

Canned meat is only for dogs and Hawaiians.
Spam is a joke here, asians are the ones who unironically eat it.
Pretty good. Add butter though
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Kek. Come now. Literally every single food thread there's at least one or two Americans talking about how often they eat Spam and how it's actually ok.
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This relatively common meal bagged me a roastie gf once.
It has its own taste, can't think of any comparisons. Maybe like ehm... moist black bread mixed with a bit of olive oil lol, but it's kinda retarded example.
In Portugal it's acctualy considered a "chick"delecacy , from sardine to squid or tuna
I some times have that bread, German brand, we don't actually do it here
My mother eats sandwiches of almond butter, jack cheese, and mayonnaise.
Boy oh Boy must she have a fat ass!
We make this too, we call it uzpūtenis.
>believing everything you read on /int/
It's a very niche food, most of the time it's used for a joke. Like I said, the people who actually eat it are Hawaiians and Asians.
Shit Argentina, I like you now.
t. retard

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>╚═════════════════ ೋღღೋ════════════════╝
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Cabbage roll or Golubci. Mom used to cook em once a two week.
Silly commie gopnik has never experienced Mushroom Garlic Pizza with lots of cheese, salt and pepper, and lots of juicy tomato sauce.

Local restaurant owners in US have the true masterrace food. God bless capitalism
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most swedish food is bland and boring

pic is pyttipanna which is diced potatoes, onions and some sort of meat which is then fried in pan
Pic related. A true godsend
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We also have cabbage rolls (I think most european countries got their own variant). Do you just eat yours as is?
fuck yeah want some bindi now
Yes, with its own pouring and bread. I remember, when I was kid I ate only the stuffing leaving the leaves almost untouched. I used to hate cabbage.
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>кoтлeтк c пюpeшкoй
Жpy иcключитeльнo cocиcки c гpeчкoй
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Nachos: unironically my dinner tonight
oh my god did you just throw chips and cheese on a plate and microwave it
chinese dumplings/wonton?
>flyover fatty can't comprehend the concept of a toaster oven
dude. my dude. why.
literally any else added would have turned it from sad to okay
Texas isn't a flyover

also thanks for avoiding that you're eating melted cheese on chips as a main course
Spam is delicious.

I put it on bread and butter straight from the can. No frying.
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Based besbarmak is our usual meal and it's not fancy at all - just a horse meat + boiled dough.

Watties OP
Do you use the thing in the cup as a sauce for the rice and bread?
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I eat something like this when I'm sick
Fucking hate going to places like barbers and cafes where they want to strike up a nosey conversation with you. Shit nigger, just do your fucking job; I came here for what you're selling, not conversation.
Being socially anxious is hell in a world full of completely lacking in any self awareness, obnoxious normalfags. Atmosphere is something to be taken in and appreciated, no shattered by cancerous small talk.
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>1 Man 1 Jar
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African dinner
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our national dishes arent really about dinner, more treats
Dat is een vooroordeel. Er zijn eigenlijk een heleboel Nederlandse gerechten die geen stampot zijn.
What does horse meat taste like?
beans, tuna, sausage, egg? salad? chicken bones?
fucking pshek
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Yes, the rice is eaten at least when you are done with bread (roti) and sabzi. you mix the dal ("sauce") with rice, it tastes good. Pic related is dal + chawal. Some people only eat dal chawal, no roti sabzi.
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>mfw people unironically eat all that shit
Did your mothers hate you?
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this is the national poverty food dish . ( in reality, it doesn't have alot of meatballs)
We have this Ukrainiann restaurant near the main square where I live and every time I eat there I think that Ukrainian cuisine deserves a lot more attention than it gets.
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Łazanki - simple dish of wheat pasta, sausage and cabbage (a lot of cabbage in Polish cuisine). Very good comfort food.
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Chicken covered in Mole Poblano (from Puebla). with white rice, sesame seeds etc. The recipe of the mole is this :

8 dried mulato chiles, wiped clean, seeds and veins removed, and seeds reserved
5 dried ancho chiles, wiped clean, seeds and veins removed, and seeds reserved
6 dried pasilla chiles, wiped clean, seeds and veins removed, and seeds reserved
2 dried chipotle chiles, wiped clean, seeds and veins removed, and seeds reserved
4 Roma tomatoes, cut into quarters
6 tomatillos, husked, rinsed, and cut into quarters
1 medium onion, halved
3 cloves garlic, unpeeled
5 tablespoons lard or shortening, or more as needed
10 whole black peppercorns
3 whole cloves
1 (3-inch) stick Mexican canela or cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon whole coriander seeds
1/2 teaspoon whole anise seeds
2 teaspoons black raisins
20 whole almonds, blanched
2 ounces pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup sesame seeds
2 stale corn tortillas
3 stale baguettes, cut into 1-inch slices
1 tablespoon canola oil
4 ounces Mexican chocolate, or more to taste, coarsely chopped
Kosher salt
Up to 1/2 cup of sugar, as needed
1/4 cup sesame seeds, lightly toasted

Yup, just for the Mole. Its is fucking glorious.
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Món mỳ xào bọ cạp.
go back to brown town, pajeet.
>gets called out for being a faggot
>"m-m-muh flyober"
enjoy your toasted poverty, autismo.
go back to r9k
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varies greatly on the region
fries + a good steak is a popular simple combo
What does that mole taste like?
more like mooranya
proud arab blood
everyone in spain loves "Pincho moruno" (Moorish Stick)
Wtf how do they put that spaghetti through that sausage?
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slav cuisine is shit. other than borsh I'm glad we colonised mountain niggers
This one in particular is sweet, mostly by the chocolate and the almonds, but there are variations, a bit more spicy, less sweet. You can also use it on red meat and pork.

at least it's white
~ /int/ poster
While the spaghetti is still dry.

The spaghetti inside the hotdogs is probably still quite hard.
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>cheese isn't melted
That was the first pic on google. I always melt the cheese with the beans.
looks good might make some
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Is mole ever used with tacos/burritos/other things in tortillas?
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Yes, it can be also used in other dishes, for example :

-Enchiladas with mole : Fried tortilla, filled with shredded chicken, cheese, and over it, you pour the mole, add a layer of cheese and put it 15 min in the oven. Add rice, lettuce, onion,slided tomatoes.
With dishes like this, what do you do with the tomatos on the side? Do youmix them in with the other stuff, or do you just eat them by themselves? Sometimes when I order food at a Mexican restaurant they put tomatos on the side like that and Im never really sure what to do with them.
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Tamal with Mole, this one is the most common form of tamal in Mexico, it can either be filled with Mole or just as poured over it. In the next post , i will show you guys a Tamal, but from the Oaxaca region, they are exquisite.
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Have you ever had pre-made mole in a jar? Ive seen this kind at the grocery store. Is pre-made mole any good?
looks tasty
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Its a simple side dish salad. Personally i eat them with a fork and knife, and only if lettuce and onion are avaliable as well.

This Tamal comes from Oaxaca, filled inside with ribcage and Mole, and steam cooked in banana skin, it gives it a sweet flavor to it, its one of my favorite dishes.
That looks good. Im gonna have to get some Mexican food for lunch now.
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Its not bad if you mix with some true chocolate bars, some spices and some sesame seeds, but a home-made recipe blows it out of the water, i really recommend you to try to cook it yourself, its a 3 hour marathon, but its worth it.

Porkchops cooked with Mole and the fried, with white rice as a side dish.
What kind of spices do you mix?
I hope the lunch is tasty Anon.
we call it pyttipannu
Itll probably just be a burrito. Do people eat burritos in Mexico or is that more of an American thing?
This is a typical breakfast for a college student here.
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The canned Mole, that brand specially is not spicy so , you can add some pre-cooked "wide" red chilis,sliced garlic, and almonds, the almond flavor really sets it apart. but to be honest, mixing fresh ingridient with pre-cooked food, doestn always gives the same result as a home-made one.

Red meat (Magret) with Mole Sauce.

All this food-posting is making me howl in hunger.
Burritos come from the northen states of Mexico , so, naturally, its a dish more popular with you guys,than, say, the citizens of Cancun.
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aca hacemos lo mismo pero con patatas fritas en vez de arroz
y a ese tipo de carne de cerdo le llaman Zorza
Yea that makes sense. Ive been to Cancun twice and I wish the food down there was more common up here. I love the spices in southern Mexican food. Although the northern food is still great.
No habia escuchado de el platillo, se ve muy rico, el cerdo, con que lo cocinas?

En el platillo que mostré, el cerdo es cocido un par de horas junto con el Mole, dandolé el sabor del mismo.
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I eat something like this pretty much every sunday
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Here in Illinois we have fried chicken and waffles. Ultimate comfort food.
Definately, the food from the north of Mexico is more in line with the traditional food of the U.S., you can see it with all those burritos, flour tortillas , red meat,chili beans, chorizos, etc, all the Tex-Mex flavor.

I have never been to Cancún, but i love the food from Yucatan , its a very unique region of the country.
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la zorza se frie con aceite de girasol o en su propio jugo
tiene un gusto algo parecido al choriz (creo que es la misma parte del cerdo), y queda muy jugosa
Se ve muy bien el platilo, la verdad, me hace falta conocer más recetas de platillos de España, ya he probado la Paella y es riquisima.Tambien los Terrones de dulce.
Give me a break, Waffles AND Fried Chicken ? What is this ? Heart-attack for breakfast?.
Yea pretty much. Diabetes too. But its worth it.
That's fucking disgusting, I hate southerners.
You sound like an effeminate faggot.
I love KFC and Waffles, just mixing the two of them in breakfast, seems a bit hardcore.

Or maybe is the perfect breakfast for the munchies?
Its not necessarily just for breakfast. Its only something to be eaten maybe once a week at most. The salty/saviory chicken complements the sweet waffles well.
And yea its ultimate-tier munchy food.
>I remember, when I was kid I ate only the stuffing leaving the leaves almost untouched
Are you me Anon?
Needs gravy m8
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