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I am a Mormon whom is leaving the church because it is become

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I am a Mormon whom is leaving the church because it is become incredibly liberal, fast.
I am thinking of going to an Anglican church--because it seems the next most American church.

What advice would you give me? My family has been Mormon since it was founded, this experience is very alien to me.
Mormons becoming liberal? Sorry, what?
kys weak willed fag
You are halfway there, now you only need to understand what a huge waste of time religion is.
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>Ditching your faith because muh politics
Good lord, /pol/ must be elbow deep in your ass at this point.
>not ditching "your" faith
kys you half Polynesian, half Mexican fag.
Immigrants and liberalism has turned the religion into nothing but a culture. It is even pro gay now.

I'm a mormon too sort of. I even went on a mission to the Philippines though I became inactive almost immedieately after. I'm currently getting drunk at home alone but I want to get back into the church becauste the only girl I've ever really truly cared about is mormon too and I want to marry her. But she'll want to do the full mormon wedding thing
- No alcohol
- Polygamy
- Guns
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Why the fuck you need a church? Just be christian , believe in whatever the fuck you want and live your live.
'Whom' never relates to the subject of a sentence, OP
>Why the fuck you need a church?
good point
>Just be christian
>believe in whatever the fuck you want and live your live.
good point
I hate polygamy--Mormons hate polygamy ffs stop believing the memes.
And I hate that the LDS church is anti alcohol, coffee, and tea. I can't wait to ditch that part, it is made up bs.

You're the pussy. I bet you secretly think you are a fag sometimes. Mormons are become super closeted, and I want to gtfo from this shit.
What are going to do when Islam is the only non-liberal religion left on the earth?
>said I was raised mormon
>also said I'm in love with a girl
>a girl
>"I bet you secretly think you are a fag sometimes"

It's funny the shit that people on 4chan come up with sometimes.
whats wrong with freedom?
Fuck--you caught me in a paradox.

I will convert to Islam.
I despise any faith that doesn't follow its own fucking faith.
or you could just kill yourself and be done with it. you know, go to heaven a bit early and get to hang out with jesus and all that shit.
if you choose your religion on political ground then you are in for all the wrong reasons.
It is this belief/mindset that is destroying Western religion, and maybe even the civilization itself.

You cannot believe in a religion that has aligned itself with political beliefs that completely contradict the beliefs of the religion.
Why would you go from a Mormon church to a Christian church? Do you seriously believe they're the same thing?
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>What advice would you give me?
Jumping from one retarded brand of irrational dogma to a slightly different irrational brand of dogma is kind of pointless.
What on earth is fundamentally wrong with Americans for them to be religious in this day and age? Do you also believe the Earth is flat?

Mormons are Christian because they worship Christ as the savior, repent in him, and take the Eucharist/Sacrament. These are the requirements of Jesus himself, they usurp your own.
>le mormons aren't christians meme

Will this ever end?
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They're literally not. I don't hold that against Mormons, but it's impossible to call them Christians.
Saw my first asian mormon wandering around town yesterday. cool stuff
Please, explain me the differences between 'who', 'whom' and 'whose'. I don't understand.
>And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
Only use "whom" if the noun it relates to would not be placed in the nominative case in an inflected language.
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>leaving Mormonism because it's too liberal
> joining Anglicanism

Enjoy getting lectured by a lesbian with an oven mitt on her head about anal marriage and trannies.

Just go Muslim dude.
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>tfw there isn't a single Anglican posting in this thread
t-thats not real...that was the Lutheran church....they adopted the lesbian bishop shit a hand full of years ago...

What branches of Christianity are left?

>also the Islam thing again. In the Book of Mormon it states that Islam was set up by Satan to be his church and that being muslim will condemn you to hell forever, no exceptions...it also goes on to say muslims will always do to themselves, and to their neighbors, what they are literally doing right now--all because it is Satans church.

Maybe you should be the one to convert, Ali.
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Re: the atheist Finn.

Finns don't get normies, and thus see no value in ritual or community. Pic related, it's Finns at a bus stop
Doesn't the Book of Mormon also say black people are cursed by God or something
>it is become incredibly liberal
I'm actually curious, how is the mormon church being liberal?
Aren't there plenty of Orthodox Russian churches in America? Join that, true traditional faith
this is they gay aids pardo brazilian, post here from now on if you wish aids for your family >>73483862

It does talk about certain groups of Indians being cursed with dark skin as a symbol to all other indians that they are evil.
That's a beautiful Gondola, I didn't know the meme took off so well.

Whatever you choose don't go with a "mainline" church.
Tell me about the Church of England you limey twat.

For whatever reason (I believe from pressure from 3rd world converts {whom are always Democrats} whom have huge numbers, and the millennium women in the church) the church has:

Recently started to accept gays.

Has become an enormous multi-culti shit-show with monthly protests in support of Muslims and Muslim refugees coming here.

Is massively pro mixed race couples (which is turning the women shit-tier).

And younger Mormons seem to be closeted bisexual (if not gay), the girls...the guys--it is very becoming very noticeable and talked about.

Basically all of the cancer of Liberalism has locked on to the church--while at the same time memes such as God and Jesus being the same thing/person, and that we all become gods when we die and are given our own planet--are starting to become doctrine (these things were never believed, it is a long story to explain how it all started, but it as dumb as it sounds they are becoming popular beliefs and are starting to take over)

And like I said...my family has been Mormon since day one...the church is becoming unrecognizable from what it used to be...and it is all happening very quickly.

Only 15% of protestants go to a mainline church on any church website they'll tell you if they are mainline or not
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> with monthly protests in support of Muslims and Muslim refugees coming here.

I mean this in the sense of Islamic refugees becoming politically weaponized liberalism--n-no offense terrorist-kuns--I am not try to bash on anyone's religion.
woah, I didn't think it was that serious desu, what about Jehovah's Witnesses? they're being similar to mormons?

it seems to me that nowadays most of the religions are corrupted to the bone and becoming liberal to get more followers, it's actually hard when you're a believer but you find religions being in the wrong way
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There are still hardcore churches, but they are tiny and full of broken, fringe characters. IMO either you can have a broad church that engages in some form with modernism, or you can hang with a bunch of perverts in a minimall and argue about who had more hit points, peter or James?

Third option is Amish, but in reality they are pretty moderate religiously. They are extreme culturally, and your too big of a pussy for shitsmelling Amish lifestyle.
What were you expecting from a sect that is devoted to get people in it just for that 10% in the first place? Allowing the most retarded fundamentalists to relocate in america was one of the most, if not the biggest, brits mistake.
I sincerely think you guys have mental issues
not him but C of E is pretty deece

i grew up in a cosy rural village and our church was basically the most important in our tiny town
it's basically catholicism without the papal shite, mysticism shite, and arse backwards doctrines

read up on john wycliffe if you want to know the basis for anglo-catholicism
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But yeah, if you work in a barn and drive behind a horses ass, you smell like shit.

They bang their plain wives a lot, but after busting your ass working all day, it's just another chore. More fuggin plowing.
*important thing
Don't worry there will always be traditional Christianity in the world.

Convert to Orthodoxy. We are the most conservative and the original denomination
however, i've just read the rest of your post and if you don't see the holy trinity as aspects of the same deity then anglicanism isn't for you
Islam is the least divisive religion. 90% of Muslims are Sunni and it is the largest religious denomination in the world, and the difference between Sunni and Shia is slim.
There is no trinity just God and human prophets.
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