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Thread replies: 334
Thread images: 94

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Queen of /brit/ edition
bit early
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Brevik for president of Europe
haven't had a paper £5 in ages.
tell me about beto, why does he post the candles?
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He did it for Norway
una vela jajajaja
bit delusional

The father of Andreas Lubitz, the Germanwings co-pilot who deliberately crashed his aircraft killing 150 people, on Friday claimed his son was not responsible for the disaster.
Why is equality of outcomes good or desirable for society?
because it's 2017
Love her

read the dragon tattoo trilogy recently and was about halfway through book 1 when i realised i was picturing the main character as a young breivik. bit weird.
what an awful day lads
understandable though

that's a lot of weight to carry
your son committing suicide but also mass murder at the same time

must really make you think where you went wrong
just had a wank that really put things into perspective
i wasn't thinking clearly before
to the lad on about tpb in the other thread
use private trackers you scrubs
Becuase to a certain degree, equality of opportunity isn't achievable
I wouldn't argue for equality for all outcomes, but there needs to be support for those who are disadvantaged
read the dragon tattoo trilogy recently and was about halfway through book 1 when i realised i was picturing the main character as a young breivik. bit weird.
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watching the second lesbo movie of the evening

by coincidence
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>private trackers

Where's her burqa/niqab?
you're not beto
>support for those who are disadvantaged
Why would you subsidise low iq people to produce more stupid people
boggles the mind
who is that?
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Shut It Down.png
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>mfw Becky fucking G is the yellow power anger in the new movie
woah never expected to get replies over that shit TUMBLR made drawing
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Imagine being a superhero and still being afraid to get deported. How utterly SHITE must Mexico be that even superheroes are scared to go back.
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feel like nofap has some pros but the cons outweigh it
i get awfully weird when i'm horny, cock needs to be drained so i can think straight
do not give a shit A SHIT about yank healthcare
>President Donald Trump suffered a stunning political setback on Friday in a Congress controlled by his own party when Republican leaders pulled legislation to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system, a major 2016 election campaign promise of the president and his allies.

kek he's too liberal for conservatives and too conservative for liberals
>can't cure stupidity, kill em all
not even trying for automated luxury space social democracy [shaking my head]
Hypothetical unborn people have a right to exist.

An inquest in Maidstone, Kent, into all three deaths heard Mr and Miss Burgess were recluses who lived together in a static caravan and were single and had no children.
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new £10 looks shit
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Middle is the patrician's choice

daily brainwash lads, don't be late
Why do women ruin everything?
who is this qt
shooting going on in france
actually agree
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Thoughts on Mark Kermode?
That is way too big.
geniunely don't care
whats all this shit I keep hearing about jontron going a bit mental the last few weeks?

I don't follow him or even watch his stuff that often and there doesn't seem to be much references to anything on his own pages but I keep hearing he said some crazy shit

she looks weird

left is better
would you like to speculate on the demographics of the attackers?
hmm yeh
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angry white le pen voter
le based socialist reviewer
Mark Carney
the happenings are coming back
there's london in ruins and paris in chains - good people what are we waitin' on?
how's your wife's son getting along?
really cute guy just came into the store but he was a little rude :/
Anyone who enjoys Marvel franchises deserves to be banned
Bit dramatic
one more nail in the west's coffin. cant even criticise an ideology people willingly subscribe to.

this planet is literally fucked.
>can't cure
you can't though, the only reason we're not as stupid as africans is because of harsh winters and hanging huge amounts of criminals
Fucking scots getting better money than us reee
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Have you read the contents of motion M103
Dont have a wifes son im not a 60%er y*nk like you and your husband tyrone
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crying feel.jpg
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Nah looks like Euro monopoly money
dolan plumf is getting rid of paul ryan
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Its far less than that
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>harsh winters makes whites intelligent
>slavs are retarded sub humans though, this is a consistent ideology
as an englishman with a £10 note from scotland I'm in awe, for no reason other than its rarity
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>not realising scots are the jews secretly in charge of this country
>can't go 2 hours without seeing a mixed race baby
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Lower than that now
good. mixed people a cute
get new material
Last time I seen a mixed race person was when I went to London a few months back. People are nice as fuck there but theres like 4 white people there totoal

Also heres the shooting

i'd forget my own testicles if they werent superglued between my legs
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>People are nice as fuck there
ahaha what? they're rude impatient cunts
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Assuming the same prices, which one of these cars would you rather have?
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can't find a real version of this
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Have you ever met a normo who had their phone picture as a picture of their face and looked at it in social situations? Or in social situations like parties or clubs they'd go to the bathroom just to reaffirm what they look like? Like they need to remind themselves that they're attractive? I am in the opinion that this is the most latent and unseen sign of Borderline Personality Disorder.
so obvious you've never been to london
the Nissan
top left. Fords never break.
Fuck me why are all Scottish government buildings so fucking disgusting
Hilarious to think that if they gain independence this will unironically be a sovereign national parliament
seems like it's over already

>tfw you will never Keep Calm and Carry On
the nissan or the hondo because japanese cars are good
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can you find a real version of this one?
>retarded sub humans
not really, slightly lower iqs than anglos, nordics etc but far and away above anyone else. They're just more inbred and had lower levels of nuclear families
>It's a your dad tells you lots of people have a third and it's better than not having a degree at all episode
fried chicken, potato w/butter, bread w/butter, and cheese cake for dinner lads

love this country
People there were nice as fuck helping me find out how the fuck to use the trains only cunt i had was some impatient paki bus driver.

Like what the fuck why cant i pay to use the bus i had to get a fucking card
volvo v40




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NEED an an-com gf
arr rook same to me
>top left. Fords never break.
The RBS one is a pretty normal office block 2bh

the parliament one is actually quite discrete when you see it in the cityscape and it perfectly fits the philosophy of the government inside
humans did not evolve to live in cities
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a volvo

safety first

she's absolutely repulsive
what's the point of that?

does he not get enough attention?
The only car I'd go full deano for, and its only ~130k

Liked it ever since I was a kid playing a 90s racing computer game with the full wheel
I'm an on-and-off participant in the local anarchist scene
some are nice and smart and all that, but most of them are not nice and not smart.
I mean, that can be said for the majority of social circles, but shitty normies are someone more bearable than shitty non-normies.
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humans did not evolve
No but we made cities evolve to accommodate us.
>buying brand new expensive cars
don't do this

you should always buy second hand cars which you've thoroughly researched
>discussing american healthcare system
>discussing american internal matters in general

literally who gives a fuck?
based Moni
well Hillary didn't win
>perfectly fits the philosophy of the government inside
True enough http://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/cheaper-to-tear-down-scottish-parliament-by-2020-1-3265721
>I'm an on-and-off participant in the local anarchist scene
If you do this because you want to hang out with fun people then I suppose its fine, but If you're actually an anarchist and intentionally hang out with people who identify as anarchists then you're probably a wretch runt.
maybe if you're a northener
Cara Delevigne - what a boring slag

i too have read the human zoo
get a R32 for like $20k, new gtr looks like godzilla
Whos this slosher
>Hey kid wannna' /ss/?
>dressed in clearly female clothing
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>distinctly female traits
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This volvo looks like garbage and I could get a mercedes for that price

Is volvo some kind of /o/ meme? I can't believe people actually like it
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"Just a taste, james" you say as he continues slurping down his gravy. "We both need out breakfast, correct?" Faintly nodding his approval, you get eye level with the yellowed crust flake on his toe. "An appetizer", you say. James eyes light up and he inquires, "where?" Ignoring him, you slide the tip of your tongue up the edge of the flake, a small piece breaks off and becomes soggy as moisture is returned. Swallowing it, you tilt your head to the left and align your bottom teeth under the crust, moving slightly forward and slicing off the whole piece. "Mm" James grunts as the flake slides under your tongue, the oniony piece turning spongy. You swallow, but with an audible gulp - as large as it is, it didn't go down easy. "Now for the main course" you say wryly. James beady eyes dart all over the room past his plate of gravy and steak, desperately looking for a fuller meal. Holding your nose up to the fold of his legs you take a deep smell all the way into your core. Cheese, mayonnaise and the smell of full rot enter your lungs. You gag, but you will not be denied your feast. Taking one of the leg pustules into your mouth, you bite down hard - thick, yellow pus shoots into your throat and strikes your uvula. With the taste of pure rot, your gag helps the half mouthful of disease get down your throat and into your stomach. This feels wonderful, as you haven't eaten in a day. Finally you pull apart the crux of his legs do reveal half an inch of incredibly thick goop lining the folds. "Laygs" was said from the corpulent James but you barely notice. Sliding a finger into the goop, you happily place it into your mouth and suckle it down. No longer can you help it and you go hog wkld, drinking mouthfuls of what used to be skin and fat down your hungry throat. Stomach full and picking your teeth of bits of flesh, you kiss James deeply through the remnants of sausage and gravy lining his lips. Falling asleep on his huge fatpad, well, today was bliss.
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>ywn live in the Second Reich

feels bad lads

what's that car?
Yours is in the billions
How is it even possible to make an argument about institutional sexism in a country where both the head of state and Prime Minister are female
bye bye evolutionary dead end
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My God this image just screams out "burger freedum shart in the mart"

Nothing wrong about learning about different religions and cultures, broadens the mind
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japanese cars are ugly and shit
can't put a price on your life
All centres of government build after 1920 look like garbage.
It could be worse, ones built from the 70's to the 80's are 10x uglier.
pretty sure I told you to get new material double nigger
yeah evolution is overrated n-e way
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Fuck off paki. Reminds me of people deriding nationalistic bydlo. The most lower classes and subcultures in the country in their most productive outcome is that of reaffirming of that own country. Low class labour runts aren't patriotic and they love pakis.
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I'm too shy/autistic to get involved in politics desu
I'm still interested in how much of a roastie her fanny is
my stepdad has one of them
good car
>your gag helps the half mouthful of disease get down your throat
That's literally the opposite of what a gag reflex is meant for
Me too. it would feel so good. Plus girls with brightly coloured hair look very cute

needs to be shot and buried in a ditch
The Palace of Westminister is a beautiful and iconic building that undoubtedly bring hundreds of millions of pounds into the economy through tourism every year, much like Buckingham Palace which is also being renovated.
I'd be very surprised if the absolute visual diarrhoea that is the Scottish Parliament building lasts more than 30 years
metalheadz, please leave the poppy liquid stuff to other labels
>doesnt break down ever
>literally more armour than a T-14
>doesn't flip over like a jeep would when you'd have to dodge something
in scotland, what is the ratio between english and scottish banknotes?
scottish notes are fairly rare here (midlands) and my local off licence has a sign saying they don't accept scottish notes due to high level of counterfeits
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ur stepdad has ur mum too lol
get this one

ah yes the guardian cutting deep as usual
What the fuck are you on about

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they're not even swedish anymore you mong
you're a dead man its only a matter of time
are japanese cars good for mongs like me who like to drive but are shit at maintaining a vehicle or diagnosing any potential faults
been driving 3 years now but still ain't got a clue
t. deano
It's a small community. There's not enough anarchos around for the lot to have their own specific milieu, so they hang out with the rest of us. Because hey, politics is first and foremost who you drink with.
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>not buying an infiniti
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r rosy.webm
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Gone and fallen for her lads.
Not a big Volvo fan either 2bh

Consistently lacking in aesthetic value
only ever seen one irl ever
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>Cousin with th' sclerosis lost his eyesight
Probably something to do with the fact he used to be an utter smackhead, but still
Bit scary

Explain >>72718515

The bubble car trend of recent decades is the fucking worst.
live in canberra where I'm surrounded by public servant mongs, they all drive saabs for some reason
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the goal
do you phone up or talk to them or just watch it?
i tried phoning up a few times ages ago but couldn't get through to the girl on the telly haha
>fertility rates have plunged all across the world, at their lowest possible point
>population growing at a more rapid rate than ever before

ahh yes the so-called exponential increase
That face is fucking hideous. She looks like Vincent Cassel.
Even if you run with like student conservative clubs"shy/autistic" describes the majority of those you will deal with, regardless of political affiliation.
A few pints later and you'll be fine
Islam is the future of British society.
If your kid is to be a productive member of society, then it makes sense for them to learn about Islam.
Low class people in their most tolerable outcome are nationalistic. Far better to have rural and uneducated people talking about Christ and patriotism than seizing the means of production like the average council estate prole and Latin American.
Good actor t.b.h.
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the current whip lads
see: the nigger continent and spic america
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That looks like it was designed in the mid 80's and then somebody slapped some low profile tires on aftermarket wheels from 2003.
>niggers and mudslimes
>If your kid is to be a productive member of society, then it makes sense for them to learn about Islam.
Well they do say know your enemy
post tits
literally a manlet only car did NOT fit in without having my neck in an awkward position
Since when is there a link with heroin and blindness

muslims will be banned by 2030
fertility rates in 1st world countries are going down due to unhealthy lifestyle habits and a lot of people not leading lifestyles that make them want families, its the fertility rates in developing countries thats going up
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execute all yanks
>Reactive armour on a car
>its the fertility rates in developing countries thats going up
actually they're going down too
80s was peak aesthetic
made an absolute pig's ear of that maths paper

reckon i'm dehydrated, feeling VERY stupid right now

will down 4 pints of water then crack on at midnight
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Spotted this cute Paki bint on the train today
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the current whip
going to be selling it to my dad in the next few weeks
haven't had a new tinder match in weeks
>tfw drive a manual car
might play some Eurobeat and speed around tonight
He used to pump all sorts of shite into himself
I reckon at least one narcotic doesn't agree with MS
ireland is cute in this pic
france is quite a based country when you disregard problems our country also suffers from
>he does the virgin creep shot
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ah yes, gooning
ireland is always cute
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me right now.jpg
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I do reeaally like that look

Feel like it's a masculinity challenge
I accept.
was he trying to pull some insurance scam and it went horrible wrong?
why would you
I just watch, I wouldn't know what to say to them

If the lines are busy I think they put you into a queue or you can listen in to the current call
Libya's fertility rate has gone down from almost 8 in 1977 to 2.40
fully agree
that's in africa and he was just drunk
so we all understand that rorke REALLY hates pakis but what does he realistically want to happen to solve this situation?
i think civil war is inhabitable 2bh
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Lads, I'm sitting at a billabong and a jumbuck just came up
what do?
is this a photo by tim
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computer, ENHANCE
How do you derive sexual pleasure from this
Mauritius has gone down from 6.20 to 1.40

mental, thats european-tier
drunk guy taking a shit with his back to a busy street was in the wrong here 2bh
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>irish 'people'
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hate tracksuits in general (especially the garish/high-contrast ones you see the riff-raff going around in) but must admit I'm a sucker for these plain modestly branded sports coats

>though maybe not in fucking gold as in this which was the closest pic I could find
Mass effect andromeda chaps
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big grin.jpg
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fat people should be culled and burned for fuel
once saw a gif of some guy in a BDSM gimp suit swimming around in a septic tank, there's much stranger stuff out there desu
i gotta get in on this

going to pose as a hot girl and financially dominate some fucking dorks
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the goal
6.20 what to 1.40 what
>dressing up like your idols LDK
cute tbf
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it's proper bo ah tell thee
>tfw can freely talk about rorke things with muslims

good lads

do they really have everything with subtitles in irish like the canadians do with french? howling
business idea: shag some paki women and bring up slaggy daughters to become hit musical sensations
very reasonable
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>this triggers the sad paddy
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t' 'ning.png
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Not sure mate. Don't even think she sends them proper nudes. Not even a bare arse in this one.
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>tfw can freely talk about rorke things with muslims
When you think about it, climate change and multiculturalism are very similar.

Have you heard of the High Elves?
this girl is shooped, look at the reflection. its actually a fat guy
see >>72718853
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WHAT is el mEXICANOs problem?

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She looks a bit like Ellen Degenerate
ah ok
Because of you're on the receiving end of that "equality" you only gain from it

imagine how many amateur sets you could find online to burn through and then drop the customer
Is Buckfast even good at all?
wasted my youth with this
>singapore has a fertility rate of 0.82

captain the ship is sinking
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I love this Pepe style
dreamtime now skuzz
C-can you send me some :3
the actual goal
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I need more rare pepes
doesnt the guy sending the money ever think at any point "hang on... can this be a scam??"
the goal

got a standing desk at the office, now I just need a standing car
buckfast gets you fucked fast lad
looks like a sports volvo 850 in red
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Nothing better to do>>72718851
the end goal
No because he literally gets off on the domination aspect of being extorted.
Wonder what any bank worker would wonder what she does looking at her bank statement, full of lots of men sending her money
It's great, it goes down so smoothly you can literally neck a bottle and the caffeine makes you be able to function as if you're sober after it
oi lads get in here
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Only 5k more than that fucking volvo
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aye, tis a fine barn
but, tis no pool, english
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going to import myself a Crown Vic in yank police colours
why does janny hate /brit/?
Dads Army is racist because it has no minority characters
new thread
looks like a go transit livery

why the FUCK is it in vancouver then
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>absentmindedly click on /v/
>see this

ah yes
don't buy new cars
>not Plaxton

absolutely worthless
for the same reason that the world hates america, jealousy for the top dog.

/brit/ is the top thread on /int/ so of course he keeps an eye on it
i would love to masturbate but woudlnt want everyone to smell the jizz
Allison trans <3<3<3
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494KB, 1508x1493px
what are you doing you fucking autist?
this is on page 7
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46KB, 682x600px
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242B, 80x16px
the madman actually did it
Got online just in time to see janny delete it lmao
wow that was ICE COLD
nice one
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65KB, 500x440px
Fucking state of janny's existence
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830KB, 1200x656px
fucking hell janny, i was having fulfilling conversation

File: 3e9.png (698KB, 600x640px) Image search: [Google]
698KB, 600x640px
Thread posts: 334
Thread images: 94

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