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Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 68

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gabber edition
hakke en zagen
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like rap with autotune desu
Want cara to literally crush my skull into powder and mutilate my brains
big neet cocks and little wageslave boiclits
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>latex-clad woman
well hello there
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>gabber edition
rap is for children and criminals




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meant to put this pic
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fully aligning my chakras
gas mask stuff and breathe play are a turn off
Last movie I saw was Son of Saul.

Mother and son paizuri hentai is the most patrician porn
huh.... wow .............................
stop wanking first, then talk of chakras, buddhu
Any new developments?
political idea: rorke and rasheed are essentially dependent on each other
I'll do it you flaming rascal
Childhood is listening to yank rap
Adulthood is realising British grime is better
wee is a superior fetish. it just makes sense
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sort of neutral on it desu
have a plan to make money once the society of consumerism and spectacle fully takes over
redpill me on wee
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shouldn't you be on /tv/ berating people for liking lord of the rings?
Pseud confirmed.
got anything that isn't a catsuit?
whilst they're nice, they get boring

>Les Mis is winning

Funny since I just finished reading the novel last week. How many changes are there in the 2012 version?
I don't wank much because I have a gf to wank for me
*wees on you*
Its snowing

Explain that
Opened my chakra centre and a poo came out
*consumes your spectacles*
not voting so not watching the debate
global (((warming)))
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I like LOTR. It's Star Wars and Harry Potter I can't stand.
la-di-da, FONT
wtf now my willy is hard????
Apologies if this is a little verbose:

>sister invites me around to her house
>our parents made her do it because I don't have any friends and don't socialise
>I spend most of my time on /brit/
>get to her house
>she has friends around
>normie scum, each one of them
>paraphrased conversation:
>someone says something along the lines of: hey anons brother you seem a little quiet, what sort of stuff are you into
>me, awkwardly: erh, not much really, just politics and history
>normie scum, thinking they are able to be on my level: omg been so shit recently hasn't it with trump and brexit
>me, hoping not to reveal my power level too much: well trump wasn't really that bad if you look at what he actually says
>normie scum staring daggers at me: what do you mean? don't you support womens rights?
>me: he does support womens rights, what gave you the impression that he doesn't?
>normie scum: he doesn't want women to be able to choose what they do with their bodies
>me: he is fine with that, but if you are referring to abortions he just doesn't want people murdering babies
>normie female scum, loudly: what the fuck do you mean murdering babies? I had an abortion, do you think I am a murderer?
>me: yes

That's where it ended, I must have been in her house for about 6 minutes before I just walked out around the street, called for a taxis back to where I live with my parents and now I am typing this. I don't know why I try to bother to socialise with people, they are just disgusting.

And to think, my opinions would have been perfectly acceptable not 60 years ago.
Tips for negotiating salary/package lads?
star wars>lotr>>harry potshit
apart from ribena, who would you like to heem the most?
post choons
segment with the disaster movies in hypernormalisation is quite interesting
read all of this and loved every word of it. keep up the good posts
hello nigger
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what sort of thing did you have in mind x
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Grandaddy's sad, quaint, low-key Y2K-era classic, which captured the point where the deflated myth of the American West met the deflated myth of technological salvation, gets the deluxe reissue treatment.
Seriously though, if you think grime is better than hip-hop, you MUST reconsider your taste in music and lyricism.
none of this ever happened
hope this is real

don't sweat it mate, you're in the right. abortion is murder.
good post
you deserve it
segment where I kick the shit out of your kidneys is better
>trump isn't that bad

Aahh yes, his budget plans are very impressive, and he behaves just like a statesman should. His cabinet impeccable, particularly his defence, education & EPA picks. Not to mention his impressive (read: completely unshady) business history.

You are a victim of the 'chon.
Better Call Saul is the worst thing I have ever watched in my life
Underrated film desu, a masterpiece of digital animation as the original was a masterpiece of traditional animation
hip hop has infinitely more depth as a genre than grime
>niggers arguing about whether grime or hip-hop is better

The fucking state of /brit/. What a fucking travesty
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Wild Moggs
realised i may or may not be gay
>It's a parents force you to go round to relative's house episode and your relative and all of they're friends spend the entire time on their phones looking at Facebook

I watched your mum's Blacked.com scene and she just laid there like a sack of tatties. Bet that's worse desu.

keep your faith brother
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Should have just talked about his business acumen lad
you now remember about odd future

I liked Gits 2 I just didn't think the tone was as good or as mysterious as the first film.
excellent, good job lad
>you commie fuck im gona knock you the fuck out
wolf's an alright album tbf
>parents force you to go round to relative's house
hello child
Godfather is the most disappointing film I have ever watched
was going to quit 4chan today
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>In 2006 Rees-Mogg was approached in a Bristol street by three men who menacingly demanded he handed over his wallet, watch and phone. Knowing he couldn't match them in a physical confrontation, he began reciting Troilus and Criseyde whilst interjecting randomly with "Do you desire mulberry cordial and figgy pudding?". Deeply confused, the would-be assailants called him 'mental' and left without Rees-Mogg's possessions, no doubt wondering what became of the titular characters of Chaucer's work.
literally who cares you fucking spastic
Hop in your tardis and fuck off back to the 50s then you namby pamby clot wanker
More abortions means less children means less strain on the world
It's backwards dickheads like you so scared of eugenics cos of the nazis that the world's so overpopulated
Of all the retarded spastic ways you could have fucked your chances at interacting safely with other humans, you have to go and pick the one issue mindless lefty normans are actually right about to get stuck on and make yourself seem like an evangelical dinosaur
You deserve every repercussion you get for this
You are scum
I am anti-your-life
You should have been aborted
Why do rorkes go on about how high murder and burglary rates are so high for African Americans when in reality its just blacks committing crime against other black's, gang related incidents etc
>Parents ask you to go visit a relative
>refuse because i'm a badass adult, not a fucking pathetic child!

Hello child.

>tfw i coined the moggmen gimmick
i remember that it was narrated kinda no? like tracks made a story when put together
yeah it was ok i guess
ah yes violent provincials
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Who /ancom/ here?

No doubt it was not as good but it was still very good in its own way.
Stand Alone Complex is also great
so that makes it ok does it?
*clocks him one in the gobber*
>More abortions means less children means less strain on the world
only white girls get abortions
*citation needed
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parents should be allowed to abort their kid until it's 18 years old

I'm surprised by how well the whole thing with Kuze mirrored what is going on in the refugee crisis currently.
*kills you because you looked at me wrong*
didn't know you were have a feminist jose'
>Parents ask you to go visit a relative
>refuse because they're consumerist drones who spend all their time on facebook
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I remember some utter twat I knew in uni had a complete schizo mental breakdown after an undergrad philosophy class where they talked about the concept of free will and if we truly have it or not.

she was pretty basic to begin with but I can't understand how just entertaining some abstract idea could cause someone to completely fall apart like that.
The '''''London Eye'''''' was a mistake. smdh
wrong, highest rates are among minorities
don't give a fuck about abortions honestly just enjoy how much cunts get worked up about it, as if Stacey's womb is the most pressing issue of our era

women are fucking insane
I'm a realist
Would genuinely love it if all downies and vegetables were heemed by the state
schizophrenia is the thinking mans mental illness
I'm an anarcho-futurist considering the society I live but would support a totalitarian fascist state if one came about in earnest.
t. bitter northerner angry that the blackpool i360 never took off

what was brown first, Thames or London?
very canadian post
Alri baby killer

Will gladly vote against abortion in our upcoming referendum on it! Thankfully here abortion is illegal and enshrined in the constitution
>Would genuinely love it if all downies and vegetables were heemed by the state
is that why you fled to NZ to escape a state heeming?
is it doing a sleep
Just 'avin' a kip wonnit?
Nah, somebody that often has to traverse Southbank/Westminster and all the tourist shits the Eye has attracted.
Mad to think that if your mum tripped over whilst pregnant you could be in a wheelchair at this very moment

It was honestly quite terrifying watching the second season for the first time and seeing similar events on the news and that Romanian Revolution that nearly happened last year too.
well if thats not important just allow it and go to the next issue
this way no one will be pissed off
I'd dora the shit out of you love if I wasn't on my phone
chinese gf
mad to think that if i saw you in the street i would put you in a wheelchair at that very moment
who else /anus/ in here?
>he walks the busy river and not the quiet empty road right behind southbank/national theatre
korean gf

Mad to think if I saw you in the street I would be in a wheelchair at that very moment
you're already fascist, goyberg
@ 72546792

VERY rude post
>I'm a realist
>Would genuinely love it if all downies and vegetables were heemed by the state
only have the orange one aligned rn
t. Yvonne Mbtongo
i'm so embarrassed Owen Jones is English

can we say he's Welsh instead?
eating a lolipop
Pepsi cans are £2 for 6 at co-op lads
Overall SAC did have a lot less of a dystopian vibe than the films though, tended to focus more on geopolitics and stuff than deeper transhumanism themes
Alri enjoy flooding the country with rapebabies and deficient mongs who have to be cared for their entire life

I could heem the state no questions asked
business idea: put worcestershire sauce on scrambled eggs
honestly gutted that no one from france won't to shag me arse
Abortion is murder, job well done lad
aaah yes let me go and spend money on literal poison, thanks mate!
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I am but at the moment am only concerned with my own attainment moreso than the mess of the Canadian State
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>aaah yes let me go and spend money on literal poison, thanks mate!
he's a northerner
Business idea: put Sriracha on scrambled eggs

*becomes multi-millionaire*

won the 6n cuckboi
What patreons do you give to?
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finally starting to understand what trudeau meant when he said that if you kill your enemies they win

disgusting, genuinely vile
Hi, I'm Owain Jones. And before you ask, no I don't hahahahahah
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The only one that matters
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>The Midlands

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It has to do with martyrs right?
Coca Cola is too.
me doing a poo on the baby

that is outdated, the UK decriminalised it a few weeks ago
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watching a french bukakke video where an asian ugly bint gets abused by like 25 men
not even wanking. just pleased to see bints suffer
little fucking spastic
honestly would feel no guilt to smash his jaw in
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>this is rockefellers granddaughter

4 for 1 in poundland
Prime example of what happens when women get ideas below their station and start thinking they're obligated to see all their unfortunate spawns through just because they can afford it
then waaas?
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Can't wait for all the foreigners that were invited to London to decide they don't have much in common with the rest of Britain and become an independent country

The rest of England would be worse than Eastern European tier
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>little fucking spastic
>honestly would feel no guilt to smash his jaw in
i would rockefeller to shag her
hello you cunt
in 50 years time the average height will be about 6'7

bit mad
Proper Cola or Barry's Red?
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downs syndrome.jpg
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Why do you hate human life so much?
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like to see you try, cunt
then you'd be 6'0 or something lmao

good job the bloke tipped to be in charge of the local government is a Tory then.
if everyone's a lanky twat everyone just becomes twats
>hello you cunt
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Love that smell you get on your bellend after you've had a wank and not washed it for a day.

well think of the violence in the suburbs in chicago

who wins?
or the people that aren't quite that height will just be short twats
I would katie price ngl
do girls legs not get cold?
the conqueror only magnifies suffering which in turn comes back on him, rigidity and firmness are the companions of death
water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth. This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness.
All that money and hoarding for what? Greed has poisoned our souls.
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Who /Phone Shop/ here

New season when
This blasé attitude contributes to a future where there is too much human life for the planet to sustain

The rest of us
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wonder what harvey's going to be when he grows up
he's 14 now, surely it's only a few years before he's on big brother
>der fiss wun
give us a whiff la

Why are tards always incredibly fat?
they do

but all women are psychopaths so they don't mind
They do

just realised you meant when wearing skirts, thought you meant in general

still, I presume they do
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t-the rival gang members and murderers?
i could eat a knob at night
Thunderdome 3 is best thunderdome
shut up new man
girls complain about the gold literally all the time and always turn the heat up to ungodly levels
What about hard water though.
<people still use conventional green text
bit gay
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somewhat homosexual
Why are fedora posters always, always pakis or niggers?
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Girls are always cold, it's mental.
no man likes Jude Law
is this Stromzy you keep talking about?
>Using Madoka as an example of this when the whole point of it is deconstructing those kinds of animes
explains a lot
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>harvey has a gf

What's your excuse /brit/?

his sister
they just get shot the next week

like in boyz in the hood
not a millionaire
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Looks like a fat Ed Miliband
i'm not black
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Would you abandon your son if he was a spastic lads?
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>plane hit the exact middle

really makes your brain cogs go
Explains why Southerners have bad teeth
wish Douglas Murray wasn't a bender
ur a weeb 2!!!!! xD ^^
two intelligent
the kindest thing to do would be to abort them
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hey :3
I really like you
Absolute state of the Irish
"Deconstruction" is the biggest load of bollocks ever conceived
If you want to analyse a cartoon genre and point out what's wrong with it, make a satirical show or write an essay on it
Making a straightforward example of the genre where the characters occasionally point out the logical shortcomings and the plot has some WILD twists is lazy and means only autists will pay any attention

Guess who likes you
the yanks did land on the moon
kennedy was shot by LHO
al qaeda did 9/11

end of
Is Sheffield (dare I say it) (yes) the best city to live in the UK?
Where can I see more of this paki girl?
She tried but failed. That's why he's a fucking window-licker.
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he's based.
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Oh hey anon, sit down. Why are you so red?
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good edition
;\ meanie!
What do women get out of virtue signalling?
>al qaeda did 9/11
the group funded by yanks
hi :3
Well done, m8. You got the reference. I bet you feel really smart.

Whitechapel or Aldgate East you fat paki cunt
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>"Deconstruction" is the biggest load of bollocks ever conceived
>If you want to analyse a cartoon genre and point out what's wrong with it, make a satirical show or write an essay on it
>Making a straightforward example of the genre where the characters occasionally point out the logical shortcomings and the plot has some WILD twists is lazy and means only autists will pay any attention
don't find karl pilkington very funny, his humours very predictable

i think the kind of people that like him are non-league football fans
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Attention and a sense of acceptance. The things they crave the most
deconstruction I'd literally the bedrock of the modernist/post modern movement
Taint my fooking house and i dont know none of yas
Gonna get comfy in bed and re-read A Storm of Swords, what are your lads plans for tonight?
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did someone say 9/11?
When will Pepe and Wojak have their own TV show?
nah you're thinking of something different
good posts

here's your recognition
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Really don't know much about him

They call him a nazi but they also called milo and trump nazis so I don't trust a fucking word they say
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wew unironically like Karl Pilkington and am a non-league football fan
i believe cara has a nice hairy pucci, but it tends to smell quite often
validation and security
All me
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Would it be feels based or POO POO PEE PEE based?
Erection time!!!!!!
wank and cry

not necessarily in that order
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saw someone's PSN account being banned for calling themselves taig hunter haha
looks like he would cry about the tolerant left while I kick his teeth in
only the guy on the right and the two standing up look handsome

the other four look a bit JUST tier
Modernism was a mistake
Post modernism is salt in the wound
Nothing is genuine anymore, it's all ironic and fuckugly
Think we need to take a step back as a race (human race mind you) and work out how to actually progress
the token nigger is always attractive
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>Post modernism is salt in the wound
post-modernism killed modernism which was entirely necessary
now we can move on

ah yes
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rofl penguinz xDD
absolute choon
Bet she smells weird and her mum is fat
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Women's bodies are so fucking useless when you think about it. There is not a single thing they excell at other than giving birth

ah yes, hate facts.
Ah yes, the northern Irish

A whole people who's culture revolves around hating the Irish, very good

They didn't get enough of you on the somme
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suffering very badly from vertigo right now
also want to kill myself
not a great combo
pretty hot if you ask me, also I like getting my willy sucked
Taking dick
Why can't women ever just make normal faces in photos?

Why do they feel the need to behave like idiots?
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>yfw you realize post-modernism and modernism will be classed as one fucking era 200 years from now
>northern irish
No such thing
they live longer
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fuck off sweetie :) x
name one thing you personally excel at
They have 0 impulse control, are unathletic and aren't smart enough to think, "Gee I shouldn't be a fat piece of shit." Their families or handlers figure it's easier to just keep them fat and happy then fight with a raging tard.
nothing wrong with postmodernism

it's good to take a step back and evaluate things x
tom cruise looks full JUST
belly squad are the waviest niggas in the london right
choons are a zooners senpai real talk
I already know she's a cunt
last.fm's player is so shit now they've done a join with Spotify, really boils my piss every time a fucking advert loads it knocks the bastard music off
>They have 0 impulse control, are unathletic and aren't smart enough to think, "Gee I shouldn't be a fat piece of shit."
thought you were talking about women lmao
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everything after 1880 was a mistake
There's a reason men lead when you dance
No, there's just more female than male gymnasts. If you actually watched both at the Olympics the men are far better.
Only because men die of more accidents/drugs/murder
Getting (You)s
Taking dick

referring to all women as 'cunt' is the final red pill
ah yes, london
New thread lads xxx

they're not even great at that

half of them used to die until MEN came along and progressed medical science
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>hating women
But all we're doing is evaluate
Nothing's actually being created but fucking reboots and memes
World needs more Hideo Kojimas
He's thinking of the Afghani Mujahedeen during the war with the Soviets.
if a girl talking shit tell her shut up
how you got oppz in ya darnce
lucky i don't box her to france
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