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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 119

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cum beast janny edition.png
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Fug de Janny edition
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I don't want to live but I'm too scared to kill myself.
please do it
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wtf did I just read.jpg
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what is this image
Find a goal in life to live for/work towards
just kidding janny x

>anime poster
become trap and let me ravage your butt
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is it wrong to say that i never take suicide threats seriously on mongolian book clubs?
It's a woman non-sexually rubbing an animal's belly that triggered the janny and some mudslime.
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Tapirs are cute
dammit its 4 again
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>it's not RNH on the west coast yet
No, 99.99% of them time it's just attention-whoring.
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tuca disgust.jpg
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It's my birthday today.
I turn 24.
I'm still doing my first year of post-secondary.
This is true.
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cum beast.jpg
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but it is
happy birthday

ATMP is such a great album

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me on right
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happy birthday fa m
>leather pants
Sweaty I would imagine

it's ultra pleasant to listen to this with headphones
got in a confrontation with my now ex earlier, and she unleashed a series of brutal truths on me. It fucking hurts senpai, I'm a piece of shit human being. I just want to disappear from reality.
What state are you in? We can make a suicide pact.
> speaking with you ex

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew laddy. Don't listen to her bullshit, she has a reason to hate you/ruin you
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CUM in 2020.png
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Reminder: This is the fate of the United States.
degenerate asmr
this is why people associate it with porn
fucking end yourself

>BC not yellow
nigga r u gay lmao
Learn how to read, Xing-Pao.
I can almost feel the ear infection
> Xing-Pao

wow rude, maybe she had a point
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not bad.jpg
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I am genuinely surprised, a sensible Finn
Maybe you'll force the point of a knife into your throat and spare us your future stupidity.
>China owns cali
Haha no california is mexico/russia territory
We need more anti-janny shoops.
is that a man? are they both men?
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USA split prediction.jpg
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This is the product of a top Russian intellectual, do not question it!


u wut
I know that, but deep down I know she's right. I'm a terrible person. I don't want to be who I am anymore. It just took someone to slam it in my face, reality. I have to change, and I think it starts with me stepping away from everything for awhile
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You can try to work on the things she critizised, but if she said these things while breaking up >>71836090 is probably right anyways.
Life will go on, you'll move over it eventhough it hurts now.
Take a trip to Thailand. Find yourself.
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Muslim 1 (janny proof).png
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We're all fucking terrible deep down lmao, don't let it bug ya too much. But if you want to do some soul searching, feel free. It can't do any harm
Listening to a woman who has reason to hurt you is always a losing move
why wouldnt canada take alaska

bad professor
>I'm a terrible person. I don't want to be who I am anymore.
Then stop being a terrible person lol
Do like prisoners and read greek stoics
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muha MAD
I got drunk and hit her man. a few times
I'm scum
>this drawing caused a worldwide chimpout
>muh moderate muslims
>muh compatibility with the west
veri haram
delete this
Did she have it coming?
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>the entire world has already forgotten about this
does this guy make t-shirts?
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kill yourself
No one is at fault but myself.
Like father, like son
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learn how to dance. that's what I did.
He's dead, some sandnigger killed him when he attacked the Charlie Hebdo offices.
Just calm down, you are clearly an emotional being. Don't do anything brash or stupid.
I was going to, until I took a trip to Thailand
religion of beans
should I get stardew valley
it is a comfy game
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I know. fink I'll just go for awalk
pity posters are cunts 2bh
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wrong fucking picture but whatever

goodnight senpaitachi
i bought it
11 bucks, can't go wrong
you won't regret it

there are even mods
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You aren't wrong.
and by mods i mean i only know of one that lets you marry the little girl

muhamad approves
You should be embarrassed about what a literal faggot you are
tfw no anime gf
Kill yourself faggot newfag shit

You too
its over sony wins
Do you guys think there's a chance the drinking age of America will be reduced in our lifetimes to a more sensible age like 18?
Will America ever have to answer for the destruction of one of the most prosperous African nations, Libya?
Nah, the international Jew has to have his piece of the debt pie. Interest free loans was Gaddafi's unforgivable sin.
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chink cchong what is handbreak????????????
>You will never live in a car free city with traditional architecture

I hate modernism with every fiber of my being.
they call me the malthusian menace
cum is dEAD
ur dEAD
This is depressing
to all able-voiced north americans
without looking up how to pronounce "worcestershire " go on vocaroo and record yourself attempting to pronounce it
fug of aussie
this thread is only for cums or cums at heart
criminals are not allowed here
fuck off you slant eyed cunt
fuck mate, flipping pancakes and flipping you off is the same thing
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ching chong nip nong de do go wa

omae no koe wa totemo yowai desu
wwww baka
onna ka omae?
Suck my cock nazi
Im telling Pence!
nobody cares
Aftet his therapy you might
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>Doesn´t smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or both?

>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition for who lives the longest?

>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you won't, unless you're not underaged and don´t smoke in moderation.

>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gave?
they bring no benefit to my life and are a waste of money

also the majority of girls i meet nowadays tell me they refuse to date smokers
those girls are manchildren anyway
like you for not smoking www
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just fuck already you homos

you can smoke cigarettes in bed afterward
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Let's be honest here folks: will there ever again be a time period as productive and revolutionary in music as these five years?
50 years from now perhaps the 2010s will be seen as revolutionary
Important video


Got six downvotes on reddit because I said that a guy should just bring his chick to my place so I can show her a good time in Frankfurt while he goes out for dinner. (he was asking what to do in Frankfurt with the 27 year old Chinese he is taking there)
Can't even take a joke there.
let me join for a threesome
music has become just another product on the shelf in the age of mindless consumerism
>also the majority of girls i meet nowadays tell me they refuse to date smokers

If a girl is this much of a fag you'd probably do something else to piss them off anyway
smokers are fucking disgusting
doesn't make a girl a "fag"
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egostic, materialistic whore
yes but have you seen the feet?
Super wrinkly
Probably leathery to the touch, kinda hot
what the absolute fuck is going on with fer feet
is she like 60?
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Morning /cum/
>shes a fag for not wanting her childrens father to die at 60 of mouth cancer

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>dat first smoke in the morning after breakfast
just some sexy wrinkles bud ;-)
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gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morrrrrrrrrniiiiiiiiiiiiing
*peer pressures you into smoking*
come on man don't be a dork, do it!
remember its not peer pressure unless they agree to do it
*bullies you into doing it*
fucking do it, nerd!
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>Tfw sore throat, fucked up sinuses and migraine
just fucking kill me
>/cum/ beast continues to live after months of its discovery

why have we allowed this
whoops sorry 4 skullfucking u 2 hard hehe
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Why do chinks have such long legs proportionally? It's not fair
that's a big girl
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because it is a fierce competitor in the /cum/ger games

/cum/beast always does well
for you
me in the red tanktop
>tfw listening to austrian folk music while watching the snow fall
me in the wheel chair
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i wanna succ
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business idea: fake news for radical centrists
who /dying of the flu/ here

drink green tea with honey and thin lemon slices you fucking retards and stop complaining
i'm flying off the dew

what a fucking wuss man opossums are QT, could have just picked that fella up and put him outside
gtfo of here
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Best answer
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thats a young one

adults are pretty ugly, they tend to lose fur in the summer and get all patchy and mangy looking
gween tea
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>Having weak genes
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>weak genes
i expect no less from an anime poster
wtf opossum carry babies in a weird ass flesh sac

freak animals
Is the american military weak now? Why do they need another $54 billion?
Hoping I get fired desu
dam she T H I C C
*shoots you*
Post boipuss

if you think thats weird check out how armadillos make babies


>Most members of the genus Dasypus give birth to four monozygotic young (that is, identical quadruplets),[13] but other species may have typical litter sizes that range from one to eight.
repent sodomite
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choose your class wisely /cum/
are these int posters
or who are these?
>tfw black mage
What exactly happens in the Montana/Wyoming/Dakotas region anyway?
Other than shale oil of course
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business idea: 4cum.com
Business idea: ban India from making any more business ideas
I'm beginning to think trump is a russian puppet...
Business idea: ban India
Buisiness Idea: 2000 DEGREE KNIFE Youtube channel
I have a feeling that Trudeau is a jewish puppet...
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drumpf in love with weed.jpg
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finnish guy drunk and bored. what do
Why do you yanks keep electing Israel-worshippers?
shoot laughing russians
drink more
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does he look like someone who's easily bullied to you?

why do you mapleniggers let a male feminist run things
To be fair, Greenland is mostly Indian
Just not the same kind of indian
Cause 2.6% GDP growth awww yeahhh
this was a legit choon

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>does he look like someone who's easily bullied to you?

He just too good to be true...

And handsome to boot!
wtf I love Nelson Mandela now

>Japan's GDP in 2019 will be smaller than it's GDP in 2010

How fucked are the nips?
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why can't we all be as innocent as children?

wow this is so beautiful and a big f*ck you to all the reycists :)
You're the most racist faggot in cum
hating niggers is not racist, it's only logical
then i guess it's good to hate germans since most all of you are black/muzzie at this rate
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How does it feel that you will never be Taiwanese unlike this black gentleman
you know that's not true
silly post
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I am Taiwanese
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The future is Finngol
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>germany isn't full of blacks & muzzies
the bride is really pretty

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The Elimination of the 44%.png
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better than germanics
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i unironically want to go to colorado this spring
>beating anything
Wrong. You'll sit there, take our hipster transpants, and you'll like it
virus site dont click
such nostalgy...
sam hyde is so funny xD
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you are FAKE NEWS
we got you right where we want you
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>be Oregon
>be tiny
greenland is full of euros and feather indians and vulcans, why move there? unles you love nature
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Doing my best.
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Is this progressive™?
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About to put the chinks in their place for supporting my vassal's independence, buds
disgusting fat piece of shit
currently bored as hell and want to play some old PS3 games since I dug my old fat PS3 out of the closet, what should I play? Fighters, JRPGs, Shooters, Playformers, Driving sims, any ideas?
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That's not very progressive™ of you.
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>American fitness
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I'd vassal the chinks if you know what I mean
yeah i would fuck her lol
I'll make sure to take a harem full of them when I burn down Beijing
What's your favourite Death Grips song?
I'm going with either Takyon, No Love, or Spread Eagle Across the Block
off each album/ep:
DG: Full Moon
ExM: Lord of the Game
MS: The Fever(Aye Aye)
NLDW: Hunger Games
GP: Two Heavens
FW: Runway E
NOtM: Billy Not Really
BP: BB Poison
i should mention i meant the 3rd runway e
thrash metal is the only good kind of metal desu
he slurs use at your discretion its been a pleasure stefan
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gonna go now guys

stay safe

stay positive

stay above the influence
i cry every time
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>Two Heavens
GOOD choice
>Lord of the Game
BAD choice

fake news
I was kind of torn on either choosing LotG or Culture Shock desu
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she's cute
why is cum so dead nowadays?

what reforms must we enact to revive it?
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Let's get down to business
kick out non/cum/ posters
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Do you know americans?
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> 2016
> Does not burn rööki

Are you bullied in school, mentally retarded, or both?

> M mutku the die

So? Was life in the competition who will live the longest?

> Siihe will koukkuu !!!

No ice, if there is not a minor and is able to burn in moderation.

> S .. it takes MONEY !!!

Who compelled to buy a pack of cigarettes a day, you fucking peat gavel
Hello my friends.
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After all, it is a common fact that women are more interested in the tough guys and tough guys known to smoke tobacco.

> Tastes good
> Smells good
> spice up
> relaxes
> Provide social Boost
> Women are weak
> Other men give appreciation
> Looks cool anyway evening
> While waiting to give to do
> September to get out of bed in the morning
> Good piece of cake for protecting the army
> September take a break from work
> You can always offer a gentleman cigarette
> Or fire
> Remains well in the mouth

> Wasting 3-7 times a week for 1 hour at the gym in order to get a woman
> Could many times more pussy in plain tobacco smoking,

List good reasons to burn could go on forever.
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I understand that most of you, ladies and snowboarders, there are really wimps so that it is not dare to even taste tupakkia. Stand at break halfway out of the metal alloy, hands in his pockets and head frozen in fear as the lamb on pasture alone with the wolf pack. Perhaps you may occasionally have a look at your cell phone lungisti comfortable I slept like a nice girl you email someone. Huh. Fortunately, you will after all take a breather between relief when someone breaks down an icy situation alfa throw a flap which tekonauratte moment even if you even heard it a second alpha from behind.

To make matters worse you come every night to do board thread on how to get tyty-Yde. Is not it ever occurred to me that the problem could be smokefree? I do not even want to fuck with you ihmispaskoille, but mainly shawls that because of a few euros a day can not be bothered to live their youth to the fullest. It röökin burning is cheaper than generous for which you will have to give my virginity.

State of smokers become cheaper non-smoking. Cancer treatments are cheaper than special treatments 90-year-olds and endless surgeries, cancer often die at a young age so that pensions do not have to pay for decades and then still on the side of tobacco taxes. Smoker is a hero, and the state should encourage people to smoke. It is futile to imagine receive treatment for any ailment of old age in a country that this is coming. Therefore, you should do something in front of it, that is choking on his own shit before the actual old age.
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what would happen if i egged the american embassy here ?
Fuck off back to Ylilauta, Jonne
are we being raided
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heloust heloust
Well, when the hell can not stand the man condition the amount of pussy. Röökin had to stop the burning pussy when it came to the doors and windows. Mistress upset when the balcony door we were beating up constantly when teenage girls were trying to get to suck dick. The situation reminded the closest zombie invasion, but the brain stead girls shouting "kulliaaaa, kulliaaaa". Koomisinta here is that I live on the sixth floor so the girls really climbed up to the balcony along the launders directly next to the balcony. Also, the movement of the city turned out to be impossible in the long term because there is nowhere to be received in peace. Now that I have got rid of tobacco pilluakin should be no more a couple of times a week, but otherwise my life is much easier.

My look when I burn Camelia. Fucking nössöt, smoking is one of the greatest pleasures in life, and it's a good stress remover. I've been smoking for six years, and no health problems has not come. Smoking is fucking alffaa and prove you're not a fucking coward trendy.
Embassies are US territory, so you'd get shot.
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for real or are you memeing ?
for throwing eggs.....
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> "Mutku can become cancerous uliuli"

Fuck you die tomorrow in a car accident, dreading the car? Or you can get cancer, but quite otherwise. If you live in constant stressaten of all the risks you're wasting your life. Besides, the most important thing is not the quantity but quality. IS THERE: D nice to sit in the rocking chair, then 80v senile and be proud of it when you do not burn the neighbor's Vesa 65vuotiaana died of lung cancer when he was still in his right mind and kustessaan the podium. You again suffer from Alzheimer's disease and paskot diapers.

Most likely, anyway you drink alcohol, and not "ruin the health of the" sharks in the fireplace no longer at that stage.

Fucking dweeb. Go to this particular röökille.
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Unfortunately, are not you crazy shitposting?

> Babylon needs extra time for the devil, and
> Must be followed by labels of hundreds of small strict rules
> At the beginning of the reign, the culture of the roots and spirits of the breeder
> Strong muscles grow unlike the shooting game with road cyclists, butt sitting.
> Fitness Wuhan
> Variety of pasta
> Improve your typing skills
> Manly fans
> 5/5 patyapostaaja tytyt
No, but you'd probably be arrested for hooliganism or something. Embassies really are US territory, though.
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momm im in the worng thred agein
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i needd hjelp
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> What 's your name?
<Fruit fruit heikk-
> So what was !?
<Fruit the weak Wed-lung
> WAS WHAT! ??
> 2015 Do not smoke smokes NOW FUCKING POOR lungs out THAT BEFORE YOU asthma attacks you can leave your wallets at that ONTO THE TABLE

*takes you by the hand*
ok let's go finny
File: t5jbHHb.png (14KB, 627x554px) Image search: [Google]
14KB, 627x554px
heloust didn't happen :DD
*gently puts you back to bed*
there, there
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>Hey whads goings on in dhese dhread
>Oh dog what didden
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257KB, 800x1200px
Niggler here.
File: ei polta röökiä.jpg (192KB, 618x730px) Image search: [Google]
ei polta röökiä.jpg
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pöyrä apustus.jpg
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wher u takeings me
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sttop bulyigng
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Gas jews :DD and Swedes :DDD
>lesbo parents
Poor girl
really, really good thread
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ai et polta röökiä.jpg
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pepe apu boi.png
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Postataan musiikkia ja juodaan kaljaa
finland come on, time for bed let's go
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>binald apeareds
>thread quality rises by 90%
raly makes you think
Gas the finns
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I'm so sorry you have to see this.
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Friendly reminder that if you're not at least 180cm tall and/or have brown eyes you need to kys.
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apu mongoli.png
21KB, 657x527px
finnish ancestor harikato apu-chi
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elämältä röökiä sain.jpg
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spörä sbedro :DD
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Is this good?
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your favorite sex position? mine's prbably the default anal
i will post
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rööki voittaa aina.jpg
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Thank you Master.
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Eesti is Finland's clay

Also hello ylilauta XD
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no :D
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rööki vai mieslapsi3.jpg
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shoutings to manchild
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is this true?
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Finnish people are from central Asia.
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suomi neito.jpg
257KB, 789x1166px
Thread posts: 321
Thread images: 119

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