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Thread replies: 334
Thread images: 82

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it is what it is edition
kitty you fittie
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I shoplifted a peperami today
Manchester is by far the best city in the UK
need a thicc bf
>Im back and theres nothing you ovendodging kikes can do about it

What did he mean by this?
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bit dodge that, will be letting the authorities know
What a nice lad
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>great grandad fucked an abo, use it to cash in on scholarships and abo-exclusive jobs as companies rush to be more tolerant
>look whiter than the queen
life on easy mode
B6 aston on the map
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Hello Brits

How accurate is this movie?
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>70% white as long as you avoid the segregated ghettos, 95% white in the centre
Stick down your trousers and pretend it was your cock method?
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talk about a red flag
basically a documentary
gf is a miserable twat most of the time but she has a very nice bum
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my road and it's 100% white
eh? you takin me for a blinkin spannah you sponge?
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>>look whiter than the queen
Southern fairies movie
I know, right?
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good banter this
no, slid it up the sleeve of my coat
/brit/? More like /streamofconsciousness/.
im so sorry anon
if you've over 20 and can't drive you've failed at being a man

if you're over 18 and still a virgin you should be put on a watch list
Croydon is part of London
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the goal
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I don't give a fuck how 'integrated' Hindus or Sikhs are. I don't care if they can barely speak English or if they marry their cousins. The fact is, they don't blow up buses or trains. They don't go abroad to fight for terrorist groups. They don't insist I change my way of life to accommodate them. They don't insist that all the produce in my local supermarket accommodates their religious preferences. They don't behead people. They don't clog up tv airtime with constant pandering documentaries. Why is it only Muslims who insist on preferential treatment? I fucking hate them so fucking much.
lost my virginity literally two days before hitting 19

i'm 19 and I might lose my licence because I got caught exceeding the speed limit by quite a bit
Reminder that Londoners consider themselves lucky if they are mugged only once
>spends ~£3000 on the holiday of a lifetime in Japan
>has so far:
>gone to a Jpop idol ride in Universal Studios
>Stood outside the Hard Rock Cafe
>Bought some authentic japanese sushi (from the cornershop) and eaten it alone in his hotel room
>Gone on a date with a """"""qt"""""" jap girl and got a reluctant hug at the station
>Got pissed alone in his hotel room

couldn't write it
sick of it all t.bh
think im going to buy some cheap land in france and live in a car like varg says to
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if you're from fleetwood or preston go suck your mum
dun know dem man can't come around me
it's a blackpool ting everytime i go in
blackpool ting everytime i speak
Theresa May is a fine leader. She'll steer us through.
its inaccurate for the sole fact that the pikeys scam everyone in the end
pikeys aren't smart enough to pull that off
also while a good attempt, brad pitt doesn't really sound like a traveller
bad goal
Found a pic of London lads
> Why is it only Muslims who insist on preferential treatment?
they don't
give me one (1) example of when this has happened
lost my virginity at 14 and passed my driving test at 18
What about if I come from Lytham or Kirkham
"You see what I mean now, girls? Ten minutes ago you were telling me how you wanted a nice guy who would treat you like a princess, yet here you are getting all turned on by me even though I was a complete fucking douchebag. How can you explain that?” I remarked.

The first girl said “I don’t know. I hate you, but I like you at the same time. It’s weird.”

The second girl said “There’s just something intriguing about you. I can’t put it in words.”

"I just sat there in a calm and collected fashion, as I sipped on my cool glass of lemonade.

After about 5 minutes of them ranting at me, I cut them off and said “So when are we fucking? Next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

They quickly glanced at each other, as their eyes and mouths widened.

“What did you just say???” they barked.

“You heard me. Are we fucking next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

Interestingly enough, they started giggling and eventually began playing my game.

They would say things like “You are so bold! You are so bad! You are something else!”

Just as expected, they were coming on to me.

As they got closer to me, I put my hands up, gesturing to stop."

"So when I’m walking down the street, you best believe that I am the center of attention."

"Girls are staring at me left and right. They come talk to me. They giggle when they see me. They get turned on when I approach them."
hindus and sikhs are based.

especially sihks, they are bro tier
> gf always explains her shitty dreams in great detail, taking 20 minutes to explain a blurred mess

omdaayyss shut uupp
now he's in Vietnam doing the exact same
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right, in you go mate
posh battyhole
Thought mongs like this would only bench, never heard of someone just using lat pulldown
>hindus and sikhs are based.

>especially sihks, they are bro tier
Better than what i'd do, id just go over there and sit in the arcades for a week.
FUCKING hell. There is nothing worse than sitting through a person tell you about their dream

>listen to what i imagined
I don't even feel comfortable talking to people from Blackpool or Preston
This is how I feel about the Jews

Let em get on with it
tragic circumstances

feel somewhat bad for the lad, you can tell he comes from an utter runt family considering they collect Hard Rock Cafe t-shirts

where are the Hebrides ?
how do so many poor afford to live in london
just found out my wife of 12 years was a catfish all along

can't believe I never suspected all this time, it makes so much sense now
Had a dream last night where yanks and leafs had been nuked by the Soviet Union in the '60s while the rest of the world went on as normal
Must say it was very pleasant
>the roughest place in Northern Ireland isn't as rough as the average london borough
fucking hell
I've acquired a kind of sadness
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>I can't afford to live in a nice upper-middle class mansion in a nice leafy area of the capital so I will post from my folder of pictures of tiny flats and call everyone a paki

t. Dean 'Deano' Deanoson, Little Wanksborough, Pooford-upon-Hull
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>tfw Toronto is full of wogs
>still whiter than any US city or London
>very low crime rate, one of the lowest in NA.


What's the point?
don't reply to me ever again
conquering India was the best decision this country ever made desu
stopped going clubbing when I realised most people only cared about the seflies and air-brushed club photos
>walk home from the shop
>get mugged for your clothes by a black man

I shan't be replying to you from now on
I WILL turn your jaw to sherbet if you say one bad thing about coleslaw
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>whiter than any US city

you actually believe this
name one thing bad about hindus or sikhs
shocking innit mate, tragic life these northerners live

they literally cannot comprehend living somewhere that isn't a terraced rabbit hutch
I want to fuck this slag
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The difference between a left wing country and right wing ones
i am artistic
because they're chinks
their stench
what is it about black and muslim women walking around town all day with their babies in a pram walking really slow, same with their men they just walk around in roaming packs
>poorthern softies getting mugged by level 1 roadmen

loooooool cuz
want to bottle her farts and suffocate myself with them.
and I'm just letting you know that I won't be replying to you

She has bad posture
>can only afford to live in a shithole flat
>have a Mercedes A class

Ah yes, British housing costs
raah bruv
madting sadting
built for black dick
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they don't have jobs
we have way more guns and the highest percentage of serial killers of any country
had a chuckle at this because I know exactly what you mean
Canada was under conservative government for a decade. It actually had a pretty great economy and safe society during this decade too

Leafs only voted Harper out because he was mean to Muslims
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Northerners actually expect NOT to get stabbed when they leave the house. They actually feel safe in their own communities lmfao the soft cunts
the goal in life is to buy a 3 bedroom house in Kildare Gardens
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>freddos are 30p
Imagine being a poortherner
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thai is not only a funny sounding language, but looks funny too
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>edinburgh only city with no red areas
>Leafs only voted Harper out because he was mean to Muslims
NDP lost all their seats because they weren't mean enough to Muslims
>the autonomous """state"""" of northern direland
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Sikhs are based, they integrated so well they even fought for us.
>tfw 6'4 and built like a brick shithouse

if everyone on /brit/ was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely

i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second

think on
6'1 and built like a barratt newbuild
theres a place that does good thai food near me
would recommend

I was born in the south and sound like a southerner, but I've lived in the North for most of my life

Does that make me a radical centrist?
one could say that they are

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alri lads
just going to drop this here
dog on a bus
wonder where he's off to
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can confirm
I don't know it's really fucking weird

Also, sometimes in European cities you see Muslim families enjoying a day out at some attraction but it's literally only the women and young children. Not a man or older boy in sight.

Similarly there are a few expensive central London restaurants that are popular with rich Arabs, but when you see them eating it's literally only men. Like who the fuck gathers a bunch of his male friends to go eat at the Dorchester or somewhere, and never take your wife or family out to dinner? It's really fucking bizarre. I hate these subhumans
loads of Indians and Pakistanis fought for us mate
I will not be reading your post if you:

- are under 25
- are a student
- are fat
- are not British, Australian or Irish
- are NEET
- are a virgin
- can't drive
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>in London
>swarthy criminal pulls out a knife and demands your wallet and phone
>Londoner response: "fuck off mate" *walks off*
>Poortherner response: "EEEEEEE" *wets self* *tells the rest of poorthern-shittingham at the village meeting, prompting them to not send another expeditionary force for 35 years*
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fuck the poortherners
fuck the southern fairies
who /radicalmidlander/ here
>larger population = more crime

Northerners really are as stupid as dogs
all me
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This is the future that liberals want.
The south is just as bad

>areas with more people have more crime

London's population is almost as dense as you
Stop using Johnny Cash's music in vain for your stupid memes
stuck a cheeky dashcam on the astra vxr
I'm 21 but pass on the rest
please read my posts

You're a northerner mate
Deano Prime
anything north of the watford gap is the north mate
I ONLY drive automatic

One does simply have time for a clutch
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dayum... London looks like THAT?!
>areas with more shitskins have more crime
A statement you cannot back up with facts or statistics. Refrain from posting similar in the future and click the little arrow next to your post to delete it or I will write a letter to the attorney general instructing him to take action against you for slandering the good name of the Irish Republic.

Northern Direland is a shithole, south sudan tier
no you're not fuck off
you're the worst of both
don't even glance at my posts ever again
hmm I wonder why large international cities have more crime than little deano towns
You're a southerner lad

only one that applies is number 6, can you let me off?
more non-whites
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>Alan Mak (born 1984) is a British Conservative Party politician who was elected as the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Havant constituency in Hampshire in 2015. He is the first person of Chinese and East Asian origin to be elected to the House of Commons of the United Kingdom.[2]

>tfw 26 year old kissless virgin autist but everyone thinks i'm a chad because i saved up for a nice car
>give me one (1) example of when this has happened
Fuck off Ahmed.
Ill batter you on lytham clubday.
MAJOR red flag
fuck off
only (((certain))) large cities
>going to Lytham club day
I'm not 15 any more mate
at least he's a tory
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Love, although resulting in altered body chemistry and is therefore real, is a hormonally induced delusional state. In addition it is humiliating, because it puts you at a disadvantage. it gives the love object too much power.

As for sex per se, it lacks both challenge and novelty and is on the whole a deeply imperfect solution to the problem of intergenerational genetic transfer.
Business idea: buy English land off the English and then sell it back to them at an increased price
>live in London
>never seen crime
>never been a victim of crime
>none of my friends or neighbours have been victims of crime
>find out about people who move to places like Manchester for uni and get mugged on their first day

Provincial/Northern Britain is a violent criminal shithole
There are things actually worth stealing in cities
South of York?

Southern rubbish.

midlanders are the most enlightened of all englanders.
Guys what's that online, Chinese retailer that sells tons of shit and a lot of knockoffs?

Not Alibaba but another one.
think i'm almost done with acid

are american fraternities actually like this?
are black american fraternities actually like this?
is this an actual thing?
There are loads of niggers, pakis and low class white people/slavs in London hence most dangerous city in Europe.

Has nothing to do with being large, Tokyo is peaceful, London is a warzone.
>Riz Ahmed warns lack of diversity on TV will drive young to Isis

>Actor and rapper Riz Ahmed has warned that the enduring failure to champion diversity on TV is alienating young people, driving them towards extremism and into the arms of Isis.

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Was unaware till I started browsing /brit/ just how wide the culture divide is between northerners and southerners and England and the conflict that has arisen as a result.
fair play
>buy English land
Not feasible. I'm out.
noooo way so you're- you're a uuhh a northerner, no? you're from the north?
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>tfw no southern english gf
Aliexpress is what I was thinking of.
I only know Aliexpress
>actor and rapper

Ahh yes I don't care
Truth: rorkes don't give a fuck about their fellow white people, they're just so pathetic they hate immigrants to give themselves a sense of belonging.
what road do you live on in chelsea billionaire?
Netflix has gone full Jew
this is the final redpill
Literally never experienced a SINGLE problem with the NHS in my entire life

The only people that moan about the NHS are people living in places like London and Birmingham because they have 300,000 immigrants clogging up the system
The only people who get mugged in London are

a) in a dodgy area
b) obviously out of their element

That's why it's usually just clueless tourists who get mugged or scammed. I've lived in London my whole life and I've never been mugged once.

Anyway I'd rather live in a place with economic crime rather than the fucked up child murders and animal torturings that seem to go on in the provinces all the fucking time
There is no crime in London haha, everyone is white you poorthern fucking twat, everywhere looks like a scene in Love Actually, jealous poorth-

*gets stabbed by a black Muslim*
Peter Hitchens on QT tonight lads
Dublin is a crime capital you little wanker, you've clearly never read anything about your own capital. Literally gangland.
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>95% white in the centre
how so?
Business idea: become a tripfag so all the shitty posters will filter you, increasing the quality of your (You)'s
this is actually true

the midlands started the industrial revolution and made britain great
GP surgeries aren't open on weekends
some northerners are good lads desu like yorkshire and manchester
shame about birmingham and newcastle
alright lads, who did you play in the Nativity/Christmas show as a kid?

one of the /threewisemen/ master race here
young people dont even watch tv
The whole of London is a dodgy area.
The NHS is for poor people
Compared to the amount of crime in northern direland and major cities in the UK it's a paradise
>no northern gf
He went to Oxford uni mate, what shithole did you go to?
Britain is a shit, rundown version of London
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...can somebody explain
>Not going for the drunken brawls.
only people who get mugged are clueless weak twats who look like easy targets

no wonder northern softies can't go 5 yards in london without getting held up
>not from north or south
>Rile them both up anyway
Pathetic peons. Puppets moved by my hand.
The NHS actually works better in London because there are more doctors and nurses
someone please teach these poor girls when to stop with the makeup
Most people irl don't care, it's just one insecure black autist from London who posts here constantly
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>everywhere looks like a scene in Love Actually
No, only rich areas, i.e. areas where actual human beings live.
You know the andswer to that, chop.
They treat women like cattle. Would you go to a restaurant with your lifestock?
I hate everyone
and purging the wogs will make it easier to purge the rest
she was in some /pol/ video being a leftie and then everyone got a crush on her regardless

this is what I was implying. black country/brum was the actual forge of empire.
>Give us jobs in the public eye or we join Isis!
>Eat halal meat and guarantee jobs for muslim butchers! You can eat it regardless silly kuffar
>Gives us Sharia courts to deal with our own matters!
>Put that beer away! Don't break our Sharia law fucking kuffar!
>We're integrated! Look we fuck white girls! >WHAT? DON'T TOUCH MUSLIM WOMEN! DON'T EVEN LOOK AT ONE OF MY 6 WIVES

Takeover in full swing
t. poor person
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>You just gotta be more confident dude!
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>no work tomorrow
>will actually catch QT and TW this week
I live in Birmingham and can confirm, London probably isn't so bad because the government actually funds them
my bird on the right
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It should be no surprise that most people, most of the time, are controlled more by the older reptilian-mammalian circuits than by the human semantic (rational) circuit, or that the semantic circuit is so easily be perverted into false logics (bigotries, intolerant ideologies, fanaticisms of all sorts) when the bio-survival circuit signals threat to life or the emotional circuit flashes threat to status.

Whoever can scare people enough (produce bio-survival anxiety) can sell them quickly on any verbal map that seems to give them relief, i.e., cure the anxiety.

By frightening people with Hell and then offering them Salvation, the most ignorant or crooked individuals can "sell" a whole system of thought that cannot bear two minutes of rational analysis. And any domesticated primate alpha male, however cruel or crooked, can rally the primate tribe behind him by howling that a rival alpha male is about to lead his gang in an attack on this habitat.

Whatever threatens loss of status, and whatever invades one's "space" (including one's ideological "head space"), is a threat to the average domesticated primate. Thus, if a poor man has one status prop in his life—"I'm a white man, not a goddam nigger" or "I'm normal, not a goddam faggot" or whatever—any attempt to preach tolerance, common humanity, relativism, etc. is not processed through the semantic circuit but through the emotional circuit, and is rejected as an attack on status (ego, social role).
Normies think that Pepes and frogs more generally are a secret symbol of the Internet Hate Machine
that's what I just said you turd
>The Repooplic of direland
Northerners sometimes forget just how fucking big London is

Each borough of London is more populous than your little town
my most embarrassing secret is that i'm a huge fan of a teenage singer and actor who became a minor celebrity after playing young simba in the lion kind broadway shows when he was little, and later appearing on disney channel shows and movies

his music is very generic but i enjoy it, but the majority of his fanbase are teenage girls so i would never admit to actually listening to him
>I actually share a board with people from Birmingham

Might finally be the thing that pushes me to leave this site once and for all
The rise and fall of Birmingham also directly correlates with Britain's fortunes
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>this is my brother, say him to him! by the way lil bro do you mind if we use your bedroom? mine is too messy
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>say him to him
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>tfw someone talks shit about London on /brit/
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>alright lad, ain't seen you in aaages, how you doing mate? oi we're going to pick up Stacey on the way to Aaron's party, you're coming right?
>Oi anon you should bring your bird!
>Yeah come on lad give her a ring and we'll pick her up, where does she live?
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Love how deanos can only think of London in terms of the shit run-down areas that they would just be able to afford if they moved here. Do they really lack the imagination to acknowledge that some people are more rich and successful than them?

At least one person will reply to this post mentioning muslims, rasheed, blacks or some variation thereof
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>say him to him
outside of dublin there's fuck all crime and homicide, dubliners are subhuman monkeys and are not irish thus your argument is invalid
Londoners sometimes forget just how fucking big Yorkshire is

Each division of Yorkshire is grander than your little metropolitan area
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she wants a building from brum.jpg
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we've always been here

edit: a picture of villa park was on my captcha
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lads, post the cuter one
If you don't want me to tell Dad you'll have to give me another blowjob

did you think the whole of the second largest city in the country had no internet? fucking mong.
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>he enjoyed skyrim
might have sex with a girl (female) tomorrow or saturday
>tfw I have really deep set horizontal creases along my forehead and I'm only 25

Fucks sake even 40 year olds have better foreheads than me
how can you dislike this man?
Wish I was one of these YouTube mongs that makes bank
those are clearly americans though
people like that would get taken the piss out of over here desu
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>Southern direland
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Why are the Midlands footy teams owned by Chinks?
Need more blobitechture
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>tried to tell my jewish gf I loved her but got tongue tied accidentally called her a greasy kike instead
she's STEAMIN'
right hand drive car though
>YouTube mongs
you're halfway there at least
I can walk for 20 minutes across my suburb and not see a single non-white
Each section of the city is huge and has its own character
because football is dead
ireland: literally the sopranos with shamrocks
I live in Stratford-upon-Avon and often see groups of kids on school trips come to the Globe because I work near there. Every time a school comes from London about half of the students are black, half are pakis/indians and there are a couple of white kids who talk in that ugly accent they all have.

By the time we die London will be 90% non-white.
Always used to think "making bank" was a term that originated in RuneScape
convinced they're aussies
this is the final redpill
those guys don't even look good

top left has a weird jaw thing going on and is hiding his eyes with sunglasses
top right looks weird and ill
bottom left looks slightly inbred
and bottom right looks confused
Can't even imagine why anyone would watch a 40min Sargon of Fedora video in its entirety? What kind of runts is he churning this shit out for? Do they actually think they're learning something?

iktf. Been told I have a constant look of anguish on my face. can't be good.
population of yorkshire: 5.338 million

population of london: 8.674 million

Who wins in a fist fight?
Britain has migrants because of this woman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Roche

Guess what religion she is :)
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World Quality Programming.jpg
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ah yes
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>D-dont count our capital!!
>I live in Stratford-upon-Avon
literally my goal
i wouldnt say he was incorrect
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what happened to skepta
There is so much good shit on these Chinese retail websites.

The only problem is shipping.

they see where the future lies.
nice post rasheed
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>top left has a weird jaw thing going on and is hiding his eyes with sunglasses
>top right looks weird and ill
>bottom left looks slightly inbred
>and bottom right looks confused
business idea: move to Asia
God you're a fucking mong

We have immigrants because of Clement Atlee and his 1948 British nationality act

Immigration didn't start like under new labour. It started under old labour
makes sense, since aussies are alt-yanks


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the gf (male)
Alien Fun Capsule is alri

maybe for the 'real working class' stock he supposedly hails from kek
love harry hill
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it's not working. posting in this thread is not working. i still feel profoundly lonely. /brit/ is not a substitute for friends
>The British Nationality Act 1948 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that created the status of "Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies" (CUKC) as the national citizenship of the United Kingdom and its colonies.

>"Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies" (CUKC)


That's got to be a fucking joke
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‘It was clear that Roche wanted more immigrants to come to Britain. She didn’t see her job as controlling entry into Britain, but by looking at the wider picture in a “holistic way” she wanted us to see the benefit of a multicultural society.’"[7]
Cherry picked a tad

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as a jew, I'd just like to apologise profusely for all of the actions my jewish brethren have committed
The most incredible revelations concern Barbara Roche, a little-known MP who was immigration minister between 1999 and 2001. During this period, she quietly adopted policies – with Mr Blair’s approval – that changed the face of the UK."
LMAO London
i have made several posts on 4chan today and not once have i been replied to

i feel like the world is ignoring me
everyone has imperfections
they're pretty good looking
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the promised land
boot licker
The former government advisor Andrew Neather in the Evening Standard stated that the deliberate policy of ministers from late 2000 until early 2008 was to open up the UK to mass migration.[35][36]
Intrigued at the thought of eskimo porn
it's not a drug it's a drink
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>watching TV
No one cares
smokes, let's go
might watch a fillum
Imagining a white Britain with a quarter of the current population. Could be very comfy.
>immigration affects my life in some practical way

lol, surefire way to detect an uneducated povvo deano twat

I only don't like them because they're ugly
racists must see the benefits of multiculturalism
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Can't cum with the missus, am currently blueballed as fuck after hours of foreplay. Can't keep hard when I've got a johnny on, it's not even half as good.
bless you

like cucumber
What political commentators do you approve of?
fuck off
the neues
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yeah you can fuck off mate

Cute face but too fat.
really makes you think...
prefer to come up with my own opinions
Doesn't really explain why big cities like Liverpool and Glasgow have lower crime rates than Bristol or Warick.
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