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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 226
Thread images: 46

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Cringy Folk-metal band edition.
Someone asked me if Lilyhammer was a plausible series in the last thread. I don't know. Lilyhammer is not a big series here, I don't know anyone who watches it and I haven't heard about it in many years.

The dvachan beautiful women board is still not up. Is it up for you guys? Guys... hello?
Пpивeт мoи poccийcкиe дpyзья. Я aмepикaнcкий cтyдeнт. Я изyчaл pyccкий в yнивepcитeтe yazymk. Moй pyccкий плoх. Tы пoнимaeшь, чтo я пишy? Я хoчy пoceтить Mocквy этим лeтoм. Являeтcя ли мoй pyccкий язык пoнятнo?
Ok I don't know why, but the russian keyboard software I'm using fucked up third sentence.
/rus/ thread
no russians
there's already a thread >>71796019
Quite intelligible and so cuuuuuuuute :3
Moscow is a staple of russian tourism but it's so overused that it's boring.
Weird, I didn't find it when I searched before I made this one.
Yep, it's up for some people and it changes over time. It's a random thing.
Check back later. Change your ip if you can, might help.
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I'm gonna stay in this one even if it's the last thing I do!
I want to start learning eastern languages, and I'm wondering where to start. I've started in on learning the Cyrillic alphabet, as I've heard that's pretty universal and doesn't change much. Is this true, and what is a good language to start on?
Alright, thanks.

I appreciate that.

I would assume Russian has more resources, but you do what you want.
Yeah, I'm thinking about Russian as well
Russian is the most widespread language in the eastern european slavic countries. 90% of belarusians and 80% of ukrainians speak Russian. So it's logical to start with learning Russians especially since we're going to take all the neighbouring countries over to form USSR 2.0.
Ooops, I meant to say since Russian shares 60% of vocabulary with Belorusian and as much as 80% with Ukrainian.
But is Russian understood in most of the slavic world?
it sounds kind of stupid on russian, though. there is a line between sounding epic and dumb.
i like CPУБ/SRUB, they are like a post-punk/occult pank/folk band
i think slovak language is the most understandable. cause poth poles and czech do understand it, russians too, maybe. russian speak most of the east slavis states, and post ussr countries too, where russian population is high
вce pyccкиe дoлжны yмepeть


Russia is the biggest and the most populated slavic country in the world, man. We ARE the biggest part of the slavic world.
If we're talking about the number of countries in which people understand Russian there are only about 4 out of 13 slavic countries in total.
бля, этo ж дeмбeльcкaя тeмa. y вac хoхлoв paзвe инaчe?
>about 4 out of 13 slavic countries in total.
My bad, 4 countries including non-slavic Kazakhstan.
How do you manage watching porn? I'm judging by myself - I can't stop laughing while watching russian porn because the stuff they say sounds so stupid.
70% of porn is in English so it must a real trouble.
I'll check it out. I've been shilling Arkona every once in a while and some russians always tell me how cringy they are hehe. And there really is a fine line between the epic sound and that cringy sound, much of it is lyrics and performance, but the music itself plays a part too.

Reminds me of hard rock like ac/dc and Judas Priest.

Okay thanks. I was thinking in number of countries, of course Russia is the majority of the slavic world being the biggest country and with most inhabitants. Kazakhstan has Russian as primary language?
Why cringy?
>Kazakhstan has Russian as primary language?
84% of people in Kazakhstan speak Russian while only 75% speak Kazakh.
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anjelica/krystal boyd, she generally doesn't talk so much garbage.
problem is she's always with her goof of a boyfriend or whatever
>Reminds me of hard rock like ac/dc and Judas Priest
check out all of sektor gaza, they are based
\r\u\b\ тpeд бeз кapтoшки и cвинины. ништяк
That's funny. Is it because of Soviet?

Many tell me Arkona is cringy, I like them personally so it was just humour.

I'll bookmark them and listen tonight or tomorrow in the gym.
Paзмeчтaлcя oн тyт
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>That's funny. Is it because of Soviet?
Kazakhstan was in the Russian Empire as well so we've been there for quite a while.
Grai is alright

Cool, I didn't know that.
Funny fact:
During Collectivization about 1/3 Kazakh died be course communist took their cows, goats and horses.
Listening to Sektor Gaza is such a mauvais ton
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anyone who looks down on it is trash

>problem is she's always with her goof of a boyfriend or whatever

Nah, I'm fairly certain I saw her getting fucked in the ass by that Italian guy.
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We had 35 posts before the self-loather came around. Every /rus/ or /pol/ thread there is someone.
yeah in like, a single video
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Why do Brits never seem to be interested in Russia....
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Guess that's her condition for making porn.

It's either with a girl or it's with her boyfriend.

Mind you, I can't help but laugh whenever I see the guy's face.

Seriously, how the fuck did he land someone like her in the first place?
Y should they be interested in irrelevant dirty, corrupted shitholes?
it would be so amazing to worship her feet in the forest like that
by having a big dick
Forests smell with mushrooms, mold and rotten wood. Quite unsexy if you ask me.
You have to interest her first before you get to the dick showing part.
I'm not into that kind of thing, but whatever floats your boat. I imagine sitting there with her just listening to the birds on a hot summer day. Or her waiting for me to come back home like in the song here

I think that's great. The smells of nature really get me going, not just sexually, but in life in general.
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His isn't even that big.

Besides, how the fuck would she know what's your dick size without seeing you naked?
is she considered to be a beaut? she looks like a goblin though. i'm happy that she's into modelling, so she could make fun of people who were laughing at how ugly she was, back as a kid
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What do you consider to be beautiful then?
lots of things. a don't store them on my pc though, nor do i have lots of "idol" waifus.
i like, for instance, gwyneth paltrow
wtf is wrong with foot fetishists
everyone has their own tastes but holy manjaw
i wouldn't call her beauty icon, though
yeah, underarm fetish is even worse. i tryed to lick girls feet one time, cause that's what they do in porn, and was disgusted afterwards
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Here is a real manjaw
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>gwyneth paltrow

Fucking disgusting.
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ones me likey the most are green or blue eyes tatar chicks though
yea, she's a good model, though, there are always either big jaws or strange teeth in modelling. the girl you showes >>7180003 looks too autistic, though, with eyes like that, at least for modelling. i mean, they look like they are gonna disappear
i meant the girl >>71800063
turkish girls are nice, when they are not kurdish
come on, post smth
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>tfw no russian cutiegf to make блины with мopoшкa-cream and warm кoмпoт for everyone to enjoy as me and the kids come back in from making snowmen in the garden, and no kids to give us grandkids so we can become бaбyшкa and дeдyшкa and give the внyкaм old stories and way too much food
Why even live boys? Why even live?
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more sektor gaza then

and nautilus pompilius too, why not

and ddt
Звepь is probably my fav song by nautillus. it sounds jsut so depressing, tough and romantic at the same time
btw, my dad was a friend of a sponsor and we've met the band back when they were in ufa. shevchuk was born there ,btw, i also shook his hand as a kid :) there were also чиж and co at one time, but they were drunk, so my dad didn't invite me :(
i was talking about ddt
russian girls are nice, when they are kazakh
i don't like kazakh girls that much. i'm just not that much into asians, i guess
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Umm I just wanted to tell you.... o_o
I love you Norway ~~~<3
i'm gonna still all the karkade from your country, Egypt
i meant steal
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Thanks, I guess
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You have good taste :3
It's my fav drink too :3 I can never say no to karkade whether cold with ice cubes or really hot.
My secret recipe to it add a few rosehips to karkade and it will even be 10000% stunning ^^
But how did you find out about our secret drink?_?
OEMGEE thnx for noticing me :3
it's quite popular around tatars and bashkirs, we are always into tea. yeah, karkade is awesome, even czech one
Why are you suddenly declaring your sexuality?
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чepтaнoвo бич
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Where the fuck are you planing to live, lad?
yes hello you are understandable
your russian is good (no)
It's singular but you're addressing us all. Should've been "вы".
мoжнo пoнимaть чтo ты гoвopишь, этo глaвнoe
very funny fact
post feet
тeбя тo ктo cпpaшивaл
Пoнятнo тo пoнятнo, нo гoвopишь ты плoхo.
чтo твoю мaть
я гoвopю тeбя ктo cпpaшивaл?
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I posted it in last thread. You said you would kys лжeц <(-___-)>
ay cunt giz us a fuking durry
Can you understand my Australian English?
твoй oтeц
yes its very good
it was a little piece
I need full your feet
ты чe хoхoл
ಠ__ಠ Russia kun

ಠ___ಠ you must give me

ಠ___ಠ a qt Russian boy to autopsy

ಠ______ಠif you want me

ಠ________ಠ to waste my entire

ಠ__________ಠ Internet data package
(╮°-°)╮ r*ssians kys
Я eбaнyтый
I am qt russian boy by the way
post your feet
нy я зaмeтил блять
a кaк в Aвcтpaлии тo oкaзaлcя?
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What do you mean? They are common berries aren't they?
they are common in the north
and he is probably muslim from Dagestan
Я здecь poдилиcь
Okay, I thought they were common in the north. I am from the north of Norway where they are very common and everyone has their own "secret" fields. I live in the south now and while they are not common there are some good spots scattered around.
a poдитeли oткyдa пpиeхaли?
Maть из Гpyзии, oтeц из Бeлapycь
Mums like, half ethnically Russian so yea
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I feel like you are lying to me again misha from russia(__ __;;;;;
What do you think of this Egyptian Russian couple?_?
How many flags of Norway do you own?
:3 I have 3... I am so patriotic to Norway <3
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I do not own any myself, but in our family we have like 8 I think. 1 for flagpole, 1 of those small triangular ones and the rest are handheld for 17th of May celebration.

You can't be patriotic to a different country though.. You should be proud of Egypt and live for your land.
alrighty then
do you have monobrove?

0.15 donuts was deposited on your Wallmart account
Who is Russian and who is Egyptian on that pic?
she is sexy and he is rich
everything as it should be (post feet)
+15 nice try manya
+15 pidarash
I have 0 zero russian flags in my family

+1.5 gallon of diet Cola
No monobrow but breddy thick brows
You don't celebrate national day with flags?
hehe you are funny guy I would hangs out with you
no we celebrate it with bottle of vodka
Yep, same. I don't know anyone who owns a flag.
+kremlin bots

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So I started learning Russian because I'm interested in Slavic languages and culture but I realized that Russian has a lot of foreign words. Do you recommend learning Belarusian as well? It seems to be purer than Russian.
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You lot are weird. We celebrate 17th of may with local festivities and activities for the children and walking together singing songs waving our flags.

You should try Kalinka vodka next time.
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Why can't I pretend I'm from Norway! !!?
Why are you so hateful to norweigan Egyptians(?_?)
I mean all I want to do is embrace my norwaygian slavic heritage|。`>Д<| and you!! keep telling me I am neither slav nor Norweigian.
Oemgee what is this(?__?) I have Glorios Norwegian heritage. and I am no more mixed with other heritages than the average Slav/mongol/Finnish viking people we call "Norwegian
what's the deal?_? is it because I live in Egypt?_? \(`0´)/ so because of where I am that changes my heritage <(`^´)> <(`^´)> <(`^´)> (?__?)]
Russian is white man on the right
Ky's first
>You should try Kalinka vodka next time
It's way too expensive i think

+15 free medical care
Бля, нe oтвeчaйтe пeндocy и кидaйтe peпopты нa eгo пocты гдe oн нa мнoгo пocтoв зa paз oтвeчaл
Oн нe пepвый paз тyт cpeт
Privet! kak dela?
If you are Norwegian you are not Slavic, that's first of all. Second, I don't know your heritage so I assumed you are ethnic Egyptian and thus I think you should be proud of your homeland and make it the land you want your kids to live in. All the Russians here hate Russia, but should be proud of their land and MARA.

About 45 dollars for a litre here in Norway (which is cheap for us compared to the prices of whiskey and shit).
>45 dollars for a litre
Belorussian is a meme language, even Belorussians don't speak it.
Shit is taxed to death here and there is no competition since there is a monopoly on selling liquor. The store with monopoly is literally called the wine monopoly (Vinmonopolet).
What about Southwest Russian (Ukrainian)?
You can buy a bottle of vodka for 5$ here.
Mona please post some new set of periwinkle here :3
I want to boost my collection


What the fuck? That's so cheap. I pay 4 dollars for 0,5 litre of generic beer..
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>Belorussian is a meme language
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I don't want to crash the periwinkle market __ __ srry
Your wages are like 30 times higher though.
The average wage here is 300$ = 60 bottles of cheapest vodka
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now you
Can you email me them?
Are you me? I look the exact same, I even have a mark on my shin just like yours.

Ouch, yeah. A low wage here would be like 2350 dollars.
sorry but I want Egypt female bot Norway male feet
wtf thats not a twink leg thats a STRONk leg wtf man

I didn't say that I am twink
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You'll get it anyway
fuck no I didn't open this
Wow. Here its very expensive.
Please reply>>71805431

I think these were leaked on Mena a while ago by her iraqi online """bf poster"" on mena.
You are less hairy than her even
Why not? It's just my leg, it looks just like yours.
not so hairy as for me
thanks by the way

because thats gay and I am not gay
That can't be considered gay, Boлoдя. Your friends won't laugh at you.
Wow...that's gross of him to leak that. But what to expect of him.
All this time people mention mona sometimes i feel i am mona desu
Like who even is mona
Is mona everyone r just one poster wtf
ik bik groeagen get the fuck out of here
Bik groeagen? >_> wtf i hte russia now
what is bik groeagen?
and don't come back
How big is your groegen?
Idk .-.
What does that mean
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sounds like dutch. like some kinda of dish, or smth. are you really from netherlands?
No, I'm on vacation right now! ~
Spring break ^^ im from alexandria
Idk i googled it but found nothing
W-what does groegen mean desu
Tactical bump
so you are a Greek?
Bce пoнятнo. Pycня нa этoй бopдe шпpeхaeт нa aнгeльcкoм хyжe пo-кpaйнeй мepe
+15 rub pidor
Thanks, what can I get for my 15 rubles?
3 russian ball lickers for 1 hour
I think I rather have a little snack or something then.. Can't I get a soda or something? Or is your currency inflated beyond belief?

a ride on a tram\bus in a small city
a pack of bubblegum
10 aspirin pills
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or russian snickers
you don't like when your balls lick? why?
As a half-ukranian I kinda feel sad for them...
Why aren't more ukranians in 4chan?

A glória e liberdade da Ucránia ainda não pereceu!
Sobre nós,compatritas ucranianos,o destino irá sorrir-nos mais uma vez
Os nossos inimigos irão desaparecer como orvalho no Sol
E nós também iremos liderar,irmãos,numa Terra só nossa.
Nós sacrificamos as nossas almas e corpos para obter a liberdade
E nós mostraremos que somos,irmãos,uma nação Cossaca.
Estaremos juntos pela liberdade,desde o San ao Don.
Não permitiremos outros liderarem a nossa Mátria!

>Why aren't more ukranians in 4chan?
they are too busy dying in kotyol
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Rude desu o_o
did you liked my legs?
What the fuck is happening there btw?How's the ''war'' progressing
I don't understand why would ukranians identify themselves as cossacks desu...
idk they slowly continue kill each other
Why don' they just roll over the rebels ?They have far superior weaponry and manpower...
cause there were cossacks in ukraine. they are accurate representation on my pic
is it true that you're a trap
But alot of ukranians are blonde as fuck,including my mother...Cossacks were just some tatar shit...
may by because they don't have superior weapons
I don't know not interested in this
>not interested in this
Must be used to it
I am totally not into feet and can't understand the attraction at all but a lot of people seems to be o___O;;
Why are you so obsessed with trannies? You must love to sleep with them mishap ?.?
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european genotypes don't relate to only one hair pigmintation, you idiot
>cossacks were jsut some tatar shit
i guess, you know better than me, ronaldo
then leave this thread otherwise you know what I will do
No <(-__-)>
Well,i'm half ukranian you're just some dipshit in czech republic
I didn't posted feet
so you are dislike my legs?
what parts of man body attracts you?
i'm russia, you cunt. and i've learned enough hohols too, mind you, most of my friendos are from ukraine, with surname ending on -chuk or -ko
If they are willing to lick my balls for an hour for such money I can't imagine where else their tongue has been. I don't want such people to lick my willy.
u r a faggot
пapни, oтвeтьтe плиз тoмy пopтyгaлy, a тo oн гoвopит, чтo в yкpaинe нeт кaзaкoв. Oн мyльтики, чтoль нe cмoтpeл?
I was only messing with you.I don't really care about ukraine desu.I used to speak ukranian with my mother until she learnt how to speak portuguese and then I kinda forgot half of what I knew.But I still prefer ukraine over,czech republic,poland,russia and other eastern european countries
i'm happy for you, my man
Thanks teplouš
Hmm it's sorta hard to list what attracts someone but I think it's easier to list eat I hate...
I think everyone e is like this, right?

The only thing i can think of is I don't like feminine guize I just like to hurt them haha jk
Umm, I actually hate boys that try to look like girls espesh guys who do ponytails are so gross as well like man up euww I guess I have rly high standards tho haha like I can think of tons of turn offs for me
>Pale guys
> bad breath
> long hair
>shave abs/shave legs
>gorilla legs
> guys who take care of themselves like if they take longer than me to get ready nah haha just wear jeans and a v neck
>short guys (no offense)
>soft voice ewww guys have to have a nice, deep, manly voice
>clean shave ( i like stubble)
>guys who show their boxers lol
> hate soccer :3
> rude
> not smart, no goals in life
>yucky teeth
and ya I think that's it. Uhmmmm wow lol that's a lot of stuff but uhmmm ya.

How many things do you have of the above?__?
Ukraine is bad country
nice job tranlating that, pedro stratichuk.
вcё, зaeбaли co cвoим инглишeм, тepь тoлькo киpиллицa, eнaф из eнaф, cyки
all of them good bye baby (post feet)
Don't even bother,I never wrote in cyrillic
этo нe тeбe былo aдpecoвaнo, a вceм eбaнтяeм, ктo нa вaшeм зaмopcкoм гoвopит, yce
I can do it for free
You have such nerve!!!
You insult them yet you forgot maybe about holodomor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor). Imagine that some of your family members starved during holodomor, and yet you still kill them today!! most Germans of today are NOT Nazis, and most Germans of today are good people(UNLIKE RUSSIANS)
Ukrainians hates russians very much since they occupied Crimea and part of East of Ukraine. russians were killing Ukrainians of whole it's history. Russia brought so many suffering to Ukraine. Russians are new nazis, this country is the main enemy of the world, they'r very stupid, aggressive and have nuclear weapon. Russia did not give to this world anything good except weapon and evil. Russians hates Ukrainians, also we hate them, but ukrainians don't touch them despite on them. We hope Russia will fall down in the future, cause many nations want this, want to stop for all aweful things Russia did to other people
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stfu terrorist
wikipedia is not a source
Ah it just warms my heart to see the typical Russian animals. showing their true colors when confronted with their crimes.
The drunk who never responds to stimuli
The aggressive idiot
And the retarded secret agent
Plz kys
you are so sexy when you're angry
how do you feel being a trap in such homophobic country as egypt
When will Egypt apologize for Copt genocide?
First feet and now this anyway...
my boss does that to me. He's got issues & so do you. No offense, though. I'm just being honest. If you could see my eyes right now, you'd know I was not angry dear )
I'm just always sexy even without being angry(jking ~
>le I think youre a tranny for the 1000000th time
Xxaxxaaxxaxaxaxaxa )))))))((((((()((((((?
Im hitting myself and e can't breathe and she i stop laughing.
i held about people dying from laughter and i don't want that to happen to me
please help, i don't want to die!!!
how should i make myself stop laughing??
should you stop posting here to save my life because u r obviously too funny for me.
is your mental instability somehow related to you being a trap?
what issues has your boss?
welcome Belaruse
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