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/v4/ + friends

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Thread replies: 133
Thread images: 31

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has anyone seen slovakia2.png
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wake up dummies
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>mfw kissed a girl in a dream
what did you dream about anon?
a girl as well
except she was an axe-wielding psycho and was trying to kill me
>tfw even the girls in your dreams are crazies

Nothing or can't remember, just like most days. If I do dream it's usually something really terrible.
Dobré ráno
It was a bit chaotic as usual. Sometimes I dream about the future before it happens - I mean literally not symbolically, like talking to somebody I didn't meet yet, walking in rooms I haven't been to before.
Usually I'm unable to these apart from ordinary dreams, unless like - something truly impossible is happening , like idk, I'm chased by monsters or something.

Anyway, I dreamt that I was getting groceries with my mother in a foreign place and I was watching falling stars in the night sky. We talked about how cold it is and that we barely had a summer this year. I remember being concerned about global warming and hoping Earth won't plunge into another mini-ice age, like Europe had in the 15-18 centuries.

So now I'm worried, and hoping this wasn't the future, just another dream. It probably was, those shooting stars were moving rather erratically.
I hate remembering my dreams.
I want more sleep. 8 hours is terribly little.
Comparison between Olomouc and two cities in Lithuania of very similar population and area size



Green indicates what is cheaper in Olomouc and by how much. Just though it would be interesting to see the differences. You can see how everything is more expensive here execept the rent prices (almost the same in Klaipėda) and how different the average salary is.
cant remember
What's your average talking:clapping ratio in political speeches in your country? For the State of the Union, There's about a 2:1 ratio of talking to clapping.
Well its cheap because its a poor region
Siemka ziomki
that's not how you write a ratio
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I've been flying on a fucking dragon trying to kill some dictator in some strange world. Was cool t b h
>killing dictators
>not enforcing their law

you're mentally cucked, democracy has failed, and as always, autocracy will have to take its place
I never said about any democracy you retard, I simply wanted to replace him
čus pičus
fucking burgers man
ty vole, they clap after every fucking thing
I invented a new type of hamburger
It had peas in it instead of lettuce
Unsurprisingly, nobody liked it
>mixing Czech and English
pls stop
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what's v4? get a real title
How do I get a nice Czechy gf

I want a cute slav to whisper dobrý den in my ear when I wake up so I can go make us pancakes
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shoo shoo we do not accept people from middle east and africa here
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me to the right, you to the left
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what did you do to her to make her want to chop you up?
i don't remember most of my dreams either, but this one stuck with me
>mfw i still remember how the kiss felt
i wouldn't mind a little ice age, winter is breddy comfy
what did you dragon look like?
what the fugg man, why peas?
add some more melanine there mehmet and try to not blow up accidently
ne přestanu, my friend
stop mluving like that
to be fair, czech language already has lots of english words, not even changed like: sexy (i've seen it on poster in Prague:chceš sexy mít tělo?) or fine (fajn)
Majestic huge bad ass with shiny black scales
*chceš mít sexy tělo
I don't know why
I had burgers the day before yesterday
I guess I miss peas in my diet
am i the only one, who farts a lot from peas and beans? beer also doesn't go that well, often
>Be hunfaggot
>Suck Orbanic dick and his propaganda
>Have the lowest GDP grouth of V4 for 8 years in a row
>Slovakia surpasses you by a long shot
>Romania nearly your level
>Hungarian gypsies continue to reproduce and not emigrate because they belive themselfs hungarians.
>Everyone laughs at you
>"Muh Great-Hungary,"

Why are Hungarians so fucking retarded?
fuck off, also if you want to bait magyars this is the wrong thread, fuck off again
>fine (fajn)
huh, we have fainas/faina/fainai too usually used to describe something sweet, cool, nice. I never thought it's from the actual English word fine.
>Hungarian posts bait pick for the lulz
>Romanian answers
>Slovak defends his master
I understand now.
i am not defending anyone, i want you to fuck off and stop shitting up threads
aby lmao, what's going on lads?
But you won't if you eat it more often
It's from German fein
Which means the same
To the Hungarianfags in the thread: is Zita a common name in Hungary?
yes, why?

Just curious. Met a Hungarian chick recently while I was up in Zrenjanin, the name sounded weird, but then again I don't know many Hungarians or what's common or not, so I figured I could ask here.
Melinda and Enikő are the nicest Hungarian-origin female names, imho
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Any particular meaning to them? And the Zita one?
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>what did you dream about anon?
I kissed my [spoiler]sister[/spoiler].
Well I can tell you where Zita comes from as many women, at least from older generation are called like that here. I actually just googled this myself, lol.

Well it is of Phoenician origin (Sitta, Sidona) and means a female resident of Sidon, capital of Phoenicia at the time.
you should have a title for your thread though not meaningless u9f32ur9 stuff
It's not meaningless http://www.visegradgroup.eu/pl
poland seems cool
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>meaningless u9f32ur9 stuff
what did Mohammed mean by this?
>Pot calling the kettle black
Independent Transylvania is the future and the only answer
>Hungarian gypsies continue to reproduce and not emigrate because they belive themselfs hungarians.

How is this a bad thing? The sooner they forget their chimpanzee-ish ways the better. There are good gypsies and they all reject gypsy culture completely and think of themselves as Magyars.

Removing communism was a mistake, commies made them have regular jobs, made them behave like civilized people, we were on our way to completely integrating them when the USSR fell apart.
I wish commies came back, if only because they'd deal with gypsies, instead of fucking EU and liberals enabling their backwards lifestyle.
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why is there fried egg on austriaball?
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He likes this dumb anime with some anime girl wearing an egg hairclip or whatever this is
I don't know, I hadn't noticed that before.
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what a shame
Polish dub for Witcher3 is so good but have to play with eng subs because czech translation is absolute shit
Learnu Polish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXqktc7mFEQ
I understand Slovak in like 80%
I understand like 60% of it but the moment they start š,sz like crazy im lost also they use some ancient words both in english and polish so I have problem with those too
>tfw I got bored of w3 after few hours of gameplay and never really completed the game

I think I should give it another try some day
I can imagine the base game would be boring. I play goty with all those patches + mods to make game not so tedious (autoloot)
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>tfw can't even run W3 on lowest settings so don't get what all the fuss is about
Ye I own only the basic game. Bought it at the launch day.

How was your day anons? I'm drinking anther coffee and making a salad.
Pretty boring desu. +The weather is shit
What kind of salad are you making?
Crab sticks + olives + feta cheese + tomatoes + eggs.
It's yummy.
>Crab sticks

Pick one
you have to go back pedro
Well I like it
Gib złoty plox
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I consider 6 hours a good sleep ever since I started wageslaving, usually I get only 5 though.
just released black plague into world of W3, gg no re
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tired as fuck тбх
ok what the hell is polish word bendo? cant find any translation
będą = will

like they will play tennis = oni będą grali w tenisa
>Polish dub for Witcher3 is so good
Actually the voice acting is worse than in the English version tbqh
The writing is better though.
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at least for me Geralt is much better in PL

so after each ę goes n when speaking that word?

also calling ghost an upior is really weird.
>ciemno wszędzie, głucho wszędzie

>so after each ę goes n when speaking that word?
well you shouldn't really do that while speaking but some people do that
Ahoj, how is your day?

Today a new law came into effect making alcohol more expensive in order to "fight alcoholism". 0,5 l of beer in supermarkets will cost around 0,14 € more, wine rises by about 0,21 € and any spirit by nearly 1 € for 0,5 l.

thanks Obama
Sounds awful
How expensive is it now?
from today we got some laws working too like revenue agency can start the investigation without informing anyone or faking invoice will get you 25 years in prison - same as murder kek
>Ahoj, how is your day?
Bought new headphones, kind of disappointed with them though desu.
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Well it must have not gotten expensive today yet, I just bought a pint now and it cost me 0,79 € or 3,38 zloty or 21,34 kč

I bought my favourite Lithuanian beer and now they have a new pint design since today I guess. Pic rel on the left is one I bought on 26th day and right one is today. I bet you recognize what's on the right one :^)

>same as murder
jesus christ

In other news, one of our TV channels will have a new show called "Prisoners' wives", the host is a wife of a recedivist guy who is in jail for 8th time and she defends them that they are not degenerates etc. Basically people are outraged by it. Country is going to shit as usual.

I know that feeling
piece of shit German clinent who I memed on earlier about filed a complaint against me
meaning I'll have an interrogation session with compliance department tomorrow
could be better
he is probably slovak hungarian
also kekd >>71764501
which headphones did you buy?
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>well you shouldn't really do that while speaking
Wrong, in many cases you actually should do that, otherwise you're hyperarticulating.
>Co to będzie, co to bedzie?
Oh snap, they referenced Dziady in the game? That's really cool.
Fug, I really need to get a new PC already.
>also calling ghost an upior is really weird.
I'd say upiór means a wraith rather than a ghost, because it's a pejorative word, not a neutral one. Ghost would be duch.
Why is it weird though? Does upiór mean something else in Slovak?
>by nearly 1 € for 0,5 l
god I hate alcohol taxes. What alcoholic is this going to stop besides homeless ones anyway? I guess they figured out how much Western European countries were making off these taxes and wanted to take advantage of it.
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Fell for the Fidelio X2 meme.
That sucks man. As people who drink themselves to death would buy beer or wine.
I was being unironically being cucked by webcam by an ex, like in that episode of skins
I also have that kind of dreams but they are usually about non significant success and i usually forget them unil they become true
>that beer can
>my last year at gympl
>should probably learn for maturita
>instead I get shitfaced and/or stoned like three times a week on average
>start feeling like this is getting out of control

Fugg..it wasn't like this a year ago, it's normal for my age right guys.. on the other hand, my anxiety and poor self confidence are gone now, but it still feels like cheating
>As people
*As if
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please post what you did, please
upir is vampire here
>should probably learn for maturita
>instead I get shitfaced and/or stoned like three times a week on average
Been there, done that. Week of studying was more than enough.
Matura is easy as fuck
at least here
>studying for matura at all
for what purpose
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>tfw you look into the eyes of a beautiful girl with great personality and realise that she will never be your gf
Maybe you don't have a gf, but at least you have the best filenames on an eskimo igloo carving forum
That's better than nothing
poka dziołche
ok, reposting
>German client
>we lent him a lot of money for reconstruction
>in exchange, he was supposed to send us some documents
>sent us fuck all
>I spent the last 6 months sending him urgencies/contacting his financial advisor (who tried to do the same thing - no result)
>eventually, I got a greenlight from my boss to give him a 10K CZK fine
>client called me the very next day, absolutely butthurt, calling me names and everything
>after he threatened me with lawsuit etc etc he just hung up
>today he filed a formal complaint against me

I'm not really worried, but I'll just waste a lot of time answering pointless questions tomorrow
fucking Kraut
t-thanks anon
post pic of the girl :^)
not gonna happen m8, as much as i would like to i respect her privacy
>inb4 cuck/whiteknight/other buzzwords
Don't worry about it anonku, respecting privacy of anyone is a very good thing, proud of you
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Das Auto.gif
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>le niemiecka solidność
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>be slav
>see building
>building looks too different from commieblock
>i must change this
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Oh shush
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hello my slav in denial friend
good night
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Oh really?
Jó posta!
>murican education
Good night

>26 in my room
Yes, those damn Slavs and their colorful green commieblocks with natural stone pattern facades and pizzerias inside of them make me very angry too
What about slovenčina and English?

A special kind of anti-cuck missile.
From lentils too.
My granfather once said: šošovica dobrá vára len sa po nej riť otvára.
It's normal to fart from legumes and fermented stuff.
Not a word in any V4 language.
Thread posts: 133
Thread images: 31

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