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How do we save Russia?

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Thread replies: 282
Thread images: 60

How do we save Russia?
Let it die.
If Russians are killing themselves, we won't have to.
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>Be Russian
>Find more elaborate ways to commit suicide
Nohow, let us just die already. It's not life when you live in Russia.
hype is what the masterminds of the 'blue whale' want and you just gave them some attention
you're nothing but a pawn
We don't. The world will be a better place without them.
No Russia who will I play hockey with then.
Finland and USA are pretty good.
Hockey is a shit sport m8, learn to play cricket like a true Commonwealth country.
Someone post train chan
Also isn't one of the leaders of that cult a qt grill
>play hockey
>tfw you can slice your veins with Ice Hockey Skates
Thanks for the tip
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>Wanting to play a game with bunch of poolaloos and Pakis
Seems like som Serial Experiment desu.
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>dark hair
>blue eyes
Why do they let such perfect women die?
Aren't Czechs better than them now?

We can't ever beat Canadians. Canadians are too fucking good.
>social media suicide game
>only in Russia

Soros at it again
There is a big chance that Russian anons from 2ch or somewhere else made this ship up. They fuck media from time to time.
I wish our NHL teams were as good as our national teams.
This its one of the few things russians have going for them.
smells of goth shit
lol, no
The worse thing sosachers can do is trollings bydlo/churkas online
Don't you remember troll-face story?
>tfw no qt dark hair, blue/grey eyed gf
> troll-face
I don't know what are you talking about
I don't visit 2ch
what a qt
Neither do I. Troll-face used to be a popular meme in the runet.
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i know 'fuuu' comics, i don't know what story are you talking about
Pics? Of the process and aftermath
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Objective best russian meme.
Google тpoллфeйc нoвocти, there must be a video from Poccия 2 or something similar.
Oh, this one, i've heard about it long time ago, lol
>boohoo they can't beat the best team in the world might as well kill myself
>over 18
>under 55
>using retarded news as source
It's another urban bullshit legend , like satanic panic.
yes totally fake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAMK9PGORrw
lol, make them come to Sudan to truly appreciate life
I don't think you understand how people live in Russia outside of Moscow. It's literally Africa-tier. This is not a joke or exaggeration.
Come on m8, can't be that bad, we'd also rather have freezing temps over the scorching heat
>Wanting to play a game with bunch of snowniggers
s m h
This story sounds as likely as the one here where kids supposedly shoved vodka tampons up their ass.
t. Never been further than his hometown
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15min from Moscow. You can go and see it for yourself at Google Maps Street view. This country is a complete disaster.
>Hockey is a shit sport m8, learn to play cricket like a true Commonwealth country.
>Hockey bad but cricket is good
Most people don't have 3 days to play a game with a bunch of desi. It's a game that manages to be slower than baseball or golf.
are there any videos with english commentry explaining this shit
Come on. I admit it's shit but africa tier is going a bit too much.
Look some articles and pictures about Africa at Varlamov and Tema Lebedev. Your knowledge may have outdated.
You need NHL teams. It's just us and the Canucks and they riot after games.
>we'd also rather have freezing temps over the scorching heat
That's just grass is greener mentality. They both suck.

t.Someone from an area where humid 100°F+ days and 0°F windy days are both the norm.
Sounds fun, how do I play it?
Liberashka spotted, gtfo retard
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>Life in russia is so shit killing yourself is a national past time
I can't even make fun of that.
Ah yes, just like rainbow parties and satanic d&d.
Lol, how biased you are. Also I don't know what he has to do with liberashkas. He supports authorities in general. But anyway, what photos of Africa have to do with his political orientation? I just don't know any people who go there.
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Why? It's always fun when idiots die.
Russians already stole the only NHL worthy team into their propaganda hockey league.
Just Russia things.

Country can't go extinct soon enough. Russia is a festering shithole that's weighing all of humanity down.
>when he pulls her in by her groin
fuck man, I can hear her crying its so enticing I just wanna fug a russki
>ahmed mohammed from turkey
Sweden is a complete shit, but he is right about Russia anyway.
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Why should anyone take responsibility for what stupid teenagers do to themselves?

At best you should put their parents in jail for being failures and making their daughters so poorly educated they have nothing going on in their heads that tops a suicide game.
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>said the ryssä even though he would give anything for the chance to live in sweden
I wouldn't live in today's Sweden.

I would
I would live in Austria btw.
Why on earth would you ever want to save Russia?
Honestly speaking, Russians aren't any better.
>sweden is above russia in rankings
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>that hairline
If it's like here, just insult the government in public and the game starts immediately
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>suicide game
>Blue Whale
This is just like my favourite chinese cartoons.

May the weaklings die anyway.
Russia doing fine. Strong willed people would live for sure.
Pocket bad guy?
We have to kiss them on the mouth
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>How do we save Russia?

This is the only way.
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>the game in which you're guaranteed to win
why did he fall on his knees at the end
Because he lost. He was disqualified for kicking his opponent in the head while he was down, and immediately realized his mistake.
This sort of thing happens all over the world. Sad but life is turbulent during adolescence and stupid shit happens.
No need to be so dramatic, Clapistanon.
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Cricket in the ice and snow.
Why not?
You can't use legs when your opponent is lying so there guy got disqualified. Idk where the fuck he fought before.
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>designated municipal suicide instructors
He unplugged the controller in a fit of rage
>top tens
that's right, sven.

чтo зa игpa тo?
>mongol-slav mongrel genes
>produces stupid shitters

who wudda thunk it
If they willing jump off buildings when somebody told them to do it then it's their problem. A healthy individual wouldn't kill himself because of some stranger's advice, don't you think?
why are canadians such savage, mindless animals?
Every fucking time. Thank you China.
>If they willing jump off buildings when somebody told them to do it then it's their problem
Fucking this, natural selection as it is
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This was in the recommended videos sidebar.
E-celebs are fucking cancer, man.
It's also an indicator of a larger circumstances at play. Maybe it is one of the many byproducts of the modern world but in this instance there is clearly something more organised going on which can be studied at least. Simply hand waving these things away isn't really informative.
I wish more Africans would try that but we don't have any tall buildings to begin with
More like
>How do we destroy the EU?
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what's so funny anoncito
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Sorry, we're all dead.
pls no. Russians are some of the nicest posters on /int/
Sounds like an anime plot.
I'd watch it.
still a cute
One is
What about st. Petersburger?
Worse than Moscow, but better than a typical Russian post-soviet """city""".
I'm not feeling very well but your post made feel a little bit better.
>tfw cute russian girls are killing themselves for fun instead of being my gf
should i just end it all
You should be happy, Russian women are a meme.
isnt life just a big meme anyway
They are cruel retarded meme you won't mess with.
>Russian women are a meme.
If you only knew just how bad the ""women"" are here you wouldn't be complaining
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>isnt life just a big meme anyway
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Will you show me?
>Women in the West
>Feminism and stuff

>Women in Russia
>Give me your money and stuff

Meh, I'm absolutely ok living alone.
Been to London a few times
Brits are basically Russians with worse wimminz
Wow I don't understand how anyone could want to end their life isn't life wonderful

t. first worlder
I don't mean women in the west, I mean the average English ""woman""
>Give me your money and stuff
I guarantee women here are equally materialistic as your own

Glad you understand
>isn't life wonderful
Fore women? Pretty much, yeah.
Nah. They're usually a little fucked in the head. Can't separate yourself from your own head.
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Oh, you think Russian women are beautiful? Nah, there are TONS of ugly fucks here. I'd say most of them are shrek-tier.
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>They're usually a little fucked in the head
It's good when you live in Russia. Otherwise, you would drink yourself to the death.
Those aren't even ugly, if you're trying to cherry pick you aren't doing a good job the average English woman from a working class town will have an equal attractiveness to the ones in your picture
underrated post
sad they are talented
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Sounds like I need to play this game.
Darwin wins again, baby!
Those are average women from an average city.

Sounds like they wanted to kill themselves. Who goes through 50 days of this shit and doesn't want to end it.
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The time has come to an end
Yeah – this is what nature planned

Being tracked by a starving beast
Looking for its daily feast
A predator on the verge of death
Close to its last breath
Getting close to its last breath

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I want a Russian qt
I hope you feel better anon. What is wrong that you are feeling bad? Maybe meditation might help.
I imagine those 50 days were the happiest, most carefree days of their entire lives.

I'm ill. That's ok though.
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>After the arrest of a supposed ringleader named as Phillip Budeikin, there was a reduction in cases

What a faggot.
Turn off the computer Donny.
Literally a self-correcting problem
She is very attractive
>Russe vs France
Where is France? There are the Russian girl and the Nigger.
>the Nigger
He is a Frenchman unlike you
holy moly, thank god I'm not a French.
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How does it feel to have it all? Must feel incredible
Have what? I've been living alone all my life and there is no sign that this will change in the near future.
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But you aren't an Frenchman(african) and you are amongst your own people, doesn't it feel good? Unless this is pedojew then I apologise, I am one of the shittest anglo posters on here best not waste too much of your time on me
Just like black mirror.
What a world.
Make Russia Soviet Again
I don't love niggers, but most R*ssians aren't really better. Especially women.
When can I get my memory implant chip?
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At least yours look like angels
if a nigger can get a russian qt why can't you ? you guys are too much depressed here, that why your women are open to foreigners. how can you save russia if you can't save your women from foreigner ?
think about it
Probably one of the Japanese promotions as they allow kicks to the head when an opponent is down.
>if a nigger can get a russian qt why can't you ?
I don't know what I want from live and what I want from relationships. Maybe I don't want it at all.
>how can you save russia if you can't save your women from foreigner ?
>think about it
really made me think
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1% maybe.
That looks like the worst wedding ever.
If she lost a few pounds she would be even hotter, I'd let her talk me into anything she could crush my bollocks with her hands and I wouldn't lift a finger to stop her
>I don't know what I want from live and what I want from relationships. Maybe I don't want it at all.

desu i don't know either, very few know, just do thing and see what you hated so that you don't do them again, with time maybe you'll find what you like, or at least you'll do something that is not a huge pain in ass.

a man who think equal two men
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>That looks like the worst wedding ever.
Oh boy..
Why I can't look on this picture without laugh?
Most of these teens had no perspectives in life anyway, Suiciding yourself at the end of some mysterious game while you're still young is still better than living your whole life in shitty conditions working your ass off for $200/month salary.
>just do thing and see what you hated so that you don't do them again
This is the exactly my experience with relationships. Although it was back when I was 16-17, I don't want this shit anymore 2bh.
For now, I feel like I'm doing not bad and the only thing that I really need is more money.
Post more russian wedding photos pls.
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Ok, why not
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Socialism is great.
>Bwahhhh life is so hard and painful, bwaaa what should I do.
Fuck you fagget people in Syria have much worse than that.
Reminds me of Alabama.
We are good enough to think about our life and too poor to have a good life, this is a curse that leads you into your grave.
That's exactly why they leaving their country in masses and flooding Europe. People aren't fond of living in shitty conditions.
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Oi cunt if you want to be rich you are will be or die trying, finding excuses is not an answer, choas is the only true answer.
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pol/tard's wedding
Maybe you're right, but making life better it is a hard task.
>this guy's face
>"why am I even here?"
That's a pretty cool dad desu.
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You can be rich, but you can't Russia rich. You will always live in shitty cities. Also, many Russians just can't opportunities to do something.
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only a few are actual syrians that need help, when you look at it, it was all young men, from diverse country such afghnistan, irak, erytree, and some africans.

read pic related and think about it
Fuck, I'm sleepy.
>but you can't make Russia rich
>Also, many Russians just don't have opportunities to do something.
You have no idea what natural selection is
thats BATYA
Stupid and weak dies.
See, exactly my point
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Don't be sure. People can change.
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why exactly do you subhuman have a collection of redneck weddings
No, Russians can't. I thought that they can when I was younger. But now I understand that Russia always will be in shit. Not because of evil Jews/Politicians/Americans/Europeans etc, but because of Russian mentality. Nothing can change this. If you want to live in a nice country - emigrate.
Sounds like some black mirror shit.
I just take it from here
vk dot com slash yourexwedding
Fuck you, I don't like easy walkthrough, let's put some trial, are we.
Russia truly is a magical place, probably dark magic or something.
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>russians think it's completely normal to train 8 year old kids to fight wars in a junarmija by having them attack a replica of the german reichstag
You don't get it, it not easy or hard. You can't build a castle out of a pile of shit. Well, maybe you can, but it will be a shitty one. Do you want to put your struggles into castle made of shit?
Do you hate fun or something?
Struggle make you tougher go be a bitchasssoftnigga somewhere else.
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I have folder "Russia" it contains not only weddings but various fun things
*makes you
But the chance that you'll escape this prison isn't really big. And imagine starting all from the beginning. If I move to another country, I'll probably just go to a work and drink/do drugs at home sitting on 4chan. That's all.
You are quite whiny person are you? Dream on is the only true answer.
>Dream on is the only true answer.
This is why I'm still alive 2bh. I just realize that life isn't a fairytale and there is a chance that I'll fuck up.
He's german.
>I'll probably just go to a work and drink/do drugs at home sitting on 4chan. That's all.
Yeah, there is a high chance that if you move you'll get nothing but a low-paid job and an accommodation among violent locals/immigrants/refugees
I hate ugly people
So any Rusanon care to explain what the game is about? So far it sounds like script from The Ring (x amount of days with death at the end).
I'm not proficient enought with slavrunes to search myself.
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that one plz
If I move I'll get a good job since the only option for me is to emigrate as a skilled migrant. But anyway, I don't think I'll get any friends and could do something more social than going to bars sometimes after work.
So basically the same as just living in Russia?
If I got it right:
You contact tutors somehow. They give you 40 tasks. The last task is to kill yourself. That's all, lol.
No, you'll live in a better city and country anyway. That gives you some advantages.
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Well, there is more in it. These tutors act in a psychologically subtle ways earning more trust from teens then their teachers at school or even parents ever could. That's why they're able to persuade them to suicide in the first place.
Sounds weird that people would commit sudoku over soemthing like this. There must be strong indoctrination going in this or something.
The most amazing part of the image is that the pot hole hasn't grown.
Yeah there kinda is
thats shopd tho
Russian quality
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What in the actual fuck. Who the fuck is like "yea bro, you have to kill yourself now it's apart of the game lmao do it you pussy. Fuck bro ok I guess I will so I look cool to everyone while jumping off this roof to suicide. Maybe when my body explodes on the concrete, Maryszka will finally go on that date with me."

Fucking white people man
Life is war, fighting is a only way to survive.
Well Russia has a long history of brainwashing and there's a lot of suicides so it's not an unlikely combo.
Suicide cults aren't really new invention. This one just operates online.
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That reminds me of a news story, where dude got fed up with local goverment not repairing pot holes, so he planted a tree in one. Pic related.

Well, I'm talking about these teens. What is the end game in their head? I don't understand what they believe they're getting out of killing themselves for a game. I understand if they actually want to kill themselves due to depression, but it sounds like they're just YOLOing or some shit for fun.
haha nigger
we had same shit but man repaired hole and they fined him

I'm actually white. White people do some absurdly stupid shit. Other races seem to just do regular stupid shit.
They can't quit because people who are in charge of giving the tasks get their ip by sending a special link and say that they will come and torture participant's family if they stop doing the tasks and sending photos
As anon said >>71748983 they're getting brainwashed. You just do what the leader say, because you belive him, more than anything in the world. There isn't really any sane logic in it.
don't they have tor in rossiya

Well fuck me running. Crazy shit
Why are germans always so rude?
It's not for everyone you know. Not for a teenage grill for sure.
Well, 13-16 year olds are still naive kids so you can't really expect anything from them
They open the link, then they see their ip and recieve threats, pretty creppy imo
Although no one will come since it usually other school students who give them their tasks
He could've bought a bag of cement and filled it himself with the money he spent on the tree.

Have you ever heard of Brasil?

You guys know nothing about shit life conditions.

And we literally drink as much as you.

No. At least not as a filling in asphalt road.

this stuff is scaring
I hope it escalates quickly
>wishing for people's suffering
why ;_;
She preferred death over having to date a Western beta male. Russian women are waking up to the reality of life.
>Western beta male
I doubt that she even had an ocassion to see one in real life.
Not related but related to Russian.

I was thinking of picking up all five levels of Rosetta Stone Russian. Anyone here have experience with RS and is it any good/worth the $200 burgerbucks?
>Download limewire
> Torrent Rosetta Stone for free
>torrent rosetta stone from limewire
>just a 2mb exe in the zipped folder that requires a password that can only be obtained by paying $4,99 to a paypall account located in china
This is true
I used to cut myself when it wasn't popular.
if i get a russian gf, would she expect me to treat her like shit and beat her ?

If i treat her like a human being will she leave ?
One girl dumped my friend literaly because he didn't beat her.
Although, he had like 50 others he fucked and everything was okay.
So, I'd say it is rather rare fetish.
Hopefully they will vanish as soon as possible
Is life in Russia truly as depressing as described?
No, Russia is paradise on Earth. Even death is fun here.
Are russians as nice in real life as they are on /int/?
just learn the basics online, learn to type cyrillic and do the same stuff you normally do on the internet while learning Russian. I started with a downloaded rosetta stone and I didn't like the format.
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Is it impossible for Russia to build paved roads
is that shooped
No doubt it will be in the next season.

technology has been interfering with natural selection for too long now

this is a good way to balance things out increasing variability in the ways a lower IQ can kill stupid people
But there are tons of shitskins who don't die. Actually, they breed very fast. Something wrong here.
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joint strike please
wasn't this a shitty movie?
what is the name?
You have pastors telling people to drink rat poison though. Just as good.
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Cиний Кiт
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Soooqa. A вeдь вce нaчaлocь c нeтcтaлк-тpeдoв и тихoгo дoмa нa cocaчe.
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Most of the r*ssians on /int/ are fags
natural selection at work

nice to meet you
>tfw beta male but like slav girls
My life is unending suffering
>falling for the meme hoax
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means fart in finnish
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