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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 119

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Canada USA Mexico

busty girls edition
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America's Peak.png
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He does it again!
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Pabst to be honest
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I am a completely enlightened individual who has evolved beyond the primitive need to participate in conversations and collect (You)s
I hear autumn is nice. I'm a sucker for snow so I'd go in the winter.
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the gf
worst post ITT
dont get carried away, put your socks back on
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chinese beer time m80 kraut decided it
*does an amazing post that leaves you speechless*
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PBR is literal pisswater
HD arm hair

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Nice try amigo
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It always looks like
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the gf
they are ugly
And you're a literal faggot
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the gf
>commies hate qt girls

whoda thunk it
I'm glad this faggot is dead
you are ugly
idk go in the early summer or something

do you have someone to go with
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the gf
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I just downed an entire glass of whole milk with added vitamin D
If you can make one change to the american constitution what would you change?

I would make universal health care a right for every citizen
literally me lol

Vitamin D milk is like 5 bucks at my local grocery

its ridiculous
good man
britfu is too strong, the rest of yalls gfs are shit
would annul the entire thing and instate a hereditary monarchy all in one amendment
ban guns
I would put a limit on non-white immigration and make English the official language
Why is there so much cocaine in the hood
Wish I was a qt girl with a penis buds
Pabst is more expensive now that all the hipsters drink it.
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download (2).jpg
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right you are hans

delete this
ban torontians
He's now having that big rest day in the sky ;_;7
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I'm starting to get Latina fever tbqh
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Angie Varona.jpg
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>tfw she has pink nipples

Is she white then?
ban californians
>date girl 3 years younger than me (she's 18)
>independent, stopped studying a now works in a tourism agency
>emotionally dependent women with an all shaven world class pussy
>tried to bang her yesterday
>she turned me down
>she then asked me to walk her home
What the fuck am I even supposed to do? I've always lived among manchildren and thought i was mature, and now she comes and all of sudden I'm the manchildren.
Only thing I have going for me is that she's kinda awkward among some social environments and a little bit ignorant, should I bring her the edge of those situations in order to make me feel superior to her, or just simply admit that she has an advantage on me.?
Combine every law into one huge 90,000+ page law that covers everything
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this image is not edited
idk i've never even been to the northeastlol
and you are fat

Birth in the US doesn't necessarily mean citizenship
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GroBe Bruste
he's not dead, he lives on in our hearts
Latina girls are pretty hot desu
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>busty girls edition

my kinda thread
Think I'm finally losing my virginity tonight boys
Been with my gf for 10 months and she's a bit of a prude catholic school girl so she wanted to put it off. We were gonna wait until valentine's but found out we were too busy that day. My dick is like 6.5 inches in circumference and 6 inches long. She's 5 feet tall and 90 pounds, my dick is as thick as her forearm.
Any tips? I've fingered her before with 4 fingers but she still thinks it'll be too big. I have lube. Will she bleed if I've fingered her like that? Should I just go for the tip in?
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*vetoes your veto*
No birthright citizenship for illegals
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those hips, goddamn, i'll look foward sex tonight
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Maturity is knowing that face > bosoms
Britfus make best waifus
British girls are made for yank cock
its called an override
No it isn't
They hate white men tho sadly
ban female woman
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My Mexican neighbor threatened to send his daughter back to Mexico when she got pregnant
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Asian qt.png
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Maturity is not having yellow fever
stop being a marica and fuck that pucci get her tipsy

same here m8 what is there worth visiting there?

yeah i know T_T

get her drunk
what do YOU know buddy
Is it common among males to have one side of the moustache less thick than the other?
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>Maturity is not having yellow fever
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goddam mane too qt for me

maturity is embracing the yellow fever
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>CHI on defence
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I had a Mexican neighbor named Patricia (but everyone called her Patty) who had a crush on me. I lost my virginity to her but never made her my gf for reasons that I can't remember at this point. She ended up getting pregnant a bit over a year later.
>black eyes, black hair
wouldn't touch/10
>not liking ultra feminine girls
that baby is yours
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>>black eyes, black hair
>wouldn't touch/10
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One of these girls is not like the others..
where did you get a picture of me
Nope. She stole a condom from her older sister. The baby was her CHI boyfriend's.
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Asian woman.jpg
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>believing in memes
>implying we've gotten snow this season
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thats koreans m80

patrician taste friendo
they can dress feminine, but not all of them act feminine
i've spoken to extremely belligerent han girls
Was patty attractive?

What's it like fucking a Mexican
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That's Yayoi for you, lowest grade asians
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whats the point of this general?
what do you guys even discuss here that you cant discuss elsewhere?
they are safe and cheap for the most part stayed in plenty of em driving around the US for work reasons
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fun posting and asian qts mane
We talk about asian women every hour or so
how do you stay loyal to one girl buds?

i've cheated on every single gf i've ever had
the gf
fuck off chad
foreplay is the key, I have decently big junk and no girl has complained about the size unless I start to move roughly.
Just go smoothly, a lot of kisses, a lot of touches, make your way down as if it were a mere practiced act (girls love that shit).
google up how to eat pussy and eat her pussy like a maniac, putting dik in vag is not what sex is all about no matter how porn make it seem that way.
by the end of all your play she'll be craving for your dick, or your feet, or whatever she has laying around to shove it into there, that only if you have done it correctly. Pussy is a weird ass place to be, it expands, ir contracts, it makes sounds, it even breathes and has conscious of its own, so no matter how many times your gf had prayed god or how many times se had killed goats for Satan its pussy will be whatever the fuck the pussy wants to be.
Some of the people here are nice and I like talking to them
I have never had a gf
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date a rich girl or a yandere

either greed or fear will keep you in line
Imagine if the natives that came here through the bering-strait thousands of years ago looked like east asians, then I'd actually care about them
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Yeah she was pretty hot
I can probably attribute my Latina fetish to her
Posted this before but this girl reminds me of her
yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes
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>tfw yellow fever but don't want to curse any potential sons with WMAF genetics
why must white women be either ugly, batshit or giant sluts
some eskimo women do had a qt eskimo neighbor that looked chinky as fuuck wanted to bone her so bad
Looks Tungusic not east asian

Don't care
Because they're the inferior sex
>how do you stay loyal to one girl buds?
i have no idea either, i have cheated on all my gf's also, i believe i havent found "the one" and im doubting her existence right now
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Get a asian gf anyways

they're nice to look at like decorations
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>his mom is a giant slut
I've honestly spend a lot of time thinking about her and regretting not gf'ing her. Probably would've happened if my family didn't move. Her family was really nice desu
A lot of our neighbors were black and they didn't like blacks, so they were relieved when we moved next door.
but at least some asian women come with strong familial ideals
white women in the current year are the most uppity women in the world
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i find a lot share autistic hobbies

>had asians gfs that liked playing vidya watching anime and going to karaoke
>their rooms were full of plush dolls at the age of 23

how can roasties even compete?
>the fit and strong person is unhappy
>the fat and ugly person is happy
really makes you think
umm excuse me?? women are not your decorations they can be astronauts
that cat is sick :(
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Now drinking jap beer
This is why I'm not even that upset chinks are taking over our large cities.

One day I'll have a chink gf and it'll all be worth it.
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>/cum/ is dead again
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good edition
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not gonna lie its pretty great
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Apology not accepted
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*makes a post*
need best girl gf
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I never used to believe the whole yellow fever = autism meme, but this is some pretty clear evidence.

no good rei cosplays yet
rei a shit nigger
le penis xD xD

t. gay
post qts
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I haven't been laid in 3 years
post your cock and/or your latest poop
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It's her!
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>I've fingered her before with 4 fingers
You might be a virgin but she's certainly not
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all this butthurt from worst girl fans
do it if you do
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post experiences with asian gfs
we will fully and fairly evaluate this meme via subjective experience and conjecture
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>he has been laid

you're the one defending worst girl

once a chinese qt (she wasnt that cute, more like ugly) told


in the most stereotypical chinese accent ever, i laughed in her face and her face was :((((.

really cute.
ok ill start

>get asian gf
>she is very kind sweet and considerate
>first girl to make me food ever and i didnt even ask her to she had a meal prepared and bought ice cold beer for me to drink becuase she knows i like beer
>likes a lot of the same kind of movies tv shoes and chinese cartoons
>actually plays vidya
>first gf to show a lot of concern over my health and well being
>prefers we stay home and cook together
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arent you taiwanese or some shit like that.
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would you rather fuck him before or after?
Whats sounding like?
fite me irl bitch boi
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vampire are very dumb
porque no los dos
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The world doesn't deserve asian girls
>T. werenigger

*HEEMs you*
porque no los dos
both, at the same time
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This is the first time in years I've thought about Patty
I wonder if she'd still have three kids at her age if I was her bf and she never got with the CHI who impregnated her, or got with him a little later
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Sup eses
I can't imagine the horror thats about to unfold upon you
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>american cartoons
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Central American anons.jpg
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Yo, que pasa hermano?

Nigger ive seen it a million times, blood calls blood, she was gonna end up CHI anyway.
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Canada USA everyone else.jpg
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That's actually a Canadian-American show.
I'm telling patty
*shoots you *


delete this
I know about that, but what I always think about is if she would've gotten with that specific CHI
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This is a different girl, you're a FRAUD
What are the sexiest sneakers a girl can wear?
-New Balance
I'm not too big on the black top white botom Nikes

litterally perfect vagoo

All chicanos are shit.

Your only chance to be with her forever if it was somehow you were a white guy with money and autism.
barefoot is best
I loved this episode
bobo is such a dummy
really dislike this german
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>log onto aboriginal bikie bikie forum
>its a footkraut edition
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smh fam.gif
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chicanos should be put in concentration camps
I like him, just not the foot thing
anything happen on /cum/ over the past week?
Just keep working out or start if you haven't and keep searching for your qt m8
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Stuff and things mostly
I don't care about feet or porn, I just dislike him
That hairstyle is super cute
>All chicanos are shit.
I thought we were friends
I want to have sex with nothing but shoes on but I never got the chance because shoes off is just like the logical first step to getting undressed.
No muco senior


I unironically support this
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Yes I meant that.png
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I wish I was a mod, solely so I could range ban his IP.
He's, dare I say /ourkraut/

kill yourself
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she also has really sexy feet with nice long toes
Plz no bully
In an alternate universe, you're a well known and respected author of /cum/ fanfiction
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>tfw when her dad was drunk one day, he said he wanted me to get married to his daughter
>my family moves away half a year after I lost my virginity
>I had her brother (who was my friend) on Facebook
>see on his profile that she got a boyfriend
>she gets pregnant a couple of months later
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friendly reminder
No dirty Germ is /ours/

Those feet actually look pretty big.
>sneakers with heels
I know what you are talking about
nothing quite as countryside as that
but he's such a tease
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Telling her what?
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some kind of stylish boots
>new balance
that's like what everyone wears. I think of a middle aged white man when I think of new balance
yeah that can be attractive
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but would u succem
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Most CHIs tell their daughters to get someone with "papeles" but they never listen.
Never forget Kronstadt.
all 10, one at a time
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Hey, leave Mexico alone
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i prefer new balance for some reason
it's got that cardio-bunny look
Nah I'm neutral on feet
Uggs with lose fitting sweat pants are one of the reasons I will never in my life date a white girl
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She was already a US citizen since she was born in the US, though.
We've already settled that asian girls > roasties

Join the boat
kinda want to start watching anime again but i also want to kill myself
I guess I'm around so many white women with yoga pants on a college campus that I've just become desensitized. women now only stand out if they wear something other than athletic shoes + yoga pants (unless she's a pawg, and then she stands out fine)

I sort of find their "I don't give a fuck" attitude hot
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Bucket of KFC or her sweaty toeZ in ur mouf
fuck off she's pure
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Literally me. But I honestly I just wanna get back into anime so I can shitpost on /a/ like the good ol days
I thought you're going to sleep?
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>posting average cum sluts that you wage cucks will one day have to support once they've hit the wall and got off the cock carousel
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while I hate those heeled sneakers, I do actually love plateau flip flops

something hot about them

at 2:15
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hammer and popsicles.jpg
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Reminder that communism was beaten by push pops
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not sure what it is
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considering how we're literally supposed to be the last to leave burning buildings or sinking ships, becoming a money servant to a woman after she's gotten her share of dick should not be too far-fetched
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>implying I know how to play chess
still gonna beat ur ass bud
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That leg to torso ratio my goodness
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>mfw all the man-milk demons ITT
I put the manga on pause because I found more interesting stuff to read, might get back into it next week
yeah was getting boring
>plateau flip flops
In my first apartment here, there were a bunch of filipino prostitutes, and they all had a sizable collection of heeled flip flops

those stupid cunts would be in an out all hours and never failed to slam the door/ always parked their scooters right outside my window
>drinking milk
>from a fucking bag
correct, finally
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>this fucking sperg can't play chess for 30sec
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aight nighty night budZ

yeah they have something slutty about them
whores wearing them proves my point
Gonna suck some penor soon buds
I stopped drinking milk and my face shaped out more nicely + less acne. I love drinking milk and would drink 3-5 glasses a day, but if my complexion improves that much I'm going to sadly have to stop
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good thing we're not like those stupid yanks and their oversized plastic jugs

this is convenient AND saves material!
chocolate lab mix maybe
Now that the german is gone, the quality of posts will go up right?
Too straight for /cum/
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i was just clicking random shit

was on the winning side tho so take that as you will


quintessential arkansas post
to be fair, their are some masters out there who could probably beat us in <5 moves

germans seem like a dual-edged sword. amazing at farming and building and [sometimes] engineering things (not the panzer lmao) and overall building strong societies, but let them off the leash in leadership and they fucking destroy everything for fun
Hey bud
>milk worsens my shit skin
fug, and I was just starting to drink it again
and memes aside, carton is the master race of milk containers, a plastic bag/jug degrades the flavor
gud pic
Plastic bags are LITERALLY the most efficient and economical way to store a liquid like milk
Drink it out of a glass container from the local creamery you dun-dum.


I agree, carton milk tastes the best by far, but I've never had milk from a bag.

even though I drink milk less, I do spoil myself sometimes with a jug of chocolate milk if I need to stay awake
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B_ _E_ _S_ _T



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I am the milkman.
My milk is delicious.
>tfw I never beat the game because the disk broke
The german leaves and now yall start talking about bags

He really is the glue that holds cum together
on the topic of milk

Anyone ever listen to the song carolina drama and not understand what the "go and ask the milkman" part at the end was about?

Really wish the moderators were more strict. What the fuck are we paying them for if they won't enforce the rules
kill yourself
>tfw I'm not using a walkthrough and idk how the fuck to get past the snipers
I'm a fucking failure online and off hahaha
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just imagine

>canadian wilderness
>dying of thirst
>luckily Ive got my emergency bag of milk on hand
>fuck, no way to open it because I dont have my government-mandated milkbag cutter, and I cant cut a hole larger than 3 CM from the corner or Im arrested
>blacking out
>out of necessity for survival, puncture the bag with a stick
>milk pours out everywhere, now I'll only have enough to last another 20 minutes
>as I lie their in a puddle of spilt milk, I look up to the heavens for salvation
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hey, fuck off Lahey
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I dindu nuffin ban.png
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They just do what they feel like, porn threads will stay up for hours while fedora posters get b& here.
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>large nutrient sacks
I need her.
And little early-pearly came by in his
Curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a ride
where is my queen bajachan
Blond is a male. Blonde is a female.
Then again I'm not judging
do you think TTFAF counts as vidya game music because of its meme status?
>tell everyone I'm a lesbian
>get asked out by a girl once every 4 or so months
>become fearful of God and tell everyone I'm straight
>4 guys ask me out while I already have a boyfriend in less than 4 months
I just want to be left alone so i could play videogames and self-loathe in peace
What's blondh?
gonna fap an sleep
In prison.
She raped and murdered a girl in 1990.
They finally got her.
I wish fapping could help me sleep.
It only wakes me up.
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yeah bby where you @
playing skyrim lads
my faggot roommate is playing skyrim lmao
Sucks, the feeling after a good wank + my comfy blanket and socks knocks me out like a baby
omw tomorrow morning

>not morrowind
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>claims to be a girl
>humble brags
>attention whoring
>so depressed XD

Might be real /cum/
I only attention whore when I'm cold and my heater broke.
I posted london first so by 4chan law I got dibs
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r8 me lads.

pls no bully
eyy bby
eyy bby come over here
lean in close to me bby
yeah bby just like that

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Take the third position: no non-Christians or sex before marriage.
That oughta weed 'em out.

Jesus saves and loves his NEET children.
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I love cum
+not fat
+decent lower body
-no tits
-bit thin (not thiccposting, just 5lbs of fat on those bones would do a lot of work)
-attention whores in my ugly loser boys' club

6/10 would settle
Good body no tits. At least you have nice skin and no fat. 7/10
Thread posts: 314
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