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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 339
Thread images: 96

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madman edition
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any memes lads
Thoughts on Robert Gordon University?
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fuck my bowls up.png
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imma make you hurt
willies . post em
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st. phillips.jpg
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nth for anglo suburbs
her feet are grim lad

find a better britslag to post
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the utter state of this guy

what kind of severe trauma did he go through as a child to end up this way
Making some goulash lads.
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how to get qt brown gf
Got a week off with absolutely no plans, thinking of visiting the Cotswolds.
How did he do that with his finger???
good post. your leaf cunt friend needs to fuck off.

so obsessed with sucking british dick that he doesn't even read about what he's arguing before he jumps in and sides with brits
>disliking ricardo piano
vote for jezza
what she needs is a dose of western liberalism
wheres the rest of it
niggers, out
>bun sumting
what's the easiest way to lose weight?
love buying old library books
Cut a leg off
>b-but i know fascism is bad and stuff but you shouldn't, like, hurt people
Peak Liberalism
stop eating
4chan X seems to have been updated. You will need to reload the page.
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westmount city hall.jpg
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anglo architecture in north america
pick 1
ayyyyeee I know Robbie he used to go to my school
You know what's crazy? Literally everyone in the past used to look like this guy. Muscles everywhere from hard work hunting and farming
just put the fork down lad

it literally takes more effort to eat than not to
Had this dream a small gorilla gave me an incurable virus/bacteria that kills you within a day
this is why Fascists always win in the long run
he's taken steroids for like 30 years
If you don't live in a major city, you aren't part of the real world.

Your views, opinions, style, and even technology are simply outdated.
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>International Holocaust Memorial Day

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the annex.jpg
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inner suburbs
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edgy, show some fucking respect for the dead
got mistaken for hideki tojo in the computer lab
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Gf is being consistently annoying. I've noticed that most of her talking is about how she has a headache or might be getting a cold or is having heart palpitations... she keeps saying she once drank so much red bull she had to go to hospital bit upon asking her more about it, turns out she walked herself in to a&e and told them she drank loads of red bull and her heart was beating too fast and they told her she was fine and sent her home. Now any time she gets drunk or has a red bull she spends 2 days avoiding coffee etc saying she's having heart palpitations and shit. It's pissing me off, everything is always about her imaginary problems. She also just cried because she saw a picture of a dead dog on a news website.
Lost 30lbs since starting HRT + DNP

I'm 10 stone now and want to lose 5lbs
who is THAT
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I was full as fuck from this day. And im still 800 under TDEE

thats literally all you have to do is eat less. Its seriously so easy to lose weight. You dont even have to run or anything.

Just eating like this I'll lose nearly 1.5lbs a week
*steps on the gas*
eat less
lost like 4kg since ive been back at uni (few weeks.
NEED a qt brown girl on my face
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NEED to live in a neighbourhood like this
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nobody could possibly look like that until recent decades, he takes a gram of gear a week and had tons of synthol pumped in

this is what a MASSIVE natty looks like
im out here in these skreets
catch me in traffic
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lachine canal.jpg
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thoughts on London?
Brits tend to not realize that inner suburbs exist and that I can still live a 10 minute walk from a major city while being in a cozy suburb environment
as a jew I'm perfectly fine with jokes being made on this day

QC is secretly one of the best provinces, just ruined really by their politics
babby chest

not comfy in the slightest
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>be Hans
>get rekt
holy shit is this real?!
>bbc breakfast
>man interviews kikess
>"why do you think this, day, is important, is momentous?"
as if 6 gorillion isn't shoved down our throats enough
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Dead Krauts make me hard
reddit edition more like
Benching didn't exist then
Overhead pressing was the main upper body exercise
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need a bf
Is moot a jew as well?
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*opens the floodgates*
my debit card says it expires 2/17. does that mean the 1st of the month or the last day of the month?
>Be British
>Roleplay as a Russian communist
>Reply to another British person roleplaying as a German

What a time to be alive.
Alright lads I'm the new Friday Night Comedian for /brit/. Will be appearing Fridays from 7:30pm-9:00pm for your entertainment.

Going to hit this one off with a cracker.
thank you Russia, without you we would all be nadzi and not marxist
so this is the power of steroids...
and Arnie wasn't even using the insane modern regiment with HGH and insulin as well.
NEED a gf with qt small pale feet
pushups existed. he literally chose to have a babby chest and he knows it
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yes especially since he sold it
Why are there so many jews in the American IT?
>Google made by Russian jew
>Facebook made by American Jew
>4chan made by American jew
Banks maintain a policy of deliberate ambiguity, like Israel with the nukes they may or may not have.

Best to renew it in January to be safe
jews run the world mate

t. jewish
As an Afro-British man, this country has gone too far with immigration.
nah people in the olden days were mostly wiry

no one was bulky really
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canals > trains
Bit wide.
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>Visit european countries
>Call their black people african americans
but not skelly thin like people now
most people had nice lean muscle
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majestic. but I'm actually proxy American (jew)
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>press ups
>making your chest significantly bigger
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He created something amazing here

moot earned his right to sell out and suckle on that enormous Goggle titty
They'll just send you a new one before it expires anyway.
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They're smart

antisemitism is just the cry of dumb, inferior goyim
alright then lads?
Internet is Jewish invention.
Funny way of spelling "British"
post more sexy pakis
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these are literally across the street from each other, kind of weird
going to take LSD
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>implying you can't put shit on your back to make it heavier, imitating a bench press exactly
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Joey Stalin Geordie Shore.jpg
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>Hitlah is bein an absolute bellen - so me an the lads are oot on the toon lookin to get fockin mortal, if I don't go 'ome with a werldie tonight I'm gonnah commit genocide - OI OIIIII
Need a desperate gf
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What's the prettiest girl name and why is it Hayleigh
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No, not really. Eugene was just a spectacle in the early 1900s. Even by then, people at the time were complaining that society has gotten lazy, sluggish, and fat

Eugene's body isn't even that good for natty. He's just a meme for beefheads to feel cultured and educated

In the past, there were legit body builder look alikes walking around. Not everywhere, but they looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger
Yeah, but what if it's been posted already cause it expires in a few days and some gypsey has swiped it?
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Need a clingy loner gf
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Poccия is Jewish invention.
shes attractive but i've had better 2bh

idk why she gets posted so much
What accent do you have la? never heard of anyone pronounce Emily that way
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heavy image innit
>get bullied so hard he sold up his own startup and became wagecuck in G**gle.
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They creeped me out
>fail rep
>faceplant with 100lb+ resting on your back
aah yes, very safe
brits lifting culture is pretty weak desu. Do people just prefer thin athletic builds there?

Was surprised by the lack of meathead gym culture that existed. Maybe because their most famous athletes are all twinks
>Even by then, people at the time were complaining that society has gotten lazy, sluggish, and fat

People have been complaining about that since Mesopotamia.
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enjoy your road rage, cagecucks.
*falls back to sleep*
we have those but they're all shitty council estates
“If I complained about Obama the way people are complaining about Trump, they’d say I was a racist. And I’m not white, I’m Euro-American of Polish descent,”

What is considered "white" in America?
his treads are always so shite lmao
>Was surprised by the lack of meathead gym culture that existed
What? Strongman is legitimately a pretty big sport here compared to America. Where in the UK did you go? It's less big in the south

t. just quickly read sandow's wiki page
wonder what will people think once they see me on the pavement
not going to the right gyms gayboy
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>Fail rep on bench
>100+lbs falls directly on your chest

aah yes, very safe
>And I’m not white, I’m Euro-American of Polish descent
gyms are for gays though

lifting is the gayest thing imaginable
>but they looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger
you're fucking deluded lad
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is she related to freaky deeky
tips fedora
It doesn't though, unless you literally drop it. You can also roll of shame with a bench, you'd hurt yourself pretty badly doing that with plates on your back
>roll to the side
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>as if 6 gorillion isn't shoved down our throats enough
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This is the vibe I caught while living in the UK. I remember my british friend said to me.

"Why lift mate? Just do a bit of cardio and sport here and there and you should be fine."
ever notice how rorkes never complained about immigration:
Before poles and pakis started coming
Even though indians had been coming for decades?
and yet are FINE with "skilled immigrants" and chinks?
if you want to close the borders you need to close it entirely (sakoku) otherwise you are an ebil racist and should be punched.
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moot orange.jpg
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The Fappening nearly bankrupted him and he'd been barely avoiding criminal charges for facilitating cp for years before that.

Being a "consultant" for Google, on a salary and getting to commute on their eco-bus was his good end, his reward for what he created here.

I say good on him and wish him well; our captain, our founder, our admin emeritus.
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>tips fedora
new pengest munch lads
I'm halfway through the video and he is a totally normal guy (beside being yolked on gear and dressed up for halloween).

He's not yelling, he's speaking slowly, calmly, down-to-earth.
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I've literally never even read his page, but Ive heard so much about him, that I know who he is

Where do you think these artist got their inspiration from?

Many men from the past looked insanely beefed up. Highly physical military regiments and not sitting on your ass will make you look like pic related
people obsessed with lifting are invariably bent

you aren't doing it for any reason other than vanity
and you put SO much work in, just to be vain

its gay as fuck
t. impressive level athlete

The 18yo latvian weightlifting gf

Check out how she pushes her knees out to keep her hips closer to the bar
The gf
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fucking hell they're literally photoshopping trumps hands to be bigger
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>this represents the whole country
Europe's Strongest Man and the World Deadlift Champs filled out a 10,000 seat arena, and Britains sells out well in advance as well.

arnold is a quantum leap from that

arnold is not possible without drugs, not even close.
he's right though

eat healthy but just cba doing much exercise

so long as I'm not fat idc
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Please stop posting my gf without permission
>The Fappening nearly bankrupted him and he'd been barely avoiding criminal charges for facilitating cp for years before that.

Doesnt current gookmoot face the same problems?? oh pls, if everything was that bad - nobody would buy 4chan. It's successful startup after all.
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>tfw remembering the Indian qt who wanted to be my gf in college and I didn't do anything
[image of father ted holding 2 cows]
>10k seat arenas

what is that like a high school gym?
>Before poles and pakis started coming
Yes no one ever complained about immigration before the influx of eastern euros in 2004, or complained about increased immigration prior to 1997
Why did the Romans think small cocks are aesthetic
Hiroshima Nagasaki isn't american. He doesn't care.
>the men in those statues
>insanely beefed up
>looking like arnie


guy in that picture has a similar build to me and I don't lift at all besides bodyweight

and that model was likely about 5'7 so easier to gain a relatively impressive build

hate how genuinely stupid yanks are, do not reply to me again
>you aren't doing it for any reason other than vanity
That makes sense for bodybuilding, but most lifters aren't bodybuilders. What's your athletic discipline?
What anime are you watching lads?
Fuck off stalker creep
Jen and I are happy together
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>do the deathlift they said
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They were shotacons (patricians)
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why do girls seem to get more attractive when they enter the airport departure lounge?

some theories i have concocted
>more relaxed and comfy af clothing
>i'm bored and can't wank
>have more time to look at them
>richer than a lot of people you see on the usual public places
>many of them are foreign and not pasty babbies who need vit d and a med diet
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please name a lifting event in America pulling those numbers
IPF worlds didn't have that many
highly doubt it, this girl has god tier facial aesthetics
Romans were weird and thought only the guy getting bummed was a bender, not the bummer himself.
Very english.
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Look Allan, we've been nice about this obsession until now but it has to stop. I will call the police if necessary.
1996 Summer Olympics

cycle to improve leg and therefore punching power + cardio, too easy to plateau with chicken legs doing distance running alone

I used to compete in 400m too
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cagers out

sold out yank lifting event
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>that video of that basketball guy's fucking eye being popped out of its socket

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>Be American
>Host Olympics
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>I drive.
but I did, doubt what you like
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Porking your mom is not possible without drugs

There's no way you have a similar build to that guy

In the past, men were the ideal beauty. Pic related, they needed to look like gods

I think its you who needs education. Men in the past worked out a lot more than men presently.
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>that retarded nigger pushing him forward

that's true though

it's only gay to be on the submissive end

getting your arse fingered by a girl is gayer than bumming a bloke
who is your pick to win the 30th annual WWE Royal Rumble live from the San Antonio Alamodome exclusively on the WWE Network for only £9.99 a month?
>Copying Paris metro signs
At least rip off something that looks good, like the London Underground or New York Subway.

You want what you can't have
>mr noseberg

very racist

would of saved this if not for this
uhhhh all yank shit looks terrible sweetie
except I do

get a grip in reality, 300 isn't a documentary fuckface
ARNOLD SPORTS FESTIVAL | March 5-8 ... Attendance: 175,000 plus
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>that's true though

>it's only gay to be on the submissive end
Fun fact:
When it comes to a united Germany, the Nazis have won the most medals. Modern Germany just barely beats Western Germany. East Germany, however, beats Nazi Germany

In order of most medals:

East Germany
Nazi Germany
Modern Germany
West Germany
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what a SHIT station
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Does it exist?
If bumming a man is gay, then so is anal with a woman.
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montreal metro.jpg
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its an original donated from the city of paris to the city of montreal

this our proprietary sign
>getting your arse fingered by a girl is gayer than bumming a bloke
Why do freaks like you assume anal is exclusively a homosexual thing?
>everyone falling for this yank bodybuilder b8
why is /brit/ so easy to bait
oh fug

is she dead?

are you ready for an M Knight Cinematic universe.

I was not
Helvetica is literally a god tier font.
Pretty sure I have a fetish for women's arms

They're so soft, and slightly chubby bit also firm
>why do girls seem to get more attractive when they enter the airport departure lounge?
They don't. As you picture demonstrates.
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>Helvetica is literally a god tier font.
What do you mean, 6th Sense, Unbreakable and Avatar already all happen in the same canon universe
east germany was on drugs
man rocking that Burberry check
It helped. WTF are you on about?
its swiss
the fuck are you on about
Are Mags
bird done turned into sonic
pretty sure that isnt supposed to happen
>Helvetica is literally a god tier font.
*tips flat cap*
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You will NEVER have this much heart
could knock her out in under 10 seconds with 12 ounce gloves on

Kind of like this desu
I know that, buts its commonly associated with the New York subway, just like Johnston Underground is with London.
wow emirates first class looks cosy
christ, there are so many white male asian female couples around where I live. literally cannot go on a night out without seeing one. stop racemixing you twats
>his last name is literally waste disposal
Shall NOT be watching this, but is it true he could see out of his eye even though it fell out? all the shit was still properly attached to his socket and that?
now he weighs 220 and squats 768, amazing what drugs can do
Why don't normies ever invite me
>light rail

kill yourself kanker
That's what he said

never seen them 2bh


you're not in an airport
get your ugly shit out of here shoo
I am
Is it still Hip to be Square?
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>Pete Rubish
Cuz you're a fucking nerd
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Apparently it was dislodged by another player's finger.
Fuck, but what happens if it's out for too long?
find some qts sleeping in short shorts and tank tops and take some pics for me
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need to stop wanking to trannys lads
>Muscles everywhere from hard work hunting and farming
no coz not enough food for your muscles to build
good GOD
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brutalist style is comfy, and every station has unique art in it
Dries up I guess
He said it's never felt better to blink once they popped it back in
don't watch this lads
Don't watch this
Arnolds is literally a global event
it's not an American event considering the majority of winners are European
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DO NOT watch this
watch this
this isn't even bad, you don't see anything
shan't be watching this
>brutalist style is comfy
no its not theres literally NOTHING comforting about cold grey concrete walls
Ty. x
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liberals think the world is like harry potter
you literally see his eyeball dangling on his face
Eye wonder if he saw it coming?
is he alri
this guy is dead isn't he

what sort of machine is that
Shut up
Looks ok to me lads
its not dangling

I cut the eyeball out a shark once
looks a bit like lathe?

the stations are always 25+ which is a god send in the winter here, they provide comfort because of their shelter and lighting during the winter
can't be

it something looked like that, it still wouldn't have a railroad
looks like India
super dead

honestly I was shocked he was all in one piece afterwards
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black woman at bojangles asked where my shirt is bc it's cold and i was wearing a muscle shirt, and then i got a call from a guy at sweetwater after i ordered a pickup and we have a conversation
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Are Piers Morgan is finally redpilled

how about you run into said walls at a very high speed
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>anon. anon. i was ferociously flicking my bean and when i came and violently shit the bed. sorry
Have noticed a change in him aswell
off out lads x
t. country is too small to have a single metro system
why are women so filthy
He's a shitcunt desu. He might have a point here, but the twat should have been slaughtered years back.
Can't believe he's even allowed on TV after what he did, should be in prison desu.
so what you lads up to tonight then
He's an attention seeker
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>stop paying for 20% of the UN's budget

>suddenly you're worse than Hitler and war is looming on the horizon

really makes you think
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>started my third job this month
>told two employers to fuck off in the same month

2017 is my year la
He's actually become more likeable recently, rasheed
*enlarges image*
*reaches for the gas release valve*
wat did he do
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>killing another human is a human right for women

fucking HATE the arrogance of these people
Couple of ciders and some videogames
Abortion isn't killing, fuck off cunt
Published fake photos of British troops abusing Iraqis.
this guy from Silicon Valley reminds me moot. But didn't sale his child.
>Fetuses are human

Oh boy
I don't think it is la x
>i agree with a point or two he makes therefore he's likeable

Piers, fuck off.

Its rodger daltry
Sent this post to the nu-Gestapo
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Liberals are brain dead

Read her shirt, and then read her quote
big fan of this nazi revival gimmick on holocaust day lads
Fruit ciders or regular ciders?
Threadly reminder not to buy the Sun.

They are. Anyone who looks at the fetus with 3D ultrasound can see that it is a person.
>the leader of the free world

absolutely meaningless title
oh look it's this runt again who starts calling people rasheed/paki whenever people disagree with him
>abortion argument
Oh boy it's time for another "muh feels debate", because that's all it boils down to.
Fruity stuff but I might head and get some Henry Weston's
>yanks drink corn cider and apple cider is considered a valued delicacy

you can't make it up
really enjoyed when jezza clarkson punched him in the face a few years back
>It looks a bit like a person so it is one

Why do you fucking care if some poor chav aborts an unborn child she cannot afford to raise?
> a man commenting on womens issues

Oh lol
I solved the abortion dispute years ago
I don't.
I'm pro-abortion. But don't claim that it isn't murder.
>a man
made 2 abortions, ama
just realised what a hyperbole it is haha
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