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/carib/ - Act 11: Victory

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Thread replies: 308
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/carib/ - Act 11: Victory

Did you guys see the footage?
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You already got the gold, you bastards. Leave the coconuts alone!
4 what pvrpose
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>Caribbean """people"""
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what a bullshit list
Tokyo alone has more murders in a 2-3 days than we get all year
do you even understand rates?
where are you from, originally?

Anyway. The implication of the list is that a high murder rate means it's dangerous. Am I supposed to believe my country is as dangerous as fucking Brazil?
depends what you understand for "danger".
but Brasil is higher on the list so what the fuck are you even talking about?

since you said this
>Tokyo alone has more murders in a 2-3 days than we get all year
and it's pretty fucking retarded, I'll repeat my question, do you understand rates?

It's only natural.
Do you like Bully Beef?
I understand rates.
It's a bullshit metric
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I take severe offense to the fact that we're on the same list as favela monkeys and narcos.
Burn all of South America except for Guyana and Suriname. The world will be a better place
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Maar ik zit er nog niet eens in...
Zo moet het ook blijven.

Zoek een kamer homo's
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I'm genderfluid so it's okay.
if tokyo gets 15 murders every 3 days it would have ~1800 a year

that list has all of japan at ~400 a year so either it's way off or you're overestimating
Not particularly. I prefer my beef not out of a can
Nice work PK
I see. I made it today, was pretty alright!
Only could not keep the cubes as cubes, they melted.

Came across the white Aruban flag, it was destined.
Not fair for some of the ones on the list (USVI, St. Kitts and Nevis, Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Cayman Islands) that have relatively few murders but a low population also.

You can't seriously argue that Brazil is safer than the Bahamas, for example...

According to that list, that's exactly what it means.

>20000 murders out of a population of 200 million
>2 murders out of a population of 20 lads.
Is Venezuela /carib/?
The eternal Argie strikes again
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I seen some footage

SVG 40 this year
I wish I lived on a carefree Carib island in the sun
>carefree Carib
Most /carib/ are quite stressed and unhappy
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>I made it today
u wot m8. are we thinking of the same thing

desu it makes ok sandwiches. i personally find that a hint of bbq sauce really seals the deal when paired with some good buttered hardough
>tfw I had plates, just like those...hell hey might even still be around somewhere
My mom had them at her house, too.

I think those plates are kind of like those dinner table chairs that everyone has had...
Post some of your favorite movie clips
what's the difference between hardough and regular white bread?
white bread iz gay
proper hardough is thick and doughy whereas the regular is thin and has a ton of holes.generic supermarket hardough is a little thicker than the regular but still too thin imo
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>going to miss parts of the inauguration because of illogical restrictions on when i can leave

anybody else tuning in tomorrow?
Niggers will always be niggers
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Today is such a comfy day
>"This video contains content from Studiocanal, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."
Fucking Studiocanal...
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>Do you like Bully Beef?
Hell to the yes. Especially with ketchup and white rice / in a sandwich. Don't even have to cook it desu.
Even Chile?
delet this
noice PK. What kind of seasoning did you use?
>I wish I lived on a carefree Carib island in the sun
Me too, Bjorn, me too
Same here; gonna ask a relative to hold on to a newspaper as the souvenir.
Well, my fellow Argie , our PM did say that this is the year that we'd get tough on crime. There are even rumors that Reneto Adams, allegedly a member of police death squads would also intervene. Who knows, maybe this year will be the year when roving right-wing death squads come into fashion
Can I be a pirate?
Piracy is in your genes my Somali pirate refugee.
How many Swedish dumb cucks did you assaulted today?
I will, I'm not missing this for the world I just wish I could there in person.
My dad was nice too m8
Are you guys happy? My family is from Guyana and sometimes I feel like I would be happier if I was born there and married another stupid coolie and popped out 5 kids
I know that feel.

Get out of Europe fucking nigger


Come on pretty mama
Probably should have worded that differently, my family is NOT from Guyana or anything.

Baby why don't we go
Frigg off
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Is the Caribbean the white mans heaven?
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it's because its got a higher population you retard
>live between america and cocaine
what do you think is gonna happen
This does not make me hard at all.
I can see they have perfect bodies but im so racist their skincolor is just bothering me too much
Don't see that all. Love their chocolate skin. Would love for those goddesses to sit on my face and let me eat their asses out.
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Guise you are watching Trump Sama's inauguration aren't you?
Depends who's doing the killing. Gangs in central America counts but not factions in Africa or Middle East which is unfair t bh
Don't think we are, I was talking about Bully Beef and you were thinking about spam sandwiches.

Tomatoes, onions, garlic, black pepper, chili pepper, paprika.

>watching inauguration
>eating jerk chicken
>last class today got cancelled
comfy afternoon desu
Yee boi
Hoping to see some assmad on facebook later too
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reeee. canned corned beef = bully beef
I'm not, going to watch videos on camera stuffs

>Are you guys happy
Look at the Guyanese suicide rates

again suicide rates

>I'm not, going to watch videos on camera stuffs
you missed a qt messing with trumps pens and the general smug feeling of the entire event

its at the luncheon stage now btw
Sounds comfy indeed
It's official Donald J Trump is The President of The United States
I just wish I could be there honestly
But I saw a cool cameras and lenses, I need to start filming stuff but I don't know what
We're going to Aruba.
local airport

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Fact: Island Countries Are The Most Powerful Countries On The Earth
I was toying around with the idea of shooting a video of the old
airport shutting down and the new one opening up?
Planes pls
Not enough non Martinique Carib plane spotting
I can't stop listening to dancehall. Why are there so many japanese girls dancing in the videos nowadays?

>Listening to nigger music
What a fucking cuck you are
is this song literally about breadfruit or is there some double entendre I'm missing?



It's about breadfruit. I really want to taste it now.
I will see what I can do

Jesus christ dancehall is not my cup of tea




Breadfruit is quite tastly, it is part of our national dish
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did you see pence's daughters
>the one in the grey dress
>dem boots
Good day Mr Finnish man, we don't feed that Portuguese guy (you)s here
Also tell me about Finland please?
I was too busy watching liberal meltdowns it's like election day all over again
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the image of a finn siting alone in his house listening to dancehall is quite amusing

its amazing
and so is pence's daughter
>watching liberal meltdowns
I find watching people turn into that which they made fun of 4 years ago, quite amusing
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>the image of a finn siting alone in his house listening to dancehall is quite amusing


I've been getting in Soca and Nigerian music which has a similar beat
I see, interdasting that a Finn would find soca music...seems so
far away culturally and physically.
I need a girl like this in my life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50jyn6_rLFA
Soca > Dancehall

What does carib think about resampling soca tunes?
Did not even know that was thing

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>Soca > Dancehall
The old dancehall is good but the new stuff I can't stand
>yfw I don't like either one
But he should like dancehall because its from best country
That's not how you spell Soca, but it's nice you acknowledge Trinidad's success
reminder that no one outside of Carib knows what a trinidad is
What r you guys listening to?
>What r you guys listening to?
>Took 3 girls out today
>I really like one, she thinks we're friends and another one likes me but she has a boyfriend and she's a turbo sloot. Other is my boy's girlfriend
>Nailed turbo sloot in a hotel room but now my oneitis thinks I'm taken
>turbo sloot's boyfriend is now a cuck.

It's been a good week

>Nailed turbo sloot in a hotel room but now my oneitis thinks I'm taken
This is why I have trust issues
Hotel room
Rich Knee grow

>turbo sloot's boyfriend is now a cuck
Sigh...there is a low probability that I know these women
I feel like I'm regaining my form bro. Soon I'll be back to my old ways, just like how you cucked that one guy before you went to the gym
How are island countries powerful?
Lol suck it Jamaica. Are you even trying?
we have had about 80-90 murders since the year started. we're trying

we're not. hes just memeing
>one guy before you went to the gym
That's not what that was, funny enough I spoke to that lovely lady
at length a few days ago, it was weird.
Nigger music is disgusting
Fucking gay
>Purple hair
Shit music and shit girl
That guys looks like a cuck
Is she like in a really good job or really high up in society? If so good for you
Pics of them?
I have pics but i'm in them, and I don't want that kind of trouble
Just use paint to cut you out
>and I don't want that kind of trouble
What trouble? I'm not going to buy an airplane ticket to carib to rape them
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how are my crabmons doing today? any big news?
> Nigger music is disgusting
Send some of your Portuguese music
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Too much work, I mean why would you wanna see them anyway? They just look like black chicks, nothing special
>Too much work
You just need like 2 clicks on paint to cut you out
>why would you wanna see them anyway?
To see if they are qts
>They just look like black chicks


But it's only January...

As long as you visit within the next 4 years you can be in Trump's America!
turbo sloot isn't a qt but she has a great body though.
I respectfully decline
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>But it's only January
i know
>Is she like in a really good job or really high up in society? If so good for you
Well she is doing her masters, soooo soon
Damn, I don't know if i said this to you but you're one hell of a man
>really good job or really high up in society
Yo man, I thought you forgot about us
Not really

>really good job or really high up in society
The School and area of study make a difference
What is she studying
Epidemiology and Virology, she will lord over he entire Caribbean region
>So far she has racked up a BSc,BA,MD and soon an MSc

she is mart but she is a bad person
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Picadillo (Cuban) on the menu for tonight lads/lasses.
That looks like vomit
So what kind of stuff do you do in Portugal? Everyone in the Caribbean basically does the same thing
After having tasted this masterpiece, I think I can safely say that Cuba must have the best cuisine in the Caribbean.
Daily reminder that old dancehall is indeed best dancehall. And there is a delineation between dancehall and ragga that I think should be made. Yellowman and Eek-A-Mouse not Capleton and Vybz Kartel.
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I'm not really into food, but i like this, it's bread meat and covered with melted cheese.
And for desert pasteis de nata of course
so are you just cooking a different /carib/ dishe every week
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>cooking a different /carib/ dishe every week

That would be kind of cool
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also that amount of meat is just ugh.
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Man, I really miss being able to freely (shit)post with PR flag

OP made me chuckle

Guyana is a shithole tho

sólo los Jueves, joder!

breadfruit is pretty bland
tastes good if you salt it, I guess

made me kek
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Am I /carib/?

I live like 15 mins from the MS gulf coast
>Am I /carib/?

Americans seem to be flipping out,this will be a very interesting four years.
Well boys I'm going to prison today, will update you later when I get back
I don't think that's how it works m80 :^)

Looks good
He is one the imprisonments so she should be fine
>tfw test cancelled after I postponed drinking last night to be ready


Did you have a fun night last night
fucked up so hard

I am sick so I am drugged up
Noooooo only Florida is /carib/ right guise
Flu or worse?
And barely at that
Flu probably, but I am feeling better
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Yesh, this was the third one.
But there's also a lot of recipes I cannot make because I don't like fish and there's some ingredients I don't have access to, like breadfruit.

So which one is?

My book says it's Cuban, the book is law.

Real men love meat.
tßh I reduced the amount of meat from 900g to ~500g already, otherwise it would've been even more.
:( , I would send you some but that would be a bitch to do
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This is the nr 1 hit on Google when I search for "Breadfruit kopen", a Dutch Jamaican says he's seen a breadfruit in the supermarket only once ever and it looked like it has been there for 100 years.

Does canned breadfruit compare to the real thing?
>canned breadfruit
Sounds haram
>Does canned breadfruit compare to the real thing?
absolutely not! whoever came up with that abomination should be shot on sight
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>So which one is?
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How are my crabmens doing today? Any big news?

Got a new job lads, really enjoying it desu, and I hate working.

>My book says it's Cuban, the book is law.
That's shared cultural cuisine, that;s like saying mofongo is a PRican dish because we invented it.

>Real men love meat.

What did you eat it with?

>canned breadfruit
If you invented it then it's a Puerto Rican dish.
>That's shared cultural cuisine, that;s like saying mofongo is a PRican dish because we invented it.
bitxh,, you dun fucked up
>Got a new job lads, really enjoying it desu
whats the job?
if you dont mind of course
Anyone have Dead Rising 2 rerelease on PS4? My friend who I bought it to play with is a dick.
Nah, the game on my list right now is Witcher 3
Threads have been really kill lately
can i have botswana or haiti
page 10 bump
True,couple people not posting regularly>>70325010

Speaking of kill how violent are Bahamian prisoners
Sometimes deep in the night, if you watch closely enough, you can see a Bahamian bump, soon whisked away by deletion

/carib/ legends
Work is getting pretty busy lately, don't know about the rest though.

Cousin got German citizenship yesterday, I be mad jelly
>tfw you understand the arguments against immigration
>still want to move to a non shithole

She is "White" so she would blend in quite well
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>bf3 reached JFK three days ago
maybe i'll at least get it within a few weeks

its not really race im thinking about but outsiders really have no 'right' to go into someone elses country
Rice and black beans.

>that;s like saying mofongo is a PRican dish because we invented it.
Mmh, really makes u think...

Tell me more.

It's okay as long as the quantities are limited, you mix with the locals and most important, don't start shit.
>how violent are Bahamian prisoners
Not sure I guess I'll find out if I get the job, but I'd imagine not very seeing as there is no right against cruel and inhumane punishment.
>It's okay as long as the quantities are limited,
thats kind of the problem. everybody wants to migrate to successful western countries and every individual that tries contributes to the sheer number of migrants.

wanting to go and then saying everybody else shouldn't is incredibly self centered and why ive always had a problem with wanting to live somewhere else.
what entitles me to go as opposed to the other 3/4 of the population that wants the same thing. i would only feel justified if i could contribute in a significant way, more so that just having a degree or skills
no it doesn't work like that. You can't say its solely a PRican dish because it's eaten with frequency in other cunts culturally similar to us.

Can't say, but let's just say if you have a certain fetish it will be heaven for you.

Also I get a 2 hour lunch break.

>tfw so many crab stories will remain untold.

>Rice and black beans.

Watcha making next?

>but outsiders really have no 'right' to go into someone elses country
this is a meme. Don't fall for that.
>Can't say, but let's just say if you have a certain fetish it will be heaven for you.
girl(male) of diminished social responsibility ?

its not. what right do you have to live in germany or the uk etc.
>girl(male) of diminished social responsibility ?
lol, it's not that. I wonder if there are people who have that job here?

You don't need rights to move to a country. One thing is your community, and another is the state. The state can decide whether or not you have the right to remain, work, and pay taxes. You can disobey the state if you don;t like it and remain ''illegally''
>outsiders really have no 'right' to go into someone elses country
I know what you mean, but the Germans wanted her because she is good at
what she does.

My family is rather "diverse" so that part of my family looks pretty Caucasian
Rare flag??
But contrary to what /pol/ likes to meme, mixing is good for the gene pool.
If one contributes to a good society, why not?

I think it does, some country has to be the origin.
Don't know yet familia.

Which chocolate colour?

Yes, you are :)
are you the PR who told me to try malta?

Didn't get any when I was in NY but my corner store back home is owned by dominicans and they hooked me up

It tastes ... weirdly like raisins?
Mofongo es puertorriqueño
Mangú es dominicano
El mofongo es puertorriqueño igual que el mayoketchup
Los tostones son compartidos por todo américa
By your logic, paella is not spanish because it's eaten throughout the spanish-speaking world
>You can disobey the state if you don;t like it and remain ''illegally''
thats how you get shot

>mixing is good for the gene pool
im not looking at it like that. looking at it from more of an econ standpoint. less people are needed every day to do the same amount of work
>thats how you get shot

>less people are needed every day to do the same amount of work
''Automatization'' more like

>It tastes ... weirdly like raisins?
I can sort of see that.

Yeah, but there's a degree of separation between asspanish culture and ours, that's why we don't consider it our dish too.
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Bon dia, cribby crabby.
This makes no sense

Val use your trip if that is you
Somebody blog post for Christ sakes!

>Random person at work asks me if I am a Tipper
>Tells me that she didn't think tippers would be nice people
>"what did you expect?"
>stereotypical meme lord
>proceed to have a pleasant conversation

It was a boring day
My brothers clutch started slipping. The new ro me clutch cable felt odd this morning. My controlers right bumper broke and a local replacement is twice the price. The scotch is now half done. My brothers situation means I cant borrow my moms car tomorrow. I hit 500 design downloads in forza yesterday and I'm really happy about that

>I got a new set of wiper arms from Rock Auto in the mail
>The plastic packaging was dusty and the graphic design on the logo part had an "old" look to it
>Check for a copyright date on the fine print
>This shit's been sitting around in a warehouse since 2001
>Rock Auto
Nice those are the guys who sponsor motorweek.
I like their reviews
>I am a Tipper
Like was she asking if you left tips?
>was she asking if you left tips
fedora tipper
aka atheist
>no reply 4 me
Ahh, no one aside from close friends and Family know I'm irreligious So I can't quite relate but it must have felt nice.
Don't you guys have 24 hour bus service in Jamaica?
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Post your black tits
Lol, cucktholics
Idk I've never taken the bus

Speaking of cucktholics I find it kind of funny that people are so shocked at the recent pastor sex abuse cases

>Ahh, no one aside from close friends and Family know I'm irreligious
I see, I just don't really care and most people don't

Thank you
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Priests are pedophiles that is just a known fact.
Parents that take their children to church are cucks that like to fap watching the priest destroying their sons and daughters anus

where is that. looks pretty desu

we prefer well done
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Peneda Geres
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>we prefer well done
I bet Americans never visit this

2many stairs
Why don't any of you cunts post outside of this general?
There is no reason, /int/ is not really for conversation
Fuck you. You are the problem with this country. Goddamn restaurants don't even know what medium is. Well done meat tastes like ass and it's all because of you ignorant fucks that I can't get a burger medium in this stupid shithole country.
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>Well done meat tastes like ass
Your Opinion, most /caribs/ like meat well done and seasoned to hell and back

pic related
>You are the problem with this country

>Carribean "political issues"
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Let me just start by saying I respectfully disagree with you but Fuck you a Steak is meant to be eaten well done we aren't wild animals we aren't supposed to eat raw meat or near raw.
[spoiler]Vote DNA or independent[/spoiler]
Lmao. We have to use meat to lure new Bahamians
former owner state of tobago reporting in
sometimes you meet interesting people on the bus

>I can't get a burger medium in this stupid shithole country
I'm with you on steaks but burgers are should be well done
Why vote when everyone is corrupt, also my former boss is part of the DNA which means it can't be very good.

The meat thing is annoying though, how many times have I been to a restaurant like fucking Cricket club or some shit and ask for the mest to be medium and then its fucking burned. Why do bahamians like meat to be black? Ya'll fuck it up for everyone.
/team medium rare/ here
Because with the DNA we may finally get clear cut requirements for receiving Handgun Licenses.
Hell they may finally fix our broken firearm licensing system.
Well done here
I'll vote when one of these shitty parties decides to regulate public transport. Then and only then.
The DNA has spoken on public transport
desu medium rare isnt bad but i think part of the preference here is due to the fact that the biggest piece of beef that you usually get is a burger (i know its not solid beef)
every beef dish i can think of involves chopped up meat or mincemeat
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how are my carbmans doing today? any big news?
'Ello Caribs, lovely day?

Could you do us flag fags a favour?

Install the extra flags plugin and set your regionals.

Caribbean regionals would be rare as fuck
We like to keep ourselves rare
/crib/ is comfy

lovely, thanks m8
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What do I have to toss in to summon Mio poster?
Mio daki
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The ratio fucks them up, if it were to be relevant to "other countries" the amount of murders would be like 0.1 or something. Simply because of the high population density
hi crib
Thee ratio is a reliable metric for comparisons between the number of murders. If 10 guys out of 20 get murdered you have a similarly sized problem when 5 get killed out of 10. The murder rate doesn't mean anything meme needs to stop
what's news crub?
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i got out early on a friday
Watcha gonna do for the rest of the day?
i think theres still an argument about guns in /dbt/ i can 'contribute' to
sounds like a fine day. I will be doing a variation of that too.

What's /dbt/?
daily bike thread on /o/

i swear everything is going right today
>attendant spotted me two dollars worth of gas
>dominoes rider brought me crushed pepper even tho i bought chicken
>got out early
informative post, wd Jamaica
>looking at cameras
>lenses cost arm,dick and a leg
>realize I will never do anything with them for a while

Might pitch an idea to a vidoegrapher to see how it goes

sound pretty cool indeed.

Are there any fast food chains or stands unique to Jamaica?

for a moment I though you meant you were gonna do nothing with you arm, dick, and leg, and that's why you were sad lol.

What cameras were you looking at?
>What cameras were you looking at?
>Sony A7s
>Cannon EOS M3

Camera prices are okay, but good lenses cost so much manye
>Are there any fast food chains or stands unique to Jamaica?
island grill and all of the patty companies as far as i know
In local news some dumbass was caught impersonating a police officer.
The pictures are all over facebook
I see. Are there cheaper camera models with cheaper lenses? you should look into that and used stuff unless you're jumping do it professionally immediately.

island grill looks cool. They should expand into the US of A.

lol, can you post them?
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>americans will never experience seasoned fries from island grill

the fries are really the backbone of the place imo. the rest of the food is average
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fake cop.jpg
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He wore a Private security uniform modified to appear closer to the Police Force's, even a modified Beret.
He even had his own black airsoft pistol with the orange tip removed and even had the holster for it.
When larping goes to far
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Rumor has it I got roofie'd

Medium rare if it's not to thick

in Florida there was a kid who impersonated a doctor, got caught, and did it again
I am just window shopping, looking at shit I will never buy

The thing is I really like color grading and dynamic range and only the costly as fuck cameras.
*have that stuff
>supreme levels of anger, shame and embarrassment from my local politicians
>daily bike thread on /o/

You have some kind of motard or dirtbike don't you? Or at the very least a gixxer
AYYYYY where my gente at
Kek, Patin.
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Te awo m'a ripara...
Saw that on my news feed, twas entertaining but people in svg can't really say anything.
>I made this post 9 days ago
boy, your general is pretty slow huh?

anyways, thanks for the (You)s faggots
it was me
Not really into that despite the fact that they would work well here
That's expensive m8. Somewhat rare too just like Kawasakis
Well that was brave/stupid of you
I really don't know if he's singing with a Jamaican accent or that's how you actually sing
i call thicc qt in the glasses
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Good choice
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Aruba anon is a rat bastard who made me climb Hooiberg.
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I thought you guys were flatter than that
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Sorry to disappoint you.
why does aruba look like a stereotypical representation of mexico
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henlo where are the colonies?
Dry as a desert famalam.

Hier zijn we joh.
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hoi geef ons de klei aub mvg de koning
Onze klei is ook jou klei. Lang leve de koning.
Nice cactus, WTF you have prickly pears? Those bastards must be everywhere on Earth.

See >>70509139

Go to your music device thingy and hit shuffle 5 times on the full song list, post results

Stone Temple Pilots - Glide
Eagles - Best Of My Love
Peter Bjorn & John - Objects Of My Affection
Bob Dylan - Blowing In The Wind
Nightwatchman/Serj Tankian - Lazarus On Down
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oke bedankt inboorling
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>Dry as a desert famalam
sounds like the dutch aint satisfying mother nature

Maduk ft. Voicians - The End
Jaime Lidel - Why ya why
Stormzy x Wretch 32- Skank Out
Illenium - Fortress (Just A Gent remix)
Curious Kontrol - First Love (ft. Diamond Eyes)
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This is punishment for being located outside the hurricane belt.
Can you make a shortlist of pros and cons for living in the Netherlands as opposed to living in Aruba?

Don't tell me /carib/ countries participate in the red cups meme.

Cool pics familia.
Could you see Curacao or Benisuela from up there?

Helaas niet. The trees and cacti obscured my view.
>That cactus infestation
Pics like this are interesting, post pics from the beach pls
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Idk what any of this is lol
>Ambiguously brown
>Travelling to US next month
What to expect with Trump in WH boys
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ik nobody does

48 hours detainment and sentenced to 4 years on the wall
Just stop being brown and start being white like normal people, you will not have any problems.

No one likes people that have the same colour of shit
brb changing skin color

> brb changing skin color
So you're acting like a Jamaican now
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Clever, right? Been using it for years now. (Different things other than 4chan) lew a lew tin paar di arubiano ta figure it out


Pros of living in Aruba
- you won't have vitamin D deficiency
- ????

- hot af senpai
- not as safe as NL (idk where you live)
- high cost of living - don't expect to find dutch products for an okay price.

Unless you have a good job lined up for you there I wouldn't suggest moving there
>What to expect with Trump in WH boys
Nothing, nothing has changed with us we can still travel to the USA without a visa as usual.
>travel to the USA without a visa as usual
are you talking about outrunning the speedboats or is bahamas secretly a us territory
Nah we have a US preclearance facility here in Nassau and Freeport.
If you have a clean criminal record you can travel there without needing a visa.
>Nah we have a US preclearance facility here in Nassau and Freeport
bahamas. the son the united states always wanted
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close neighbors.png
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Best maritime neighbors you could ask for, really
Thanks, you guys are the best btw
Get a room

High cost of living in general or only for Dutch products?
Kwark is the only Dutch item I can't live without.
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