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Thread replies: 379
Thread images: 65

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hi guys
don't think this'll last
waiting for that lads big penis pic
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JANNY, ban this 7.5 inch cock
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I've seen several. It's a well established genre.
doesn't look that big to me
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need a belly gf
having a drumstick
ah yes, so called, 7.5 inch

knew you lot were full of shit
if that's 7.5 inches then I'm 6'3"
i think i have a small helmet, its the one thing that always sticks out to me as being different
It's 7.5, measured it just an hour ago
I honestly cannot fathom how females fine penises attractive. They are so repulsive. I don't even like to look at my own penis.
I believe you desu mine is 7 inches and pretty similar
Then you're quite a tall fellow
hold the tape or ruler up next to it if you want people to believe
Downloading a Windows 10 torrent with all the updates integrated in it for work lads.
i can't understand how some straight fags find vaginas repulsive, both them and cocks look great
when i first started watching porn i focussed mainly on titjobs cause i thought fannies looked disgusting, but then i suddenly loved the look

weird imho
I'll keep that in mind next time, thanks x
Is that OP image from Spy Kids?

Always used to wank off to the girl in that when I was younger.
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wouldn't give a vague fuck if trump completely dissolved NATO and let russia run amuck 2bhh

europe has fucked itself over and has done nothing but talk shit about the only country that's bothered to protect them

brexit was a godsend
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she's grown up well, aswell
~when ur so close to death- you feel so alive
Janny is quite lazy I must say
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yes, daddy
My palms are sweating just looking at that picture.
>iwn make a girl feel like this

bit upsetting des
check this one out
knees weak? how are your arms?
fuck america, europe would much rather have a closer alliance with russia you fat fuck

i hope NATO is dissolved so your shitty country diminishes as a world power

bombs splaletti
splatoon's pretty fun désú
pretty grim that

won the lottery of life being british
nato has nothing to do with our global influence

every time i turn on european news there's some lefty arrogant asshole talking shit about the US in the most condescending tone achievable by man

eat shit
>european news
just went for a health check up

got high blood pressure
heart is weak
lung capacity is poor
strength is below average

thought i was alright because i'm slim
fucking hell lads i'm a runt
i'm only 23
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Can't imagine living in a country as poor as that, think I'd off myself.
yes it has

you do know that almost everyone outside of the US hates your country?

i hope europe has less and less to do with the US
Well, not quite the grand prize mate but pretty close x
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Bit hungry tbqh
well yeah haha but i can never be a new zealander
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never going to manila
>admin of meme page
>people keep asking us to share anti trump demonstration petitions
>they try and blackmail us
>ban them
>i can never be a new zealander

yes you can. pretty easy to move there.
heart is weak
lung capacity is poor
strength is below average

These can be solved by lifting. You're not supposed to be "slim" as a 23 year old man
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>admin of meme page
hate us all you want

don't expect our help

god forbid germany would build another army and unironically begin the fourth reich
>admin of meme page
That's the real sad fact here lad
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have you ever felt loved by a girl /brit/?
We all thought that Mil B's dead
Stupid bitch sent for me again
i dont want your """help"""

i would embrace the 4th reich as long as it was against america

keep destroying other countries through your foreign policy and losing wars against rice farmers and goat herders

>the absolute state of yanks
>unironically wanting to live under russian influence than US influence

boggles the mind

the anti-trump/america propaganda must be flowing at maximum capacity over there
>470 dollarydoos for the switch
mmm no thanks
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bit cold out
white people am i right xDD
Merkel and the Eurocrats want to be their own sphere of influence.
it literally has nothing to do with trump you fat walmart sharting autist, obama is just as bad
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The guy that changed the Hollywood sign to "Hollyweed" will be facing 6 months in prison.

Brock Turner, who raped an unconscious woman, received only 3 months.
The anti russian propaganda is just as bad, people are basically saying European federalism is the only way forward
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>admin of meme page
i know

it blows my mind that merkel is the leader of the "conservative" party in germany

>implying EU media shat on obama as much as they shit on trump
Obama should resign a day early to make Biden the 45th President just to ruin all of Trump's merchandise
didnt do as well as i hoped in my essay for uni lads

literally furious right now
*see other swede poster after taking my daily morning jog*
ah yes, the so called haitiANO
there was one BBC 'advert' thing I remember showing Obama winning the election as some kind of auspicious and pivotal moment in human history. what a joke.
that would be great banter tbqh
did he ever close guantanamo bay?
Who /STICCCC/ here?
fucking hell, get it in your thick head that this has nothing to do with the "EU media"

I hate obama, i hate trump, i hate bush, i hate every president because i hate america

EU media is shit and just pushes whatever mainstream agenda that has been inherited from the idiots in the USA as well, its a part of the problem

i dont even want there to be any ASSOCIATION between europe and the US, it annoys me when i see EU media even mention the USA (outside big events like the election winner)
hmmmmm..... really want to 'dora this but I kind of agree
what to do...
Doesn't surprise me. The people who own the sign are giant faggots.

They charge like hundreds of thousands of dollars to use it in a movie, and they technically reserve the right to sue anyone who uploads a video of it without permission.
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ahh yes clearly the propaganda has had zero effect on you. you're too smart for that
t.paki immigrant mad that the US bombed his desert shithole
>no tits
>no cock

why even bother?
says the guy in fucking birmingham lmao, your city has more people from pakistan than my whole country
>your city has more people from pakistan than my whole country
what did he mean by this
>English green belt set to get 360,000 new homes

that'll do nicely to cover a years worth of immigration
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>started playing stalker for the first time today after 4 years
>progressing through at a good pace
>get to a part where i follow a guy and he stops at a manhole cover
>accidentally fall down
>new map loads
>use up all my fucking supplies getting through the underground area and get to the end and make it back outside
>the past 2 quests i've just done are repeating after i just did them and its impossible to finish them again because i dont have enough ammo and the enemies are impossible to kill
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probably implying he's from scotland
not really a country though
no, but his supporters are saying "he shut down a small corner of it and put an end to a small fraction of the torture so he's a saint in my books"
Top 5 Cities in the UK:
1. Glasgow
2. Edinburgh
3. Blackpool
4. Dublin
5. Leeds
watched the last king of scotland and now i unironically love scottish people
There are neighborhoods in Chicago were he would be shot for wearing that shirt
>with a white women

ah yes race tratior
that boy needs therapy
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George Lucas shot first.webm
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shes not white mate
Bloody hell Janny where are you

Cock in me thread innit
is it normal to have bonuses be around 30% of your salary lads?
Poor Katelyn
You're gonna get parred by Aspin's bars
what on earth
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top 5 UK cities:

t. Airwrecka Jaquavius "AJ" McHaggis
>be american
>try and rob a shop
>get shot
just did a sloppy big shit
reckon the increase in my antidepressant dose is starting to give me the runs again
There are barely any black people in Glasgow. Scotland is like 99% white.
and balance was restored in the world
>try and
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You're that girl who copies my bars
You're that girl who is a retard
Look at your makeup, look at your clothes
By the way that you got a big nose
you're a bit dim aren't you
try and pose that enigma to /pol/
>be english shop-owner
>get robbed by an immigrant
>get shot
pound dollar parity tomorrow
you cannot go aggro louis
This genuinely never happens here.
mormons seem like decent folk. bit weird but nice people.
why don't bremainers move to the mainland instead of staying in the UK and complaining
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>There are barely any black people in Glasgow. Scotland is like 99% white.
Getting really fucked off by agressively lazy neets on here tbqhwyf
All shitholes except for Dublin and Edinburgh
About 169cm
waiting on that first food van of the week
Need the pound to fall further so more foreign money can buy all of London
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>NATO was created to protect European interests not American ones
what a retarded cunt you are.
need to go down the shop but cannot for the life of me be arsed

45 minute round trip on foot up and down a large hill, no car so I need to carry the shopping in a backpack and 2 plastic bags
Need Brits to fuck off
that fucking sucks

so tired
so tired

but on the other hand i had a nice dinner
look all gone
all gone

so tomorrow i have to drive to dublin
dublin of all places

i hate it

i hate driving around the m50
hate it

and that new
on the way up to dublin
god its so long
hate it
tis alright like
tis nowt'n to look at

but on the other hand its to go to the airport
dont mind that
might convert to Mormonism
No, I mean 169cm is about 5'8''
I was hoping nobody would bring up the great and secret Greek/Korean/Sri-Lankan/Lebanese purge of 2015

I'm afraid I can't let any of you leave
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what did he mean by this?
>European interests

germany can't build an army, scandinavian countries are too passive to bother, so that leaves france. france can't even police their own people, let alone build a respectable military. on top of that, where would france/europe get the weapons from? the US of course!

europe as a whole it too divided to unite under one banner anyway, especially not with Fuhrer Merkel opening everyone's borders like a gaping asshole and filling it with terrorists which is spreading like AIDS across the entire continent
yeah i know, m8. it fucking sucks
motorway, but he stammered in Irish
>dont mind that
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hoverboard thief.webm
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that's not how robberies go down in the UK

i... i don't even...
>Not calling it R2 Dindu
man like j hus
fanta with no hice
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>>Not calling it R2 Dindu
aint nuffin showing he's a thief mate
Google economics

They wouldn't need to unite under one banner they'd just unite under destroying American imperialism so they can pursuit their own interests
wish i had a scar like otto skorzeny lads
have come close on multiple occasions but nothing that extends that far across my face
tbf that's the same policy here. you don't try and stop people stealing in bottle-os and grocery stores, you just call the cops after they do unless you have internal security.
>American imperialism

that so-called imperialism has brought us the longest era of peace and global unity the world has ever seen
not sure why normies love Buddhism so much

the core tenet of Buddhism is Nirvana, which means in simple terms, extinction. ending the physical world and reaching spiritual enlightenment by discarding everything material- that includes our physical lives and existence
because it's foreign and exotic but doesn't get anyone blown up
How do Poles get so many driving jobs? Just had an amazon delivery dropped off by an obviously Polish man who looked like he could squat a million.
good post
I was of deliver man today, first day job in England
do well good
deliver to man was fat very though
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Got an interesting look about her, like a model
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>the longest era of peace and global unity the world has ever seen

How did american imperialism bring about the pax britannica
>so-called imperialism
just imperialism lad
>longest era of peace and global unity the world has ever seen
Only in the first world nations that side with America.
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in Burma, Buddhist extremists practice ethnic cleansing on the Rohingya minority group tbqh
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tfw no ukrainian friend
>Only in the first world nations that side with America.
everyone should adopt our way of life and live in peace then x
noooo way so you're- you're a uuhh a northerner, no? y-you're from the north?
"y'arite by gum right goin' down t'pub"
FUCK OFF with your victim complex.
FUCK OFF thinking you're better than anybody else.
FUCK OFF you're fucking northern, you're scum YOU'RE NOTHING!
the people in London pay the taxes so that YOU can go on strike. So that YOU can enjoy your tea on the taxpayers fuckin' biw
>female officer did absolutely nothing

I don't know how you're educated about it in the US but you don't engage someone with a knife
Stalling while waiting for the guy with the tazer definitely was the right thing to do

>When he fucking fell of
I'm noticing a pattern
Regimes that will definitely fall in the first half of the 21st Century:
>People's Republic of China
>Democratic People's Republic of Korea
>Islamic Republic of Iran
>The European Union
i'm being a cunt

i'll shut up
fuck all of them
In the US advancing on someone from that distance while wielding a knife is legally enough to get shot in every jurisdiction.
>Cries when he gets tasered
Ah yes, the so called British gangsters.
I'm alright with being the labour aristocracy, I was just saying that It's coming to an end. What are we going to do when Africa's middle class arises? Who do we exploit after that?

well you know maybe if she HAD A FUCKING WEAPON she wouldn't have needed to "stall" for a man with a tazer. literally he could have lunged at any moment and shivved her right in the fucking gut whilst everybody is running around like goddamned chickens with their heads cut off for fuck's sake jesus sodding hell
it's more that they had to run away and put their lives at risk while they wait for the taser man to turn up.

a 15 year old kid did that here like 7 years ago and got lit up by like 5 cops lmao
>Africa's middle class
ah yes, the ones with TWO goats
>People's Republic of China
Do you think there will be another Maoist civil war?
>Democratic People's Republic of Korea
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Woke up early.
Morning prayer time.
nobody got hurt and the criminal went to jail
in america there would be 1 person who is dead from exactly the same scenario
which is better?
Do you know what China looked like before capitalism?
more trees, probably
not everyone's a pussy that shoot to kill instantly like in the US mate
>which is better?

the one where the police don't have their lives endangered and the criminal scum is in a casket
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tfw i never had a chance at life
hope chyna falls, would be good for the environment to have at least a couple years of respite from their fucking government projects.
Dunno if it'd be good if Iran collapsed though, could just be replaced by more extremists (but in a less stable environment this time)
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>When a cunt shares a video of their police

>it's twelve cops shooting a shadow for being too dark

>it's twelve cops dancing around a guy with a breadknife like it's a special edition of The Nutcracker
The Chinese government's entire mandate is based on providing 10% GDP growth a year.

If they can't provide that, then the people are going to want other things. Democratic things.
no chance on all 4
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hopefully the economic component of globalism has taken hold by then and we won't be facing any kind of serious war or poverty
Where have I seen this before?
i wonder what the death rates for third party civilians or officers would be like in similar situations. the US view is that the criminals life is worth sacrificing for the protection of others

and you know what i didn't even say she needed to have a gun. just a weapon. if you guys are so much against lethal force, why didn't she at least have a tazer? why didn't any of them?
Spy Kids
the one where the criminal with no respect for the lives of others got shot than the very possible scenario of a police officer being stabbed while they wait for someone who can actually do something.
hmmm ah yes, it'd be a bad idea for police officers to have guns
>Implying there isn't going to be a reformist and Kurdish revolution
what about iplayer?
they were probably passing bobbies just doing a patrol
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>like it's a special edition of The Nutcracker
>Le US cops shoot people because they're black meme

all this reminded me of a video i saw of a rowdy crackhead in canada being tazed about 10 times and then running off down the street haha
you're right, it'd be better if he'd stabbed the officer and stabbed the cashier. It was entirely at his discretion whether he would kill someone in that shop, they got very lucky that he decided not to
Yes but then we'll have extreme levels of inequality.
tasers should be standard for all police
non-lethal incapacitation for most with the occasional heartlet getting taken out of the gene pool
But he didn't

what is a patrol if no one is armed? you might as just say they were probably just passing a few lads out for a stroll down to the shop, because that's all the use they were in the end of it.
>le kurdish meme
they use child soldiers and massacre christians. Not a big fan
but he didn't cause he was a pussy
>Britain is one of the worst advanced economies for jobs, pay, and living standards

Why is our country so SHIT

but if even the poorest of people have food, shelter, water and internet i doubt there would be much inclination to go to war
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i wish i was australian

yeah, because he chose not to. If he had decided to, there would have been nothing anyone could do, just sit there twiddling their thumbs til armed officers arrived. (see: Lee Rigby)
in the UK police patrol places unarmed and are armed for operations
the police don't exist to threaten civilians
>Siding with Iran over the k*rds
Iran won't collapse, it will just slowly get more moderate over many years as the older hardline Islamists in government die or are pushed to reform

The recent election was already a huge step forward

it's gonna take a long time but Iran will not collapse, just undergo reforms and become more moderate
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>Frenchman using the Reddit le

>i wish i was australian

rape your sister and then hopefully they'll ship you off then
So he should have been shot for something he hadn't even done?
not necessarily siding with one over the other, just a bit sick of the epic "Kurds are fighting for western democracy and are really cool btw did u know they use female fighters?!?!?" shit
if they acquire nuclear weapons they'll definitely collapse under the fist of the US military
>the police don't exist to threaten civilians

why do they exist? perhaps... oh i dunno... to defend the civilians? but gee... how could you do that? without weapons?

nahh, in the uk police exist to write parking fines
I am a master of deception
>be american
>neighbour i don't like is going river fishing
>call the police saying he's a knife wielding maniac
>when they arrive he's gutting a fish
>shoot him on sight

ah yes
you should have to wait until someone actually murders you to defend yourself? Bit of weird logic there

the cops would be pissed at you for wasting their time
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anyone want to be friends? i'm the one on the left
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can't imagine how dire this country would be without the NHS and even that is a shambles
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>climate change
>ignoring soil erosion
why do you think they're pushing for hydroponic farms?

only the robots will survive the 21st century lad

just sayin
le le le
>be british
>on the tube when some nutjob with a machete decides to start gutting everyone
>have to wait for armed police to turn up
>in the mean time 5 people have been murdered
ahhhh yes, at least we aren't like those BRUTISH and SILLY americans
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>be english
>get bombed
you didn't post the full image
lmao having a gun on the hip isn't a threat to law abiding citizens at all. if your lot carried, it'd be done like it is here where if you pull your gun unlawfully or without adequate reasoning, you can get fucking slammed let alone a dirty shooting.

the police exist to uphold the law and as such, provide protection to law abiding citizens if required. those cops are absolutely useless and are basically on the level of shopping centre security guards.
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>making no distinction between the PKK, SDF, YPG, KRG and Peshmerga

Not a big fan of the Kurds, but there's a pretty big fucking difference between the PKK terrorists and the KRG.
hope so, need to get a qt persian gf
this is a meme, right? there aren't actually places like this in the uk are there?

asia is fucked
You should run away like those officers did, and apprehend the person safely.
yeah i know, the difference is the PKK is literal actual terrorists operating in civilian areas and the KRG just uses child soldiers and massacres civilians but it does so in a war zone
Pretty sure it's just retarded muzzies who stick that shit on lamp posts
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Bloody hell this scene was a bit grim
they put the posters and signs up but they don't mean anything
there's a strip of road with loads of kebabies in my city and there's loads of signs saying "THIS IS AN ALCOHOL FREE ZONE" but they don't mean anything at all and everyone still gets wasted and goes through them, if any muslims were to call the police they'd tell them to get bent
>Australia will have more water than Europe and the US
Psh, too easy.
beg that you're joking
such a pussy attitude. I run away, cool, im a relatively fast lad, I can do that. What about a kid? or an old person? someone who can't run fast enough? they shouldn't be protected?
why do you pakis know so much about durkas in those shitholes?
so reckon there'll be a great water/food crisis eventually then? the world pop. is just going to keep growing, arent we near 7.5 billion already?
t. osman oguluguglug
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national action.jpg
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this is what happens in a tolerant, multi-cultural society
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>they will all come to Europe instead of going to America
there are multiple areas that might as well be sharia zones. government donesn't care - just lets them do whatever the fuck they want. crime, slavery, FGM, child rape. all goes on and no one seems to care because its racist or something.
he's taking the piss m8
Mate are you autistic

The KRG isn't a military

it's the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq

Their military is the Peshmerga, who don't use child soldiers or massacre civilians.

HOWEVER, the Peshmerga have destroyed Arab villages in northern Ninawa, so they don't exactly have a 100% clean sheet either.

But then again if you look at what the British and US armies have done, you realize most armies don't have clean sheets.
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have an appointment to get my eyes checked for new glasses in a few hours

not sure if should go because i don't think my eye is healed fully yet

i'm tired of being half-blind in my left eye and i really want new glasses asap, but i don't want to waste money(it'd cost like $300) on new glasses if my eye heals by the time i receive them in a few weeks and the prescription is no good
>only le pakis know about world news XDDD
the vast majority of confrontations resulting in deaths are between only the police and the suspect
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>the middle east matters
to be fair, i don't much see a difference between this and the christian belltower that rings 8 times a day. at least this is singing and sounds nice
why what's wrong with your eyes mate?
>the one rorke that always gets mad when people talk about middle eastern affairs
that doesn't answer my question. You expect me to just bet my life on "well this guy PROBABLY wont try to kill me"?
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Yes and we will not have the resources to help them (or ourselves from them) either.

hope u survive lad x
>in the mean time 5 people have been murdered
except that doesn't ever happen you tit
in america terrorists have guns and actually kill people
our most deadly terrorist attack since 7/7 only managed one bloke
american terrorists attacks happen regularly and always manage to kill a few
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>be english
>colonise the world
>colonise shitty third-world AIDS-ridden refugee countries
>be upset when they move to the motherland and start fucking shit up

Nice. Serves you cunts right 2bh
something sharp got stuck in my eye while i was sleeping about a month ago and it cut my eye in a few different places. it was real bad

it only started to heal about a week ago and my vision is still blurry and i'm not sure if it's going to get better or not

the doctor said my vision should return once the swelling goes down but that was three weeks ago...
imagine how much nicer the earth would be if every muslim vanished from existence.
replace KRG with Peshmerga in what I was saying. Peshmerga most definitely does use child soldiers and has a track record of killing christian civilians
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Trump knows how to pull out that pose at any time. Maybe he has a body double


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>be yank
>voluntarily ship shitty third-worlders to your country by the boatload
>be upset when you give them more rights than your natives and they start fucking shit up
t. mustafa kebaböglu
they only tried for one bloke, and fucking cut his head off in the street while the police officers went to the payphone to call up the police officers who are allowed to have radios to tell them to radio the police officers allowed to carry tasers to pass on the message to the police officers who are allowed to talk to the police officers allowed to carry guns to tell them theyre needed.
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>there is an actual rasheed in this thread
>euros aren't moving to turkey and the middle east by the millions
so karma exists huh
>58 years
kinda wanted to be young while the world goes to shit desu, oh well
>except that doesn't ever happen you tit
terrorism is getting more common in europe by the day. You can't base your ideas on "this never used to be necessary" or "this never happened before so it never will happen". 7/7 never happened- until it did. Also
>america has mass shootings because of gun laws
fucking hate this meme. Look at Switzerland, one of the highest rates of gun ownership per capita on earth. And yet, no mass shootings. On the other hand, Mexico has made owning firearms completely illegal and yet massacres happen there regularly. Entire towns marched onto buses and driven out to the desert to be shot. Mass shootings are an issue of psychology and ideology.
MASSIVE headache for almost a week now lads
think im dying
Is it like anuddah shoah
t. "let the kurds take over syria... the BBC told me they were Tha Good Guyz"
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spending a lot of time with my dad lately

he's getting old

might be because ive been eating non-kosher
how old is he
that's becuase the wrong response team was called out, the police should have responded to the call with an armed response team
>be English
>bring modern technology, education, and governance to mud, stone, and iron age peoples across the world
>be upset when ungrateful fucks overthrow you to run their own country, fuck up their own country, then migrate to yours to also fuck it up
>tfw wanna spend time with my old, successful grandpa
>cant because my dad ruined the relationship due money-related issues regarding one of their companies
>Firsty day back at Uni
>Need to leave in 15 minutes
>Incredibly cosy in bed

Fuck lads
going back on the 22nd
don't like to think about it
>"Firsty" day back at Uni
>act like a child
ah yes, unsurprising
>in europe
the converstation is referring to britain specifically
>>america has mass shootings because of gun laws
i never said this, i don't know what the fuck you're quoting
mine is getting old despite not being old, his body is fucked
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i said HOW old is he, as in what is his age

fucking stupid little cunt, don't even care anymore about your dad's age, hope he dies in fact

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u mad lad
converting to Mormonism and moving to Utah
not sure why you hate me as of now
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hahaha or you could just have all officers strapped so that violent thugs don't have a window of time of 15 minutes in which they decapitated the poor cunt on the street in front of everyone or done something worse like killing another 5 or 10 which would have been easily doable in that time frame.

basically, they had the opportunity to kill more people because the """""wrong"""" police were sent in, but decided not to instead decapitating the guy they had just violently killed. absolutely NO room for improvement there mate, none at all.
wow mate, just wow
don't they hate just about everyone
>tfw grades smart, good looking, and likeable and still managed to fuck life up
life is a meme 2bh
>double dubs
>incoherent sentence from caralad
what did he mean by this then
nah just clog wearing cunts like you

did a read
see >>69992988
What are some jobs you can do at home lads?
because fuck you thats why
escorting desu
not fond of mormons desu
Mormons are some of the most unpleasant people on earth to live around.

They are fine when they are a small minority, but when they are the majority or close to it, they are fucking horrible.
this is the epitome of a good character (especially that you visit 4chan)

very down to earth and nice :)

more like (You), ta'
1 is the loneliest number
my life's been on a downswing since GCSEs i think. Got straight A*s on GCSEs then CDC for a levels
>Got straight A*s on GCSEs
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I got As and A*s at A-level and went to a top uni and did really well for the first couple of years

after that I became a meme loving fuck and dropped out
Not when he comes with friends.
my life has been on a downswing since halfway through primary, or maybe i never even had a chance i dunno
This 6.5" cock has been up for ever. Why has Janny kept this 5.5" cock up? This is a 4.5" cock up by the caretaker.
>went to a top uni
what uni? (might as well say since you dropped out)
Imagine the most smug, closed off, ultra-normie in-group you can.
Now imagine they pretend to be your friend and act incredibly nice, but on only the most superficial level possible.

jokes aside, very nice lad

what were you studying?
so they're americans
gender studies
comp science
sports journalism
You do not hear a single thing about UKIP nowadays
My buttocks are smooth my mind is clear
Vegetarian sausages are better than meat sausages desu
theoretical (You)ics
the science behind penis to height ratios
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>tfw 0.0915
*runs away*
How do i work out my penis to height ratio?
>grew up dreaming of being a film director
>got an A* at A-Level
>ended up chickening out of doing it at uni and doing computer science because muh job
even if everything goes to plan at this point the best outcome is a soul crushing 9 to 5 doing something i despise
ur an idiot, steve harrington :) xD x
wonder what her penis to height ratio is
The only reason people care about her is because they were the fat cunt who hung around with their now-popular friend and they feel cheated "they" didn't get a happy ending. She was boring desu
lad I know did a film degree and is making decent money desu
dunno, lad

its pretty complicated, the program at ucl is 3 years
>tfw still had no idea what i wanted to do when it came time to apply to uni
going to do fuck all today haha

do NOT care what any of you say
bad luck and extreme misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity
penis in inches / height in inches
always thought acting would be fun but australian cinema is wank
new one boys
unless you post "big dong, britbong" to this post
what can I post in this thread to prevent it?
Someone add me on snapchat I want /int/ernational friends.
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