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>americans https://twitter.com/stz9483/status/ 820144932014919680

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Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 66

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Lol whitey btfo
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>/pol/ will defend this
how old are these people because they look older than be desu
How old are you ?
high school I guess
Why are white "men" so pathetic?
Kid should've at least made sure he has a way to defend himself if he was gonna provoke a chimp.
I wonder what the white guy did to flip the switch. He looks like a fag to do something gross or say some 4chan shit
what is this a manlet showdown?
Just american "men" tbqh, if they squared up like that in ireland proper thumps would be thrown, not some little bitch pushing and shoving and sneakily calling him a nigger like a bitch

I mean what kind of a retard just starts provoking like that when he clearly is not in a position to defend himself?
Why do Americans always fight?

>high school fights
>college fights
>university fights (what the fuck)
Americans are extremely influenced by chimp "culture".

America is practically an African country nowadays.
There is nothing wrong with a fair fist fight.
edgy stuff I guess

dunno why people are so opposed to settling arguments with a fight these days instead they bicker back and forth like passive aggressive wankers
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What the fuck is wrong with twitter on both my PC and my phone? It's been like that for ages now.
so if I get super jacked and beat up everyone I disagree with am I always right?
Yea if you live in 3rd world its fine to be barbaric, guess Am*rica is 3rd world
what browser are you using?
yes, just like primates do
Black doesnt count
Firefox, on both
Why do black call each other nigger all the time, but are offended when non black says it?
because they're unironically very racist, combined with an eternal persecution complex
firefox can be a piece of shit with every update.

Delete cache and reinstall if that doesnt work. Ultimately switch to Chrome/Opera(non-botnet)
woah so this is the power of the american race
they are as american as you are
they call each other niggA. Heard a lot of whites and hispanics say it but niggER is a term not used by both
No ones gonna dispute you unless a bigger lad or a better scrapper comes along so yeah
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so if I build my own mechanized battle suit powered by a nuclear core reactor do I become god of the earth?
>firefox can be a piece of shit with every update.
I've never understood why they fucking do this.

It's such a fucking pain in the ass every single god damn update nowadays having to spend tons of time editing the interface CSS or having to find some obscure property in about:config (and then finding out 1 fucking update later that they disabled it so I have to find a new solution). Seriously, why do so many people in IT not understand the "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" concept?
I don't see much of a difference if I'm honest.
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believe me, there is
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wtf I fear nigg-

No you'll still look like a dick, but fighting it out does allow people to truly blow off steam, and is a great way to get a reality check because no matter how prepared you are for it, getting punched in the face or body slammed is still a stunning experience.

I hope he gets jailed
lol white people are fucking disgusting
>looks like a faggot
>can't fight
>resorts to petty racial insults
>pussies out when things get real, begging for help
There was no hope for that ""man"", god rest his soul
nigga = a friend
nigger = an insult
why so?
I bet you have white genes too
he might be a terrone descendant
>first world
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>american """""'culture""""""
oh come on, it's not like the fag wasn't looking for trouble

Talk shit, get hit. It's that simple. He could have just shut his fucking mouth, but he just had to get a fucking word in. With that kind of mentality, he's probably a spoiled child at home.
Because when people are being really annoying and they won't stop then it means they gotta catch these hands.
So if a non black called a black "nigga" he wouldn't feel insulted?

Most of the time( but not all of the time) Black people use it as a word that denotes friendship, familiarity and inclusion.

Context is everything.

The white kid called him a nigger out of anger, obviously trying to say the most offensive thing he could think of to retaliate for being shoved around.
t. 3rd world chimp
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>nigga pushed the rocker
You call this a """"""""""""""""""figft""""""""""""""""""?
depends really, some are offended and some are p. chill about it
disable adblock
Chinese botnet
there's certain rules of fairness that should be observed in a fight though.

but if you pretend that ""men"" being passive-aggressive bitches and never actually resolving anything all the time is better you've been duped by a feminized society.
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oh god, at first i was oh that fucking nigger deserve to die and when i saw "the white "boy"", i was pleased to see his ass kicked
I see, still I think black kid overreacted a bit.
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t. tough man
why is /int/ hating on the whites?
>some chimp screaming "WURLD STARR"
shan't be watching that
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>goes all the way to the doorway and shouts "f-fucking nigger!" and runs away
>30 seconds later
>running like a bitch

im dying
we are not. We are laughing at THAT specific white
I don't like fights.
These a burst of emotions, they show that you have no control or discipline.
>hating on the whites?
Calling out the idiot in OP's video isn't "hating on the whites"

man they really suck at fighting
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>help me help pleaseeee

Yep he did, he could have easily let it go (white kid had already been embarrassed and doubled it up by being cringe and using a racial slur) but teenagers lack impulse control and have too much energy for their own good.
its raining and i just heard a huge thunder
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White kid literally

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Why does he run like that?
I'm nota violent person and I don;t look for fights

but we've all been in highschool, and you remember that bully. Maybe you were smart enough to just keep your head down and not end up on their radar, but if you do, sometimes you have to fight if he wants to start shit.

there's a certain way to fight. It's never pleasant, but there;s a right and wrong way to go about doing it and acting about it afterwards.
holy shit we need that wall to keep that kind of faggotry away from us
>resolving issues with fighting outside of elementary school
>these are the people who call finns non-whites unironically
Never been in a fight or beaten up. maybe I live in a civilized country after all
poopy pants?

I know who it feels, i just don't think fighting is the best way to fix shit.
call me a faggoat.
maybe you were lucky enough to grow up around more reasonable folks, probably grew up around mostly ethnic Finns i presume?
t. Private school bitch boi
fighting ISN'T the best way to solve issues in most cases, sometimes it's just the best when the situation has regressed because the other man won't let it happen any other way.
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What did the nignog mean by this
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>there's a certain way to fight. It's never pleasant, but there;s a right and wrong way to go about doing it and acting about it afterwards.
t. non-white
>maybe I live in a civilized country after all
>grew up in an Ivory Tower
>belittle those who have to contend with worse people than you
you're not better, you;d just have your world shaken the second you went to a minority-infested school
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>american can't believe that people can coexist peacefully
really made me think
and what if i was a bitchboi? I don't really care about reputation although as i've said before i've never catched no hands
Don't yoi hsve to prep the bull?
are you saying I'm wrong? what do you even mean by this? you speak like you've never been in a fight.

also nice gif
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maybe, who knows
>I live in a civilized country after all
i thought spanish people cut the bellies of pregnant, native american women open to bet on the gender of the kid
>and what if i was a bitchboi? I don't really care about reputation
firstly, we CAN believe people can coexist peacefully, but the reality is is that many don't
secondly, you sound effeminate, you don't care about your image?
I'm a savage to these niggas but to her i'm gentle :3
If i'm hit i'm gonna hit back but luckily I haven't found myself in that situation
The last time I was in a fight I was in elementary school. Acting holier than though about fighting like it's the right thing to do is fedora tier. If you are going to fight for some reason then you will, nothing more to it. Also fighting is quite common in elementary schools, uncommon in middle schools and extremely rare in highschools here.
We have guns and balls, so all of our homes don't need security systems like you
Also kinda related, my last fight was with a somalian.
who won?
because in elementary schools kids haven't learned how to interact properly.
in america, most kids do learn to, except for fatherless uncivilized black communities, as seen in the video.

you've basically got it, but don't let someone walk all over you as long as they don't eventually take a swing. confront them, and if they want to fight then fight. otherwise, it's unnecessary.

the both of you talk like you live in an Ivory Tower
alright, now imagine going to a school full of them
I did. Though it was against some chubby unathletic somalian. Though it felt a little good being praised by the other kids for it (this includes the other somalians).
so you are saying that in america it is impossible to go through high school without catching a fade?
btw I am of strong complexion although the thing is that I don't mess with anyone and nobody messes with me, its pretty simple
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what caused that fight?
only fight I've ever been in was in Spain senpai. it was at a discoteca though so could've happened anywhere
He was being a cunt in gym class, I told him off for it and things sorta escaleted from there.
tell me more about it

>He was being a cunt
in what way?
lol, did you spill his drink or what?
who are taller finns or somalians
I've seen some pics and they look like ayys
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I had a fight with a Paki kid in school because I spent the entire day pretending to be an Indian nuclear weapon headbutting him. He beat the shit out of me and the other kids supported him (I was a loser)
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This doesn't surprise me at all, Americans are subhuman
Why are cameras so shit during fights lol
sucks to start a fight and lose it desu
sorry for that lad
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the way he runs is fUckING HILORIOUS
Bitching about everything and talking shit to everyone. I think he was also in someway sabotaging the game or whatever that class was about too. He probably couldn't handle being shit desu.
>who are taller finns or somalians
Finns. Somalians are not that tall, some of them do indeed look like ayys.
Indian nuclear weapon? haha what?


Can you opt out of gym class? I'm terrible.
I was studying abroad so there were some 10-15 drunk americans in a disco, and I guess a Spaniard tried to dance with an American girl or vice versa and somebody pushed someone. Next I know I got punched in the face and thrown out of the club with 2 other Americans. then when a couple of the Spaniards got kicked out too we went at it on the street for a little before the bouncers came and immobilized us. still to this day is the only punch i've ever connected. felt good senpai. getting punched not so much, but I was drunk so it was alright
Nah. I also was a decent athlete so I pretty much liked all the sports that we had. You could however do as little as possible in the class without any real repercussions usually.
Nah he is right man.
There are these rare cases were physical violence solves issues in a better eay then bitching does, but it has to do a lot with feels and some etiquette, as in both parties, the btfoer and the btfoed dont feel as if they got out of it worse then reasonable.
That does look like a somali.
Geez, you people seem to have had some real fun in the past. Me? Well.. The most exciting thing I've ever done was playing minesweeper

I would've sperged. I hate sports. I also feel unconfortable about my body *-*
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If you were punched there is no other option but to strike back if the opponent can be taken down
>There are these rare cases were physical violence solves issues in a better eay then bitching does
The only situations like that that I can think of were in elementary school.
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shit i deleted it
Yes me too.. But they probably exist later on too but are very very rare.
We must become like innocent elementary schoolers then again in order to regain the power of this most easy way of communal pacification.
nig got btfo hard 2bh
i didn't get in a fight, but that's because i was likable enough to make friends and big enough to not make enemies

not everyone is so well off

last fight i had was in middle school, he kept pushing it until he decided he was going to outright steal from me and i beat him up.
he then went and lied about the events later, making it look like he won/i ran to my mom or whatever.

that's what i mean when i say there a time and a place and wrong and a right way to go about it.
it was the only incident I had with Spaniards while living over there for a year despite many drunk shenanigans. you guys are pretty bro tier
Alright, let's snap back to reality, the word "Nigger" can't possibly be that bad you want to beat someone, it's just a word. But he chased after him just because he knew it allowed him to beat whitey up without anyone defending whitey.

Or am I just stupid???
southerners deal with negroids on a daily basis
facts b
>tfw I haven't gone to america in a decade
unlucky desu
its normal, this is an american school m8
>the word "Nigger" can't possibly be that bad you want to beat someone
In sjw societies it apparently is
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WTF now i'm happy that i'm a moor
it's in their blood ever since the usa was founded they only spent 2 decades not being at war.
are u an idiot
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This White American men have forgotten how to fight with there hands.
nogs have it ingrained into them from a young age that any utterance of this word by a non-black is grounds for a chimp out
usa is opposite/twilight zone world
blacks are seen as desirable and command respect there,
What a pathetic country
That word is literally a switch for them.
Keep in mind that most of the pop culture and music comes from them
I knew a guy exactly like the long haired faggot, same look and everything. He's probably a sperg too, and brought that chimp beat down on himself because he thinks he's a badass edgy vidya protagonist or something.

>the guy I'm talking about would scream "GIVE ME STRENGTH GOKUUUU!" when he got into a fight when he was a freshman
>didn't fight after that because he got the shit kicked out of him
true, this is how you deal with niggers, no more, no less


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African-Americans are chimps but so are white-Americans. look at all those American laws, that still persist, that rely on the American culture of aggression and violence

look at duty to retreat laws in the USA compared to most of Europe, for example
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fucking manlets
true, white americans are shitty, they all lsten to black music and watch black sports willingly, plus their movies are full of blacks, yet they are like one tenth of the population. they all have a black fetish or something
t. 1'90 full blooded mapuche
conclusion: americans are chimps
>Black sports
Like portugals football team??
most portuguese teams have 1 or 2 blacks max, national team is for cucks I admit it, I don't follow it though.
other sports such as handball, cycling, volleyball, hockey or futsal have no blacks at all.
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*dabs on you
uhhhhm watchu say doe?

im dead

Their fashions are so fucking gay. What a lame ass way they dress. How can the Amerifats defend this gay shit.
Look at that fucking ugly ass skinny pants, shitty juvenile hoodies, fucking nerdy long hair, toy looking sneakers, and shit. The worst ugly gayest chaos you could ever seen.

How dare the Yanks say "Yuro fashions are gay, Asians are gay" " LMAO

You are the gayest as fuck, Americunts.
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I'm deceased (crying emoji)
I like asian fashion
This desu.
asians are much manlier than americans.
americans dress flashy and sing all the time, just like girls.

portuguese are basically becoming americans too, bunch of faggot girly bitch boys
Average /pol/user.webm
>asians are much manlier

t. /r/asianmasculinity
>talking about fashion when it had nothing to do with the OP
You're not doing the "asians aren't gay" argument any favors.
I knew a kid who used to do the Naruto style run all the time, and it wasn't some kind of joke or anything like that, he genuinely thought it was cool for some reason.
I agree, Asians are way manlier than Americans and increasingly Europeans too. I hope this trend continues in Portugal since I love short portuguese cuties
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>tfw only time I won a fight was with a manlet chad
>tfw won
>paid him money since I felt bad he had a nose bleed and a bruise on his forehead
Haha I don't have autism!

Normally I'd say yes, but the fag was asking for it tbqh. Don't start shit you can't finish. Even being defeated because you fight like a pussy is better than this, I mean at least then you fought back.
it's true, they are stoic, calm, intelligent, low crime, low sexual diseases, etc...
they are the purest form of man
and i'm not talking about arabs or indians, just japanese and south koreans
probably crying there at this VERY moment
Youre not running like naruto? Get with the times old man
filthy violent subhuman shqip
Not even human. There's your answer.
Added to my flag collection. Thank you!
yes except when they are genociding Chinese, attacking Unitedstatesian bases, kamikazeing etc.

>captcha: cuevas del - espacio (space caves).

>tfw don't have to deal with blacks
You wanna fight, dude? I will kick your lazy ass with my monkey taijutsu bro.
>only time I won a fight
>tfw I won
That's a little redundant, isn't that redundant?
t. Reddit
And who are you? A fat NEET basement-dwelling loser complaining how "pussy" everyone around him becomes?
First I need some sleep bro imma beat ur ass
white """"men""""
that's literally western fashion worn by gooks
Nobody dresses like that here
Cav Empt (bottom right) is a japanese brand
ask yourselves would you rather be the average east-asian or average black?

if you woke up one day as an asian, you would be surprised at first, but you would go on with your life, if you woke up a black person you would kill yourself, within a day
nah i swear /int/ would call these fag
I will break into you're house and imma shove a banana up you're ass while u are at you're siesta bro, i'm telling u
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they probably dress like this
I'mma pull up with them dicks bro i'm not playing
>Duty to retreat
>Don't stand up for yourself

Fucking slave talk
man they still live in 2001
>tfw americans are animale
violent american animal, never speak to me again
Just another day in Trump's America.
trump really has kids being racist now
I am literally shaking
>white americans

Lots of laughs. Whites in America can't defend themselves and hide behind muh guns. Get called a cracker and they do nothing. Say nigger and they get beat down.
love Trump's hate
In russia you usually get shot by FSB if you tuck your pants up. Especially if you have a beard.
my eight year old just punched the TV and said "this is not over,whom is racist must not govern the melting pot of peoples which is our country"
I should go there and try that
What about gosha rubchinsky
The guy clearly said it as a race based insult (fucking nigger) rather than a greeting (what's up ma nigga)
yes, that's the way the world works
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That's exactly right.
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Do Americans actually run like this? I thought it was just some pop cultural gag.
There is probably poop in his pants
It's impressive that he managed to outrun the other guy at that pace. If you watch the video, you can see that when he reaches the camera guy, the other guy is still at the other end of the hallway.
Well that was dumb.
he's fast
maybe he can teleport like in anime
it was in combination with the shit that happened prior


Video frame, file name, question, answer, last digits of the posts.
desu my school was boring I wish niggas was fighting all the time
Nice observation
You probably didn't learn jackshit in school
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Dead ass b
Uhhhmmm excuse me racist much?
Fax b deadass i'm spazzing out b

>>desu my school was boring I wish niggas was fighting all the time

No you don't. I grew up middle class but my parents were dumb and enrolled me in a trashy middle school. In year 7 there were 30+ within a couple weeks because of tension between the Mexican and Indian students. They had to institute cameras across campus as well bringing police officers in as part of the faculty.

When you go to a school that's filled with fucking idiots you either become a fucking idiot yourself or be a loser with no friends. I was smoking weed, partying and having sex at 13. Totally fucked up my development.
I wasnt being serious dawg
>I was smoking weed, partying and having sex at 13.
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P-please don't hurt me, somali-chan
She looks like she took more damage when he knocked her hood off.
damn she got them hands
Why are americans so dishonourable?
Is this the reason that there are so many male Somali refugees?
If someone attacks I'll usually try to get away and call the police. I'm not going to put my personal well being in danger just because some cave man mongoloid is incapable of resolving a situation with words and needs to use his fists.

Too bad funland doesn't have american style concealed carry and liberal self-defense laws. That's really the only way to 100% guarantee your personal safety.
most of them are in the upper midwest. wanna guess why?
very bad form on both. altho this is just fooling around not a real fight.
but wouldnt autists shoot up schools too?
And if you accidentally kill or maim your opponent, you get to spend the next few years debating with like minded people in prison.
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>That instant sprint and vault over the table upon hearing nigger
They were deprived of BBC?
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Thank you nignogs for keeping me entertained in the internet
damn!!!! He rekt those caucasoids
what triggered him enough to go call that black guy a nigger
With the current laws they could already, getting a semi-auto rifle is fairly easy.

It's just that defending yourself is almost always illegal.
Isnt funland very peaceful though?
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Yes but hes some autist who is afraid of the outside world :DD i walked today straight some nigger group and they were so nice that they made me some space to walk between. Does this happen there? :D
>that pic
wtf is wrong with euros
Yes of course. But there still exist bad areas and such where poor people and immigrants live.
In a dangerous neighborhood they made space and offered me drugs lol
an area as such is where it happened
Misä vitun hevonperseessä asut vain ainostaan Varissuo ja Itis ovat no go zoneja :DD
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>all of these girls can beat up the average finn
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He literally can't even run like a human being
>these are the people we allied against Russia
Holy shit, americans, did niggers eat your balls?

is this why your women fuck baboons?
En minä onneksi missään semmosessa paikassa asu, sanonpahan vaan että niitä paikkoja on olemassa.

Saattavat lisääntyä semmoset paikat kans.
what's wrong with niggers in America? what's a problem?
>white american "men"
You're a shame.
You don't deserve to see "male" written on your ID.

The courageous, high testosterone, brown races will take over from here, you had a good run but you just can't compete with BIG BROWN COCK.
>See you in juvie bitch
>Help, Help please

Why are white "people" so cringey?
The black kid is a tub going up against a feather weight. This is what would happen to all European "men".
One word to rule them all.
Check this out:

>grew up in old sundown town
>no black people within several miles
>never once had a fight like these in class
>everyone always (sometimes grudgingly) respectful of teachers
>were allowed to leave campus for lunch
>any fights were always planned for then in a parking lot across the street from the campus
>regularly saw girls rolling around in a ditch in their bras

..there are a few things I miss about high school...
Id call him nigger to his face and beat him to pulp. I was beaten since i was kid by my friends+10 years of muay thai
>I was beaten since i was kid by my friends
Not much of some friends eh?
They were much older than me and i had nowhere else to go. By normal definiton i never had friend i guess
Fucking phone, won't play the clip.
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what the fuck
So American Otakus look like that long hair faggot
If you weigh 120lbs, it doesn't really matter.
What started this fight?


Dont you go to jail for fighting in America? Everyone is eager to sue on another over there.

Yeah, except I've never seen a decent school fight in America. It's always just two scrawny kids flailing at each other with loose guards and poor footwork.

When I was at school, we'd form a circle around the two people fighting - that way the teachers couldn't intervene, and the issue would actually be solved.
i don't have white genes in me, i'm part spaniard
fight one vs one bitch, pussy ass cunt using a gun calling him self a man , fuck off
southerner are sub human
A sort of assassin creed.
Why was that faggot looking guy looks like someone from /lgbt/? What did s(he) said that provoked the assassin creed move?
this tbqh
The skinny ones.
The fat ones tend to look less gay but smell horrible.
Never seen a university fight desu
Plenty of high school ones though
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>letting a single word have this much power over you
that's a child
>public school in america
>not expecting brawls

this is the tip of the ice berg, my euro friends. go and get footage of an inner city black high school and you will freak.
KEK "help me!!!!, help. me"
Why do euros always prep the bull to settle their disputes?
We are laughing because a white guy is in American territory, trying to act all badass and the proud American trying to beat his ass.
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especially in the conjugal bed
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Reminds me of the time I hid under a staircase in middle school to avoid getting my ass beaten
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a non violent person exposing niggers?
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a non violent person exposing niggers?
terraformars are evolving too quick
>Get called a nigger
>Act like a nigger in response

This is how average /pol/tards are
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>Eurobetas ITT who've never been in a fight in their lives.

This is why we laugh at you "people". You've completely forgotten your roots.
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eat my ass.jpg
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m a x i m u m
k e k

Is this from the same guy who made Tails Gets Trolled?
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And you call Russkies subhumans after this?
You call this a fight? LMOA AMERICAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP
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>fucking nigger
I have seen much better fights, and shit talking, at young girl's hockey games.
kek that nigger ran, what a pussy, sucker punching someone then running
why is the word nigger so taboo? i mean they are niggers right?
I feel so bad for white American students.
They probably grow up simply accepting this as "normal." They have no idea that in the rest of the world, things like this never happen.
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Do niggers actually get that offended by a word they call each other regularly, or is it really just an excuse to exercise their racial hatred towards whites by means of violence or getting them fired?

I mean, I'd rather get called a word that being sucked punched or pushed with my head hitting a table, yet the one saying a word is always held up as the one committing the bigger offense.
>the one saying a word is always held up as the one committing the bigger offense
only by niggers because they see nothing wrong with assault
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holy shit, this board is filled with nothing but whiny bitches
god bless america, and god bless violence

>hey you, yes you, what the fuck are you looking at?
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MFW no face.jpg
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We thrive of redundancy here.
>>69915003 WTF kek
looks comedy. 0:41
If you live in non-white society.
Im 188cm/86kg
>>69918309 KEK I know.
It seems like the comedy that comes out of that country, right? Now I see that there is not much exaggeration in those shows.
Supreme banter on your part tbqh
Other countries have peaceful schools?
what the fuck is wrong with twitter

its all garbled up cant play the video and my malware script blocker is freaking out
I'm a teacher, and it depends. But I've never heard a student calling another "nigger".
wtf the teacher was going in on the kid
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