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True story
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literally Avatar but using japanese instead of navi
We actually wuz though
Yes except he was French
Was a pretty good movie tbqh, although it employed Hollywood's usual pro-American revisionist history.
Based on the real events.
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Avatar was literally Dances With Wolves except Aliens instead of Indians
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nah Dances with Wolves was more boring, there were no big battles
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Was also a pretty good movie tbqh, although it employed Hollywood's usual pro-American revisionist history. (It did at least include the French and painted some Brits as human, although loyalists were literally church burning mass murderers)
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amerishits need to put themselves everywhere
ego maniacal primadonnas

whites can be anything they want, as it was meant to be

Dances With Wolves was vastly superior and didn't rely on gimmicks, the bison hunt was better than anything from The Last Samurai or Avatar.
I would accuse you of being too American and wanting more "totally fuckin' rad expolsions n' shiet" but Avatar was made by a leaf so it's a double edged sword.
anyway they are all a part of """"Isekai"""" fantasy if you know what it means
*hitler was black
9.8/10 film and novel.
Daniel Day-Lewis is a great actor and James Fenimore Cooper was a great American author.
I do not know what it means. I read Shogun as a teenager, which is another similar story structure of a foriegner moving to a new land and embracing it. It was pretty good.
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>Dances With Wolves was vastly superior
and more boring
it was a serious movie. so comparing it to Avatar is a mistake methinks

lol why you post that communism meme
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fuck!! wrong pic
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Why do Brits make the best Romans?
ah ok

wasn't Shogun based on a true story too, btw?

my favorite film tbqh

the soundtrack is awesome
Imagine a story about a Japanese man coming to the West to fight in the American Civil War on the side of the South, which is represented by a single village under the command of a single made-up general (Robert E. Lee doesn’t exist in this story’s universe).

In the end, all of the Confederate men are killed in one battle, leaving only the Jap left alive to return to the village to fuck all the recently widowed Southern belles.

But not before making Abraham Lincoln realize the Union lost its way by giving up slavery.

I call it... THE LAST REBEL.
I don't know if Shogun was or not. I don't really remember much of the book, though I do remember liking it.
*and a muslim


i need a black muslim version of Hitler doodled asap
fund it, Sony Movies Division
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>that Gael
paraguay? paragay more like

It was a combination of Jules Brunet's role in the Boshin war, and the Satsuma revolt, a few years later.

It's just an adaptation for American audiences. I wish there was a good western film or series on the French military mission during the Boshin war, though. Just imagine the ending, with the last forces of the Ezo Republic holed up in Hakodate, the last goodbyes between the French and Japanese under Imperial bombardments, then the French slipping through the blockade and Jules Brunet seeing Hokkaido disappear under the horizon.
the plural form of samurai is samurai. tom cruise isn't a samurai, it just tells the story of the last samurai he lived with

yeah and it was the shit back then, you didn't know about it?

well why won't Canal Plus do a miniseries about it?
Is there actually any proof of this? Everything written about this connection is from after the film was released.
not enough degeneracy to fund it
t. butthurt chinese
except mandela and gandhi all those people were white and no amount of tears and revisionist lies is going to change that
The Japs did hire foreigners to teach them western ways and help them modernise. But, unlike in the film, they didn't hire American soldiers, they hired French officers to learn warfare (they hired American school teachers). Jules was one such officer who ended up fighting with the shogun's forces during the Boshin War.
So literally Tom Cruise in the Last Samurai
meant for
but white people were in fact romans vikings and pirates too i don't think anyone denies that
Man it feels like 2003/2004 again
>Dumb movie reviewers in the US thinking "Samurai" is singular and referring to Tom Cruise, and not referring to the culture/samurai he is witness too

It was amazing seeing so many indignant leftists mad about "appropriation" thinking the title was about Cruise's character

My sister from Gifu prefecture studied the era, has low opinion on the Samurai. She says by the time that movie is based on, Samurai were like mafia and bandits and oppressed women. Government was right to want to modernise them

Movie romanticises the Samurai. They would loot government stuff like somalian pirates
would the story be improved in any way if Cruise actually played Jules Brunet?
it's sad how these jewllywoods don't have the balls to fund a real story because "it might alienate the audiences"
I can't think of any movie where a USAian involves in any of those time periods before the US existed, I think you're getting butthurt at imaginary films. Too obsessed with a country t-b-h

Except a few comedy movies about time travel maybe

hnnngg this was good

I found out the other day that there were several foreign samurai, starting with an Englishman, pretty interesting.
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if god isn't white, then how come his son was white ?

atheists and non whites btfo
They only loosely based the film on real-life inspirations, cobbled together from Brunet and a few others

The "true story" lacked the drama and death of the movie, which was added for "impact".

This was the guy responsible for the film and its revisionism so blame him:
Jews believe God will give them the Holy Land
Anglos gave Jews the Holy Land

Poles worship Jesus as King of the Universe
Catholic theology teaches that Jesus is God

Poles worship Anglos as King of the Universe
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well you gotta admit that before the 60s every historical person was played by an american and/or a brit
but bollywood and others do the same now so why complain only to unitedstatians? you guys are the usual suspects all the time

i see lol
nah just saying, since Cruise interpreted Von Stauffenberg..
I doubt it, but Master & Commander would have been better if they would have kept the enemy ship American rather than made it French.
They did it to keep from offending the large American market, but I think it would have shown that America was the first country to actually match Britain at naval warfare and they posed a real threat. After Trafalgar and a million other naval victories against the French and Spanish Brits were shocked to read about American victories during the War of 1812. Americans were the first to routinely beat Brits in "fair" ship to ship battles, instead Hollywood made it the French who often had great ships but shit crews.
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John Smith only wanted to fuck Pocahontas and enjoy her hippie nature, he never lived with and embraced Indian culture in the film the way the lieutenant does in Dances With Wolves, or crippled guy in Avatar, or Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai.
>well you gotta admit that before the 60s every historical person was played by an american and/or a brit

Look up "Queens Latin". Funny phenomenon where so many English thespians were involved in theatre about Rome that the English accent came to be felt as the most authentic to the period.

Obviously, all of those time periods are long gone and nobody is part of those civs, so anyone cast is just an actor playing pretend. As long as they vaguely look historically fitting (i.e no 50 cent playing King Arthur) it's fine to everyone except a few lads with autism

Acting quality matters the most and the UK is the epicenter of acting education and clubs with the colonies in second (per capita) so with the surplus of phenomenal anglo actors, most roles go to them

Haven't seen Centurion but like Fassbender, is the film good?
>Poles worship Anglos as King of the Universe
we already knew that though
>Look up "Queens Latin"
yeah i know it, no need to look it up

>Haven't seen Centurion but like Fassbender, is the film good?
it's better than King Arthur at least. speaking of movie phenomenons, you know how two rival companies always launch "twin movies" with the sameish feel or setting right? (in this case thriplets, because The Eagle is sameish as well)
Fassbender is really good but the story itself is kind of a mess. you might like it as long as you keep your expectations low, it's your average saturday-afternoon adventure film
Your native language isn't even English how would you know what's good or bad
>every historical person was played by an american and/or a brit
>starring Tyrone Power
what the fuck, what kind of nigger is---
oh. wow
>(in this case thriplets, because The Eagle is sameish as well)

Oh right, that movie seemed so wrong when they went north and the Caledonians and Picts were depicted as asiatic-ish neolithic cavemen. In real life they were iron-age tech with stuff like vitrified stonework

I looked up why they did that and the director said:
>Macdonald described his view of the Seal people:[5]

>They were a more indigenous folk than the Celts, who were from farther south ... They were probably small and dark, like the Inouit [sic], living off seals and dressed in sealskins. We are going to create a culture about which no one knows much, but which we will make as convincing as possible. We are basing it on clues gained from places like Skara Brae and the Tomb of the Eagles in Orkney, so that we will have them worshipping pagan symbols, like the seal and the eagle. The reason they have seized the emblem of the Roman eagle from the legion is because to them it [was] a sacred symbol.[5]

He not only doesn't know how to spell Inuit, he basically had Inuits living north of Hadrians Wall... the director is from Glasgow, does he want us to think his ancestors were eskimos?
>does he want us to think his ancestors were eskimos?
or that his ancestors kicked out the eskimos. either way it's not a movie you'd watch for historical accuracy
in Centurion the picts look like Keira Kightley, that's why i made the comparison. but they as savage as romans thought of them. it's a "behind the enemy lines" type of movie
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Well, Cruise would have to sport a top tier mustache. That would be interesting, at least.
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This is from a bit before the Boshin war, but it shows the whole "Expel the Barbarians" mentality pretty well.
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Here's a drawing by Brunet.
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This is from the Satsuma rebellion. Saigo was probably killed in French uniform. The last charge at the Battle of Shiroyama is what inspired the end of "The Last Samurai".
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The last samurai is actually Ken Watanabe's character, dumbcuck.
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A Universal Pictures movie
Directed by John Frankenheimer
Produced by Lior Herbstblum
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It's kind of the writers guilt. I mean it is the same with The last Mohican, you always think the Daniel Day-Lewis character is the last
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