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Is metal bands per capita the best indicator for prevalence of autism?

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Is metal bands per capita the best indicator for prevalence of autism?
Just listening to metal is an indicator of autism.

Or being under 18. If you listen to metal other than Metallica after you're 20, you're definitely autistic.
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> If you listen to metal other than Metallica after you're 20, you're definitely autistic.
Well, apparently there's nothing wrong with being autist then
Is this autism?
It's not autism, it's warrior spirit
It's not autistic it's just looks silly because of the guy's size and slowness of his moves
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Fucking manchildren
this man would rule a tribe 2000 years ago
This is advanced autism.

This is autism embraced and unchained.
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haters gonna hate potatoes gonna potate
>this fatty manchildren would rule a tribe filled with muscular alpha savages 2000 years ago

You sure?
Considering that those peoples nutrition was much shittier and probably shorter, than yes, it's possible.
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Stop being a fatty manchild.
>being a delusional manchildren with katana collection

You realize modern "man" is nothing in ancient tribal conditions? We're not savages anymore. They were ruthless back then. You would become their cum sack of something at best, if they decided to keep you alive
american metal>>>>>>>>>>>>>yuripeen metal
t. american lining in Australia
le hat tipping guy
Nope, just good taste my friend
Ancient tribal Eurasia sounds like modern day Africa desu
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>good taste
that's not a katana you fucking mongoloid mongrel
вcё хopoшo?
Oh yeah, cause "*beep* *boop* *beep* *WUB WUB WUB WUB* nigga nigga nigga hoes n bitch n money n nigga" is so much better
Where did I imply so my actually mongrel friend?
>implying I listen to electronic music
бaтя гpит зaeбцa
*waddles towards you*
>Teleports behind you
Great meme, upvoted
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Most definitely. Especially meme genres like black metal.

That's like saying diarrhea is better than shit.

American metal, and American punk too for that matter, is just the watered-down version of the original mixed with pop or cockrock.
why does 4chan like this "metal is for kids lel xD" meme so much? if anything, you'd expect autistic racialist quasi-right-wing shitposters to appreciate it more than average
it's a normie board and there is a lot of people from /mu/. Moreover this is banter zone so it would be a miracle if no one calls shit something that you like
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>other than Metallica
Is that fruit punch?
His improper technique triggers me.
Am I the autismo?
Head banging makes body hot.
Why is there so much metal bands in the Aegean sea? Sorry I don't know what country that is. It's in the bottom right hand corner
I'm torn between wanting to know how the fuck you know the name of that sea but not the country, and choosing to never know because in these things explanations usually just ruin everything.
Two movies were made within 1 year of each other, Helen of Troy and Troy. Helen of Troy was good, but had not-famous actors. Troy was bad, but well-known actors. Helen was always talking about the "Aegean Sea"

pls don't be mad West Russia. Here's a funny video about Helen of Troy
>UK is quite low
Obviously not a good indicator
>american education
Well what else am I supposed to listen if I want distortion, bass-heavy sound, groove and blues-y sound?
There is nothing else comparable to Doom, Stoner and Sludge
he's trolling dude lol. look at him calling Ukraine West Russia
> everyone knows my dinky little country
> s-surely every k-knows
Fuck all you haters, metal is great and always will be
compared to our irrelevance, a disproportionate amount of somewhat educated people can identify Greece. look at the results on those mostly American 'guess the country' sites. Canada, Mexico, some Western European countries, China and Japan, Greece, some other Latin American ones

and your trolling was obvious when you mentioned the goddamn Aegean and the Troy movies but supposedly couldn't identify Greece
no one was from "Greece" in the movies. The baddies are from Mycenae and the good guys are from Troy

go away and pay your debnts
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Autism is what keeps us going.
this but include metallica too
No, just an indication of good taste.
>If you listen to metal you're definitely autistic.
Fixed this for you

it's simply a genre of music
the autists are those who believes to be better than x or y because of listening or not listening to something
this includes both the "metal elitists" who only listen to metal and the autists ITT who despise people because they like a genre

grow the fuck up
Stop giving rational answers, Andrea
>this includes both the "metal elitists" who only listen to metal and the autists ITT who despise people because they like a genre
I don't despise people because they listen to metal, it's just that I've yet to find a metal fan who wasn't a manchild.
shoo shoo you're not allowed to be rational here.
Nailed it on the head my moortuguese friendo.
Define manchild.
shut the fuck up italy
This is why I hate normalfags. KYS tool
what do you mean by manchild and why it bothers you?
honestly the only problematic ones i see are those hardcore people who experience it as some kind of tribal identity or religion excluding everything else from their lives or doing their own internal "witch hunt", but you can find that kind of people even in other communities (ie: gabbers, if they still exist)
it's not related to the music itself
Ok, I'll just describe my "friends" in highschool who listened to it: fat, unkept appearance, pimply faces, spoke in 9gag memes, seemed incapable of uttering a sentence without including an English word expression for no reason, had videogames and television shows as their only hobbies.

They considered themselves "badass" because they liked metal, though... lol
>he's mad at people because they listen to something he doesn't like
the last three things you listed are pretty common in general here
if only black metal bands didnt have such shitty vocals ALL THE TIME
like even drunk thrash metal singers do better
>good job
>dress normal
>normal hair
>take care of body
>talk normal
>hangout with normies all the time
>listen to metal because I like it

Would you call me a manchild?
>metal bands per capita the best indicator for prevalence of autism?
Yes it is.

It's also proof of being European. Like the music or not, if your metal band per capita is under 60, you're not Europe.
the rare exception
No, of taste in music.
This >>69727737 is autism.
Brasil é europeu

>in the future whiteness will be measured solely by diagnosing people with autism
I can believe it.
What kinda metal do you listen to
Why is it that in highscool the only people who liked death/black metal were those long haired autists in skinny jeans?
Different kinds.
Bands I listen to mostly: In This Moment, Rammstein, Arch Enemy, Kontrust, Five Finger Death Punch, Within Temptation, Evanescence, Avenged Sevenfold, Nightwish, Soil, System of a Down, Disturbed and Iced Earth.
>avenged sevenfold
Some things cannot be forgiven.
You're baiting aren't you.
I'm not on my pc, otherwise I would show my Foobar2K library
I... No comment.

look and laugh at these elitists
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they are the real metalheads, they have seen darkness nobody dares to speak of

pic related is one of them, I look at this image and I instantly recognize him as dark and mysterious, he must have some wild stories
They would lose their shit if I told them what other music I listen to.
then you propably like this, its industrial metal. i dont like the music you like but its not a reason not to promote finnish music
In all honestly we (i) probably wouldn't. Unless it's videogame and anime osts.
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Dude unironically listens to Avenged Sevenfold and System of a Down, come on.
finnish rammstein, the video and msuic is one of the most cringy of its kind
Videogame OST, film OST, TayTay, Die Antwoord etc.
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You're making me angry friend.
Come on. I listen everything from noice to classic, but do you have to listen to A7X or FFDP or Disturbed to that matter?
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its an indicator on how edgy the young people are desu
Only accurate description of autism is country temperature. You won't find warm autistic country or cold non-autistic country.
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>the literal autist from that movie "The Big Short" was a HUGE metal fan
If you don't know where Greece is you are:

historically uber illiterate (like retarded tier, seriously)
economically extremely illiterate
and somewhat illiterate politically
Metal music peaked with the British and the Americans some time ago. What the fuck those Scandi's are churning out, who knows.
Its just silly because he is large and his moves are sloppy and half hearted.
2,000 years ago?
We had towns and cities 2,000 years ago.

Maybe it would be like you say 50,000 years ago when everything is shit and cold but generally tribes look after their own
this had better be a joke
surely you arent that uneducated?
Who's the autist here

What's wrong with it? Too mainstream?
among other things, yes
>avenged sevenfold
you must be over 18 to be on this website
Then what are you doing here?
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>everyone in this thread
If you like new metal bands then you're underage, if you like the original metal bands from the 70s-80s then you're too old. You can't win m8.
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> no other music exists except for metal, trap and dubstep
Technically you win as long as you don't care what other people think.

I've heard what you listen to and I'm not impressed.
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People who care what other people listen to are usually underage.
I have a strong feeling that when it comes to Italy, the North is Sweden-tier while center-South is on par with Albania
And you'd be wrong my man, it's quite the opposite in my experience
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tank yu yngwie
yuor mai chldhud hero
The problem is the amount of shitty metal bands

This is good though
Most of them seem to be from the north but there are a lot in the south too
Is Metal the furry of the music world
>everything that is socially awkward is autistic
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That dude's a German lolcow called Rainer "Drachenlord" Winkler. He's literally retarded and lacks any kind of self-awareness but continues to shit out cringey videos. He's been doing it for more than 3 years already and fucked up his whole life. He's also in 15k€ debt because he hasn't paid electricity bills for 5 (!) years
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It's weird as fuck having a rational, serious answer of high quality in these kind of threads.
Rollins is a huge faggot though
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>Metal head
autistic loner
>Metal musician:
ex poppy guitarist, fats

>Punk bands
mostly chads
see >>69738868
I feel unironically sorry for him.
>all these normalfags
Fuck off back to facebook you niggers
all you need is djent
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what's their name again?

the best metal band of all time is actually italian

good metal covers
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>American metal, and American punk too for that matter, is just the watered-down version of the original mixed with pop or cockrock.
But that's objectively wrong. If anything, European metal are watered down versions of American metal.

>yuropeeing "metal"

>american metal
If you would know his YouTube videos you would judge differently.
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>other than Metallica
Why does Greece have so many metal bands?

It is much worse if you understand him.
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>United statian and yuropian metal


South-american master race.


>south american
>sings in english
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Everything but thrash metal is shit desu.
Er is schon irgendwo ne arme Wurst...
why you don't show the stats fom USA, you dumblard?
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>not liking metal

I want normalfags to leave
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>Not liking this

Wtf is wrong with you.
we truly are the autists of southern europe
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The finn knows it.
Black metal is the true soundtrack of europe:




how did metal go from this...

to this?
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this 2bh
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Can't outmatch our autism.

I always thought burzum was mediocre until I listened to it on higher volume.
It's actually pretty nice!
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Yeah had the same force listened to it few times and it somehow started to grew on me. Was actually my first inroduction to black metal, though probably not the best one for one who is starting to listen to it.

I like SW
Werwolf's label also puts out some great stuff

out autism this.
best black metal band

>Slovenian metal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06PcB-itchI
Just seems a bit odd and silly really
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>Doom, Sludge and Stoner

check this out
Their newer stuff isn't that great but their early shit is heavy as fuck
Nice, thanks. I'll give the band a go.
Slam will dominate the world
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meme band for normies
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More like BLACKED Metal per capita amirite
Meh, deathgrind is better. Or even just pure fucking deathmetal.
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>tfw no russian slam bf or weebslam gf

>browses 4chan
Anyone here isn't really a counter example.
grease is surprisingly metal
>all new music is garbage i was born in the wrong generation XD
I listen to this while i sleep for some reason it works
>meme band
>for normies
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do you guys remember this?

is that Hagrid
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top bantz
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