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Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 59

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White Rajas edition
We Wuz Sultans n'shit sub-edition
moving to Brentford 2bh
cara is a fuckin slag
I don't get it nor do I feel like googling like a 2nd year history degree nigger to find out what it is
Will 2k17 be the year of the Great American Racewar?
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mike babcock and the maple leafs
might nip and make a cup of tea lads. mouth like ghandis flip flop haha
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Felicity fact #69: Felicity is from a town outside Birmingham
Self-defence is a human right
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>had a dream last night where i was about to shag one of the sexiest girls i know but my willy kept getting soft and wouldn't go in and after a few times she got angry cause she really wanted it

i cant even find peace in my dreams anymore
might shag a tranny
My grandpa smoked his whole life from the age of 18. When I was 6 years old, my mum sat down with grandpa and told him "if you ever want to see your kids graduate, you have to stop smoking" Tears welled up in his eyes and he nodded in agreement. 3 years later he died of lung cancer. My mum didn't mourn her loss but instead told my siblings and I that we shouldn't ever smoke, for we will end up like him. Now at the age of 26, I have never touched a cigarette. However I do feel a tinge of regret, because after looking at this comment section I got cancer anyway.
English soldier and mercenary captain who was gifted the kingdom of Sarawak in Brunei for his services to the Sultan; his family ruled as Rajas until after WWII when Attlee told them that was a bit racist.
absolutely brilliant
need a self defence nuke just in case lads
Human rights don't exist

The only rights you have are the ones you fight for (or pay someone else to fight for in your place)
alri erectile dysfunction
Ancap approves this post
(those actually exist even in your country)
You have 215 of them, of which 120 are ready to go right now.
Which is why self defense is inherently a right.
Because you CAN always fight
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>Human rights don't exist

>The only rights you have are the ones you fight for (or pay someone else to fight for in your place)
you can unironically build a nuclear fission reactor in your house for pretty cheap

you can build a Fusion reactor for even cheaper

just the MAN doesn't want you to be free.
most cats would batter a chick and eat it
Nukes are literally self-defence implements for nation-states.

what's a good time to go out at night without getting stabbed

wow VERY interesting
*wanders off and talks to someone not holding a deadly weapon*
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good lads
Don't think most cats know how to operate a deep fryer lad
Would absolutely DIE to get a dozen of these on my bollocks

The United States has a history of using them as offensive weapons
As a young woman heavily involved in speech and debate, oral advocacy, and politics, is it too much to ask to have one, just one, female president? I feel so discouraged about this passion when less then a fifth of congress is made of women, women in politics are constantly degraded by the media, and politics seems like an exclusive mens' club. Until you are a girl who's faced sexism, degradation, and discrimination, especially in politics based activities, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT to tell me this isn't important.
Sometime before you let all the the non-whites into your country
*sets your own deadly weapons down next to you*
forgot this m8 ye?
you dress up just a little
and i'm like ohhhhh damn
and so suddenly i'm in love with a stranger
i can't believe she's mine
and now all i see is you with fresh eyes
Fleeing felon laws
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>the poonited sharts of arsemerica
Umm racist and sexist much?
/pol/ is redditised cancer
do NOT care about their le ebin gets
Big advocate of oral myself 2bh
Probably not, just a cutback on immigration (obviously not completely). The media isn't helping with all of the fake news.
Kicking off to fuck outside, bloke and a woman shouting, he's calling her a dirty slag. Sure I heard glass break too. Just waiting for the blue flashing lights now.
This doesn't even make sense
Uninspired post
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>/pol/ is redditised cancer
>do NOT care about their le ebin gets
I agree, which is what makes it such a good get
glad they're finally being exposed as the same yellow journalists they used to be though
If you can't even use force to defend yourself, what rights do you even have?

I could use force against you to take away all your other rights, and unless you can defend yourself you can't do anything to stop me.
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Makes it almost unbrowsable the amount of plebbit on there now. So I lurk /ck/ and /int/
watching steven universe and enjoying lads
wonder if there was any crime in the 50s, 60s etc
Smoked some magic grass now I've got telekinetic powers lads.
/pol/ told me that crime was invented in 1960
Smoked some grass and now I've got quesadillas lads.
If you listened to edgy 20 year olds on this site the 50s were a magical time where everyone got along, the commies were a distant threat and there were never any societal problems
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bout to listen to some pink floyd :)))
wtf I love the 50s now
Don't think I'm getting back to sleep lads :-(
hmm let's see here...

ah yes
The population is starting to turn against Ruebenberg
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>tfw not a stoner but I love Pink Floyd
That doesn't mean human rights exist

Human rights imply that you have a right to something just because you exist
This is patently false as anyone with a modicum of sense can see

You don't deserve anything just for being alive that's an incredibly selfish sentiment to hold
You have what you (or someone you paid in your stead) fought for

Rights do not just manifest out of the sky because someone said so or because you hold such a position

Stop believing everything you've been told and start thinking
Real niggah hours f.am
is that just yankland?
>total recorded crime
>not per capita
I can't believe we have to share a website with these retards
>homicide the same or lower
>both total recorded crime and violent crime plunging down
ah yes
of course there was never any issues with underreporting or general mismanagement of files prior to digitisation as well, so this unsourced graph is most definitely accurate
>never going to be a 50's greaser and have a rumble with your greaser buds
A lot of the increase in crime was unironically due to lead in petrol

Still has lasting effects today
wtf happened in 2006
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>that much population growth taking place in that little time

don't think so sunshine
it's an index you absolute fucking retard
Does the UK and Oz have Popeyes?
Western cultures are more goal oriented for individualism, instead of being more collective for the group to advance ahead. This is due to the culture that westerners instills, the whole culture concept is to out beat another individual to advance their own well being (Kanagawa, 2001). The independent cultures create selves and self-concepts to worry about their own individual thoughts and feelings (Heine & Lehman,1992). Whereas eastern cultures such as Japan, Asian, Africa, Latin American, and South Europe cultures are interdependent culture (Heine & Lehman,1992).
Ahh yes surely one is able to isolate all other possible factors and find leaded petrol to be the culprit

Fucking melt
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It's literally due to Christianity
Leaded petrol caused people to be literal violent retards

Leaded petrol was introduced, crime rate went up
Leaded petrol was taken out, crime rate went down
Got called racist in popeyes earlier lads
mate PLEASE stop taking yourself so seriously
your views are memes and standard molyneux shite and your tone is so pretentious it's unreal
got called violent in greggs earlier lads
you have popeyes in canada? cool. I love st-hubert
>instead of being more collective for the group to advance ahead
wow just like the nazis huh
strange how they're banned lol
"index" does not mean per capita

you probably shouldn't have dropped out of school, cletus
Tell us what happened lad
was being violent
want to join the army but im afraid the big boys will make fun of my willy
In Popeyes?
unironically could beat the shit out of you, not even memeing
Remember that time the UK population increased 3000% between 1950 and 2005?
best post a yank has ever made
Got called a misanthrope in Triple O's this afternoon lads.
Watching videos of European cities before 1940

Everything looked so nice and civilised, amazing how one religious group managed to silently fuck everything over without anyone realising
Post your height/weight and I'll make a visual representation of who's browsing /brit/ right now
Yea, fucking hate proddies
yeah if only the nazis hadn't bombed everywhere
don't think they're religious though mate was more of a political thing
5'6 145 built like an icelandic painter
aye in taco bell
5'4 and built like an icelandic bisexual
6'7 and 320
Got called a philistine in Waterstones lids
my dad would 100% be a rorke if he never left the UK

he grew up in birmingham and he said the most exotic kid at his grammar school was scottish
5'10, 10.5 stone
Got called a parabola in nandos lads
Did that pix originally come with that quote or has that been meme'd on there? Sometimes these fedora posts get too real f.am
umm no they fought to make it german
Those are 2 separate people
>allying with the soviets instead of the nazis
stupid mistake
Would you say that it's so pretentious it's British?
as much as refos suck the nazis did it ten times worse and they're still presented as the 'saviours' of europe by those claiming to want to preserve heritage
>Those with the ability to pay should have the right to higher standards of medical care .

1.Strongly agree
4.Strongly disagree
yes. there are tons of them unironically posted on reddit /r/atheism and /r/gentlemen and such.
Hey lads, get this

Nazis: rorke twats

Soviets: the thinking man's government
>have the right to
weird tone, yeah they can pay extra if they want to thought
fuck off cunt they fought out of self interest lol
you reckon man? state sponsored genocide and stuff would have come to a head at some point 9999999not saying it excuses alot of russian behaviour but w/e9999
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doing a think
I reckon you are all the same person
Europe was unbelievably beautiful before 1930 and the advent of modern architecture
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doing a think
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authoritarians and libertarians are runts as are capitalists and communists
5'11" 16st powerlifter
t. Anarchist
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>state sponsored genocide and stuff would have come to a head at some point 9999999not saying it excuses alot of russian behaviour but w/e9999
Visualize this

anarchy is capitalism
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I like modern architecture and design
I would like you to recognise the fact that there are in fact 20 people living in Iceland
ummm no it isn't
we live in a capitalist society and there are still governments
modern interior design is alright, but modern facades are usually quite shit
this thread is the OPPOSITE of comfy rn lads and i suspect it's because of uni nerds staying up late cause it's friday but they don't have any mates to do stuff like go to a party with
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what came first: the bread or the baker?
are you the 5'4 lad or the bisex boy?
>we live in a capitalist society
no we dont
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hey islanders

how right is this
can i safely refer this figure in my meme report of british politics
well even before the genocide woulda come out germany's explicitly militaristic and expanionist policies would've made for one uneasy alliance anyway
Lads the creole chicken from popeyes is dank af
No we don't

There are no free markets anywhere in the West and there never has been
Government has always been exerting control to some extent
Ur mum

Ya boiiiii
>tfw no civil war gf

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What do we do about the Kiwi problem?
haha umm sweety yes we do live in a capitalist society
there is minor government intervention but the vast majority of trade and industry are done by private companies
By whom? An Inuit?
absolute dumb cunt. nothing in the uk is further right than +2 columns to the right from the center
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I like modern architecture too but it depends on the style, I really like atomic era American modernism but I agree it doesn't really "fit" with Europe
When I was a kid my babysitter was Scottish and she yelled at me for taking a giant indian tier dookie in her toilet and clogging it up.

When you're a kid you can't help it :(
>By whom
*By who

Ftfy luv. Xx
snow in the forecast tonight which is uncommon for my area

usually only snows once or twice a year i remember many years in a row where it didn't snow at all
*posts £3m luxury house from 1950*

look guys modern architecture is great. it all looked like this lol. historic architecture is gay and shit. what's that? ordinary houses? yeah they probably looked like that too ! lol i love art deco =)
>bisex boy?
hey that's me
Not the guy you are replying too btw
6'5" 185lbs
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Release a few dogs
Capitalism isn't just privately owned enterprise it's said enterprises operating without any government constraints
>white americans will be a minority by 2040
>then 2040
>say the statistics
>whites will be a minority by this year
>says joe biden
well which one is it??
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6'4", built like a brick shithouse
>tfw no popeyes in here
Same thing happened to me but my sitter was white
>Why yes, I am australian!
>(2.37 MB, 1744x2496)
Shan't be opening this
the yank is being hyperbolic but yeah its skewed to the right, especially for the tories

also thats New Labour, not corbyn's labour
what does it matter

do you think we'll stop being a superpower once whites become a minority? kak
Both incorrect

In 2040 whites will move from majority to plurality status

Outright minority will come c. 2100

I'll describe the face for you.

It looked like an Asian.
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Poor lil buggers...
just stop
Ye would deplete your data ration
sandhills region of north carolina
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name one successful multiethnic country that has freedom
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here you are mate
don't think I have an australian accent lads
I only want freedom for me, don't care if there are legions of mixed race proles
Fuckin hell lad. Might have to find religious faith now to avoid being categorised in with these autists
that's anarcho-capitalism
United States
should've been a soldier lads
I have a bush man accent.

Can you make it 10kb so all Australians can load it in less than 3 hours and not just the ones with high speed internet?
in all honesty if you're not an atheist you should just kill yourself
all going down the drain in terms of social cohesion and freedom as they become less white
Hey lads, get this

/brit/ = BRrrrrrrrrrttraaaaaaaappppppppppp + ITttttrrrrrrraaaaaasppppppppt
Guyanese isn't a race it's a bunch of dindus pakis blacks and injuns
Not even 7am yet and ive eaten 1840 calories so far today
good lad
This post was brought to you buy Goldberg

etc etc we're pretty free it's life that's a bit how ya going
Also, Trump seems to dislike women so I don't know what he will try to do to women's rights.
Kiwis are literal runts lad
They barely reproduce and they die if anything looks at them wrong
fuck even weasels decimate them en masse
>talk with a girl
>she talks about how she occasionally accidentally pisses herself

ah yes
this post was spelt incorrectly
Pagans are mongoloids
more news at 11
>Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.[1][2][3] Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets.[4][5] In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investment is determined by the owners of the factors of production in financial and capital markets, and prices and the distribution of goods are determined by competition in the market.[6][7]

In all Western nations the government sets a wage floor, price ceilings, barriers to entry, involuntary exchange (such as being forced to purchase car insurance), sets banking interest rates, etc

All of this is in direct opposition to the capitalist philosophy of letting the market decide such things
hey martha
look at this
could heem the lot of ya
but I won't
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Here we all are then.

The lads.
I'm getting some furniture delivered today.

Question, will the movers help me set it up? I don't know how to arrange it all to look best in my room so will they stay and give me some advice

Ah yes
holy SHIT cus do you literally not understand that all of those things are literally fundamental parts of our economic systems and the government intervention you point out are all exceptions to the rule
fun fact: Hitler is responsible for destroying the white race
his thoughts are whack he's mad so he's talking back talking black brainwashed from rock and rap
spot on lad
You can only respond to me if you just got admitted (or currently attend) the best university in the world.

I feel amazing.
Would love to just travel back to the 20s/30s and just explore my local area
Okay so it's all real capitalism except for the fact that it's not

Fucking mong
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my piping hot cup of lipton black tea has gone cold before I finished it
Hello Anthony
Private enterprise is almost always completely dependent on government to provide things such as roads, an educated workforce, defence, laws, etc etc
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>Imperial Russia
there's no H btw
drank a lot of fireball and felt basically no effect. fucking shit liquor desu.
You're still posting on /brit/ in the early hours of the night, not bothered desu
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Make a new one.
cheers mate
mummy only allows me two tea bags a day
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Crystal Cathedral.jpg
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desu modern architecture in the New World is pretty cool desu.

maybe because we don't have the same weight of history we are more free to play around and create our own style without clashing with the past
compress this image mate
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st-james street, montreal, 1910.jpg
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this is far nicer than that shit ass glass box

that building disgusts me
redpill me on trains
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>massive historic buildings just smashed to pieces

was there no care for heritage or aesthetics
i feel so angry
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I tried that once, too sticky and I burned more from the cinnamon than the alcohol content. Will stick with my Kraken.

Can I use that as the cover of my indie cloud rap album?
Well it is only 20% I think

Good for the sesh

Part of the reason why I avoid liquor is cause I'll down a fuckload of it then 15 minutes later be completely blotto

Beer is much better as it requires hours and a concerted effort to get to three sheets
>January 7th, 2017
>Antony is probably in Grade 12 and about to enter undergrad
>Generally, Harvard admits aren't held back grades during primary/secondary school
>Assuming then an ordinary academic course for him, there is a 358/365 = 98.08% chance he hasn't had his 18th birthday yet
>It is against the rules to post on 4chan while underage

*breathes in heavily*
*holds in air*
They go choo choo n shit
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so what economic system do we live under then? do we have private property? and wage labour? and a price system? and competitive markets

all of these questions are answered yes, with a few minor exceptions
as such
we live in a capitalist society
Mum bought another man home last night. Her headboard is against the other side of my bedroom wall. Please make the noises stop.
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ultimate form of urban transportation
yeah just give me credit x
that's pretty dull mate
and the Crystal Cathedral looks incredible in the morning California sun
They go "jew, jew" which is the rallying cries for Soros-funded subversive elements to climb aboard and spread their filthy propaganda on every stop of the line.
>heavy rail
leaf pls
not for about 50 years you unremarkable deposit.
they're pretty good
i posted a streetscape that is teeming with life and density and you call it boring while posting a glass box that no one would ever look at and just scuddle into work every morning
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Trains are for freight
Just crawled home from a can riddled k-hole

Never drinking on an empty stomach again la, you know that feeling when your fucked off drink and then you smoke a fag while sitting down and just look around you and everything's fucking spinning so your mouth salivates and you've to throw up

Good bit of coke to be had too
going to make it
Oh you should be more responsible with your tea rations then m'lad.

Don't make mummy mad.
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How do I become this alpha?
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montreal metro.jpg
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>heavy rail

what is the problem?
>nazis were rome 2.0
>we destroyed them
could someone post that one BLACKED pic?
Gonna make some tea
>nazis were rome 2.0
me two
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>>nazis were rome 2.0
>>we destroyed them
Why don't you just go outside, American?
they were idiots who've directly caused all of our problems today
As am I, but also a ham and cheese toastie to satisfy my empty stomach
why did hitler hate slavic people so much
80 quid for a monthly bus pass
May aswell buy a car ffs
Why are brit girls such feminists?
when did chavs and the lower class even appear? they didn't seem to exist back then, yet there were poor people
Just put the water in the microwave
>Tfw mummy and daddy were so poor I unironically had a can of Guinness and a potato for breakfast more than once as a child

I'm not even joking lads, bad memories

before, the working class had jobs. but british industry collapsed and they were put on the dole instead
Does anyone have a girl's number they will give to me, just want to talk to a girl
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>streetscape that is teeming with life and density
its a street with some generic facades
are jerking me around right now saying singular buildings don't catch the eye?

singe style thoroughfares are outdated and frankly a bit ugly.
>do we have private property?
If you don't pay your property taxes you go to prison and your land is seized by the state

>wage labour?
Yes but a lack of government interference in wage setting is what makes wage labour capitalist
Wage labour on its own is not a hallmark of any particular system
The government sets wage floors

>price system?
Again it's prices controlled by the market that make it capitalist
Price system on its own is not a hallmark of any particular system
The government outright sets prices for many goods and de facto sets prices for other good via industry subsidies

>competitive markets
The laws governing our markets literally cover MILLIONS of pages of legislation
This is not a competitive market it is a market where the government sets the rules
Under capitalism it would be the market overseeing itself
>lower class
no such thing
how is the dole thatcherism
>he doesn't know that kaiser and tsar come from the name caesar
lmaoing @ u
objectively incorrect
they got fucked by jewish bolshevism and turned into shit
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>join weight loss bet pool
>£5 join, £300~ prize pool
>not a slob
>win every 3 months
just got a PS4 Pro, feelsgoodman
yeah fuck you, people with your mentality are the reasons cities are car centric shitholes
britain always had a welfare state but the idea of a giant underclass collecting JSA instead of actually holding down a job was unheard of before the 70s
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America is Rome 2.0
Nazis were kraut fags
hello there reddit
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'avin' a cuppa
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>America is Rome 2.0

Imagine. For thousands of years people have been farming and fashioning tools by hand. A simple, agrarian life, largely at the mercy of nature. The biggest most impressive thing you'd see would be the local cathedral maybe.

Then these people come with explosions to lay tracks down, and before you know it, metal dragons are flying through the landscape, puffing smoke and spitting fire. Imagine the sense of wonder a rural farmer would have experienced, seeing a train for the first time. Trains represented progress. They changed everything. New frontiers, new markets, new worlds. No longer at the mercy of nature, but the master of it. And it all happened right here, in Britain. Using the coal beneath our feet.

Pretty impressive if you ask me.
so highly concentrated living makes cities "car centric" ??? I guess that's why most people in cities like New York and Chicago and Toronto barely rely on cars and all those cities are rated really highly for pedestrian travel.

the real car centered cities are places with huge sprawling low density thoroughfares like you posted except on a modern scale.
haha we live in a capitalist society hun don't stress yourself, sorry you can't understand
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>Imagine. For thousands of years people have been farming and fashioning tools by hand. A simple, agrarian life, largely at the mercy of nature. The biggest most impressive thing you'd see would be the local cathedral maybe.

>Then these people come with explosions to lay tracks down, and before you know it, metal dragons are flying through the landscape, puffing smoke and spitting fire. Imagine the sense of wonder a rural farmer would have experienced, seeing a train for the first time. Trains represented progress. They changed everything. New frontiers, new markets, new worlds. No longer at the mercy of nature, but the master of it. And it all happened right here, in Britain. Using the coal beneath our feet.

>Pretty impressive if you ask me.
who is if it isn't?

better than fags emulating the Empire which was a dungheap
Now tie that into Thatcher for me.
me in the radical centre
these 60s documentaries are really fascinating

how the people look, how the country looked
nobody anymore as we've adopted multiculturalism
Fire in the disco
absolutely something that Rome NEVER delt with
and America isn't multicultural, it has one clearly dominant culture
The roman empire was pretty multiculti wannit?

They spread pretty damn far.
Are you fucking blind? How the fuck is what I posted low density? You must be legitimately retarded. The smallest building has 4 stories. Nothing in car land has over 2 stories

Also all those cities ARE car centric shitholes. NYC has the highest transit modal share and its like 60% or something pathetic. Robert moses tried his best to turn into an auto town. In fact he planned an expressway to cut through lower manhattan.

The fact is the cores of all those cities you mentioned were developed the way I think is best. Around transit and high density. First with streetcars and then subways and elevated rail. You're literally using my style of urban planning against yourself retard.

The changes made to cities since ww2 have been overwhelmingly harmful. The low density meme is because of cars, and only started after the war.
they're getting smashed brah

trains are gettin smashhhhhhed
baby i don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
my mum is turning the internet off at 11PM every night now and it doesn't come back on until 7. So angry with her. I'm 23, how ridiculous is this? She says I need to go to sleep earlier
we're all in here

Rome was multicultural
rome spread its people out
we're bringing people in
weird, traffic jams and congestion was already a problem in the 60s and they were looking to pedestrianisation

how come the roads aren't completely jam packed today?
not many people talking about the iraq vet killing people in an airport lads

maybe it doesnt fit the narrative?
>implying the third reich was a continuation of Imperial Germany
Germany doesn't even constitute as a serious cotender for the title of Successor to the Roman Empire.

Rome and Nazi germany weren't very much alike at all historically. They may have both been Military powers but Rome adopted and moulded the cultures of the lands and people's they held dominion over. Whereas the Germans sought to Nazify everything they occupied. ..all other culture was beneath that of the Reich
But they brought those cultures into the fold like Yanks brainwash people into thinking Murrica is good.
that's not very nice
idk why you're sperging out about "density" but what you posted is not dense by modern standards.

I'm talking about architecture, brick and mortar thuroughfares with small(er) buildings are frankly outdated and not at all connected to "urban density" or the friendliness of cities for pedestrians

Toronto has gone from a sprawling mess to the most pedestrian friendly city in Canada, plus all road traffic is either commuters from the boonies or taxies/public transit.
Its not hard to brainwash someone when their life here is tenfold better than where they came from
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