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Why are Americans such bloodthirsty?

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Why are Americans such bloodthirsty?
high test
wtf i love belgium now
What's wrong with your country anyway. A bunch of murderers.
I just don't believe such statistics like penis size statistics.
You probably have murdered someone.
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I've never seen a serious crime in my life. Just stealing cheetos for fun or free travel on public transport.
I don't believe you. Your murder rate is crazy it's like Brazil or Africa.
The murders you have are much linked to alcoholicism and its problems.
We got all of Europe's warrior genes.
Counties that ban alcohol see a sharp raise in meth.
Which do you think is more dangerous for people?
That's why I don't believe any maps statistics posted here.
And yeah I never drank alcohol more than a teaspoon in half a year. I'm 20 years old.
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Murders are not a good indicator of public safety, as they are concentrated among specific subgroups like gangs, or between people with existing relationships. Of course there is always an Omar Mateen or Breivik. But the average person has nothing to fear.

As for US rates. These are 2010 CDC numbers for homicides.
>two whitest states have the two lowest murder rates
explain this
Just google it then you will find several sources says the same.
>200+ replies
>americans blaming black people and mexicans
screencap this
It already happened.
The numbers are there. They explain it. Why don't yuros and bogans believe in facts?

Is it because it fucks up your shitposting and false sense of superiority?
Even your whites have a much higher homicide rate and would be medium to dark blue on the map.
They just don't want to believe that they are crazy killers.
And yet overall crime is at a 30 year low here, while overall crime in yurop is increasing. Violent crimes are more of a public safety hazard than homicide for the reasons I stated.

This is from a study in 2011 led by Italian researchers.
Americans are the Slavs of North America
>Stops at 2010

The murder rate in your country is still twice as high as in Europe.

Post rape map.
German study that I can't read but is said to show that German crime rates would be stagnant if not for the migrants. Which accounted for an extra 400k crimes.

Пpocтo ты oмeжкa, из дoмy нe выхoдишь
we stab people that come too close to us
don't come here

Remember: 00000000000000.9% of Russians own guns.
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I'll come to Finland and will hug stranger girls
Probably because 2011 stats weren't compiled yet and it was conducted in 2010. Do you think this shit is instant?

You strike me as a Merkel voter. Which is far more dangerous than a Tyrone.
Violent crimes in Europe have a much broader definition. I hope that was taken into account by whoever wrote that paper
Actually it says that the numbers are as in the last years, if you don't count the illegal border crossers. Also violent crimes didn't increased. It also states that 95% of man slaughter/murder cases are solved.
I though this was some weird forecast from the past as it makes no sense. We have less crime(also violent) than in the 90s.
It wasn't.
You can find any suitable point in the internets. But I don't like this point of view.
>You're just shy male
>you don't leave your home.
I'm studying at the university.

I'm very amused by how someone create for people a substitution of reality, causing only see the bad.

It really is because of violent gang culture, predominately among poor blacks and to a lesser extent hispanics.

Also might be something to do with the social contract between the state and people, there seems to be different implicit values in their interaction in europe and US
Yet their rate is pretty high considering the states where there shouldn't be much gangs etc around like Alaska.
>Remember: 00000000000000.9% of Russians own guns.

every good Russian has at least one AK47 hanging over his bed
Your police actually inactive: https://www.rt.com/news/365237-bautzen-far-right-migrants/
Also see this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_tertiary_education_attainment
>changing the topic

1. This is a single occurrence. Yet it is widely known that your police force is corrupt.

2. You don't need to attend to tertiary education as the secondary actually qualifies you for most jobs. We have a dual system where you practice your future job and attend to school from 16 onwards if you don't study.
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Slavs are the niggers of Europe.
He was obviously being sarcastic. To be fair you will find tons of videos where Russians pull out guns e.g. In traffic.

Provide me with at least ten right now. I'll wait.
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Class differences.
The less poor people you have, the less crime you have
Do it on your own. You will find them even on YouTube. I recently watched some videos of Russians activists who try to stop rudeness in traffic. One guy pulled a pistol on them on guy had an AK in his car. Not talking about clubs and baseball bats. I have seen others too.
Northern Irish savages.
Those are mostly traumatic guns. The most dumb self-defense weapon, can't really hurt through anything thicker than a shirt, can kill if headshot and Pulp Fiction inaccurate.
You got all of our prison and potato famine genes.
What's up with Calabria
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>clean border between west and east


You wish.

>One guy pulled a pistol
>Russians are gun nuts

German logic.

Also, everybody hates those CTOПХAM fags here. Kremlin sluts are not welcome anywhere.
Here you go.

Not only one what I am saying is that you won't find as nearly as much videos of Germans pulling out a gun that you will find of Russians. What I said was merely an example.
>tfw europe is so peaceful
I wish europeans could get along more, theres been a lot of vitriol lately :3
>not keeping your bloodlines strong
>not killing off your degenerates
No wonder Western Europe is shit.
We love the Polish. Kindred spirits. You just arnt western Europe.
like 10% of the populations lives in that northern part
I'd advise.against it unless you want to get puukkod or axed.
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>first consitution in Europe
>religious freedom and rights, elections in the times of kingdoms and empires
You're right, we're not even Europe.

Poland should have its own category.
1.Corruption exists everywhere. Another thing notice it or not. In our society has taken notice all the worst, to correct it.

2.Education is required not only for a particular job, but also for the breadth of knowledge but your system is not stipulated for it.

Every nation has its own survival ideology, but in Western society is accepted all measured by one line.
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bit cold out
irish weather
>Map of Europe and POLAND.

Okay. Sounds cool.
9 degrees Celsius . Its a scorcher today. Down to a t shirt and shorts.
You might ask the Canadians about natives. Also, they have a high adult male to female ratio and men commit more crimes.
Pretty sure I've seen mostly machetes and club like weapons in their go-pro videos.
>Corruption exists everywhere
But not on the same scale. And the statistics in OP shows you the magnitude of the difference.
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>Corruption exists everywhere

Good luck bribing a cop in Germany. In Russia it must be a must do by etiquette?
>In Russia it must be a must do by etiquette?
Yes and that is what the dash cams are for.
People who for centuries led out for particular behavior, can only operate by template. There are neither crime nor bribes, nothing. Same world in its diversity, where nobody can create something new. But it is a pleasure to live. Such is the price.
It all depends on COP's conscience.
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we need to build a wall
yeah, bribing cops is for little bitches, you need to bribe the chancellor
M8, in Denmark you'll most likely be charged with bribery if you try that shit, it's just not part of our culture. A bribery charge is probably much worse than the charge you were to get beforehand, which you'll be charged for too.
>This is the Euro way
In our world, if you want you can reach an agreement with anyone. Because everyone feels equal to another. This may not always happen, only if you have a conscience. The law is not above a person, it only helps to achieve justice.
Sorry I don't understand you. and you wrote a post ago that the corruption exists everywhere.
>less violent crime
How with the sandniggers parading around?
no hard feelings on the irish

i just hate one shitposter, he's really butthurt about pooland
They manage to beat you win WW2 though, thoughts?
I explained why in central Europe less bribes than in east.
Because living there is not as pleasant as in the east?

Here in America we have a retarded systems where you can self-identify as what ever race you want. It's like the tranny degeneracy, but it's been policy for like half a century.

My ancestors were all WASP's, but when I was born my parents could have told the state I was Asian, and they would have been forced to mark me as such on all government forms. They can't contest it to my knowledge.

This system leads to millions (not exaggerating, millions) of mestizos declaring themselves as "white" on immigration forms.

Then they pop out a mestizo kid, who goes on to stab someone to death because he's a mestizo and violence is in their blood, and it gets recorded as a homicide committed by a white.

They were supposed to mark "mixed race" on the forms (because that's what they fucking are, part native part European) but apparently down in beaner land they use "mixed race" to mean "part black" so they all ignored that and just marked white.

Our federal government tried to put a bandaid on the problem by creating the category of "Hispanic white" out of thin air, making actual whites into "non-Hispanic white", but it still fucks up from statistics because some states don't differentiate.

TL:DR what gets called "white" in crime statistics isn't always white
Western culture puts its own comfortable life above all else, thereby degrading. The main goal is reached. There is no need to fight and society is dying. That's why there is such an order.
Speak for yourself
>The main goal is reached. There is no need to fight and society is dying.
Sounds like a regression fallacy. If the west is rotting then order would be the last thing to expect.
If you close all the basic human needs, then he won't want nothing else. For the continued existence requires an ideology covering the higher human needs. Like universal equality, justice, better future. Then person is ready to die for an ideology. Otherwise if a person is going to live for himself, he won't leave nothing behind.
Read more in the experiment on rats:
Ru: http://www.cablook.com/mixlook/eksperiment-vselennaya-25-kak-raj-stal-adom/
En: http://io9.gizmodo.com/how-rats-turned-their-private-paradise-into-a-terrifyin-1687584457
why is portugal so violent
you deserve to rot in guantanamo you human scum
Don't judge others, then you won't be judged, hater. If you are scum, it doesn't mean that everyone in this world are.
african culture
Not even /pol/ but a good portion of that comes from the ghetto.
You aren't allowed to bring that up without being labeled a racist even though (poor) black people suffer the most from it.
was joke
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tfw corsican
Whats happening to the northen finland?
>finns are murderers
because it is a meme map made by and for autistic fucks like you?
you murdered your brain
zero critical thinking ability
germany, you used to be smart??
Sincerely wish for evil to someone is in your blood I guess. I think that answer to that joke just right.
nothing happens there and nobody lives there
finland tho

You mean "Portugal tho" or "Scotland tho" you blind and stupid piece of shit.
Barely anyone lives in Northern Finland and they aren't like us southerners because of excessive cousinfucking.
>lelgium proving being a shithole once again
Holy mother of fuck, Russia is leaving us in the dust.

whats wrong with walonians?
blacks and guns desu

Lost Polish tribe
>Just stealing cheetos for fun or free travel on public transport.
is it a secret code in russia for killing people and eating them?
>bribing cops is a bad thing
you're a fucking autist
lol u mad
What's the average number of corpses that you step/drive over on the way to work/university, Ameribros?
to be fair the USA white rates are still above most European countries, except the Balts, East Slavs and Albanians if your graph is anything to go by

on the other hand, this single-year stat doesn't show that homicide rates have been dropping in the USA for the last 30 years

those single-year stats also overrate the rate in much of Europe too, by the way, since they were some of the worst years of the post-2008 crisis and they bumped crime a bit which has since dropped again
So you bribed a cop?
Because of niggers

The question is rather why are Slavic countries so violent?
>niggers in Alaska
It's east "slavs" you're looking at.
Russians are balto-finno-slavs. Note the rates in Finland and baltic states.
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I said, why are Slavic countries so violent?
t. Stanislas Boland
>implying there are Slavs left in Alaska

Dude they are all amerifats there.
>Your murder rate is crazy it's like Brazil or Africa.
That couldn't be right.
We have like 50k murders a year.
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It's literally niggers in most cases. Alaska is an outlier. Canadian natives are disproportionately criminals also.
Natives are violent in Canada as well. They're drunk, sniffing glue, etc.

We had about 600. Wtf Brazil.
But what's with the states in the north close to Canada. Are there even a lot of blacks.
>But what's with the states in the north close to Canada. Are there even a lot of blacks.
Detroit is right on the border with Canada.
It's across the river from Windsor. The first time I went there was in the 90s. Biggest red pill in my life.
Here's a better map probably.


yeah but the stats the US guy posted still show white Americans commiting more homicide than most European countries except in the Northeast and Albania

>inb4 "they aren't really white"
Which guy? Link the post. Also just do a google search yourself if you're curious about stats.
Non Hispanic whites have a similar homicide rate to Belgium.
You don't understand stats. The top of the stat posted is 5 murders per 100k people. You don't need a lot of nigss to reach that, just a couple of bad cities with a decent population of them.

this one >>69170585

look at the "non-hispanic white" rates
How much has that increased considering the large increase in mass truckings/beheadings/etc I wonder?
That's comparable to most European countries at 1.1 averaged out. The difference is tiny at best
okay so
>converted to islam
>have several handguns
>got hugeass beard
>read quran 4 times a day
>got license for truck driving
i am ready guys where should i immigrate ? germany or sweden ?
>as long as you ignore an entire portioin of the population, everything is alright

Legally maybe. Like every country with the possible exception of Singapore I'm sure Russia is flooded with illegal guns.

Also, do they not teach how decimal points work in Russia or something?
netherlands, nothing has happened there, they need something exciting to happen
Even including said portion, we're still far safer than the vast majority of the countries on the planet. People are more afraid of traveling to France than they are to the US.
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You're about to find out
Are those death rates or homicide rates?
They refer to homicide and the method of death for said homicide
It seems this fear is not based on facts as the chance of being murdered is twice as high in the US.

In 2015 at the hight of the immigration crisis overall crimes (also violent crimes) actually went down. They are below the level of 1999.
Do you have a source?
Inverse image search led me to
And a broken link. Deaths =/= homicide. Disproportionately many whites are killed by non-whites.
>In 2015 at the hight of the immigration crisis overall crimes (also violent crimes) actually went down. They are below the level of 1999.
If your police learned anything from the Americans, is that the key to lowering crime rates is ignoring them, under-reporting them, etc. Also [citation needed] that's not a media outlet but government stats.
>It seems this fear is not based on facts
Unfortunately facts beg to differ.
>That's comparable to most European countries at 1.1 averaged out

sorry, didn't you make a mistake here or am I mistaken?

let's take each rate

2.3/0.5/0.5 per 100k. an average of the three using the totals gives us a non-hispanic white male population in question of 55,049,275

the total is 1,319 + 276 + 263 = 1,858

1,858 in 55,049,275. that's 3.37 per 100k.

did I get it wrong somewhere?
WTF it just shows that there are a lot of shootings in the US.
>the totals gives us a non-hispanic white male population in question of 55,049,275

Which is wrong considering there are 225 million non Hispanic whites in the US
Double check the reference. The rate is for the 10-24 age range.

Look at the per capita rankings on the left in terms of fatalities
>: hr_males_10-24-2010_600w304h.gi
>males 10-24 age

The rate only applies to that demographic.
>US: 0.72 per one million
>France: 0.06 per one million

Please enlighten me.
You get the ratio by dividing the number of murders per resident population.

South Portugal has very little residence and high attendance in the summer (tourists and tourist workers don't live there), so you have a lot of population present for potential murders, but then you divide by a couple old farts that actually live there.

Every couple of years theres an extra murder or two and it spikes up.
What happened in recent years that could have caused a spike in said rate?
Do we really need to state the fucking obvious? Or will you cucks get offended at us stating it's niggers like you usually do?
I re-checked and the number in parentheses seems to be the number of deaths anyway like you said here >>69189204

I was checking the numbers so I didn't read your post beforehand

anyway, New Hampshire is just 1.1% black and 2.2% asian (usually lower homicide than whitess) and the rest white and had a rate of 1.7 in 1996 to 0.9 in 2014. that's basically like most of Europe so fair enough

however, I don't really expect New England to be as high as southern whites in the first place which adds to my thinking that white americans on average have at least slightly higher homicide rates than most Europeans
>which adds to my thinking that white americans on average have at least slightly higher homicide rates than most Europeans
Which is true, but isn't really statistically noticable.
>a single deviation higher than your own homicide rate
There were two shootings in France last year that made it to the news. When some fuckers start to shoot up something in the US it's not even news worthy anymore.
>t. Mehmet "I am a Greek" Mehmetoglu

Just give up the roleplay, Mehmet.
>When some fuckers start to shoot up something in the US it's not even news worthy anymore.
Why do Europeans say such stupid shit?

There was an attempted stabbing that killed no one and it was on the news for days here, than a truck kills 12 in Germany and it's forgotten about the next day. Should I then determine that Germany is some violent hellhole because US news media gives it a fraction of attention?
What's wrong Chang?
well, yeah, no European or European-derived population really has a significant difference except Albanians, East Slavs and Balts it seems (and I don't know to what extent the Russians affect the Lithuanian-Latvian rate)

but it's still interesting that US whites despite living in a much richer country than quite a few European ones seem to have higher homicide rates than them
* """"Europeans"""""
There are shootings in the us almost in daily basis wich cause way more dead than this tragedy. Also it is not forgotten.
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no u
>There are shootings in the us almost in daily basis which cause way more dead than this tragedy
Speaking bullshit doesn't make it the truth just because you say so.

Enjoy. Chicago has had 700+ murders this year. They're mostly spics and niggers shooting each other.
Yeah instead of blaming the actual attackers, you make a movement to ban assault lorries instead. Forgotten? Sounds like it.
Most of the shootings are in areas where politicians trade gibmedats for votes, aka where they try and imitate Europe.
>Should I then determine that Germany is some violent hellhole

in all fairness, we hear that sort of rhetoric a lot online. which results in the sort of map in OP

and aside from dick-measuring contests, homicide rates are a better metric than mass shootings in some respects since the latter events are in a very different class statistically
t. monte nigger """"""german""""""
True, though its not the only way of measuring the safety of a country, there's lots of other factors that go into it.
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>we got all of Europe's warrior genes
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