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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 116

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Watch Moana edition
>he watches fucking disney movies
Go kill yourself ASAP
Meanwhile redpill me on Trumps cabinet. I've heard Stallone is supposted to be minister of culture or whatever the fuck was called that position?
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Where the white wimmin at
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Fuck off Disney shill
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10 gallon hat.jpg
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>watching modern disney
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>Meanwhile redpill me on Trumps cabinet
Go ask /pol/
Watch moana

It's amazing
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rather watch hockey
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>I watch sports
It's fucking memes

>Minister of Culture
We don't have ministers, and we don't have a Secretary of Culture, whoever told you that gaffed you hard
whats it about
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Thoughts on the new Illinois license plate
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>Semi civilized people
a que te refieres con eso?

y te planeas cambiar de lugar si es que Baja California se va a la mierda?
hey /cum/
should I get fluent in Spanish or start learning the basics of German
I live in Tejas and know the basics of Spanish and can understand most things, but Mexico sucks so who cares, meanwhile Germany isn't that bad, atleast they don't have American Niggers

They are literally white people with big noses and tanned skin.
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i want a taytay wifa
This is not a funny CIA
>It's fucking memes
Mattis isn't that bad

Tillerson was one of the worse choices for SecState
nearly as bad at the state itself
Illinois is cool
>Perry rumored for Energy
>The same Perry who wanted to abolish the Department of Energy
It's memes
ah, I understand everything now
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While not everyone is the same, you are pretty fucking stupid if you think there are no similarities. That's exactly what my comment points out and that is what differentiates the different races. Are you going to say we're not all the same now? If so, then neither are the different races.

Congrats on your retardation.
smog is the price of progress
In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse incurred by Maui reaches an impetuous Chieftain's daughter's island, she answers the Ocean's call to seek out the demigod to set things right.
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How do you go from THIS?
I'm having trouble understanding how she's able to bend her arms like that
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Good morning, /cum/, ya fuckin' cunnies!
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Superior Mediterranean genes

double jointed elbows.
Have any good feet pics to share
>putting before on the right
Why do foreigners do this?
Bros getting married on the 23rd, and the Monday after I'm going to Cabo. Life is good.

Good morning Macchiavelli
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Germans are very autistic
me on the right
By that logic you're just as retarded for thinking people who have similar skin colors are absolutely undoubtedly identical, yet the minute the skin color changes in shade they become radically different
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Nice try
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this city is fucking soulless man
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regular /cum/ poster
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At least Americans can pick from dozens of different themes including universities and sports teams in pretty much every state. German plates ALWAYS look like this, your only option is to make them shorter with a shorter combination.
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Gf sent me this
>a que te refieres con eso?
La manera en la que suelen hacer algo suele ser un poco descontrolada, casi destructiva, sin razonamiento. No es un insulto o indirecta, es solo una observación.

>y te planeas cambiar de lugar si es que Baja California se va a la mierda?
He dicho varias veces que tenía pensado vivir en Canada, pero no creo que vaya a lograrlo.
No está muy lejos de la realidad, pero tendré que pensarlo más de una vez antes de hacerlo.
Super boring license plate desu

she is taking the bbc, can see in her eyes.
I actually found that photo on the website of Quest Plumbing in New Jersey.

On a related note I've noticed that Americans constantly use < and > incorrectly.
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I'm not black
Just bought an 8 TB hd to store and backup my forever growing collection of hand crafted nip porn. Paying for porn even indirectly feels bad.
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Where my yellow fever squad at
perkele pride :DDDDDDDDD
Hi, I'm Hawaiian 9___9
Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world
Dead. They killed themselves. And so should you.
gooks are nasty
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That girl is like 12 wtf is wrong with you
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>Dead. They killed themselves. And so should you.
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*gets mad at you*
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>vapeman posting
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Left or right

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click me.png
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White girls only

Not even black men like black women, what kinda question is that
is that the nostalgia critic?
>be department opener
>came in at 7, don't get off until 5
>new hire is supposed to close 1-10
>He's no-call no-show
It's gonna be a fun day
Except physical changes are all climate adaptations and the characteristics that come with them are all to adapt to the environment.

Why are black people black? To protect from the hot weather. Their environment required them to be more spontaneous so they wouldn't be killed by jungle animals. They come from a hot environment, that requires them to be smooth, athletic, and spontaneous for survival. The weather does a great job at influencing the personalities of people. Usually people with warmer weather have warmer personalities as opposed to people with colder weather with cold personalities.

White people are great at planning for the future because that's what their environment requested of them for survival during the winter. They are not spontaneous because of this.

What's my point? The weather and environment influences character, which according to scientists is the reason why we are the skin color that we are.

It explains why white people have so many mental diseases. I'd go mad to if there wasn't much to do but sit in a shitty log cabin during the winter.
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Do not trust Californians
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Nice meme
Left. Simply cannot go for yellow girls
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mig-29 crash.webm
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this episode was fucking creepy
Left 2bh. Asians can't into booty, also white M black F are the most stable relationships in the US.
what store?
i recorded that event
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You cannot hope to outvape me, vapeling. I am a Vape God.
That's because all the good white men have left their trashy white women for the 10/10 black women while the blacks get the shitty white women.
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t. new german
>Bong metal
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>10/10 black women
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Is sing-songy spanish that mexicans are known for a meme? Is it only in certain areas of Mexico?
Publix, seafood.
We're a very small department so it's going to be very hard getting one of the other 2 guys to come in
I think you're over-analyzing nuances in a pathetic attempt to justify your racism

And you have no idea what spending a winter is like if you think it's being stuck up in a log cabin for months and months

Furthermore, based on your logic the character of peoples is determined not by their experiences, personality, or upbringing but rather the weather they experience. I won't dispute the environment plays a part in this but its rather childish to assume that an individual acts a certain way because of weather

Good man

What is wrong with hte dude in the middle, head 2 big.
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should I trust him?
Saw a white dude with a black girl yesterday at Costco. She was looking thicc

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Good night, /cum/
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kys weeb

is 2:24 tops.
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Thank you.
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I think I have a better opinion than you do. And if racism is supposed to be a bad thing than you are misinformed. There are differences between races. Each one has its pros and cons.

I don't think you have any idea about experiencing winter in a log cabin thousands of years ago.

Genetics carry on, and it is why we are the way we are. Or else women wouldn't instinctually go for the "tougher" guys. They were more likely to survive, which is the simple reason why we biologically do anything for gain.

To help you understand why things are the way they are look at the roles of people/genders on each continent during the early stages of human development. If you know genetics, you know that we don't mutate that quickly and therefore it is plausible to assume that how our ancestors acted/were thousands of years ago is still ingrained in us today.
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>There are differences between races. Each one has its pros and cons.
acknowledging of different we are doesn't make you a racist
discriminating people based on that is were racism starts
dont bully
maybe he orks the night shift
>Good night
>it's 11:30am

Why wouldn't we be awake, retard? We go to sleep after you.
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>I think I have a better opinion than you do. And if racism is supposed to be a bad thing than you are misinformed. There are differences between races. Each one has its pros and cons.

I don't think you have any idea about experiencing winter in a log cabin thousands of years ago.

Genetics carry on, and it is why we are the way we are. Or else women wouldn't instinctually go for the "tougher" guys. They were more likely to survive, which is the simple reason why we biologically do anything for gain.

To help you understand why things are the way they are look at the roles of people/genders on each continent during the early stages of human development. If you know genetics, you know that we don't mutate that quickly and therefore it is plausible to assume that how our ancestors acted/were thousands of years ago is still ingrained in us today.

aint nothing wrong if they are objectively worse, like oaxacas and blacks.
I work
At night
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>And if racism is supposed to be a bad thing than you are misinformed. There are differences between races. Each one has its pros and cons.
Go tell that to any minority and I guarantee you'll get your fucking ass beat

There are cool black dudes out there, there are nice Hispanics out there, there are friendly Asians out there

But you're such a basement dweller that you resort to generalizations and stereotypes

Go outside for once you fat adolescent lard
What exactly is discriminating about what I said?
>tfw /int/ is a shithole but still the best place to post online
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>saw the sun for the first time in like a week

Feels good buds
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maybe because on weekends normal people sleep in
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d-did it go somewhere??
i'm pretty racist but this film took it too far

just look at that face, it's like out of some william pierce propaganda
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>I think I have a better opinion than you do
Good for you then

>And if racism is supposed to be a bad thing than you are misinformed
Good to know then that you think discrimination on skin color is a-ok

>There are differences between races
Didn't deny this

I was saying that you generalizing and pitting these generalized races against one another to see which was better was, to say the least, of low taste

>I don't think you have any idea about experiencing winter in a log cabin thousands of years ago
I can guess, and I'd imagine you'd not sleep on your food stores, would need to have a way to get to those depots, and interact with other peoples in your village/tribe, so you wouldn't be shut in unless you were an ancient NEET, which wouldn't be likely

>Genetics rationalizes my generalized stereotypes
These stereotypes are based on 20th century racial profiling, fuck off
not saying you're discriminating just saying that we all know we're all different and that is not a racist thought
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Final grades still aren't posted
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I don't really know. It's been dark and shitty for a long time. Yesterday I woke up at like 2pm and thought it was still night for a minute.
I know that feel bro. What classes are you waiting for?
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All of them
my exams havent even started
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I have a question, in the american dub what kind of accent does Mr Popo has?

In the Mexican dub he has this ridiculous arab accent, impossible not to laugh while hearing it.

Same, havent received micro 2 nor monetary policy, they are gonna be in January i suppose, what a mess.
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What does this mean....
>going to school
Two of my classes have everything graded, but they refuse to upload a letter grade for it. I think they enjoy torturing students 2bh.
>tfw just finished exams 2 days ago

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I'm doomed
I know the grades of two of my classes because professors emailed us the spreadsheet, but the ones I really wanna know about won't be posted until 2 weeks.
If I had to guess, people who are more attractive are more confident in themselves leading to a more interesting profile description.
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>missed 3 out of 100 on my final
ugly people don't have personalities because their self consciousness don't allow them to explore new activities or paths in life.
Or maybe they do, but they're worthless activities or shit you can't post in social media.
Is this girl asking for it?
yeah fuck education amirite.

I'm a minority myself.
I have. I've said it in a office full of 10 people at my former workplace. Where im still friends with the Mexican guys and a Jew.

The only people who really tried to argue with me were the PC correct liberal White guys.

We're different, end of story.

There are exceptions but they are not the rule.

There was no discrimination. It's how science/genetics made the person but environment will play a bigger role as well.

>Interact with other people in your village
You mean to tell me the white nations that had cold winters needed to work together to ensure survival? But wait, which nations are the most united today and work together to run free functioning societies? Oh the white ones....sounds exactly like genetics

>hurr racebaiting 20th century
Maybe if we all race mixed together, we wouldn't have these issues that is present in singular races
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I'm handsome but my personality is kinda bland 2bh. I spend too much time here and Normie's can't relate to my epic meme drops irl.
So is the war over?
School is for fags
>they're clumped together
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katana autism.jpg
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>School is for fags
*murders all canadians*
every anime fan. ever
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fedora numale 27.jpg
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>Brussels, Canada
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Oyster bro here, what do you think of my puppers?
thas rite
how much jerk off lotion do you need?
would drown in a river/10
Pretty gute. What type of dog is this?
Wtf delete this
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2MB, 1920x1280px
having some delicious pho rn. It's fantastic
>needing lotion to jerk off
Bought a batch of Tim Tams today, they are pretty ok.
only serial killers and fred durst are dry guys
It's for dry skin

Shetland sheepdog, he's actually 13
Only kikes and dunecoons need lotion to fap
does your dog watch you jerk off?
Is this an accurate representation of an historic leader?
I thought he was a puppy based on his face desu
It looks good

Maybe I should get some today
serious advice, stop spending too much time in here, there are a lot of non normies activities that they appreciate and circle jerk to.
You can be both an special snowflake and interesting to either normies or outcasts.
Nope but he walks in sometimes when I'm with the gf if the door isn't closed crying for food

Most people still think he's a puppy too, it's because he was the runt of his litter and retained his babyish features.
Is communism really bad
It relies on assumptions that don't pan out in reality.
just drank 4 glasses of whole milk desu

made me ponder about how I shore this thread with a bunch of 2% cucks
Yes, even the principle of it and if it worked perfectly
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>But wait, which nations are the most united today and work together to run free functioning societies?
East Asian ones

>Oh the white ones....sounds exactly like genetics
Genetics do play into tribalism but hardly into the creation of higher-functioning societies
Humans uneducated are little more than a hairless ape with an inclination towards using their environment to their advantage

>Maybe if we all race mixed
>Minorities promoting racemixing

Memes aside, it lacks general support and I'm doubtful it would change much of anything.
Especially because until we homogenize the entirety of Earth, people will still pick out and associate themselves with a particular race, as most race-mixed people do now
And who's to say they wont attempt to retain and keep the stereotypical qualities of their associated race?
And who's to say they wont attempt to retain those rivalries and grudges their associated races kept?
>with a bunch of 2% cucks

Skim milk here. And yeah I pee sitting down
tfw mommy always buys 1%

its never worked, and will never work
>those dislikes

lmao pinkos
what did you had for breakfast /cum/?
I had rice with meat+ ice cream (I woke up at 1:30 PM so that was my breakfast)
In the future we will develop "waiting pod" which will eliminate the need for waiting through monotonous and boring things daily in life and as a result removing our need to sleep.

All major establishments will have these pods. People will enter, a gas will be released that will put them in a temporary coma ranging from 1 minute to 7 days. People will wake up on time feeling totally refreshed and having not realized they needed to wait for their train ride home, their morning coffee, to watch the baseball game and so on!

You're welcome. ;)
>durr what did he mean by this
This has to be the dumbest and stupidest fucking meme i've ever encountered in all of my years in this dumb website
>This has to be the dumbest and stupidest fucking meme i've ever encountered in all of my years in this dumb website
What did he mean by this
>I had rice with meat+ ice cream
the fuck kind of third world shit is this?
What did Denmark mean by this?

Grits, eggs, sausage, and toast

a blueberry muffin
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Eating in the morning makes me sick for some reason. I always just have coffee until lunch time
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>tfw 5' long and 4.8' around erect
Where am I getting pizza tonight boys?
grits and bacon gravy

8/10 will be making again soon

hope youre having a good Christmas season /cum/
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>you'll never beat the living shit out of all the anons posting here
The puppers guarding propane
dunno but make your pizza like these
pineaplee anchovies and bacon
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>>you'll never beat the living shit out of all the anons posting here
What did he mean by this?
what a shit guard, hes asleep on the job.

bad pupper.
> Pupper

This has to be the dumbest and stupidest fucking meme i've ever encountered in all of my years in this dumb website

you couldnt even if you tried
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I can beat up everyone in this thread
*kicks you*
*punches you*
*throws sand in your face*

fuck outta here
Ahahaha, he fooled you!
t. kike/sandnigger
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>Implying a tiny dick Dane can even take a swing
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what did he mean by this?
Worst topping.
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i'm pretty big
I'm 6'8, 275 pounds and built like a fucking brick house

You really wanna try me man?
What DID he mean by this?
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How was your weekend lads??
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All I did was work.
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>Slavshit manlets
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wrong guy
If Dubs I name my first born son William-Bane-Wilson
It was OK

There was a tornado here

My bad
if dubs a earthquake will hit california
>working on the weekend

I'm so glad I have a normie 9-5 weekday job now. Working on the weekends is subhuman tbqh.
You gotta problem down there tiny?
if dubs denmark will FUCKING die
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Oh shit, here we go again.

its an inevitabllity at this point
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Heh, god protects me, dumbass
Is alex jones right about the communist chinese?
rip baja
pfff, lucky watch this
If dubs baja chan will die in the earthquake
I don't know. I do know that he's right about that muslim commie in the White House though


has he EVER been wrong?
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like i said, god protects me
you dumb sharter
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>tfw /soc/ gives me 7's

At least I didn't post on /soc/
I'm sorry baja...
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Alex Jones is incapable of lying or being wrong.
He is humanity's last hope

you have to go back
if dubs baja lives and you die
Is it normal that I've never been in a fight? Not even a playground tussle. 23 btw.
For da kitties
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canada once again saves the day

*gives you a wedgie*
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It's ok.

Thank you, Canada.
I've never been in a serous fistfight, I've thrown and received punches but no brawling
Why does he wear the shirt?
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make me
> alot of loyalty for a hired dog
if dubs everyone will die excepto me
if dubs you die and everyone lives
If he took it off it would be incredibly painful... for you

Nah in all seriousness he has a huge ass tumor on his stomach that he keeps scratching and opening it up so I have to make him wear t shirts. He likes them though, wags his tail when I change it for him
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if dubs chileans are to be enslaved by the south
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I misread this and thought that your dick shrank .2 inches when you got erect.
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t. LITERAL spic manlet who's two inches shorter than me
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What do you want for Christmas this year?
you to be my gf
you <3

I want to be able to feel happy again
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boobs or ass?
not him but ass
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boobs good sir

my ex

Boobs are wonderful but a great ass and nice legs are cornerstones in boner summoning magic
a 3ds
Atheists can't explain OP's picture
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could go for a cutie sitting on my face for christmas
a new bike would be nice
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How do I make webms without sound? There are free converters online but none elimate the sound so I can post here
open cmd and ask the computer to make a webm with sound
>he fell for the female meme
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No way!
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i get you
Baja I have a surprise for you!
*cums in your ears*
Did you know the 'pls be in london' meme started from a Canadian? It was in reference to London, Ontario.

Thought I'd mention that since it seemed topical

hey.... shut up!
jeg spiser brod

that's the extent of my danish. probably a slash in the o but i'm disrespecting your language because you hurt my feelings
*sticks finger in anus*
*proceed to stick said finger into your ear*

Migrate after 310
*migrates early*
*waits for bump limit*
I guess i'll have to kill off the Disney shill thread on my own
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husker pooo.jpg
523KB, 1152x1536px
*deletes life*
Thread posts: 311
Thread images: 116

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