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I>>>>>> DON'T <<<<<<<

1. We dont want you
2. We won't let you enter
3. Naturalization takes 15 years - then we deport you anyway
4. No estonian company will hire a mudskin like you
5. You lack the education to compete with locals
6. We will not rent housing to you, you will live on the streets being raped by Latvian s and Lithuanian s
7. Our cost of living is much higher than in your third world country
8. We have no welfare for you
9. We have no free healthcare for you
10. We will not let you build your fake god kike church
11. We are either catholic or non-religious, if you are not, you will never be hired or promoted

If you're still thinking about emigrating to estonia, might I suggest Lithuania instead. God bless, and don't come here. This is mostly addressed towards you ameripoors. You're not white. You're niggers on par with roaches, greeks, and arabs, you are not welcome here.:D
>t. Luxembourg

Also that's fine I'd rather immigrate to Finland anyway
I will
No stopping now
>ywn live in estonia
>ywn be bullied by cute estonian doms
why even live
Who the hell want to migrate to Estonia anyway? Russian maybe, but they are Putin's agent to annex Estonia so they don't count.
Ah ! wrong thread
I am Estonian
I'm going to move there anyway because it's cheaper
WTF I love Estonia now
Estonians are non-religious. some are Lutheran and some are Pagan.

Orthodoxy is the most popular religion in Estonia because of the Russian minority. They are religious, while Estonians are not.

We have a few Latvians, but no Lithuanians. Our biggest minority is Russians, who are concentrated in Ida-Virumaa and parts of Tallinn.

Xenophobia ain't too bad in Tallinn from what I hear, but in the countryside it's extremely widespread.
>Xenophobia ain't too bad in Tallinn from what I hear, but in the countryside it's extremely widespread.
Fuck you Greater Russia.

No joke I'd like to live there if I knew the language.
This is literally the easiest country to enter from Russia, how can you say such things? Slutstonia YES!


reminder that there are no estonians in luxembourg so this must be a proxy
can i come tho?
Any time.
> Who the hell want to migrate to Estonia anyway?
1. Small country, yet bigger than Netherlands, Denmark (without Greenland), Switzerland or Belgium. You can explore the capital in an hour if you're going by car. You can get a ferry to Finland or take a 40-minutes long flight to Sweden.
2. Schengen zone plus visa-free/easier to get it so you gan travel to most cunts you might wanted to visit easily
3. They have not 1, but 2(two) seas.
4. Native population speaks a lot of languages, English is among of them.
5. Old city, which can tell you about medieval Europe
6. Internet is available literally fucking everywhere. You can do any activities you want in the internet - buy smth, make an appointment with your doctor, pay for electricity,water etc
6.5 They are going to test 5g soon
7. Good road and drivers. No traffic jams. Police aren't corrupted.
8. If you study in a uni over there you can work and live anywhere you want in EU
9. Little to none blacks/Arabs etc
10. Beautiful Northern Nature
11. Open economy
12. Good films (yet scary cartoons)
They also can vote online
Can I go? My last name comes from that area. Im white.
and whats ur last name? i bet it isnt even estonian :DDD
"that area" is extremely vague
also, race is largely irrelevant; ethnicity is way more important

i hear engineers in estonia, and greater russia in general, live like kings because everyone else is dirt poor. is it true?
is this a brand-new meme?
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lmao stfu
you really think Estonia and Russia are even comparable? :DDDDDD
wtf I love estonia now
An engineer would very easily earn about 1500€, I imagine 2000€ wouldnt be very difficult either. The average salary in Estonia is 1000€, 800€ after taxes. I dont know about IT, but I imagine the salaries there would be higher. Tallinn and Tartu are the only two cities in Estonia that matter. The rent in Tallinn for a shitty flat in a shit part of town would probably be about 300€. Tartu maybe 200€ for the same thing. If you are not a picky eater, then 100€ for food is enough. Public transport in Tallinn is free and in Tartu wont probably cost you more than 40€
Why in the fucking hell would I want to move to a shithole like Estonia?
Will it be dangerous if I come here as a Black American?
for the estonian qt's desu
In Tartu I maniged with 75€ a month for food, not being picky.
Do they even have potatoes in Estonia?
What if I consider migrating as a Dane, to avoid mudshits?
if you return our flag, yes
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im 19 and i earn 1270 bruto so thats something like 1k neto, live in Tallinn, finished highschool this year
and as u said rent is cheap, food is cheap, public transport is free, only thing that is expensive is the weed
Sure, give me 4.5 years, I need to complete my History bachelor and then a major in International Studies.

Did you know that 1219 Tallinn is a common misconception of the flag myth because some monk wrote 1219 instead of 1208, which older sources cite it too. 1208 in Livonia.
its not a myth you stole our fucking flag
might is right tho
Might be, but the myth claims that Dannebrog fell from the sky, while Anders Sunesen(cousin or brother to Absalon) were chanting with his arms up, like they do Dragon Ball, to give God's strength to the army.
It was also in Fellin(Viljandi), not Reval(Tallinn).
The 1219 battle was at Lyndanaisse (Talinn)
Vijandi was founded in 1263
what the fuck are you talking about
it happened in Lindanise retard
Many people from here are moving their businesses to estonia already though and estonians seem to like it
I'm reading this: "The second source is the writing of the Franciscan monk Petrus Olai (Peder Olsen) of Roskilde (died c. 1570). This record describes a battle in 1208 near a place called "Felin" during the Estonia campaign of King Valdemar II"
Oh, I thought you were referring too 1219. Yes, 1208 battle was in Fellin.
we are talking about the battle they took our flag :DDD
no bad done since i never really liked denmarks flag (no offence)
Shut up you neder fag
dear diary, estonia was rude to me today, again.
Based Eesti
But it's not even Estonia it's netherlands
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I know how you feel.
As you could tell from the multiplitude of sources, the real origin of the flag is kind of disputed.
>We are either catholic
4501 total members in all of our catholic churches. Check your facts before you spout this shit.
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you are right

I love you
Don't you consider the possibility that because he made such a tremendous error of fact in his post, he's not really Estonian?
Estonia is one of the countries with the biggest % of agnostics/atheists, isn't it?
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I'm going to estonia and i'm gonna acquire an estonian qt and there's nothing you can do to stop me you little man
I was kind of referring his preference of catholics to protestants, which we've historically had more of.
But yeah, I think we're no. 1 in terms of atheists nowadays. Let the fedora tipping commence.
An Estonian right wing libertarian nazi racist professor anti-Communist was teaching a class on Konstantin Päts, known war criminal.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Päts and accept that he was the most highly evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Adolf the Hitler!"

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, solidaric pro-Socialist Red Army guard who served more than 1500 tours in Afghanistan and fully understood the necessity of Democratic Socialism and fully supported all military decision made by the Soviet Union stood up and held up a book.

"How old is this book, pinhead?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Estonian and smugly replied "This is the Estonian Chronicle of Henry of Livonia from 1222, you stupid drunkard commie gopnik".

"Wrong. This is a reproduction from 1966, which means it is SOVIET. If it is Estonian, as you say, yet is made by the USSR... then everything made by the USSR is Estonian.

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and his copy of Mein Kampf. He stormed out of the room crying those Baltic anti-Communist crocodile tears. The professor voluntarily went to Gulag and died from refusing to use any Soviet-made goods.

The students applauded and all registered Social Democrat that day and accepted the necessity of recognizing the Russian minority population in Estonia as citizens with full rights. A bear named "Mir" entered the room and shat on the Estonian flag.
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This norwegian man has an obsession with your country. Much like those americans that idolize japan he idolizes your country and russia
Lol, I need some vid links on that.


Here, have fun.
He also unironically drives a LADA
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Top kek
I love Varg desu
>olivenigger can't tell difference between LADA and UAZ
It was varg himself that said he drives lada you dumb Oblomov
>might I suggest Lithuania instead
wtf, I hate luxemburg now
Most nationalists despise Päts though
Do young, educated Estonians stay in their country, or do they look for jobs in the EU?
who the fuck migrates to Estonia? Estonians do the migrating.
they have one token nigger in Tallin an now they think they are multi-culti nordic country
I take it back actually as Russians will migrate there, but they are only people desperate enough to migrate to Estonia.
the top of the cream go outside, while most educated stay
why? wouldn't they earn more in other EU countries?
money is not the most important thing in our lives. We are too patriotic to leave.
dude educated earn nice money here aswell and living here is cheap as fuck and its safe here, estonia is superior to g*rmany
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No, because you see, I speaks the language of love.
I don't really see why anybody would be patriotic about beeing Estonian, but i am glad for you that you are so superior
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Shouldn't you ask for permission from Russia to be like that?

From all the Russian states and vassals, you seem to be the most uptdy and hotheaded.

Is everything alright?
you will never understand until you have experienced this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OneQRawdLv4

All of Estonia comes together in one place and sings meaningful national songs together.
wow, thats a big crowd
how many people were there?
>move to america
>get shot
still better than Russia
more than 150 000, which is over 10% of the total population.
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It's so fucking dark here jesus fuck don't come to Estonia
>why anybody would be patriotic about beeing Estonian

C'mon it doesnt matter how big your country and how accomplished your tribe is when it comes to patriotism.
well, I just happen to be from Estonia, and frankly, there is nothing to be proud of about our past
We were always fucked over and enslaved by Danes/Swedes/Russians/Germans
I think its nice to have your own country for such a small population. And being a relatively good country to live in helps too.
oh i remember you
you are that russian jew who got bullied and believes that russians are being oppressed here
lmao kys
wow, thanks for remembering me.
i am flattered
hard not to know you when you pop up in every estonia thread and start shitting it up
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>tfw not welcomed to Estonia
wtf i did it only like once or twice
I'm pretty sure you enjoy bullying us online
There are many recent ukrainian immigrants in Estonia. Even saw a group of about 30 ukrainian workers in a factory that I was working near this summer. I was amazed by the colour of the group leader, he looked like an south indian. Also there are tens of thousend of you guys here from the soviet era, but nobody differs them from russians. Even have two ukrainian neighbours, but they have lived here forever and are rich, but still drive some crappy 90ties Lada. Also starting to see more and more cars with ukrainian numberplates. Also many IT guys and doctors from there. So if you can do smth useful then come if you want.
I like this new meme. I will make one for France.
Finnish alcohol tourists are already colonizing Estonia.
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